282218792Page 1 of 2 Created by Lynn Bennett Skill Builder Strategy Strips Talk to a source of support Fly a kite Think of loved one Create a riddle Carry a picture with you Tell a joke Draw Try to wink Run Stop and think Write Paint Read Play catch Ride a bike Kick a soccer ball Sing Swing Play a game Bird watch Jump rope Look for shapes in clouds Pet an animal Spin Dance Make something Eat Blow up a balloon Laugh Bake or cook Help someone Look for a four leaf clover Drink water Take a hike Take pictures Take a nap Give a hug Smile Talk on the phone Take a walk http://missouricareereducation.org/curr/cmd/guidanceplacementG/elearning/ Missing You GRADE k-2 SESSION 4 http://missouricareereducation.org/curr/cmd/guidanceplacementG/elearning/