The VOL, Thames Star. THAMIES,NEW ZEALAND, XLV.—KO. 10,087 ■...,/■ . IC. D. WEIGHT* ■( " SHIPPING. m^!k 'FRtIVA'Vt .WVEMJMR, i ■ ■ fiouiwhold Itoonumtcery James Bensbaw ALBERT STREET,THAMES. _ For Sale. TabIe—NOVEMBER. Weather i nd other ci/cunWances Time PU9UBHSD DAILY. PRICE, OKERENNT. LCDTKU Builders lvMmMQ*y. 1 Insurance, Land, and Commission Agent, suir comi'anv 26, 1909 9 By W-. 4 tw li «*^ Hk Vklk IX 1 £■EBONMONQEE iA \ -^MBMB^B^^^B^BMB^B^^B»".iKt a IIV i .A^l Al ivu .^1 I »; JP »' *.J I'^ f aft A , , LEATHER UEALEH l IIIv UUI W M \ flaw ..... | ANE'S MEDOLINE ' Is spsciatly prepared for the tmaf».{^{Ja€ it after washing ■total, diahes, floors, etc.t ,It rouffh hands, soft, supple wuffm Md smooth, i/-everywhere,2. '1-4 TELEGRAMS. ST TE COAL DISPUTE! .. i U<>TH StDBS FIRM. ~ Si\ Lease tern jears good 1- " POLLEN STHBEK rj^VMSS - permitting. "LYING LOW AiSfD SAYJNC to rum at £13 per annum, Pro- j \ JHAMEB imuiAi £20. * Le»T» TbkniM. B»tutday 27,. Wakatere, 6 15 »wi, -' tfOUNT PLEASANT.—9 aero, "cod Monday 29.. Daphne, 7 a.m. j laiid, bi'lfv in crop amd orchard, / EFFORTS AT COMPR(JMISE FAIL. Tuesday 30. ,J)aphjje, 7.15 a.pu. - „ ( house of 0 rooms, huge cowshed cwnjreniencfcb with loft and ofrher , Wednesday I, .Daphne, 8 *u> ; , :>.(Per-United Pr«n Association.) Country Ordwca promptly attendedto' Loir-a alwiut 10 years uneocpired t 9,45 Ihunfrl'2.-Wtfc*tete S^B^B^B^B^BjDKtt^MtfSaM/lß^B^B^Hß^aiwxr^Klslß^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^B^^B^B^B^H » m. Premium .£l2. fVi4*y 3. .Wi,ka^w, B,4fra ' GOOD SUPPLY OF STOVES JCHPt j_ The drive uoith on 'Kb. 1 lode is 25. t GREYMOVTH, FOlt SALE—Parawai,, with river B*t«td»y 4,.Wftkßtert, 15.!5 pm. in 112ft. The reef is a nice solid In th.© course -of an- uftofficial a*ta*efrontage, 43 acres first class freev' L*«V« Auckland. Tatmera and Minera' Implementa Jljady T>i' atone,\showing sulpliide.ore nient- it is-:sbiouvh :tbat the min«t«'\ex-: hold land, i.early all ploughtd and of goodl gradei. l Carting the ore toj eeut»Ve smite inonitha ago submitted : Vrifaj 26. .Wakatere, lpm. Alwaya o* Band. laid down in arid subgrasses , ■t::^il|^■'f^U^^■; Sunday 28. .Daphne, 1.30 p.m. tihM ibatt«ry has &taHtted. proposals for- &r.o penny reduction in , into paddocks. divided A firstMonday 29. .Daphne, 3 p.m.. the hewing rat«- p«ovidieid :ih» >in'aii-' r ' vciy class propei4y, convenient to *■■ Bjß^B^B^P "' B^V >*:^Hi -iv^H l:'%^^^^^^£Tu4B^B^B^B^B^B^Bfl' Tuaeday 3O..Daphn», 3.30 p^m. MISSOURI MINES. T^j?' i agomenf did' »11 th« trucking; , \Vedue»day 1. .Waka.ere, 4.46 p,m. v town and la bo sold «b; >.& low 'however, refused to eotihrni miners' price for cash, or tiemi®. an1 Tha is a oliiisis of I'hurjsday 2. t Wakatoro, 5.45 p,m. ..,.. nkie country this the point; in dispute, BEACH I?,OAD to QUEEN1 ST.—FreeB«taHay4..Wakatere, desite, initerkoed with nu»«srous min- keen altfiov^h agreed t6. Th« Maneei', Utoiom ' hold section \vith comfortable ■"■.,"'■ '")■■'; ';- -y.-.T ";'.!. ■. """ i■ i ''i-:.-sc;-:-<' ,"v.;"'.«. fj ' silica TEe Retytn, FARES.—Saloon: eral aeaina and hseads.. W now demandrthat , the 'mahalgfene«t dwolEng of'6roomsi t)«th; washlewder ifc about six iniohe* in width,, shouldUndertake all trucking and Single, gs; Steer^gft: ■Bet«n», :"8a' : «4--i_ house with copper and all oither and shows gold, by rdiath aaid mortstr jagging. To briagj aboutr;» room-.i Single, Sc-iSd. . '':.... .,.' p, ■-.: ',;. necessary conveniences. A first The folly of Buying Spectacles test.. If the leader keeps its .present promise on' this issue several «ffoft« olasa and good locality property in IBAVES AUCKLAND from Fakirs is constantly being ooaiirsia as tihe level adivtaiiices, it will, litove 'bean niaJde, -Wut they hare calf" FBUJTI . THE THAMES STAR. position. Price reducedl to ,£265. brought before our notice by the fate- junction witlx U>e Rled Mercury reef. wtoya provted-abortive, the metirbeing*f for PAEROA, TIJRUA, KOPU, Btt. SEALEiY PRESERVING FRIIIT t acre ST.—Quar-ter of an ful results of misfitsV etc. Friday 26...Wuiinario, 10.30 p.m. j The Iheat valuta wena previously wx>n in no humour for any' oomipr6uMee'J'-■ PREiSE(RVING with 6-roomed freehold large FRUIi U Sundlay 28...Tai.iwha^ 11.30 p.m lodes. They wanib t4v-?ir deamiands oranotiiin]?;' house in best of condition. Good PRESERVING .FRtJITII We test the sight free of charge j at tJie junction of the 0r0<33 Monday.29...Waiinitrie, midnight. The miners- meeting) yesfewdiayrlwfa: Price, of fruit assortment trees. to be Way 30. St-iiiwha, anidn^ight.' our spectacles and guarantee ed over two hlowrs/bufc no tfliminuni-' £250. , CHAMPION MINES. the highest quality. Wednesday 1.. Wainuarie, midnight COCHHIAINE of cation whaltiever wotiW Tiba made W THORNTON'S, STRElEH'.—Jvearly new Tlibrsday 2. .T&iiwha, 3 p.m. -"-.■-.""; /'■ ■"'-. "> ■ j thla press. ;: kauri shop and dwelling of B FRUIT IaEPORIUiIIS, Friday 3..,Waiitau-ie, 3.30 p.m. , The soiTlth. drive has paisseid thiWuigihi sidlels {.ire "lying" low,'!r faking roonw. A first-class property in POLLEN ACND BROWN STREBIB. Both Fot Weak or Sore Ey(» w* Sunday 5 ..Tamwiia, 5.30 the reef formation, and! i!s tagaini > in no action -WbiGfceitfer to brmgratemt.a" the best of order find condition. Monday 6...Waiinarie, 6 p.m. j/I^jS'TLNG OF ALL KLVjS. 1 coulmtry rocik of no* too favouralble a resumptionj of negotiaStions; AH-?menv-r' Parawai.-i-Lar(?e BO WEN STREET, CIRCULARS, nuen , hlave;. ; started VEAVES PABKOA (calling at Kopu union are pledged to re^ freehold corner section of firstW« Mil the gwiine artiol* 3a 9& desicription. Tta iloinnaltion, hers.-of OF RULIS, BOOKS whiij.-h, is frsei to tb^ dlrive cm the 2| houre later.) to give nny informaltion jo the! fcree-3, class with fruit cottage, land bottle. pet . Friday 26...T«niwto, 5.30 ip.m . . eitriking into the eadt/ wtell, which jiress, which in censequenoe of r etc. A first class residential build- ' CAtAuOGUES, MEM (»» ANDUM OF LEAIE F( KM should reach) underneathi where some ence of iblotK patiied is* at n< vfcisadvaiiSaturday:27...Wi'.»Vi*rie, 6'p.m- , lodaliiy. ing good aiie in DEEPS, Monday 29.. .Taniwhat, 8 p.m. very ridi gold wlas got oni tiie surface. tajya in obtaining authoritiv© stnlte-' Trade rk. ■ TRANSFERS, Taeudity,30...WjMmnrici, 9 p.m. | A fiiiir proapeibt of igwld can: be t go^t;Sn mente. ■ ■ " FORMS; RECEIPT 1. .Taniwhai, 9.30 p.m. CONSULTtNO OPTICIANS, ara.y quartz met with,. The oruShiog M»iny rumours are in cireuliatioii QdVERNiyiEM'L t RUTTKR WRAPPERS, Tlsiußdiy 2..Wa'jnarie, 10.30 p mi. ' 102 POtLEK ST;; THAMESj from the Chaniipioß' reef only; pro- aiient the oiitcbmß'-of WUOLESAI-E AND RETAIL '""IZH " " envelope, . '.■ Friday 3...Ta«iwhaj 11.15 a.m. aoilalgain. meeting. Only tihn is certain t» far'( duced li3oz» of c*>ld MERCBVNTS. BALL PROGRAMMES, 25 from the —ithtat no cither unions as- yt*. h«ve Saturday l...W«imarie, 11.30 a.m trial of tons parcel A school report Foi?Ms; f Monday 6...TAiiiwha, 1.30 p.m Dyke gwvei 13|oz«, thleii total, il26<?zs. been approached in thte. miwtter "by j CUFiRRS, AND I *: BXPOHTEHS, BUSINESS CAR.DS, ~ FASI: Return 15«; »ngl« ?"" of amalg'wm; fjivimg 27065s I74wt^-| the Sta*e mines. MiANUFACTURE'RS. ! CHEQUES, 13el 3d." valued £62 is ar great deal of coal from gold, melted Th«e No. 4. MENU CAROS, W. FBROUSONv Agent. othler tocalitiei^ all of which are ad- i (Per-,/;,United Pme-AMociation.) tiot«h »nd PriTnile Fatnilies Waited ~,- ' ,'. ADDRESS LABELS, i r a >"" 11 ■.r^.> " ; 1 LIBERAL SYSTEM OP NON« v«rtisini!J| for nwre inioiew. on Ordere. for ( NOTE HEADINGS, TELEGRAMS. 12.66 pao/) d (Reoeircd 25tifa,> WAGES AND TIME vSnEE'IV. FORFBITDRE protect! bttj MAIL NOTICES. trying Stmimpr Monilih lea; j In CUSTOMS ENTRY 'FORM*. should be in every house to keep LOSS OF THE DUCO. Isguail Agtnranoe CONCERT A... fRO Policy The ,>Hi(rh CLurt t>t .' C^lcutt% hap ■. TICKER Vaik will okNW m rauUr:-Articles Cool and Frteh. We Supply GRAMMES, FOUND. Order*, FBIDAT 26th. and A BODY up Small so ring by the Department. Large [for life. The niiiwr aeotence fai tm LETTEB HEADINGS, TPfione 78. ' For Auckland per train at 8.40 a.m ' ducwl. . .*. ;, And: .i THE RIGHT OF AJPFEiAL. ,iv " iunndar Worn and lo*a ■!■■"! .". ":..., WiAMTUt v Abo— and 3.35 p.m. and per Wakatere at FANCY jJimt allowed two and DESCRIPTION OF i yean, Fish, EVERY Smoked and rresJi. All fi*h , >a<s« an 7.45 p.m. (Per United Press Assooiation.y QUESTION OF RB-HEAJBINCr, AND COMMERCIAL" "PRINTING I (by .ra!i neatly packed in, ice. No For Nel»on, Picton, Wellington, and if the premium ii not paid withia the NEWDOCK. AND IN too small. Terms Omit. thirty day* of grace an account is opined EXECUTED PROMPTLY Southern ports at 3.35 p.m order* (Per United Frees Association;} WELLINGTON, November 25 THE BEST 'STTIJ& ' For Paeroa, Mackaytown, Karangacrediting th« policyholder with the tar The decomposed botfly of a man vfm hake, Waikino, Waitekauri, Waihi read* value and increases thereon, and. IAND AND ESTATE AND OTHER COLD STORAGE AT LOWT-ST WBLLINOTO(Xi,--I*««ambiap' ■?&.?: TRADE CATALOGUES A found on the Kaiwaiiai ©■Beach this and To Aroha at 8.4(1 a.m. and jebitinghim with the premiums M they OPENED AT'SWAKSEA.' RATES* , Aft€<r the Nuiutitial Court -'hadfi-deafternoon, 'Ite police think the ibody 3.35 p.m. SPECIALITY. lipered (all dae and interest thereon. As long as case., in t>he Dtieoi judgment Edwards, nan is tbait of a named For Hamilton and Waikato off.oca at CALL OR 4SEND YOUR CRDERS. Cheapest House in (Per United; Pre* AMoeiattpa.). the amount to credit exceeds the amount who has bmi missingl for three Mr Dalziel (for <iva owners) ataid her; 8.40 a.m. and 3.35 p.m. uindorsltood there wa« no'righto-.' of; force,; in and in owing polioy For Tapu 9.15 a.m. the is full Weeks. ■HOITLAM). mi STAIt X«*lm4 THAMES THE Town for— aippealin suohi a caise. ; LONDON, November %l. For Kauaeranga at 9 a.m. the eVent of death or maturity the saw Dr." MoArtttir' »aid thahec was-■''iff ! The new1 King's dock at SWaiweay For Baratonga, Tahiti, Peuhryn sss«red and bonnssli, lets the amats of re^ieariug" tlier'Sup-: U.K., and befomei rigttb Islands, U.S., Canada, costing two million, lias teen opened. Vith interest, an psM. HAWERA SHOW. ■■ ■■ " ■"■/.'■.■'■< .""' reme Cour*. '- ■ N OTICI. Cont. of Europe at 8.40 am (per Toys on Dalziel :aaid>' -.theftrorrbieirih» Hauroto tearing Wellington Mr coinpajiy Was in waa.tihat there was! Nor. 28. RUSSIAN SCANDALS. OF no expert evidejioe as to wlhat the (Per United Preas Association.) rCjaptein Duco. rea|ly< tculd carry., 'B^O CORRESPONDENTS AND SATURDAY, 27th. Cable Address: Telephone /IDVBKTISEE6. Beaiclall jlaVei eviden(M(*of. Fancy Goods, liiA|WER4> IXWem^ii- 26. For Auckland per train at 8.40 am "Beehive," OV EVEBY 953. BOOKBINDING any THE AKMX. AGAIN. and 5,80 p,m. There is splendid weather for tihe tlie company was>tolaialble tbi bring evidtemce compare witih his. DESCRIPTION. For Nelson, Pipton, Wellington, and day lor the Hawera Show. expert l>eioiile's .It is on this prroundl tihab any apetc. eta, Southern Ports, at 5.30 p.m. Tho-jumping allrouiid wt-as excellent. It it requested (.hat all MILLIONS MSSENG. The Campbell and for rehearing may be ! parade attfaicitcd keem' at- plication For Paero% Te Aroha, Mackaytown, The stotlk. made. Corraspon Company, Ltd. denes tention by- tlhe superiority of the exKarangahake, Waitekauri, *nd SUPPLIED POIl: Afiin&^€o^B4 Illustrated Paperß, Mugaziue*, Law hibits. Waihi at 8.40 a m. and 3.35 \..xn. Dealing with the litciniy kid< Hooks, Gazettes, Baker'B Cart Books, AND THAMES. resjull«l: AUOKUWD ohkiirrifioiiisihips : T»))[j For Hamilton and Waikato Offices at of the paper be addressed to tbt |iu«ic, etc., bound in any style. I>rauu')iifc ontiirei, j. Grant's Baron Jouruuls, 8.10 a-ra. & 3.35 p.m. Editor. Books, Stntiou Account Campbell Logan (Chairman). Sir John Martin; thorougihbredi entire, H. For Paeroa, Te Aroha at 5.30 p.m. ■ Tally Bookß,gbare Registers, "rtv»t» Communication* A.. M. Myers, Esq., {ManagingDir- Timber For Tapu, etc., at 9.15 a.m. Vine's Coronet. Bookß, a.d decretary Mr Alfred B. Rate Books, Impounding addressed ector), Proprietor. Be to the -It is-rep&rt«d ttjiat-tie,army-*»»% Bankart "11 Clasße« of specially Ruled IJooke, Correspondence MABINEi DJBPARTMBNTTS FOOTING BOIES AT THAMES. dials at Mbftcaw involrea thb embiesile* tilled, printed, and VouniVon »><e prt L^T.TBR'. mfDt of a> niillioo. Bterling annually, Referring to busineet mattsrt,, Iniaw. Bark* and Owen streets, Th*m«4 and et million and a hall at Moscow, about and:advertising worry to printing tfatj , fJ H. Smith and Co.): B*.na. and S.2| of the Piako alone. v Mana«e]r. tih© last r meeting Alb «.m.; «ad »t a*v«tfMd time «rf closing Depart- , Supplies- sufficient for a whole WIL Mc€UI.LOUGH. tiie Marine Council County itmton, wxQ* for Auckland, between 8 a.m, slmr«~ imw* atiKlgfl aßHf"«orp» ment! wrote ackinoiwled^ingl receipt of "nd i p.«. Lane's Emulsion tks Council's letter of 10th mature- and Odessa. Ftnton street, Pafawai (Kevm's)* RBAI) presentiii'Uf on behalf of the, Pialkp splendid'ie**teß*Jyi^»nMoii(^s'neßa siroiig.' make hi m .3 11.30 a.oi. County Council the injury which is TO OUR "BUBdORIBEJRS, jf i Ik i -^b^b \m. |fa<7 and P pffl» tj:^U,6hortland^ I IIVXBSIDtB KUBCTET, :' ?' being dbna to the WaShou and Ohine? have been confisoatad. are pending. '- i' '< 8 a.m. and 3.25 p.m., and at atlverriß- 'ftuflfetf It-. < 1 ifl M I " 1 miuri Rivers «nd to the surrounding1, Nd furthw arreste ing every ed time of clj»ng,n»ail» ior TeJtphone No. 110. counltlry by tlha deposit of tailings j between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. n»pe^ at. Waihl andl Kaar-, from SUBSCRIBERS are particuliily ~ Good CRYSTALS, Pollen and Willoughby Sreecs STRIKE. QualOUR JELLY .]n ' 'Jtbo. QUpmam .River. GREAT ■ai i g i u l h i a j k e.. requested to notify me promptly of* NOT l 1 u for packets 'hortland, 7.50 a.m., 3.15 pM. 5 ON ity, are HAS SALE taken to ai of >be are ofbftain deliytry .Stops being any failure in the Richmond and Roltatof;. ureeti 'WANT NOT." cnio sliilHng. Th*raefl Adpertimer or. Star to thetu \ to the preetenlfc et^jtet of the fort as and Sfcortl*n<ii T i5».m. *nd 3.10 p.m. [PINE APPLE irtiiii a|d per tin. , l>y rtherwi«w. later on will bond Counrivesl, ot pon wb«tli r Boadwde Kuranui (no Port OfficevCHOICE, D'llllip APIMCQ'A]^, 8d .per Noticei cil ai further re^ly to> ite coiuinuuita-. QUESTION IN THE ASSEMBLY. Also, "i 4ft p.BO to diswntioue *'ib»rrij>i,istj» tic.n, " The Hon.. SetTieitary of .ifcsi, lb. ".-.■■ m ftdrertieeir^ati must U wnt in ia Shortland Haitway Station: T.50 AND AOriNG-PiIEMIEIIVS REPLY, CHOICE DRIISD PJMCHES,,7d per wiitinK, JfoA th«;f»P"7 &" CABBAGE,CAULIFLOWER Ajsortmeut of B«nit!fal Ohinciuuri Uiver Siltinc Association, »od 3.15 pjo. Special Association, the lb on of wrote fofchulf then oairent quarter. Futth^r,''w« TOMATO PLANTS,etc. New CHINAWARE, DIN'XERWAHE, Tararu (32Ui»): li3o p.r (Per Inited Prm AwoeiatioD.) -'. CHOICE) DRIED iAJPPLES.Td per, Mi will not,bold ou.'acWfa tiablt fo/ the effettt tliat raiding' tine pub'fOILETWAIR.E, FANCY G0OD& and to (NEW DATES" 51'bs for one shilling. «ror« li »d»*rtis»'nent« tnit by copy of the ahainuHtti's latter lished J. G. MoDOUGALL, GLASSWARE. per (Beceired iQtH, 11.10 P-hl) to tl'fl Ministar tnd as tbjei mutter I BEST; QUALITY JAMS 3s 6d ■ HANSBN & 00., AQKttra, ivUphun*. , , Acting CWef Po»t Masl«r. TEA SETS in Latest, and Choicest was so fully ftid clearly explained, dk>z. Tina ATM McCULLOrOH. ; SYI»iBY, Nomuber 25. Pattern*. and the County Chadrman. has snob Try onf CEYLON FANNIN.GS TEA Proprietor BASKET WARE—Pienio and other mi eocoaUouifc grswp of the ftuatel. the In tbß AwtaouWyj in wply to ,», lOd par lb. GOLDEN TIPS one busketa in great variety. said bfl shilling per lb. CHOJCE ORANGE W. Awsoviaitiom. db:^ not oi>«»ider it would! 1 question, iiw Acting-Pmuier tiuub the undentood TIN TRUNKS—EnameI Ware and nto^ be neues*ary to " wait upuni tyef wirfied % dleuriy nyt PEKOE* splaudiid v^lue, Is 2d lb. BUILDBK AND i».sryr dictating, GorernmiMiti wiw TO THE FESiDENTS OF a« a TUe Ironmongery. deput«rtioH. FKtESH SEPABATOR BmTfER, from all Household Couicil Associa- 1 LABBLS, XTNDBETAKJBB, lOd per lb. Combined with above in a full and tion tihawked! the Council for the very, ing; io bring the parties*, PAEROA A.\7J> SURROr.\D;>.G of tine Beat. Groc- oleai* aftd able luenucr in ," which 'the ' He had asked utfae repremMMtiTW of FACTORY BUTTUR Is per lb. , well assorted Siock LABELS, &c. RICHMOND ST. DISTRICTS. eries and Produce, Bought for Cash faota wiejie laid ibbfotta tSie Miiiisttr,. | | both sides to meet him early. Het did not regard Itliis difficultiesbetween and Soldi at prices which*" cannot be and they feel sure . tha* with We have a large range of bjms in bealtem. ' !help< tlie Association will be, [the cool owtoers and men as inwiper* " Coiraioir* STAR AND ADVERTISER Mit Tags, (Eetinm't«B Given for AH Kinds of Manilla Address Linen and~ TAKE NOTE AINiD VISIT -i "■ able to g|et thia trouiblesomei matter 'aWtel AGENCIE& Fronts, and SJuildingts, Joiner^, THE CHEAP ,I'ht ■ TU-iAlhij SIAi!" -jd Lj vt, aile for all purposes ' snitisfacittoirily se*,tledl in fae iear AND STORE THE CENTRAL ■S-liop Fittings, etc. .rriy*l AND PROVISION,MERCHANTS, jiiut'l: < *>ii» .tveinng o^ oi I COMfult(ur«. ACTION BY "■; BAKERiY. MARY STREET. Thames tnun ft«ui ilrs McCmthney, MISSIONERS. trooi. may >QE STAR be obtained 81. Telephone j 'PHONE NO. 60. Jbooksoll^r aud stationer, Railway ft* under-mentioned agent* each The following is the Rev. .0. I). |re»t.finLt' Utxuux I'u!'whv; PBINT ADDRESSB3S NO COAL TO BE HAULED 'iternoon Boon alter i o'clock. Bates' sunjiuary :«ndl faremst j—''T^ie everybias, steWtl'ly 7 barometer risen' daily ON SAME AT CHE3AP RATES. (Rooeired 2€tli, 1.55 ».iu.) UROAN's The ADVEBTISE&'at a.m EB HOW TO WIN THE BATTLE. where wi;tih moderate to atrone; soutW r^llen NSt r-»ll«D Mr Coad,StaHoner about Straite o« Cooks eaccept put thac? erly winds NOTICE TO' ADVERTISERS. .NUBSEIRYMBN;.shouId SYDNEY, November 25. Mary S* Ifn Purnell, Drape\ where southerly gales have ocevrred1 The Railway Comrnkmonen l**9 OELEBBATED ,heir bundles of trees, tLeybring Campbell,, Cape day. Cape to7 ..Alt Mr Burra, Stationer Pollen St.. If you expect to conquer in. the battle more custom. issued inatiTuctions wt Newt»stl« thaO Advertising is not the road >to "ac- Egniont, and New Plymuitih, tbe wea-| until further notice no <00l is. to Ma One REPLACE ADVERTXSEMENT PRIVATE PEOPLE should put :heui *«"■ Maxwell, Music Shop, Pollen St. of today, ohatoigeiafcle, itself.—Richardsoa ther been ir.ild and travelling Las cess, but success NOW PUBLISHED on £heir luggage when hauled «cept for milwtey puvpasea. trumpet per month will be allowed free of /ansen Bros, and Co. Pollen St 1 You will have to blow your light rain in j-arts, amd ai thunder-, Thi* will operate against Mr Bcwfi and it will not go attray. way. cost. Replaces in addition to this steady in a firm and of Plenlty in thla this Batjr storm Polls«n St. The mine*. /r Carson,Stationer for a,t the rate of- 6d man who owns his acres is the will bo chargedsingle should keep them tv afternoon. Anii-cycloiiic conditions in«fs scheme of working the _A T The man who pays more fl'jt Mr Nodder, Stationer Pollen St. column. Extra, HOTELKEEPEES per inch per man who ploughs all day, j they w« their Customer* advertising for doe* not of a sealed shop rent than noiw previail, tbwxjgh. ak so Brown Si And this man who keeips a hum ining space required by advertisers! beyond )lnj Pear*on,Stationer cheap Wvertisement. know his business.—Horace Greei'** charactea1. The preaemit Indioaticns charged »t here the contract will be space stay. 8 0 N who's t o is the man 1701 children, under r.nd Co. Polliß Carbut* are for modera!t« to strongl southt-rly A. total of in the Dominion lasfc But the maim who advertises with a ordinary scale rate*. SE3>LRB. "I The more you get at a time the Street. wirds orer tfhe North Marid ,Mid yieiar old died tTATKXNER AJNT> JtUSIC sort of sudden jerk, advertise, it gives your pla?« weisteirly in the northern partte of the year. .Seventy-five out of every 1000 POST FREE TO ANY If you TE4IY CHEAPER ARK year old, Ib the man who Iblames the printer ADPBBBB \jn. a reputation around,, folks will South Island, but nortihorly eiset- male children died under a The advertisement* which apj'xwi. "becamee :t does not work. to your" -warehouse and, Keep where. The Mea,tiher will probably and 6ft out of wery 1000 female chilcrowd take journal anuwg uses in a risks public The-main who'gets the 'business TTIE THAMES ADTERTISEn. an* Do not advertise and stop, i lively If, you don'twant to do anjK ibe fair in moat parts of the country. dren This is xvhki ike Socwety the more siemifieant indications 01 brainy printer's ink, . PeWb T&h*etf a*% Trainee. Lowt«tif i Biit a«lveriiM» and Stay. thing'keep as artill an you e«n.--O The weather vi somewhat unset<tled the Plunket nureee am annoy* to of that time a»d society but the state of an' combat who read your ad. la»t ">-ui Not a clatt€r or a splatter,S. Browne. fctoy* Eart Cape." prices "Always" at A- Gowt and For THE THAMES STAR. place.—-Diokeoi. I^. that aakgß £ou thank. %jll tor H >dAT Tbo Busy Btofefrft—<A4* .-.-"- PlAßlAWAl.—Leasee's. interest in 9J acre* ■ ■■ 1 |;> MININGNEWS. SCOTIA. No-renitr "'^■:.!i:"C>^^B■T'" ©^^H^^P^* . '. l , * r - PRESERVING . PRINTING Tub DEPARTMENT R. SANFORD LIMITEI, ■ "■ refici-J Bulck & Go.» - NSURAWtf fiffPAI^TMENT ** .y - CABLEGRAMS. . HWRH - . FACT "' BLANGHFIELD, CAIBUTT & CO t^e '\ ■" \ i ■ SAIJFPP LDIITID, BOOKBINDINQ ■' and all kinds DEPARTMENT — — JL thii etc. BhrenfHed . 1 — THE SILTING QUESTION I #&ilwPnM:v ryON'T . - ■ THIS "Witlibut cbnsider- W. OAUSIiBY. DON'T ''■ ■ ■' line. - that weak child. will ' i ..tibia "WAS'IJE KUMEBA IPLANTS. COAL l mm ,:.,,,-' Bu# from SCOTT'S, 1 -W^ _ . POTTERtfON, 0. I AoenTi7H«CmfiQiEnwnfPi])C-Lv] To lAJGGAXEB . TREEI ti^ CROCERB Plate^lass ■' 1 ____ ■ RAILWAY *"" jy[°L M .\JAK Wn SGOTl1. . ... ONE SHILLING. — W. ...... COOKERY BOOK. Bm> t t^etber. 1 1 n ,, ... *' " . « THE THAMES STAB. htuvo le«nia.rkiiible tastes and THAMES NEWS. in this direction, an extraordinary, POLICE NEWS. FRIOAIV,'NDVEMB.ER, 26, 1903 TELEGRAMS. CABLEGRAMS. Our Aucklaad coireupoudenit telencquiti 1'!)! of the missionaries suggests that jr*l<ro>> n.rti now not wholly graphs: "The Auckland Al, and P, undler the domination of the rubber Show opened in splendid weather. summer suit .has jus* been completed traders. Tlia cvideuco that* l;.ns Ijtcen T'iio entries largely exceed those of for one hy a Dargraville clothier, to collected, however, docs not encour- tixe last show1, which- *a» ai record." tfce order of a- gen,tleimen< who is THAMES WARDEN'S GALLOWS. GREAT COAL STRIKE. THEFT OF CLOTHING. UNDERTAKER, BUILDJ6B AND evidently very much in favor of thick a."fa tlio 'belief that the atrocities cenCOURT. 100 POLLEN STREET (CENTRAL), sured by the intiuaon&riee have Tantivr* -~ itiTited by Hhe Boroa^jh. clothing. It is mode out of the same ceased. Council for fearing alb tlw new abat- material: as an ordinary buggy r>ig, THAMES. NO CHANCE OF SKfITLEMBNT, Flana and specinwutionti and Ls 1 aibout throe-quarterß of -, an THE a\J>E OF ROBERT HOLMES 11OBKRTS THE MUBI>EULii;. tpirs site. niia(y 'bo seen at the Borough! diaon- inch in thickness.. " At "drtio ir.ortiing's sitting" of the Carefully Compiled Estimates GiTon. LIFE IN MANILA. b(er». WAITING FOB BBPRIEVK STRIKE LEiADEJtS INDIGNANT FINED £12 OR ;: fMOtSfTHS' GAOL. Wiirdwn's Court, held befoiw Mr BUILDING CONTRACTS OF ALL A NEW ZEALANDER ABROAD. Mr Samuel Meet, believed to be tJie Warden Durgewe, the following appliMr- Will Croioks, M.P., on the oldest, working icompositor in the cations came up for consideration, (Per United Press Association.) position: growing moee DESCRIPTIONS PROMPTLY gambling evil: "I like a! man who world, and who was employed at tihe Ait itttiis morning's sitting of the and Were dealt with a» detailed beNow Zealander who is young city Ai OUT. MiißlOiUS CAMMED likes for sport's salke, but not if Brisibane Newspaper Co?s office, died Thames Police Court the oa»c of Rob- low : Nov. 25. aport ployed on the construction of dredges lie uses aporb for tfhe purpose of getagain up. Bofoevts, ert Holnies came in Gaol Lytteitonj who.iai deceased, last week. The who was 90 Isknds haiS written tin? the olttar fellow's, money.1' —Granted— FUNERALS iGMJDUOTED AT . in tone Philippine This acciusad yesterday was charged lindcir aentenco of dctaitii for the niur- CALLIXiJ OUf'Mll^^ttßKf years of aigie .arrived in. Australia in a. very interesting description of: J. Kneelbone, applieatioh for Ajax der of Alice Newiraanii, does not,/ to with Btcleai various articles of haying LOWEST MATES. lived some for months in Manila. Ha dteerita it as a "great Comsklble Mi'tkiic. of Te, 1858. He Extended claim. special outward appearance, seem to iccl his clothing emvrietttted on th«i charge OOAL SUPPLIES SHOET. "Putfti of tihe town*," he has been laid-up dtu ving tlie week New South Wales', and went to Queens- ghe>', valued T. W.. iNlemnan, protection for position yeiy keenly^ buit this is Wreaths, Domes, and Emblems plate." at £8 8t lldl, tlw prowrites, "in enclosed by m> old Spanish witihi a. rather tsevere atttaWk of sciatica land in 1860. He at once secured an perty ' Mountain King No. 2.-6 'months his Messrs A. do>u!b'cleas due to thfci fact that his erwiiloyers, at on the staff 'appointment composing (Per United Press Association.) fortified wall, built about three hun- Constable Holland, of Waihi, is do- of R. Wilson, enixvusion. water race*—6 spirits; are; tousled up , by : 'the liope tihe Brisfclitub Courier, and was Conrt and Son**, drapers, Pollen St. month* dred years agol. iMtaniia contains aibout ing temporary dulty at Te Arol),a. and the fhat' the " sentence will be complanted .;ullt.y Magistrate Ho fifoe Briscontinuauaily employed by SfDNEY, NoTenabcr 26; 170,000 natives, about. 18,000 ChdnJ. H. Fleming, protection for Do ui)Ut«i. -He is reiparted. <to have suid bcinei Newspaper Oo<mp«,ny until a fei\v b>efore dealing finally wiibh tlhe case, iruno Mr Lee *sks Wtht sides. .of . the ©sa and aibout 5000 A|menc.a,ns,. not claim.—tf months. The scores in connection with the weeks before ki», cloath. to refer the inaititer to the that the lie received word his day decided of Rtriko . to m->?t.Lin, on Saiturdaj. It i» counting the 8oldi«r», of yr^i^ there .shooting competition of the WaioJ. Odium, licenMi for claim, New I'epiieve will be tlhe 'inappae»t of his con*id«a«ed tliKtrict pLio'.iatioii officer '(^ei'?eant vary uulfkely tlMtfc'" -^he are about 3000 who live in ibarrj^ks Karaika Slcliool Cadets for prizes preLoch iNlaJord. for a report. Lie." (lay Evangelist) has meiating will have s.ny retsukl SnuadiL, "The Kaitiipo," tllnei jouirjja.l of tllo Miorjvan) quikie ouiteide the towtii. (T'hera is a suited by Mr Harold G. .Sbmerville, {?. Adams, E. V. Turnbull and licDetective Co< liey conducted the been visiting Roberto, and has imThe proprio-ors ahow no intention Post and Toleg;ra.pi!i Department, in good electric car aerrice", apdi aom^ cf will bo found', on <*wr fourth, page. ense for ola;m b«r tliian ordinary, <> on behalf of tKb police. pressed on him no€" to build up too of departing from the position they its October Issue, piilblishes a. letter prosecution the motormein ««■« natives. There are At this morning's sitting of the aVlvia No. 2. much on the -hope, of reprieve. also hundred 1* of little colbs drawn by W. Hl. Kennerley, lieens* for claim " Mr Sinaill and the Rev. Bates hare taken up. Mr Joseph Mian-tin, a well-known from a correspondent, in the course of Court the rejvji*!< of the probation The strike leaders "are, indignant JBHOWING ALL pondes nnd '.Irivpn Iby Filipinos. They, resident* of CortMuandel,went to wiiicfe he remarks : "Yooii may be sur- officer Was reweiipd. It stated that other than ordinary, Nlew Discovery. (Presbyterian clergyman . afc Lj'ttelat the action of tine Blailway (Jomare more like amnil igjigs and seat, two, Auckland to consult a specialist re- prised to hear that recently a coun- the accused *iud not been previously H. Hughes, license for claim other tou) are regularly Roberts, miaelioneir .vith regard are Very - ooniifortaib'le riding. garding his right eye. It was found try storeikeeip'eir, finding that our parto tte haulage The Lafcesb Novelties ftrid " convicted, that hi* past conduct rt<h.nn ordinary, Traasraal. who is a Presbyterian. The. otmdean- of coal. They oliarge only 10d an hour and necessary cels rates were cfaieaper tlhan those of hlad been but Christie, A. for claim application to itmo- o the'- eye. as warrant Marciel, sent, sunn did not ned man for Oa,prtiiiin : Mr Hughes elmins that it amounts carrying companies, had albout thirty tli'i!#. officer recommending him. for other -than ordinary, New Zealftnder. FOB THE PRESENT SEASON. they are fine to tro for ai dri<vti in in visiting Justice, and arranged1 to talking tbe sides against th* ttotri; the afternoo;- ;." tl evening. Some of Tllq populurity of th« motor car Merry .Widow hats elhipped about a! protetion. 'lie had "been dischnrped Kuranui GjM>. Cb.. -reduction for send ii cablegram to Scotland, ac- to and make it. a harder teak for tho*e the ponies are oiily as Wg as a calf, wais well demonstrated at Fleming- thousand miles ait sixpence a/piece, from two previouti employers for dis- Kuranuw. —t ri'-cn for 6 month*. quainting hia. relatives ,-bf,hi* terrible who want pea c ond hot' war. '' * |y»ih they can get. aiong all right. The ton on Melbourne Cup <Soy, when no and iihat thery were landed at the honesty and 1.0 hadl taken, a trip to —Recommended.— He, is reported to have re- '■; It in rum Mired -tikf* the. Strike. Almericen GoYettimient. is doing? a tre- le»8 than 266 cara were counted in waysidto railway station in thirty of Sydney inabe&d of- paying his. debt*. G. A. Buckl&nd, application for poftition. ceived a letter 1 from a girl'in S*cot : Congress is considering I guess The the *\\»a*Sbn? tlhe depiartimerit's hiaimpers. INSPECT OUR NEW AND UP-TO- meodtotus amount of work and makirig tiie reserve 1. officer thereforehad no claim Other than ordinary, Ju«i in laid, asking* him to retain* homei of calling jut tbc railway men: probation a marraHoiu* iiDnrovennemt in these thbeo Wats broughit the usual figure recommendation to make in accused's Rwittets' appetite is good, ■■■■and he Time. This position U considered to be DAT& STOCK OF NEW GOODS ielandA There h&v& been, over eight A meeting >^f the committee of the roeiveathelesis, but th!e storekeeper favour. ' , sleeps well. --r..:■■■::. :---'more serious thai —Adjourned.— any previous million raoeimtione in the Phiiip- Thames Swimming Club- will foe held iteiaped all the profit*. From thie DeWorship «* His addre«nnig " - i *-:" accused A. W. Burns, application for T«rtime. BEFORE PURCHASING. pines durinsr the last ton years, and at the baitihs t<-uigjhit. at 7.30, the partmenit's point of view, ■ this can said report thialt tfhe of regretted he gas company now1 has onty^ The aru Cbnvola claim. smallpox is ahr ost Aimlknown now. business 'beiog to oansider the-'pro- hardly lb)e said1 to pay a« a bnisineae the probation special officer was not favorthree weeks b\.j ply" 61" coal, !and"t!»^ J. 3. ThomsM, application for The This natives all go to t«d early and gramr;' and ]>ri/.c lis(t< of the carnival proposifioni." WRECK OF BARQUE. able to aroused. "Hadl it been so, Mr Cambria water and sewerage board jttVeii*' "peeia! claim. r gfeift up early, an.! there are very few to ibie held lext monith. Burgevt said, "it was my intention, weekg. Prepiriilifrtis are' being made" I'ktanm G.M. Co., protedipa fcr people tto be seen in. the streets after "Tihe igjreaieelt safeffuiard aga,inst you iprdbation- for a Nonpareil CHOICE A-"ND EXCLUSIVE tb materially ct.rt«it't&e country rift-" clainu abouit hhlf-past eight. F did not see Noininatious are due tonight for Socialism is education," aaiid Mr J G.- to nlaceIn thetiudier officer's rev c face of the period. w*y services. a (Single drunken man in the place, the two day's racingl of the coming Wilson, prefcident of the Farmers' Thames G.M. Co., reductioa for THE CAPTAIN'S (NjAiRRATira "" I do so, and yet I do not Fame MILLINERY AT POPULAR Tba steaaw Kait«ngata'« crew will and Fortune. ' : altihoufiji the t.f.teki keep open till 12 Summer Meeting of the Thanieß Union, sipeaking at Wanganui. The ■port cannot like to sand youi to gsuol. What. I proTpirua Leads, reduction for Golden be paid off 10-inorrew and o'clock and many off ttheim all night Joclkey Club. As the prize list is con- advecates of Socialism!, earnest and pose (Per TJnited Press Association.) dbing "'» to inflict a penalty in Bug claim. PRICES. laid up. and all day Suxdaiy. Thie' Ohiineae siderable it la hoped that th» noirai- honee.t though thty doulbtlese were.t of imprifonn>ent. You are there■lied The strike ccn,niittea Report .4hat-H WEILLINqTOK;, Noteinlber 26 h«re are at totelly different class nations will be large. Kirikiri Consolidated Co., surrendid noitl seem to benefit by the leesons fore convicted and fined ,£l2 in defrom those in Mew Zealand, most of The enquiry concerning tte wreck funds are coining m well.' ,; .*' , of history. In this oonnection he w:as fault 3 -noatlis' imprisonment, in der miningl privileges, Kirikiri and Extended. barquei Hippaloa th!em being shiopfkeepieirs and merIn, connecti m with, the visit of the glad to see the advantages of univerKirikiri of the commenced gaol." Ta.irua Extended Co., reduction for to-day. Captain Morriai aiter naroh«iat« and rwy prosperous. The Tiotel Hauraki Band to Ctoi-omandel the sity training which were being of- Auckland' accused, whoi appteiared to feel UzaillaJ claim. ■whe«i I stayed,(one of the foiest here 1) launch will '.fcnve- the Goodtei Wharf at fered to the young men of New Zea;, bidThe '"- ]' rating the cirrvßwtances leading up CANADA AND FRANCE. then eskeenly. position Was Mats a very large* dining room,, and a:t 2 p.m 'to-morrow, so tihiat ths bnaikie!s land. It was ai matter for congratu- corted from the. Court.^j rediuction for Monowai to the vetssel striking; Walker's Rock Monow%i,C<>,, said it wba ri at possible to beach the De»p and Gem and Crown.. dinJier-time .vll sort« o! people srath- will not now leave for Tararu as a* lation thait to FniTnensi' Union had| H. P. Hornibrooik, protection for vessel on aa»-int. of the gale. He did it, Chice««,Japainew, Span- first advertised,. foieen so successful in rejgard to proOORNBR OP POLLBN A(ND 00CH- ered inFilipinos, Americans and others. residence site. A TRADE CONVENTION. ' not consider vhn'. Capt. Stewart had iaird&, viding agricultural education, though Monowai Co., protection for aerial any right to take aiwjay ithe Hippolos. The Alrhiericans ere all rigWti and will Oh Slaltwrday viwk ,the Paieroa it Was a matter for extreme regret RANE STWEBTa fivepiaya t|a {»ke(l"for:in giffnak the (Per United Press Asaooiation.) bowler&visit Te Arohia tramway, tmrnVay f2), machine site AH.that was do anyts»ing for strangers." that farmers of the Dominion took (2i), apecial ftite, dam, .waiter race (3). wfta asfti&«i. He knew Cookß Straits rinik contest witln the local playtrs. such little advantage of it. He dethe names OTTAWA, Nomnber 25. C. iSwanaon, T. J. Edwards, and C. well. He had seen the Jackson's The commiitltee would! liJto plored the absence of an agricultural WONDERFUL INVENThe Trade Ccuvention with Franca of all local players willing to talk* chair at any uni-vtersity in New Zea- THAMES BOWLING CLUB Kelly, protection for Mount Swaason. Beacon on previous occasions and TION. W. Morrison, protection for $ul- fully expected to see it this time. He how'before vhe Canadian Parliament, part land. , phidee elaimi. had no reason to suppose th!a* tbe stipulates thac. Frendi productn ara,, Co., reduction for Gla- light w!as -jut. rihe ooursei he Bteered entitled to 3ower duties, but must he RoJberb HoJuies was this morning, Glamorgan H. Qt.Qnx«»i«■—' P. M, Thombos ELECfTKICAL-LY-MiADE OTEKL. immonths' £12 in defaiilt 3 fined morgan claim. were, he cxnuideroT, safe course*, shipped direct iron- France,to British J. A. 6iu.BKPiE. YEBTEIRDAY'S "AT HOME." German iron and ateel mauufaictur-. prisonment for theft of clothing AcW. O'&ullivian, reduction for WjbAt riuide )tim strike tbe rock was ports. J. era are excited over the suocjessful cused preserved ar. imperturbed detbie current taking Wan out. of tie A REPREISEINTATIVEI GATHERING Caledonia Extended claim. solution of the problem of ni-aking meanour until the Maigistratle pro" water couirse. New SVkiia Co., extwwioo - CANADA'S elec- nounced sentence, tout teairs *tood in ECLIPSE OF THE MOON ateel diireetlv frou. iron ores byf)oma certain extent the ,race and battery site. to Though his ,eyee as be left the court. tricity. This haa occurred a* Kirikiri Consolidated Co., license TION. pleasures of the diay were marred by niddingien., "in the Grand,Duchy of other tbanwdipary, KiriTECHNICAL CLASSES. the heavy rain thaiti fell, yesterdlay's for claim ' It is sta'tied- that there is a proLuxernlbKia'g, where an electrical fur".'; ';. :,':.."' ,■' <-..'" "At Home" of the Thiamesi Bowling kiri. Albert Street Thames. nace has been producing steel for a baibility' of the Hoiu: R. MoKenzie : ONI SATUiRDAY EVENING. Cluib was voted one of tihe nrWst suc'Xjorthiern poldvisit the 8 Fort Street Auckland. short time. Although tike ores used a to paying " J. Kneebonei, surrender mining priAN IMPOKTANT POINT. held. Both ladies and genam of a lo<\v grade, and contain a field's during the reoesa If the visit On Saturday evening, thie 2tth. inst, cessful yet SOME- TH AM!ES SUCCESSES. tlemen enterect thoroughly into the vileges, Coronation). considerable percentage. of phosphor- taikes. plaoa'.tbo horn. gentleman will tlxe ilkkui will rise eclipsed after sun- pleasures STOCK and of the day andi there was a AS* UNCONSTITUTIONAL ENAOT—Struck Ouit.-^ the furnace yielded a steel fully ba able to give his alttenlbion to sev- ae*. As the ectipee will te total, and keenness in (Per United Press Association.) the play that made* tihe SHABEBROKERS- us, for MEMT. a pplication W. J. equal 'to the 'best grade made from ei'al matters of interest "to Thames. McCormiek, ▼isMe all olveir Nieiw Zealand, no competitions decidedly interesting. It Slwetlish ores. The success of this inRedan special claim. doubt interesifc will taiken in November 25. greiat bo was a could not pity they a wire this that 'be WELLINGTON, liialy lker.eo'*ft)r refceived (Per United Press Association.) F. J." Bennett, vention ia axixcted to have a very Inspector residence The results oftte technological exits observation (blolth and with- finished. ' NOTICE TO ADVEM'ISEIRS. ■■:-■■■■ far-reaching, mult for the Gferman altienioOTi l'roe»i> tire constulble at Atia- out instrumental aid. with.' 'site.'' " amination of aiM Guilds of LonCity* The calculated The tine presentation popular the effect, that to iMuri, near Tauij.p, to OTTAWA,November-25. steel industry, ns.iti will hereafter >be times are as follows: don Inatiitimte, which were held in retiring President (Mr J. Jordan) The Superior (Vwt of Montreal possible to mike-first class steel out a mam nluniodi Sannuei Morris was June, a. k. an in all took and are:— May believed thalt the was eremlb Which keen decided that man, BriiUh insurance com*of the axtetitoivo phosptorisedi " iron missing. lib is THAMES CRICKET. penumbra... 5 42 interest. Mr Wood made, a pleasant ipajiiea m*y do business in Caaafc —-Theme*— To avoid the poeeibility of misore deposits of Lorraine and Luxemi- who in a fla\-niill hand, has fallen First contact with with little called for three s.peedi'and First contact 5h1ad10w1...... 6 53 them estimate* that into the Wu^ato river. Uikm nit niiaural&rstaadingW ocPlain Ouokcey: Jstaa Wiloox, first- with a Dominion licence. bui'gI,' where 7 ii cheers for Mr Jordan, which brought Totality ibegins The decision attacks the constitucurring, advertisers aire notified there are enough ores to last. Gerclass pas*. of a response. «clips© hearty * that from this daife no replace We uhn,t tilue North Island Middle 8 25 B. notii*? in The team. to.represent Hauraki nuany for 'several uenftiuries. The elecDressmaking: Eleanor Lane, first- tiouality of the Dominion Insurance ' einte Mr in the Totality presiJordan, Mr W. G. 9 6 in mat:ia with. Tararu B. will thanking;, coiupetition their Act now bef.ira the Senate providing clasa pass. adMartisementa will be taketti per trical furnaoa vml alb DO'mmeldingen egg-laying contact with 5had0w....... 10 8 d!enl a.ndi brother Ibowlerßi,,fortheir be choaen fyorn tlie following: Penno, Arthur thnfc British vcw panics shall 'deposit mediumi! of tlh© tdepbone. is the invent! '-n of two- German eai- Goodwin, «f Psrawni, ia still to the Laett Etacitmal Engineering!: Last contact witihi handsome said that hi could gift, i^ejiumbra.... Twohill, Slanders, Donovan, White 11 8 hot Menzie*. Leghorns. |>en with hiu of between 50,000 end 100,000 dollar* elementary puss. cineters named Itohling and Rod.eii- fore wish associate with a more Hawkins, Mbrwick, Eewi», Stewart, Scot*, Wrjt'ten maJttor for repkve adhiaiUßter, and it '8 pwxluoedi by one of In tha ehnnipicnship class his pen is Work: Willianv J. TurPlumi***' Owing ta the vast difference in the nuanlytioand sociable class of mengentlethan Cordles, E. Martin. Duolop, Al Sfher- ner, ordinary pas*. vtrtisemieuita luuafc Ibtei forwarded the largo electrical comipanies of Ber- second wMi a totailof 673 against the sizes of the fim and Earth, the mi thei during his lodk, Ryan, Cuj- niinga and Burrwttv tbie dky previous to date om lin, which haa origjaliised a special leaders! 722, while in, the ordinary shadow. ca»t <biy the latter varies in were GIRLS ON STRIKE. class his pern is well up with' 16 for iiitemiskly as the Moon paisaeis through term of office. Mr Jordan waa also The following teama hWe been whiebj adYertisoaneuti ore to ttj)company for exploiting it. with tiie way in wtoidli the chlofeenito roprfient.Tsir&ia' in their the week, and a total of 648. pear. it. During the first hour the moon pleased ham, especially in matcihea Hauraiki txvmorrow: GENERAL TELEGRAMS. in in the "penumbra," or slight ob- Indies had assisted! A team: Br« un, Billing, Coot«, IKb okangew at advertißeniauta In connocitiion with tine Public scuration caused, by the the deprive the miaaiiagtetneiit of thie oroquet secCALLED OUT BY GOMPBRS Soliioo'lb Gala essay con^eltition for tiion of a portion of thie Soil's lie'ht; tion tif tihiei cluib. . The shield, said Dtorrow, Gordon, JI. Kinghan., Morwill be inlade on iSloltlu-rdays. pupilrt of tlte pirinKary school's it is during the neivfc period it is pasVng Mfr Jordan, woukl ibei one of the most giam., A. Mar in N<nvman, Pratt and BICPX.-OYDRS GRANT OONOeSi BUTTER EXPORT. WM. McCULLOUGH, desired tlnajtl *..ll essays should be foal- jnltioi the full bhadow, which may be valued of his possession*, and in Simmonda. yaars would! be ai pleasant reihis office on or before oibtferved aifter B Bare Williams, wtxrded to toani: (2), ' gradually creepingl over it. nuindcr of thiei many happy days he Peters, Lanof, PedHey, The New Zeulaijd wksutlier propliitit next; (Per Urw'led PrcM Auodatton.) Proprietor. Kiokit, J. Friday, Ufccetmtblei- 3rd. Essays, reports tio-day ob follows: Moderalte to. Iba written in tjohiool under the The total phase, which, follows, will bad «p)ent on thie green. In conclusion Adams, Thomiw, Kinghai\, lt;nker, (Per United Preu Anoeittion.) to strong Miuthfeasteirly wind; tliea-e HUipcirvisioii >f the teaieher, »lw>uld -last one hour 'end 22 minutes, after Mr Jordan again thlanlted the mem- Watson and Lowson. AUCKLAiX©,Novwwber 26 KoTeuJjer 12, 1909. uro ittdiuations for fair weatJier; contain i'Jbout 500 wtardta. Tlie prizes which the previous phiafles will be re- bers for their valuable gjft, 'and said The butiWr from Auckeotporfc NENV^TOnr, Novi 25; of Dovell, Buohnn. Emergemri'«" peated in reverbtdl oa'dei*. land " for the past fortnight was 497 plass little ; ovemciit; tide*! and sea offered are Hh, 'tji Goiiwoer's. exhortaIti re*ij>o*ise fcja that it handed down and 3s. wouldl to Warnc J. >!), WigBr<>r.t,lee, 7»> Griffin, whii^h tions 20,000 vcrker girls (principally During totality thief Moon usually posteriity. moderate; there arc indication* for tons', yaiued' at i«eiirly gins, cinn'o, Wrighit., IkfcNieoe. of in copper colour, more,,or strong easterly wind increasing to. a £lf>,VtO f.iore than the corresponil- blouse in-ikcf■<) of New Yoit^striißk Rain interfered with play, bud iSoVanvl ctvrtU tranm-H of m mild appoiiru The following will reipreisenit Ha.u- i» lcs* bright. Tlis is caused by the the following "are the results up to gale Sunday evening. "X"" team: Adams, Stevenson, irig fortnipiht iit last 'fear. The in- for t*hofter hours and higjber vr&gem. naifure wero felt (says the Hot Lakes rafki «tt(port thiv season ux far orer Thni cn^Jioyiys ha,Te., agreed ,t* Chronicle) on Saturday, seven or extensive aitmosf I ere abound' the lihie tame of adjournment :—Sinimonds,D'oltmshire, Keller, Glee- creased s Total ocliptto of the tuwoii to-mor- wight oicourring 'between six iii the Eiwrtlb., with its contained, clouds, and tiie whole >A last eeason is 567 tuns, mi'is© cdncesdi-in^,. T Gitwon, son. G. Joyce, "'* The Thames Star. Griffii; VICE-PRESIDENT row (Saturday) nJgltt. valued i»t j£Vj3,4-,00. an 1 V. (JT.-son. inoniirp; and the same hour in tho may Ibe compared with! ordinary sun- Huddleston Kitchinjy Holland Tp&mionvaam. Afc 2.14 o'clock on .Monday set KoQunde Dr. Barolay Another liot spell to-dtay. Thei t'her- evening. CARPENTERS AND JOINERS EXmorning- n mucth niiwe pronounced consequence of the proximity of FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1909. moonpter wading* W. Clark DEPOSED SULTAN'S showed thie highest tremor was felt, the shock beiing suffi- theIneastern lull*, tihiei eclipsed moon Tasker G. Court (skip).. 15 Oilmore (skip).. 8 HIBITION. on record 1 this year. MONEY. cieuifc to urawje tlh» sluimibefer. At will not 'toe visible until after eight Veale Russell WELLINGTON, Nov. -26. was more o'clock, the tremor W. S. Strak Wlinkarewarowa H. Nioholk Junior Civil Service' eixiuninatidnß aetvlere thaw in. Rotk>rua. The Government' ha* received parDavis G. Franklin JOHNGRIGG, F.n.A.S. J. at tho Thames centire contfludo tliis J. Jordan (skip) 11 A. Court (skip) H STAfE COAL DISPUTE. ticulars of *ba exbtUfbioii of works, in week. Matriculatioju examinuitions will A DEADLOCK. Wood wibioh is to 'be hietd at tta CarWe note thuit the dispute* between W. Daries W. Lvov* bo hold next week. puintetna Hall, Leidon, io June, 1910. Dr. O'Callaghan H. Wright * tho Auckland! Fißhermen/s Unio<n and IW*lmm No. 4. Robt. Twantyntan, SHADOWOF ■ — 1 Spring & Summer. CJfKISTi|iuRCH, ■ mm 1 1 . t tKe'veiw^ Qeo. MARTIN, 1 «-' THAMES NEWS. Tolophone«64&l26 THAMES NEWS. QUlespie & 1 JCONSTITU- Thomson. ... ■ . ■ —Accented.—". ' _____ — 1 1 NEWSY PARS. H . Resurrexi. TELEGRAMS. EDITORIAL. THE CONGO HORRORS. the fish dealers have been settled, A comuliaieufery nodal will be and araingjeiwent having been come tendered !to Mr Albea-b Bruce in Ihe the (bundles for which tho whereby to Junction Hotel eaniple ro'orn# to- men paidl 2s shiall %t> of a miniare migh*. '.'"■'■'■ mum weight of 241b. Th© men came WILL THEY CEASE? dealers A finat class ccrtih'calttod nuine man- to tibia arranigtomemfc with the Soma people in New Zealand appear age*" with bnitory- experience ib la«t year, but latterly #wne dealers to think, that the managewiKint of the wanted/*"tire advertised olse- luad been holding out for larger ilvundjlea. Congo ia solely a matter for Belgium wiiere. . . .. . amd that Britain has no right to interfere, itoiosei however who hare Mrs *Gollop i\M family thaink tiie Applications are continually comof ©vents in B'nttalion haul for their 'kindness in ing before the Warden's Court for wiatdued the progressoppression amd playing out aiifl aoknowledge re- claima in which the proper marking that country of awful out regulations are nlot ojbiaervied. bloodshed and who know thait per- ceipt of oimouut oolleotedl The Warden (Mi F. J. Burgass) haß misrepresentation, BriUttf« throughthe unfortunate nutives tain allowed All the Government offices through- now totken up a firm stand in the to be practically soldi into slavery, out New Zealand will .be closed on : matter and applicants would do .well recognise that in the cause of hur Tuesday, 30th irtst., in cekibration to see thalti the necessary pe|g|B are ' placed on the proper point*, and that inanity alone some decided action ■of St. Andrew's Day. diireptiowi posts {of Buffidiemt length must be ta'toea so that these horrors are used luefore applying for any muit oease. That public opinion is at Mr P. Grace wjia re-elecitcd ohair- claim to the Warden. length influencing tibe adininiutration nian of the Ohineinuiri County Coun<jf the Congo region is sJiown by the cil and M!r W. P. Ohepniell chairnwiu The opening "Alt Hoiiuei" of tho acquittal of two Aimerictan mi&sionar- of the Piaiko County Oouiaedl. Thames Bowling Clu!U,which should ieß wb,o w«ra ptx>«©outed 'by the powerful Kasai Company om charge* This talented youths Gray and Lin- haMe 'been held earlier in tihe season, of glimder. The miasionoriee attacked drum', have commenced a billiard but which' was postponed on atccunt the company becaueei of the* manner match of 8000 points in Wellington. of the umafvouruble weialtihier, Was held in wWeh it enforced toe rubtber taxes, lindrum, who is only tiwenty-one yeisiterday, and proved most erijotyreducing the nativem to a condition of years ol age, ?b already the holder of aPjia. After som«' games had been slavery and c&iwing widespread mis- the Australiain profetseioml cham- played reffletehmtircte were soughltl, and ery. WtHat the'syalttemri) of rubber ool- pionyKiip, hniving r««initly defeated C. the bowlers had not occupied inwdhi lefC'tioii in the Congo involves may ba Memmofc for the title, and this will timie im Itiha emjc-yniient of afternoon judpsd from tihe evidence givtem at be Lindruni's first, appearance in th© teiai when it canics on, to mini, and the the trinl, wlitah ww« tk> thw effecti that Dominion. Georgje Gray, who is 17, is wihlola ooniipiany aseepMed under the bemuse they did not collect enough the holder of the world's (billiard re- friendly shelter of tbe paivilioti, and, rulU^ei* men xvwe rutJik&sly biioti dowa cord (H3B), h^iMing lately bsaten the a,a is 'tJileir wont, discussed! the latleet or IDmined for life. Tho ajliove was previous record nMide iby H. W. Sto- lict>n«ing profxs'als and thei advance tiiilv typical of (nriuVtico in th 6'tro- VL'iieon (802.) in tha })rice of coal. Buit this was iiiei«lou« indictment of theConpi<i jklnoltl for long1, .a:- Mr R. Wood called inini*!ni(ifiH. It roprtiiAJiiti* tlw." wirt of Thuro is no doubt' ud to whb leads for" slvietryomiei to atesemilbile outside. Ait^gvs tltnlb dho .Ainevfcion niiKsionnr- in tho millinery line im <Jh>is dte»lrict. first! tome iniamlbeirs thought (thei exjes UiiWltei nyiviiwt t(!m Kanai (* wnpany, For elega-noe of stylo, artistic, and presidenit. jrartlfulnriy 86) tibia* it Was ohantcs vvliiith tho Belgian Minitsloi* bt'conning haito rone approach, for the usual oralblon embraicing1 the tedh,fir tlui (Mmiit-'fi <1< Ht-rilicd an "odious ehnii'erceS'S and valu? tlioße 'being points, of th© psißtimei they nil cnluniniicF." Ono rMfilan fur falid official supplied hy. Uiict finn of W. S. Wylia loved. But it' proved to te a .pre-' attitude of tlw IMgian Government Ewlii..weak, and month bring to view /sentiiilion to tiho poputar ex-presadcnfcj msw perhaps l>e found in the fact freshl producticvrs. Wiithout doubt the (Mr J. Jordan), and with' this the tin".* it*t own rfiaro in <t\\t» T\uaiu Cbni- quality is bcistt and prices lowest at formal proceeding's of the dlay terminated. Details are elfcffw'hiera jja»y is valued alt £I>|21> |26J1 698. -Th? Wylie's.-—Advt. _ . 1 1 BOY SCOUTS. .7. Couttn T. Newman B. Wood (skip) S S. H. Smith (skip) 10 A>' Billings. J. McLaren A. Clark J. Rowe The movement continues to pro- F. Bykeß(skip).. 16 T. Murray (-kip) 10 gress, anU-nows'ls to hiiud ;thiKt M Totals ..50 42 the present, tiiuw the North Island roll totals more than thsit. of the South', Two more local Patrols haivle been ALLEGED BRIBERY. reigdstered, w'hiite tiw*> niwro are in course of formation: Tho Young Men'^i AjAjocijnitiQpij is ersponsible for twbi troops, to the sec- CHARGE AGAINST OHINEMURI ond of which. Scoutmaster H. RSley LICENSING OOMMITTEiE, ha« ju»b beew duly commissioned. After the recent, concert, the workThis matter Was mentioned in the era who "cleaned up" the hlall engag- Htausa tjhrfet other day,'when Mr T. E. ed in a frienidly shooting competition; Taylor talked the Premier whlat wan in whidh M'orepor'kss and PhetusautH, Ilie present, petition of the allegaundei"- tihje Distrkit Oonuniflaioner., tions made that members of a former giuktcthed a narrow victory from the Ohinemuri Licei'Bg Committee had remainder. 'ITie saoresi wore as fol- Ib(een bribed by a firm of ibreweirs in lows :—" Wiuaws: Paitrol1 Leader Auckland, and what inquiry does the Acßania 33, Corp, C. Whitehouse 30, Government propose to nuaike in the Corp. Curhiwn 30, Di»t. Com>. Newton ( matter. The Premier replied the 29, (Scout K. Whitehouee 22!, Scout position is that a Rtoytal Commission T. Smith 19; total, 163. Losera: was Get up to uiMeetigaite tihe charges. Scout L. Ryan 32, ,S.M. Geo. Davis LegjiU proceedings wiere instituted by 31, Corp. W. Dumls 31, P.L. G. Turn, meralbers of the conmnjltlfete to uipaet bull 21, ft M. E. Moorman. 20, Stout tha Commission, &md the Court o( G. Rleid 21; tct«l, 156. Appeal deioidteifl that, the Cbmniisbion On iSaiturdiay last Riversidei Nur- w-n» not lawfully i&aued, thereupon sery Wala the rtndeevous, amd after thy Ooanmis'jiiiin tiernKina,ted. Sulb>some practice in sooulting!, iihie D.C. sequently representatione were made pjalvle those y-rjEenlt sotnte useful train- to tho Minister of Justice by al depuiu!j? in calculating* ibleighte and diis- tation!. The deputation Was adVised tanciee. to njibmit its information to the police, who would thereupon m*ke full inquiry to nisfifrtaln wifeether Only .those* who hlave auiffmuli win criminal prooetedirgis would li&. A roailisa tilie cm-rucialting pain, the special officer vua detached to prolong wwaty dtays, mid the lonigiw myl ceed to Auckland to muiket inquiry, more wtenry nighito, emicliuinsd Wjr those aaid eftev al very full investigation afflicted (by HlhjetiiariJft.t.lsmii, Gouty S'ui- and exhaußiting every **uree of in^ atlcni, and Lumbago. RHFJUMO formation, it, was fominid' thero fieildtom fails tx» cure these diseases, was insufficient evidence forthcoming for it eixpelsi the ciausei—excess urio to justify any criimnal proceeding*: add in tllw blood 2s 6d and1 is 6d againtst the pertoiis alleged to be at all etanasts and stores. I concerned. . ■ 1 THE MINERS DETERMINED. WILL STAY OUT FOR TWO MONTHS OTHiEIR MINERS ISYMPAITHBTIC "REaiDY TO STJIIKEL" GENERAL STRIKE FEARED (Per United Press Association.) THE MfgftlNG SEAL. The will 'be hald under tiie otußptLcea of the Mteßte»«, >Vlanilten*t, (Ptr United Pnm AMooiatios) J At*Bi«tauoß of Wonbipaud M Cotuponiw of Carpenter* and CONSTANTINOPLE, Not. 25. Joiners of '.he City of Londkm, and The Reichg Br.nVs tauMfer to tie pri'w» are offered for oonir uumerou^ petition -in Vx-rou« diviuoo*. Circu- Porte of tlm ex-£ult«n'» deposit «rf lars hflMB been sent to ibuilden' ufo- £640,000»tte.litii? has Uhhi withMd oiationiß tihroighout tba Doniiniou umftihothe productionofof the spetcial n*. liie t:i»« -the deposit and full detain.c»» bo obtained on seal "timilaitad! mu-ifc be wed to aeoure the applicwtJOQß to t& director of the withdrawal. Fanuctw and Totirists -Department. The wtnl is said to bo missing. Coil^U Noveimßer 26 GRBYMOTJTH, The miners say that they are prepared to stay out for m couple of THE MARKET. hloiiday season aipproaohiing they are content to wait. A memlber of the Ebcecutivel is reptort«d to have visited Brunner, BlackbaU, and Paparoa. with the ject of getting this' men to «ome out. At the ftnrtt mine (he met with a cold reception, Iwt at the others the men wtera aympathetio and ready to ritrika It is stated that the wharf lafcourer» are not in gympaiijbiy with" the strike and will not assist. Itf is feared that all miners on, the the West Coast will (be out next week eoccept Brunner. AUGKLA.ND QUOTES. month* if necessary andi with the 1 ob- PARLIAMENT. TJZETSJ (By Telegraph—Own Corregpondent.) AUCKLAND, Nov«ln(b«r 26. Sales: c -xiM 3» 6d, 3«, 3b 3d, Sylvia lA.9d, Kus*ell 4d, Saxon In, Victoriai 10W, Waiiotafai 4« 6d, 4s 4d, Cliristo 4d, Haurnki Is. 3d, Crown 5s 7d, 58 6d, Domirioo l£d, 2d, Taliar imn 47a 3d, Beach 3|di, Expended Ss lid, Juuotdon 3i»< 66V, MSsßouri lid. Buyers: lfonaua 4d,. Dixotui 4d, paid Bd, Haloyou 2di, Caledonian Is WEI^JNGTOIf, Nor. 26 —Looal Bodies Loan*.— After midnight the Premier mored a new clause, 60a, providing that worth 6d { Witari* HCTnisphero. (Per United Press A»ooi»tloo.) loans in process of being raised by lnonil bodies before the coming into, operation of tie be dmJt Id Magnet Id", May Queen 3g 2d, with as if the ActAct.afcall was in operation, Monowai la M, Sylvial 4s Bd, Altbur- which wtws paefled. nia Is, pd Is 2d. Ruaeell 3d, Saxon le Th* was reported with arr^noV Scsadiaaviaai l|d, Viotoria. lOd, Wai- m«ntgi Bill, and the Howe iw «t i-;*.m. WANGANUI SUICIDE. tafhi 4s 4d, WaiUngi 2« 10d>, Watohman Is lid, Pah Id, Kujx)wui' Id, Oiristo 3d, Hmmtiki Is 2d, Kiiipang.-i liuve uuida ttuxivmAre* iuacy 4tf, Pride o* Tokatetoi 4d, Royal Oak inventions, bknt. a afarewd idaa may MEN CUT THEIE THROATS. 1», paid. la 3d, Lamigans 3d, Crowti still ted <mxto fortune. TWet simpler 5a 3d, Doniiiii'.-i l£d, Glanioi'g'aii 4d tihe idem, the beder, so loog m i« is (Per United Prjjiw Association.) Belt 6d, paid lid, Karangaiuilke 2d, eesentiaJly new. The thing is to itfalfl Waifeklauri 'J<J, Pride 'sd, ,9u« 6d, sure of your agetit. Me«w».Bialdwin WA'NGANUI,.Ktor. 26 "Brofeem Hills Is 2d, Goldlen Hilte ss, and Ray«iaird, Paimti Agente, Wdl-, A man named Johnson of Maxwell- Monarch lid. Keefs lid, Tulfcr.uan iiip|ton, lui.vct developed their profestoiwn, suicided by cuitting his throat. 465, Waihf £9 17s 6d, Beaehi 3|d, sion ifo p.ui aril Ttteir illtMtMuted Dfwid Robertson, a farm hand aft Oonsolidated 3s 9d, Eartewdied 3s lOd, niontihly journal, Procreate, is tfaja only Waiwi, also cut has throat. He is in Jqnctiion-39s 3d. (jpjiona 12s, Hands- journal publiwt«d in the Soutten ... a critical condition. SJ«IL THE THAMES STAR FRIDAY, TtfOVEMBER 26, 1909. CABLEGRAMS. CABLEGRAMS. THE CONGO HORKCRS. CHERRY MINEDISAST. R . BRITAIN AND GERMANY AGREED We Share Our Profits With You. ONCE AflAlN Qnr Annual Free gift Sale Offer. 1«3 BODIES "MCOVEKEO. (Per United Press Association.) IHE EBCJx^ES BLOCKED. LOXDON, Nwember 25 It ia announced iJiat «an understanding has been reached betwewi Greß-t l&it-ain nru 1. Germany regarding tha Congo. A.« international conference will fttcitly be summoiied. Tl»a diambt'/ of Conuncivo n.! J-rer»rii sonfc to the Primate .i mes»«go of sympt-ihy endorsing tiho,Albert Hall Cbngj resolution* MBM ALIVE FOR DAYS TKEAtMEN'S? OF AMERICANS .BLOODTHIBSfTY LEIAIDEIt (Per United" Pmibs Aisociation.) ML\ M V GUE, Noveanilwr 25. Several' An>ericana at. Maiunigue and jel^ewhora haye foovn iKvprisoned for Vclusing to contribute to .St-iiuor fuidis. Lad forty citizens Zel.'iya'H vnr Seuhor CV-rinto ?hf t for oheering the insurgent viotory. " ;■ . ' ■ United Press FOR SUE, V" idHK£sl il/ Ribbons, Gloves, L«w:e®, Hosiery arid all the Prertby tblsngß nttAPWR 3* :" D"^* Hunt mafce for, toAND COBTPMIEKE | finoincnt in drees Sty " M^B^B^Mss*s-JX JMS^KjS?*! *£<V I^BL VI fjfl^n, vMR^Bi ". — LAUNCH at 2 p.m as advertised. TO - - Flies Spread Disease 1 MORKOW. not leave Mary Street E, Conbtast. Flies are the greatest carriers of disease known. was found .to be \i fly rec^tlymicrostM>pktoly cammed carrytajr on its lega, mouth, and body- no less, -than. 100,000 disease "bacteria. , iri a A trustworthy authority «snjwiites that in 40to days a fly of 1. prorwrtion 12,960,000* mulbioiiee in tiho to^ay » Vep^enited by 52,656,000,000 d«euof course nobhr montihs (providing; d'ants tLis day two generoing harptna to interfere with each sueoauding > tion'a span of life.) HOESES NEW SYDNEY,November 26, Tdn Jfiew* ZefiJflnd cwlts and tillies, the property of Aitken' Bridgets, were void at so »Terc^» of £27 12s Od. SHIPPING CABLES. SYDNEY,November 26. . WANTED ADVERTISEMENTS MUST BE PRE-PAID. EMPIRE MELBOURNE, Nov. *C Arrived: The SeJwyn Craijr, from Thames. AL S O / — on fiott- a Owner by paying expenses. PRESS CABLE. CALEDONIAN Pollen Street 6d. LOST v — — Butter reduced in »ric»e at Woods now that the new sewaon's supply is coming in. Fresh Organs, Violins, Mando- PIANOS, lins, Banjos, all the latest Postcards, Novelties, etc., at butter from lOd. Music, litue., sulphur, ursenate Maxwell's Music Shop, Pollen Bt, of lead, a«d vermorite for spraying pototoc*. trees, etc. Procure enrlr rpOYS, Fancy Goods,Dolls, Baafrom Wood's Central Cheap Stores. X ketti, and all kind* of articles suitabla for 'Xmas and Birthday preEstftUlished 1876.—Advt. Everything new and this sents. Tliajuies low«it prices "tiiw'uys" and season's goods at Maxwell'sToy Shop, txMib vAum ab A.l - Court aoul Sou, Pollen Street]Uiiew*one. . Tha Busy Beediivie,—Advi. ANTED KNOWN — Thai Pianos carefully; tiiiual % J. tJnjyg, Swimmings-Club committee EHglish iukl Fpreign Piano Agency, meet at Bath, 7.30 To-Night. Qjueieij Street, near Puliaui street.— Adv*. Try &jott's Central Store nnd Bakery for everytlung necessary for a well conducted economical household—groceriea, provisions, produce, crockery,- chiaai omdi glassware, basketware, bruflli and enaiuelware and general UouHehold iroumongery,— Advt. ANTED KNOWN—Maxwell's Musio Shop, is best place in | Thames, for Pianos & Organs. Terms from 2/6 week. T. Hawes, I£NOWN— and Coach Pain* WANTEDWriter Street, Sign ter is located in Oochrane next Short & Go's Stables. ATTENTION ! ! Books on Socialism,Socialism and New is the time to secure bargains in groceries. Eitusor B>rm are Bell- Christianity, the Common Weal. At W. ins/ goods under Auckland prices to the Thames Socialist Branch. make room for tlieir new stocik of Greene,Shortland. ChrU-tauu? goods. No ordler too smnll, YOUR A iria.l ruder will ftotio too larj?t\ r/itiviiwe you that tilieir goo<l» are Best values «it Tkmiee. Lowtst first quality and that tJiiei prices aro iiifc A. Cotjirt and ridit.—Ensor 8r05.," direfct importers, primes ""alwayji" llary ttrest. Teleghon* 81.—Adrt. Sana,The Busy Beehive*.—AdVt. of IT. O. Howard. DONOVAN & HOWARD, "■*— k<£SdkXr 26th November, TO PAINTERS. mENDERS will be received up to 1 WEDNEBDAY, l«t December, for PAINTING HOUSE 4 STORES atPuriri. Lowest o* any Tender not neoe*s*r~ S Containing O. 8. Donovan] "■ BUSINESS. —- Bd. DIKECTKXNS FOR HOME DYEING, CLEANING, AND PRESSING. DJSM3SES, SUITS, JACKETS, SHAWLS, DRAPBRIEB, Etc. Dyeing was one© a complicated, disagreeable prooeM, lo,be trusted only to the few with the requisite knowledge and skill, but it is now something that the housewife undertakes without trouble, with the assurance that, while she uses Diamond Dyes, »he will (get as good resulta as a praotksal dyer, and at much, Jess cost. We have a large stock and can supply you with any colour. Pollen St.' (above Mr Hall's Pharmacy.) a ' WYLIB, BaLr^a^L^L^L^L^L^Lßs^B^flß^HL^L^LHi^^ A. COURT \&[Jr & SON'S ISjlow OF ALL THE LATEST SUMMER MILLINERY AND DRESS GOODS. t ', ' /fflW/'YrA '//r' f?/ f f^ OUR SUMMER DRESS '' MILLINERY. Fresh from the World's Centres. GOODS EXHIBIT. Fashion " Special we hi* bom takfe by our Home bugrer Wr this Mmod's millinery and has opened up far beyond our ezpeotaition. All the very latest "Creations" direct from the >cry- heart of Fashion are now awaiting' your inepectioai. Active buyiagi is bound to follow this announcement. The Newest, The Bert, Th» Latest. The Cream of the market. With an eye . tingle to your pun*w« h«Te ntade a selection the Peer of any in thia gtetion. The Fabrics, the dolor oombination, ami the Price will deligbjfc you and every oonnoieeur ! of Drew Fabric*. ' All the rery latest in two ton.* stripes and spots now On view. SPECIAL SHOW GEST&' ASP YOUTHS' SUMMER NOYELTIKS BOATERS, NEGLIGE,,AND FASHION SHIRT3. LATEST (NOTELTOBBK IN3 TIES JUST OPENED UP AND SHOWING.- - COME TODAY, TOMORROW,OK THIS WEEK AND SEE OUE KBW STOCK OF FABRICS. COME TO LOOK AND YOU WILL, RE3IAII? TO BOT A 1 BEBHIVB. BUSY THE ▲VCKIiAND-OffiOB: «", &*** """» DIRECT IMPORTATIONS NO PAIN. Latest Novelties LONDON DENTAL. Are now opened up and are being Displayed in their Respective Departments. MR, [A COD.'] P. PITWR, Surgeon Dentist. GutrantoN an , Uolutely PAINLESS EXTRACnON with the aid ol his Speoially Prepared Local Antea. thetic, and baring import**! a Teetw Nasal Inhaler m enabled to Sttrafl* One or the Whole of Your Teeth at. POLLEN ST. (Next Wallace's Store). 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday : 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.* " OROCERIES. J LIMITED. and 27th. Your Inspection Invited. GULLBN & 00., .„* '4> One Sitting. We ane stocktaking this month and Our chargei are the mom aa la must reduce, our stock to ma<ke room 1 Punri. for large lines arriving: We are there larger cities, and we being J .feet imfor** quoting va follow*:—'Hams, 8d porters save middlemen's profits, and Fine** Cordials 9d bottle;: per lb. NO T 108. 7 eattra quaJlity 10d. Seeded Raifdnt can Supply Fir«t-clasa Workmanship SALE or to be let as a [from 3d pkt. Datew 5Lb» 19. Lime concern, the old established Juice .from 8d bottle. Fannangts Tea and Material at a Reasonable Cost. business, Victoria House. Good reas- NOUTHEHN BTEAMSHIP COMl()d lb. Otir f&nious "Barbury" a* PANY, ons for selling. Every investigation is AVonderful vnlvs. Jam 3jd. Laoee, i invited, 10d Lb. Tinned' Peaa Perfect Fit or Money For further particulars apply to— AUCKLAND AGBIOULTUBAL Btiiking Powder for Is Sd. Chicken Food, Vlib sd; or 3 ASSOOIA-i MRS E. BRIGHT, PASTORAL AND Returned bags Is 10di Yate»' Gkurdlen: Manure, Victoria Boarding House, Waikino. TION'S BHOW.' TOlb bags Is. Tobacco Duet 6d fiaoket. NOVEMBER 26th - IHPORTEHB Surgeon Dentist, HOUBS —-) Of tlie ( fgg* ily apply. Apply to— /. E. BiIOWN. Storekeeper, OERTIFIOATBD MINE MANAGER j W*v DENTISTRY. Hours : 9 to 5 Daily. Saturday : 9to 1 and 7to 8.30. CHEAP FOR ' (Late Dr. Payne** Reaidenoe.) . POLLEN STREET. Telephone No 118. DENTAL SURGEONS. HENRY HUGHES H. L. Weight, X - - Thames. DYES. DIAMOND With Book, the Bame to the Owner,care Star Office. Chemist Thames. — — HOUSE PER PACKET BONGA RD the ONE SHILLING A TIN. — — Dvw WOOD, , ROBERT borrower a Book entitled " Asia and Europe" WILL be good enough to return MELBOURNE, Nov. 26 SALE House Six Rooms, freehold section, Edward Street, The Senate extended tflio time to SOLE MAKER: the Press ('u'olo Comuiititiue for jire- no reasonable offer refused,—Terms. CREASE, E, H. Agent. Deceiulji'r 1. E. Whittakeiy Sole "ontitig their rc[ort to on Monday Night between RECORD LAMB SHIPMENT. Msry Street and Parawai, platI ed Buggy Lamp Socket.—finder reMELBOURNB,Nbv. 20. THAMES BOROUGH COUNCIL. 1 The steamer Whakaroa' liiiiS willed' warded. W P. Gage-Brown, Parawith 121 vlioaftvml .eiweoatwJßof lunib. wai are invited for Fencing Tliin h a reword fshtpmemt from AusT. & S. Crawford in- ffiENDERS new Abattoir Site. Plans tr.-i.'ia. '■ VJOTIGBS. at the REGISTERED PATENT AQMNT i3| timatethai they hare acquired and specification may bo seen at the « ' # the milk run of Mr Jno, Ludwig, Borough Chambers duringOfficehours (BSTABMSBXD IWI.J *W, Totara, and are prepared to supply YHADK MARK* ARTHUR CHAPMAN, ' Y,4j Fresh Milk twice daily. Orders may Runmn Town Clerk. be left O/o Mr 0. Short,Ooohrane Bt. —♦ 1909. FOR ' W^M New Dress Fabrics, Millinery, & Novelties in Ladies' Belts and Neckwear. , BOOK MISSING. twad theretby reduce the spread of infecftioita diaeaw. v not It does its work QUICKLY AND SURELY, and the lewist barjnful to Swum or qjnimsl Ufa.. . at Waiomo, Flat owed Dingy with Mo. 56 pain17OTJND ted can have same stern. IN iff „ 'FLY DOOM CEBASB'S if WILL KEEP THAT POPULATION TOWN and Arrived: Thtf Pelota«, from Kai British Standard Visible Typewriter, para at H. A. Lewis, Pollen Street. JMS W. BON&ARD, Chemist, Thames. Sic Jy TYPEWRITERS, the latest and most up-io-date _- ■ New Shirts, Hats, & Mercery. '" uur Brakes will Good. . . ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ .. b F .. MRS and MM~* . a«a WoDdei-ful aud the Gifts Ju»t as W. -SPEGiAL SHOW JSIL JiXJDI-v11--' */^4aTß^^ — ' WYLIETd GIFr SALE. LIMITED, If ' TVlinn" c«%ft» £T JS^Um? ■ " -*' High-Class Goods at Low Prices. Old Established Coal,Cart25 LONDON, a splendid showing of ing and Livery Stable Business The suffragette Cba*pen " was sen- of Oochrane St., CHARLES iho Old SHORT, f»i:r nwMithla' alb ienoed to Thames, including :— ■!" " Dailcy for assuulting tine rrturnang .y' beautiful aawi comprehensive, Freehold, Horses, Drays, Waggons, officer, mid Nillar. three months. J ■ faiUries that have the showhi^of dross Buggies, Brakes, Harness. ExistThey pourvd corrosive acid on the iTH Dainie Fashion* appro**!. of stamp ing Contracts,Unexpired Leases omt-er and 'njured his feigh*. * Here you will tind the very latest of Paddock, etc. flf ffm creations—the newest design®. I |$" The Whole as a Going Concern. GENERAL CABLES. This is a chance of securing a GOOD SOFT SILKY -MATERIALS SOUND BUBINESB upon Reasonand^b is^ in eert«inl% predcn«B#e, i excels able Terms. Yw, W|Si^» tliis showing thc«o tot fll Fart money oan, of in the purchase remain le niatoial* BATTENia*hiionalb ; HI KtdlF all the PRINCE LWA OLD OF on mortgage at current interest. lli mM»* newt-st shades"are liwe, including spot BUBG ILL. Principals only DirectohV Foaihvrds, ': JEWi4psjß*.*? y^.'r.s, For particulars apply to— -Striped Chefoo &i!lis. ""*f^**CM^** ' I (Priesiley's), (Per United Press Association.) Aiinuiea. Striped E. SYMS, Thai es, it INloveanbeir 25. LONDON", OHAB. SHORT, ? Printo Looivild c! Ba*tenbury passed PLAIN AND' STKJPED SHAiNTUNG SILKS.; Customs Street,W., Auckland. " a ic*tle*j. 1 ijrht. but takes more T^lb prices rangie from Is lid yd". ;to 84s the rote length. uourishiiieint 1 THANKS. FIKB DISPLAY OF LACIiIS AND RKAfDS, GOLLOF andfamily sincere, LOUD CURZON ILL. then* ly thank the Battalion Band Tlia Laces and Braids are Prettier this Season than ever. We...;Uave 1 thle materials. kindness in to matoK for their out and playing LONDON, INloimnber i»5. gratefully acknowledge receipt of Lord Cur/on was talkeii suddenly £2 15s. 4d. collected by kind friends ill Thieo step in and examine the geeds; CftA ftiii* IXTiTirlnva on the occasion. 068 winuows youWt|b«a9kedtol)uy< CHAMPION TENNIS. HAUBAKI BIND. SYDNEY,November -26, The weatfrar promises to be fi»« for EXCURSION TO COROMANDEL. ih« Davis Cup. Brookes has complewill leave Goods Wharf tely recovered froini his indisposition. I^HE ? PAY Ci.Sir—GET 'GRAND VALUES AND A GrIFX TIIKOWN SYDNEY, Noveiuber 25 Association.) To-diiiy ho rw-J'a JtcLougihlin, Wilding plays I»ng. Th« Bargarins ■ Mr Afiquith itt reply to ASSAULT Cvfrifraffif^? jffl|l|J( We have a<adle heiairy puTdias«» of Higti Grada Seesona<ble> 'Merchtn* disc—a;nd paid Spot Clash o« tiie Nuil for tbe 6uo<h>. You know that fttti " talks, all laiigiuigies when it eoines to buying. IMPORTERS, AND Are,Values Good the ""Where Pollen Street, Thames, _ » - EVERY CASH CUSTOMER SECURES A HANDSOME GIFT FREE. DRAPERS ) it necessary to remind you Is good Value, and HETHERINGTONS THE GOVERNMENTS HANDS a petition fiigned by 2000 c!tiy electoral in favor of tihe Budget, said h^i' welcomed the memorial, which was sifcrengGAOL FOR TERM AGENTS weighty tfenlng the Gcventment's hands in maintaining the full force of supremacy in the House of Commons in SUFFRAGEiTES PUNISHED FOB the matters )f finance. (Per ; Free Qifts Bememter OTREU^GTHMNING nited Press Association WELTBEIirTm ~~ , p'ErriTiOvf in fayou (Per £eed we remind you. that this THE 9A&E OP THE YEAR? 5; is WE HAVE JUST OPENED UP VERY HEAVY IMPORTATIONS FOI{ THIS SEASONS TRADE AND THESE AKB MARKED AT OUR UtiUAiL LOW PRiICEK PRINTS,Dark and Light "Grounds, 3fd, Ud, s£d, 6jd, 7Jd per yard. OUR 'SPECIAL VAIAJE WASHING PHINTS in ivew stripes at sJld per yard is MARVELLOUS VALUE. STRIPED CRE-PELS AND DRESS LIXIENS art, B£d, %l and Is M yer yard. CHILDREIN'fc* SUNSHADES at Is 6d, Is lid!, 2» H 3s fid. WHITE EMBROIDERIES at Id, 2d, i-nd 3d f-ar yard. TORCHON LACE a,t lOjd per doz.' yards. LVWEW WHITE FANCY HANDKEaCHIEFtSL-eScellemit value at Is lid per don. REiAL MALTESE SCANEIS a,t 4 S lid, 5s 6d,6si lid, ti> 425. ■ per doz. yards. Very specml Talue in White WHITE OALKX) at 2» lid, 3s lid, Is Hi 5s lid, 7s 6d "Calico, 36' inches wide, at. 3s lid pt?r dbz. yards-* 1' , . " TWIt'L SHEiETINO,54inv 7^d; 8.0»n, ll|di and ,1s 3d;:,.:per 2d yalrdL DAMASKS, Is, «ood n at Is pattern, goods, 10i|d, WHITE TABLE w BOYS' STRAW HATS at. 6d, 9d, 1», Is 3d. Is 3d. 9d, 1», BOYS! WASIHINO HATS at THE BRITISH BUDGET Zeiaya nt YOU MIGHT AS 'NEW" YORK, JJot. 25 The Cherry .mine has been closed.' 'flic iire■■"in the' galleries,■' '■'"' is epread■ SALE II! This is A G-BNDINE GIFT OBFER and the values in no way come out of the G-oods, 1 ing. EVENT For Custoiiwa-s who Si^end Ten Shillings (10s) amd upwards w© have set wpexto tables upon WHICH ARE LOADED APPROPRIATE AND USESFIILG-IfPTS, wihii* WE! ARE GIVING AWAY FREE, whale GETTING FULL VALUE for your nioiiey in the'-usual Way, you GET A G OOD GIFT a* our expeiuw. NEW YORK,. November 25 One hundred r..nd sixty-eight ibdies harve been found in the.Cbjerry mine in iv j»m».t tnngled mass, blocking the staircase fioui the third to the second coal veiin. Elsunpe was blocked by foiling (fcU'lris. Tlk< nuen auocvinlbed to .black damp eudimvouiinfj, to 'pusfa tlirou^h the EXPLOSION IN MINE in f)ib»ti"uctiorjß viirile waitingl mv rescues. They had evidently -been ulivte for days. Tw<» wooden fur,s had ibewi-nnwie, 223 KNTOMBBD. and affixed to the sliaft.. wall «tvd turned by hand in ai frf.nt.ici effort to fPer United Preee j&tsooiiiHon.) brush Ibwicfc VSack dlauip. TOKIO, Nor«mber 25. AI miner was found firmly grippdng Router state* ULat na eotplowon oc- tha fan. The victims left notee written On curred at OnowrM colliery at Tiiku' ukia., in Japan. Jt ha.s cailtoinibsd "228. pieces of- slhte. Fifteen are known to have perishFIRE SPREADING : MINE CLOSED ed already. NICARAGUAN WAR. POPULAR A (Per United Press Association.) mSsms iKB-- ANNUAL Silver Simd for Birds and Pliant c 6d. ' ." " THAMES, :; ASK FOE :" ' - « | BOSTOCK'S tJBNTt^ME^S — BOOTS & SHOES I ■< LADIES AND The Very Latest Styles io Bla^k and Wo, jut Optned Up for ~ Obming SeMOD. v 4 ► ■■< COME AND INSPECT FOR YOVBS ELVfiB. "^ . thi^4\ AND BtXWWNG SHOES, etc J J<>J ALSO CRIOKETTING,TENNIS, Now! Vi«wl M "* ota & SON'S J WHITEHEAD M. STJIBBT. I: POLLBN ; Parrot Food 6d. RBPAIBB EXECUTED PROMPT AWD KBIT. DBNTAIi. Tiuketa will be issued Reinembesi tlia-t we Supply Be«b Firot-Olaes Certifull Quality Only, give A Article* from November 25th to Novficated Mine Manager with ember 27, inclusive availablefor one weight, and deliver gooda to any part 'of the town. Prices always bedrock. ■*" experience. Apply, with week from date of issue. Battery TBJAL OHDEIt EARNESTLY Aowing tWo very * AoYMriiMig w Poww. A and! opeued copies of testimonial*,stating salary I Just Stbxbaox Saloon 10/-; 7/6. SOLICITED. latest in ladienf ready-10-warnr millinr| required, before 30th mat. to— Juflb arrived ft splendid rang of cry afc A. Co«ft »<^ Soa'»,TMel Bn»y J A.8., P.O. Box 554, trim, A splendid nujps Auckland. gmta. veglige shirts for tibia sea«oo.'s Bfeehirer--Akhrt. Ladies' -reaVly-tcMrtaair blouses I A yf&nr. Special |>rioe«. Clall and see (he in. ""nit run way iokecp the way laftat deftfepM and coloring*, baaniitiful raingeto chioose from of all CE.XTTUL CHEAP STORES. at Tbaasw loweri prices,—A Cm** the very latent dlesigns just opened 80. 82, 84 POLLEN STREET. I \iery latest at A. OoaDr* andl Sbn.— Advertising is the chief auxili-* A«b#rti^-, . a«d Sqo.—A** 80. 1876. Ad**. Busy at "The Beehive."—Adv*. EfctaUktoi D»te—«Md up 'Phone Kb. to trade.—Took*. WANTED— LONDON RETURN , Wm, WOOD, 1 J — tosP««fc- *£*N LXTK E. 0. CONSTANT, THAMES NEWS. THE ATHENIC. monti goining on in tlio Dominion, ai^ picsunb «illctl for cxtou«iou of boibeyond vrhvAt was rowin^ powern aMthoriacd1 und^r tike, ju'eawii Act. in the Bill, t: !h6 i,raposnls wllinad wlnila requiring local bodies to provide 1 nor «snt si'mkinp fund wore' fni' aiore fmvourafolo than the provisions: ARiRiIVAL AT HOBAiIfT SJ'oUi AND "&HAKEBROk&'R,' OUR HO^A.HT,iNbiv©mbor^2s Arrived: A,tL.oairt She 6«ilsi for afnendmeat'. The Brainier said tho a^icndineait Wellington sit six o'clock on Friday would inotin tl^e loys of over £200,- morning.1)77Eighteen passengers landand arc proceeding. ---000 on hal( a nii'Jlion lo.m in* 3G' ed James Potier, »hij)'» piiintor, died years. * ' 1 lie '"■ ■'—' ■** i ■ NiiM . -— m "P.O. Box No! 32. W<^-- ■■■ i- ■ QUEEN f^T. (Next Tost WHOOL CADETS- Office.) I i thauk t \Uuder Entirely »,ew, MsiiiUjpuwrt ) J. Quinn ... Proprietor, Telephone-127. '; ; \ Wjb .the, place for selecting: ' e^BsvjriSH^eaM^^^^v always had fimny kind' fviends ! (LKt« i Solid Silver Tea and of Ibokftytovn HritL) who,, to , shoptip^, ,,luiivp W Coffee Sets, skivers, etc. You XjBPSSSBSWbL M frcm. time .to tinfc AffeiifiH prizes for only will find nog the belt ■ \^JBuߧ/B/KKSSa i First-elaae cdinpeicition. Ihe latesfb of these i» Accommodation it BBUCB,' > qualities them, but also by far \BBKjjlßj^^BMr M Mi' H. G. -Somwrville,who presented iModerate; Tariff. Situated clow, to Railway and GrahatnttownAVharf. two silvea mainIs, one to ■etveh ecm- (Jfomiber at Thames Stock ErcUaajfe.^, L the largest Selection of this Only Firstrclas* Liquori and Alei [ class or gopfls suitable for AM) MINING AjGEunT This 'cond'tionsi imposed' by "pany LANI> 1 s Presentation or for your own the O.C. that tlhe ton.; highest in' -iND SHIJItEBROKEiR. Stockeo. " class firin'jr shall continue the tcnte^t home use. Lettt~« or Telegrauut J'nimptly Iton t'b«.Flettfer j.r,iiniu|utct ri^qe. dsw rThe Soifatioin M.Maihg.J^oti^iaf^ii by day while training fbr the' ajmulil Seoretaj^sbjij) of\pnjng lyi^iShield competiteonsj the' lnedait to be- and, cates undertaken. come the propOTty of-.theoadcit>*hav-.. "' XtorTgages Arranged. the the wljjm gneiaitost aggregate ins: PAEROA BREWING yeu.r'9 firing is ever. The competition Zealand.). " is also an intaz-compjiny cmg>, and, ns will bo seen by the followiirig scores,] Thames Branch: ALBERT ST. is proving exceedingly close,- No. 2 Orders taken and promptly delivered coniipauy hiPivini):. n^tocvered 22 of llic 00GKERT0N, J. A. points gained' by JTo. 1 under clases ; " to any addrew for firing condition*:—■ iPAEROA BEER (Draught) SHAEEKaOKBR AM) IiINSNO No. 1 CJompany.—Prrroto S. " A.utBEST BOTTLED BEEB AuNiJ SIXJUT Priv)>;te 171, 195, T. iMbrristtn ridga AGENT, pEST (Tested) PURE WHISKIBB Cbrpl. G. Price 157, Privfctei T. Mor140, Pri.ALBEBT THAMES. 144, ST., JBolid l#iW« Satan. gta,n Private D. Fisiher BoU4 Mlw Tm Ud CMt« ; Just order what yoy want-—4nd«e yaifce K. WKitahpiiise 133, Piivhito C. W* hare tfcwn In Mrdml.iiiM ao« IUKr jwill do the rest., Orders prombHy SS with Harmon Messrs Tnylbr (In conjuiicttiou. 121, 124, Serpt. J. j Ehsor supplied—from 2 gallons of bee* BHi ttttml, 1306. 118; Corp,; P. Preece Other vfint, from £3/3/- npwwito. OtlMnl^itaKfß«>M«.M»«t«. I a quart of whisky to Hogijbeadi. and Co., members of the L'tpck ' Nd 2(Company.—Private C. S'/ho"Write for Price*. They Surprise 160. 165, field Private H. Wiggins Auckland.) Exchange, >' ■ ■ [ Coan^ry the of tor convenience Customers we have niustrated Sergfc. J. Lyes 157, Sergit. H. Howe SUPPORT LOCAL INDUSTRY. Catalofues, flvlngr great variety of our' goodf. Thete an sent I Whitahenid 146, Private l'sol Corp. t». 137, Mr Hill: Thamf sad Tntwiifay request. iß'ft'gtf vKr free on ,„,.„,„„,..„,„,,.,,„.,,. .1 "WTvsfe*' . . , .'.,r^,..4 F. Kinghlan kanfe J-/ -' ■ >i * - AIiBERT . M ■ ; . . 1 £ ( TmLbST^Smw^-£^ - 1 WiU _ i,' ■ ssu^s^o^sr^ . potl^rrsTXcl^pL. PARLIAMENT. LEG^I^JiieJboUNCIII F&R! c'ietl^ld r @c.,l $ The Leading JewalUrfi, tl>mmrlgfEm "; ' BRANDS.' . f t \ Stewart Wa&son TEA ! TEA ! TEA ! ! ! HALLEY'SCOMET. ■ ' As we do not employ Agents or Travelling Salesaen, t«t>t< ensure receiving our goods it is necessary to deal wttn us dlreet' \ * at our Auckland Treasure House.: 1 \ W#' P*7 postagv; and guarantee safe delivery »f the roods. \ ; INOwJq^ ? ; /X STREET, AUCKLAND. _ jiff. #. KEMP (ijj^Bapk'o/ . 'T^JLOV'HATTHRwAND New Zealand*)-- , MERCHANT ' ' ' ' JlSS.'yid 1 - ~. ' GENTS' OUTFITTER, 125, QUEEN STREET,* AUCKLAND. PBOPBIETOBS, tTC. -■ ■ who blare vehicles of all deacrioti >ns. A trial solicited before booking «l«e- ---where. -' ! HllPtaito^*rß3ir place ptmiio VUeplume No. 3. ; 41 Collins Street, MELBOURNE, PLUMBBB. POLLEN STREET,TITAiIBa Keep* in Stock Tankt, Chimney*, Washing Furnaces and Ckoetal . Tinware of the Very Seat' Quality and Workmanship. " * FEE BY LETTEB. £1. Sanitary Drainage a <Jpedalty. Hot water «enrices fitted up'ijatha. latest up-to-date method/ : ' ' Electric Bells fitted all. of the 'kinds of Plumbing, Gasfitiing, and L."-3MIf?H. when representing Victoria at the opening ."Oft'/, Sheet Metal working done in th« Dr. Brown great studied at Paris under the London, Imperial best manner bjr fiosopetant Sequar^, the sytftem of treatment of(Cancer, Caostipation, Par lysis, De- very workmen. bility, Old Age, Brain and Nervous Diseases. Theut srstem of treatment uiU be adopted, if desired by thp patitnt, more especially in Uterine DiiJ. U. BAITBON, M«n»g«v yield to thin Brown Sequard Treatnieni e*»aes, whith in most cftses, alone AJLL WORKMEN IAcUBH>. qualified practitioner IS the legally Dr. SMITH aole organic liquids. by for the famous Li^daiy Tvoaawho by) had full practice ©f .hißjgpfession on this speciality, which i* Agent descent .Burner and llaiitla. now used in nil.the Continental Hospitals of Europe. i i , * , ■ > - i ' Patients CONSULTING DR. I- L. SMITH BY LETTER, ron, il deeired, hare Medicine forwarded to them appropriately packed. FEE BY LETTER. SADo£jßs, 1, COLLINS* STREET, MELBOURNE. ■ i DR. L. L. SMITH'S MEDICAL ALMANAC,for the Household. Price 6d, of all Booksellers Beu^er's Indorai- Indetable, fatigable. ; 630 570 ; DOME BOOT POLISH Tlie speed actually realised by. tihe Iradoniiitalfofe hiis been muclh in. excess of the 25 knoita" contracted for, and a wfcwk or two ago tlie Inileociible, stetalniini* ;>.cross tihe Atlamitici after tiie Hudfvon-Fultoni oelabrations, ninde 25 'knots an hour un'.til she broke .down through eilioi'tagiei of engjunet-roohl' flitnflf. ' Tho Gl'onrceiater, fcmilt 'by Messrs; BaawhnO'Wj at Dalmuir, is a Vessel of 4800 tons and 22,000 horse power.* Her contract speed is 25 knots. and see what a difference it makes. RBOKITT'S^ , Length, feet ,t 78.C Displacement, tons.. 17,250 Horse-power 41,000 25 Speed, knots Beam,.feet 79.80 18,000 45,000 28 L. H. OOODWIN, TAILOR, POLLEN I x>. NOTICE. B. HALLIQAN DOMINION BAKERY, POLLEN STREET. J. PAUL, £1, food lufe,i3.ti&i Juyalids, and the Aged. (Oppotil* JudokiiiiJSM} ..■■...:»■'-■■' .„..■ Riding. Saddle^ Bridles, Whipa, Span, '■ . ■ Bag* Collars,and New Ham— ALWAYS IN STOCK. Oorie and Cow Cotera made to otdar. Repairs NetMy &<waUd. Country Orderi fromptiy Attandad to. Sattafiction Quacanhawl. «u«V Saddle* and Gear a SiMdaU*/. MPOBTAMT MmCall W. HAW KB 8, AM) BOOTMAKER TTffPlT—\ t Begs to announce to the recjdmtft Thainea that ho hit moored t« more central and commodious pft« miws in Pollen St., next to O. Job* "ton's, baker, where he will execute only the beet of work at modaeato * rates. REPAIRS A SPEOIALtT, of ■ use our ZEBRA STOV€ fJPASTIf. and find .It the best ; ffi*hfa?M'\aM . . manufacture— - o THE 46 YEARS' FULL PRACTICE IN MELBOURNE* 1 Y<mj P.O. B« Ift. OR L. L, SMITH. I%M%L wm F. BATTBON. OP-TO-HATS t YOU '' Co., Auckland", and they will" receive prompt attention. CONSULT CONSULT Warebb«u*43<£iKsi.. Sfef 1 1 _'' ' SPECIAL NOTE.—To Travellers Visiting Auckland. Forward instructions (letter or wires) .teTjC?.*Stfiojt and Telegraphic Address: Short, Auckland. -' G^uian Branches": j THAMES AND AUCKLAND. , ' If you want a trap of any cieecrip* tion call upon C. SHORT AND CO., ( ■ AND'IKKnSUMBNT MPOBTER. , SEOET&CO., C.OQACH Milk!! Milkii A. McLEJLN, T. WILD MAN, 1 Wallace & Co. ' " Spencer is by its «bMcoet because its soundh%«'M>d reliability liave been amply proved on the P%ameß, and all over the North lih where 3000-are In use. iand, : The term* are eaßy. Small deposit ■jmd 36 equal monthly payments."'» It is advantageous to' deal with the appointed agent; who ha* the latest samples on hand-and complete stock to choose from. These are delhrered at house without additional exfour : ' pense; " .* .; Ag«Bfc'r : MUSIC ( . ,witt wear and tear, de<ects^de¥el^> " Sand soon get-oflenßiTe-te refined musical ear, and are consequently con- i i 'till Pianos, so-odled have a smart5 appeartnceima p«jg|l% ' tone wheo new. la oours* oftime " Low-priced . (I*t» c& ParneU). A. J. Entrican & Pay. litd.; EDITORIAL. Basis OfPiano Value. maC'Tk&tbil conspicuous % f you gat ??? Not Wb*% what you pay—lathe si^edtotl^aucticm -'" 1 CABLEGRAMS. (M«d* by 1) """*"■" . 1 Phone Ko. -«^^ isßf\ House/fflT [Treasure 2'lth. 'Mii'Massey .said the existing Act from; appendicitis on Septen^beihud''lieeui in -Operation since 1884, and-hnd-giview every satisfaction. He was quite sure itlhiut if the Bill went GENERAL CABLES. on t'lie Statute Book local bodies) more "Would* rob be nible -to borrow' than at .presemt as stated! by the PreWHEAT AND WOOL mier> He saw no reason why the existing; A«t shouiid riot fos retoinecl for (Per United Press Association.) benefit) of amlaller bodies^ good »theT'lie amendnueint Was tivem put. aaid. (ltei-oived 25tb, 12,55 p.m.) rejeotetl 'by 39 yiatm to 23. for On tilie.;niotio'ii(pf.Sir' Joseph. Wnnl LONDON, Noveiinbeir 24. clause 70 was ainuendtedi sto read: The AuieriiMiU visible whewt supply "That .after couiijuft,into operation of biifcliels. the Act the Mir..:Vi(€r shall .not .gi-anti is 58,186,000 Wool " There is spirited competia loan to amy 'local authority under part 11. of ih'3 Local Bodies Loans, tion . alt. full oipeningl i-atiete. Ac* c.f 1908, provided thiat in any' SHIPPING case AVhero I'i-^ii;^ wfoirainar into opera-! tiibn of: "the "1' ct the Minister has (Beceivedl 2titin, 11.10 agreed to grant,a Ickvq', but tilie loan, haft not. (been ]'<!Jtt owr, or where any; SYDNEY, November 25. statiiitipry proceeding for olb|twininer;| Smiled: Indradfeivi,for New Zear a loan from ihe Ministieir ilr'aivte !b'een| dotmraencied tih'e local aultiliority wniyj livid. MEILBOUI^IB, Noveimber -25. aippiiy for a loan under iihe new Act." j Arrived: Miellbourne, from Kaij. Mr Allen mo^ad to ineert at the pan-a. " . W !-j l|>%imam9'li^^otal|Jl^72, 1, clause* 71, the eiid of .siuib-claiuso "Prorpidled the AVords, t<liat followinici CANADA'S GOVERNOR. limitations to the amount tJwrt might ' ' 0m tin one; man know wimt -y$ Stock Mwb> bo,lei>* in mny.^oTiie year imposed by yoii ask for :t, or (Received 26th, 1.55:pa.W-) <?d|t"nSlMi; -1«9, sfcotvm 69,'Loans to Ltoical Bodiieiei «^ll unleaa atintrtifr liare to you 7o» Act of 1908, siliaill nob ntpply to any) TORONTO, Novem|b«r 25 «3k-^uw,Jf»l|tfM^La loan applied under tihis Act." Telephone 66. urges Globe the appointment ameadtn/t-iiti wm loat by 38 of The succeed Cbnnaught 2_^_ the Dufee of to I ' ,yotes to 23, fatf the Governor-GeneralMr Mj,lfto}i4 move^ tjjlat,,clause 72, Earl Grey WE ARE O&*£ which provides that the provisions shiip of Oaaada. !, BUSINESS Local Ppdies Loams Act as to of tihe (Per United PteaajAswMaa^ CONGO DEMONSTRATION. £inikiigJf>j}flnjFl,(gh^Ugofc.iiiHply, be amTHE VALUE! OF OUR GOODS such limitialtlione ended so tflilait withof loans WELLINGTON, fclowmlber &5. MUST TEMPT YOU. (Reieivcd 26th, 1.55 a.m.) as ara proto,_the anLOunlti In the Council this afternqpVuJbte! jjfif Buy the Best the Act, the saidl provisions THE PRICES WILL PEIRJSUADE Hon. S. T. George askedthe Attor- v'fdiert'in 25 1 THAT^IT^-pAfPSI^TO^DEms* November "LONIH3H TOU shall continue apply. to a|SEdf?eWEal if be would,ißsue to all The Cardinal,Archbiahbp .MWiueu, las I'ejet'ted by 39 Suiitorß in the 'Dominion n. request Tfiletoaimendlnuniit and the Belgian^- ibishops nddres* v -^-S^aeon«!bUi-Goods-tTiMi'Landing— 21. that tihey will rotify him of any de- votes iTHE BEST VALUE XX& Mi' Sdiliey niwed rj to'+add tgAclause :thanks to Airdhbi^hop-Bodirne-for *se-- ' 'Choice Almliar Guiiianiisi,' 3d Ib. ! MAJRKET AB,E THE " fects in. alteratic n of law or omissions fusing to take pai't dn the Congo de; f Finest Patras Currants, 3Jd lb. "section provisions 72, "Tbkit the of thiat they mtty.'noticei inTthe CorisoliChibic&st Vostizaa Currants, 4d lb. Loinnsi Act monstnaltion an thla IJMIh insfc. dlat^d iSt-atuea-.vith-.a view of rectify- 25 of the Local Bbdieisl in tto(i;i|>^[|)Woaiis n fElne Smyrna Sdjtanaa,, 3Jd lb. ing The Ataomey-Generna'*»d he tfhail. only apply 'ROYAL' would comarounica'tie tibia request to to local iiutdibo-itiiies '|2{uaranfeed by Choicest* Golden Sult.anass 5d lb. ! under siuoh Ji\st menGovernlnneaife thelow* Societies. '",■'*' "i (All mniahine cleaned) fruits.) ADELAIDE, Kk>viember 25 Alcfc" . ftv^t xJ<'llS JGRrnVN in British Colonies, 2l<m. Mfc Sfceiveus mo'vted that it is tioned Gpod Cooking Dates, 2d lb. Thet ameoidmenit wlas carried by 32 Halley'fl toiuefc was seieoii ait the ObPACKED by Colonial Labour. tbjtfs facilities© given foy lb. . i'ff|ne«ib.. to ■ ":/■.» . is the 3n.isiiw_,jßd, Votes 30. ye'ste|day. servatory .This Mt#a^l BLENDED with. Skill. tJie regiisrrait4o!i in! thle name of the On clause 75, subsection 2, whic&l ;firafr visual observation in 4d lb. ; Raieirie, Beaded (Juaiity Australia*. : Bte^t" USED' witihi; Satisfaotloß/ . holdfer of any bonds of the New Zear I Hilqi|e,B,. lb. Act, modifies of Ctalifcwniaii 3dl: |fr| p»iiiJ Minjng f land Govern'men* which are paynible '■ tin. AjinrreotW,' Bjd moyed'-that AJlem Ufa j ffeasert capditall^ To be liadl from all grocers., , (to ib'eairer, and if the local bodies not FEDERAL CAPITAL SITE.; Ifimeiapple, 3 tins lOd. bewtrity few 'loans %t& rfJinitt^ If you can't'get 'it--send un-ai post : empowered to ewtafcilisih similar sys- made Titti* Choicest Californian ; ,-. ' Gallon _■, ten* of registration of any ul their ooinipatiiefs. ■ i: ,card.., MIELBpXU!<^» ..No.mniber 25 6d, Peadhes Is Fruit*—Apricot* by Hint nnneuduient wasflosib 35 to tends payable) to ibearer tlk netes: The House' of*" Repii'esentatives' by Is 7d tin. < ■': be give^i therm. >■;■ If eiairy powfer 33 vofceK<9 %o< 9 ;ncgiiijtiv<vl', the prpplo'sal < Half-Gallom Tins PJe The A*€»c*al^-««id the ito sulmiit' tho''.c:ijp:iTal.,B.ite to a referand GoottebeiiTice, lid Appks some) qxieKtion rawed endum. difficult points tin. Peacibcs Js tin. rewardjjig thieVpemlfcionß of the Trear Sicily Almonds, Dried Jordan and TEA MERCHANTS, Bury. Ho w«s not nvrara liow far the Peaches, Aspricots, Apples and AUCKLAND. Govfcrnmient was prepared to accede' Fiajs at prices that defy^rnprti* THETAVIUNI. to the tfuggesitioiix madto. If'tUe mat- i WIRELESS STATIONS. tiont tea' i\"ere ajlqiw^d to $ban& ovei* he and Sew tliese lines and^you will would confer witbi the Miniater of remain one monei of our many YOU OAy'T Finance on tinft 6\Jbjeicit'. .LAUNCBtfeb', .SUCCESSFULLY plea^d pnrchlnsteirs. The dictate on thio Oliaittols Trams^ M ESITABLJSHii'D GESWA We have reduced tihc price of the Grow Good Crops from Inferior let Amendiuent Bill w'us further ton; | (Per United Prens AsßOciation.) justly famous Topm Butter to lid lb. ' but Seeds, eiderenl (Per Um'toU Press- Association.) for cash only.. Tin's butter pleases On tiie' aw >uJ_ rondiiig tho Hon. WESTPORT,TUmemhcr 25 evtryone and the pried wtH/ bavo your WE PAN : Tha Taviuni, which ran ashorel on 25th, 12.55■"p.m.) Mr A.«"itey an<i otiher^ pointed out ; (]tett*ivod pojicft Supply you with SCE3BDS thiat that if oli the Bills were t0,.1]0 regisSoutlh Deivch 6oi»e 18 months aigo, , Factory Butter, one price, Is per will grow! andl GRrE SATISFACGHNEVA, Novioiuber '24 tered it wmM serioaely haiDper the wnes successfully laiuiiWhed ijito* the lb., one ounlity—The Befit". TION. " ■'■ ■:>■■ :',■■ :.,(:. ni : V;,:- tr traasiittioiiK of the farmiyj c9mariiinA Swiss wireless at-tition is re«;eiv- river through a. cut- in. the breakwater Finest English Stilton Cheese 2s lb. ity,, injjj nießsagcs from a two <tJliouMuiid this moiDing. With tin© purchasing! power of our 'Hie Attorney-Gtneiraij in replying, miles radius, and unito/i them from many Ujrauehea w-ei can offer excepadmitlted.the Ltue of tJwi antsuiuente tho''MKd^AtlMitic and 'ftlt,parts of the Are the Best Obtainable," and can b* tional value to tiasihi purchjaaerf}. rtslfjet'tin!? farmerft, and tihougliti tblflifc Continent in vairioute languages. had it* PACEEI'S jbo suit all TUYUSIi' ij)e*«B mi?lit. be.devised! to oTeitoiife POCKETS at HANSEN! <fe the difficulty, Ixib thla fannierw only represented a binnll proportion of SHORTLAvN^#l>«toA!E6. : I THE NORTH POLE. THE STORES, POLLEN STBEET liJo^'p, dealinsr ir. tlese fcietuiiritieis and DISTHAMES POLICE CENTRAL. Telephone 2> it; Was intended to prolect. tin* tradTRICT. GARDEN SEEDS ing (xnuiaiunity. Tt* was i» dtetont© of honert trading a^vimt' dishouest COOK'S PUDOF&. WHY IT Wi'S CHEATED " FABM SBBDS Tho setoiid lfuding v/itti nexvtad to, ..("Per U»ited Press Aaso.ciution.) Of Every Description. I>£h report on. Auckland Bisl.O]) Mr in aigl tlie Bill wa« rieferi-edl to tho Thaiues Police districts said he andi AN ABUNDANT MILK SUPPLY. Al -Quality from the Al Seed Stores. Suit'iitea Rfivisioii CWimittm The I- :. j (Jlcneived j2Cth, 1.53 a.m.) >vas utterly u,t a loss ;fo undersL-ind '■ C^juncil adiounjc^l, " ', wiiy tibia Thames diietdob was ever Thameig Pairy, NEW YORK, INr-ivenijber 25.-. created or sepu'tttetl t'ron* Auckland. O'LBABY BROS. & DOWNS. LOWER HOUSE. Ri'. Cook ha*» complcled hisi proipfo Mr Dinnie, in his reply, aiuiid : —'"Mr FOUU9N dTBUBT. Seed Merohants, c»f his Polar j<>uniey> jnd hif* secfe- Bishoip lilixd the published report from Door Dann's.) to oN(eat K fawmlftr "56. lias for Demuark tairy WELLINGTON, aUrtied with Inspector CuUeti nelaitiug to the Seed .In the House in the afleiTiorli v 23,000 words leiport and thiei oiiginal Ttuuiies police district, Which 1 may ,Wa renewed into new preaddress, further debate took place on the* first records 1. mises tihe aibove Store,Qqe^a Stijeefc^ Auckjand. . at andl are now say I see for th& first time, alreading of Mr T. Taylor's Grand Jury bhougili it rejects upon my action in prepared to SUPPLY PURE MILK Aibolition Bill. efitabfobing the1, district. It wan DEiLIVEKMD TWICE DAIL-Y. AIRSHIP FLIGHTS. The mctbura w ,is supported by considered necessary to reduce the Agent fo* s Tliairifcs Valley Co!s Messrs tfevey-, Stewed, and :. Bauine. &izo of ,tiii» Aiciklaud district, as. it '"Pa'eteurised:'Cmkm in large or small Discussion .; centred' in tlho Chrisitwtw iiriposliible for <aaiy one Inspector quantities. POLLEDSPfifPWBBJT. chjutAi inotoi| tragedlyy and the ae~ Shop <lclivery of PURE FRFSH to proiperly wuipervise ,«ucii. a large m AMERICAN OFFER quintal iby 11jei,,,,.,,gniwl jury , ,of, Summer duripg the at 3d LICENSE!/ SANITARY k VaTEB district iw addition to liis dty work. MILK Hujnpliries. I aim of opinioiii thlut the Thames dis- Quwrt. WORKS PLI^MBER,GAS AiND Association.) Press (Per United Mr Taylor said the case had'creattrict should be sltill further emlarged ELECTRIC BELL FITTEB. SONS, ed n wid««jji'ei|d.i(^i)fl«^oii in^f&fJßfo J. CLAIIK AND ljy curtailing the Aulcikland district cliufth, and there was an impression (Received 26th, 1.55* v.m ) originally rewiinmended by rpp. I as Hot Water Fitting a Speciality. tli»it Mlttsonio ihflueniaef^l»\'d"«i<Mneitilungdb no'ta'ti all agrja with Mr Bishop Taiiks, Chimneys, Washing Furdo with failure to jury'^ toBAEBURN, naces, tlbetjgpand ih;«.t there is no aidvantage in small JOHN PARIS, 'November 25 Batha, and General Tinware a {pile reading B^)lO^vn fiud firsitk tiruieibiUv : J'tttilibnin lias bben offered '£24,000 districts. My expi^encci t»a« 1"' (by tamo.) '■ :!!";' A.N.Z.AIA. in stock or to order. " was asr^fefl to-' :l'!«*: * for six months a.irwhip- flights 'that the moill© sulpernsSbh ioiut-star . M.N.S.S.A. TheTStatte Gwiirunit^Q A<Jyinaice« )}jll sterling tjons gteit tihie better, and 'wiiere a disin AiTiicrica. < Jobbing work on the Shortes Notiw. was further considered''im iommittc*. trict is als larpa as Audkland was the by Warrant under the Auditor worJti, ltwurail tJiafc fbje Uie outstations could not properly J^r Gutime Friendly So^fQiLiee.' Act,, 1908. "N"o reiliato bo cllowted" 156/ s'truok o«i't' BRAZILIAN TRAGEDY. supiervised. I think it will be conAxxmiTitmit", Auditor', Company Pubho deded that Mr McGow'an was Mly Secretary, Traide ! Assignee, on advances to local bodies. intc«Bt conversant with the requirements of Stock and Sharabwkor, Landl, Estate i-lii motion was neg««t>iwd. the disitlricit." . We ,thinik. so, despite and Insurance Agent, the repenlp^ 70, clause wtiidh BY A BOMB KILLED Qn Mir Bishbfp's egotifetioail sfiatement to ALBERT STREET, THAMES. ixji oinof l»iw,a local bodies prating tto donltnalry! Telephone NU. 134. P.O. Box 44 dp^ Paii* 11. of the Local Bodies: (Per United Press Agsooiation.) Secretary Thames Agricultural and L<3piß Ac*' Mn4 N«wmaii moved thai Horticultural Society. (liecfedveid 25th*' 12.55 p.m.) thffcclause bet I'linendcd 9o -th la allo-w THE INDEFATIGABLE. a Jaunty Counlcil to continue to raise loqyps under iho Looml Blodies LONDON,November 24 WANT AN UP-TO-DATE A, CCMPAJMSOKI hurled a a4. dojbalte, w*ij intiWntiipited J>y the, Sbopaolo,: rtpi' .ciiai'chis.t, dFll*!!' shidp .m/Sfkvpttolo, ati vi WitJi reference to the launching of' Wl GIN PLEASI tOTJ. A tfkmdU 5.30 afljournriiieirit. Brazil. The explosion 'killed several, and the Indefatiguit'l'o, mentioned in our Mtetto* of ki^k-quility, - .-«ion*ble EVDN'IKG SITTING. wiiusetl a fire, threateming' the whole oalb'lets the otlher day, it. is interesting lbr'©»d*,! vicuna*,and' blotdw to iokooae to note thiait lh» Undefaltagablei was torn. TLi mott ttyU»h «ut, beik of imartcr. down, in. Devonport Febrtiiary. laid at 'WEI/LINGION, INWember ,25. feoai&ufacturV and best wearing maAs compared witlh tihe Indomitable iNrlaiL ':Flaot jma cirdaw "wly. F!l 'JCjbo dislcuanion on Mk* /Mewman's class, same business; I owe and othleir the your ymaefcfi.ol pud wbrkmaSaahip guaranteed. Special Advertise uDjendment vfai scontinued. »' the Brassey'sl Naval Annual states {■tUotdon ' tny Buccegg to )t.—1\ X Barnura said the; develop■Sir Joseph fidd to np-covntry ordara, th'ab the following are believed to be ■tA&jH *n attended to with prompti* tWe principal pairtioulairsl:-^- f^mFi f: / «Bff\ '. STIOCfING COMPETITION (Keceivedl 2&liii,'11.10 p.m.) of the Loahs t« Lwal Bidies-Ait. yfemrsi Mal^olnv, Gutihrie, Lan<r, Bucih*inan, iu'kl Allcii huppoited the. L—"" (Member Thames Stock Exchange.) (Per United Press Association.) 1 PfilfiiAlt; J^VEkBElt 26^ 1900. TW« Delicious and Highly "Kutrjlive Food is quite distinct from anj other obtainable It is flistin-ruished from others by the care with which is well-kno\rn to Atediit can he digested anil absorbed. Its ro/nposition : ' cal Men and is aipprored by them. The Lancet describes it as"Mr,Benger's admirable preparation." Special vialues in ladies' glove*, . THiaaiks thief Puibli^ for the Very McDonnell & The British, Medical Journal aoj "Beoger'B Food has by its excellence hosiery. A splendid range of laooe and annoauicta i Li'bieral anid'begis 110 jiiserliona jusl) to biandi, and! ffbionvu^l established a. reputation of it» owm'' williams, tibia* lie Sulpipprfc is iuW" Bbbikirigl Orders for at A. Court aiid Sou's,The Bu»y MEW" YELIR OAKES. renarkably 'XM&S ANID well ou Beehive.—Aldvtu The Illustrated Medical News say*:~^-"lnfamts do Tailors. Prices audl Quality Goilairainteedl Satisit. There is certainly a great future before it" Sultana;, Plain, amd Seed factory. OPPOSITE BHORTLA.ND FIRE Oaike fxpu* Bdi i*r lb. Muscatel amd Printed, mm! publaked by tue ft*. BRIGADE STATION. Citrcm "Cake lOd par llbl Cherry, Iteito, prietor, William MoGc'lougb, UM( per Almond Gaike Is lb. ainci Fiff, IN TIM 9 BY CHEMpli^ EVERYWHERE. Gemera] Printing Offioe,iJb^ %» 83* FIT, STYLE & WORKMANnn,rl BENGEirS FOOD IS SOLD jSttioalk amdi Kieteey, Mbtltfoini, SHIE GUARANTEED. ,Fruiit Vim mad© daily.. ■''"-' ; ' FRIDAY, &OXEUBEII 25, 1909. Be«t ingr«lieijtaonly used. .