1: Mac Laptop Excel Keyboard Shortcuts

Mac Laptop Excel Keyboard Shortcuts
Note: All shortcuts are tested with Default Keyboard Shortcuts setting and Function Key setting unchecked.
To check your settings open System Preferences, under Hardware select Keyboard, select Keyboard tab, and
make sure the Function Key box is unchecked.
Navigation commands
Arrow keys: move left, right, up or down one cell
Cmd + Arrow keys: moves up, down, left or right to edge of continuous data
Fn + Up arrow/Down arrow: moves up or down one screen
Fn + Ctrl + Left arrow: moves to cell A1
Fn + Ctrl + Right arrow: moves to last cell in use in worksheet
Fn + Ctrl + Up arrow/Down arrow or Alt + Left arrow/Right arrow: pages through
Ctrl + Tab: moves to next window of excel
Fn + F5: prompts for a cell to go to, type cell letter (column) and number (row) into
name box, then hit enter, and excel will move active cell indicator here
Shortcuts for Selecting Cells
Shift + Arrow key: expands selection in direction of arrow
Shift + spacebar: selects entire row
Ctrl+ spacebar: selects entire column
Click on column letter: selects entire column
Click on row number: selects entire row
Shift + Fn + Left arrow: expands selection to beginning of row
Shift + Ctrl + Arrow key: expands selection to last nonblank cell
Cmd + left click: allows non-adjacent cell selection
Cmd + A: selects entire worksheet
Ctrl + G: prompts for range to select
Cmd + [: selects cells referenced in formula in active cell
To select data in adjacent columns: select top left cell of first column, then Shift +
Right arrow, then Shift + Ctrl + Down arrow
To select data in non-adjacent columns: select top left cell of first column, then
Shift + Ctrl + Down arrow, then move cursor over top cell of non-adjacent column,
press Cmd + left click, then Shift + Ctrl + Down arrow
Formatting Shortcut Keys
Cmd + 1: format object
Ctrl + Shift + 1: applies comma format with 2 decimal places
Ctrl + Shift + 2: applies time format
Ctrl + Shift + 3: applies date format
Ctrl + Shift + $: applies currency format
Ctrl + Shift + %: applies percent format
Cmd + B: sets and removes boldface
Cmd + U: sets and removes underline
Cmd + I: sets and removes italics
Cmd + E: aligns center
Cmd + L: aligns left
Cmd + R: aligns right
Cmd + Shift + _ : Sets and removes strikethrough
Cmd + Alt + 0: applies border on all sides
Cmd + Alt + Right arrow: applies border on right side
Cmd + Alt + Left arrow: applies border on left side
Cmd + Alt + Up arrow: applies border on top
Cmd + Alt + Down arrow: applies border on bottom
Cmd + Alt + _ : removes borders
Other Valuable Shortcut Keys
Cmd + N: equals “file, new”
Cmd + O: equals “file, open”
Cmd + C: equals “copy”
Cmd + V: equals “paste”
Cmd + F: equals “find”
Cmd + S: equals “save”
Cmd + Z: equals “edit, undo”
Cmd + Y: equals “edit, redo”
Cmd + ; : enters current time
Ctrl + ; : enters current date
Fn + Shift + F2: inserts a comment
Cmd + T: locks a reference number in a calculation
Ctrl + U: edits cell
Ctrl + left click: right click
Fn + Delete: deletes from the right side of cursor