In order to get the G.C.S.E. grade you are capable of, you must make your own revision notes using your Physics notebook. When summarising notes, use different colours and draw diagrams/pictures. If you do, you will find them easier to remember. Once you have made revision notes for a topic, re-visit these regularly (on the day of your examination you will not remember something you revised 4 weeks previously). Each time you re-visit a note, tick the top of the page/card. This will allow you to identify any notes you have neglected. WARNING: DO NOT RELY SOLELY ON THE REVISION POWERPOINTS! ELECTRON NEUTRON Negative No Charge PROTON Positive Two positive protons and two negative electrons Gain an electron to become negative Lose an electron to become positive It’s all about moving electrons Acetate positive - + - + - Polythene Negative Cloth Negative + + - + - + - + - + Cloth Positive + - + Like charges repel: Opposite charges repel: 1. Painting a Car Positive Car Negative spray gun 1. 2. The paint spreads out as each negative drop repels No paint is wasted as the positive car attracts the negative paint 2. Removing particles from waste gases Electricity Contents Static charge can be dangerous when a charged object discharges (loses its extra charge). If an object discharges through a person the person will get an electric shock. If a charged object discharges and produces a spark it can cause a fire. To prevent these, objects are connected, usually to the ground, so that they cannot become charged, e.g. a petrol tanker. Maxol Chain connects the tanker to the ground, preventing the build up of charge. An electric current is a flow of electric charge. In a wire, an electric current is due to the movement of electrons. Every circuit will have a power source, and this is where the electrons gain their energy. This energy is then taken around the circuit and given to the different circuit components In circuit diagrams, components are represented by the following symbols: cell battery diode variable resistor switch lamp resistor voltmeter ammeter Current Contents All sources have a positive terminal and a negative terminal. Electric current flows from positive to negative, even though the electrons, which are negatively charged, move from negative to positive Current is measured in amps. The current at a point in a circuit is equal to the amount of charge (in Coulombs) that passes that point in one second. charge = current x time Coulombs amps Where: Q IXt Q =charge I = current T = time seconds + - current electron flow x Current is measured using an ammeter. SERIES CIRCUIT 2A • current is the same at all points in the circuit. 2A 2A PARALLEL CIRCUIT • current is shared between the components 4A 4A 2A 2A Voltage Contents The potential difference (or voltage) between two points in a circuit is the amount of electrical energy converted into other forms when one coulomb moves between those points. (click to see the potential difference between points c and d) The voltage of a battery/source tells you how much electrical energy one coulomb gains when it moves through the battery/source. (click to see the battery voltage) a+ - b Voltage = 5 V when 1 coulomb moves through the battery it gains 5 joules of electrical energy. 5V 5V c x d Voltage = 5 V when 1 coulomb moves between c and d, 5 joules of electrical energy is converted into heat and light. Voltage is measured using a voltmeter. 3V SERIES CIRCUIT Supply voltage is shared between all components. PARALLEL CIRCUIT The voltages across parallel sections are identical 1.5V 1.5V 3V 3V 3V What are the unknown voltages and currents in the following circuits? (1) (2) 1A ? 5V 3A 3V ?V 3A ?A 1A ? 1V ?A 1A 1V ?A 1.5A 0.5A ? (3) 4.5V 3A 1.5V ?V ?A 1.5A ? 3V ?A 1.5A Resistance Contents To investigate how the voltage across a component affects the current through it you should use the following circuit. LEARN THIS! 12 V 12 V Method: 1. Set up the circuit opposite, with the variable resistor set at its maximum value. 2. Turn on the power supply and record the current and voltage. 3. Change the setting on the variable resistor and record the new voltage and current values Component symbol A 6 18 V Remember: X diode filament bulb resistor Current Whatever happens to the gradient the opposite happens the resistance. Voltage Current Current Voltage Metal at constant temp. constant gradient constant resistance Current Voltage Filament bulb decreasing gradient increasing resistance Voltage Diode only allows current to flow in one direction (–ve voltage no current) Anything placed in an electric circuit will offer some opposition to the flow of current (charge). This opposition is called resistance. A Resistor is anything which is specially constructed to have resistance. There are two types: a fixed resistor and a variable resistor. Fixed resistor symbol: Conductors low resistance Variable resistor symbol: Insulators high resistance The resistance of a conductor depends on: 1. Length resistance is directly proportional to length – if you double length you double resistance 2. Area the greater the area the smaller the resistance 3. Material 1. Series: R1 R2 R3 RT RT = R1 + R2 + R3 2. Parallel: R1 R2 RT R3 1 = 1 +1 +1 RT = R1 R2 R3 Ohm’s law states that the current (amps) flowing through a conductor is directly proportional to the potential difference (volts) across its ends provided the temperature remains constant. V = IR V IXR Calculate: (a) the current leaving the battery (click for solution) (b) the current through each component (click for solution) (C) the voltage across each component (Click for solution) 12 V 1 (a) I = V/R I = supply voltage / total resistance I = 12 / (18 + 6) = 12 / 24 = 0.5 A 18 6 (b) Series circuit current is constant current = 0.5 A (c) V = IR 18 : V = 0.5 x 18 = 9 V 6 : V = 0.5 x 6 = 3 V Calculate: (a) the current leaving the battery (click for solution) (b) the current through each component (click for solution) (C) the voltage across each component (Click for solution) 2 12 V (a) I = V/R I = supply voltage / total resistance Total resistance: 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 Total resistance: 1/RT = 1/12 + 1/12 Total resistance: 1/RT = 2/12 = 1/6 12 12 RT = 6 I = 12 / 6 = 2 A (b) Parallel circuit V across each section = 12 V V across each 12 resistor = 12 V I = V/R = 12/12 = 1 A (c) V = 12 V (see above) Calculate: (a) the current leaving the battery (click for solution) (b) the current through each component (click for solution) (C) the voltage across each component (Click for solution) (a) I = V/R 3 10 V I = supply voltage / total resistance Total resistance: 1/RT = 1/R1 + 1/R2 of parallel section Total resistance: 1/RT = 1/20 + 1/20 20 Total resistance: 1/RT = 2/20 = 1/10 10 RT = 10 Total resistance: RT = 10 + 10 = 20 I = 10 / 20 = 0.5 A 20 (b) Current through 10 = current leaving battery = 0.5 A V across 10 = IR = 0.5 x 10 = 5V V across 20 = (10 – 5) = 5 V Current through 20 = V/R = 5/20 = 0.25 A (c) V across 20 = 5 V; V across 10 = 5 V (see above) Graphs Contents An electrical device converts electrical energy into other forms. The amount of energy it converts per second is the power of the device. Power is measured in watts (W). If the current through a device and the voltage across it are I and V respectively, the power is given by: P P =VI VXI Since V = IR, the power equation can also be written as: P = I 2R P = V2/R Questions Contents Lightning Fire/damage to the building Electrons transfer from balloon to cloth Balloon now has a deficiency of electrons Balloon is positively charged Click for solutions Same The two balloons are repelling one another Like charges repel Therefore, both balloons are positively charged V I = V/R I = 1/5 I = 0.2 A Series: Rt = R1 + R2 Rt =5 + 10 = 15 Click for solutions V=IxR Battery voltage = current leaving the battery x total resistance V = 0.2 x 15 V=3V Click for solutions Q=Ixt Q = 0.2 x 600 Q = 120 C 1/Rt = 1/R1 + 1/R2 1/Rt = 1/60 + 1/40 1/Rt = 1/24 Rt = 24 I = V/R I = 24/40 I = 0.6 A Click for solutions It operates at a voltage of 240 volts and has a power rating of 80 watts Click for solutions I =P/V I = 80/240 I = 0.33 A Contents