ExionLC™ UV Detector Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A April 2015 This document is provided to customers who have purchased AB Sciex equipment to use in the operation of such AB Sciex equipment. This document is copyright protected and any reproduction of this document or any part of this document is strictly prohibited, except as AB Sciex may authorize in writing. Software that may be described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. It is against the law to copy, modify, or distribute the software on any medium, except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. Furthermore, the license agreement may prohibit the software from being disassembled, reverse engineered, or decompiled for any purpose. Warranties are as stated therein. Portions of this document may make reference to other manufacturers and/or their products, which may contain parts whose names are registered as trademarks and/or function as trademarks of their respective owners. Any such use is intended only to designate those manufacturers' products as supplied by AB Sciex for incorporation into its equipment and does not imply any right and/or license to use or permit others to use such manufacturers' and/or their product names as trademarks. AB Sciex warranties are limited to those express warranties provided at the time of sale or license of its products and are AB Sciex’s sole and exclusive representations, warranties, and obligations. AB Sciex makes no other warranty of any kind whatsoever, expressed or implied, including without limitation, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, whether arising from a statute or otherwise in law or from a course of dealing or usage of trade, all of which are expressly disclaimed, and assumes no responsibility or contingent liability, including indirect or consequential damages, for any use by the purchaser or for any adverse circumstances arising therefrom. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. The trademarks mentioned herein are the property of AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. or their respective owners. AB SCIEX™ is being used under license. © 2015 AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. AB Sciex Pte. Ltd. Blk 33, #04-06 Marsiling Ind Estate Road 3 Woodlands Central Indus. Estate. SINGAPORE 739256 ExionLC™ UV Detector 2 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Contents Chapter 1 Introduction...............................................................................................................................5 Electrical Precautions.........................................................................................................................................................5 AC Mains Supply..........................................................................................................................................................5 Protective Earth Conductor..........................................................................................................................................6 Environmental Precautions................................................................................................................................................6 Electromagnetic Environment......................................................................................................................................6 Decommissioning and Disposal (Waste, Electrical, and Electronic Equipment)..................................................................................................................................................................7 Ventilation Precautions......................................................................................................................................................7 Chemical Precautions.........................................................................................................................................................7 Static Electricity Precautions .............................................................................................................................................8 Precautions for Handling the Deuterium and Tungsten Lamps..........................................................................................8 Equipment Use and Modification.......................................................................................................................................9 Chapter 2 Hazard Symbols.......................................................................................................................10 Occupational Health and Safety Symbols.........................................................................................................................10 Symbols, Indicators, and Labels.......................................................................................................................................11 Documentation Symbols and Conventions.......................................................................................................................12 Chapter 3 Overview..................................................................................................................................13 Chapter 4 Configuration...........................................................................................................................17 Chapter 5 Operating Instructions............................................................................................................17 Precautions......................................................................................................................................................................17 Precautions before Operation....................................................................................................................................17 Precautions during Operation....................................................................................................................................17 Precautions after Operation.......................................................................................................................................18 Turn on the UV Detector..................................................................................................................................................18 Troubleshooting.........................................................................................................................................................19 Chapter 6 Service and Maintenance Information...................................................................................20 Maintenance, Inspections, and Adjustment.....................................................................................................................20 Prior to Inspection and Maintenance.........................................................................................................................20 List of Periodic Inspection and Maintenance..............................................................................................................21 Flow Cell Inspection and Basic Cleaning..........................................................................................................................22 Remove and Inspect the Flow Cell.............................................................................................................................22 Clean the Flow Cell....................................................................................................................................................24 Re-install the Flow Cell..............................................................................................................................................27 Flow Cell Disassembly/Cleaning and Replacement..........................................................................................................29 Lamp Replacement..........................................................................................................................................................33 Remove Top Cover and Radiating Fin Assembly........................................................................................................35 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 3 of 60 Contents Deuterium Lamp Replacement...................................................................................................................................36 Tungsten Lamp Replacement.....................................................................................................................................40 Fuse Replacement............................................................................................................................................................43 Chapter 7 Troubleshooting......................................................................................................................47 Appendix A Error Messages.....................................................................................................................50 Error Messages, Possible Causes, and Corrective Actions................................................................................................50 Appendix B Status Panel and Keypad.....................................................................................................54 Appendix C VP Functions..........................................................................................................................57 Appendix D Consumables and Spares.....................................................................................................59 Revision History........................................................................................................................................60 ExionLC™ UV Detector 4 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A 1 Introduction TM This guide describes the basic operation and troubleshooting for the ExionLC UV Detector. Read this guide thoroughly before using the product and operate the product in accordance with the instructions in this guide. This guide provides safety instructions and precautions to make sure that the user operates the system safely. Follow all Warning and Caution instructions provided in the guide. Keep this guide for future reference. Make sure that it is accessible to the operator of the system. Electrical Precautions AC Mains Supply WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Use only qualified personnel for the installation of all electrical supplies and fixtures, and make sure that all installations adhere to local regulations and safety standards. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Make sure that the system can be disconnected from the AC mains supply outlet in an emergency. Do not block the AC mains supply outlet. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers might cause injury or malfunctioning of the system. The covers need not be removed for routine maintenance, inspection, or adjustment. Contact the SCIEX FSE for repairs that require the main cover to be removed. Connect the system to a compatible AC mains supply as instructed in this guide. For information on system electrical specifications, refer to the Site Planning Guide. Guidelines: • Do not connect the wiring in a manner other than that prescribed by the manufacturer. • Do not rest heavy objects on the power cable. • Do not bend or pull on the power cable. To unplug the system, pull on the plug and not the cable. • Do not route the power cable near heat-generating equipment. • Do not modify the power cable in any way. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 5 of 60 Introduction Protective Earth Conductor The mains supply must include a correctly installed protective earth conductor. The protective earth conductor must be installed or checked by a qualified electrician before the system is connected. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not intentionally interrupt the protective earth conductor. Any interruption of the protective earth conductor will create a potential electric shock hazard. Environmental Precautions Use qualified personnel for the installation of electrical mains, heating, ventilation, and plumbing supplies and fixtures. Make sure that all of installations comply with local bylaws and biohazard regulations. For more information about the required environmental conditions for the system, refer to the Site Planning Guide. WARNING! Fire Hazard. Do not operate the system in the presence of an open flame, or in the same room as equipment that could potentially emit sparks. WARNING! Fire Hazard. Do not use flammable sprays (such as hair sprays or insecticide sprays) near the system. They could ignite and cause a fire. WARNING! Biohazard. For biohazardous material use, always comply with local regulations for hazard assessment, control, and handling. This system or any part is not intended to act as a biological containment system. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. Avoid exposure to corrosive gas and excessive dust. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. Take precautions to prevent the system from falling in the event of an earthquake. Electromagnetic Environment CAUTION: Potential Wrong Result. Do not use this device in close proximity to sources of strong electromagnetic (EMC) radiation (for example, unshielded intentional RF sources), as EMC radiation might interfere with the proper operation and cause a wrong result. Make sure that a compatible electromagnetic environment for the equipment can be maintained so that the device will perform as intended. ExionLC™ UV Detector 6 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Introduction Decommissioning and Disposal (Waste, Electrical, and Electronic Equipment) Decontaminate the system before decommissioning following local regulations. Follow the SCIEX Red Tag process and complete an instrument Decontamination Form for instrument returns. When removing the system from service, separate and recycle different materials according to national and local environmental regulations.. Do not dispose of system components or subassemblies, including computer parts, as unsorted municipal waste. Follow local municipal waste ordinances for proper disposal provisions to reduce the environmental impact of WEEE (waste, electrical, and electronic equipment). To safely dispose of this equipment, contact a local Customer Service office for complimentary equipment pick-up and recycling. Note: SCIEX will not accept any system returns without a completed Decontamination Form. Ventilation Precautions The venting of fumes and disposal of waste must comply with all federal, state, provincial, and local health and safety regulations. Use the system indoors in a laboratory that complies with the environmental conditions recommended in the Site Planning Guide for the system. WARNING! Fire and Toxic Chemical Hazard. Make sure that the laboratory in which the system operates is well ventilated. Solvents used in high performance liquid chromatography are flammable and toxic. Chemical Precautions WARNING! Toxic Chemical Hazard. Make sure that a water supply, such as a wash basin, is available. If solvent gets onto the eyes or skin, flush it away immediately. WARNING! Biohazard, Toxic Chemical Hazard. Connect the drain tubing properly, to prevent leaks. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. Do not submerge the end of the drain tubing in the waste liquid in the waste container. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 7 of 60 Introduction • Determine which chemicals have been used in the system prior to service and regular maintenance. Refer to Safety Data Sheets for the health and safety precautions that must be followed with chemicals. • Work in a well-ventilated area. • Always wear assigned personal protective equipment, including powder-free neoprene or nitrile gloves, safety glasses, and a laboratory coat. • Follow required electrical safe work practices. • Avoid ignition sources when working with flammable materials, such as isopropanol, methanol, and other flammable solvents. • Take care in the use and disposal of any chemicals. Potential risk of personal injury if proper procedures for handling and disposing of chemicals are not followed. • Avoid skin contact with chemicals during cleaning, and wash hands after use. • Comply with all local regulations for the storage, handling, and disposal of biohazardous, toxic, or radioactive materials. • (Recommended) Use secondary containment trays beneath solvent bottles and the waste collection container to capture potential chemical spills. Static Electricity Precautions Liquid chromatography (LC) uses flammable organic solvents as the mobile phase. LC systems are also often used where large amount of flammable substances are present. Thus, there is a risk of accidents involving fire or explosion. The major cause of these accidents is static electricity. Devising preventative measures for static electricity can be difficult, because the symptoms before an accident vary and can be hard to detect, because such accidents occur as a result of several simultaneous incidents. For recommended methods for preventing static electricity accidents, TM refer to the Hardware User Guide for the ExionLC system. Precautions for Handling the Deuterium and Tungsten Lamps WARNING! Environmental Hazard. Do not dispose of system components in municipal waste. Follow established procedures when disposing of components. The materials of deuterium (D2) lamp are as follows: • Metals (Tungsten, Aluminum) ExionLC™ UV Detector 8 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Introduction • Quartz glass • Ceramic • Plastic The materials of tungsten (W) lamp are as follows: • Metals (Tungsten, Stainless steel) • Quartz glass • Ceramic • Plastic Equipment Use and Modification WARNING! Personal Injury Hazard. Contact the SCIEX representative if product installation, adjustment, or relocation is required. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Do not remove the covers. Removing the covers might cause injury or malfunctioning of the system. The covers need not be removed for routine maintenance, inspection, or adjustment. Contact the SCIEX FSE for repairs that require the main cover to be removed. Use the system indoors in a laboratory that complies with the environmental conditions recommended in the Site Planning Guide. If the system is used in an environment or in a manner not prescribed by the manufacturer, then the protection provided by the equipment might be impaired. Unauthorized modification or operation of the system might cause personal injury and equipment damage, and might void the warranty. Erroneous data might be generated if the system is operated either above or below the recommended environmental conditions or operated with unauthorized modifications. Contact an FSE for information on servicing the system. WARNING! Personal Injury Hazard. Use SCIEX-recommended parts only. Use of parts not recommended by SCIEX or use of parts for any use other than their intended purpose may place the user at risk of harm or negatively impact system performance. The protection provided by the equipment might be impaired if the equipment is used in a manner not specified by SCIEX. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 9 of 60 Hazard Symbols 2 This section lists the hazard symbols and conventions used in the laboratory environment, on the system, and in the documentation. Occupational Health and Safety Symbols This section describes some occupational health and safety symbols found in the documentation and laboratory environment. Table 2-1 General Hazard Symbol Safety Symbol Description Personal Injury Hazard Table 2-2 Chemical Hazard Symbols Safety Symbol Definition Biohazard Explosion Hazard Toxic Chemical Hazard ExionLC™ UV Detector 10 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Hazard Symbols Table 2-3 Electrical Hazard Warning Symbols Safety Symbol Definition Electrical Shock Hazard Table 2-4 Mechanical Hazard Symbols Safety Symbol Definition Hot Surface Hazard Ultraviolet Radiation Hazard Laser Radiation Hazard Symbols, Indicators, and Labels Label Description See instruction manual before replacing fuses. Be sure to read the instruction manual before replacing the lamp. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 11 of 60 Hazard Symbols Documentation Symbols and Conventions The following symbols and conventions are used throughout the guide. DANGER! Danger signifies an action which leads to severe injury or death. WARNING! Warning signifies an action that could cause personal injury if precautions are not followed. CAUTION: Caution signifies an operation that could cause damage to the system or corruption or loss of data if precautions are not followed. Note: Note emphasizes significant information in a procedure or description. Tip! Tip provides useful information that helps apply the techniques and procedures in the text for a specific need and provides shortcuts, but is not essential to the completion of a procedure. ExionLC™ UV Detector 12 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A 3 Overview TM The ExionLC UV Detector is a high-performance, multi-function ultra-violet visible spectrophotometric detector, for use in high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). It incorporates both deuterium (D2) and tungsten (W) halogen lamps. The deuterium lamp is used for ultraviolet applications, as in the PDA Detector, while the tungsten lamp extends the analytical capability into the visible region. It has three measurement modes: single wavelength, dual wavelength, and wavelength scanning. • The dual wavelength mode performs simultaneous detection of two wavelengths, and can provide chromatograms of both the wavelengths, or a chromatogram of one wavelength and one ratio chromatogram. • In wavelength scanning mode, the absorbance spectrum is measured. The wavelength scanning mode is designed to be used while the flow is stopped. Figure 3-1 UV Detector, Front View Item 1 Part Function Operation Keys To operate and configure settings. Press to show the operation keys. Refer to Status Panel and Keypad. 2 Display Panel Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Comprises the status panel screen and the LED indicators. Refer to Status Panel and Keypad. ExionLC™ UV Detector 13 of 60 Overview Item 3 Part Function Power switch Turns the power on or off. Press the switch in to turn power on and press again to turn the power off. 4 Front Cover Open the cover to install and remove the flow cell, or to attach tubing. Must be closed during analysis. Figure 3-2 Top, Left Side, Behind Front Cover Item Part Function 1 Top cover Remove the cover to replace the lamps. The cover must be replaced after lamp replacement. 2 Flow cell Monitors the mobile phase eluted from the column. 3 Cell screws Remove these to remove the cell. 4 Tubing clamp Secures the connected tubing. 5 Cell outlet tube Drain tubing is connected here. 6 Cell inlet tube (marked with blue cover) Tubing from the column is connected here. 7 Cooling fan Cools the interior of the module. ExionLC™ UV Detector 14 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Overview Figure 3-3 Right Side and Base Panel Item Part Function 1 Shipping screw To prevent the shock during transportation. Remove before installation. 2 Leakage drain outlet Instrument leaks drain from this port to the system component below. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 15 of 60 Overview Figure 3-4 Back Item Part Function 1 REMOTE connector For the fiber optic connection to system controller. 2 SV connector For the connection to solvent recycling valve. 3 Cooling fan Cools the module interior. 4 Fuse holder Fuses are inserted here. 5 Power cord connector Connects the power cord. 6 RECORDER connector For connection to the recorder. 7 [INTEGRATOR] connector Not applicable. 8 External input/output terminals Connects to external equipment. ExionLC™ UV Detector 16 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A 5 Operating Instructions Precautions Precautions before Operation • Install the flow cell in the detector before turning the power switch on. If the power switch is turned on with no cell installed, the home position will not be detected and the wavelength will be set incorrectly. If this occurs, turn the power switch off, install the cell, and then turn the power on. The cell can be removed after the initial screen is shown. • Before turning the power switch on, perform any of the following on the flow cell interior: • Flush the cell with a mobile phase that does not absorb light in the wavelength range of 230 nm or above (such as water, acetonitrile, or methanol). • Fill the cell with the above described mobile phase. • Purge the cell with air or nitrogen, and make sure that it is dry. When the power is turned on, the module carries out an automatic wavelength accuracy check. The auto wavelength check uses as a reference the intensity of the emission line wavelengths of the deuterium lamp (656 nm) and the mercury lamp (254 nm). If a sample that absorbs these wavelengths is used, or if bubbles remain in the flow cell, the amount of transmitted light becomes exceedingly small. This prevents an accurate wavelength check from being performed and can produce errors. • When highly sensitive analysis is necessary, take into account the time needed for the baseline to stabilize and turn the lamp on ahead of time. After it is turned on, the lamp requires 1 hour to stabilize for optimal performance. • Make sure that there are no leaks in the flow cell and connected tubing. Precautions during Operation Keep the front cover closed during analysis. In high-sensitivity analysis, opening or closing the front cover will cause the baseline to fluctuate. The noise level might increase if the front cover is open. Refer to Figure 3-1 on page 13. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 17 of 60 Operating Instructions Precautions after Operation To prevent clogging of the flow cell: • Dusty or clogged flow cells are the most frequent cause of detector problems. After analyzing a highly concentrated sample, flush the flow cell thoroughly, using plenty of mobile phase. If a buffer solution is used as the mobile phase, then wash the flow cell with water after completing analysis. Buffer solutions crystallize upon evaporation, and can clog the flow cell and tubing. Turn on the UV Detector • Press the power switch to turn the power on. The following events occur: a. All the dots in the status panel screen matrix and all the indicator lamps illuminate. b. The system performs a memory test. c. The version number of the control program is shown. d. The system tests the lamp switching function. e. The lamps are preheated for 30 seconds. f. The module is initialized for 1 minute. g. The wavelength accuracy is checked for 20 seconds, by using the 254 nm emission line of the mercury lamp and the 656 nm emission line of the D2 lamp. h. If no error is detected, the message CHECK GOOD is shown for several seconds, followed by the initial screen. i. If the D2 lamp has been selected, the screen shown in Figure 5-1 on page 18 is shown. The module is now in the initial state and is ready for operation. Figure 5-1 Initial Screen if the D2 Lamp Is Selected ExionLC™ UV Detector 18 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Operating Instructions j. If the W (tungsten) lamp has been selected, it is checked and the module goes into the initial state. Figure 5-2 Initial Screen if the W (tungsten) Lamp Is Selected Troubleshooting • If an alarm sounds and a CHECK NO GOOD message is shown on the screen: a. No peak has been detected within 1 nm of 656 nm or 254 nm. To stop the alarm, press CE. b. Verify that the cell is installed properly. Refer to Re-install the Flow Cell. c. Make sure that no air bubbles have been introduced into the flow cell, and that no mobile phase or sample which absorbs light in the vicinity of 254 nm or 656 nm remains in the cell. The wavelength calibration function, WAVE CALIB, and wavelength accuracy check function, WAVE CHECK, measure the intensity of light transmitted through the cell in the vicinity of the 656 nm and 254 nm emission lines of the D2 lamp and mercury lamp. The module operates based on these intensity values. Consequently, if a sample that absorbs ultraviolet or visible light remains in the cell, or if large air bubbles are introduced, the amount of transmitted light becomes exceedingly small and the module will not operate correctly. Operate using a flow cell that has been flushed or filled with a mobile phase which does not absorb visible and UV light, or that has been purged of air or nitrogen and dried thoroughly. d. Execute wavelength calibration, referring to WAVE CALIB in VP Functions. e. When the calibration is complete, the WAVE CHECK will be run automatically to recheck the wavelength accuracy. If CHECK NO GOOD is shown once again, turn off the module and contact a representative. • If an alarm sounds and a NOT PROTECTED message is shown on the screen: • Press CE to clear the alarm. When this message is shown, the time program, along with the LAMBDA (wavelength) and certain other parameters, will be initialized (replaced with default values). • If any other error message is shown, refer to Error Messages. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 19 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information 6 Regularly clean and maintain the system for optimal performance. Refer to List of Periodic Inspection and Maintenance. WARNING! Radiation Hazard, Biohazard, or Toxic Chemical Hazard. Determine whether mass spectrometer decontamination is required prior to cleaning or maintenance. Decontamination should be performed prior to cleaning if radioactive materials, biological agents, or toxic chemicals have been used with a mass spectrometer. Maintenance, Inspections, and Adjustment WARNING! Personal Injury Hazard. Contact the SCIEX representative if product installation, adjustment, or relocation is required. WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Always turn off the power and then unplug the instrument prior to performing inspection and maintenance. Otherwise, fire, electric shock, or a malfunction might occur. To maintain the performance of the module and to obtain accurate measurement data, perform daily inspection and periodic calibration. • For daily maintenance and inspection, refer to Precautions. • For planned maintenance, contact a SCIEX representative. • For replacement parts, refer to Consumables and Spares. • Replacement cycles described for periodic replacement parts are estimates. Replacement might be required earlier than the described replacement cycles depending on usage environment and frequency. Prior to Inspection and Maintenance • Purge the mobile phase in the flow lines with water. • Wipe away any dirt from the front panel and the main cover. • Wipe away any dirt from the screen with tissue paper or a soft cloth moistened with water. ExionLC™ UV Detector 20 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Refer to Clean the Module Surfaces. List of Periodic Inspection and Maintenance Inspection/ Maintenance Item 1 year Cell gasket replacement X 2 year 3 year Remark Replace whenever the cell is dismantled. Refer to Remove and Inspect the Flow Cell. Dismantling, cleaning & inspection of flow cell X D2 lamp replacement X Service life: 2000 cumulative hours (D2 LAMP USED VP function provides alert). Refer to Lamp Replacement. W lamp replacement (SPD-20AV only) X Service life: 2000 cumulative hours (W LAMP USED VP function provides alert). Refer to Lamp Replacement. Fuse replacement X Refer to Fuse Replacement. Figure 6-1 Detector Item Description 1 Deuterium lamp 2 Tungsten lamp Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 21 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Item Description 3 Flow cell 4 Lens and Cell gasket 5 Fuse After inspection and maintenance, inspect for leakage during pumping. Refer to Troubleshooting. Flow Cell Inspection and Basic Cleaning Remove and Inspect the Flow Cell Figure 6-2 Flow Cell Parts Item Part Name 1 Connector 2 Plastic cover 3 Cell housing 4 Positioning pin 5 Cell window 6 Cell window screw 7 Front cover ExionLC™ UV Detector 22 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Item Part Name 8 Reference hole 9 Cell screw 1. Open the front cover. 2. Remove the coupling screw and then remove the coupling 1.6-0.8C from the detector. Figure 6-3 Coupling Screw Item Description 1 Coupling 1.6-0.8C 2 Coupling screw 3 Cell screw 3. Remove the connector from the detector, remove the two cell screws (upper and lower), and then remove the flow cell from the detector. Note: Do not remove the plastic cover from the cell housing. 4. Leave the flow line plumbing connected, and pump mobile phase through the flow lines. 5. With the mobile phase flowing through the flow lines, inspect the cell interior for air bubbles or dirt through the cell window. If there are any, clean the flow cell. Refer to Clean the Flow Cell. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 23 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Clean the Flow Cell Follow this procedure to clean air bubbles or dirt from the flow cell interior. Required Materials • Syringe • Syringe adapter Figure 6-4 Cleaning the Flow Cell Item Part name 1 Flow Cell 2 Waste container 3 Syringe 4 Syringe adapter 5 Blue cover 6 Cell inlet tubing 7 Cell outlet tubing Note: The arrow indicates the direction of flow. ExionLC™ UV Detector 24 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information 1. Insert the syringe adapter on the tip of the syringe, and then turn it clockwise to secure it. Figure 6-5 Insert the Syringe Adapter on the Syringe Tip Item Description 1 Syringe 2 Syringe adapter 2. Remove the male PEEK nut from the coupling 1.6-0.8C on the end of the cell inlet tubing (marked with a blue cover). Figure 6-6 Remove Male PEEK Nut from the Coupling Item Description 1 Cell inlet tubing 2 Coupling 1.6-0.8C 3 Male PEEK nut 4 From column 5 To waste container Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 25 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information 3. Insert the end of the syringe adapter, with its 1.6MN male nut, into the coupling 1.6-0.8C, and screw in the male nut. Figure 6-7 Insert Syringe Adapter into Coupling Item Description 1 Coupling 1.6-0.8C 2 1.6MN male nut 3 Syringe adapter 4 Syringe 4. Fill the syringe with isopropanol, and gently push in the plunger. ExionLC™ UV Detector 26 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-8 Pushing in the Plunger The alcohol will be injected into the cell interior, cleaning it. 5. Fill the syringe with mobile phase and then press the syringe plunger. The mobile phase will be injected into the cell interior, cleaning it further. 6. Loosen the 1.6MN male nut on the end of the syringe adapter, and then remove the end of the syringe adapter from the union. Re-install the Flow Cell 1. Orient the cell so that the arrow on it points upward. Then, align the pin holes in the cell with the positioning pins on the detector, slide the cell onto the pins, and press it flush against the detector. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 27 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-9 Re-install Flow Cell Item Description 1 Cell screw 2 Pin hole 3 Positioning pin 2. Tighten the two cell retaining screws alternately. 3. Insert the connector into the detector. 4. Affix coupling 1.6-0.8C to the detector using the coupling screw. Refer to Figure 6-4 on page 23. 5. Connect the tubing from the column to the cell inlet tube (marked with a blue cover), and the cell outlet tubing to the tubing going to the waste container. Note: When performing this step, do not let air enter the flow lines. 6. Install the front cover. ExionLC™ UV Detector 28 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Flow Cell Disassembly/Cleaning and Replacement Required Materials • Cell Gaskets • Lens • Cell window Figure 6-10 Flow Cell Parts Item Description 1 Convex side 2 Flat side 3 Plastic cover 4 Cell housing 5 Cell gasket 6 Cell window Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 29 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Item Description 7 Cell window screw 8 Male PEEK nut 9 Coupling 1.6-0.8C 10 Cell inlet tubing 11 Upside 12 Cell screw 13 Lens 1. Open the front cover. 2. Remove the male PEEK nut from the coupling 1.6-0.8C on the end of the cell inlet tubing (marked with a blue cover). 3. Remove the flow cell connector and coupling 1.6-0.8C, loosen the cell screws (one upper and one lower), and then remove the flow cell from the module. Note: Do not remove the plastic cover from the cell housing. 4. Remove the cell window screws on either side of the cell. Remove the packing at the same time. Figure 6-11 Removing Cell Window Screws Item Description 1 Packing 2 Cell window screw 5. Using a toothpick or similar utensil, remove the lens, cell window, and gaskets from both sides of the cell. ExionLC™ UV Detector 30 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-12 Removing Lens, Cell Window, and Gaskets 6. Clean the lens and cell window for 5 minutes in an ultrasonic bath of isopropanol. If this does not remove the stains, discard the lens or cell window, and install new ones. Note: • Clean the inner surfaces of the cell housing with a clean swab moistened with isopropanol. • Replace the cell gaskets whenever the flow cell is dismantled. • Remove any dust from the new gaskets before use. 7. Install the new cell gaskets, lenses, and packing, in that order, and then tighten the cell window screws. Note: • Install the lenses with their convex sides facing outward. Otherwise, they will be damaged. • Do not install the lens and cell window in reverse because it can ruin the detector performance. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 31 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Note: Post-assembly Inspection • Before re-installing the flow cell on the module, pass mobile phase through the cell through the cell inlet tubing, and inspect for leaks. • Leakage from the flow cell might result in incorrect data or deterioration of the optical parts. Figure 6-13 Install New Cell Gaskets, Lenses, and Packing Item Description 1 Lens 2 Cell window 8. Orient the cell so that the arrow on it points upward. Then, align the pin holes in the cell with the positioning pins on the detector, slide the cell onto the pins, and press it flush against the detector. ExionLC™ UV Detector 32 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-14 Re-install Flow Cell Item Description 1 Cell screw 2 Pin hole 3 Positioning pin 9. Tighten the two cell retaining screws alternately. 10. Affix coupling 1.6-0.8C to the detector using the coupling screw. Refer to Figure 6-4 on page 23. 11. Insert the flow cell connector into the detector. 12. Install the male PEEK nut removed in 2 into the coupling 1.6-0.8C of the cell inlet tubing. 13. Install the front cover. Lamp Replacement WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Fire Hazard. Before replacing a lamp, turn the detector power switch off and unplug the detector. Otherwise, fire, electric shock, or malfunction could result. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 33 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information WARNING! Radiation Hazard. Do not turn on the power while the lamp housing is exposed to view. You could be exposed to harmful ultraviolet rays. WARNING! Hot Surface Hazard. Before replacing a lamp, turn off the power and allow sufficient time for the lamp to cool thoroughly. A hot lamp will cause burns. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. • Be careful that the lamp does not break. • Do not shake the lamp. CAUTION: Potential Wrong Result. • When replacing the lamp, be careful not to get any dust or stains on the mirror surfaces, D2 lamp, filter surfaces or tungsten lamp. If these surfaces become dirty, accurate analyses will not be possible. • Be careful not to touch the glass parts directly with your hands when replacing the lamp. Wrap the lamp in cotton gauze when carrying it. • When the lamp is dirty, wipe it with lens paper soaked in ethanol. The UV Detector has a deuterium (D2) lamp and a tungsten (W) lamp. The lamps must be replaced periodically. As the D2 lamp and W lamp in this detector approach the end of their life, their intensity decreases and baseline noise increases. Replace the lamps with new ones using the life ratings listed below as a guide. Table 6-1 Lamp Life Ratings Lamp name Lamp life ratings D2 (deuterium) lamp about 2,000 hours W (tungsten) lamp about 2,000 hours* *About the guaranteed life of the W lamp According to the manufacturer, the life rating for the W lamp is defined as the average lifespan of numerous lamps. Understand that, depending on the individual lamp, it might burn out before reaching the 2,000-hour life rating. The guaranteed life of the W lamp is 1,200 hours. The lamp can be replaced free of charge if it burns out before reaching 1,200 hours of use. ExionLC™ UV Detector 34 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information The guaranteed life of the D2 lamp is the same as the life rating, 2,000 hours. Required Materials • D2 (deuterium) lamp • W (tungsten) lamp Remove Top Cover and Radiating Fin Assembly 1. Remove the two top cover installation screws, and then remove the top cover. 2. Loosen the four screws holding the radiating fin assembly in the lamp compartment, and then remove the fin assembly. Figure 6-15 Removing the Top Cover and the Radiating Fin Assembly Item Description 1 Installation screw 2 Top cover 3 Radiating fin assembly 4 Screw 5 Lamp housing The D2 and W lamps are visible inside the lamp housing. Note: The four screws of the fin assembly cannot be removed. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 35 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-16 Lamp Installation Layout Item Description 1 D2 lamp 2 Mirror 3 Filter 4 Tungsten lamp 5 Low pressure mercury lamp Deuterium Lamp Replacement 1. Disconnect the 3-pin connector on the D2 lamp cable. ExionLC™ UV Detector 36 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-17 3-pin Connector 2. Remove the D2 lamp screws (one long, one short), and then remove the D2 lamp. Note: • The nut on the long screw has been set to a particular position. Do not loosen or move it. • Avoid dropping the screws into the detector chassis. It is difficult to retrieve them. However, be sure to retrieve them if they are dropped. Tip! If it is difficult to remove the D2 lamp, tighten two of the screws slowly and evenly and then remove the D2 lamp from the lamp housing. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 37 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-18 Removing the D2 Lamp Screws Item Description 1 Nut 2 Adjusted to this position 3 D2 lamp 4 Short screw 5 Bolt hole 6 Long screw 3. Fit the new D2 lamp in place, and then secure it with the screws. ExionLC™ UV Detector 38 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-19 Installing the New D2 Lamp 4. Wipe off fingerprints on the glass with a cloth moistened with alcohol. 5. Attach the 3-pin connector. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. Make sure that the cable is fitted into the notch in the lamp housing, with the connector located outside the housing. If the cable is not in the notch, it could be broken, resulting in shorting or lamp failure. Figure 6-20 Attaching the 3-pin Connector Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 39 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Item Description 1 Notch 2 Cable 3 3-pin connector 6. Replace the fin assembly and top cover of the lamp housing and detector respectively, and then tighten the screws. Reset the Lamp Operating Time 1. Plug in the detector, and then turn the power switch on. The initial screen is shown. 2. Show the D2 LAMP USED VP function. Refer to VP Functions. 3. Press 0 and then press enter. The timer is reset, and the D2 LAMP USED value changes to 0. Note: Dispose of used up deuterium (D2) lamps as a form of industrial waste. Refer to Precautions for Handling the Deuterium Lamp and Tungsten Lamp. Tungsten Lamp Replacement 1. Disconnect the 2-pin connector at the end of the W lamp cable. Figure 6-21 Disconnecting the 2-pin Connector 2. Loosen the three lamp screws, and then remove the W lamp. ExionLC™ UV Detector 40 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Note: The W lamp is secured by washers (one for each screw). To remove the lamp, loosen the screws. Do not remove them or the washers from the lamp housing. Figure 6-22 Removing the W Lamp Item Description 1 W lamp 2 Screw 3 Washer 3. Place the new lamp in position in the lamp socket, aligning the projection on the socket with the notch in the lamp flange. Figure 6-23 Installing the New Lamp Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 41 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Item Description 1 Lamp flange notch 2 Projection 4. Wipe off fingerprints on the glass with a cloth moistened with alcohol. 5. Tighten the three lamp screws alternately. 6. Attach the 2-pin connector. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. Make sure that the cable is fitted into the notch in the lamp housing, with the connector located outside the housing. If the cable is not in the notch, it could be broken, resulting in shorting or lamp failure. Figure 6-24 Attach the 2-Pin Connector ExionLC™ UV Detector 42 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Item Description 1 Cable 2 Notch 3 2-pin connector 7. Replace the fin assembly and the top cover of the lamp housing and detector respectively, and then tighten the screws. Reset the Lamp Operating Time 1. Plug in the detector, and then turn the power switch on. The initial screen is shown. 2. Show the W LAMP USED VP function. Refer to VP Functions. 3. Press 0 and then press enter . The timer will be reset, and the W LAMP USED value will change to 0. 4. Press CE twice. The initial screen is shown. Fuse Replacement WARNING! Electrical Shock Hazard. Before replacing fuses, turn off the power and unplug the module. For replacement, only use fuses of the correct type and rating. Failure to heed the above could result in fire, electric shock or short circuits. The correct rating for the fuses is: Required Materials for 100V AC / 120V AC module • 250V 4AT (5 × 20) Required Materials for 230V AC / 240V AC module • 250V 3.15AT (5 × 20) 1. Use a flathead screwdriver to pry off the fuse holder cover. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 43 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-25 Remove Fuse Holder Cover Item Description 1 Power supply connector 2 Fuse holder cover 2. Remove both fuse holders. Figure 6-26 Fuse Holders 3. Remove the blown fuse from its holder. 4. Press the new fuse into the holder. ExionLC™ UV Detector 44 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-27 Install the New Fuse in the Holder Item Description 1 Fuse 2 Fuse holders 5. Orient the fuse holders so that the arrows point to the bottom, and place them into the detector. Figure 6-28 Put the Fuse Holder into the Detector 6. Replace the fuse holder cover, so that it clicks into place. CAUTION: Potential System Damage. When the fuse holder cover is opened, the power voltage selector (a rotary switch) is exposed. Do not touch this selector, or the module could be damaged. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 45 of 60 Service and Maintenance Information Figure 6-29 Replace the Fuse Holder Cover Item Description 1 Fuse holder cover 2 Power voltage selector ExionLC™ UV Detector 46 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A 7 Troubleshooting This section describes the probable causes of problems that can arise, and the corrective action to be taken to eliminate the causes. For more detailed procedures, refer to the indicated page. If the problem cannot be resolved even after taking the indicated measures, or if there are problems not included in the following tables, contact your representative. Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Power does not turn on even after switching on power. The power plug is disconnected. Connect the power plug correctly. Internal wires on the cable are cut. Replace the power cable with a new cable of the same type. The power supply does not meet the Use a power supply that meets the specifications for this module. specifications for this module. A fuse is blown. Replace the fuse. OVER is shown for absorbance value. The recorder pen is far below the original baseline. Press zero. The recorder baseline does not change. The RANGE set to 0. Set an appropriate value for RANGE. The lamp is not on. Set the LAMP parameter to 1, 2, or 3 to turn on the lamp. The recorder pen is far below the original baseline. (OVER will be shown for the absorbance value.) Press zero. The pen will return to the baseline. There are fault in the circuits. Replace any faulty parts. Noise amplitude is 10 or more times Changes in mobile phase absorbance higher in dual wavelength mode for small changes in wavelength are than in single wavelength mode. excessively large. The module detects wavelengths by means of scanning using a grating, which produces Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Change to a wavelength that produces the smallest possible absorbance change per unit of wavelength change. ExionLC™ UV Detector 47 of 60 Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action small fluctuations in measurement Set the response to a higher value. wavelength - so small as to be in the range of the wavelength reproducibility of the module. This produces some noise. The greater the absorbance variation, the greater the noise. Transient spiking Bubbles are flowing through the cell. Connect a back pressure device or 0 0.3 mm i.d. × 2 m tubing to apply back pressure to the cell outlet. Degas the mobile phase. Sawtooth baseline Continuous spiking Spiking occurring at every stroke of Bubbles are trapped in the cell. the pump 0 Connect a back pressure device or 0.3 mm i.d. × 2 m tubing to apply back pressure to the cell outlet. Use isopropanol (injected with the provided syringe) to rinse the cell interior. No equilibration of baseline Cell lenses are dirty. Drift 0 0 Dismantle cell and clean lenses. If stains cannot be removed, install new lenses. For the procedure to inspect for bubbles or stains in the flow cell, refer to Flow Cell Inspection and Basic Cleaning. ExionLC™ UV Detector 48 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Troubleshooting Symptom Possible Cause Corrective Action Excessive noise There are impurities in the mobile phase if drift stops when pump is 1 turned off or the air cell is used. Inspect the mobile phase and the flow line, and eliminate impurities. If excessive noise continues when Replace the lamp with a new one. 1 the air cell is used , then the lamp intensity has deteriorated. Swell 1 Baseline wanders The module is exposed to air current Change the location of the module, or changes in room temperature are or protect it from excessive changes. excessive. Noise occurs corresponding to the pump stroke Mobile phase is pulsing. Eliminate pump pulsation with a damper. An air cell refers to a flow cell that has no cell lenses and no gaskets, and is dried thoroughly. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 49 of 60 A Error Messages Each message is classified as shown in Table A-1. Table A-1 Message Classifications Type Description Fatal The module stops operating. Pressing CE does not clear the error message. Alarm The module stops operating. Press CE to clear the error message. Warning The module does not stop operating. Press CE to clear the error message. For the column oven, this is a set temperature error. Error Messages, Possible Causes, and Corrective Actions The module has several diagnostic functions. Upon detection of a problem, an alarm sounds and an error message is shown on the status panel screen. Error Message Type Possible Cause Corrective Action ROM FAILURE (ROM error) Fatal ROM error (electronic failure) Turn off the power and then contact the FSE. RAM FAILURE (RAM error) Fatal RAM error (electronic failure) Turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR GR HOME POS (Grating home position error) Fatal ERR FIL HOME POS (Filter home position error) Fatal The motor home position sensor does not operate properly. Turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR LAMP HOME PO (Lamp home position error) Fatal ExionLC™ UV Detector 50 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Error Messages Error Message Type Possible Cause Corrective Action ERR EEPROM WRITE (EEPROM write error) Fatal A write error onto non-volatile memory (EEPROM) has occurred. Turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR OVER CURRENT Alarm (Lamp over current error) An abnormally high current is flowing through lamp. Replace the D2 lamp. If this error is shown after the lamp is replaced, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR D2 LAMP (Deuterium lamp error) Alarm A fault in deuterium lamp or in its circuits. Replace the D2 lamp. If this error is shown after the lamp is replaced, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR OVER HEAT (Overheating) Alarm The module interior temperature has risen to Make sure that the rear fan an abnormal level. can move, and that the exhaust vent and side air intake are not blocked. If this error is still shown, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ERR LEAK DETECT (Leak detected) Alarm A leak has been detected. Inspect and repair plumbing. Wipe away leakage. NOT PROTECTED (Set value loss error) Alarm When power was turned on, previous parameters and time programs were not saved. Pressing CE while this message is shown initializes parameters and time program. Make new settings and write new programs. CHECK NO GOOD Alarm Wavelength check failed Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A The wavelength discrepancy exceeds 1 nm. If CHECK NO GOOD is shown Refer to Table A-2. again when WAVE CHECK is run after the above action has been taken, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. ExionLC™ UV Detector 51 of 60 Error Messages Table A-2 Causes and Actions for Wavelength Check Failed Error Message Possible Cause Corrective Action The cell is not installed properly. Install the cell properly. An error occurred during wavelength calibration. Run WAVE CALIB. (VP function) to calibrate wavelength, then run WAVE CHECK to verify wavelength accuracy. • Sample in the cell is highly • Flush the inside of the cell with a mobile phase solvent that does not absorptive of UV and visible light. absorb light in the vicinity of 254 nm and 656 nm. • Large air bubbles in sample greatly • Purge cell interior with air or nitrogen. restrict amount of light transmitted through cell at emission line wavelengths (656 nm and 254 nm) of the D2 lamp. Table A-3 Other Messages and their Possible Causes and Corrective Actions Other Message Type Possible Cause LAMP NOT LIT (Lamp not lit) Warning zero or mark is pressed when the lamp is not on. Corrective Action Set the LAMP parameter to 1, 2, or 3 to turn on the lamp. SELECT D2 SINGLE Warning The WAVE CHECK function can only be used Switch to single mode, and (Wavelength check error) in single wavelength mode, with the D2 turn on the D2 lamp. lamp on. This message is shown if WAVE CHECK is run under any other conditions. SET ANOTHER Warning Wavelengths outside the following ranges Set wavelengths inside the were set in dual wavelength mode. applicable ranges. • 190 - 370 nm (Wavelength setting error in dual wavelength mode) • 371 - 700 nm • 701 - 900 nm KEY CLOSED (Keypad disabled) Warning Keys were pressed after keypad was disabled using the KEY CLOSE auxiliary function. Press and hold del and press CE. The keypad will be enabled. DATA NOT EXIST (Empty file) Warning Spectrum data was requested for output from a file that does not contain scanned data. Determine the file number set when scanning was executed, and use that file. ExionLC™ UV Detector 52 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Error Messages Table A-3 Other Messages and their Possible Causes and Corrective Actions (continued) Other Message Type Possible Cause LOW SET TEMP Warning This warning is shown when the flow cell (Temperature control error temperature fails to coincide with in the temperature temperature settings after 5 minutes or controlled flow cell) more of temperature adjustment. This occurs when the flow cell temperature is set to a value too close to room temperature, or when the column oven is set to a higher temperature than the flow cell. Corrective Action Set the flow cell temperature to a value at least 5 °C above room temperature. If the warning is still shown, set the temperature to a value near or above the column oven temperature. If the temperature setting satisfies the above requirements and the warning is still shown, then turn shown, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. NO D2 LAMP (D2 lamp disconnected) Warning This warning is shown when the D2 lamp Make sure the D2 lamp is is turned on and the lamp is not recognized. connected and replace it if necessary. If the lamp has been replaced and this warning is still shown, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. NO W LAMP (W lamp disconnected) Warning This warning is shown when the W lamp is Make sure that the W lamp is turned on and the lamp is not recognized. connected and replace it if necessary. If the lamp has been replaced and this warning is still shown, then turn off the power and then contact the FSE. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 53 of 60 B Status Panel and Keypad Figure B-1 Status Panel and Keypad Item 1 Function Absorbance. Shows absorbance (in AU). 2 . Shows measurement wavelength (in nm). 3 Lamp. Shows D2 or W, indicating D2/W source lamp is on. When the deuterium (D2) lamp is on, D2 is shown. When the tungsten (W) lamp is on, W is shown. When both the deuterium and tungsten lamps are on, D2/W is shown. The D2, W, and D2/W indications are selectable. 4 Display panel 5 SV. Solvent recycling valve indicator. On when solvent recycling valve is draining liquid. 6 Program indicator. Illuminates when a program is being executed. ExionLC™ UV Detector 54 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Status Panel and Keypad Item Function 7 Keypad 8 Remote. Remote control mode indicator. On when the module is controlled by system controller. 6 Prog. run. Time program indicator. On when a method is being executed. 9 Pol. Polarity indicator. On in reverse polarity output mode. 10 Status indicator • Green: Power is on • Red: Error • Orange: In sleep mode 11 Range. Shows a full scale value (in AUFS) of the signal output to recorder terminals. Can also show a full scale value (in AU/V) of the signal output to integrator terminals by means of a VP function. Table B-1 Keys Key Function To show the operation keys. Display key zero Adjusts recorder zero position, returning the baseline to the zero position set with BL OFS ITG and BL OFS REC in the parameter settings group. run Starts and stops time programs. mark Draws a mark on the recorder chart paper and has no effect on the integrator output. VP Switches from initial screen to VP mode. sleep Turns off the status panel screen and has no effect on operation. Table B-2 Keys Operable By Pressing the Display Key Key Function edit Activates the time program edit mode (from the initial screen). dual Switches between dual and single wavelength modes. pol Switches the polarity of the recorder output. The pol (-) indicator illuminates for (-) polarity. scan Activates the wavelength scanning function. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 55 of 60 Status Panel and Keypad Table B-2 Keys Operable By Pressing the Display Key (continued) Key Function 0–9 Enter numbers with these keys. enter Validates entries. CE • Initializes the screen. • Cancels values input since enter was last pressed. • Clears error messages and cancels alarms (but does not resolve the source of the error). del Deletes individual lines of a time program on the status panel screen (when time program is being written). func • Scrolls forward through auxiliary functions. Press repeatedly to reach desired parameters. • In time program editing, scrolls through list of time-programmable functions. back • Scrolls backward through auxiliary functions. Press repeatedly to reach desired parameters. • In time program editing, scrolls back through list of time-programmable functions. – Enters a negative number. ExionLC™ UV Detector 56 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A C VP Functions VP functions support the validation of the instrument by check functions or displaying the instrument information. There are four groups for VP functions: Product Information, Maintenance Information, Validation Support, and Calibration Support. Command Description Product Information Group SERIAL NUMBER It shows the module serial number. S/W ID : V *.** It shows the module name and ROM version. Maintenance Information Group TOTAL OP TIME It shows the total cumulative operating time of the module. D2 LAMP USED It shows the deuterium lamp operating time and replacement alert time. W LAMP USED It shows the tungsten lamp operating time and replacement alert time. PART REPLACEMENT It is used to input records of parts replacement. MAINTENANCE LOG It shows the maintenance log. OPERATION LOG It shows the operation log. ERROR LOG It shows the error log. Validation Support Group DATE YY-MM-DD It shows or sets the date. TIME HH:MM:SS It shows or sets the date. AUTO CHECK Runs auto checks on memory, wavelength accuracy and light intensity. LEAK SENSOR TEST It runs check on leak sensor. Calibration Support Group Input PASSWORD 2 2 It is used to enter the password. WAVE CALIB It is used to perform wavelength calibration. D2 TIME It is used to enter the D2 lamp replacement alert time. D2 ENERGY It is used to enter the alert energy value for D2 lamp replacement. If the password is not input correctly, the functions in the Calibration Support Group cannot be accessed, even if func is pressed. Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A ExionLC™ UV Detector 57 of 60 VP Functions Command Description W TIME It is used to enter W lamp replacement alert time. W ENERGY It is used to enter alert energy value for W lamp replacement. ABS CALIB It is used for absorbance calibration (absorbance compensation coefficient is set with ABS COMP). ABS COMP It is used to enter absorbance calibration coefficient. LINEAR CALIB It is used to enter the linearity compensation. LEAK CALIB It is used for the leak sensor primary calibration. LEAK THR It is used to enter the leak sensor actuation level. RNG DISP MODE It is used to set the full scale absorbance initially shown. OP MODE It is used to set the operation mode. INITIALIZE PARAM It is used to initialize parameters. CHANGE PASSWORD It is used to change the password. CBM PARAMETER It is used to show and set CBM parameters and is shown when the link connection is made with the CBM-20A. ExionLC™ UV Detector 58 of 60 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A Consumables and Spares Option Part No. Air filter 228-45603-91 D2 (deuterium) lamp 228-34016-02 W (tungsten) lamp Features Filter to prevent dust from being drawn into the inner parts of the module. It is installed on the air intake opening on the right side of the module. 670-14602 Syringe 046-00017-01 Syringe adapter 228-15672-91 Cell gasket 228-35097-95 Lens 228-14572 Cell window 228-18058 D2 lamp S228-54515 Dust filter S228-54534 Fuse 250 V, 4AT S072-02004-22 Fuse 250 V, 3.15AT S072-02004-21 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A D ExionLC™ UV Detector 59 of 60 Revision History Revision A ExionLC™ UV Detector 60 of 60 Description Date First release of document. April 2015 Operator Guide RUO-IDV-05-1843-A