solutions for an ecosustainable future


ingegneria del sole

solutions for an ecosustainable future

solutions for an ecosustainable future








In a context of ever-changing brands, a milestone since 1999.

Ingegneria del Sole is a company dealing with the field of renewable energy in general, with a particular and long experience in the solar photovoltaic field.

The new company name - Ingegneria del Sole S.r.l. derives from Ingegneria del Sole di Giuseppe

Forte, company working in the field of renewable energy since 1999.

The company's founder and administrator is

Giuseppe Forte, born in Naples, who has been working in this field since 1999 and has widened his own knowledge of energy sources thanks to his engineering studies at the

University of Naples Federico II and to the participation in several masters as well as national and international conferences on renewable energy, and in particular thanks to his participation in the creation during the first years of the 21st century of several photovoltaic plants in Germany. The company boasts 400 photovoltaic plants (connected both to BT and

MT networks) with over 50 MWp (built since the first years of the 21st century thanks to the POR

Regional Operational Programmes then thanks to the Programme “10.000 photovoltaic roofs” and to several editions of Conto Energia). The firm has also carried out more than 120 surveys on existing plants built by external companies and has signed over 150 contracts for the maintenance of photovoltaic plants.

Among the several activities performed by the company, the most prestigious one is surely its contribution to the construction of the photovoltaic park in Monte Eboli (Sa), dealing


/ with the different implementation stages on the building-site and the testing of the whole park.

The company managed also the design of longdistance power lines interlocked to several IAFR plant typologies (biomass, biogas, photovoltaic, wind-power, geothermal and hydroelectric plants). The company has always been attentive and has always engaged itself in the analysis of the quality of networks and generators thanks to the use of class-A tools in compliance with the

CEI EN 61000-4-30 and CEI EN 50160 regulations. The company has produced standalone systems, in low and medium voltage, with all network interconnection modalities (on-site exchange, self-consumption + sale and total transfer). It supported many students of the faculty of engineering and economics with the writing of dissertations on energy systems in general, both from technical and administrative points of view. The team of Ingegneria del Sole, and in particular its sole administrator Giuseppe

Forte, has been dealing for several years with the controls and analysis of production processes of photovoltaic modules in the most important firms all over the world, in particular in

China, Korea and Germany.





Direct assistance, strictly linked to the system evolution

Here below we list the services that the Team of Ingegneria del Sole can offer to its customers.




Engineering Services - Processing of authorization procedures for obtaining the licenses related to the building of a renewable energy supply plant and its accessory infrastructures;


Engineering Services - Processing of procedures with the network supplier for the connection to the network of a renewable source supply plant and its accessory and connected infrastructures

(BT, MT, AT);


Engineering Services - Processing of GSE

(Energy Services Manager) procedures to obtain incentives;


Engineering Services - Processing of GSE procedures related to the certificates of origin of renewable source plants;


Engineering Services - Training for designers and/or technicians of photovoltaic plants;


ü control of the network (daily, weekly, monthly, yearly);


Power Quality - Analysis of the quality control of the production plants;


Power Quality Analysis of the energy consumptions;

ü the electrical supply systems (V, A, Hz, voltage dips and sudden changes in voltage, harmonics, power, energy, flicker, electrical unbalance, capturing of voltage transients, inrush currents, etc...)

ü analysis;

ü surveys for defining the shading rates and their related transposition factors indices;


Solar System Design of private and industrial photovoltaic and thermal systems and of their potential connected infrastructures;

ü photovoltaic and thermal systems;

ü applied to photovoltaic system;

ü photovoltaic plants with high-tech tools;

ü in-field modules with related direct comparison with STC reference conditions and immediate report confirming the compliance of modules with IEC certifications;

ü maintenance of photovoltaic and thermal plants;

ü of photovoltaic plants (management of monthly PR trends analysis, etc…)


Solar System - Electroluminescent tests on photovoltaic modules;


Renewable Energy Systems - Design of long-distance power lines for several IAFR plant typologies (biomass, biogas, photovoltaic, wind-power, geothermal and hydroelectric systems).

ü service on IAFR plants;

ü consulting service;

ü surveys of electrical systems;



Electrical Supplies - Design, wiring and supply of electrical switchboards for IAFR plants.


ü management of the productive processes of photovoltaic modules on behalf of the purchaser by European and intercontinental producers.





/ v


M v




What is it and why is it important?

In the last decades we speak of “Power Quality” more and more often.

The need to coin this new term comes from the increase of problems related to electrical supply

(e.g. due to the increasing spread of electronic devices for the management and control of all processes of the electrical sectors) and the necessity to detect them and sort these problems out with the use of tools and measures.


(a) t v


(c) t t v v


(50 Hz) v

Diagram showing the typologies of variation in the voltage amplitude.

(a) voltage dips, overvoltage; (c)

(b) non-impulsive slow variations; (d) longterm impulsive overvoltage, impulsive overvoltage; (g)

(e) mediumterm impulsive overvoltage, (f) short-term commutation transistors.


(50 Hz) t

(g) t t

Nowadays many sophisticated measurement tools and powerful data processors are being employed to make the detection of several issues easier. Problems about electrical supply can be due to the users' supply systems, their loads or to the electricity supplier itself. For instance many electrical issues are due to harmonics and voltage or electrical unbalance, flickers, short and long interruptions, micro-interruptions, voltage dips, and so on.

These energy supply alterations can affect the voltage, the electricity or the frequency and can result in negative effects which may jeopardize the normal procedure of a particular energy or production process.

That is the meaning of the so-called

Power Quality.

In some industry and tertiary sectors the presence of instability in the supply of electrical energy can result in big damages to the business itself, especially economic losses which may


/ make necessary the use of some support tools such as UPS, auxiliary generators, filters, surge arresters that reduce or balance these issues.

The PQ indicates how a system can manage in a reliable and safe way all their workloads.

Ingegneria del Sole has always been attentive and has engaged itself in the development of Power Quality analysis, which have brought huge productive and economic benefits to its customers.






A map of our activities all over the world










Emilia Romagna


















USA California







A wide knowledge results in a wide customers portfolio.

Ingegneria del Sole boasts more than 400 installations of photovoltaic plants and the construction of dozens of IAFR plants.

The company has also designed during the last few years wind-power plants as well as geothermal, biogas and biomass plants.

Since the first years of the 21st century it has been one of the most active companies in the sector of training, publishing and in providing information on the energy obtained from


dwellings (BT connected);

Photovoltaic plants installed on shelters (BT



Building-integrated photovoltaic plants (BT connected);


Photovoltaic plants interlocked to industrial consumptions (BT and MT connected); renewable sources, creating a technical portal, which has been defined by authoritative magazines of the sector (Quotidiano Energia,

Ansa Energia etc...) as the first guide to the solar sector.

The company has supported many students of the faculties of engineering and economics in the writing of dissertations on energy systems, both from technical and administrative points of view.

As far as the installed photovoltaic plants in the first years of the 21st century are concerned

(according to the regional POR Regional

Operational Programmes then thanks to the

Programme “10.000 photovoltaic roofs” and to several editions of Conto Energia), the company has specifically created:


Photovoltaic plants interlocked to private


Ground-mounted photovoltaic plants (BT and

MT connected);


Photovoltaic plants mounted on greenhouses

(MT connected);


Ground-mounted photovoltaic plants with tracking systems (MT connected);


Ground-mounted concentrated solar power photovoltaic plants with tracking systems (MT connected).

In the first semester of 2011, Ingegneria del Sole participated in the creation of the Monte Eboli

24-MWp photovoltaic park in Eboli (Sa), dealing with both the implementation phases on the building-site and the testing of the whole park.

As far as the thermal plants are concerned, the company built natural circulation systems to be applied on small dwelling surfaces and bigsized forced-circulation systems interlocked to




hotel facilities.

Ingegneria del Sole deals also with the control of the production processes of photovoltaic modules, which are carried out in the most important firms all over the world.

All the phases of the production process are analyzed, from the supply of silica for the assembly of photovoltaic modules, paying special attention to the checking of flash reports, carried out on every single module of the order.

In the last few years the sector of renewable energy, and in particular the photovoltaic sector, has been increasing in terms of the rate of installed power and in terms of the number of functioning plants, attracting new companies with low professional profile and pseudo-professionals, who have installed several photovoltaic plants that do not comply with the regulations in force. For this reason and especially in the last four years the company has been very active in the development of technical Due Diligence on existing plants. Furthermore the company carries out continuously cross tests on all plants ready to be used for the first time on behalf of both banks and private clients.

In the last two years Ingegneria del Sole has improved and optimized its analysis in terms of Power Quality, reaching in some instances excellent results.

In order to guarantee high-quality services, in these years the company has made big investments in the purchase of high-tech tools and in the construction of vehicles suitable for carrying out every kind of analysis.

In particular we are equipped with:




Class-A network analyzers;


Class-A electrical supply quality recorders


for long-period analysis;

IV Curves analyzers for the control of


photovoltaic modules;

Tools for the radiation and tapping analysis


of the solar radiation; solarimeters and pyranometers;


humidity and temperature measurers; electrical tools such as:



Fixed amperometric clamps;

Flexible amperometric clamps;


Amperometric clamps for the measurement



of secondary electrical transformers;


Insulation measurers;


Dielectric strength measurers;


Earth resistance measurers.

The commitment, the reliability and the professionalism, as well as the big economic investments that have been carried out during these years have rewarded Ingegneria del

Sole with several big satisfactions, achieving in some instances incredible goals.

Ingegneria del Sole does not forget that these goals have been achieved thanks to the trust that many customers have put in this company.



ingegneria del sole

solutions for an ecosustainable future

Ingegneria del Sole srl

Implementation and Management of renewable energy installations


Ingegneria del Sole s.r.l.

Legal Headquarters: Corso Europa, 382

80010 Villaricca Napoli ITALIA

C.F. e P.IVA 06652041218

Registered at Naples Companies n. 829413

Tel +39 081 0060608 Fax +39 081 0060609


Einstein Palais - Friedrichstraße, 171

10117 Berlin Deutschland

VAT Number 06652041218 registered at Naples Companies n. 829413

Tel +49 30469990452

Fax +49 30469990453
