Minutes of Board Meeting September 2015

Teresa Medhurst, Interim Director of Strategy and Innovation, SPS (Chair)
Sharon Lawson, Executive Personal Assistant/Chief Executive, SPS (Minutes)
Melanie Allan, Head of Finance, SPS
Sue Browell, Non-Executive Director
Katharine McGivern, Project Manager, SPS
Alex McMillan, Non-Executive Director
Brigadier Hugh Monro, Non-Executive Director
Fraser Munro, Director of Operational Support, SPS
Ruth Sutherland, Head of Executive Support and Legal Services, SPS
Catherine Topley, Director of Corporate Services, SPS
In Attendance:
Sarah Angus, Head of Corporate Planning and Performance, SPS (Item 1 only)
Neal MacCowan, Strategy and Innovation Directorate, SPS (Item 1 only)
Angela Cullen, Assistant Director, Audit Scotland (Item 4 only)
Gordon Allan, Head of Audit and Assurance, SPS (Item 5 only)
Jan Polley, Polley Solutions (Observer)
Welcome and Apologies for Absence
In the absence of the Chief Executive on annual leave, Mrs Medhurst welcomed members to the
meeting, in particular, Ms Polley who was assisting Ms McGivern with her review of corporate governance
and was attending the Board as an observer.
The Advisory Board was pleased to note that Mr Murch had returned to work on a phased basis and
would be working with the Chief Executive.
Apologies for absence were received from Messrs McConnell, Fox, Murch and Stoney, and Ms van
Declarations of Interest
Mrs Topley had recently circulated an E-Mail advising that a relative had taken up appointment with
Operational Update
Mr Munro updated members on population figures, HMP Grampian, a recent press article on
HMP Addiewell and G4S' performance.
There followed a discussion on HMP Grampian and Mr Stoney was asked to provide a paper on
options for the future use of Cruden Hall for the January Board meeting.
Action: Mr Stoney
Brigadier Monro also asked for an update on women offenders and it was agreed to provide an
options/scenario planning paper for the next Board meeting.
Action: Mrs Medhurst/Ms Hotchkiss
Further Governor-in-Charge appointments had recently been made at HMPs Dumfries, Inverness,
Low Moss and Perth (on an interim basis).
BOARD MINUTES (16.09.15)
Quarter 1 (Q1) Annual Delivery Plan (ADP) Performance and Dashboard Development (PB(SEP)01/15)
The Advisory Board welcomed Ms Angus and Mr MacCowan to the meeting. Ms Angus advised that
this report provided an update on delivery of Q1 of the ADP and Dashboard Development. Directors had
had the opportunity to quality assure the Q1 returns on performance.
The 2015-16 ADP sets out SPS' 6 strategic priorities and associated outcomes, further broken down
into 22 themes and 87 corporate deliverables. The corporate deliverables have published timescales and
identified individuals in lead Directorates in the ADP, which constitutes the foundation of Directorate and
establishment business planning.
The key messages on overall performance at end Q1 are as follows:
Performance indicates 68% of Directorate deliverables have been completed, with a further
14 deliverables having been completed ahead of their targeted schedule.
Delivery as at end Q1 indicates 10% of the total deliverables due in Q1-Q4 are complete.
The Executive Team have agreed to a commissioning process for the next ADP which is
aligned to the budget planning process, and a structure for consultation on the ADP
corporate deliverables.
Dashboard Development
To ensure that the dashboard is useful for the Advisory Board and the Executive Team, detailed
research, analysis and consultation with key stakeholders on its structure and content has been
undertaken. The prototype has been developed and includes:
corporate performance information;
operational performance information; and
delivery against the ADP.
The information on thematic progress will be represented monthly, with a more detailed narrative
report being provided on a quarterly basis.
Discussion about presentation of the information, and how to utilise data that may already exist
within Directorates then followed.
The Advisory Board were pleased to note progress but asked for further assurance at the November
meeting that Directorates/establishments were on track to meet their deliverables. [Ms Angus and
Mr MacCowan left the meeting at this point.]
Action: Ms Angus
Audit Scotland: SPS Governance Arrangements Report (PB(SEP)04/15)
The Advisory Board welcomed Ms Cullen to the meeting at this point. She advised that this audit
had been undertaken in November 2014 as part of Audit Scotland's 2013-14 work programme, with the
report publishing in February 2015. The report identified areas where governance could be improved in
relation to risk management, and the role and effectiveness of both the Advisory Board and Risk
Monitoring and Audit Committee (RMAC).
The report contained 24 recommendations and a follow-up audit would be undertaken later this
year to consider progress, with the results of this follow-up programme being discussed at future meetings
of both the Advisory Board and RMAC. The NEDs' advised that their experience to date recognises that
changes have been realised and actioned.
BOARD MINUTES (16.09.15)
Ms McGivern advised that this report had been very helpful to her in her current role and agreed to
meet with Ms Cullen once her work was complete to discuss best practice.
Action: Ms McGivern
There then followed a discussion about Advisory Board Chairs and Ms Cullen agreed to send
Ms Lawson a link to the Audit Scotland guidance on the Role of Boards for further circulation to members.
Action: Ms Cullen/Ms Lawson
The Advisory Board agreed that this had been a good discussion based around an excellent report,
which provided the opportunity for the Board to re-evaluate itself and provide a broader understanding for
staff. They thanked Ms Cullen for her attendance at the meeting. [Ms Cullen left the meeting at this
Corporate Risk Register: Trade Union Access (PB(SEP)05/15)
Mr Allan joined the meeting at this point and advised that this paper invited the Board to consider a
request from the Prison Governors' Association (PGA) for access to the Corporate Risk Register, together
with the wider aspect of granting access to other SPS Trade Unions and interested outside parties.
Mr Allan advised that a Corporate Risk Register is a risk management tool commonly used in risk
management and regulatory compliance. It acts as a central repository for all corporate risks identified by
the organisation and which, should they materialise, may threaten the achievement of corporate business
Members discussed this issue at length and the consensus was that the full Register should be made
available in narrative form only. However, prior to issue, this should be reviewed by both the Advisory
Board and the RMAC. Thereafter, if members of both groups were content, publication of the Register
could then be discussed. [Mr Allan left the meeting at this stage.]
Action: Mr Allan to prepare Risk Register in narrative form
Action: Mr Fox and Mr Allan to discuss publication
Delayed Payment of Pensions to Retiring Civil Servants: Update (PB(SEP)06/15)
This paper updated Board members on performance concerns in relation to Civil Service pension
administration. Members had previously been advised at the Advisory Board meeting in May of problems
being encountered.
Productive working relationships with MyCSP staff have now developed and there is evidence that
the MyCSP Service Delivery Manager and her Team Leader are taking SPS' concerns seriously and acting
upon them. The standard of service for processing pensions has certainly improved, and whilst this has
been fed back to MyCSP, it has also been made clear that it is not yet at a satisfactory standard. Whilst
acknowledging that it has been a very difficult 12 months, MyCSP seem confident that they have now
caught up with the backlog. SPS have been advised that Cabinet Office is now imposing penalties for the
late payment of pensions.
In addition to the payment of pensions, MyCSP's financial management performance is of growing
concern to SPS. SPS lack assurance in the billing process and the ability of MyCSP to provide accurate
monthly invoices going forward and as a temporary control measure, have stopped the direct debit on our
bank account to MyCSP. MyCSP are keen to return to an automated billing process as quickly as possible
and advise that they will address these concerns, however, Finance colleagues will only re-authorise the
direct debit when they have confidence in the monthly billing process.
Employees of SPS are entitled to expect the effective administration of their pension and SPS will
continue to support both our staff and MyCSP with the aim of ensuring this service is provided. Financial
concerns will be escalated with MyCSP and, if not resolved, to Cabinet Office.
BOARD MINUTES (16.09.15)
The Advisory Board suggested that the Chief Executive, together with other Agency Chief
Executives who were experiencing difficulties with the service being provided, should write to MyCSP to
highlight their concerns.
Action: Mrs Topley/Mr McConnell
It was also suggested that a joint communication from SPS and the Trade Unions be issued to staff
of retirement age making them aware of the problems being experienced and the work being undertaken
by SPS to resolve this.
Action: Mrs Topley
Staff Survey Results (PB(SEP)07/15)
This paper re-visited the results of the 2014 People Survey and informed Advisory Board members of
the improvement initiatives that have taken place since. This includes on-going work by the Directorate of
Corporate Services to develop SPS' approach to the People Survey as a means to supporting corporate
business planning and complementing local action planning by leaders.
Participation rates in some parts of SPS fell sharply in 2014, to give an overall response rate of 47%
(62% in 2013). Whilst the response rate in 2014 decreased, the overall engagement index - a measure of
how attached and proud people feel to work for SPS - remained strong at 58% (59% in 2013), which matches
the Civil Service average, and is favourable compared to non-policy Agencies.
The 2015 Survey will run from 1-31 October and the Executive Team should receive organisational
highlights prior to the Christmas break.
There then followed a discussion about promoting the survey and how staff participation could be
encouraged. Mr McMillan spoke of the work his company had undertaken in this respect and agreed to
pass examples of promotional materials etc to Ms Topley.
Action: Mr McMillan/Mrs Topley
The NEDs felt it would be beneficial to hold future Advisory Board meetings in establishments, with
focus groups with both staff and prisoners being held in the afternoons, and asked if this could be
arranged. They also intimated that they would be happy to meet with HQ staff.
Action: Mr McConnell
Ms Topley agreed to send a paper on benefits packages for staff to Ms Browell for any comments
she wished to make.
Action: Mrs Topley/Ms Browell
Members noted the actions that are taking place across SPS and recognised the collective efforts to
better align the survey results with business planning. They asked that the results of the 2015 survey be
discussed at the January meeting.
Action: Mrs Topley
Financial Report to August 2015 (PB(SEP)08/15)
This paper provided the Advisory Board with the regular update on financial performance for the
year to date.
The draft budget for 2016-17 would normally be published by Scottish Government during
September. However, due to a later than expected Spending Review by HM Treasury, there is a risk that
draft budget figures will not be available until late 2015-early 2016. This will mean that work will have to
continue into the final quarter in order to finalise budgets. In order to prepare for this, Finance colleagues
will start its usual planning process in October.
In July, HM Treasury announced that it would be asking departments to model 2 scenarios, of 25%
and 40% savings in real terms, by 2019-20. Scottish Government Justice colleagues organised workshop
BOARD MINUTES (16.09.15)
events in early August to discuss future budget challenges. Since the July meeting, Finance colleagues
have met with Scottish Government Justice Finance colleagues to discuss the new reporting timetable and
have agreed that SPS will continue to submit using the normal month end reporting timetable.
Discussion followed on possible budget cuts and the implications this would have on the operation
of SPS. Mrs Allan advised that 98% of the budget allocated to SPS was simply to 'standstill'; the remaining
2% provided for new initiatives etc.
The Advisory Board thanked Mrs Allan for the helpful update and noted the paper.
Report from Chair of the Risk Monitoring and Audit Committee (RMAC)
This report summarised the work of the RMAC in 2014-15 and was noted by members.
Draft Minutes of the Board Meeting Held on 22 July (PB(MIN)04/15)
Subject to a minor change at paragraph 6, the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May were agreed
as a true record of the meeting.
Confirmation of SPS Advisory Board Meeting Dates for 2016
The dates for the 2016 SPS Advisory Board meetings were confirmed as:
20 January; 16 March; 25 May; 20 July; 28 September; and 23 November
Unless otherwise advised, all meetings would begin at 10.30am and be held in the Board Room at
Any Other Business
Mrs Topley made members aware of a potential HR issue. Members were concerned about the
possible implications this may have and asked that an update be provided at the next meeting.
Action: Mrs Topley
Mrs Medhurst updated the Advisory Board on Learning Centre contracts, which were due to be
extended at end July for a further period of 2 years. However, both providers were unwilling to sign up to
an extension due to monetary concerns. Negotiations were currently taking place to discuss the
implications a reduction in service would have on establishments. This issue had also been discussed at a
recent Executive Team meeting and the Chief Executive had asked to meet with the College Chief
Executives on his return from annual leave to discuss their concerns.
Action: Ms Lawson
Brigadier Monro raised the issue of HM Inspector of Prisons (HMIP) inspection reports. It was the
RMAC's remit to consider any specific points contained within these reports and report any trends to the
Advisory Board, but Mr McMillan agreed to raise this at the next RMAC meeting. Ms Lawson also
undertook to speak with Communications colleagues to ensure that NEDs were added to the distribution
list for future reports.
Action: Mr McMillan/Ms Lawson
Date of Next Meeting
The next meeting would be held on Wednesday 25 November at 10.30am in the Board Room, Calton
Board Secretariat
September 2015
BOARD MINUTES (16.09.15)