D J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 8 (2014) 191-194 DAVID PUBLISHING Effect of Magnesia Blending on the Magnetic Properties of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel Carolina Cesconetto Silveira* and Sebastião da Costa Paolinelli Research Center, Aperam South America, Minas Gerais 35180-018, Brazil Received: October 29, 2013 / Accepted: November 14, 2013 / Published: February 25, 2014. Abstract: Decarburized samples of grain oriented silicon steel were coated with alone and blended magnesias and submitted to the high temperature annealing. The magnesias and their blendings were characterized using granulometry measurements, ignition loss and reactivity tests. After high temperature annealing, forsterite film morphology, magnetic properties and Goss deviation were also analyzed. Better magnetic properties and sharper Goss orientation were found in samples which had used blended magnesias. These results are explained by the magnesias particle size distributions, forsterite film formation and rate of inhibitors release. Key words: Forsterite, glass film, grain oriented, magnesia, silicon steel. 1. Introduction GO (grain oriented) silicon steel is mainly used in transformers cores. This steel is made up of around 3% (wt) of Si and it is produced in order to induce a strong {110} <001> crystallographic texture, known as Goss texture [1]. During the processing of GO steel, there is a process production step called decarburization, where the carbon amount is reduced in order to prevent magnetic ageing [2]. This decarburization is conducted in a controlled wet atmosphere of H2 and N2, and it is also formed an oxidation layer mainly composed by fayalite (Fe2SiO4) and silica (SiO2) [3]. Afterwards, the steel is coated with magnesia (MgO) slurry and it is submitted to the HTA (high temperature annealing). During this process, secondary recrystallization occurs and the reaction among fayalite, silica and magnesia turns in to a continuous oxidation at the surface mainly constituted of forsterite (Mg2SiO4), commonly called glass film [4]. Some functions of the glass film are to electrically * Corresponding author: Carolina Cesconetto Silveira, M.Sc., research fields: physical metallurgy and electrical steels. E-mail: carolina.silveira@aperam.com. insulate the steel in order to diminish eddy currents, apply tensile stress to decrease hysteresis losses and help purifying the steel during HTA [5]. In order to provide stabilization of the secondary recrystallization process and also a stable formation of forsterite, the choice of the right magnesia should take into account its raw properties, such as CAA (citric acid activity), viscosity, chemical composition, granulometry, porosity and surface area [6-9]. Mainly, all the desirable properties are not present in only one magnesia. Therefore, blending magnesias with different properties is interesting in order to take advantage of each one best characteristic, and consequently, resulting on superior GO silicon steel magnetic properties and surface quality. The objective of this paper is to evaluate a GO steel by submitting it to a coating of alone and blended magnesias with different levels of CAA, granulometry and chemical composition. 2. Experiments The samples were in the dimension of 305 × 100 × 0.27 mm3 obtained from a 3% (wt.) Si steel decarburized coil. The preparation of the slurries Effect of Magnesia Blending on the Magnetic Properties of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel included 1,200 g of deionized cold water (lower than 5 °C), 200 g of magnesia plus additives. Two magnesias were used in this work, which were applied alone and blended (Table 1). The steel samples were coated using rolls and dried by heating to an enough temperature to evaporate the water. Afterwards, all the samples were submitted to the same HTA at 1,200 °C for 15 h under controlled atmosphere. The granulometry of the magnesias and their blendings were characterized using a laser diffraction particle sizer, Marlvern, Master Sizer S. The ignition loss (LOI), which is a measure of the degree of hydration of MgO, was obtained by heating the sample until 1,000 °C with soaking time of 1 h, by weighing the sample before and after the heat treatment. CAA is a measure of the magnesia hydration rate and was measured by the necessary time for which a given weight of magnesia provides sufficient hydroxyl ions to neutralize a given weight of citric acid. Core loss at 60 Hz and B8 (magnetic induction at 800 A/m) were measured using MPG 100D Brockhaus equipment applying the single sheet method (280 × 30 mm). Goss deviation of the crystal direction for <001> was measured by EBSD (electron backscatter diffraction). The samples with glass film were characterized regarding adherence, by bending at 180o with calibrated diameter cylinders, and morphology by measuring the thickness and roughness at an image analyzer (IA3001). 3. Results and Discussion activity is too high (low CAA), the glass film is not totally formed at the steel surface whereas magnesia with low activity presents thin glass film with poor adherence [9]. Granulometry results (Fig. 1) for slurry 1, which corresponds to magnesia 1, show monomodal particle size distribution and D50 of 3.78 μm. Slurry 2, the same as magnesia 2, presents a bimodal distribution with 3.81 μm of D50. The slurries 3 and 4 are the blending of magnesias and their granulometries behaved in the same way of their proportion. It can be noticed that mixing magnesias resulted in lower D50 for slurries 2 and 3, with 3.30 μm and 3.64 μm, respectively. Table 1 Parts per weight of the prepared slurries. Slurry 1 Magnesia 1 1 Magnesia 2 0 Table 2 Slurry 2 Slurry 3 Slurry 4 0 1 2 1 1 2 Citric acid activity and loss on ignition results. Magnesia 1 Magnesia 2 CAA(s) LOI(%) 50 130 1.61 1.25 Slurry 1 Distribution frequency(a.(a.u.) distribution frequency u.) 192 Slurry 2 Slurry 3 Slurry 4 3.1 Magnesia and Forsterite Film Characterization Table 2 shows the results of CAA and LOI for both magnesias. Ignition loss values are very similar, which indicates that there are no differences on degree of the magnesias hydration. The CAA results show that magnesia 1 is more reactive than magnesia 2; this indicates that magnesia 1 hydrates faster than magnesia 2. Usually the rate of hydration has greater significance than the eventual degree of hydration [6, 10]. When the 0,01 0.01 0,1 0.1 10 11 10 Diameter Diameter ((µm) m) 100 100 1000 1000 Fig. 1 Particle size distribution. Table 3 Slurry 1 Slurry 2 Slurry 3 Slurry 4 Glass film characterization. Thickness average (μm) 1.11 ± 0.41 1.11 ± 0.38 1.14 ± 0.41 1.10 ± 0.45 Relative roughness 1.174 ± 0.029 1.183 ± 0.056 1.193 ± 0.043 1.211 ± 0.056 Effect of Magnesia Blending on the Magnetic Properties of Grain Oriented Silicon Steel 4. Conclusions Blending magnesias can help on the improvement of magnetic properties. These results are related with the Goss deviation, i.e.; the result of the {110}<001> misorientation direction. Better magnetic properties were found on samples with lower degree of Goss deviation. Lower degree of Goss deviation may be obtained by 1888 1.424 1.42 1885 1.40 1881 1.38 1.371 1880 1.374 1.36 1876 1875 1873 1.349 1.34 1870 Core loss 1.7 T/60 Hz (W/kg) Fig. 2 shows the core loss and magnetic induction for each slurry used in this work. It is observed that magnetic induction is higher and core loss is lower when blendings of magnesia are applied. In order to understand this effect, Goss deviation, the result of the {110} <001> misorientation direction, was evaluated and shows good correlation with magnetic results (Fig. 3), i.e., the lower is the Goss deviation to the <001> direction, better are the magnetic properties. One hypothesis is related with the drop rate of the grain growth inhibitor during secondary recrystallization. It is known that inhibitors low drop rate prevents grain growth, extending the incubation time before the secondary recrystallization and promotes the selective grain growth with Goss orientation [11, 12]. When blending the magnesias, the distribution particle size changes and probably this leaded to a more densification of the magnesia which can form forsterite at lower temperatures. An earlier forsterite formed film interferes on the secondary recrystallization by acting as a barrier for the inhibitors release, and consequently extends the inhibitor incubation time before the secondary recrystallization and promotes the selective grain growth with Goss orientation. Magnetic induction 800 A/m 60 Hz (mT) 3.2 Magnetic Properties and Goss Deviation 1890 1.32 Slurry 1 Slurry 2 Slurry 3 Slurry 4 Fig. 2 Magnetic induction and core loss. Magnetic induction 60Hz (mT) Magnetic induction 800 800A/m A/m 60A/m Hz (mT) Magnetic induction 800 60 Hz (mT) Table 3 presents the results of thickness and roughness of all slurries. As can be noticed, there is no difference among all conditions, concerning alone and blended magnesias. Regarding adherence, it was not found any difference among all slurries. 193 1892 1888 1884 1880 1876 1872 6.0 6.5 7.0 7.5 8.0 8.5 9.0 Goss Deviation (?o Goss deviation ( ) Fig. 3 Relation between magnetic induction and Goss deviation. extending the time of inhibitors release before secondary recrystallization. This can be reached by lowering the glass film temperature formation, which may be due to the particle size distribution of blended magnesias. At the same time, forsterite morphology and adherence did not show any difference concerning individual and blended samples. Therefore, blending magnesias can help on the improvement of the Goss texture and consequently, on superior magnetic properties of the GO steel, while glass film properties are preserved. References [1] [2] [3] Xia, Z.; Kang, Y.; Wang, Q. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 2008, 320, 3229-3233. Eloot, K.; Dilewinjins, J.; Standert, C.; Cooman, B. C. J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 1994, 133, 223-225. Yamazaki, T. 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