Physics: Waves and Optics Mr. Seelig Tic-Tac-Toe Project Guide Each student is responsible for completing three activities from the following choices. Your three activities must follow the rules of tic-tac-toe (i.e., three in a row). 1. Explore one of these topics and write a short report on your findings. Be sure to include how what we’ve learned in this class is important to understanding the topic you chose: a. Tsunamis: b. Sonic Boom: en/news/FactSheets/FS-016DFRC.html 4. Create a song or rap about a subtopic pertaining to waves and perform it in front of the class. The song or rap should take at least 2 minutes. Be creative! Ideas for topics: Textbook or /class/ 7. Make a list of at least 5 careers that require a deep understanding of waves. For each job, write a paragraph describing the job and explaining what it has to do with waves. All entries must be properly cited. p?contentid=381 or http://www.guidetocareereducatio 2. Pick a subtopic of waves that you are interested in and create a 3-5 minute demonstration of your topic. Be creative! 3. Create a crossword puzzle of at least 20 important vocabulary words from the Waves unit. Demonstration example: Mp_e4FyJxU Or http://www.crosswordpuzzleg Wave Demonstration Ideas: ook/intro.htm 5. Create a Jeopardy game with all of the content we’ve covered in class about waves. Use a poster-board to replicate the actual Jeopardy gameshow question board. We might use this as a review game later in the unit. 6. Find a current events article on something that has to do with waves. Write a 1page report summarizing the article and describing its relevance to our unit on waves. Ideas for topics: Textbook or ass/ 8. Explore earthquakes and write a short report on your findings. Be sure to include how what we’ve learned in this class is important to understanding earthquakes. eqscience.php and s/search.php?sendLevelID=10#topics 9. Choose a subtopic of waves that you find interesting and create a poster that accurately depicts and describes this topic. The poster will be presented to the class and displayed in the hallway. http://www.physicsclassroom .com/class/