Voltage noun electromotive force or potential difference expressed in volts. Current (electric) noun the time rate of flow of electric charge, in the direction that a positive moving charge would take and having magnitude equal to the quantity of charge per unit time: measured in amperes. Resistance (electric) noun a material's opposition to the flow of electric current; measured in ohms direct current noun Electricity . an electric current of constant direction, having a magnitude that does not vary or varies only slightly. Abbreviation: dc alternating current noun an electric current that reverses direction at regular intervals, having a magnitude that varies continuously in sinusoidal manner. Abbreviation: ac resistor [ri-zis-ter] noun, Electricity . a device designed to introduce resistance into an electric circuit. capacitor [kuh-pas-i-ter] noun Electricity . a device for accumulating and holding a charge of electricity, consisting of two equally charged conducting surfaces having opposite signs and separated by a dielectric. diode [dahy-ohd] noun, Electronics. a device, as a two-element electron tube or a semiconductor, through which current can pass freely in only one direction. transistor [tran-zis-ter] noun Electronics . a semiconductor device that amplifies, oscillates, or switches the flow of current between two terminals by varying the current or voltage between one of the terminals and a third: although much smaller in size than a vacuum tube, it performs similar functions without requiring current to heat a cathode. bias Electronics. the application of a steady voltage or current to an active device, as a diode or transistor, to produce a desired mode of operation.