RECOMMENDED BOLT TORQUE REQUIREMENTS For Ring Type Joint Gaskets ASME B16.5 BOLT MATERIALS - ASTM A193 B7, B16 & ASTM A320 L7 CLASS 150 CLASS 300 Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated ½” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 ½” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 ¾” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 ¾” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 1” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 1” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 1¼” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 1¼” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 1½” 4 ½ 276 40 56 90 1½” 4 ¾ 276 139 203 313 2” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 2” 8 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 2½” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 2½” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 3” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 3” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 4” 8 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 4” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 5” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 5” 8 ¾ 276 156 229 352 6” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 6” 12 ¾ 276 156 229 352 8” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 8” 12 ⅞ 276 249 366 565 10” 12 ⅞ 276 221 325 502 10” 16 1 276 330 485 748 12” 12 ⅞ 276 221 325 502 12” 16 1⅛ 276 479 708 1098 14” 12 1 276 330 485 748 14” 20 1⅛ 276 479 708 1098 16” 16 1 276 330 485 748 16” 20 1¼ 276 668 992 1543 18” 16 1⅛ 276 479 708 1098 18” 24 1¼ 276 668 992 1543 20” 20 1⅛ 276 479 708 1098 20” 24 1¼ 310 752 1116 1736 24” 20 1¼ 276 668 992 1543 24” 24 1½ 310 1329 1988 3108 Please note: These torque values are only valid for the type of bolting, gasket and lubricant as specified. These torque values are indicative for general purpose applications. In cases where high temperature conditions, thermal or pressure cycling, vibration or severe misalignments are present, please contact Klinger Mzansi for advice. Klinger Mzansi (Pty) Limited Tel: +27 (0)11 842 8300 | Fax: +27 (0)11 827 9142 Email: | Website: Torque Procedure: 1. Ensure that all gasket sealing faces are clean and defect free. 2. Ensure that all friction bearing surfaces are clean and well lubricated. 3. Ensure that the gasket is of the correct material and size. 4. Ensure that initial flange alignment is within 1mm per 200mm diameter. 5. Hand tighten all nuts. 6. Torque nuts following a cross pattern in stages ie 30%, 60% and 100% of final torque value. 7. Do a final check pass in a clocklwise or anticlockwise direction at the final torque value. 8. The final flange alignment must be within 0.5mm. 9. Retorque as required for high temperature or cyclic applications. RECOMMENDED BOLT TORQUE REQUIREMENTS For Ring Type Joint Gaskets ASME B16.5 BOLT MATERIALS - ASTM A193 B7, B16 & ASTM A320 L7 CLASS 600 CLASS 900 Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated ½” 4 ½ 276 40 59 90 ½” 4 ¾ 276 139 203 313 ¾” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 ¾” 4 ¾ 276 139 203 313 1” 4 ⅝ 276 79 116 178 1” 4 ⅞ 276 221 325 502 1¼” 4 ⅝ 310 89 130 200 1¼” 4 ⅞ 276 221 325 502 1½” 4 ¾ 276 139 203 313 1½” 4 1 276 330 485 748 2” 8 ⅝ 310 89 130 200 2” 8 ⅞ 276 221 325 502 2½” 8 ¾ 276 139 203 313 2½” 8 1 276 330 485 748 3” 8 ¾ 310 156 229 352 3” 8 ⅞ 310 249 366 565 4” 8 ⅞ 310 249 366 565 4” 8 1⅛ 310 539 797 1235 5” 8 1 310 371 545 842 5” 8 1¼ 310 752 1116 1736 6” 12 1 310 371 545 842 6” 12 1⅛ 310 539 797 1235 8” 12 1⅛ 310 539 797 1235 8” 12 1⅜ 310 1014 1511 2356 10” 16 1¼ 310 752 1116 1736 10” 16 1⅜ 310 1014 1511 2356 12” 20 1¼ 310 752 1116 1736 12” 20 1⅜ 310 1014 1511 2356 14” 20 1⅜ 310 1014 1511 2356 14” 20 1½ 345 1477 2209 3453 16” 20 1½ 310 1329 1988 3108 16” 20 1⅝ 345 1893 2839 4447 18” 20 1⅝ 310 1704 2555 4002 18” 20 1⅞ 345 2951 4444 6984 20” 24 1⅝ 310 1704 2555 4002 20” 20 2 345 3599 5430 8545 24” 24 1⅞ 310 2656 4000 6286 24” 20 2½ 310 6410 9728 15369 Please note: These torque values are only valid for the type of bolting, gasket and lubricant as specified. These torque values are indicative for general purpose applications. In cases where high temperature conditions, thermal or pressure cycling, vibration or severe misalignments are present, please contact Klinger Mzansi for advice. Klinger Mzansi (Pty) Limited Tel: +27 (0)11 842 8300 | Fax: +27 (0)11 827 9142 Email: | Website: Torque Procedure: 1. Ensure that all gasket sealing faces are clean and defect free. 2. Ensure that all friction bearing surfaces are clean and well lubricated. 3. Ensure that the gasket is of the correct material and size. 4. Ensure that initial flange alignment is within 1mm per 200mm diameter. 5. Hand tighten all nuts. 6. Torque nuts following a cross pattern in stages ie 30%, 60% and 100% of final torque value. 7. Do a final check pass in a clocklwise or anticlockwise direction at the final torque value. 8. The final flange alignment must be within 0.5mm. 9. Retorque as required for high temperature or cyclic applications. RECOMMENDED BOLT TORQUE REQUIREMENTS For Ring Type Joint Gaskets ASME B16.5 BOLT MATERIALS - ASTM A193 B7, B16 & ASTM A320 L7 CLASS 1500 CLASS 2500 Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Recommended Minimum Torque Values (Nm) Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated Flange NPS No of Bolts Bolt Size RBS (MPa) µ=0.09 Copperslip µ=0.14 Chesterton Nickle µ=0.225 Unlubricated ½” 4 ¾ 276 139 203 313 ½” 4 ¾ 345 173 254 392 ¾” 4 ¾ 310 156 209 352 ¾” 4 ¾ 345 173 254 392 1” 4 ⅞ 310 249 366 565 1” 4 ⅞ 379 304 447 691 1¼” 4 ⅞ 310 249 366 565 1¼” 4 1 379 453 666 1029 1½” 4 1 310 371 545 842 1½” 4 1⅛ 379 659 974 1510 2” 8 ⅞ 345 277 407 628 2” 8 1 379 453 666 1029 2½” 8 1 310 371 545 842 2½” 8 1⅛ 379 659 974 1510 3” 8 1⅛ 345 599 885 1372 3” 8 1¼ 345 835 1240 1929 4” 8 1¼ 345 835 1240 1929 4” 8 1½ 379 1625 2430 3798 5” 8 1½ 345 1377 2209 3453 5” 8 1¾ 379 2618 3935 6174 6” 12 1⅜ 310 1014 1511 2356 6” 8 2 379 3958 5973 9399 8” 12 1⅝ 345 1893 2839 4447 8” 12 2 379 3958 5973 9399 10” 12 1⅞ 345 2951 4444 6984 10” 12 2½ 345 7122 10809 17077 12” 16 2 345 3599 5430 8545 12” 12 2¾ 379 10502 15972 25272 14” 16” 18” 20” 24” 16 16 16 16 16 2¼ 2½ 2¾ 3 3½ 345 345 345 345 345 5161 7122 9547 12431 19888 7813 10809 14520 18940 30387 12321 17077 22974 30005 48235 Please note: These torque values are only valid for the type of bolting, gasket and lubricant as specified. These torque values are indicative for general purpose applications. In cases where high temperature conditions, thermal or pressure cycling, vibration or severe misalignments are present, please contact Klinger Mzansi for advice. Klinger Mzansi (Pty) Limited Tel: +27 (0)11 842 8300 | Fax: +27 (0)11 827 9142 Email: | Website: Torque Procedure: 1. Ensure that all gasket sealing faces are clean and defect free. 2. Ensure that all friction bearing surfaces are clean and well lubricated. 3. Ensure that the gasket is of the correct material and size. 4. Ensure that initial flange alignment is within 1mm per 200mm diameter. 5. Hand tighten all nuts. 6. Torque nuts following a cross pattern in stages ie 30%, 60% and 100% of final torque value. 7. Do a final check pass in a clocklwise or anticlockwise direction at the final torque value. 8. The final flange alignment must be within 0.5mm. 9. Retorque as required for high temperature or cyclic applications.