DISC GOLF - City of Prince George

Rainbow Park
is for everyone!
Why play Disc Golf?
‹ Disc
Golf is fun, easy to learn,
and can be enjoyed alone or with
‹ From school age to old age, Disc Golf
is a game whole families can
enjoy (together, even!) making it one
of the greatest lifetime fitness
sports available!
‹ Disc Golf provides upper and
lower body conditioning and
aerobic exercise, too!
Disc Golf ...
is played by many of the same rules as
Golf - but with a flying disc, or Frisbee, instead
of a ball!
‹ requires many of the same mental and
physical skills as Golf!
‹ delivers the same thrills (and frustrations)
as Golf and it only takes one good throw to
bring you back another day!
‹ A typical “round” takes about two hours
to play!
Why is Disc Golf
so popular?
Disc Golf can be played from school age
to old age.
‹ Constant challenge in play, family fun, the
social nature of the game, growing fitness
awareness, and the fact that it is
inexpensive to play are all attractions to
the game and add to it’s exploding
How do you play?
‹ The
object of Disc Golf is to
traverse a course from beginning
to end with the fewest number of
throws of the disc!
‹ Each consecutive throw is made
from where the disc came to rest
on the previous throw!
‹ Once each player has thrown
from the tee, the farthest away
from the target throws next, and
so on, until each has thrown his
or her disc into the basket!
More “How do you play?”
The initial drive (or long-distance throw)
down a fairway is made from a tee,
followed by subsequent approach throws
(which are shorter and depend more on
accuracy than power), until a putt (a
short, very accurate throw) allows the
disc to come to rest in the hole (a metal
basket with chains hanging from the
top), thus completing the hole.
Even more "How do you play?”
Reducing the number of throws between
tee and hole is the challenge!
‹ A variety of throwing styles is necessary
to negotiate natural obstacles such as
trees and water hazards, and helps
players develop concentration skills!
‹ Experiment!
Play at your own speed!
Not every player develops the
coordination and physical skills
necessary to succeed in sports activities
at the same rate.
‹ Disc Golf offers those border-line,
“not-quite-good-enough” or “don’t-really-carefor-traditional-sports” athletes a game at
which they can develop skills at their
own pace!
‹ Players can start slowly and merely
match their pace to their individual
Keeping Score
Score is determined by counting the
number of throws made on each hole
and totaling at the end of the round
‹ The winner is the player who
completes the course in the fewest
number of throws.
‹ Some say the winner is the player who has
the most fun!
What does it cost to play Disc
The equipment is inexpensive and,
unlike traditional Golf.
‹ The Rotary Disc Golf course at Rainbow
Park is free to play as often as you like!
What about the discs?
Golf discs are different from what are
used to play games of catch.
‹ Today’s golf discs are smaller and
heavier, manufactured in high-density
plastic, and weigh from 140 to 200
‹ Disc Golf discs cost $8 to $18 each a novice can start with just one but
pros may carry 12-15 or even more in
their bags - a disc for every possible
Why different discs?
There are discs for drives, for
approaches, and for putts - each disc has
been designed for a specific task!
‹ Golf discs will fly from right to left or
from left to right, far or not so far,
will predictably roll, or even float!
‹ Learning how your discs fly in the
wind is the key to successful Disc
Golf play.
‹ With golf discs, “It’s not the car, it’s the
A Disc Golf course?
‹ Depending
upon the size of the area
being utilized, 9, 18, 24, or even
more holes will make up a course.
‹ Rainbow Park consists of 9
holes/baskets and one for practice
noted as number 10. Total distance
is approximately 1000 meters.
Is Disc Golf a competitive
There are professional and amateur
tournament events for male and
female players every year!