A NOVEL ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF AN ISOLATED SELF-EXCITED INDUCTION GENERATOR TAKING IRON LOSS INTO ACCOUNT D. Seyoum, C. Grantham and F. Rahman School of Electrical Engineering and Telecommunications The University of New South Wales Sydney 2052, Australia c.grantham@unsw.edu.au Abstract This paper presents a novel analysis for the dynamics of a self-excited induction generator (SEIG) driven by a variable speed prime mover taking iron loss into account. It is important to mention that for stable operation of the SEIG, the generator has to operate in the region of magnetic saturation where the magnetizing reactance is at its minimum value. As a consequence in any accurate analysis, iron loss must be included. This is particularly the case for small induction machines, where the magnitude of current in the resistance representing iron loss is almost equal to the magnitude of the magnetizing current. Neglecting the iron loss in this type of induction machine will cause large error in the analysis. Even if the iron loss is to be neglected the approximate percentage error should be known. The dynamic analysis and simulation of the SEIG are included in this paper. 1. INTRODUCTION The principle of self-excitation is well known in that when capacitors are connected across the stator terminals of an induction machine, driven by an external prime mover, voltage will be induced at its terminals [16]. Once self-excitation has initiated the induced emf and current in the stator windings will continue to rise until steady state is attained, influenced by magnetic saturation of the machine. At this steady state operating point the voltage and current through the capacitor will continue to oscillate at a given peak value and frequency. In order for self-excitation to occur, for a particular speed there is a corresponding minimum capacitance value [6-9]. The different models that have been used to analyze SEIGs are the steady state model, which include the loop-impedance method [4, 10-11], the nodal admittance method [12], and the D-Q axes model based on the generalized machine theory [5-6,13]. The steady state analysis of the SEIG including iron loss has already been reported [14-15]. However, the steady state analysis is not able to show the dynamics of the SEIG. In all analyses using the D-Q axes model of the SEIG based on the generalized machine theory reported in the literature, iron loss has been neglected. It is important to note that for stable operation of the self- excited induction generator, the machine has to operate in the region of magnetic saturation. Therefore, iron loss must be included in any accurate analysis. For small induction machines, the current associated with iron loss is of almost the same per-unit value as the magnetizing current [16]. Neglecting the iron loss will cause large errors in the analysis. Few works have been reported which include iron loss in the induction motor model in the D-Q axes [17-19]. This paper presents a novel analysis for the dynamics of the self-excited induction generator driven by a variable speed prime mover taking iron loss into account and establishes the error introduced if iron loss is neglected. Iron loss is represented as resistance Rm in the standard D-Q axis equivalent circuits. Over all this paper presents a model which takes into account the actual non-linear variation of magnetising inductance Lm and Rm as functions of voltage and predicts the dynamics of the self-excitation process in the time domain. The stability behavior of the SEIG can be studied using this model which so far has not been possible. The instantaneous voltage is predicted accurately by using the dynamic model, which is useful in studying the behavior of the SEIG connected to an inverter which may in turn connect to a load or to an active system such as an utility grid or an automotive starter/generator system [20]. 2. SELF-EXCITED INDUCTION GENERATOR DYNAMIC MODEL INCLUDING Rm To model the SEIG effectively, the parameters of the machine should be measured accurately. The parameters used in the SEIG can be obtained by conducting tests on the induction generator when it is used as a motor. The traditional tests used to determine the parameters are the open circuit (no load) test and the short circuit (locked rotor) test. The induction machine used as the SEIG in this investigation is a three-phase wound rotor induction motor with specification: 415V, 7.8A, 3.6kW, 50Hz, and 4 poles. The parameters given in the d-q equivalent circuit shown in Fig.1 are obtained by conducting parameter determination tests on the above mentioned induction machine. As it is a wound rotor induction machine there is no variation of rotor parameters with speed. The parameters obtained from the test at rated values of voltage and frequency are Lls=Llr=11.4mH, Lm=178mH, Rm=1600Ω, Rs=1.7Ω, Rr=2.7Ω. For motoring application these parameters can be used directly. However, for self-excited induction generator application the variation of Lm and Rm with voltage should be taken into consideration to find the correct voltage build up. With the correct parameters the dynamic currents, output power and induced electromagnetic torque can be predicted accurately during loading. Equation (1) is derived from the equivalent circuit given in Fig. 1. This equation represents all dynamics of the induction generator taking into account the initial conditions for the self-excitation process. In Equation (1) Kd and Kq are constants, which represent the initial induced voltages along the d-axis and q-axis respectively due to remnant magnetic flux in the core, Vcqo and Vcdo initial voltages on the capacitors and p=d/dt. Rs Lls ids V cd λds C Rr + -ωr λ_qr Llr imd Lm λ Rm idr dr (a) Rs Lls iqs V cq C λqs Llr imq Lm Rm λqr Rr +ωr λdr_ iqr (b) Fig. 1 D-Q model of SEIG at no load a) d-axis b) q-axis. From Equation (1) it is given that 0=[Z][I]+[Vo] (2) then the self-excitation currents are obtained from Equation (2) in the normal way, ie [I]=-[Z]-1[Vo] (3) from which the stator self-excitation current along the qaxis is given by: U (4) id = 8 7 6 5 Ap + Bp + Dp + Ep + Fp4 + Gp3 + Hp2 + Jp + M Here, U is a function of the machine parameters, capacitance C and initial conditions. RmLm Rm Lm p 1 0 0 Rs + Lls + p+ Rm + Lm p pC Rm + Lm p i V RmLm Rm Lm p 1 0 qs cqo 0 Rs + Lls + 0 p+ 0 Rm + Lm p pC Rm + Lm p ids Vcdo = + 0 ωr RmLm p RmLm p RmLm RmLm p iqr Kq Rr + Llr + p - ωr Llr + Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p idr Kd 0 Rm Lm p RLp RL ωr RmLm p ωr Llr + m m Rr + Llr + m m p Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p Rm + Lm p (1) A, B, D, E, F, G, H, J, and M are functions of the machine parameters. Lm (H) If one of the roots of the denominator in the expression for id is with a positive real root then there is selfexcitation. A positive real root has a growing transient response until saturation of the magnetising inductance is reached. Hence to find the roots, the denominator is set to zero as Ap8 + Bp7 + Dp6 + Ep5 + Fp4 + Gp3 + Hp2 + Jp + M = 0 When there is self-excitation, out of the eight roots at least one of them will be with positive real root. During the initiation of self-excitation, as the generated voltage is close to zero the values of Rm and Lm should be selected corresponding to a phase voltage close to zero. 0.25 3. CHARACTERISTICS OF Lm and Rm Lm starts from a small value then increases to reach its peak value and finally starts to drop [5]. The characteristic of Lm is helpful for the stability of generated voltage and to determine the minimum generated voltage with out loss of self-excitation. The value of Rm exhibits variation but over all it increases with generated voltage [15]. When the per-unit value of Rm is almost the same as Xm, neglecting Rm will give rise to an error in the analysis. The magnetising inductance, Lm, used in this investigation set up is given by a fourth order curve fit as follows: Lm=-1.56×10-11Vph4+2.44×10-8Vph3-1.19×10-3Vph2 +1.42×10-3Vph+0.245 (4) The resistance Rm representing the iron loss for the machine given here is large and the result does not have significant difference to the case when Rm is ignored. The Rm value is taken for an induction machine similar to that reported by Grantham [16]. The variation in Rm is modeled by the following curve fit Rm=3Vph+50 (5) where Vph is the phase rms voltage across Rm in parallel with Lm. Vph can be calculated by subtracting the voltage drop in the stator impedance from the terminal voltage winding for impedance determination, i.e, while the induction machine is motoring. For generator application Vph is the sum of the voltage drop in the stator impedance and the voltage at the terminals of the stator. B 0.3 A 0.2 C 0.15 Experimental 0.1 Fourth order curve fit 0.05 0 0 50 100 150 Vph (V) 200 250 300 Fig. 3 Variation of magnetizing inductance with phase voltage. The curve in Fig. 3 can be explained as follows. Between point A and B is the unstable region. If the SEIG starts to generate in this region, a small decrease in speed will cause a decrease in voltage and this will bring a decrease in Lm, which in turn decreases the voltage, and finally the voltage will collapse to zero. If the speed increases slowly and sometimes with zero acceleration so that the operating point remains in the region between A and B, there will not be any selfexcitation even at high speed. When the increase of wind speed has this characteristic then there is a possibility that self-excitation will not occur. To avoid this problem the capacitors should be connected when the speed reaches its set point because voltage build up requires a transient phenomena in the region between A and B. Between point B and C is a stable operating region. When the speed decreases voltage will decrease and Lm increases to have a new steady state operating point at lower voltage. 4. SIMULATION OF DYNAMIC SELF-EXCITATION The simulation was carried out using SIMNON [21] by rearranging equation (1) of the SEIG and solving the 2nd order differential equation given by p 2 I = Ao pI + A1 I + Bo pV + B1V . Where (6) Rs Rm Rm Rm 0 0 + − + Lls Lls Lm Lls R R R R 0 0 − s + m + m − m Lls Lls Lm Lls Ao = Rm R R R − r + m + m ωr 0 −L Llr Lm Llr lr R R R R − m − ωr − r + m + m 0 Llr Llr Lm Llr Rm Rs − L L m ls 0 A1 = 0 − ω r Rm Llr 0 ω r Rm Llr 0 delayed. The error in the steady state developed voltage, shown in Fig. 5, is very small such that it can not be seen in the given scale. From the simulation it was discovered that as the magnitude of Rm increases and become much greater than Xm there is no significant difference in the analyzed results whether Rm is included or neglected. Speed (rpm) 1500 Including Rm 0 0 Rm Rm Rm Rr ωr − + Lm Llr Llr Lm R R R R − ωr m + m − m r Lm Llr Llr Lm r 0 R R − m s Lm Lls 0 1000 Neglecting Rm 500 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 Capacitance (µF) Rm − L L m ls 0 Bo = 0 0 1 − L ls 0 B1 = 0 0 iqs ids I = iqr idr Vcq = 0 − 0 Rm Lm Lls 0 − 0 1 Lls 0 0 Rm Lm Llr 0 0 0 0 − 0 − 1 Llr 0 0 0 Rm − Lm Llr Fig.4 Values of capacitance and speed for self-excitation at no load. 0 0 0 0 1 − Llr Fig.5 RMS phase voltage during self-excitation. 5. DYNAMICS OF SEIG DURING LOADING When a load is connected across the capacitors in Fig.1 power will flow to the load. The current flowing to the load, iL, is given by (7) i L = i s − iC Vcq Vcd V = Kq K d 1 iqs dt + Vcq C∫ t =0 , Vcd = where is is total stator current and iC capacitor current. 1 ids dt + Vcd C∫ t =0 As can be seen in Fig. 4 when the magnitude of Rm is almost the same as Xm the onset of self excitation is is the total The induced electromagnetic torque or the mechanical torque required to drive the induction generator is given by [22]: 3 (8) T = P λ × I e 2 p m r Analyzing equation (8), the dynamic induced electromagnetic torque with Rm included can expressed as Te = R 3 PP R m ( iqs idr − ids iqr ) − m Te 2 Lm (9) The results given here are the simulation for the induction generator when it is driven at constant speed (1500rpm) and variable capacitance and resistive load are connected at the stator terminals. The variations of capacitance and resistance are given in Fig. 6. Fig. 8 The dynamic electromagnetic torque Fig. 6 Variation of connected capacitor and resistor. Fig. 9 Dynamic currents in the load, capacitor and stator of the SEIG Fig. 7 The dynamic rms generated voltage The dynamic variation of voltage current, power and torque with variation in load and capacitance are shown in Figs. 7 to Fig. 10. At no load the effect of Rm is insignificant. However, when the induction generator is loaded neglecting Rm will result in an error. When Rm is included, which depicts the actual situation, the generated voltage, currents, and output power are lower than that for Rm neglected. However, due to additional losses the electromagnetic torque with Rm included is higher than without Rm. Fig. 10 The dynamic output power. 6. CONCLUSION This paper has described a novel way of including Rm in the dynamic analysis and simulation of the SEIG in the D-Q axes model. To neglect the iron loss, first it has to be shown that its effect is negligible. This paper provides the tool to reach such a decision. When Rm is included, which depicts the actual situation, the generated voltage, currents, and output power are lower than that for Rm neglected. However, due to additional losses the electromagnetic torque with Rm included is higher than without Rm. The paper additionally paves the way for the more general dynamic analysis of induction machines and their high performance drives with the effects of iron loss included in an easily understood model for the first time. 7. REFERENCES [1] Basset, E.D., and Potter, F.M., “Capacitive Excitation of Induction Generators”, Trans. of the Amer. Inst. Electr, Eng., Vol. 54, No. 5, May 1935, pp. 540-545. [2] Wagner, C.F., “Self-excitation of Induction Motors”, Trans. of the Amer. Inst. Electr, Eng., Vol. 58, Feb. 1939, pp. 47-51. [3] Tandon, A.K., Murthy, S.S., and Berg, G.J., “Steady State Analysis of Capacitor Self-Excited Induction Generators”, IEEE Transaction on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. 103, No.3, March 1984, pp. 612-618. 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