ANNUAL STIMULATING PHYSICS NETWORK DAY SATURDAY 4th JULY 2015 AT CHARTERHOUSE SCHOOL Workshop Descriptions Led by Teaching and Learning Coaches and Physics Network Coordinators from the Stimulating Physics Network, Institute of Physics WORKSHOP SESSION ONE CHOICES (11.05 – 12.05) 1A Energy 1 – Led by Alan Baugh Making sense of the approach to teaching Energy in the new KS3 curriculum. (25 max) 1B Encouraging Girls to study physics – led by Liz Hutchins This session provides an opportunity to look at some new approaches to encourage girls to continue their study of physics to GCSE and beyond. We will look at factors affecting the engagement of girls in physics, strategies that can lead to increased engagement and achievement of girls in physics and ways to make students aware of the contribution physics makes to their future lives. (25 max) 1C Radioactivity without the sources – Led by Colin Piper A variety of engaging activities, simulations and demonstrations designed to enhance the teaching of radioactivity, particularly in situations where a school does not have a set of radioactive sources. (25 max) 1D Potential dividers and conducting glass – Led by Ian Galloway Some simple but astounding demonstrations to convince you and your students that resistances divide up potential difference in proportion to their size. PhET will be used to support the session and this will lead to a safe method of showing that glass will conduct electricity under the right conditions. Good example of resistance decreasing with temperature leading to thermal runaway. (25 max) 1E Games Laboratory – Led by Richard Grimmer Playing games can be another way to get children to learn often without them even noticing it’s happening. There are a wide variety of games available from board games to card games to computer games. This workshop will present a variety of games and participants will be able to access all the necessary files to play these games with their classes. You will have the opportunity to judge for yourself whether the games are suitable for your students and hopefully get an overview of some of the variety of games available. (25 max) WORKSHOP SESSION TWO CHOICES (12.30 – 13.30) 2A Energy 2 – Led by Alan Baugh Light, electricity and sound in particular. (25 max) 2B Literacy in Physics – Led by Christina Astin We will be looking at ideas and resources for enhancing communication skills through our teaching of physics, and sharing good practice. Reading, writing, listening, speaking, questioning are important skills for learning physics. (25 max) 2C Reach for the stars – Led by Colin Piper Things to make and use, activities children can do at home and in school, inspirational images and mind-blowing stories. All designed to engage, enrich and extend the understanding of young people. (25 max) 2D Light Camera Images – Led by Nikki Ellis Discover a variety of activities for use in the classroom when teaching light, colour and spectra. Find out how to make 3-D images and how a digital microscope can turn a small demo into a whole class activity. As well as collecting plenty of ideas for the use of images in general, you will receive a CD with all the information needed to use the workshop ideas in the classroom. (20 max) 2E Extreme Physics - Led by Neil Atkin How can we use extreme sports and cool activities to engage learners and as a vehicle for teaching physics. (20 max) WORKSHOP SESSION THREE CHOICES (14.15 – 15.15) 3A Energy Calculations – Led by Trevor Plant “Energy is for doing calculations”. This is the meaning of the new-look energy statements in the re-written KS3 and KS4 National Curriculum. But what kind of calculations? Come and find out what calculations you could use, some based on practicals, some on energy use and some just “back of the envelope” estimates. You can discuss what would be suitable for each key stage and what help or support might be needed. Bring an energy bill and be prepared to be shocked at how much you pay and what you are paying for. (25 max) 3B (+4B) (double length workshop) Effective Mind Mapping and Memory Techniques in Science – Led by Alessio Bernardelli Come and see how you can improve your own and your learners' Mind Mapping skills. Alessio has extensive experience in developing thinking and in making mind mapping and other learning techniques accessible to learners and teachers. Alessio is an Official iMindMap Leader and TASC Specialist and in this workshop he will give an insight into how to develop effective memory and mind mapping techniques to support learners’ revision and to enhance their comprehension of science topics. This workshop is for anyone interested in improving their mind mapping skills and for those who want to understand what mind mapping is all about within a science context. (25 max) 3C The Physics of Football – Led by Lawrence Cattermole Resources and ideas for teaching physics through Football. The Institute of Physics and Arsenal FC are involved in a joint project that uses football as a way of getting children to engage with physics, and improve their football as well. Come and explore the resources and activities that can be used with students of different ages and capabilities. Each activity involves students using physics to investigate a particular aspect of football. Activities include: How can you kick and throw the ball further? What makes a good pass? How can you control a ball effectively? How can you spin and bend the ball? and using your body for balance and stability. (25 Max) 3D (+4D) (double length workshop) Rocket Launcher make & take – Led by Liz Nourshargh Build your own “rocket” launcher. You can then use the compressed air launcher in the classroom to engage students with the design of the rockets. Through modifications such as adding fins or altering the shape of the nose cone, students can theorise and then try out how a rocket’s flight path can be affected. (15 max) 3E (+4E) (double length workshop) Practical work outlined in the new A Level specifications - Led by Rob Rutherford + Trevor Plant (part time) The intention is to look at different ways to do some of the experiments. It should be of particular value if you are an inexperienced A level teacher. (16 max) WORKSHOP SESSION FOUR CHOICES (15.20 – 16.20) 4A Heat Transfer – Led by Sharron Mackenzie In this session we will consider practicals and demos we can use to address the concepts of conduction, convection and radiation. We will also look at how insulation can be used to slow the heating process and discuss the different properties materials have due to their specific heat capacities. (25 max) 4B – there is no choice for 4B because it is part of the double length workshop 3B 4C A Dozen Dashing Demos – Led Lawrence Cattermole Some practical demonstrations and activities cost little but can have great impact in physics lessons, whether it’s the “wow” factor or a clear illustration of an important concept. This workshop will show you 12 varied examples, many of which include engaging students in the required quantitative/mathematical aspects of physics. (25 max) 4D – there is no choice for 4D because it is part of the double length workshop 3D 4E – there is no choice for 4E because it is part of the double length workshop 3E TO BOOK TO ATTEND THIS CONFERENCE VISIT The Institute of Physics and the Science Learning Network work in partnership to run a support network for teachers and pupils of physics. We're known as the Stimulating Physics Network. See for details. ANNUAL STIMULATING PHYSICS DAY – 4th JULY 2015 AT CHARTERHOUSE SCHOOL Time 09.15 – 09.55 09.55 – 10.00 10.00 – 11.00 Session Registration and refreshments and exhibitor stands Saunders Room and Scholars Court Welcome and Introductions – Steve Hearn, Charterhouse Lecture Theatre Keynote – Dr Christina Lazzeroni, Particle Physicist at University of Birmingham Lecture Theatre 12.05 – 12.25 12.30 – 13.30 11.05 – 12.05 13.30 – 14.15 14.15 – 15.15 15.20– 16.20 CLOSE Workshop 1a Workshop 1b Workshop 1c Workshop 1d Workshop 1e Encouraging Girls to study Energy 1 - Making physics sense of the approach Liz Hutchins to teaching Energy in the new KS3 curriculum Alan Baugh Refreshments and exhibitor stands Workshop 2a Workshop 2b Radioactivity without the sources Colin Piper Potential Dividers and Conducting Glass Ian Galloway Games Laboratory Richard Grimmer Workshop 2c Workshop 2d Workshop 2e Energy 2 - light, Literacy in Physics electricity and sound in Christina Astin particular Alan Baugh Lunch and exhibitor stands Workshop 3a Workshop 3+4b (double length) Energy Calculations Trevor Plant Effective Mind Mapping and Memory Techniques in Science Workshop 3a Alessio Bernardelli Heat Transfer Sharron Mackenzie Evaluation forms and goody bags Reach for the stars Colin Piper Light, Camera, Images Nikki Ellis Extreme Physics Neil Atkin Workshop 3c Workshop 3+4d (double length) Workshop 3 + 4e (double length) Rocket Launchers Liz Nourshargh Practical work outlined in the new A Level specifications Rob Rutherford Trevor Plant (part time) The Physics of Football Lawrence Cattermole Workshop 4c A Dozen Dashing Demos Lawrence Cattermole Saunders Room and Scholars Court Saunders Room and Scholars Court Science Dept