State of the River Report A report on the environmental health of the Rideau River Prepared by the Research and Monitoring Committee of the Rideau River Roundtable December 2001 State of the River Report A report on the environmental health of the Rideau River Prepared by the Research and Monitoring Committee of the Rideau River Roundtable December 2001 Acknowledgments This report has been prepared by the Research and Monitoring Committee of the Rideau River Roundtable, with funding provided by the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The Rideau River Roundtable is an association of individuals and organizations working together to care for the health of the Rideau River from Smiths Falls to Ottawa. The Ontario Trillium Foundation is an agency of the Ministry of Citizenship, Culture and Recreation. The Foundation receives $100 million a year from the Province’s charitable gaming initiative, and provides grants to eligible charitable and notfor-profit organizations in the arts, culture, sports, recreation, environment and social service sectors. Table of Contents Executive Summary.....................................................................................................................................i Introduction ....................................................................................................................................................iv Acknowledgements 1 Overview: the Rideau River Landscape ............................................................................................1 2 Water Quality Indicators............................................................................................................................4 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................................4 Total phosphorus ...................................................................................................................................................5 Nitrate and nitrite ...................................................................................................................................................7 Dissolved oxygen...................................................................................................................................................8 Algal abundance ..................................................................................................................................................10 Metals...................................................................................................................................................................12 Bacteria (E. col)i...................................................................................................................................................14 Summary..............................................................................................................................................................16 3 Biological Indicators .................................................................................................................................18 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................18 Species diversity..................................................................................................................................................18 Species at risk......................................................................................................................................................20 Fish diversity and abundance .............................................................................................................................22 Restrictions on fish consumption ........................................................................................................................26 Aquatic plant diversity and abundance...............................................................................................................28 Aquatic plant harvesting ......................................................................................................................................31 Non-native species: zebra mussels ....................................................................................................................33 Summary..............................................................................................................................................................36 4 Stress Indicators .........................................................................................................................................37 Introduction ..........................................................................................................................................................37 Population growth ................................................................................................................................................37 Urban growth and density ...................................................................................................................................38 Permits to take water...........................................................................................................................................41 Boat traffic ............................................................................................................................................................42 Water level manipulation – effects on fish .........................................................................................................45 Population served by wastewater treatment ......................................................................................................47 Agricultural activities............................................................................................................................................49 Summary..............................................................................................................................................................51 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 4.5 4.6 4.7 4.8 Data Gaps .......................................................................................................................................................54 Recommendations .....................................................................................................................................55 Contacts and Data Sources ...................................................................................................................57 Bibliography ..................................................................................................................................................59 Appendices ....................................................................................................................................................62 i List of Figures Figure 1 Map of the Rideau River ...............................................................................................................................1 Figure 2 Average monthly discharge of the Rideau River at Ottawa, 1933-2000.....................................................2 Figure 3 Map of the Rideau River watershed .............................................................................................................3 Figure 4 Average annual total phosphorus, 1970-2000 .............................................................................................6 Figure 5 Average annual total phosphorus, 1993-2000 .............................................................................................6 Figure 6 Average annual nitrate + nitrite, 1993-2000.................................................................................................8 Figure 7 Average annual dissolved oxygen, 1998-2000 ............................................................................................9 Figure 8 Average annual chlorophyll a, 1993-2000..................................................................................................11 Figure 9 Average zinc concentrations, 1981-2000...................................................................................................13 Figure 10 Average E. coli concentrations, 1997-2000 ...............................................................................................15 Figure 11 Percent abundance of fish species in 6 reaches along the Rideau River, 1997-2000...........................25 Figure 12 Aquatic plant species richness, 1998-1999...............................................................................................29 Figure 13 Percent cover of dominant aquatic plants (1998-1999 .............................................................................30 Figure 14 Dominant aquatic plants harvested from the navigation channel, 1999-2000.........................................32 Figure 15 Annual aquatic plant harvest, 1996-2000 ..................................................................................................33 Figure 16 Zebra mussel distribution and density along the Rideau River, 1993-1999 ............................................34 Figure 17 Urban growth in the City of Ottawa, 1906-1999........................................................................................39 Figure 18 Urban area in the City of Ottawa, 1906-1991............................................................................................40 Figure 19 Urban density in the City of Ottawa, 1906-1991 .......................................................................................40 Figure 20 Growth in the number of permits to take surface water from the Rideau watershed, 1964-2001 ..........41 Figure 21 Total volume of water permitted to be taken daily from the Rideau River and tributaries or lakes in the watershed, 1965-2001 .....................................................................................................................42 Figure 22 Total boat traffic through locks on the Rideau Canal, 1980-2001 ............................................................43 Figure 23 Total boat traffic through northern Rideau Canal locks, 1996-2000.........................................................44 Figure 24 Boat traffic through individual locks in the northern Rideau Canal, 1996-2000.......................................44 Figure 25 Land use on farms in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996 .....................49 Figure 26 Area of farmland on which fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation were used in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996 .................................................................................50 Figure 27 Number of livestock in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996....................51 ii List of Tables Table 1 State of the environment indicators used in this report ..............................................................................vii Table 2 Metal concentrations in the Rideau River, 1997-2001................................................................................14 Table 3 Number of annual beach closures on the Rideau River, 1994-2001 ..........................................................16 Table 4 Species at risk along the Rideau River ........................................................................................................21 Table 5 Location of fisheries assessment reaches on the Rideau River .................................................................23 Table 6 Catch per unit effort (CUE) of fish species in the Rideau River, 1997-2000 ..............................................24 Table 7 Fish consumption recommendations for the Rideau River, 2000-2001 .....................................................27 Table 8 Fall draw down rate and related fish deaths in the Rideau River, 1995-1999 ...........................................46 Table 9 Population served by wastewater treatment facilities in the Rideau River watershed, 2000.....................47 Table 10 Wastewater treatment plant performance, 1995-2000................................................................................48 List of Appendices Appendix 1 Canadian Water Quality Guidelines and Ontario Water Quality Objectives for the protection of aquatic life in freshwater ........................................................................................................................62 Appendix 2 Location of Ministry of the Environment water quality monitoring sites on the Rideau River ............63 Appendix 3 Location of Canadian Museum of Nature Biodiversity Project water sampling sites on the Rideau Appendix 4 River........................................................................................................................................................64 Location of Canadian Museum of Nature long-term aquatic plant monitoring plots on the Rideau River........................................................................................................................................................64 Appendix 5 Rideau River Biodiversity Project species lists....................................................................................65 Appendix 6 COSEWIC terms and risk categories...................................................................................................72 Appendix 7 MNR status categories ..........................................................................................................................72 Appendix 8 Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) provincial rank (SRANK) definitions .............................73 Appendix 9 Population of municipalities within the Rideau River watershed (1991 and 1996 ..............................74 Appendix 10 City of Ottawa sub-regional population, 1992-1999 ............................................................................75 Appendix 11 Agricultural land use in municipalities within the Rideau River watershed, 1996 ..............................76 Appendix 12 Agricultural practices in municipalities within the Rideau River watershed, 1996 .............................77 Appendix 13 Number of livestock in municipalities within the Rideau River watershed, 1996 ...............................78 Appendix 14 Percentage of land area farmed in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries,1996 .....................................................................................................................................79 Appendix 15 Livestock on farms in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996 ...............80 iii Executive Summary The State of the Rideau River report has been produced by the Rideau River Roundtable, an association of individuals and organizations working together to protect water quality, biodiversity and habitat along the Rideau River. This report provides a picture of current conditions along the river (and trends when possible), as it flows between Smiths Falls and Ottawa. Information is provided on a set of indicators of water quality and biological conditions, as well as some indicators of sources of stress on the river. While this set of indicators is by no means complete, it represents an important first step in the process of providing information and monitoring environmental conditions on the river. It is intended that follow-up reports in future years will add information on management response indicators, as well as reporting on any changes in environmental conditions on the Rideau. The main findings of this report are summarized below: Water Quality Indicators • Total phosphorus (TP) TP levels have declined in the Rideau River overall, since the 1960s. However, TP in the lower Rideau River (downstream of Kars) often continues to exceed the provincial water quality objective. We still do not know the relative importance of the various sources of TP (ex. municipal wastewater, agricultural runoff, septic systems, fertilizers etc.) to the river. • Nitrate + Nitrite Average nitrate + nitrite concentrations are lower than those considered harmful to aquatic organisms and human health. However, high nitrate + nitrite concentrations are still occasionally found in the lower Rideau River, particularly downstream of the Jock River. • Dissolved Oxygen Dissolved oxygen is generally high enough to support warm water aquatic life, but there are areas of low oxygen levels in the deeper main channel of the river and in Mooney’s Bay. However, the overall impact on aquatic life is not known. • Chlorophyll a (Chl a) Phytoplankton concentrations are generally quite low in the Rideau, and the types of algae found suggest the water is relatively clean. However, some “problem” algae have been found in the Rideau, which are not monitored as part of current Chl a sampling programs (which focus on the main channel). These include floating algal mats in shallow areas and occasional (and potentially toxic) cyanobacterial blooms. • Metals iv “Heavy” metal concentrations are generally very low in the Rideau. However, concentrations of several heavy metals occasionally exceed provincial objectives, particularly in the lower Rideau (below the Jock River). • E. coli E. coli levels usually meet provincial objectives for recreational uses such as swimming in most of the river. Beaches are rarely closed due to high E. coli concentrations. However, E. coli concentrations are often high within the downtown area of the City of Ottawa. Biological Indicators • Species diversity The Rideau River supports diverse communities of suspended algae, aquatic plants, amphibians and reptiles, fish, aquatic birds, clams and other invertebrates. However, several invasive, introduced species have been found in the Rideau, notably zebra mussels, Eurasian water milfoil and curly pondweed. • Species at risk The Rideau River is home to a number of provincially rare species, and two vulnerable bird species, the black tern and the least bittern. However, we know little about the size and health of the populations of these rare species. • Fish diversity & abundance Fishing is great in the Rideau! There is a diverse community of fish in the Rideau, with a predominance of fish species that are typical of fertile, productive freshwaters. However, the non-native common carp, which has been found to cause the degradation of shoreline habitats (by uprooting aquatic plants), is now well established in the Rideau River. Other non-native species are being introduced (for example when unwanted aquarium fish are dumped into the river). This could have serious consequences for native aquatic communities in the Rideau. • Fish consumption There are some restrictions on the consumption of fish caught in the Rideau River. However, the presence of contaminants such as mercury in fish is a global problem, and the situation in the Rideau is comparable to (or even better than) that in many other Canadian lakes and rivers. • Aquatic plant diversity & abundance The Rideau River supports a diverse community of aquatic plants in its shallow areas, and even some uncommon species, such as wild rice, in places. • Aquatic plant harvesting The deeper main channel of the Rideau Canal system suffers from the heavy growth of invasive plant species (such as Eurasian water milfoil and curly pondweed), which are harvested in some areas to make navigation possible. These plants appear to be getting much thicker in recent years in the lower Rideau River (through Ottawa). • Zebra mussels Zebra mussels have invaded the Rideau, and continue to spread throughout the system. They have contributed to serious declines in native clam populations in the lower Rideau River. Stress Indicators v • Population growth Human population growth continues in the Rideau River watershed, with large increases in population projected for the City of Ottawa over the next 20 years. The impact this growth has on the Rideau will depend largely on the type and quality of development that occurs. Improvements in urban infrastructure and planning may mitigate some of the environmental impacts associated with population growth. • Urban growth & density The City of Ottawa continues to expand, particularly outside the Greenbelt. Urban density is declining, so it takes more land to support a given population. • Permits to take water The number of permits to take water from the Rideau continues to increase. However, the actual amount of water taken, and the effect this has on the Rideau are unknown. • Boat traffic The amount of boat traffic through the locks on the Rideau has declined somewhat in recent years. However, much of the boat traffic on the Rideau comes from property and marinas along the river (and is therefore not accounted for in these boat traffic figures). Trends in this local boat traffic, and its impacts are not currently known. • Draw down The rapid draw down (or lowering) of Rideau River water levels in the fall has resulted in serious fish kills in the past. The effects of refilling the river in the spring have not yet been studied. However, efforts are being made to monitor and reduce the negative effects of draw down on fish communities. • Wastewater treatment Most of the population within Rideau River watershed is served by some form of municipal wastewater treatment system. However, 18% of the population relies on septic systems, and their impact on water quality in the Rideau River is unknown. The performance of most of the municipal treatment plants that discharge into the Rideau is generally good to excellent. • Agricultural activities About 40% of the land in municipalities bordering the Rideau River is farmland but the impacts of agricultural activities have not yet been studied. Cattle continue to have access to the Rideau River in some areas, but the extent of their impact is not known. vi Introduction Objective and scope of the report The State of the Rideau River report is an initiative of the Monitoring and Research sub-committee of the Rideau River Roundtable. The Rideau River Roundtable is an association of individuals, community and environmental groups, businesses, educational institutions, municipalities and government agencies, working together to protect water quality and biodiversity and restore habitat in the Rideau River watershed, with a particular focus on the area between Smiths Falls and Ottawa. The goal of state-of-the-environment (SOE) reporting is to promote “environmental sustainability”, whereby a balance is maintained between human impacts and the ability of the natural environment to accommodate these impacts. Sustainable practices are those which conserve and protect natural systems and processes, as well as maintaining resources for future generations. SOE reports allow us to monitor environmental change, assess management efforts, provide information to the public, and provide a tool for policy formulation and decisionmaking. The State of the Rideau River report has been designed to provide current, reliable and relevant information about the Rideau River, for a broad audience. This information is drawn from several recent and ongoing environmental monitoring programs and research initiatives focused on the Rideau River. It is based largely on data collected within the past five years, but includes historical data where available. This report represents a first attempt at developing a set of indicators that will help in monitoring and evaluating environmental change over the long term. In addition, this report identifies gaps in knowledge about the condition of the river, stressors on the river and our collective management responses to these challenges. This report focuses on current physical and biological conditions of the Rideau River, providing information on water quality, biodiversity, and aquatic habitat. It also provides information on various sources of stress on the Rideau River. Current “baseline” conditions are reported for each indicator and trends over time are identified whenever sufficient data are available. Unfortunately, few rivers in Ontario have been studied in sufficient detail to provide a basis for comparison with the Rideau River. Follow-up reports in future years will report changes in these indicators, and add information on management response indicators. Framework of the report Environment Canada has developed a framework for state-of-the-environment reporting (Environment Canada, 1996). The Condition-Stress-Management Response model describes environmental change using three types of indicators that illustrate what is happening in the environment, what is causing degradation or changes in the environment, and what we are doing to minimize stresses and improve environmental quality. vii • What is happening? “Condition” indicators evaluate the condition or health of the environment. Measures of water quality and assessments of biodiversity are examples of condition indicators. • What’s causing it? “Stress” indicators are indicators of human activities that stress the environment. Trends in human population growth, or the use of pesticides are examples of stress indicators. • What are we doing about it? “Management response” indicators track policies, programs and initiatives designed to reduce, remove, or mitigate environmental stress. Improvements in sewage treatment facilities, or the creation of protected areas are examples of management responses. Background information, a trend and/or a benchmark has been provided for each indicator in the State of the Rideau River report. The background explains the importance of the indicator and its relationship to the issue of concern. A figure, table or statement is used to describe the state or trend of the indicator along the course of the river, and (if possible) over time. Regulatory standards, guidelines or objectives are provided where available, to illustrate whether the current condition is good or needs improvement. Limitations of the indicator may be discussed, if applicable. In the recommendation section of the report, information gaps are discussed, and other potential indicators are identified, in order to guide future scientific and community-based monitoring efforts. Method The outline of this report was based on a review of the common elements of SOE reports produced at municipal, provincial, national and international levels, as well as reports focused on particular issues such as water quality or biodiversity. A preliminary list of indicators was drafted, based on the frequency of their use in these reports. Indicators were selected, after assessing their usefulness according to criteria listed below. In addition, the list of indicators was reviewed by a panel of experts drawn from the University of Ottawa, the Canadian Museum of Nature, the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Parks Canada, the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority the City of Ottawa and private consultants. What Makes a Good Indicator? • Is the indicator relevant and understandable? An indicator should say something meaningful about the state of the environment, and be easily interpretable by the target audience. • Is it comparable? A good indicator can be compared to a reference point, such as a historical level, a policy target, or a regulatory standard. viii • Is the indicator at an appropriate scale? To be meaningful, the indicator should be at a scale that is appropriate to the area of study. In the case of this report, it should reflect conditions at the watershed or river scale. • Is it responsive to change? Condition indicators should be chosen which could be expected to respond to changes in stresses or to management initiatives. • Are time-series data available? Indicators for which a historical trend is available are preferred. • Is long-term monitoring feasible? Indicators should be able to be monitored over time at a reasonable cost, and long-term monitoring should be expected, to ensure that the indicator is useful in tracking trends in the future. Acknowledgements The State of the Rideau River report has been prepared by J.G. Preece, under the guidance of the Research and Monitoring sub-committee of the Rideau River Roundtable. This report builds on an undergraduate thesis in Environmental Science on the State of the Rideau River, written by Vanessa Lyon under the direction of Dr. Frances Pick at the University of Ottawa. I wish to gratefully acknowledge the generous assistance of Vanessa Lyon for providing information used in the preparation of this report. I also wish to thank the many other individuals who supplied assistance and advice, including those listed in the Contacts and Data Sources section at the end of this report. Financial support for this report was provided by a Trillium grant from the province of Ontario. ix Table 1. State of the environment indicators used in this report CATEGORY INDICATOR PARAMETER REPORTED Water quality indicators Total phosphorus (TP) concentrations - trend Nitrate + nitrite nitrogen concentrations - trend Dissolved oxygen concentrations - trend Suspended algae (chlorophyll a) concentrations – trend types of algae Metals # exceedances of PWQOs E. coli concentrations – trend # beach closures Species diversity # species of various plant and animal groups Species at risk # species at risk Aquatic plants # species, abundance (% cover) Harvest of aquatic plants annual harvest (tons) Zebra mussels abundance, trend Fish # species, abundance (CUE) Contamination of fish tissue fish consumption restrictions Human population watershed population, trend Urban development area of urban development, density of urban development Municipal wastewater treatment % of population served, treatment facility performance Boat traffic # boats through locks Water-taking # permits to take water, volume of water permitted Water level regulation rate of fall draw down, fish kills Agricultural activities # and area of farms area of land with fertilizer, pesticide, irrigation use # livestock Biological indicators Stress indicators x xi 1 Overview: The Rideau River Landscape The Rideau River is located in southeastern Ontario, and flows in a north-easterly direction from its headwaters in Lower Rideau Lake for approximately 100 kilometres, joining the Ottawa River at Ottawa (Figure 1). The Rideau River drains an area of approximately 3,830 square kilometres. The Rideau River watershed includes areas of both Precambrian bedrock (the Frontenac Axis, a southern extension of the Canadian Shield), and more recent Palaeozoic sedimentary bedrock. This bedrock is overlain by sediments deposited while the Champlain Sea covered the area following the last ice age, or since it receded about 10,000 years ago. Figure 1 The Rideau River. Source: Canadian Museum of Nature Between Smiths Falls and Merrickville, the Rideau River flows through the Smiths Falls Limestone Plain, a mainly flat region of exposed limestone and shallow soils. Much of the shoreline in this region is undeveloped, and composed of several extensive wetlands. Between Merrickville and Ottawa, the Rideau River flows through the Ottawa Clay Plain, a flat fertile area, with a mixture of agricultural and intensive residential shoreline development. The Rideau River is mainly lake-fed. The two main tributaries, Kemptville Creek and the Jock River, contribute approximately 10% of the total discharge of the Rideau. The Rideau River forms part of the Rideau Canal, a Canadian Heritage River and Historic Canal operated by Parks Canada, extending between Kingston and Ottawa. The southern portion of the Rideau Canal flows southwards from Upper Rideau Lake, the high point of the system, through the Cataraqui River to Kingston. The Rideau River, which forms the northerly part of the Rideau Canal, drops approximately 83 metres, through 31 1 locks, between Smiths Falls and the Ottawa River. These locks, along with a series of dams, were built to bypass rapids and waterfalls along the river. In some cases, several locks are joined together to create the necessary change in water level. Water levels along the river are regulated by Parks Canada to ensure that a minimum water depth of 1.5 m is maintained in the navigation channel. The average annual discharge of the Rideau River at Ottawa is approximately 40 cubic metres per second. Discharge varies through the year, with peak flows occurring between February and May, and relatively low flow rates throughout the remainder of the year (Figure 2). During the summer when average discharge is around 10 cubic metres per second, it takes approximately 15 days for water to travel through the main channel from Lower Rideau Lake to Ottawa. However, as much as 70% of the area of the Rideau River is composed of shallow areas (less than 2 metres in depth), with very low flow. 350 300 /sec) 3 250 200 150 Maximum 100 Average discharge (m 50 Average 0 Minimum Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Figure 2 Average monthly discharge of the Rideau River at Ottawa, 1933-2000. Source: Water Survey of Canada, 1990 The Rideau River flows through a mixture of rural and urban communities, as well as wetlands, parks and conservation areas. Eighteen municipalities are located (wholly or partially) within the Rideau watershed, and 5 of these municipalities (Smiths Falls, Montague, Merrickville-Wolford, North Grenville and Ottawa) border the Rideau River as it flows between Smiths Falls and the Ottawa River (Figure 3). There are no major industries located along the Rideau River, and the river is primarily used for recreation and water supply. 1 Figure 3 The Rideau River Watershed We apologize, but the map of the Rideau River Watershed is temporarily unavailable. 1 2.0 Water Quality- Introduction Water quality is central to the health of the Rideau River. Water quality is important (and intimately linked) to both human and natural communities along the river. Many human activities can have adverse affects on water quality. Deterioration in water quality can arise from contamination by toxic substances and/or bacteria, increases in suspended matter, and enrichment by nutrients. This pollution originates from easily identified point sources, such as sewage treatment plants, as well as non-point (or diffuse) sources such as surface run-off, and is hastened by human activities such as shoreline development, which result in the loss of riverbank vegetation and accelerated erosion. The definition of water quality differs, depending on how the water is to be used. Different water quality criteria are set depending on whether the water is intended for drinking, recreation, industrial or agricultural use or is considered as habitat for aquatic life. Water quality criteria have been established for a wide range of parameters, at the national and provincial levels. These parameters include physical or chemical characteristics (such as temperature and pH), major ions (ex. calcium and sodium), nutrients (ex. nitrogen and phosphorus), organic compounds (such as pesticides), inorganics (metals) and microorganisms (ex. fecal coliform bacteria). Water quality has been evaluated in the Rideau River by several different organizations. These include the Ministry of the Environment (MOE), the City of Ottawa (formerly RMOC), the Canadian Museum of Nature (CMN), the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority (RVCA) and a number of different health units. In addition, several research projects conducted by researchers at the University of Ottawa have focused on water quality in the Rideau River over the last decade. The purpose of this section is to characterize the current surface water quality of the Rideau River between Smiths Falls and Ottawa, and to discuss trends in various water quality parameters where long-term monitoring results are available. Two water uses are considered in this report: water quality for aquatic habitat, and water quality for recreational contact. Six water quality indicators are included in this report: total phosphorus, nitrate/nitrite nitrogen, dissolved oxygen, algal abundance (chlorophyll a), metals, and bacteria (E. coli). Other water quality indicators such as total suspended solids and pH were considered but it was decided that they are not of particular concern in the Rideau River. 1 2.1 Water Quality Indicator: Total Phosphorus Background Phosphorus is an essential nutrient for all living organisms. Since phosphorus is usually available in very small quantities in water, it is often a growth-limiting element. However, human activities may result in high phosphorus inputs to freshwaters, leading to the increased growth of algae and aquatic plants, the loss or degradation of habitat and changes in biodiversity. In addition, the aesthetic and recreational value of lakes and rivers may be impaired by algal blooms, which produce increased turbidity, discolouration, odours, and occasionally, toxins. Expansion of human populations and a variety of human activities have greatly increased the amount of biologically available nutrients entering freshwaters. The principal sources of phosphorus to Canadian freshwaters include municipal and rural wastewater, manure and fertilizer in agricultural runoff, industrial discharges, and aquaculture operations. The eutrophication (nutrient enrichment) of freshwaters due to inputs of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, became a major environmental issue in the 1970s. Since then, controls on phosphates in detergents and improvements to sewage systems have led to reductions in phosphorus inputs to freshwaters. Under the Ontario provincial water quality objectives (PWQOs) for the protection of aquatic life in freshwater, the interim guideline for the maximum total phosphorus (TP) concentration to avoid excessive plant growth in rivers is 0.030 mg/L. Results Since the 1960s, there has been a gradual but steady decrease in average TP concentrations in the Rideau River (Figure 4). Until 1990, average TP levels were above the PWQO. Within the last decade, although there has been an overall decline in TP concentrations, TP increases along the course of the Rideau River, and continues to exceed the PWQO in the lower section of the river (Figure 5). Construction of a new tertiary wastewater treatment facility in Smiths Falls in 1993 appears to have reduced TP levels immediately downstream of Smiths Falls. The gradual increase in total phosphorus along the course of the river points to non-point sources of nutrient pollution, but the relative importance of the different phosphorus loading sources along the Rideau is not known. Limitations Total phosphorus concentration in the water may greatly underestimate the amount of phosphorus that is actually available for plant growth in the river. Continued inputs of phosphorus to the river over the years can lead to the accumulation of high levels of phosphorus in riverbed sediments. Therefore, decreases in TP concentrations in the water of the Rideau may not lead to dramatic declines in the growth of rooted plants and 1 filamentous algae, which will continue to obtain the phosphorus they need from sediments, for many years to come. .P St atr r s . St ck ick Ba ve Ri on ols gs rs ck Ho Jo Ka ch Ni k lls oc Fa 0.10 arn lm Ki s ith Sm 0.12 0.08 0.06 0.04 1966-70 1971-75 1976-80 1981-85 1986-90 1991-95 1996-2001 PWQO Average TP (mg/L) 0.02 0.00 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 4 Average annual total phosphorus, 1970-2000. Source: Ministry of the Environment St. 0.02 t. y Ba L. 0.03 kS 's er le lle tric Pa ey Riv on ck Mo Jo rs Ka vil tvi ck rri mp Ke Me s all au ide sF rR 0.04 ith we Lo Sm 0.05 1993 1994 1995 1999 2000 PWQO Average TP (mg/L) 0.01 0.00 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 5 Average annual total phosphorus, 1993-2000. Sources: Basu & Pick 1995, 1997 (1993-1995 data); Canadian Museum of Nature (1999-2000 data) 1 2.2 Water Quality Indicator: Nitrate and Nitrite Background Nitrogen is another essential nutrient for all living organisms. As with phosphorus, the biologically available supply of nitrogen has greatly increased as a result of increasing human activities, principally from municipal and rural wastewater, agriculture and industrial waste. While phosphorus compounds are the major cause of eutrophication in freshwaters, there are also concerns about increasing concentrations of nitrogen compounds. Nitrogen plays a major role in eutrophication of saltwater ecosystems, and contributes to acidification of freshwaters. In addition, excessive concentrations of nitrogen compounds such as ammonia and nitrates can be toxic to aquatic organisms, and can be harmful in human drinking water supplies. While nitrates are considered relatively non-toxic in water, concentrations between 1-10 mg/L have been found to be lethal to some fish eggs and fry. Nitrate is also lethal to amphibians at concentrations ranging between 13 and 40 mg/L, although concentrations as low as 2.5 mg/L can cause chronic effects. Nitrate is thought to play a role in the decline in Canada’s amphibian populations. Nitrite is even more toxic, but high concentrations of nitrite are uncommon, as it naturally undergoes rapid chemical reactions in the environment, oxidizing to nitrate. The Canadian water quality guidelines for the protection of aquatic life in freshwaters recommend a maximum nitrite concentration of 0.06 mg/L, and state that nitrate concentrations that stimulate weed growth should be avoided. There are no Ontario provincial water quality objectives (PWQOs) for the protection of aquatic life for nitrate or nitrite. The guidelines for Canadian drinking water quality set the maximum acceptable nitrate concentration at 10 mg/L and the maximum concentration of nitrite at 1 mg/L to protect human health. Results Unlike phosphorus, there has not been a dramatic decrease in average total nitrogen or nitrate concentrations in the Rideau River since the 1970s. While phosphorus loading from municipal wastewater treatment plants in Canada has declined greatly over the last 3 decades due to advanced treatment methods, nitrogen loads from municipal wastewater have actually risen across the nation. The average concentration of combined nitrate and nitrite, measured between 1993 and 2000, generally remains low, under 0.05 mg/L, along the Rideau River, until downstream of Kars, where an increase is observed in some years (Figure 6). This increase may be due to a reduction in the natural uptake of nitrogen, resulting from channelization of the river and removal of shoreline habitat in areas of increasing residential development. Higher nitrogen loading may also occur in the lower section of the river, due to inputs from agricultural land, or in stormwater outfalls in the City of Ottawa. However, even in this lower region of the Rideau, average combined nitrate and nitrite concentrations still remain far below the level considered a health risk to humans and aquatic 1 . St ick atr y .P Ba St 's ey on Mo r ve Ri ck Jo s all rs Ka lle tvi mp Ke sF L au ide rR we 0.4 le vil ck rri Me Lo ith Sm 0.5 . 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2000 0.3 0.2 0.1 Average nitrate + nitrite (mg/L) 0.0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 6 Average annual nitrate + nitrite, 1993-2000. Sources: Basu & Pick 1995, 1997 (1993-1995 data); Canadian Museum of Nature (1998-2000 data) life. In addition, total nitrite concentrations in the Rideau, measured by MOE between 1997 and 2001, have ranged between 0.001 and 0.026 mg/L, well below the Canadian guideline for protection of aquatic life. 2.3 Water Quality Indicator – Dissolved Oxygen Background Dissolved oxygen (DO) is essential to aquatic life and plays an important role in biogeochemical processes in freshwater environments. DO in water comes from two sources: atmospheric oxygen, and oxygen generated by photosynthetic organisms (algae and aquatic plants) in the water. The amount of DO is dependent on many factors, including temperature, turbulence (mixing), atmospheric pressure, nutrient levels, salinity, water depth, the type of sediments, and biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). While algae and aquatic plants produce oxygen during photosynthesis in daylight, they consume it at night when only respiration occurs, thereby creating a diurnal pattern of alternating high and low oxygen concentrations. Oxygen depletion at night may be sufficient to cause oxygen stress to fish and invertebrates in some eutrophic (nutrient-rich) systems. High concentrations of algae and aquatic plants produce large amounts 1 of organic detritus, which can result in de-oxygenation of water during bacterial decomposition. High oxygen consumption can greatly reduce the oxygen concentration at depths where photosynthesis is light-limited. Under conditions of low or no oxygen (hypoxia or anoxia), phosphorus can be released from the bottom sediments, during chemical reduction of iron-phosphate complexes, in a process known as “internal phosphorus loading”. The Canadian guidelines and provincial water quality objectives for the protection of aquatic life recommend minimum DO concentrations ranging between 4 and 9.5 mg/L, depending on water temperature, type of biota (cold-water or warm-water species), and life stage (Appendix 1). Results In recent years, DO concentrations measured in the Rideau River (averaged for the whole water column) between May and September have remained well above 4 mg/L, at least during the day (Figure 7). However, average DO in Mooney’s Bay is consistently lower than in the rest of the river, because it contains some deep regions, which become oxygen-depleted during the summer. Concentrations of DO lower than 5 mg/L (the minimum concentration recommended for warm-water aquatic animals at summer water temperatures) are also occasionally recorded in the deepest regions at other sites. . St y Ba r ick 's ey atr .P St ve le lle vil tvi Ri on ck Mo Jo rs Ka mp ck rri s au L. 8 Ke Me all ide sF rR 10 ith we Lo Sm 12 1998 1999 2000 6 4 2 Average Dissolved Oxygen (mg/ 0 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 7 Average dissolved oxygen concentration, 1998-2000. Source: Canadian Museum of Nature 1 Limitations Monitoring of DO in the Rideau is carried out in the main channel, and only during the day. A pattern of alternating high oxygen concentrations (during daylight) and oxygen depletion (at night) is likely during the summer when aquatic plants and algal mats are at their peak. In addition, dissolved oxygen may become depleted when plants and algal mats decay. Therefore, although DO concentrations in the spring and summer appear to be sufficient for the needs of fish and other aquatic animals, it is possible that this may not be the case in shallow plant-rich areas (although this remains to be investigated in the Rideau). 2.4 Water Quality Indicator: Algal abundance TT Background Microscopic algae (phytoplankton) in rivers are an essential food supply for microscopic animals, or zooplankton, which in turn support larger animals including fish. Algal growth is dependent on a supply of nutrients in the water, and is often limited by the amount of nutrients, particularly phosphorus, in freshwaters. Thus, algal growth is mainly a function of the phosphorus concentration. High concentrations of nutrients may produce excessive algal growth, or blooms, so that the water resembles pea soup. Algal blooms have many deleterious effects in freshwaters, including reduced aesthetic appeal and recreational use, and taste and odour problems in drinking water. Algal blooms can also have adverse ecological effects, including shading out of aquatic plants, and depletion of oxygen as algae decay, which reduces the habitat available to fish. Some algae can produce potent toxins, which can poison aquatic animals, and sometimes even livestock and humans. Phytoplankton biomass can be estimated from the concentration of chlorophyll a (Chl a ) in water samples. Chl a is a photosynthetic pigment found in algae and other plants. There are no water quality objectives or guidelines for Chl a concentrations in Ontario rivers or lakes. However, Chl a measurements can be used for monitoring changes in algal biomass in rivers, or for comparing different rivers. Heavily polluted European rivers may have Chl a concentrations as high as 250 or 300 micrograms per litre (_g/L). Canadian rivers, by contrast, have much lower phytoplankton biomass. A 1994 study of rivers in eastern Canada (Basu & Pick, 1996) found Chl a ranging between 2and 28 _g/L (average 10 _g/L) in lowland rivers. Results Mid-channel Chl a concentrations along the Rideau River range between 2 and 28 _g/L throughout the year. When compared with other lowland rivers in eastern Canada in 1994, Chl a in the Rideau was slightly lower than average (8.8 _g/L). Chl a concentrations along the Rideau River, averaged for the months between May and September or October, are shown in Figure 8. Chl a decreases somewhat as water flows out of Lower Rideau Lake, builds gradually along the upper section of the Rideau River, and then decreases again in the lower part of the river. 1 St. Pa kS t. ay B 's tric ey er au s le lle vil tvi Riv on ck Mo Jo rs mp ck all ide sF rR ith rri Ka Ke Me Sm we Lo 0.015 L. 1993 1994 1995 1998 1999 2000 0.010 (mg/L) a 0.005 Average Chl 0.000 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 8 Average annual chlorophyll a concentration, 1993-2000. Sources: Basu & Pick 1995, 1997 (1993-1995 data); Canadian Museum of Nature (1998-2000 data) Overall, average Chl a levels along the Rideau have decreased somewhat since the 1993-1995 sampling period, when they ranged between about 4 and 16 _g/L. During the 1998-2000 period, average Chl a dropped to between 2 and 10 _g/L along the Rideau. The location at which Chl a begins to decline in the river has also moved upstream, since the earlier sampling period. Decreased phytoplankton biomass in the lower part of the Rideau River is due to colonization of the channel by zebra mussels, filter feeders that have been associated with steep declines in phytoplankton density in other North American rivers and lakes. The Rideau River supports a diverse community of algae. The dominant algae vary with site, season, and year. Typically, cryptophytes are dominant in the community for most of the year, with blooms of diatoms occurring for short periods in the spring, and blooms of chlorophytes and blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) occurring in the summer. However, there is considerable variation between the algal communities found in different years. 1 Limitations While the Rideau River does not support excessive concentrations of phytoplankton, there are nevertheless problems associated with algae in the river. Water monitoring takes place in the centre of the navigation channel, and results do not reflect conditions in the shallower regions near the shores, which make up as much as 70% of the area of the river. During spring and summer, these shallow near-shore areas with low or no flow are dominated by dense colonies of filamentous green algae, which float to the surface in mid-summer as they decay, forming thick algal mats. Algal mats are considered a problem, particularly in urban areas, where they contribute to odours and clogging of the waterway. Another concern is the possible development of toxic algal blooms in the Rideau River. Some species of blue-green algae can produce toxins that are lethal to wildlife, and may cause contact irritation, gastroenteritis, and even serious poisonings in humans. Microcystis aeruginosa, a species of blue-green algae which produces a toxin called microcystin, has been found occasionally in the Rideau in past years. Microcystis colonies form a film on the surface of water in shallow sheltered areas, and so are less likely to be detected during main-channel water sampling. 2.5 Water Quality Indicator – Metals Background Some metals are trace elements, occurring naturally in low concentrations in rocks, water and the atmosphere. Of these, some, including cobalt, copper, zinc, nickel and molybdenum, are essential to life in minute quantities, although they can be harmful at higher concentrations. Other trace elements such as mercury and lead are toxic to organisms even at extremely low concentrations. Aquatic organisms ranging from phytoplankton to invertebrates and fish have been found to suffer from the toxic effects of metals in surface waters. While metals may occur naturally in waters as a result of natural weathering and erosion, they may also enter aquatic environments as a result of human activities. Processes such as mining and smelting, manufacturing, combustion of gasoline and wood, waste incineration, and leaching from landfill sites may all contribute to increased levels of metals in surface waters. The concentration of zinc will be shown as an example of trends in metal concentrations in the Rideau River. Zinc, along with 14 other metals (commonly referred to as “heavy” metals), is monitored monthly by the Ontario Ministry of the Environment at 5 sites between Smiths Falls and Ottawa. Zinc has been found to produce chronic toxic effects in invertebrates and fish at concentrations as low as 0.07 mg/L. The Ontario provincial water quality objectives (PWQOs) for the protection of aquatic life in freshwaters recommend a maximum zinc concentration of 0.02 mg/L (Appendix 1). 1 A common way of expressing water quality is to report the frequency with which water samples exceed criteria such as the provincial water quality objectives. The frequency of these “exceedances” of PWQOs is reported below, for the various metals measured in the Rideau River by MOE between 1997 and 2001. Results Since 1981, average zinc concentrations in the Rideau River have been lower than the PWQO for the protection of aquatic life, generally ranging between about 0.002 and 0.010 mg/L (Figure 9). These values are similar to average zinc concentrations reported in the Great Lakes, Ottawa River and St. Lawrence River between 1985 and 1990 (0.0073, 0.0111 and 0.0071 mg/L respectively). However, while average annual concentrations of zinc remain below the objective of 0.02 mg/L, individual samples sometimes exceed it. Between 1981 and 2001, 59 samples (or 6.2%) exceeded the PWQO, ranging between 0.02 and 0.17 mg/L. (One sample, measuring 0.91 mg/L was taken at St. Patrick St. in 1987; this sample was excluded when preparing the graph below). Average zinc levels appear to have risen somewhat in the last decade, at least within the City of Ottawa. St. t. kS ck tric Pa Ba er ck n's rno lso Riv gs ck Ho Jo ho rs Ka Nic ma Kil 0.02 Zinc (mg/L) 1981-1985 1986-1990 1991-1995 1996-2001 PWQO 0.01 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls, Ottawa (km) Figure 9 Average zinc concentrations, 1981-2000. Source: Ministry of the Environment Between 1997 and 2001, the PWQO values for the protection of aquatic life were rarely exceeded for the 15 heavy metals monitored by MOE in the Rideau River (Table 2). Metal concentrations were usually very low, (below or near the detection limits). Aluminum most frequently exceeded the PWQO, although this may have been influenced by the presence of clay in samples. Aluminum is commonly associated with clay particles, and samples taken from the Rideau are likely not clay-free (as specified in the PWQO). Levels of molybdenum and 1 nickel, considered highly toxic metals, never exceeded the objectives. Exceedances were also not recorded for beryllium, copper, iron, or vanadium. However, cadmium, another highly toxic metal, exceeded the PWQO in 4.4% of samples. The less toxic, zinc, lead and cobalt also occasionally exceeded the provincial objectives. Table 2 Metal concentrations in the Rideau River, 1997-2001 (mean and maximum concentrations, and percentage of samples exceeding provincial water quality objectives for the protection of aquatic life). METAL Aluminum Barium Beryllium Cadmium Chromium Cobalt Copper Iron Lead Molybdenum Nickel Strontium Titanium Vanadium Zinc TOXICITY RATING * 12 NA NA 19 9 7 13 2 7 24 22 NA NA NA 10 PWQO (MG/L) #SAMPLES MEAN MAX 75 none 1100 0.5 1(Cr VI),8.9(Cr III) 0.9 5 300 5 40 25 none none 6 20 206 206 206 206 205 206 206 166 206 206 206 206 205 206 205 38.14 43.80 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.05 0.25 75.19 0.25 0.00 0.50 150.38 1.08 0.53 8.38 142 68.70 0.03 0.88 2.31 1.56 2.13 292 7.35 0.90 6.66 412 9.18 2.41 147 NUMBER OF EXCEEDANCES PERCENTAGE OF EXCEEDANCES 16 7.8 0 9 ? 7 0 0 9 0 0 0 4.4 ? 3.4 0 0 4.4 0 0 0 14 0 6.8 * Toxicity ratings ≥14 = highly toxic; between 7 and 14 = medium toxicity; ≤ 7 = low toxicity; NA = not available Source: Ministry of the Environment Limitations Changes in analytical methods, as well as high error values and reporting of negative values create challenges for interpreting trends in metals data. Some metal concentrations cannot be compared to PWQO values (ex. only total chromium is measured, but PWQOs are given for trivalent and hexavalent forms of chromium). PWQO values are likely fairly conservative, and so it is not clear what the effect on aquatic life of exceedances of these objectives may actually be. 2.6 Water Quality Indicator: Bacteria (E. coli) Background Both pathogenic and non-pathogenic microorganisms are found in freshwaters. Pathogenic bacteria, viruses and protozoa may enter rivers through inadequately treated industrial and municipal sewage, storm water overflows, agricultural runoff, leaking septic tanks, and even from large populations of waterfowl. Fecal coliform bacteria, including Escherichia coli (E. coli) are members of the Enterobacteriaceae, which make up 1 approximately 10% of the intestinal microorganisms of humans and other animals. They are widely used as indicator organisms, to provide an index of possible water contamination by human pathogens. Contact with such fecal pathogens may occur during recreational activities such as swimming, canoeing and sailing. Exposure can increase the risk of developing infections such as stomach disorders and minor infections of the skin, eye, nose and throat. The Ontario Provincial Water Quality Objectives (PWQO) for safe recreational use of freshwater recommend a maximum acceptable E. coli concentration of 200 cells per 100 mL. However, local medical officers, who test the water at beaches weekly during the summer, use a more conservative standard of 100 cells per 100 mL. When average (geometric mean of at least 5 samples) counts of E. coli exceed 100 cells per 100 mL, beaches are closed for swimming. Results Average E. coli concentrations (monitored monthly by the Ministry of the Environment at 5 sites between Smiths Falls and Ottawa) are well below the provincial objective along the Rideau River (Figure 10). However, within the City of Ottawa, E. coli counts are consistently higher, and exceeded 100 cells per 100 mL on 18 occasions since 1997. Twelve of these samples were taken at the St. Patrick’s Street site, and four were taken from Mooney’s Bay at Hog’s Back. ick . St k ck oc s all Ba atr gs .P St Ho arn rs lm sF ith 150 Ka Ki Sm 200 100 (cells / 100 mL) E. coli 50 0 100 80 60 40 20 Distance above Rideau Falls (km) Figure 10 Average E. coli concentrations, 1997-2001. Source: Ministry of the Environment 1 0 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 PWQO Six public swimming beaches are located along the Rideau River (Table 3). Beach closures are rare at most beaches; the Baxter Conservation Centre beach has never been closed due to high E. coli levels in more than 15 years of operation. However, the Smiths Falls “junior” beach has been closed on at least one occasion for each of the last six summers. Table 3 Number of annual beach closures on the Rideau River, 1994-2001. BEACH NUMBER OF BEACH CLOSURES 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 Smiths Falls “Junior” 0 0 4 1 3 1 2 3 Smiths Falls “Senior” 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 2 Merrickville 0 0 3 1 0 0 2 1 Rideau River Provincial Park 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 Baxter Centre 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Mooney’s Bay N/A 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 Sources: Leeds, Grenville and Lanark Health Unit, MNR Public Health Inspector, RVCA (Baxter Conservation Centre), City of Ottawa Public Health Department 2.7 Water Quality - Summary Water quality in the Rideau River is generally very good. Although the Rideau is a moderately eutrophic, or nutrient-rich river, it is characterized by abundant aquatic plant growth, rather than high concentrations of suspended algae. Therefore, the Rideau River has relatively clear water, and its suspended algal community is dominated by “clean” water species. • Total phosphorus (TP) There has been a general decline in TP, an important indicator of nutrient enrichment, in the Rideau River since the 1960s. Average annual TP concentrations in the water are currently below the PWQO for the prevention of excessive plant growth in the upper Rideau River, between Smiths Falls and Merrickville. However, TP levels increase downstream along the Rideau, often exceeding the PWQO in the lower reaches of the river. Monitoring TP provides an indication of the level of phosphorus loading, and serves as a predictor of the amount of suspended algae that can develop. However, much of the phosphorus used by rooted plants and filamentous mat-forming algae may be supplied by sediments, rather than the water. Therefore, monitoring TP levels does not necessarily provide information on phosphorus sources that encourage the growth of “problem” aquatic plants and algal mats in the Rideau River. Even if water quality improves, there will still continue to be abundant plant growth in the Rideau. 1 • Nitrate + nitrite Unlike phosphorus, there has not been a decline in nitrogen concentrations in the Rideau over the past few decades. Average annual nitrate + nitrite concentrations are relatively low in the upper Rideau River, but some years they increase substantially in the urban section below the Jock River. This may be the result of inputs from agricultural land along the Jock River or urban sources in the City of Ottawa, or decreases in the natural uptake of nitrogen resulting from the loss of natural shoreline in developed areas. Substantial year-to-year variations may be due to yearly differences in precipitation and river discharge. Nevertheless, nitrate + nitrite concentrations are lower than those considered potentially harmful to aquatic life and hazardous to human health. • Dissolved oxygen (DO) On average, DO concentrations are above the minimum concentrations recommended for the protection of warmwater aquatic life. However, during the summer, DO is sometimes very low at the river bottom in deep areas, particularly in Mooney’s Bay. It is likely that aquatic organisms in these deep areas suffer from oxygen stress. In addition, oxygen might become depleted in shallow weedy areas at nighttime or while plants and algal mats are decaying, but these areas are currently not being monitored. • Algal abundance (Chl a) On average, the Rideau River has somewhat lower Chl a than other lowland rivers in eastern Canada. Algal biomass has declined slightly since 1993, particularly in the lower section of the Rideau (below Kars), probably as a result of heavy colonization of the river by zebra mussels. While Chl a concentration is useful as a rough estimate of the abundance of phytoplankton, it does not give any information regarding the composition of the algal community. Continued monitoring of the taxonomic composition of this algal community is critical for assessing water quality. Currently, the main concerns with algae in the Rideau involve the widespread development of filamentous algal mats, and the possibility of the growth of colonies of toxic blue-green algae. These algae are mainly associated with the extensive shallow areas of the river, and monitoring efforts to date have focused primarily on the deeper main navigation channel. • Metals Metal concentrations generally meet the PWQOs for the protection of aquatic life. Most “heavy” metals are usually found at trace levels, or at concentrations below detection limits. The concentrations of some metals (aluminum, cadmium, cobalt, lead and zinc) occasionally exceed PWQO levels, particularly in the lower Rideau River as it passes through the City of Ottawa. • E. coli Concentrations of E. coli are typically low in the Rideau River. Generally, beach closures are infrequent on the Rideau. However, there are recurring problems with elevated levels of E. coli at some sites, notably in Ottawa, (near St. Patrick St.) and at the “Junior” beach in Smiths Falls. 1 3.0 Biological Indicators - Introduction The health of our environment is dependent on healthy communities of wildlife. The definition of wildlife has recently been broadened by the Wildlife Ministers’ Council of Canada to include invertebrates, plants, algae, fungi and bacteria, as well as mammals, birds, fish, reptiles and amphibians. These organisms play essential ecological roles, and also provide a wide range of economic and social benefits to humans. In order to protect the integrity of natural ecosystems and healthy waters, it is necessary to protect biological diversity, or variety and variability in wildlife communities. Human settlement puts many stresses on wildlife communities, resulting in the loss of biological diversity. Pressures on wildlife result from the destruction of habitat by agriculture, forestry, and urbanization, from pollution in the form of industrial, urban and agricultural discharges and acid deposition, and through the introduction of non-native species. Trends in wildlife diversity and abundance can be used as indicators of environmental health. In this report, a number of biological indicators are used. These include species diversity (for a number of different groups of organisms), species at risk, fish diversity and abundance, fish contaminant levels (indicated by restrictions on fish consumption), aquatic plant diversity and abundance, abundance of introduced plant species (indicated by plant harvesting), and exotic zebra mussel abundance and distribution. 3.1 Biological Indicator: Species Diversity Background Biological diversity or “biodiversity” refers to the variety of living organisms, which are found in a certain area. Biodiversity is important because it provides stability and balance in natural systems. Healthy ecosystems provide many benefits, including nutrient cycling, water purification, oxygen production, climate control, as well as natural resources such as fish and wildlife. Biodiversity is threatened by numerous human activities, including the destruction of habitat by agriculture, forestry and urban development, pollution, the introduction of non-native species, over-harvesting of plants and animals, and global problems such as ozone depletion and climate change. Biodiversity may be measured at a variety of different levels, from genes to species, populations, communities, ecosystems and, even, entire landscapes. Species diversity is a good indicator of the state of an ecosystem. In river systems, species diversity typically declines in severe cases of cultural eutrophication (nutrient enrichment caused by human activities). For example, in highly eutrophic freshwaters, plant biomass may be extremely high, although few plant species are present. Higher species diversity would be expected in aquatic systems that are relatively natural or undisturbed, as well as in those where there are a variety of different 1 habitat types (such as riffles, pools, and wetland areas). A distinction should be made between native and nonnative (introduced) species. Non-native species may lead to declines in biodiversity. The highly invasive zebra mussel is one well-known example of an introduced species that has led to decreased biodiversity in North American freshwaters. Between 1998 and 2000, the Canadian Museum of Nature, along with the Rideau Valley Conservation Authority and the University of Ottawa, carried out the Rideau River Biodiversity Project (RRBP), a 3-year multidisciplinary community-based study of the environmental health of the Rideau. One objective of this study was to document biological diversity on the Rideau between Smiths Falls and Ottawa. The groups of organisms investigated include phytoplankton, aquatic plants, molluscs, amphibians, reptiles, fish and aquatic birds. Results • Phytoplankton – microscopic algae were the most diverse organisms studied in the RRBP. Three hundred and fourteen species of phytoplankton were found in the Rideau River (Appendix 5a). This number likely underestimates the true diversity of algae, as some could not be identified to the species level. The most diverse group of algae was the green algae (chlorophytes), with 172 species. However, the most common algae in the Rideau were cryptophytes, bi-flagellated algae that are typically found in “clean” waters. However, in the lower section of the Rideau, species can be found that are more typical of nutrient-enriched systems such as in degraded European rivers. • Aquatic plants - 59 species of submerged, floating and emergent plants were found in the Rideau River (Appendix 5b). By comparison, 45 species of aquatic plants have been found in the Point Pelee Marsh in southern Ontario. Four of the species found in the Rideau were non-native, invasive species: Eurasian water milfoil, curly pondweed, European frog’s bit and flowering rush. However, most shallow water sites have diverse communities of native plants. Beds of wild rice have even been found in some areas of the river. • Fish – 31 species of fish from 11 families were found in the Rideau River during the study, and an additional 3 species were found in tributaries of the Rideau (Appendix 5c). In addition, Oscars, popular aquarium fish native to South America, were caught by anglers on two occasions in 1999. Black crappie, rock bass, pumpkinseed and bluegill, all members of the sunfish family, were found at most sites in the Rideau. Two species found during the study, the freshwater drum and the tadpole madtom, had never before been recorded in the Rideau River. The freshwater drum may be a recently introduced species. The common carp, another introduced species, was also found during this study. Rainbow trout and brown trout, non-native species previously stocked in the Rideau, have not been found for some years. The fish species diversity of the Rideau is similar to that of the Trent River, in which 32 species were found during a study in 1999-2000. • Aquatic birds – 20 species of waterfowl and 3 other water bird species were found during the RRBP (Appendix 5d). Heavy use of the Migratory Bird Sanctuary at Merrickville was observed. Waterfowl traffic at this sanctuary was similar to that seen at other migratory bird sanctuaries in Prince Edward County and in Lake Ontario around Wolfe Island. 1 • Amphibians and reptiles – 28 species of amphibians and reptiles have been found along the Rideau (Appendix 5e). These include 10 species of frogs, 6 species of turtles, 6 species of snakes and 6 species of salamanders. Nineteen of these species were found during the Rideau River Biodiversity Project. The most common were green frogs, bullfrogs, midland painted turtles and snapping turtles. In contrast to some studies in southwestern Ontario, the RRBP did not find many abnormalities, such as limb deformities in frogs. • Molluscs – 8 species of native freshwater clams and one introduced species (the zebra mussel) were found in the Rideau River (Appendix 5f). Higher densities of live clams were found in the upper reaches of the river, between Smiths Falls and Burritts Rapids, while larger numbers of dead clams were found in the lower river, which is heavily colonized by zebra mussels. • Other invertebrates – there is a diverse community of other aquatic invertebrates in the Rideau River (Appendix 5g). New species continue to be added as a result of ongoing research. Limitations Species lists may reflect the degree of interest in certain groups of organisms, and may change with advances in knowledge. Species richness alone does not convey information about the size or health of populations. 3.2 Biological Indicator: Species at risk Background Wildlife conditions and trends can be used as an indicator of the overall health of the environment. The occurrence of “species at risk” is one indicator of environmental problems. When a species is designated “at risk” it indicates there are problems with its populations or habitat, and that the species requires protection or some form of recovery action if it is to survive. In Canada, species at risk are identified at both national and provincial levels. At the national level, the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada (COSEWIC) produces an annual listing of species considered to be endangered, threatened, or of special concern. The numbers of species designated “at risk” nationally is likely greatly underestimated, however, as these numbers represent only the handful of species that have so far been reviewed. The Committee on the Status of Species at Risk in Ontario (COSSARO) evaluates species in Ontario, with the Ministry of Natural Resources (MNR) producing a list of species considered endangered, threatened or vulnerable in this province. In addition, the Natural Heritage Information Centre (NHIC) assigns provincial ranks to species, in order to set protection priorities for rare species and natural communities. 1 Within Canada, almost half of the endangered and threatened species are found in the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence Life Zone, one of seven landscape units that reflect the terrestrial ecozones of Canada. The Rideau River is found within this Life Zone. Many of the endangered and threatened species in this zone are native to the Carolinian deciduous forest ecosystem, and are at the northernmost limit of their range in southeastern Ontario (hence their relative rarity). However, this zone has a long history of intensive agriculture, urbanization, manufacturing and transportation, which have put great stress on the natural environment. Aquatic environments in the Great Lakes and the St. Lawrence River have been particularly degraded, due to the introduction of nonnative species, heavy pollution, and the manipulation of watersheds for transportation purposes. While the Rideau River has not been subject to the same intense industrialization as the Great Lakes and St. Lawrence, the stresses associated with increasing urbanization and shoreline development may increase risks to species in this area. Results Several species found along the Rideau River are considered uncommon to extremely rare in Ontario (Table 4). Two bird species, the black tern and the least bittern are both considered rare and designated “vulnerable” in Ontario, although the black tern is not considered at risk nationally. Nine other species, including fish, birds, reptiles and molluscs, are considered rare to very rare in Ontario. No aquatic plant species, however, are considered at risk in the Rideau. One plant found during the Rideau River Biodiversity Project, the eastern mosquito-fern, is extremely rare in Ontario, but is thought to be an introduced (and not naturalized) species. Table 4 Species at risk along the Rideau River. CATEGORY COMMON NAME SCIENTIFIC NAME Aquatic plants Molluscs Reptiles Birds Fish Eastern mosquito-fern* Black sand-shell Ridged wedge-mussel Blanding’s turtle Black tern Bufflehead Greater scaup Least bittern Redhead Eastern silvery minnow Greater redhorse Silver lamprey Azolla caroliniana Ligumia recta Alasmidonta marginata Emydoidea blandingii Chlidonias niger Bucephala albeola Aythya marila Ixobrychus exilis Aythya americana Hybognathus regius Moxostoma valenciennesi Ichthyomyzon unicuspis COSEWIC STATUS MNR NAR VUL SC VUL NAR NHIC S1 S3 S3 S3 S3B,SZN S3B, SZN S2B,SZN S3B,SZN S2B,SZN S2 S3 S3 See Appendices 6 – 8 for explanation of status categories * Considered introduced, not naturalized; NAR – not at risk; SC – special concern; VUL – vulnerable S1 - Extremely rare in Ontario S2B – Very rare in Ontario, breeding S2 – Very rare in Ontario S3B – Rare to uncommon in Ontario, breeding S3 – Rare to uncommon in Ontario SZN – Non-breeding migrants/vagrants Sources: Canadian Museum of Nature, Friends of the Rideau Bird Sanctuary 1 The black rat snake, which occurs near the Rideau River and is considered rare in Ontario and threatened both provincially and nationally, is a terrestrial species, and therefore not included in this listing of species at risk in the Rideau River. Limitations Lists of species at risk reflect the degree of interest by researchers in certain groups of organisms. This indicator does not convey information about the size or health of the populations. Increases in knowledge about species and their habitats, or increased sampling effort could lead to increases in the number of species at risk that are identified along the river. 3.3 Biological Indicator: Fish diversity and abundance Background Fish are important members of aquatic communities, and the health of fish communities is of great concern on rivers such as the Rideau, where recreational fishing is a popular activity. Fish communities are vulnerable to the effects of many human activities. The major stressors affecting freshwater fish populations are changes to fish habitat through human activities, the presence of toxic substances, over-harvesting, and the introduction of foreign species through deliberate or accidental means. Aquatic habitat can be degraded or lost through channelization and the development of properties along the shoreline. Construction activities and agricultural land management practices can lead to soil erosion, which increases sediment transport into rivers, damages fish spawning areas, and reduces oxygen levels. Toxic substances entering the environment can accumulate in fish tissues, causing acute effects such as death, or other effects such as deformities, increased susceptibility to disease, and eventually the disappearance of the species. Over-harvesting by commercial and recreational fisheries can also lead to the loss of fish species in freshwater environments. The introduction of non-native species also threatens the diversity and abundance of fish communities. The diversity and abundance of fish are commonly monitored as a means of assessing the condition of commercial and recreational fisheries, as well as the health of aquatic ecosystems. Standardized “index netting” allows researchers to observe trends in fish populations over time. The Kemptville District Office of MNR conducts Rideau River fisheries assessments, in partnership with the Surface Water Quality Branch of the City of Ottawa (formerly RMOC). Six reaches are sampled between Smiths Falls and Ottawa (Table 5), with one or two reaches sampled each year on a 4-year rotational basis. During these index netting surveys, fish are sampled using hoop nets at a number of sites (ranging from 16 to 36) in each reach, and the “catch-per-unit-effort” (CUE) is calculated for each fish species. Index netting on the Rideau River has been conducted with hoop nets since 1997; prior to 1 this, trap nets were used, so data cannot be compared between these two periods. However, the data collected between 1997 and 2000 can be used as a baseline, against which to compare results in future years. Table 5 Location of Fisheries Assessment Reaches on the Rideau River. SAMPLING REACH LOCATION Kilmarnock Reach Smiths Falls to Merrickville Andrewsville Reach Merrickville to Burritts Rapids Long Reach Burritts Rapids to Long Island Locks Eccolands Reach Long Island Locks to Black Rapids Mooney’s Bay Reach Black Rapids to Hog’s Back Dam Ottawa Reach Hog’s Back Dam to Rideau Falls (natural river channel) Results The Rideau River is home to a diverse fish community. Since 1883, 57 fish species have been reported in the Rideau River and canal. By comparison, 64 species have been reported in the Ottawa River. However, not all of the fish species reported in this historical record are still found in the Rideau, and some are rare. A fish survey carried out in 1998 as part of the Rideau River Biodiversity Project identified 31 species of fish in the Rideau River. This fish community is similar to that found in another similar canal system, the Trent Canal, where 32 species were found in 1999-2000. Twenty-four of these species were found in both the Trent and the Rideau rivers. Index netting results between 1997 and 2000 indicate that the highest total fish abundance was found in the Kilmarnock reach (CUE = 48.0) (Table 6). The Andrewsville reach had the lowest abundance (9.2) and the Long, Eccolands, Mooney’s Bay and Ottawa reaches had similar total fish abundance (19.8, 16.3, 16.3 and 18.6, respectively). A total of 21 species of fish were netted during this program, with 13 or 14 species found within each reach. Overall, the three most abundant fish species in the Rideau River were bluegill, pumpkinseed and rock bass. Bluegill were the most commonly sampled fish at the three upstream reaches (Kilmarnock, Andrewsville and Long Reach), followed by pumpkinseed (Figure 11). In the lower three reaches (Eccolands, Mooney’s Bay and Ottawa), pumpkinseed, rock bass and smallmouth bass were the most abundant. 1 Table 6 Catch per unit effort (CUE) (fish/net night) of fish species in the Rideau River, 1997-2000. KILMARNOCK 1998 ANDREWSVILLE LONG REACH 1999 2000 ECCOLANDS 1998 MOONEY'S BAY 1997 OTTAWA 1999 0 0.04 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CUE 0.04 2.72 0.75 1.03 1.25 0.38 0.05 6.18 18.5 5.33 7.94 2 0.62 0.7 35.09 Brown Bullhead Carp * 5.11 0.17 1.06 0.06 0.38 0.3 7.08 0.39 0.25 1.08 0.06 0.15 0.2 2.13 Channel Catfish Golden Shiner Greater Redhorse Largemouth Bass Muskellunge 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0.06 0 0 0 0 0 0.06 0 0 0.11 1.5 0.23 0.05 1.89 3.17 0.46 1.25 0 0 0 4.88 0 0 0 0.19 0 0 0.19 1.72 0.33 0.22 0.31 0.31 0.05 2.94 10.17 1 5.11 5 1.92 4.7 27.90 1.39 0.17 0.50 2.44 5.54 9 19.04 0 0.38 0 0 0 0 0.38 0 0 0 0.31 0.15 0 0.46 0 0.08 0.33 1.63 3.62 3 8.66 0 0 0 0 0 0.05 0.05 0 0.04 0.08 0.13 0.23 0.05 0.53 1.06 0.04 0.03 0.31 0.46 0.1 2.00 0.67 0 0 0 0 0 0.67 3 0.17 1.08 1.13 2.31 0.3 7.99 48.02 9.21 19.83 16.32 16.3 18.55 128.23 FISH SPECIES Alewife Black Crappie Bluegill Northern pike Pumpkinseed Rock Bass Shorthead Redhorse Silver Redhorse Smallmouth Bass Tiger Muskie ** Walleye White Sucker Yellow Bullhead Yellow Perch TOTAL CUE * non-native species ** pike-muskellunge hybrid Sources: MNR 2000; RMOC 2000 1 60 60 Eccolands Reach Kilmarnock Reach 40 40 20 20 0 0 BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P R RB SB W WS YP 60 R RB SB W WS YP 60 Andrewsville Reach Mooney's Bay Reach 40 40 20 20 Percent abundance 0 0 BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P R RB SB W WS YP BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P 60 R RB SB W WS YP 60 Long Reach Ottawa Reach 40 40 20 20 0 0 BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P R RB SB W WS YP BC BG BB CC C GS LB M NP P R RB SB W WS YP Legend BC – black crappie BG – bluegill BB – brown bullhead CC – channel catfish C – common carp GS – golden shiner LB – largemouth bass M – muskellunge NP – northern pike P – pumpkinseed R – redhorse species RB – rock bass SB – smallmouth bass W – walleye WS – white sucker YP – yellow perch Figure 11 Percent abundance of fish species in 6 reaches along the Rideau River (1997-2000 sampling period). Sources: MNR, 2000; RMOC, 2000 Limitations Sampling methods may be biased for certain species of fish. Comparison of CUE between different systems is not possible unless identical methods are used. Different reaches are sampled in different years; results may reflect conditions such as water levels in a given year. 1 3.4 Biological Indicator: Restrictions on fish consumption Background Many contaminants in freshwaters accumulate in the flesh of fish, although the amounts are variable depending on the contaminant, the species of fish and their position in the food chain. The fish most likely to contain high contaminant concentrations are predatory species and large fish. The Ontario Ministry of the Environment, in partnership with the Ministry of Natural Resources, monitors the concentrations of harmful pollutants in sport fish across Ontario, and publishes the results every 2 years in the Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish. Changes in this indicator over time may indicate changes in overall environmental health. Fish consumption restrictions are based on concentrations of a variety of contaminants, and vary depending on the species and size of fish. More than 99% of restrictions on the consumption of sport fish from inland locations, such as the Rideau River, are due to contamination with mercury. In contrast to the Great Lakes, very few inland locations have been exposed to discharges of pesticides or other organic compounds in sufficient quantities to cause fish consumption restrictions. Mercury occurs naturally but is usually found at very low levels in water. Inputs from industry have declined since the 1970s when actions to reduce mercury entering aquatic systems were initiated. Consumption restrictions are put in place when the concentration of mercury in fish flesh exceeds 0.45 ppm, and total restriction is recommended at 1.57 ppm. Children under 15 and women of childbearing age are advised to eat no fish containing over 0.45 ppm mercury, and only 4 meals per month of fish with less than 0.45 ppm mercury. The fish used to calculate consumption restrictions for the Rideau River are collected during fisheries assessments conducted by the Surface Water Quality Branch of the City of Ottawa (formerly RMOC) and the Kemptville District Office of the MNR. Separate fish consumption advisories are provided for fish from 3 reaches of the Rideau River: from Smiths Falls to Merrickville, from Merrickville to Manotick, and from Manotick to Ottawa. Some fish species were tested for mercury only, while others were tested for mercury, PCBs, mirex/photomirex and pesticides. Results For most species tested, the maximum recommended number of meals per month was 8, regardless of fish size (Table 7). However, restrictions of 4 or fewer meals per month were applied to larger specimens of northern pike, largemouth bass, walleye, smallmouth bass, rock bass and yellow perch in some or all of the reaches of the Rideau. Overall, these consumption guidelines are similar to (or in some cases slightly more restrictive than) those for fish of the same species and size in Upper Rideau Lake and the Trent River. For example, a maximum of 4 meals per month is recommended for northern pike (18” or larger) in the lower Rideau River, while the same 1 restriction does not apply to pike of any size in the Trent River, and only to larger pike (over 22”) in Upper Rideau Lake. However, the consumption guidelines for the Rideau River are less restrictive than those for the Ottawa River below Arnprior. For example, in the Ottawa River, restrictions of 4 meals per month are recommended for 12-14” walleye, smallmouth bass and black crappie, while in the Rideau, the same restrictions only apply to larger smallmouth bass and walleye (and never to black crappie). Trends in mercury concentrations in fish from the Rideau River vary between species. There appears to have been a decrease in mercury concentrations in northern pike and smallmouth bass since the mid-1970s (RMOC 1999). However, mercury levels in brown bullhead, walleye and largemouth bass have not declined during this period. Table 7 Fish consumption recommendations for the Rideau River, 2000-2001. Reach Species Smiths Falls to Merrickville Northern Pike (1) Largemouth Bass (2) Rock Bass(1) Yellow Perch (1) Pumpkinseed (1) Brown Bullhead (2) 6-8 Merrickville to Manotick Manotick to Ottawa Walleye (2) Northern Pike (2) Smallmouth Bass (2) Largemouth Bass (2) Rock Bass (2) Yellow Perch (2) Pumpkinseed (1) Bluegill (1) Black Crappie (2) Brown Bullhead (2) Carp (2) Walleye (1) Northern Pike (2) Smallmouth Bass (2) Rock Bass (2) Yellow Perch (1) Bluegill (1) Black Crappie (2) Brown Bullhead (2) Carp (2) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 Maximum recommended number of monthly meals Fish Size (inches) 8 - 10 10 - 12 12 - 14 14 - 18 18 - 22 22 - 26 26 - 30 8 4 8 8 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 8 4 8 2 4 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 8 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 4 4 4 2 4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 (1) tested for mercury only (2) tested for mercury, PCBs, mirex/photomirex and pesticides Source: Guide to Eating Ontario Sport Fish, 2000-2001 (MOE, 2001) 1 >30 8 8 Limitations Consumption guidelines may be based on different combinations of contaminants, making comparisons between different sites or time periods difficult. Guidelines are not available for all species at each site. Information on trends in specific contaminant concentrations is limited, based on small sample sizes, and available over different time periods for different sites. 3.5 Biological Indicator: Aquatic plant diversity and abundance Background Aquatic plants are critically important in river ecosystems. They slow currents and decrease wave action, protecting shorelines. They play an important role in the recycling of nutrients, and some species remove contaminants from water, through uptake or by promoting sedimentation. Aquatic plants create wetlands and lake-like environments within rivers, providing food, shelter and sites for reproduction for fauna including zooplankton, insects, molluscs, fish, reptiles, amphibians, waterfowl and semi-aquatic mammals. Shallow eutrophic (nutrient-rich) lakes and rivers may exist in either of two stable states: one is a clearwater state associated with abundant aquatic plants, and the other is a turbid state with high algal biomass. Of these two alternate states, the plant-dominated state is preferred, and considered to be indicative of a healthier ecosystem. Results The Rideau River supports a rich community of aquatic plants. Between Smiths Falls and Ottawa, approximately 70% (by area) of the Rideau River is less than two metres in depth, and these shallow areas support dense beds of plants. Fifty-five species of submerged, floating-leafed and emergent aquatic plants were found in the Rideau River by researchers involved in the recent 3-year Rideau River Biodiversity study. Six permanent, long-term monitoring plots were established along the Rideau River in 1998 by researchers at the Canadian Museum of Nature. A total of 30 species of submerged and floating aquatic plants was found during 1998 and 1999, although the number of species found at each plot ranged between only 5 and 17 (Figure 12). There was considerable variation in plant species found at the different sites (Figure 13). 1 St. t. tric Pa S nk kS le tre en vil rC ck rri xte Ba Ba Me t. 15 k c Lo 's nd mu lls Ed a sF ith Sm 20 1999 1998 10 5 Aquatic Macrophytes (# of species) 0 100 80 60 40 20 0 Distance above Rideau Falls (km) Figure 12 Aquatic plant species richness, 1998-1999. Source: Canadian Museum of Nature Overall, the most common species were Vallisneria americana (Tape grass), Elodea canadensis (Common waterweed), Ceratophyllum demersum (Coontail), Zannichellia palustris (Horned pondweed), Lemna trisulca (Star duckweed), Nymphaea odorata (Fragrant white water lily), and Potamogeton richardsonii (Richardson’s pondweed). Myriophyllum sibiricum (Northern water milfoil) and Myriophyllum spicatum (the invasive Eurasian water milfoil) were not generally abundant in the long-term monitoring plots. However, these species of milfoil, as well as various pondweed species, particularly the introduced Potamogeton crispus (curly pondweed), are extremely common in other parts of the Rideau River, particularly in the deeper navigation channel. In fact, aquatic plants are so dense in the navigation channel that they are harvested every summer at some sites. Limitations The permanent sampling sites are located in shallow areas only, and therefore do not reflect conditions in deep areas in the navigation channel. Plant abundance is described by percent cover rather than biomass so it is difficult to compare the abundance of different plant species. 1 100 Smiths Falls 75 50 25 0 100 Edmund's Lock 75 50 25 0 100 Merrickville 75 50 25 0 100 Baxter Centre 75 Percent cover 50 25 0 100 Bank St. 75 50 25 0 100 St. Patrick St. 1998 1999 75 50 25 0 water lily White duckweed Star Pondweed Horned Tape grass pondweed Richardson's Waterweed Common Coontail Figure 13 Percent cover of dominant aquatic plants, 1998-1999. Source: Canadian Museum of Nature 1 3.6 Biological Indicator: Aquatic plant harvesting Background Eurasian water milfoil (Myriophyllum spicatum) is an invasive introduced species, native to Europe, Asia and North Africa. It was first recorded in Canada in Lake Erie in 1961 and was present in the Rideau Canal by the late 1960s. This species of milfoil can grow in deeper water than most other species of aquatic plants. It is a perennial plant, which spreads readily, and can become established from branch fragments. Mechanical harvesting and boat traffic may encourage its spread, by creating fragments that can colonize new areas. Eurasian water milfoil produces thick growth at the water surface, forming dense floating mats that shade out native plant species, and interfere with navigation and recreation. Curly pondweed (Potamogeton crispus) is another introduced plant species, native to Eurasia, Africa and Australia. It is commonly found in waters that are alkaline and high in nutrients, and spreads by producing burrlike winter buds that are distributed by water currents. Curly pondweed, like Eurasian water milfoil, produces dense growth that interferes with navigation and recreation. When curly pondweed dies off in mid-summer, decaying plants may sometimes result in drastic decreases in dissolved oxygen, and large releases of nutrients. Although this invasive submergent plant is widespread in the Rideau River, the densest growth occurs in the southern end of the Cataraqui portion of the Rideau Canal (above Kingston Mills). The amount of plant material harvested annually from the Rideau River may be used as an indicator of the extent of Eurasian water milfoil and curly pondweed problems in the Rideau. These invasive species are both considered major “nuisance” aquatic plants along the Rideau Canal. Dense aquatic plant growth has been removed from a few select areas of the navigation channel of the Rideau River for decades. In the past, (until 1991) the herbicides Reglone ‘A’ (diquat dibromide) and Aqua Kleen (2,4-D) were used to control plant growth in some locations. Parks Canada contracted out the annual cutting and removal of aquatic plants to the RVCA (from 1971 to 1985) and has used private contractors since 1986. In addition, landowners and municipalities may obtain permits from Parks Canada and hire contractors for plant removal, and unofficial harvesting (and probably a limited amount of illegal herbicide use) occurs around private waterfront. Results Currently, submergent aquatic plants are cut and removed once or twice each summer, in 4 navigation channel locations along the Rideau River (totalling 8 hectares) primarily between Smiths Falls and Burritts Rapids (the “central sector”). Another six sites (about 45 hectares) are located in the “Ottawa reach”, the man-made canal cut in downtown Ottawa between Hartwell locks and the Laurier St. bridge (including Dow’s Lake). European water milfoil and curly pondweed dominate the plant material removed from the “central sector” of the Rideau River (Figure 14). In this region, the amount of plant matter harvested annually ranged 1 from 13 to 28 tons (or between 1.6 and 3.5 tons/hectare) between 1996 and 2000 (Figure 15). By contrast, no harvesting of aquatic plants was necessary in the “Ottawa reach” until 1999. Dense growth of Eurasian water milfoil was first noted there in 1998 and plant harvesting began in 1999. The amount of plant material removed from the Ottawa reach is considerably higher; 349 tons of plant matter were harvested in 1999 and 173 tons were harvested in 2000 (7.8 and 3.9 tons/hectare respectively). Areas of dense plant growth in the Ottawa reach were almost entirely dominated by Eurasian water milfoil, although more than 10% of the total plant harvest was actually composed of algae. The harvest of aquatic plants in the Ottawa reach was lower in 2001; although figures are not yet available, it is estimated that the amount of plant material harvested dropped by about 40% from 2000, possibly due to the effects on plants of the harvesting in the previous two years. 100 1999 80 60 40 20 0 100 2000 Percent of harvest 80 60 40 20 0 Smiths Falls Detached Smiths Falls Combined Old Sly's Burritts Rapids Myriophyllum sp. Potamogeton crispus Vallisneria americana Other Figure 14 Dominant aquatic plants harvested from the navigation channel, 1999-2000. Source: Parks Canada, Eastern Ontario Field Unit Prior to 1999, when plant harvesting started in the Ottawa reach, Parks Canada’s annual budget for aquatic plant removal on the entire waterway was less than $20,000. In 1999, more than $65,000 was spent for harvesting in the Ottawa reach alone. Currently, the projected minimum annual budget for aquatic plant removal is $100,000, of which $50,000 to $75,000 is for the Ottawa reach. The sudden increase of aquatic plant growth (particularly milfoil) in the downtown canal cut (Ottawa reach) may be linked to zebra mussel colonization, which has led to increased water clarity (and possibly higher concentrations of available nutrients) in the lower Rideau. Warmer weather in the early spring and summer may also play a role in this increased aquatic plant growth. The dominance of milfoil in this section may also be 1 partially attributed to winter draw down of the Rideau, which is thought to discourage other plant species. This is somewhat speculative, however, as draw down is also considered to be a possible method of controlling milfoil growth. 8 7 Figure 15 Annual aquatic plant harvest, 1996-2000. Source: Parks Canada, Eastern Ontario Field Unit Central sector Ottawa sector 6 5 4 3 2 Plant harvest (tons per hectare) Limitations 1 0 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 This indicator may show general trends in the distribution or abundance of these invasive species, but there is considerable yearly variation in aquatic plant growth due to differences in weather conditions. The amount harvested might reflect changing management practices, such as the timing of harvesting, rather than real differences in plant abundance. In addition, only one of the two contractors harvesting plants in the Rideau River reports the composition of the harvest in any detail, making comparison of the two sections difficult. 3.7 Biological Indicator - Non-native species: Zebra mussels Background The zebra mussel (Dreissena polymorpha), is native to the Caspian Sea. It was likely transported to North America in a ship’s ballast water, and was first identified in 1988 in Lake St. Clair, southern Ontario. Zebra mussels are sedentary, and feed by filtering bacteria, algae, zooplankton and other organic particles from the water. The zebra mussel multiplies rapidly, colonizes many different habitats, is tolerant of extremes of temperature and dessication, and has few natural predators except a few species of shellfish-eating fish and diving ducks. Zebra mussels also have effective dispersal methods. They are transported easily by natural water currents, or by attaching to boats. This combination of traits has enabled the zebra mussel to spread rapidly, producing dense colonies in freshwaters throughout much of eastern North America. 1 While some have suggested zebra mussels have a positive effect on lakes and rivers, because they increase water clarity, these exotic mussels have numerous negative impacts. Apart from obstructing water intake pipes and engines on motor boats, zebra mussels may have adverse effects on aquatic ecosystems. Zebra mussels have been found to replace native mussels, to biomagnify toxic organic contaminants, and to cause substantial oxygen depletion in some systems. Intense and selective filter feeding on natural phytoplankton communities can result in an increase of other, possibly toxic algal species, and shifts in food webs which are detrimental to fish populations. Results In 1990, the first occurrence of zebra mussel was reported in the Rideau River at Mooney’s Bay. Since 1993, zebra mussel distribution and density has been monitored by staff at the Canadian Museum of Nature, at 10 lockstations and 3 additional sites in the Rideau River (Figure 16). Between 1993 and 1995, the abundance of zebra mussels on hard surfaces in the lower section of the Rideau between Kars and Ottawa increased by up to a million-fold. Zebra mussel density has remained high in these areas since then, and the distribution and abundance of zebra mussels may be increasing upstream of Kars. 3 5 9 24 29 35 61 74 83 88 89 91 98 100 2 1 1993 1000000 10000 1995 100 1 1000000 10000 1997 100 Number of mussels per m 1 * 1000000 10000 1999 100 1 * a w tta ls O el tw ck ar H Ba y 's Ba og H y'sids neapd oo Rn M k la acIs a n Bnl g ari s Lo M id rs ap Ka lson R s ho itt e ic rr ill N Bucdksv rni eor Mmlys EdS ld lls O Fa ith Sm Figure 16 Zebra mussel distribution and density along the Rideau River, 1993-1999. * no data available. Source: Martel et. al, 2001 (in press) 1 Since zebra mussels appeared in the Rideau, there has been a dramatic decline in populations of native freshwater mussels. Zebra mussels colonize any available hard surface, including other mussel species (which cannot survive heavy buildups of zebra mussels). Three native mussel species, which were commonly found in the Rideau River have been virtually eliminated in a 30 km section that has been studied since 1993 (Martel et al., 2001, in press). There is also evidence that zebra mussels are responsible for the decline in chlorophyll a (suspended algae) which has been observed in the lower Rideau, downstream of Kars, in recent years. 3.8 Biological Indicators - Summary While total species diversity is fairly high in the Rideau River (comparable to other rivers such as the Trent), aquatic communities are typically dominated by a relatively small subset of species at any given location. There are a number of rare species in the Rideau, but we know little about the size and condition of their populations. Several introduced invasive species are of particular concern. Zebra mussel colonization has caused a dramatic decline in native clam populations in the lower Rideau, and may have contributed to a decline in suspended algae, and a sudden increase in the density of Eurasian water milfoil in the last few years (by increasing water clarity in the deeper main channel). • Species diversity The Rideau River supports a diversity of wildlife. The recent 3-year Rideau River Biodiversity Study identified 314 species of phytoplankton, 59 species of aquatic plants, 8 species of native clams, 28 species of amphibians and reptiles, 34 species of fish and 23 species of aquatic birds. • Species at risk Two species found along the Rideau River are considered “at risk’: the black tern and least bittern (rare, and vulnerable in Ontario). Ten other species on the Rideau are considered rare in Ontario, although not at risk. • Fish diversity and abundance Fisheries assessments indicate that the Rideau River is dominated by relatively few species of fish. Between 1997 and 2000, index netting in the six reaches along the river captured a total of 21 species of fish, but only 13 or 14 species within any reach. All reaches were dominated by a handful of species. Bluegill and pumpkinseed dominated the 3 upstream reaches, while pumpkinseed, rock bass and smallmouth bass dominated the 3 downstream reaches. Fish abundance was highest in the wide, shallow Kilmarnock reach between Smiths Falls and Merrickville. • Restrictions on fish consumption The recommended consumption of most fish in the Rideau River is restricted to 8 meals per month, with the exception of larger specimens of northern pike, largemouth and smallmouth bass, walleye, rock bass and yellow perch, for which 4 meals per month or fewer are recommended. In general, these recommendations compare favourably to those for fish in the Ottawa River, but are similar or slightly more restrictive than those for Upper Rideau Lake and the Trent River. 1 • Aquatic plant diversity and abundance Thirty species of aquatic plants were found in 1998 and 1999 at six shallow sites along the Rideau River. Only 5 to 17 species were found at any one site, and a relatively few species dominated each site. The most abundant species were tape grass, common waterweed, coontail, horned pondweed, star duckweed, white water lily and Richardson’ pondweed. • Aquatic plant harvesting Eurasian water milfoil and curly pondweed, two invasive introduced plant species, dominate deeper areas of the Rideau River, and are harvested annually in a few locations to keep the navigation channel open. The amount harvested between Smiths Falls and Burritts Rapids ranged from 13 to 28 tons between 1996 and 2000. Prior to 1999, no harvesting was carried out in the Ottawa region of the Rideau Canal. Since then, explosive growth of Eurasian water milfoil has made harvesting necessary (349 tons in 1999 and 173 tons in 2000), increasing the annual budget for plant removal by at least 5 times. • Non-native species: zebra mussels Zebra mussels have rapidly colonized the Rideau River since they were first found in 1990. Their density remains high in the lower section of the river, between Kars and Ottawa, and they continue to increase in abundance in the upper section of the river between Smiths Falls and Kars. The colonization of the Rideau by zebra mussels has been accompanied by the elimination of the native mussel species previously found there, and an increase in water clarity due to a steep decline in the concentration of phytoplankton. 1 4.0 Stress Indicators - Introduction __________________________________________________________________________________________ A wide range of human activities affect conditions on rivers, either directly or indirectly. Some are directly associated with the river, such as boating, fishing, and other recreational activities. Other activities such as urbanization, farming, industry, mining and logging are closely linked with conditions on rivers, although they may occur some distance away in the watershed. Generally, these activities increase as human populations grow, creating greater negative impacts on the health of rivers. The negative impacts of these various activities or “stressors” include degradation of water quality due to discharges of nutrients or toxic compounds, deterioration of natural shorelines due to shoreline development or heavy boat traffic, and detrimental effects on aquatic communities due to water level manipulations. A first step in improving conditions on a river such as the Rideau is to identify and monitor various human activities that may put stress on the health of the river. A number of such “stress indicators” have been included in this report. Trends in population growth and urban growth, permits for surface water withdrawals, boating traffic, and water level manipulation (draw down) are presented. Information is also included on wastewater treatment and agricultural activities along the Rideau River. 4.1 Stress Indicator: Population growth Background Population growth has a direct effect on the state of the environment. For rivers such as the Rideau, increased population in the surrounding watershed leads to increased water use such as water withdrawal for municipal water supply, industry and agriculture. Liquid wastes from wastewater treatment plants, urban stormwater and industrial effluents are discharged to rivers in higher quantities. Shoreline property is developed, leading to increased runoff of nutrients and toxic chemicals, and damage to near-shore aquatic habitats. Recreational activities, such as fishing and boating also increase with population growth. Results In 1996, 822,116 people lived in municipalities entirely or partially within the Rideau River watershed (Appendix 9). This represents a 6.8% increase in population since 1991. Approximately 88% of this population lived in municipalities in the RMOC (now the City of Ottawa), through which the Rideau River flows. Population figures from City of Ottawa assessment records give a more detailed picture of population growth trends (Appendix 10). Between 1992 and 1997, the population of RMOC grew from 680,170 to 740,897, an increase of 8.9%. Approximately 90% of this population growth was in urban areas of Ottawa. However, 55% of the growth of RMOC population occurred in urban centres outside the Greenbelt. These urban centres outside the Greenbelt (Kanata, Orleans, and the South Urban Centre) were designated in 1974, in the City of Ottawa’s 1 Regional Official Plan, to accommodate future urban growth. Between 1992 and 1997, 15% of Ottawa’s population growth was in the South Urban Centre (in the area around the Rideau River). In this 5-year period, the population of the South Urban Centre grew from 21,199 to 30,243, an increase of 43%. Overall, the population of Ottawa is projected to increase by 61% between 1997 and 2021, to 1,193,000. About 89% of this population will be located in urban areas of Ottawa. Limitations Population is reported at the municipal level; while some municipalities are entirely within the watershed, others are only partially inside the watershed. Canadian census data are only collected every 5 years (and 2001 data is not yet available). Municipal boundaries have changed since the 1996 census (with the creation of larger amalgamated municipalities) so comparisons with future population data may be difficult. 4.2 Stress Indicator: Urban growth and density Background The density of urban development can have important implications for the impacts of human population on the environment. Compact urban development uses existing infrastructure and land resources more efficiently than dispersed urban development. Farmland and natural land, including forests and wetlands, is lost as urban development spreads. The extent of urban development is not simply a reflection of population growth. The growth of urban areas, which are largely residential, is related to the number of households (which is dependent on population age structure as well as population size) and dwelling unit density. Urbanization creates a number of stresses on the Rideau River, including shoreline encroachment, and pollution from urban wastewater, runoff from paved roads and waste snow. Since most of the population of the Rideau River watershed resides within the City of Ottawa, changes in the pattern of urbanization in this municipality are an important indicator of potential stress on the Rideau River. Results The area of urbanized land in the City of Ottawa has increased more than ten-fold over the last century (Figure 17,18). When the Greenbelt was established in 1961, almost half of the land within it was undeveloped (Figure 17). By 1999, most of the land inside the Greenbelt had been developed. While most of the City of Ottawa’s population is still located inside the Greenbelt, this proportion has been declining, and the proportion in urban centres outside the Greenbelt has been increasing. 1 We apologize, but Figure 17 (showing urban development) is temporarily unavailable. 1 40000 30000 20000 10000 11 20 91 19 84 19 67 19 55 19 25 19 06 19 RMOC urban area (hectares) 0 (de sig ) ted na Figure 18 Urban area in the City of Ottawa (formerly RMOC), 1906-1991 (and designated for 2011). Source: RMOC 1998 The largest land use in Ottawa is housing. In 1991, housing occupied 44% of the urbanized area in the City of Ottawa, and about 80% of this residential land was occupied by single-detached homes. Commercial, institutional and industrial land use made up 6.5%, 9.9% and 7.3% of Ottawa’s area respectively. Paved road covered 13.1%, and 17.6% of Ottawa's area was open space or recreational areas. The number of persons per household in the City of Ottawa declined from 4.8 in 1901 to 2.6 in 1991. As a result, it takes more dwelling units to house Ottawa’s population, and therefore more urban land. Thus, while population and urban development continue to increase, urban density is declining (Figure 19). 80 70 60 50 40 Persons per hectare 30 20 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 Figure 19 Urban density in the City of Ottawa (formerly RMOC), 1906-1991 (and projected for 2011). Source: RMOC 1998 1 If urban density in Ottawa had remained at the same level as in 1906, Ottawa’s urban population could have been housed inside the Greenbelt until past the year 2011. The inevitable impact of decreasing urban density is increased impacts, per capita, on the environment. 4.3 Stress Indicator: Permits to take water Background Demands on freshwater supplies in Ontario increase yearly with population increases and economic growth. Water use has to be balanced against the goal of protecting aquatic ecosystems, and the needs of all users must be considered. Permits to take water (PTTW) from both groundwater and surface water sources are managed under the Ontario Water Resources Act (OWRA). Any water taking in excess of 50,000 litres per day requires a permit, except for water taken for livestock or poultry, domestic use, or emergency fire fighting. Water takings can be limited in the event of drought or severe water shortages. Results The number of active permits to take surface water from the Rideau River, or from its tributaries or lakes within its watershed (for purposes other than wildlife conservation) has increased steadily since 1964, reaching 36 in 2000 (Figure 20). 40 30 20 10 0 # active permits to take surface water 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 Figure 20 Growth in the number of permits to take surface water from the Rideau watershed (excluding conservation purposes) , 1964-2001. Source: Ministry of the Environment Currently, permits have been issued to allow the withdrawal of over 20 million litres of water per day, from the Rideau River and its tributaries and other source bodies of water. However, about 84% of this water is permitted to Ducks Unlimited, for wildlife conservation. Ducks Unlimited has 36 current permits that allow it to 1 maintain water levels in wetlands throughout the watershed, by means of water control structures such as low earth dikes. Water permits for other uses have increased from 318,220 litres per day in 1965 to 3,428,718,002 litres per day in 2001 (Figure 21). Current permits in 2001 were for uses such as drinking water supply, storm water management, road building, various commercial enterprises including quarries, slurry production and pipeline testing, and agricultural and golf course irrigation. 1000 100 10 (millions of litres) Maximum water withdrawals per day 1 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2001 Figure 21 Total volume of water permitted to be taken daily from the Rideau River, and tributaries or lakes in the watershed (excluding wildlife conservation permits) 1965-2001. Note that the scale is logarithmic. Source: Ministry of the Environment Limitations Permits to take water do not necessarily mean that the permitted quantity of water is actually taken. Some permits are issued for the entire year, while others are for a limited number of days annually. Only users taking more than 50,000 litres per day are required to obtain permits. Many of the permits are for water which is held back to maintain water levels in wetlands, and so is not actually removed from the system. 4.4 Stress Indicator: Boat traffic Background Recreational boating has become increasingly popular in recent years. Greater numbers of motorized boats creates demand for larger marinas and docking facilities, which results in more development of natural waterfront. Boat traffic creates a number of adverse environmental impacts, such as waste emissions, disruption of wildlife by noise and wake, shoreline erosion and subsequent hardening due to wake damage, and resuspension of sediments and nutrients by propeller wash in shallow areas. Boat traffic is impeded by aquatic 1 vegetation in shallow areas; as a result, plant removal is necessary in some navigational areas, which may result in the spread of invasive aquatic plant species. Boats are also involved in the spread of other invasive species such as zebra mussels. In a waterway such as the Rideau Canal, boat activity originates from local shoreline residents, marinas, public boat ramps, as well as vessels navigating through the entire canal system from the Great Lakes through to the Ottawa River. One method of assessing trends in boating traffic in such a waterway is to compare the number of vessels passing through the various locks throughout the boating season. Results Overall, there is heavy boat traffic on the Rideau River, particularly during the peak summer months of July and August. In recent years, there has also been high weekend boat traffic (from local boat use) early in the season in some river sections. Based on data collected over the past 20 years, there does not appear to be an overall trend towards higher boating traffic through the locks. However, the lock system is operating at or near full capacity at times during the peak summer season, which may be acting as somewhat of a constraint to boat traffic on the Rideau. Between 1980 and 2001, there was considerable yearly variation in the total number of vessels passing through locks on the entire Rideau waterway from Kingston to Ottawa (Figure 22). Boating traffic through locks was higher between 1982 and 1990 than in the past decade. Declines in boating traffic in some years may be the result of fee increases, gas price increases, lock closures, poor weather conditions, and changes in the general economy. 105000 100000 95000 90000 85000 80000 # boats (annual total) 75000 70000 65000 1980 1982 1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 Figure 22 Total annual boat traffic through all locks on the Rideau Canal, 1980-2001. Source: Parks Canada (Eastern Ontario Field Unit) 1 In the north-flowing section of the waterway, between the Rideau Lakes and Ottawa, the total number of vessels passing through locks has varied between 38,253 and 42,559 over the past 5 years (Figure 23). There was an increase in boating traffic between 1996 and 1999, but total boat traffic dropped somewhat in 2000. 44000 42000 40000 38000 36000 Total number of boats through all locks 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Figure 23 Total boat traffic through northern Rideau canal locks, 1996-2000. Source: Parks Canada (Eastern Ontario Field Unit) 4000 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 3000 2000 a taw Ot s ell rtw ck Ha Ba gs s Ho pid Ra ck d n Bla Isla s ng pid Lo Ra inttss lsror s hBou wNeic Clo le vil ck k c rri Me arno m s Kilond m Ed lys dS d Ol ine mb Co hed tac lie ma De a on Po Number of boats through lock Figure 24 Boat traffic through individual locks in northern Rideau Canal, 1996-2000. Source: Parks Canada (Eastern Ontario Field Unit) Some lockstations report substantially higher boat traffic than others (Figure 24) and boat traffic is lower at the Ottawa locks, indicating that a considerable amount of boat traffic through locks on the Rideau River originates within the river (and is not travelling through the entire canal system). 1 There are more than a dozen marinas and wharfs located on the Rideau River, between Smiths Falls and Ottawa, offering services such as fuel, transient dockage, launching ramps and waste water pumping. Limitations The number of vessels passing through locks likely represents only a proportion of the total number of boats using the river. 4.5 Stress Indicator: Water level manipulation – effects on fish Background Parks Canada manages water levels along the Rideau River, in order to provide a navigable channel and to prevent serious flooding problems. Control structures with stop logs are located along the river at various lock stations. During the navigation season (from the Victoria Day weekend in May, to mid-October), water levels are controlled to maintain a water depth of at least 1.5 m in the navigation channel. At the end of the navigation season, water levels are drawn down between Poonamalie (above Smiths Falls) and Hog’s Back in Ottawa. The section between Long Island and Hog’s Back is “de-watered”, by dropping the water level by approximately 3 m. The reason for this draw down is that it is not possible to remove the stop logs from the control structures during winter and early spring (if necessary to prevent flooding) so they are removed prior to freeze-up. The river is then refilled again in the spring, in preparation for the navigation season. Fall draw down on the Rideau River has adverse effects on aquatic communities, due to the destruction of littoral zone habitats in the river between Manotick and Ottawa. The over-wintering capability of fish, reptiles, amphibians and aquatic mammals may be affected, particularly in areas where the draw down exceeds 2 m. Aquatic plant survival may also be affected in areas where the riverbed becomes exposed. Fall draw down may encourage spread of the introduced Eurasian water milfoil, which has become a problem for navigation in the Rideau. The rate at which the water level is dropped in fall can affect the survival of fish, and the time at which the river is refilled can affect spawning success for fish species that spawn in early spring. The Region of OttawaCarleton (now the City of Ottawa) began monitoring the fall draw down process in 1995, at 7 sites between Blacks Rapids and Hog’s Back. This monitoring involved measuring the rate of water level change, and counting the number of dead fish at each site. Results Since monitoring by the City of Ottawa began in 1995, the rate of fall draw down in the Rideau has varied considerably (Table 8). In 1995, when the draw down occurred over a 24-hour period, there was high fish mortality, particularly at Blacks Rapids. Following this finding, Parks Canada agreed to extend the draw down to between 7 and 10 days. This resulted in a substantial reduction in fish deaths, particularly in 1997 when the draw down took place over 16 days. However, in 1996 and 1999 there were short periods over which draw down was rapid, and these periods were associated with high fish mortality. In 1999, a significant fish kill occurred in 1 Mooney’s Bay, with thousands of young-of-the-year pumpkinseed, bluegill and yellow perch left stranded in mats of exposed vegetation as the water dropped. It is possible that higher fish kills went undetected in 1996 and 1998, as monitoring did not take place over the weekends, and large numbers of dead fish may have been eaten by gulls and waterfowl. The timing and rate of spring refilling of the river may have adverse effects on fish spawning. However, the extent of this impact is not known. If the river is not refilled before the water warms up to the appropriate temperature for fish spawning, fish such as northern pike, walleye and yellow perch may not be able to reach their spawning areas along the shoreline, up creek tributaries, or in riffle areas. If flow is particularly rapid, fish such as walleye, which are not strong swimmers, may be prevented from spawning. Also, in the area of the river below Hog’s Back, some spawning shoals may be left out of the water, when water levels drop after the Hog’s Back dam is closed in the spring. Table 8 Fall draw down and related fish deaths in the Rideau River (between Blacks Rapids and Hog’s Back), 1995-1999. YEAR DRAW DOWN PERIOD DRAW DOWN RATE NO. OF SITES WITH FISH KILLS NO. OF FISH MORTALITIES 1995 24 hours 300 cm/day 7 1469 1996 9 days 30 cm/day (first 2 m) 100 cm/day (last 1 m) 3 821 1997 16 days 15-30 cm/day 1 12 1998 9 days 35-50 cm/day 2 213 1999 9 days avg 41 cm/day, 100 cm/day on day 6 n/a 12300 * * Estimated Sources: RMOC 1998, 1999, and 2000. Limitations Information is limited on the effects of fall draw down on the fish community. The effects of draw down on other aquatic organisms have not been investigated. Monitoring has taken place only during weekdays, so fish mortality may be underestimated. 1 4.6 Stress Indicator: Population served by wastewater treatment Background Municipal wastewater is one source of nutrients and toxins to surface waters. As many as 200 chemicals, originating from human waste, industrial by-products, household detergents and general cleaners, have been found in municipal sewage. In 1999, 73% of Canadians were served by municipal sewer systems. Most of these sewage systems provided at least primary wastewater treatment, and the level of treatment is improving as municipalities upgrade their wastewater treatment facilities. The various levels of wastewater treatment are: • primary treatment – removes suspended solids, using physical processes • secondary treatment – removes suspended solids, and uses biological processes to break down organic matter • tertiary treatment – in addition to secondary treatment, advanced biological or chemical methods are used to reduce nutrient concentrations and remove some persistent toxic chemicals. However, up to 25% of Canadians rely on septic systems to treat their sewage. In many areas, there are too many septic systems for the land base, and many have been built too close to shorelines, or in unsuitable soil conditions. In addition, many septic systems are faulty and poorly maintained. Septic system discharges can be a source of groundwater (and ultimately surface water) contamination. Results In the Rideau River watershed, various types of wastewater treatment facilities serve approximately 82% of the total population. The great majority are served by a tertiary treatment facility (Table 9), which typically removes about 93% of phosphorus from the effluent. Most of this effluent is discharged to the Ottawa River, from the R.O. Pickard tertiary sewage treatment plant that treats wastewater from Ottawa. Table 9 Population served by wastewater treatment facilities in the Rideau River watershed, 2000. TYPE OF WASTEWATER TREATMENT Primary Secondary Tertiary (discharging to Ottawa R.) Tertiary (discharging to Rideau) No municipal wastewater facilities POPULATION SERVED % OF TOTAL POPULATION 200 7199 616,221 13,058 139,582 0.03% 0.9% 79.4% 1.7% 18% Source: Environment Canada, Municipal Water Use Database (MUD) 1 Smaller facilities discharging into the Rideau or its tributaries include a small primary treatment facility at Elizabethtown, two secondary treatment facilities located in Merrickville and Perth, and another small secondary treatment plant serving the correctional facility at Burritts Rapids. Smiths Falls and North Grenville (Kemptville) upgraded their wastewater facilities to provide tertiary treatment in 1993. However, many rural residents, approximately 18% of the watershed population, have no municipal wastewater treatment, relying instead on septic systems. The performance of these wastewater treatment facilities varies (Table 10). In general, much of the phosphorus is removed from the wastewater (80.4% to 95.5%), and even higher proportions of suspended solids and BOD (a measure of organic matter) are removed. Between 1995 and 2000, the average phosphorus concentrations in effluent from the different facilities varied between 0.2 and 1.0 mg/L. Table 10 Wastewater treatment plant performance, 1995 – 2000. WASTEWATER FACILITY Perth Smiths Falls Merrickville Burritts Rapids Kemptville POP’N CAPACITY SERVED X1000 3 M /D 6000 9000 924 275 3278 5.91 14.70 0.50 0.50 4.51 AVERAGE FLOW 3 (X1000 M ) AVERAGE REMOVAL (%) Daily Annual P SS AVERAGE EFFLUENT CONCENTRATION (MG/L) BOD P SS BOD 6.58 2010.0 13.60 4940.8 0.48 177.2 0.11 38.8 2.71 978.5 80.4 95.5 93.0 87.4 95.4 86.4 96.4 91.7 94.0 98.0 83.3 96.8 93.9 95.1 98.9 0.4 0.3 0.2 1.0 0.2 19.1 10.2 10.9 18.3 2.1 14.7 4.7 6.3 14.5 0.8 NONCOMPLIANCE (% MONTHS) P SS BOD 0 25 0 40 3 5 19 3 17 0 8 7 0 10 0 Source: Ontario Clean Water Agency Over this period, the Kemptville wastewater facility discharged the cleanest effluent (as measured by average phosphorus, suspended solids and BOD concentrations) and almost always complied with the effluent criteria for a plant of its type. The Burritts Rapids facility, by contrast, discharged effluent with the highest phosphorus concentration, and frequently did not comply with effluent criteria. However, the amount of water discharged from this facility is small by comparison with the other wastewater treatment plants. Limitations This indicator is based on municipal population, and some municipalities are only partially within the Rideau River watershed. Urban wastewater treatment is not necessarily a guarantee that the treated wastewater is free of contamination. 1 4.7 Stress Indicator: Agricultural activities Background Agricultural activities can have a number of impacts on aquatic systems. Improper management of manure, commercial fertilizers and pesticides can lead to increased nutrients entering waterways, as well as contamination by bacteria, viruses, trace elements and organic substances. Poor agricultural practices can also lead to soil erosion, affecting shorelines and aquatic ecosystems. Agricultural pollution originates from both point sources and diffuse sources. Point sources of agricultural pollution arise from specific, identifiable sources, such as manure from livestock allowed access to rivers. However, most agricultural sources of pollution are diffuse, and harder to identify (and regulate). Diffuse agricultural pollution originates from farmland as a whole, through surface runoff and groundwater. Results In 1996, there were 3525 farms, covering 326,901 hectares (40% of the total land area), in municipalities at least partially within the Rideau River watershed. Almost half of this farmland, 144,539 hectares, was found on 1709 farms in the 13 municipalities bordering the Rideau River (below Smiths Falls) or its major tributaries the Jock River and Kemptville Creek (Appendix 11). Within these 13 municipalities (which are most closely associated with the Rideau River as it flows between Smiths Falls and Ottawa), farmland covered 40% of the total land area (Appendix 14), and approximately half of the farmland was planted with crops, and one-quarter was used for pasture (Figure 25). Figure 25 Land use on farms in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996. Source: Statistics Canada Agriculture Census, 1996 1 Commercial fertilizer was applied to approximately 30% of the total farmland, while manure was applied to approximately 10% of the land. (Figure 26). Herbicides were used on approximately 20% of the farmland, but insecticides and fungicides were used on a relatively small area (roughly 4% and 1% of the land, respectively). Irrigation was rare: less than 700 hectares were reported as being irrigated. Figure 26 Area of farmland on which fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation were used in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996. Source: Statistics Canada Agriculture Census, 1996 Sixty percent of the livestock raised in these municipalities were cattle. Pigs and sheep made up 17% and 18% of the total livestock, while horses accounted for only 6% (Figure 27). Overall, 53% of farms in these municipalities raised cattle, with an average of 30 cows per farm (Appendix 15). About 24% of farms reported owning horses (approximately 6 horses per farm). Pigs and sheep were raised on far fewer farms (5% and 8% respectively), but the number of animals per farm was considerably higher (90 pigs per farm, and 59 sheep per farm, on average). The density of pigs per farm varied considerably between municipalities. Farms with pigs in Nepean and Osgoode reported high animal densities (320 and 240 pigs per farm on average, respectively), while seven municipalities (Beckwith, Gloucester, Kitley, Montague, Oxford-on-Rideau, S. Gower and Wolford) averaged less than 10 pigs per farm. Cattle continue to graze to the water’s edge on some farmland along the Rideau River. This practice contributes to pollution of the river with both nutrients and potentially harmful microorganisms. However, the full extent of this problem will not be known until a shoreline characterization study is carried out along the Rideau. 1 Grants are currently available to rural residents in the City of Ottawa (through the Rural Clean Water Program), to assist with projects for animal waste management and fencing to restrict livestock access to watercourses. However, information on grants that have been awarded is considered confidential information, so it may be difficult to assess the impact this program has on water quality in the Rideau River. Figure 27 Number of livestock in municipalities bordering the Rideau River and its tributaries, 1996. Source: Statistics Canada Agriculture Census, 1996 Limitations Agricultural census data are collected at the municipal level, and not all municipalities are entirely within the watershed. In addition, recent municipal amalgamations will create difficulties for comparisons between this baseline data and future census data. Agriculture census data is not available free of charge. The most recently available data is from the 1996 census. Stress Indicators - Summary ________________________________________________________ Human population is increasing within the Rideau River watershed, particularly within the City of Ottawa along the lower Rideau. The proportion of Ottawa’s population living in urban areas outside the Greenbelt is increasing, and urban density is decreasing. As a result, the impacts of human activities on the health of the Rideau may increase in the future, as more of the watershed is developed. However, these impacts will depend on many factors, such as the type and quality of development that occurs. Improvements in planning and in 1 urban infrastructure such as sewage treatment and storm water management may mitigate some of the environmental impacts associated with population growth. A limited number of stress indicators is included in this report. The choice of indicators is a reflection of the availability of information within a short time frame, and does not imply that these indicators are necessarily those that have the greatest impacts on conditions in the Rideau River. For some of these indicators, such as the various agricultural activities in the watershed, historical trends are not given; the information provided serves as a starting point, or “baseline” against which we can compare conditions in future reports on the state of the Rideau River. In most cases, more information is required about these stress indicators, or the links between them and conditions on the Rideau River. • Population growth The population in municipalities within the watershed increased by 6.8% between 1991 and 1996. About 88% of this population lived within the City of Ottawa. In a similar period, the population of the City of Ottawa grew by 8.9%, and it is projected to rise by 61% between 1997 and 2021. • Urban growth and density Within the City of Ottawa, urban development has occurred primarily outside the Greenbelt, since 1999. The population in the South Urban Centre of Ottawa grew by 43% between 1992 and 1997. Urban density is declining, so it takes increasingly more land to house a given population size. • Permits to take water The number of permits to take surface water from the Rideau watershed is increasing. Water uses include drinking water supply, irrigation, and various commercial enterprises. Many of the permits issued to take water from the Rideau watershed, however, are for water which is held back for wetland conservation purposes. • Boat traffic There is heavy recreational boat traffic on the Rideau during the summer, although boat traffic through the lockstations does not appear to be increasing. Much of the boat traffic appears to originate along the shores of the Rideau, from more than a dozen wharfs and marinas between Smiths Falls and Ottawa, as well as properties along the river. • Water level manipulation (draw down) Rapid draw down of the Rideau River in the fall has been found to cause high fish mortality in the lower section of the Rideau River. Fall draw down likely has negative effects on other aquatic wildlife, but these (as well as the effects of refilling the river in spring on fish spawning) remain to be investigated. • Population served by wastewater treatment Nearly 80% of the population within the Rideau River watershed is served by one tertiary wastewater treatment facility, which discharges into the Ottawa River. Less than 3% is served by other wastewater facilities that discharge into the Rideau River or its tributaries. However, many rural residents (about 18% of the watershed population) rely on septic systems to treat wastewater. 1 • Agricultural activities About half of the farmland in the Rideau River watershed is located in the municipalities bordering the Rideau River. In 1996, this agricultural land covered about 40% of the total land area. About 50% of the farmland was used for crops, and about 25% was used for pasture. Over 40% of the land had commercial fertilizer or manure applied to it, while about 20% had herbicide applications. Cattle continue to have access to the shoreline in some areas along the Rideau River. 1 Data Gaps A number of potential indicators that were originally selected for inclusion in this report, were omitted because data was not available. In some cases, this was due to the short time available for the preparation of this report and in other cases the research still needs to be carried out. Some of these data gaps are listed below: Water Quality/Quantity Indicators • Water clarity The Canadian Museum of Nature measures water clarity by taking Secchi depth readings, as part of their water quality sampling program. However, these data were not available within the time frame of this report. • Groundwater quality and quantity The Ministry of the Environment has monitored a number of groundwater wells in the Rideau watershed in the past, but no data are available on these historical monitoring wells. However, a new Provincial Groundwater Monitoring Network is currently being set up. Ten monitoring wells are being established within the Rideau River watershed. Daily water level data will be accessible on-line, and water quality testing will be done twice yearly. Biological Indicators • Individual species Apart from invasive species (zebra mussels, Eurasian water milfoil and curly pondweed), no individual species have been listed as biological indicators. A few species were considered and rejected, because they were too rare, too common, or not present throughout the system. These included: - Common loon - common in some areas, non-existent in others; - Bull frog - not restricted by habitat, number may be more related to poaching, therefore not a good indicator of habitat conditions; - Western chorus-frog - not sufficiently common or widespread; - Two-lined salamander - too rare due to limited habitat along the Rideau; - Painted turtle - too common; - Northern water snake - too common. • Species at risk There is limited information available on the conditions of species at risk in the Rideau River. Aquatic and Shoreland Habitat Indicators • Acreage of wetlands of various classes along the river, percent of watershed that is forested Wetlands and forest cover have been mapped in Ontario by MNR, which has provided these maps to RVCA. However, neither organization was able to extract area data for the Rideau River watershed from their GIS in order to provide it for this report (due to time and budget constraints). 1 • Shoreline characterization Shoreline development has been identified as one of the main stressors on the Rideau River. Shoreline development reduces the diversity and quality of riparian habitats as well as shallow littoral zone habitats within the river. The number of households/buildings along the Rideau shoreline was suggested as an indicator. This information is not currently available. The Rideau Waterway Land Trust Foundation keeps a database listing every piece of waterfront property along the waterway and its features, but could not provide any information for this report. The RVCA is expected to begin a shoreline characterization study along the Rideau River in the spring of 2002. Recommendations The scope of the report One of the chief difficulties encountered in the preparation of this report involved differences in the scale of the various indicators. Some indicators, such as water quality parameters, are clearly measurable within the boundaries of the Rideau River. However, others are not so easily constrained to within the banks of the river. Some species for example, require both aquatic habitat found within the river, and some portion of the land along its shores. Many stress indicators, such the area of land used for urban or agricultural development should be considered at a much larger scale. Since rivers are so closely linked to their surroundings, it is clearly appropriate to consider the surrounding land area and connecting water bodies. An important goal should be to integrate the monitoring and reporting on the state of the Rideau River with that of the Rideau Lakes, the Tay and Jock Rivers and Kemptville Creek. Therefore, the Rideau River SOE report should be eventually expanded to encompass the entire Rideau River watershed. A number of other recommendations arose during the preparation of this report. They range from general suggestions for the gathering and management of data, to specific ideas for additional indicators that should be included in future reports, and areas of research and monitoring that should be given high priority: Data coordination, storage and management • Work out agreements whereby the various organizations that perform research and monitoring provide information for selected indicators on an on-going basis, and arrange for the information to be organized and expressed in a manner that is consistent with the SOE reporting format. For example, rather than supplying a large database of raw data, organizations could provide a summary report, figure or table. • Establish a location (and identify a host organization) which can house data and updated it on an on-going basis. This organization would ideally have a Geographic Information System (GIS) in which ecological and biogeographical information can be collected and analyzed. 1 • Coordinate timing of Rideau SOE reports to allow the incorporation of data from other source reports (ex. Fisheries Assessment 5-year summaries; Canadian Census). Additional indicators • Continue to investigate the use of individual wildlife species as indicators. Assessing the condition of key indicator species, or rare species populations found in the Rideau could help to pinpoint areas requiring protection. • Future SOE reports should incorporate information on management responses such as: - Implementation of watershed management plans - Creation of protected lands - Fish habitat protection or restoration work - Stormwater management - Storm sewer replacement - Changes to canal operational procedures - Programs such as the Rural Clean Water Program • Investigate the possible use of composite indices for future SOE reports. For example, the Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment is currently developing a composite metals index, which might simplify comparisons between different periods, and between different systems. • Expand the Rideau River SOE report to include social and economic indicators. Research and monitoring Research and monitoring along the Rideau River should be integrated with work being done on the other water bodies within the watershed. A number of areas requiring further research and monitoring were identified during the preparation of this report. Some of the key projects that should be given priority include: • Shoreline characterization survey. • Increased research, monitoring of algae, particularly in shallow littoral zone areas (toxic algae, mat-forming algae), and associated concerns such as dissolved oxygen depletion during decay of algal mats and plants. • Research into changes in aquatic plant community in the lower Rideau (monitoring of plant growth in navigation channel; better reporting of composition of harvested plants). • Research into effects of water level manipulations on fish spawning, and on overwintering of aquatic wildlife. • Nutrient apportionment study, to identify the major sources of nutrients to the Rideau River. 1