SOLID-STATE LASERS The Next Generationo of Analytical Instruments by Paul Ginouves SUMMARY Innovations in solid-state lasers are producing more reliable, compact instruments for biological analysis. A dvances in laser-based analytical instrumentation have finally begun to catch up with advances in microprocessor technology and consumer electronic devices. Although faster, smaller and more-ergonomic devices permeate our personal lives, until recently users of laser-based analytical tools toiled with instruments that always seemed to be one step behind the times. The prevailing laser technology was a limiting factor in the packaging, ease of use, functionality and reliability of many analytical instruments. Whether the choice was an air-cooled argon-ion, HeNe or HeCd laser, or a water- cooled argon-ion, Kr or mixed-gas laser, each brought significant drawbacks to analytical instrument design. Some applications required several widely spaced wavelengths and, therefore, multiple lasers, giving rise to instruments with enormous footprints. In addition, poor reliability and low electrical efficiency resulted in analytical instruments that were expensive to operate because of regular maintenance downtime and three-phase electrical requirements. In some cases, they exhibited high heat dissipation that required either forced-air or water cooling. In the case of air-cooled lasers, cooling fans introduced vibration problems and noise, while water cooling meant bulky chillers and higher operating costs. Finally, all these lasers were delicate because they incorporated plasma tubes that were neither durable nor portable enough for field instruments. Solid-state promise When solid-state lasers were developed nearly a decade ago, their size, efficiency and performance promised to usher in a new era of analytical instrument design. However, these devices — including diodes, diode-pumped solid-state and now optically pumped semiconductors — have come into their own only during the past few years. Upon their introduction, the cost per milliwatt of green (532 nm) solid-state lasers was higher than the analytical instrument market would accept. Moreover, because 532 nm was outside existing par- TABLE APPLICATION WAVELENGTH EMPLOYED (nm) Raman Spectroscopy 488, 532, 785 Confocal Microscopy UV, 405, 457, 488, 514, 635, 638 Environmental Monitoring/Bioagent Detection UV, 488, 532 Flow Cytometry UV, 457 or 460, 488, 514, 635, 638 DNA Sequencing 488, 514, 532 High-Throughput Screening 488, 514, 532, 635, 638 Reprinted from the January 2003 issue of Biophotonics International © Laurin Publishing Co. Inc. Figure 1. New solid-state lasers, approximately the size of a computer mouse, have enabled the creation of the first generation of high-end desktop flow cytometers. The footprint of this DakoCytomation CyAn flow cytometer is 1 3 1 ft (30 3 30 cm). adigms for assay protocols and reagent systems, significant research was required for successful integration. And most green lasers suffered from what was commonly referred to as “the green problem”; namely, unpredictable mode hopping and output amplitude spikes. Other problems included changes in performance as ambient temperatures varied and amplitude noise in low-power, low-cost units. Advances in technology have produced many green solid-state lasers that minimize or correct these problems, however. Packaging posed the main challenge to incorporating diode lasers into instrumentation. Instrument manufacturers were accustomed to lasers that emitted collimated, circular beams and that contained integrated drive electronics and cooling systems. Also, parts were required to transform a highly divergent and elliptical diode laser beam into a usable coherent light source. Consequently, diode lasers made inroads into the analytical instrument market only after all the features that instrument manufacturers needed were fully integrated into diode laser packages. These included beam cir- Figure 2. New high-end desktop flow cytometers such as the DakoCytomation CyAn are compact and efficient. cularity, light regulation, collimation optics, thermoelectric cooling and integrated drive electronics. Solid-state lasers emitting at 488 nm took a path different from other solidstate lasers. Attempts to create blue-green lasers using directly doubled diode lasers and up-conversion fiber lasers have yet to produce a robust, commercially available solution because of numerous technical and material issues. Commercially available 488-nm lasers employ optically pumped semiconductors. Although this is only the first generation, these blue lasers meet or exceed end-user expectations, owing in part to the experience gained in the development of green and red solidstate lasers. After these growing pains, solid-state lasers are positioned with the right wavelengths (405, 488, 532 and 638 nm), sufficient output power, ergonomic user interfaces and demonstrably superior longevity to enable instrument manufacturers to capitalize on the inherent advantages of solid-state technology. Not all red, green and blue solid-state lasers are created equal, however. The spectrum of commercially available solid-state lasers now addresses the technical and economic needs of nearly every customer. New areas to explore These lasers have allowed instrument manufacturers to develop new markets and manufacturing approaches as well as to explore the areas of portability, remote monitoring and battery operation. Their impact has been felt on the functionality and design of modern analytical instruments used for a wide variety of applications, including DNA sequencing, drug discovery, flow cytometry, confocal microscopy and, most recently, biological threat detection (see Table). Genomics and proteomics chemical properties of cells in a variety of research, DNA sequencing and drug clinical and field applicadiscovery are two areas in which tions. Depending on the solid-state lasers are gaining application, the devices momentum. As genomics and employ laser-induced light proteomics start to play an everscatter and fluorescence to increasing role in the developmeasure parameters such ment of new pharmaceuticals, as DNA content or cell surthis promises to be an area that face antigens. will see numerous new laserFor decades, flow cybased instrument paradigms. tometer manufacturers The process of ascertainused water- and air-cooled ing the exact order of the nuargon-ion lasers in their incleotides in DNA, known as struments because they DNA sequencing, has traditionwere the only lasers with ally used air-cooled argon-ion the requisite combination lasers. Instrument manufacturof wavelength and output ers still employ them because of power. Now manufacturthe convenience of multiline exers have the option to use citation from a single package. newly developed solidHowever, several prominent sestate lasers emitting at 488, quencer manufacturers now use 532 or 638 nm. 488- and 532-nm solid-state DakoCytomation, which lasers. manufactures high-end One major barrier to broader flow cytometers for biouse of solid-state lasers in this medical research, produces market is the instrument manuinstruments that can perfacturers’ need to support the form multicolor simultalegacy of their reagent systems; neous analysis of numerfor example, because many of ous single-cell parameters the reagents used in DNA seat throughput rates exquencing were developed for ceeding 50,000 events per 488 and 514 nm, those wavesecond. In an effort to satlengths are now the de facto standards for the industry. Therefore, Figure 3. Small, rugged and energy-efficient solid-state lasers with isfy seemingly insatiable it is difficult for manufacturers low heat dissipation have led to the development of self-contained customer demands for higher performance from to switch to 532 nm because the flow cytometers for remote field monitoring. The Cytobuoy flow smaller instruments, the enormous body of experimen- cytometer in this buoy measures the composition and population company turned to 488-nm tal data developed at 488 and of phytoplankton and other aquatic organisms in surface waters solid-state laser technology. 514 nm would be impossible to of the oceans. Courtesy of Oceanor. As a result, a 200-mW reproduce and compare at 532 sapphire laser made by Coherent Inc. is innm. Given the obvious long-term advanenables a significant reduction in instrucorporated into the DakoCytomation tages of solid-state technology in instrument size, allowing the lab to accommoMoFlo high-speed sorter, and a 20-mW mentation, this roadblock eventually will date more machines. Moreover, the highmodel is used in the CyAn high-perforfall by the wayside, leading to even more reliability and low-maintenance characmance analyzer. John Sharpe, director of sophisticated and sensitive reagent systeristics of solid-state lasers minimize research and development at Dakotems based on slightly different waveinstrument downtime, thereby increasing Cytomation, said, “The laser has given us lengths. productivity. Further, many solid-state the laser horsepower we need. It has fanIn contrast to the DNA sequencing inlasers produce less noise than argon-ion tastic pointing and power stability, comdustry, drug discovery system manufaclasers, which improves the signal-to-noise pared to argon lasers, and is only a fraction turers embraced solid-state laser techratio and ultimately increases instrument of the size. So our new CyAn products pronology very quickly. In drug discovery apresolution. vide better performance in a smaller packplications, accuracy and throughput are age” (Figures 1 and 2). The footprint mission-critical. Consequently, mainteFlow cytometry of CyAn is just 1 3 1 ft (30 3 30 nance downtime must be minimal and Solid-state lasers also have had an imcm), which is considerably smaller than instrument performance consistent, and pact on flow cytometry, a common techthe 3 3 3-ft footprint of the previously the more instruments that can be used in nique for counting and classifying indiavailable argon-based flow cytometers. a single laboratory, the better. vidual cells in suspension. Flow cytomeA similar set of requirements led The compactness of solid-state lasers ters can rapidly examine physical and Figure 4. Compact solid-state laser modules with consistent and reliable output beam quality make the manufacture of analytical instruments, such as the LaserCyte System, more efficient. Courtesy of Idexx Laboratories. Cytobuoy BV of Nieuwerbrug, the Netherlands, to employ solid-state lasers in the design of their miniature flow cytometers for aquatic research applications. The instruments can measure the composition and population of phytoplankton and other aquatic organisms from inside a buoy or onboard a ship or submarine (Figure 3). Because phytoplankton possess several naturally occurring fluorescent pigments that are excited at wavelengths between 430 and 690 nm, these instruments use compact 488-, 532- or 638-nm solid-state lasers. In the past, marine researchers had to transport and install their large laboratory flow cytometers on ships to perform realtime field studies. In contrast, Cytobuoy sought to create a compact autonomous instrument that could function unattended on potentially heavy seas and in remote ge- Figure 5. Solid-state lasers allowed this two-channel image of mouse fibroblast cells to be taken with a ographic locations Leica confocal microscope system. The DNA in the left image was DAPI-stained and excited at 405 nm. The while transmitting middle image shows cytoskeleton that was CY3-stained and excited at 543 nm. The right image shows an data via telemetry. overlay of the two channels. Consequently, the laser requirements for this application autonomous instruments of this type able, easy to service and inexpensive. were demanding. available for remote field monitoring. We Consequently, the company chose a modThey needed an energy-efficient laser have very strict requirements on size, enular design that included a custom diode that was small enough to fit in a buoy ergy efficiency and low-heat dissipation. laser module. and that gave off very little heat. Because So, solid-state lasers are really the only Because this instrument relies on light the instrument had to operate on battery choice for our application.” scatter rather than on fluorescence, it uses power and/or solar cells, energy could not Idexx Laboratories Inc. in Westbrook, a 10-mW, 638-nm diode laser module. be spared for power-hungry laser cooling Maine, a manufacturer of diagnostic, deWorking in partnership, Idexx and Cosystems. Third, the laser needed exquistection and information products for the herent designed a solid-state-sensor modite beam pointing and power stability to animal health industry, was looking to ule that combines a diode laser with operate in remote locations without resupply veterinarians with a flow cytomebeam-conditioning optics, custom drive quiring regular maintenance and, finally, ter that could make possible diagnosis electronics and a light-scatter detection it had to be rugged enough to withstand during the pet visit by providing hemasystem (Figure 4). heavy seas. tology information within minutes rather To achieve and maintain a positional George Dubelaar, CEO of the company, than the days required when samples are accuracy of ±1 µm for the laser focal spot explained, “Before the development of sent to external labs. To work well in a relative to the flow sample stream core, solid-state lasers, there were no compact clinic, the system had to be small, relithe flow cells were redesigned and incor- porated into the sensor module as well. In fact, rather than assemble the module from a laser component, a flow-cell component and a detector component, those are mated and delivered as a single module that can be assembled in the instrument without additional adjustment. Also, the modules are now interchangeable and field-replaceable without the need for laser-to-flow-cell realignment. The result is a system called the LaserCyte, a compact and affordable flow cytometer for in-clinic testing of blood samples by veterinarians. Confocal microscopy Developments in solid-state laser technology have had an impact on confocal fluorescence microscopy as well. This technique provides high-quality sectional views even from relatively thick specimens. However, the only reliable UV source that is suitable for confocal microscopy is 1 m long, has a large external power supply, dissipates more than 5 kW of heat and is expensive to purchase and to operate. Manufacturers of confocal microscopes have heard the same customer demands as manufacturers of other analytical instruments: smaller, more economical and easier-to-use instruments. Leica Micro- systems Heidelberg GmbH of Mannheim, Germany, which makes confocal microscopes, discovered that, for some applications, near-UV solid-state lasers offer the combination of small size, ease of use, no cooling water and low operating cost to meet these demands. The company has developed a microscope system that uses a 405-nm solidstate laser in place of a traditional UV source. As Heinrich Ulrich, manager of development optics, explained, “Although 405 nm has lower excitation for some UV dyes, it comfortably replaces UV for DAPI and Hoechst dyes and is an ideal excitation wavelength for CFP (excitation range: 400 to 430 nm). Also, a new photoactivated GFP has its absorbance maximum around 400 nm and is, therefore, perfect for the 405-nm laser.” To compensate for the focus shift between 405 nm and the visible range, Leica has designed correction optics that result in perfect Z-axis overlay and bright images (Figure 5). The beam characteristics required for confocal microscopy are achieved using a single-mode fiber coupling. The 25-mW, 405-nm solid-state laser used by Leica is packaged in a 218-mm-long standard cylindrical HeNe laser tube. This configuration is standard for most instrument manufacturers and facilitates the use of solid-state lasers in many analytical instruments. Furthermore, according to Ulrich, “The 405-nm laser is one-third to one-quarter the cost of a UV laser system and is much easier to operate.” Consequently, customers benefit not only from a less expensive system, but also from being able to spend more time on their experiments and less time on maintenance. Solid-state lasers are now positioned with the right combination of wavelengths, output power, reliability and beam characteristics to allow analytical instrument manufacturers to capitalize on their inherent advantages. In many applications, solid-state lasers are the only solution. Their combination of small size, energy efficiency, low heat dissipation, low operating cost, ease of use and robustness has led to the development of a new generation of field and desktop analytical instruments as well as of more efficient manufacturing techniques and easier field-servicing of instruments. G Meet the author Paul Ginouves is director of marketing for Instrument and Medical Markets, Coherent Inc., in Santa Clara, Calif. 5100 Patrick Henry Drive, Santa Clara, CA 95054 Tel: 1-800-527-3786 Fax: 1-408-764-4983 Email: Web: