2014 17th International Conference on Electrical Machines and Systems (ICEMS),Oct. 22-25, 2014, Hangzhou, China Torque Ripple Reduction in Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines with Concentrated Windings and Pre-Wound Coils 1 J. Richnow1, D. Gerling1, P. Stenzel2, Universitaet der Bundeswehr Muenchen, D-85577 Neubiberg, Germany 2 AUDI AG, D-85045 Ingolstadt, Germany Abstract — Ideally, improvements of the manufacturing process do not cause deteriorations of the product characteristics. Pre-wound coils for electrical machines with concentrated windings are such an improvement. The easiest way to enable the assembling of pre-wound coils is simply the absence of pole shoes. This paper discusses the absence of pole shoes based on a sample machine. The focus lies on changes of cogging, avg. nominal and peak torque and the occurring torque ripple. Furthermore, different technologies as a variation of the tooth thickness, skewing, magnetic slot wedges and plug-in connections are investigated to compensate deteriorations of torque behavior. In addition, the effects of these technologies on the manufacturing process of a stator are discussed. I. INTRODUCTION Alongside high demands on power density, efficiency and smooth torque, manufacturability is an important factor for electrical machines used in automotive drive trains. Especially in hybrid applications, permanent magnet synchronous machines (PMSM) with concentrated windings are widely used [1]–[3]. For this type of winding, the assembling of prewound coils makes sense from the manufacturing point of view. The easiest way to enable the assembling of pre-wound coils is to design the stator teeth without the thickening in the area of tooth head and slot opening, also known as pole shoes. In the context of this paper the impact of the absence of pole shoes on the torque characteristics will be shown using a sample machine. Since the simplification of the manufacturing process should not lead to a degradation of machine characteristics, deteriorations have to be compensated. Especially the reduction of torque ripple in PMSM has been topic of many papers in recent years using various approaches e.g. presented in [4], [5]. This paper will compare different methods to reduce torque ripple relating to their impact on key machine characteristics and their manufacturability. Finally, an additional approach in which the stator sheet package consists of multiple parts using plug-in connections is introduced in order to assemble pre-wound coils to stator geometries including pole shoes. For the following investigations a sample machine has to be chosen and its characteristics have to be measured on a test bench. An equivalent FEA-model can be created and validated based on the measurement results. With the validated model, the impact of the discussed design changes can be simulated. II. windings. For the tooth geometry in Fig. 2 (b), b1 = 13 mm, b2 = 11 mm and b3 = 13 mm applies. III. Torque ripple consist of load independent cogging torque and an additional load depending component [6]. There are several options discussed to reduce those torque ripple by suitable control algorithms [7]–[9]. Below, some design options will be discussed to reduce torque ripple based on the requirement to assemble pre-wound coils. A. Variation of Tooth Widths In order to compensate the pole shoes the thickness of the tooth in the area of the air gap can be increased. The easiest design of such teeth without pole shoes would involve a straight flank. However, such geometry does also create a sudden permeability change in the air-gap from iron in the tooth area to air in the area of the slot opening. This will lead to higher harmonics in the air-gap flux and increased on-load torque ripple. Therefore the tooth geometry should include cavities at each flank close to the air gap. The increase of tooth thickness is equivalent to a reduction . This influences the thermal steady state of the slot area conditions and therefore the nominal torque. SAMPLE MACHINE The sample machine in Fig. 1 (a) is a 24teeth/32pole interior permanent magnet (IPM) machine similar to machines, used in the transmission-bell housing of today’s parallel hybrid drive trains. The motor specifications are given in Table I. The stator consists of single teeth with concentrated 2501 978-1-4799-5162-8/14/$31.00 2014 IEEE TORQUE RIPPLE REDUCTION (a) (b) Fig. 1. (a) Test bench machine. (b) Cross section of one single tooth with relevant dimensions TABLE I MOTOR SPECIFICATIONS Number of Poles Number of Slots Outer diameter (stator) Inner diameter (rotor) Active length Air-gap length Maximum power Maximum torque Nominal power Nominal speed 32 24 269 mm 182 mm 55 mm 1 mm 37 kW 175 Nm 25 kW 4500 1/min According to [10], [11] a body reaches its steady-state temperature if the energy generated per unit volume is equal to the heat flow, 0 where is the thermal conductivity, per unit volume and (1) the thermal losses the temperature gradient in the direction of the heat flow. For the joule losses in a conductor generated by a passing dc-current (2) is the copper fill factor according to [12] applies, where and is a factor for all quantities in the general resistance . Assumed that the equation, which are independent from change of the average coil length can be neglected, the relation between nominal current and slot area for a constant maximum temperature and copper fill factor in a first approximation becomes (3) Therefore, a reduction of the slot area is equivalent to a reduction of nominal current. However, the design change of the stator teeth has no significant influence on the manufacturing costs. B. Rotor Skewing Skewing is commonly used to reduce torque ripple of PMSM’s. The skewing angle has to be chosen according to the periodicity of the torque ripple component to be eliminated. The skewing angle can be calculated by 360° ,2 360° 2 (4) (5) according to [6], where is the number of pole pairs, is the number of phases, is the number of slots, is the load independent and the load dependent component. For PMSM’s a continuous skewing is not possible due to manufacturing reasons. However, according to [4] a step skewing by 3 segments achieves already results very close to a continuous skewing. Since skewing also leads to a load angle change in axial direction, only one rotor segment is operated at the ideal load angle. This will lead to a decrease of average nominal and maximum torque. As noted in [4], on-load skewing cannot always reduce torque ripple completely. This method increases the complexity of the rotor manufacturing. For each segment, the lamination stack geometry has to be adapted and the segments have to be connected to a complete rotor in an additional manufacturing step. This results in slightly higher production costs. C. Magnetic Slot Wedges Magnetic slot wedges (MW) are widely used for high voltage machines with open slots. Although most of the investigations are mainly conducted for induction motors [13][16] there are also some investigations for PMSM [17], [18]. However, the general influences of MWs on the magnetic field are independent from the used machine type. The main advantage is the reduction of harmonic components in the airgap flux distribution also known as slot harmonics. This leads to reduced torque ripple. The drawbacks on the other hand are an increased slot leakage flux, which leads to a decrease of the average torque values, and a decreasing robustness with increasing permeability [19]. In [20] several possible geometries for magnetic slot wedges are described. According to [15] and [18] the permeability of the magnetic material can vary from 1 20 for soft magnetic composites (non-magnetic) to (SMC). Common semi magnetic materials have a permeability of 1 10. The variety of combinations decreases since results indicate that the drawbacks of high permeability outbalance the advantages [18]. A general conclusion on the applicability of MWs is difficult to make. Most investigations conclude that the right choice of material property and wedge design is essential for the effect of the magnetic slot wedges [13] – [19]. Since slot wedges are not used in the series production of the sample machine, the assembly of MW means additional material costs and an additional manufacturing process step. Therefore it will increase the costs. D. Plug-in Teeth Various plug-in teeth are known from several patents and patent applications made throughout the last years [21]-[23]. The dovetail connection (DT) shown in Fig. 2 a) has already been known for more than 20 years [24]. For a dovetail connection, a pre-wound coil is stuck on the tooth in the direction of the air-gap. Afterwards, the tooth with the mounted coil is inserted in axial direction into the respective cavity in the the stator yoke. This manufacturing method does not allow a cone-shaped tooth design. Therefore, high currents could lead to saturation in the tooth area close to the yoke, which could reduce the maximum torque. A further thickening of the teeth would lead to a nominal torque reduction, as already discussed. A Snap-fit (SF) connection as described in [21] enables also cone-shaped tooth design, because in the assembly process the pre-wound coils are set onto the stator teeth radially in the direction of the stator yoke. For applications which do not allow big air-gaps inside the tooth, the invention in [21] is not convenient. However, the design introduced in Fig. 2 b) enables the reduction of the air-gaps between pairing components to a minimum due to manufacturing tolerances with simultaneously high mechanical stability. The influence on the manufacturing depends on the design of the plug-in connection. The dovetail connection can be punched out of the same iron sheet and assembled to a lamination stack by interlocking. This increases the complexitiy of the stamping tool. The assembling of the teeth to the yoke is an additional process step. On the other hand, 2502 the solid yoke simplifies the insertion of thhe stator into its housing. Thus, the manufacturing costs will increase slightly at the very most. The introduced snap-fit connection requirees low tolerances. This leads to high stamping tool costs. In adddition, the forces which occur during the plug-in process aree high. Therefore glueing instead of interlocking might be a reqquirement for the assembly of the snap-fit lamination stack. The assembly of the plug in connection is an additional process steep. All in all, this connection will lead to higher manufacturingg costs compared to the sample machine. IV. (a) (b) d (b) Snap-fit connection Fig. 2. (a) Dovetail connection and 2D-FEA MODELS The FEA-models are created and simulated using MAXWELL 2D. The temperature of the maagnets is assumed to be at 105 C. All 2D-FEA-models sharee the same rotor geometry as shown in Fig. 3. A. Sample Machine (SM) The model of the machine in Fig. 3 is reduuced to 1/8 of the machine due to electromagnetic symmetrry reasons. The influence of the edge between single teeth segments is neglected. This could be an important factor for rotor skewing according to [25], but one of the advantagges of pre-wound coils is a solid stator yoke. Therefore, it is assumed that the negligence has no significant influence on thee investigation. B. Variation of Tooth Width The single tooth design is adjusted due tto the absence of pole shoes. The new geometry is shown inn Fig. 4 a). The variation consists of a three-step variation of the tooth width b3 with b1 being kept constant, as depicted in Table II. The decrease of the nominal current is calculateed using (3) and based on the slot area calculated in MAX XWELL 2D. The results are presented in relation to the sample machine. To reduce the on-load torque ripple as welll, a second design according to Fig. 4 b) with b2new=b2old is also simulated varying b3. After a comparison of the simullation results, the most suitable version is used for rotor sskewing and the assembly of a magnetic slot wedge. C. Rotor Skewing The common way to simulate skewingg with 2D-FEA models is multi-slice modeling [4], [12] andd [26]. Using 2DFEA, the effect of flux density changes inn axial direction between two rotor segments and other thhree dimensional effects are neglected. Therefore, the simulaated results could differ from the results of an equivalennt real machine. However, for the sample machine (SM)) 3.75° 60° is valid according to ((4) and (5). For skewing, five segments are simulated baseed on [4] with a length of 11 mm each. D. Magnetic Slot Wedges The Magnetic Slot wedge relates to the inntroduced designs in [20] and can be seen in Fig 5. The heightt of the wedge is dimensioned respectively to avoid a further reduction of the copper cross section. Three different materiaals are simulated. MW 1.5 has a relative permeability of 1.5, for MW 2 2 and for MW 2.5 2.5 applies. 2503 Fig. 3. 2D FEA-Model of th he sample machine (a) (b) Fig. 4. (a) FEA-model of the teeth without pole shoes and even flanks (b) FEA-model of the teeth without pole shoess and cavities to reduce on-load torque ripplee TABLE III COMPARISON OF TEST BENCH AND D SIMULATION RESULTS OF THE SAMPLE MA ACHINE Sample machine b1 13 mm b2 11 mm b3 13 mm 100 % Geometry Variation V1 V2 V3 Vc1 Vc2 Vc3 b2 11 mm 11 mm 11 mm b3 11 mm 12 mm 13 mm 11 mm 12 mm 13 mm A 99.87 % 97.25 % 94.65 % 99.87 % 97.25 % 94.65 % Even flank Flank with cavity , Fig. 5. Magnetic slot wedge (lig ght grey) inside a slot E. Plug-in Teeth For the dovetail connection a simple 2D-model based on the technical drawings for the prototypes was used as shown in Fig 6. a). In Fig 6. b) cavities are included to reduce the onload torque ripple. For the snap-fit connection it was not possible to use the technical drawings since the smaller part suffers a permanent deformation during the plug-in process. Therefore, a model based on the actual plugged tooth sample was created including the air gaps between the two components, as shown in Fig. 6. c). Although this model neglects negative influences on the material characteristic of the lamination stack along the edges of the connection due to the stacking and plug in process, it represents the small airgaps between the two parts very accurately. For the dovetail connection 1 12 and 3 13 applies. With 1 12 the nominal current for this design is identical to the SM. On the other hand, the chosen width could lead already to a decrease of avg. maximum torque due to saturation effects in the upper tooth area. For the cavities 2 11 applies. The values for the snap-fit connection are equivalent to the tooth geometry of the sample machine. F. Model Validation The validation of the FEA-model is based on the measured torque-speed-diagram with included IAC-curves in Fig. 7. Table III shows the comparison between measurement and simulated operating point. The operating points cover different areas of the diagram. The results show only a small deviation between measured and simulated average torque. In general the simulated value seems to be slightly higher than the measured value. However, the difference of around 2 percent is sufficiently accurate, especially because there are several factors, which could cause deviations, such as measurement errors or the simplifications of the implemented FEA-model. Another possibility are deviations of the material parameters due to wrongly assumed material temperatures or manufacturing influences. Even small deviations of the load angle cannot be excluded. As already mentioned, the shown simulation results match the measured results sufficiently. Therefore, it can be assumed, that the design changes of the FEA-models will also lead to accurate results. V. (a) A. Absence of pole shoes The basic absence of pole shoes already causes an avg. torque reduction of about 4.5 % for nominal torque and 2.3 % for maximum torque based on the results for sample machine and design V1 in Table IV. At the same time, the torque ripple (c) Fig. 7. Torque-IAC-map and peak torque-speed characteristic of the sample machine (measured) for UDC=295V TABLE III COMPARISON OF TEST BENCH AND SIMULATION RESULTS OF THE SAMPLE MACHINE Test Bench Torque Comparison Simulation Speed IAC No. 1/min A Nm 1 2 3 4 5 6 2004 2004 2004 4520 4520 5530 37.9 211 321.9 39.8 115 150.56 19 117.2 177.4 18.8 54.84 52.2 Torque Speed 1/min IAC Torque Diff. A Nm Nm % -0.14 2.38 0.82 0.36 0.41 1.07 0.74 2.03 0.46 1.91 0.75 2.05 2004 37.9 18.86 2004 211 119.58 2004 321.9 178.22 4520 39.8 19.16 4520 115 55.25 5530 150.56 53.27 Diff. TABLE IV TORQUE COMPARISON FOR VARIATION OF TOOTH WIDTHS RESULTS The presented results are simulated for 3 operation points. At point no. 3 in Table III peak power is reached. For the sample machine, the power electronics is the limiting factor for the time range during which peak power is available. Therefore, it is assumed, that the reduced copper cross section has no negative influence on this time range. The cogging torque is simulated at 2004 rpm, equal to the speed at point no. 3. The nominal torque is simulated at operation point 5 where nominal power and nominal IAC current occur . (b) Fig. 6. (a) FEA-model of the dovetail connection (DT), the dovetail connection with cavities (DTc) and (c) Snap-fit connection (SF) Cogging torque SM V1 Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 1.99 8.84 Maximum torque Nominal torque Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 178.21 174.21 Nm 21.4 29.63 Nm 55.25 52.75 Nm 3.91 10.01 increase by about 344% for cogging torque, 156% for nominal torque and 38% for maximum torque. B. Variation of Tooth Width The simulation results in Fig. 8 show, that the tooth width at the air-gap is the main determining factor for cogging torque. The cavities at the flank have almost no influence on the torque characteristics. With increasing tooth width the pk2pk2504 value of the cogging torque decreases. When the width of the teeth reaches the level of the width of the sample teeth including pole shoes the differences are negligible. However, the cavities have an effect on the on-load torque ripple as shown in Fig. 9. The effect increases with increasing tooth width, which is reasonable, since the cavities increase to the same extent. On the other hand, the cavities slightly decrease the average torque because of higher flux densities in the area of the cavities. For variation Vc3 the same on-load and cogging torque characteristic as for the sample machine is reached. However, this is also the variation with the lowest nominal torque because of the lowest copper cross section. This will also lead to slightly higher copper losses. The thicker stator teeth on the other hand have a positive effect on the iron losses. Therefore, a closer look on the efficiency of the variations should follow in future research. Table V shows the calculated torque for the different tooth widths. None of the shown option reaches the same results as the sample machine. Therefore, this method is not able to compensate pole shoes completely. However, this method is comparatively cheap in production. If torque ripple or peak torque are the most important characteristic of the machine, Vc3 should be chosen. If nominal torque and copper cross section are also important, Vc2 is a good compromise. Therefore, the simulations of the magnetic slot wedge and the rotor skewing are based on model Vc2. The tooth designs with even flanks should only be chosen, if torque ripple are no point of interest. The design V1, V2 and V3 have an almost identical pk2pk-value of the on-load torque ripple, as shown in Table V. This effect relates to the theory that for on-load torque ripple the air-gap flux distribution is the dominating factor. The same nominal torque values for the different variations with different nominal currents are an interesting fact. It seems that a deterioration of the air gap flux distribution compensates the higher nominal current for designs with smaller b3 values. C. Rotor Skewing As shown in Fig. 10, a skewing angle of 60°el with five segments eliminates the cogging torque as expected. Every segment has an almost identical avg. value. An angle of 45°el and 30°el shown in Fig. 11 (top) only partly reduces the cogging torque since the five segments are not evenly distributed over a cogging cycle as for 60°el. However, for on-load torque ripple as shown in Fig. 11 (middle and bottom) even an angle of 60°el does not eliminate the ripple totally. The changing load angle leads also to a changing avg. value of the torque characteristics of each segment. With an increasing angle the average nominal and maximum torque decreases. Table VI shows the calculated torque for the different skewing angles. Due to the significant decrease in nominal and avg. torque the drawbacks of the theoretically ideal angle of 60°el outbalance the advantages. A skewing angle of 30°el shows the best results for the avg. torque and on-load torque ripple. Depending on the most important characteristic of the machine, the angle could be slightly reduced to increase the average torque values. Fig. 8. Cogging torque for different tooth widths for 2004 rpm Fig.9. On-load torque for different tooth widths for peak current 177.4 A at 2004 rpm TABLE V TORQUE COMPARISON FOR VARIATION OF TOOTH WIDTHS Cogging torque SM V1 Vc1 V2 Vc2 V3 Vc3 2505 Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 1.99 8.84 8.9 6.83 6.97 2.22 2.26 Maximum torque Nominal torque Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 178.21 174.21 173.76 178.69 176.44 182.72 178.8 Nm 21.4 29.63 28.84 29.75 25.89 29.4 22.32 Nm 55.25 52.75 52.7 52.63 52.37 52.33 51.98 Nm 3.91 10.01 9.92 7.22 7.11 4.55 3.71 Fig.10. Resulting cogging torque due to the combination of 5 segments skewed over 60°el Fig.11. Cogging torque ripple (top), torque ripple at nominal torque (middle) and maximum torque (bottom) for different skewing angles compared to the same design without skewing and to the sample machine TABLE VI TORQUE COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT SKEWING ANGLES Cogging torque SM Vc2 Vc2 30°el Vc2 45°el Vc2 60°el Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 1.99 6.97 4.17 2.14 0.17 Maximum torque Fig.12. Cogging torque ripple (top), torque ripple at nominal torque (middle) and maximum torque (bottom) for a magnetic slot wedge with different permeabilities compared to the same design without slot wedges and to the sample machine TABLE VII TORQUE COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT MAGNETIC SLOT WEDGES Nominal torque Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Cogging torque Nm 178.21 176.44 173.97 170.98 166.91 Nm 21.4 25.89 18.47 13.33 9.61 Nm 55.25 52.37 51.76 51 49.94 Nm 3.91 7.11 3.95 1.69 1.99 Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 1.99 6.97 5.71 5.16 4.76 However, skewing to reduce torque ripple to the level of the sample machine will bring a non negligible reduction of avg. torque values. Therefore this method is not able to compensate the absence of pole shoes. Still, it has its advantages, if cogging torque reduction is most important. D. Magnetic Slot Wedges Magnetic slot wedges (MW) have a significant influence on the maximum torque ripple even with a very small permeability as shown in Fig. 12 (bottom). On the other hand, they only slightly reduce cogging torque ripple as shown in Fig. 12 (top and middle). Compared to the original design Vc2, an assembled MW with a permeability of 1.5 reduces the maximum torque ripple by 15 %, but the avg. torque by only 1 % according to Table VII. The nominal torque ripple is reduced by about 25 % with almost no reduction of the avg. torque.As for skewing, the permeability of the MW effects avg. torque and torque ripple conflictively. To prevent a significant decrease of avg. maximum torque, the permeability has to be chosen in a range that only slightly reduces cogging torque. SM Vc2 MW 1,5 MW 2 MW 2,5 Maximum torque Nominal torque Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 178.21 176.44 174.69 172.81 170.88 Nm 21.4 25.89 21.54 18.08 15.09 Nm 55.25 52.37 52.18 51.95 51.68 Nm 3.91 7.11 5.33 4.56 3.93 Therefore, MW are not able to compensate the absence of pole shoes completely. However, they are a suitable method to reduce maximum torque ripple. E. Plug-In Connections The plug-in connections match the torque characteristics of the sample machine (SM) completely for cogging torque and maximum torque as shown in Fig. 13. Only the dovetail connection without cavities shows a slightly increased torque ripple for the because of the increased permeability gradient between slot opening and tooth due to the very small pole shoes. Since the shown results match almost perfectly with the SM as the values in Table VIII show and the nominal current of the plug-in connections is identical to the nominal current of the sample machine, it is assumed that the characteristics for nominal torque match as well. Because there is no difference between the dovetail connection with cavities and the snap-fit connection, the dovetail connection is preferred due to its advantages in the manufacturing process. However, it should be noted that the 2506 [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Fig.13. Cogging torque ripple (top) and and maximum torque (bottom) for different plug-in connections and the sample machine [7] TABLE VIII TORQUE COMPARISON FOR DIFFERENT PLUG-IN CONNECTIONS [8] Cogging torque Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 1.99 2.37 2.41 2.31 SM DT DTc SF Maximum torque Avg. Ripple (pk2pk) Nm 178.21 179.53 177.88 177.79 Nm 21.4 24.61 21.41 20.99 [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] reduction of 1 could have a significant influence due to saturation on other machine designs. VI. [15] CONCLUSION In this paper, design changes based on a sample machine to enable the assembly of pre-wound coils are investigated. Initially the FEA-model of the sample machine is validated by measurement results of an equivalent test bench machine. Afterward, the impact of the absence of pole shoes is simulated. The results show general deteriorations regarding avg. torque as well as torque ripple. Different options to compensate the absence of pole shoes are introduced. The results indicate, that a variation of tooth width as well as skewing and magnetic slot wedges are no suitable alternative to pole shoes regarding avg. torque and torque ripple. However, the results of the additional approach of plug-in connections including pole shoes indicate that they enable the assembly of pre-wound coils without a degradation of any torque characteristic. VII. ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors gratefully acknowledge the business partners whose work formed the foundation for the simulations and test bench results presented in this paper. VIII. [1] [14] REFERENCES [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] P. B. Reddy. K.-K. Huh and A. El-Refaie, “Effect of Stator Shifting on Harmonic Cancellation and Flux Weakening Performance of Interior PM Machines Equipped with Fractional-Slot Concentrated Windings for 2507 Hybrid Traction Applications”, Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 2012 T. Tinken, M. Felden and K. 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