DP UNITED NATIONS Distr. GENERAL Governing Council of the United Nations Development Programme DP/1990/INF/2/Rev. 28 August 1990 I ORIGINAL ENGLISH/FRENCH/SPANISH Thirty-seventh session 28 May~23 June 1990, Geneva LIST OF REPRESE~ZATIVES LISTE DES REPRESENTANTS LISTA DE REPRESENTANTES President Pr6sident Presidente Mr. Ion POPESCU First Vice-President Premier Vice-Pr~sident Primer Vice-Presidente Mr. Brian Second Vice-President Deuxi~me Vice-Pr~sident Segundo Vice-Presidente Mr. David HAMADZIRIPI Third Vice-President Troisi~me Vice-Pr~sident Tercer Vice-Presidente Mr. Pedro A. MORALES Fourth Vice-President Quatri~me Vice-Pr~sident Cuarto Vice-Presidente Mr. Romeo REYES (Philippines) Secretary Secr~taire Secretario Mr. Uner KIRDAR 90-20736 (Romania) K. BABINGTON (Australia) (Zimbabwe) CARBALLO (Cuba) MEMBERS AUSTRALIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Ronald A. WALKER Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Angus MACDONALD Director United Nations and Commonwealth Programs Section International Development Assistance Bureau Mr. Brian BABINGTON Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. Rosanne TOOHEY Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Dr. Palitha KOHONA First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Philippe Na CHAMPASSAK Multilateral Programs Manager (UNDO) United Nations and Commonwealth Programs Section International Development Assistance Bureau, Canberra AUSTRIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Erich HOCHLEITNER Director-General Department for Development Co-operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Rudolf BOGNER Minister Head, Division of Multilateral Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Co-operation Mr. Christian STROHAL Minister Deputy Permanent Representative to the Office and the specialized agencies, Geneva of the United Nations Mrs. Maria C. MOYA-GOETSCH Deputy Head, Division of Multilateral Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Christopoh THUN-HOHENSTEIN First Secretary Permanent Mission to the Office specialized agencies, Geneva Development of the United Mr. Franz-Josef HOMANN-HERIMBERG Counsellor (Humanitarian Affairs) Permanent Mission to the Office of the United specialized agencies, Geneva Co-operation Nations and the Nations and the BELGIUM Repr~sentants S.E.M. Andr~ GEENS Ministre de la Cooperation au D~veloppement M. Dominique STRUYE DE SWIELAND Repr~sentant permanent, a.i. Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve Mme Sonja GERLO Directeur G~n~ral Administration g~n~rale de la cooperation au d~veloppement M. Paul FRIX Inspecteur g~n~ral Administration g~n~rale de la cooperation au d~veloppement M. Luc DEVOLDER Conseiller Mission permanente & New York M. Frank INGELAERE Attach~ au Cabinet aupr~s de l’Organisation du Ministre des Nations de la cooperation Unies au d~veloppement Mme Sonja KEPPENS Secr~taire d’administration Administration g6n~rale de la cooperation au d~veloppement M. Th~o GIELING Secr~taire d’administration Administration g~n~rale de la cooperation au d~veloppement Mme Justine GENTILE Attach~ Mission permanente de la Belgique Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve aupr~s de l’Organisation BRAZIL Representatives H.E. Mr. Rubens RICUPERO Ambassador Permanent Representative Head of Delegation to the United Nations, Geneva Nations, Geneva Mr. Garry LIMA Multilateral Co-ordinator Brazilian Co-operation Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Michael GEPP First Secretary Diplomatic Adviser Brazilian Co-operation Agency Ministry of Foreign Affairs BULGARIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Alexander ALEXANDROV Minister for Environment Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. Dimitar KOSTOV Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Alexander AVRAMOV Counsellor Deputy Head, International Economic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Head of Delegation Mr. Anton BARAMOV Counsellor Council of Ministers Organizations Dept. des Mr. Kalin BORISSOV Second Secretary International Economic Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Orlin DELEVE Senior Specialist Ministry of Foreign Mr. Manol POPOV Counsellor Permanent Mission Economic Department Relations to the United Nations, Geneva RePresentative Mr. Douglas LINDORES Senior Vice President Canadian International Development Agency Alternates H.E. Mr. Gerald SHANNON Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Mr. Noble E. C. POWER Vice-President Multilateral Programmes Branch Canadian International Development Mr. Rick WARD D~rector General Multilateral Technical Canadian International Nations, Geneva Agency Co-operation Development Agency Advisers Mr. Martin SOUTTER Deputy Director General Multilateral Technical Co-operation Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Jeremiah KRAMER Counsellor (Development) Permanent Mission to the United 5 Nations, New York Ms. Luce BOURGAULT Senior Programme Officer Multilateral Technical Co-operation Canadian International Development Agency Mr. Ross NOBLE Senior Programme Officer Multilateral Technical Co-operation Canadian International Development Agency Ms. Linda DEMERS Population Specialist Canadian International Development Agency Representatives H.E. Mr. FAN Guoxiang Ambassador Permanent Representative Head of Delegation Mr. LI Zhimin Minister Permanent Mission to the United to the United Nations, Mr. ZHANG Guoquan Deputy Director Department of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Mr. ZHANG Guanghui Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Alternate Nations, Geneva Geneva and Trade Natioins, New York Representatives Mr. PENG Muyu Division Chief China International Ministry of Foreign Centre for Economic and Technical Economic Relations and Trade Mr. LIU Lianke Deputy Division Chief Department of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Exchanges Mr. WANG Xinggen Deputy Division Chief Department of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Mr. YAO Wenlong Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Ms. YAN Juxia Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva to the United Nations, Geneva Advisers Mr. ZHAN Xiaoning Third Secretary Permanent Mission Mr. YIN Zonghua Programme Officer Department of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations Mr. ZENG Lingtong Programme Officer China International Ministry of Foreign and Trade Centre for Economic and Technical Economic Relations and Trade Ms. ZHAO Chengjun Programme Officer Department of International Relations Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations and Trade CUBA Representatives Mr. Raul TALADRID SUAREZ Vice-Minister State Committee for Economic Co-operation Mr. Pedro MORALES CARBALLO Director of Division State Committee for Economic Co-operation Mr. Salvador CABEIRO Specialist State Committee for Economic Co-operation Exchanges Mr. Rodrigo MALMIERCA specialist State Committee for Economic Co-operation CYPRUS Representative Mr. Panayiotis HADJIPAVLOU Director Co-ordination and Planning Bureau DENMARK Representatives Ms. Birte POULSEN Head of Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ib John KELLAND Deputy Head of Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Ms. Anne EHRENREICH First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Mr. Ulrich SORENSEN Head of Section Ministry of Foreign Nations, New York Affairs DJIBOUTI Representatives H.E. Mr. Roble OLHAYE Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, New York Mr. Mohamed Hassan ABDILLAHI Secretary-General a.i. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Co-operation Mr. Dysane A. DORANI First Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United 8 Nations, New York ReDr6sentants M. Jean-David LEVITTE Ambassadeur Repr~sentant permanent & Gen~ve Conseiller aupr68 de l’Organisation des Nations Unies special M. L~on TABAH Vice-Pr~sident Comit~ international de Coop6ration en D~mographie (CICRED) dan8 les Recherches nationale8 de l’Organisation des Nations Conseillers Mme Olga MOREL Repr~sentantpermanent Unies ~ Gen~ve adjoint aupr~s M. Gabriel KELLER Directeur adjoint des Nations Unies et Organisations Minist~re des affaires ~trang~res M. St~phane GOMPERTZ Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s & Gen~ve Mlle Nicole COURSON Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s New York internationale8 de l’Organlsation des Nations Unie8 de l’Organisation des Nations Unies M. Guillaume CRUSE Charg~ de mission Nations Unies et organisations internationales Minist~re des affaires 6trang~res M. Jean-Pierre ALLEX :~ Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s & Gen~ve M. Frank Attach~ Mission New MORDACQ financier permanente York aupr~8 de l’Organisation des Nations Unie8 de l’Organisation des Nations Unlem 9 M. Jean CHAUDOUET Minist~re de la cooperation et du d6veloppement M. Michel WAGNER Caisse centrale de cooperation OERMANY, FEDERAL REPUBLIC 6conomique OF Representatives Mr. Hans-Peter REPNIK Parliamentary State Secretary Ministry for Economic Co-operation Head of Delegation Mr. Herbert SAHLMANN Head of Division Ministry for Economic Co-operation Deputy Head of Delegation Alternate Representatives Dr. Ursula SCHAFER-PREUSS Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Busso VON ALVENSLEBEN Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Olaf IVERSEN First Secretary Federal Foreign Office Miss Angelika PRADEL Assistant Head of Division Ministry for Economic Co-operation Mr. Armin PLAGA Executive officer Federal Ministry of Finance Mr. Willy EBBIGHAUSEN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United 10 Nations, Geneva NATIONAL AFRICRNNATIONAL LIBERATION CONGRESS RePresentative Mr. Mohammed TIKLY Director of Projects Mr. Trevor ABRAHAMS Project Officer PAN AFRICANIST CONGRESS OF AZANIA RePresentative Mr. Mfanasekaya GQOBOSE Secretary for Economic Affairs Mr. Joseph MKWANAZI Administrative Secretary 75 MOVEMENTS OTHER ORGANIZATIONS PALESTINE Representatives Mr. Ahmad SULEIMAN Director-General Department of Economic Affairs Liberation Organization Mr. Nabil RAMLAWI Ambassador Permanent Observer Mr. Mohammad and Planning to the United Nations, ABU KOASH Mr. Saeed HAMOUD Mr. Omar HAMDAN 8ECRETARIA PERMANENTE DEL TRATADO GENERAL DE INTEGRACIO N ECONOMICA CENTROAMERICANA Representante Sr. Rodolfo TREJOS D. Representante Permanente en Europa 76 of the Palestine Genevaa GHANA Representatives Dr. Kwesi BOTCHWEY Secretary Ministry for Finance and Economic Planning H.Eo Mr. Kojo AMOO-GOTTFRIED Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Harry Osei BLAVO Minister Counsellor Permanent Representative Nations, Geneva to the United Ms. Margaret CLARKE-KWESIE Principal Economic Planning Officer Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning Mr. Samuel K. DENU Commercial Counsellor Permanent Mission of Ghana in New York to the United Mr. K.A. TENKORANG Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations Nations in Geneva GUATEMALA Representatives S.E. Sr. Federico URRUELA PRADO Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y Otres Organismos Internationales, Ginebra S.E. Sr. Francisco VILLAGRAN DE LEON Embajador Extraordinario y Plenipotentiario Representante Permanente ante la Oficina de las Naciones en Nueva York Sr. Francis AGUILAR-HECHT Ministro Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Sta. Carolina RODRIGUEZ DE FANKHAUSER Ministro Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas Internationales, Ginebra 11 Nueva y Otres Unidas York Organismos Sta. Lucia Regina BARREIRO GONZALEZ Primer Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Sta. Blanca Maria CASTRO GUTIERREZ Segundo Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Sta. Monica JUAREZ MARTINI Tercer Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Unidas y Otres Organismos Unidas y Otres Organismos Unidas y Otres Organismos GUINEA BISSAU Representative H.E. Mr. Alfredo Lopes CABRAL Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Richard MANTOUCK First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United New York Nations, New York Nations, New York GUYANA Representatives Dr. Tyrone FERGUSON Director-General Ministry of Foreign Mr. Rawle LUCAS Counsellor Permanent Mission Affairs to the United INDIA Representatives Mr. Anil SHASTRI Deputy Minister of Finance 12 Mr. S. VARADACHARY Joint Secretary Department of Economic Ministry of Finance Affairs Mr. A. GOPINATHAN First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mrs. Deepa WADHWA First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Rajnish M. ROY First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Harsh SINGH Under Secretary Department of Economic Ministry of Finance Affairs ITALY Representatives Ms. Jolanda BRUNETTI Minister Plenipotentiary Co-ordinator for Multilateral Ministry of Foreign Affairs Development Mr. Vincenzo PETRONE First Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Co-operation Nations, New York Nations, New York Mr. Gherardo LA FRANCESCA Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Patrizio FONDI First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Ms. Ludovica LONGINOTTI Technical Adviser Ministry of Foreign Affairs 13 JAPAN Representative Mr. Akio IJUIN Minister Permanent Mission Alternative to the International Organizations in Geneva Organizations in Geneva Representatives Mr. Kunihiko MAKITA Counsellor Permanent Mission to the International Mr. Shoji OGAWA Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Akira MIZUTANI Deputy Director Social Co-operation Division United Nations Bureau Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. Kinichi KOMANO First Secretary Permanent Mission to the International Organizations in Geneva Organizations in Geneva Mr. Hideaki MIZUKOSHI Official Economic Affairs Division Bureau of United Nations Affairs Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Akira OUCHI Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the International Mr. Takayuki KITAGAWA Assistant to the Permanent Mission to the United Nations, KENYA Representatives Hon. Vincent Sakwa M’MAITSI Assistant Minister for Planning 14 and National Development New York H.E. Prof. Thomas A. OGADA Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Mr. Jackson J. ISIGE Senior Under-Secretary Ministry of Planning and National LIBYAN ARAB Nations, Geneva Development Mr. R.Ko GATHUNGU Counsellor (Economist) Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. C.M. CHIKA Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. C.M. MBURU Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva JAMAHIRIYA Representatives H.E. Dr. Mohamed Lotfi FARHAT Secretary of the General People’s Head of Delegation Mr. Ibrahim Abdu1-Aziz OMAR Charg~ d’Affaires Permanent Mission to the United Committee Nations, for Planning Geneva Mr. Muftah Swissi EL-FERJANI Director Office of co-ordinating and following up of the activities International Technical Co-operation Mr. Mahmoud Secretariat Mohamed EL-BELAZI of the General People’s Committee for Planning Mr. Mohamed Secretariat ISMAIL of the General Committee for Finance Mr. Fouad EI-HadiAHMED People’s Bureau of Foreign People’s Liaison 15 and International of the Co-operation MALAYSIA Representative H. E. Mr. RAZALI Ismail Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative Alternate and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, New York Representatives Mr. AZIZAN Hussein Deputy Director-General Economic Planning Unit Mr. SYED SULTAN Seni Pakir Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Ms. BOEY Siew Ling Director External Assistance Section Economic Planning Unit Mr. Mohd. RADZI Abdul Rahman First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. ZAKARIA Mat First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mrs. SUDHA Devi Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mrs. HASHIMAH Nik Jaafar Assistant Director External Assistance Section Economic Planning Unit MAURITANIA Repr~sentants S. E. M. Melainine OULD MOCTAR NECHE Directeur des organisations internationales Minist~re des Affaires etrang~res et de la Cooperation M. Mohamed Mahmoud Premier Conseiller Mission permanente New York OULD CHEIKH aupr~s EL GHAOUTH de l’Organisation 16 des Nations Unies MOZAMBIQUE Representatives H. E. Mr. Jacinto VELOSO Minister of Co-operation H.E. Mr. Pedro COMISSARIO-AFONSO Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Taquidir BACAR Chief Department of Multilateral New York Co-operation Mr. Gamiliel MUNGUAMBE Department of Studies and Planning Ministry of Co-operation NETHERLANDS Representatives Mr. J. PRONK Minister for Development Head of Delegation Mr. J. F. Boddens HOSANG Ambassador Permanent Representative Co-operation to the United Mr. I. M. DE JONG Deputy Chief Multilateral Development Co-operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nations, Geneva Department Mr. Karel P.M. DE BEER Head, United Nations Aid Section Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kees P. RADE First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Mr. Kees H.R. KLOMPENHOUWER First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva 17 Mr. Ren~ C. AQUARONE United Nations Aid Section Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. J. SMALLENBROEK United Nations Aid Section Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisers Mr. G. Ringnalda Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. K. W. SPAANS Head, Policy Evaluation and Budgetary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Affairs Division NIGERIA Representatives Chief The Honourable Minister for Finance Head of Delegation Olu FALAE and Economic Development Mr. Alhaji Ahmadu ABUBAKAR Director-General Federal Ministry of Finance Alternate Head of Delegation H.E. Mr. B.A. ADEYEMI Deputy Director-General (IOD) Ministry of External Affairs Mr. E.A. AZIKIWE Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mrs. Mandu E. EKONG Assistant Director-General (SUND) Ministry of External Affairs Mr. J.A.O. OLANIYI Deputy Director (Economic Affairs) Federal Ministry of Finance and Economic Development Mr. K.O. OLISEMEKA Minister Permanent Mission to the United New York 18 Nations, Mr. O. OWOEYE Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva Nations and other international Mr. Chiedu OSAKWE First Secretary Second United Nations Department Ministry of External Affairs Mr. Chukwudi J. IHIM Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva NORWAY Representatives Mr. Tom VRAALSEN Minister for Development Co-operation Ministry of Foreign Affairs H.E. Mr. Martin HUSLID Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, New York Mr. Kjell H. HALVORSEN Deputy Director-General Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dag NISSEN Head of Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Erling SKJONSBERG Senior Executive Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Ola BREVIK Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Ms. Elisabeth JACOBSEN Senior Executive Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Olav A. HERNAR Executive Officer Ministry of Foreign Affairs 19 Nations, New York Ms. Merthe NERGAARD Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva Nations and other international PAKI STAN Representatives Mr. Aftab Ahmad KHAN Additional Secretary Economic Affairs Division Head of Delegation Mr. Ahmad KAMAL Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United institutions, Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation Mr. Mohammad Younis KHAN Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United institutions, Geneva Mr. Muhammad Aslam KHAN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United institutions, Geneva Mr. M. Azam ALVI Assistant Permanent Mission to the United institutions, Geneva Nations and specialized Nations and specialized Nations and specialized Nations and specialized PERU Representatives S.E. Sr. Raul A. HAYA DE LA TORRE Jefe del Instituto Nacional de Planificaci6n Ministra Martha TOLEDO OCAMPO Directora General de Cooperaci6n de Relaciones Exteriores Consejero Javier PAULINICH Misi6n Permanente ante la Oficina Nueva York 20 Internacional del Ministerio de las Naciones Unidas en Sr. Rodolfo LEON Agregado Civil de la Misi6n Permanente Naciones Unidas en Ginebra ante la Oficina de las Ministro Jaime STIGLICH Representante Permanente Alterno ante la Oficina de las Naciones Unidas en Ginebra, en calidad de Asesor de la Delegaci6n del Per~ Sra. Aurora RIVA Directora Departamento de Cooperaci6n Internacional Tecnica PHILIPPINES Representatives Hon. Cayetano PADERANGA, Jr. Secretary of Socio-Economic Planning and Director-General National Economic and Development Authority H.E. Mrs. Narcisa L. ESCALER Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United international organizations, Geneva Mr. Romeo REYES Assistant Director-General National Economic and Development Mrs. Victoria SISANTE-BATACLAN First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva Mr. Libran CABACTULAN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Mr. Leslie B. GATAN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva 21 Nations and other Authority Nations Nations, Nations and other international New York and other international POLAND I Representatives Mr. Marek BOGUCKI Under-Secretary of State Office for Scientific and Technological Mr. Antoni CZARKOWSKI Deputy Director Department of International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Alternate Development Organizations Representatives Mrs. Malgorzata ZACHOROWSKA Deputy Director Foreign Co-operation Department State Office for Scientific and Technological Development Mr. Wojciech JASINSKI Adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs Department of International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Dariusz MANCZYK First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva Mrs. Krystyna DRZEWIENIECKA Chief Specialist Secretariat of the Government Nations and other Population international Commission PORTUGAL Representatives H.E. Mr. Fernando REINO Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, Mr. Manuel LOPES DA COSTA Vice-President, Institute for Economic Co-operation Advisers Mr. Luis LORVAO Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United 22 New York Nations, Geneva Mrs. Catulina GUERREIRO Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York Nations, Geneva Nations, Geneva ROMANIA Representatives Mr. Ion POPESCU Minister Counsellor Ministry for Foreign Head of Delegation Affairs Mr. Gheorghe CHIRILA Counsellor Charg~ d’Affaires a.i. Permanent Mission to the United Mr. Alexandru NICULESCU Counsellor Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Gheorghe ISTODE First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United SPAIN Representatives S.E. Sr. Don Emilio ARTACHO CASTELLANO Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y Otres Organimmo8 Internationales, Ginebra Sr. D. Fernando RIQUELME Director General del Instituto de Cooperaci6n Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores para el Desarrollo Sr. D. Santiago CHAMORRO Subdirector General de la Oficina de Planificaci6n y Evaluaci6n de la Secretarla de Estado de Cooperaci6n Internacional y para Iberoamerica Sr. D. Rafael FERNANDEZ-PITA Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones 23 Unidas, Nueva York Sr. D. Juan Manuel GONZALES DE LINARES PALOU Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y Otres Internationales, Ginebra Sr. D. Fernando GARCIA CASAS Secretario de Embajada Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Sra Dona Maria SAENZ DE HEREDIA Secretario de Embajada Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Sr. D. Manuel MONTOBBIO Consejero T~cnico Oficina de Planificaci6n Organismos Unidas y Otres Organismos Unidas y Otres Organismos Unidas y Otres Organismos y Evaluaci6n Sr. D. Jos~ Maria CAMPA DE BLANES Consejero de Presna Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Internationales, Ginebra Sr. D. Jesus OSUNA Consejero, Gabinete Presidencia Agencia Espa~ola Cooperaci6n Internacional Ministerio Asuntos Exteriores Sra Dona Pilar PERONA Directora Programas, Gabinete T~cnico Presidencia Agencia Espa~ola Cooperaci6n Internacional Ministerio Asuntos Exteriores SRI LANKA Representatives H.E. Dr. Warnasena RASAPUTRAM Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United H.E. Mr. Daya PERERA Ambassador Extraordinary Permanent Representative Nations, and Plenipotentiary to the United Nations, Mrs. Chandra AMERASEKARE Additional Director External Resources Ministry of Finance 24 Geneva New York Mr. H. M. G. S. PALIHAKKARA First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Miss Aruni DEVARAJA Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva SWEDEN Representatives Mr. Bengt SAVE-SODERBERGH Under-Secretary of State for International Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Lars ANELL Ambassador Permanent Mission to the United organizations, Geneva Development Nations and other Nations, New York Mr. Lennart BAGE Deputy Assistant Under-Secretary Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Elisabeth HELLSTROM Head of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Dorrit ALOPAEUS-STAHL Head of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Bo WILEN Head of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Boel GREDER Head of Section Ministry for Foreign Affairs Mr. Klas MOLIN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Mr. Carl SCHONMEYER Senior Adviser on Population Swedish International Development 25 Authority Co-operation international Assistant Ms. Ylva PAPARI Secretary Ministry for Foreign Affairs SWITZERLAND Repr~sentants S.E.M. Fritz R. STAEHELIN Directeur Direction de la Cooperation au D~veloppement et de l’Aide humanitaire D~partement f~d~ral des Affaires etrang~res M. Jean-Franqois GIOVANNINI Directeur Adjoint Direction de la cooperation au d~veloppement D~partement f~d~ral des Affaires etrang~res et l’aide humanitaire M. Roger PASQUIER Chef des Affaires Multilat~rales Direction de la cooperation au d~veloppement et de l’aide humanitaire D~partement f~d~ral des Affaires ~trang~res M° Frangois ROHNER Chef suppl~ant de Section Direction de la cooperation au d~veloppement et de l’aide humanitaire D~partement f~d~ral des affaires ~trang~res M. Dominik LANGENBACHER Premier secr~taire Mission permanente d’observation Unies, New York aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Mme Anne-Pascale KRAUER MULLER Collaboratrice diplomatique Direction de la Cooperation au D~veloppement et de l’Aide humanitaire D~partement f~d~ral des Affaires ~trang~res M. Ivo SIEBER Troisi~me Secr~taire Mission permanente d’observation Unies, New York 26 aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations SYRIAN ARAB REPUBLIC R~presentatives Ms. Nabila CHAALAN Minister Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Mohamed Bassam IMADI Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Zouheir JOUEIJATI Counsellor to the Minister State Planning Commission UNION OF SOVIET SOCIALIST of Planning REPUBLICS Mr. Dmitry PENZIN First Deputy Head Department of International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Economic Relations Mr. Vitaly CHEKAY Deputy Head of Administration Ministry for External Economic Relations Mr. Vladimir M. SKLIAROV Chief of Division Ministry for External Economic Relations Mr. Roman V. ISSINSKY Principal Expert Ministry for External Relations Mr. V.J. YOURIEV First Secretary Permanent Mission Economic to the United Ms. Diliara SUNIAKOVA Expert Ministry of External Economic 27 Geneva Relations Mr. Yuriy V. OKSAMITNIY Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Mr. Maxim A. SHUVALOV Third Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nations, Nations, New York Mr. M.J. PETRUKHOV Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United UNITED Nations, Geneva KINGDOM Representatives Rt. Hon. Lynda CHALKER MP Minister for Overseas Development Mr. Garth PETTITT Head of United Nations and Commonwealth Overseas Development Administration Department Mr. Roger COUSINS Head of Section United Nations and Commonwealth Department Overseas Development Administration Mr. John MOYE Head of Section Health and Population Department Overseas Development Administration Mr. Alistair HARRISON First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Miss Sarah GILLETT Private Secretary to the Minister New York for Overseas Development Miss Anne DOHERTY United Nations and Commonwealth Department Overseas Development Administration UNITED STATES Representatives Hon. Ronald ROSKENS Administrator Agency for International Development Hon. John BOLTON Assistant Secretary for International Department of State 28 Organization Affairs Hon. Jonathan MOORE Ambassador Deputy Representative United States Mission Alternate to the Economic and Social Council to the United Nations, New York (ECOSOC) Representatives Ms. Nancy CARTER Co-ordinator for Population Bureau of Oceans and International Affairs Department of State Ms. Joan DUDIK-GAYOSO Director Office of International Bureau of International Department of State Environmental and Scientific Development Assistance Organization Affairs Mr. Duff GILLESPIE Director Directorate for Population Bureau of Science and Technology Agency for International Development Advisers Me. Carol A. COLLOTON Economic and Humanitarian Development Division Office of International Development Assistance Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Mr. Patrick DEMONGEOT Evaluation and Planning Office of International Bureau of International Department of State Division Development Assistance Organization Affairs Ms. Paula FEENEY Office of Political Affairs Permanent Mission of the United States to the United Nations, Ms. Helen SRAMEK Special Assistant to the Administrator United States Agency for International 29 Development Geneva Mr. Richard GRAHAM Chief Economic and Humanitarian Development Division Office of International Development Assistance Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Ms. Teresa HOBGOOD Budget Office Office of the United Nations System Budget Bureau of International Organization Affairs Department of State Mr. Gordon MACARTHUR Adviser Agency for International Development United States Mission to the United Nations, Ms. Elizabeth MAGUIRE Associate Director Office of Population Agency for International Mr. Michael MICHALSKI Budget Officer United States Mission New York Development to the United Nations, New York Mr. Fred PERRY Acting Director Office of Donor Co-ordination Agency for International Development Mr. Kyle SCOTT First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Ms. Helen SRAMEK Special Assistant to the Administrator Agency for International Development Mr. Roderick M. WRIGHT Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United 30 Nations, Geneva URUGUAY Rep;esentantes S°E. M. Julio A. LACARTE-MURO Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y otres organismos internationales, Ginebra Sr. Carlos GIANELLI Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante 1as Naciones Srta. In6s RODRIGUEZ Primer Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante 1as Naciones internationales, Ginebra M. Ricardo GONZALES ARENAS Segundo Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante 1as Naciones internationales, Ginebra Unidas, Nueva York Unidas y otres organismos Unidas y otres organismos VENEZUELA Representatives SoE. Sr. Horacio ARTEAGA Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Sra. Maria Elena CORRALES Director General de Cooperaci6n Cordiplan Sra. Agnes SERES Director de Cooperaci6n Cordiplan T~cnica Unidas y otres organismos Internacional Multilateral Sra. Lourdes MOLINOS Consejero Misi6n Permanente de Venezuela en Ginebra Sra. Liliana SCHILLING Asesor de la Direcci6n General de Econom£a Internacionales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores 31 y Cooperaci6n YUGOSLAVIA Representatives Mr. Marjan STRBASIC Director Federal Administration Co-operation Head of Delegation Mr. Blazo KRSTAJIC Assistant Director Federal Administration Co-operation for Scientific, Technical and Cultural for Scientific, Technical and Cultural Mr. Radoslav TESI Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Mr. Jure GASPARIC First Secretary Permanent Mission Nations, to the United Nations, Geneva Geneva Repr~sentants S.E.M. SOZA MBUNZU-te-NATE Secr~taire d’Etat ~ la Cooperation Internationale S.E.M. BAGBENI ADEITO NZENGEYA Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations New York S.E.M. MUTUALE KIKANKE Ambassadeur Extraordinaire et Pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations et des institutions sp~cialis~es ~ Gen~ve M. Kapela KANDA-LONSA Directeur de la Cooperation multilat~rale la Cooperation internationale M. NIKUNA PEMBA-MALANDA Secr~taire Particulier du Secr~taire internationale M. LUKABU KHABOUJI N’ZAJI Ministre Conseiller Mission Permanent aupr~s de l’Office 32 Unies Unies au D~partement d’Etat de ~ la Cooperation des Nations Unies ~ New York ZIMBABWE Representative Dr. Stanley MAHLAHLA Director National Planning Agency Ministry of Finance, Economic Planning Mr. David HAMADZIRIPI Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Ms. Albina GUNDUZA UN Desk Officer Ministry of Finance 33 and Development Nations, New York OBSERVERS ~,BANI& Repr6sentants M. Ajet YLLI President Comit~ des Sciences Chef de D~l~gation et techniques M. Alfred PAPUCIU Charg~ d’Affaires Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies Gen~ve et autres organisations internationales en Suisse Mme Lida MYFTIU Fonctionnaire Comit~ des Sciences et techniques M. Ilir FICO Fonctionnaire Comit~ des Sciences et techniques M. Fatos REKA Troisi~me Secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies Gen~ve et autres organisations internationales en Suisse ALGERIA Repr~sentants M. Amar DAHMOUCHE Ministre pl~nipotentiaire Repr~sentant permanent adjoint Unies ~ Gen~ve aupr~s de l’Organisation M. Rachid OUALI Responsable pour la co-ordination des activit~s Minist~re des Relations etrang~res du PNUD ARGENTINA Representantes Sr. Juan Antonio ZAPATA Embajador, Director General de Cooperaci6n Internacional Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, Buenos Aires 34 des Nations Sr. Pedro COLOMBI Primer Secretario, Direccion General de Cooperaci6n Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores y Culto, Buenos Internacional Aires Sta. Cecilia BARRIOS BARON Segundo Secretario Mision Permanente en Ginebra Sta. Patricia FABRO Segundo Secretario Mision Permanente en Ginebra BAHRAIN Representatives H.E. Mr. Abdul-Rahman SALMAN KAMAL Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Mr. Adel SATER First Secretary Permanent Mission Nations, to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Habib M. HASHIM First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Abdul-Hakim BU-HIJI Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Geneva BANGLADESH Representatives H.E. Mr. Harun-UR-RASHID Ambassador Permanent Representative Head of Delegation to the United H.E. Mr. A.H.G. MOHIUDDIN Ambassador Alternate Permanent Representative Dr. M. Ishaq TALUKDAR Economic Minister Permanent Mission to the United 35 Nations, to the United Nations, Geneva Geneva Nations, New York Ms. Nasim FIRDAUS First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva B~UTAN Rep~esentat ive H.E. Mr. Dasho NADO RINCHHEN Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Alternate Nations, Geneva Representative Mr. Daw PENJO Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva BOLIVIA Representantes S.E. Sr. Ra~l ESPANA-SMITH Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Unidas y otres organismos S.E. Sr. GONZALO DE ACHA Embajador Representante Permanente Alterno ante las Naciones organismos internationales, Ginebra Sra. Vilma BANZER Primer Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Unidas y otres Unidas y otres organismos BDRUNDI Repr~sentants M. Gr~goire MUYOVU Repr~sentant permanent Unies, Gen~ve adjoint aupr~s de l’Organisation M. Aloys NEGAMIYE Deuxi~me Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation 36 des Nations des Nations Unies, Gen~ve CAMBODIA Repr~sentants S.E.M. NGO Hac Team Ambassadeur Repr~sentant permanent Gen~ve aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Mme POC Mona Ministre Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Gen~ve M. Kiem TOP Deuxi~me Secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Gen~ve CHAD Repr~sentant M. Nodjiamlaou Yoossem KONTOU Premier secr~taire Ambassade du Tchad, Paris CHILE Representantes S.E. Sr. Radomiro TOMIC Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Unidas y otros organismos Sr. Juan Enrique AGUIRRE Director de Asuntos Econ6micos Multilaterales Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Felipe TOMIC Vicepresidente de Agencia de Cooperaci6n Oficina de Planificaci6n Nacional 37 internacional COLOMBI& Repres~ntante St. Rafael RIVAS Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas y otros organismos internacionales, Ginebra CONGO Rep;esentatives H. E. Mrs. Jeanne DAMBENDZET Minister of Labour and Social Welfare M. Guy Eric Arthur OLOKILIKOKO Head of Section for Multilateral Assistance Ministry of Planning and Economy COSTA Co-operation and Technical RICA Rep;esentante S.E. Sr° Raul TREJOS FLORES Embajador Representante Permanente antes las Naciones organismos internacionales, Ginebra Unidas, y otros CZECRRND SLOVAK FEDERAL REPUBLIC Representatives H.E. Mr. Juraj KRALIK Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United international organizations, Geneva Head of Delegation Nations Mr. Oldrich HRACHOVINA Deputy Permanent Representative to the United international organizations, Geneva Alternate Head of Delegation Mr. Zdenek VENERA Ministry of Foreign Affairs 38 and other Nations and other Mr. Milan BOCHENEK Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Josef BLAHA Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations organizations, Geneva DEMOCRATIC PEOPLE’S and other international REPUBLIC OF KOREA ~hief Representative Mr. Hi TECHEUL Ambassador Permanent Representative Head of Delegation to the United Nations, Geneva Representatives Mr. HAN Chang On Deputy Representative Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. LI Chun Song Counsellor Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. CHONG Yong Yung First Secretary Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. CHON In Chan Chief of Section International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department Mr. LI Kwang Nam Officer, International Organizations Ministry of Foreign Affairs Department ECUADOR Representantes Sr. Juan SALAZAR-SANCISI Ministro Representante Permanente Adjunto Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones 39 Unidas, Nueva York Sr. Santiago APUNTE FRANCO Primer Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra EGYPT Representatives H.E. Dr. Nabil Abdallah EL-ARABY Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Head of Delegation Mr. Moustapha OMAR Minister Plenipotentiary Permanent Mission to the United Mrs. Soad SHALABY Deputy Director Department of International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Nations, Nations, Geneva Geneva Co-operation Mr. Mohamed RIFAAH Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Walid ABDEL-NASSER Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva EL SALVADOR Representantes Sr. Carlos Ernesto MENDOZA Emcargado de Negocios a.i. Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Sta. B~tida F. MENJIVAR Ministro Consejero Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Sr. Carlos BARAHONA RIVAS Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra 40 Unidas y otres organismos Unidas y otres organismos Unidas y otres organismos FINLAND Representatives Ms. Anna-Liisa KORHONEN Deputy Director-General International Development Agency Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Kirsti ESKELINEN Director International Development Agency Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Kirsti WESTPHALEN First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Ms. Kirsti AARNIO Secretary-General Advisory Board for Economic Relations Countries International Development Agency Ministry for Foreign Affairs Ms. Sari SUOMALAINEN First Secretary Finnish International Development New York between Agency Finland and Developing (FINNIDA) Ms. Tuula Elina Margareta SVINHUFVUD Attach~ Ministry for Foreign Affairs GABON Repr~sentants S.E.M. L~on LEKOUNDA-BOUMY Ambassadeur Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s de l’Office Organisations Internationales ~ Gen~ve M. Manva NKELE Premier Conseiller M Moulomba NZIENGUI Conseiller Charg~ des relations ~ la Mission permanente des Nations et les ~ Gen~ve avec le BIT ~ la Mission 41 Unies Permanente ~ Gen~ve GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Representatives Dr. Wolf-Dieter GRAEWE State Secretary of Economic Cooperation Ministry of Economic Co-operation Mr. Peter MARX Director Ministry of Economic Cooperation Alternates Dr. Joachim KLATTE First Secretary Division for International Economic Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Kay WENDLER Attach~ Permanent Mission, Organizaitons Geneva GREECE Representative Mr. Ioannis KINNAS First Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva HAITI Repr~sentants M. Alix POMPEE Ministre Conseiller Charg~ d’Affaires a.i. Mission permanente d’HaYti aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies Gen~ve et des autres organisations internationales en Suisse M. Jean MARTELLY Conseiller LESCOU-FLAIR 42 HOLY SEE Representatives Mgr. Diego CAUSERO Counsellor Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations, Mr. Andr~ MARELLE Counsellor Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations Mr. John CRABB Counsellor Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations Mme Paolina MARTINEZ DE TELLEZ Permanent Observer Mission to the United Nations Geneva HONDURAS Representantes S.E. Sr. Jos~ Enrique MEJIA UCLES Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Sr. Nelson VALENZUELA SOTO Ministro Consejo Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones internationales, Ginebra Unidas Unidas y otres organismos y otres Representatives Dr. Istv~n NATHON Director-General Department for International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Head of Delegation Economic Relations Dr. Tam~s FOLDEAK Director Department for International Ministry of Foreign Affairs Deputy Head of Delegation Economic Relations 43 organismos Mr. Ferenc BOSENBACHER Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, INDONESIA Representative H.E. Mr. Wisber LOEIS Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. E.D. Syamsoeri SYARIEF Third Secretary Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. M. Alimudin A. POHAN Third Secretary Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Geneva Nations, Geneva Alternative Representatives Mr. Noer Hasan WIRAJUDA Counsellor Permanent Representative IRAN Representatives H.E. Mr. Sirous NASSERI Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United H.E. Mr. Mojtaba ARASTOU Director-General Specialized International Agencies Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Pirouz HOSSEINI Director Specialized International Agencies Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Mahmoud RAHIMI Expert Ministry of Foreign Affairs 44 Geneva Representatives Mr. Talib Io ABDUL HASSAN Director-General Ministry of Planning Mrs. Lamis K. HAMMOUDI Minister Plenipotentiary Ministry of Foreign Affairs IRELAND Representatives H.E. Mr. Michael LILLIS Permanent Representative Permanent Mission of Ireland, Geneva Ms. Mary WHELAN First Secretary Permanent Mission Geneva of Ireland, ISRAEL Representative Mr. Avraham MILLO Minister Counsellor Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations, JORDAN Representatives H.E. Dr. Safwan TOUKAN Secretary-General Ministry of Planning Mr. Salem GHAWI Director Economical and Technical Ministry of Planning Co-operation Dr. Nabil AMMARI Adviser Ministry of Planning 45 Department Geneva KUWAIT Representatives H.E. Sheikh Salem Jaber Ai-Ahmad AL-SABAH Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Ms. Mariam A. AL-AWADHI Deputy Under-Secretary and Director, Co-operation Ministry of Planning Department Mr. Hussein Mahmoud HUSSEIN Department of Technical Co-operation Ministry of Planning Mr. Reem AL-KHALID Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Salah AL-OTHMAN Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. HichamHAMDAN Charg~ d’Affaires, a.i. Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Dr. Nazih HOMAIDAN Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva M. Hani CHAAR Secretary Permanent Mission Nations, Geneva LEBANON Representatives to the United LESOTHO Representative Mr. M.P. SEJANAMANE Director Sectoral Programmes Planning Office 46 Geneva of Technical LIBERIA Representative Mr. Gabriel FERNANDEZ Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York MADAGASCAR Repr~sentants M. Raymond RAOELINA Ministre pl~nipotentiaire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Gen~ve Mlle Marie-Franqoise NAROVE Deuxi~me secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, Gen~ve MALAWI Representative H.E. Mr. Lawrence P. ANTHONY Ambassador to the Eurepean Economic MALI Repr~sentant M. Moussa COULIBALY Premier Conseiller Mission du Mali ~ Bonn MALTA Representatives Mr. Edwin P. EBEJER Permanent Secretary Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Joseph SCICLUNA Assistant Head Office of the Prime Minister 47 Community Mr. Saviour F. BORG Head, United Nations, International Division Ministry of Foreign Affairs Mr. Richard SALIBA Charg~ d’Affaires a.i. Permanent Mission to the United Organizations Nations, and Commonwealth Geneva MAURITIUS Representative Mr. Purusram UJOODHA Principal Economist Ministry of Economic Planning and Development MEXICO Representantes Sr. Ra~l N. ONDARZA Director General de Cooperaci6n T~cnica Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Dr. Manuel URBINA FUENTES Secretario General Consejo Nacional de Poblaci6n Secretaria de Gobernaci6n (CONAPO) Sr. Horacio E. MONDRAGON HUICOCHEA Director de Area Direcci6n General de Cooperaci6n T~cnica Secretaria de Relaciones Exteriores Sr. Jorge DUHALT Primer Secretaro Misi6n Permanente y Cientlfica y Cient[fica ante las Naciones Unidas, Nueva Sr. Gerardo LOZANO Segundo Secretario Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra St. Ismael Naveja Third Secretary Misi6n Permanente ante las Naciones Unidas, Ginebra 48 York MONGOLIA Representatives Mr. D. BAAJIIHUU Deputy Chairman Commission for External Council of Ministers Economic Mr. Eadam-Ochiryn DOLJINTSEREN Deputy Permanent Representative Relations to the United Nations, MOROCCO Representative Mr. Abdeljabbar BRAHIME Adviser Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Nations, Geneva MYANMAR Representative Mr. U. THEIN TUN First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United NAMIBIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Hage GEINGOB Prime Minister Mr. Hartmut RUPPEL Attorney General Mrs. Wilma DEETLEFTS Office of the Prime Minister 49 New York NICARAGUA Representantes S.E. Sr. Noel VIDAURRE Vice-Ministro de Cooperaci6n Ministerio del Exterior Jefe de la delegaci6n Externa S.E. Sr. Gustavo-Adolfo VARGAS Embajador Representante Permanente de Nicaragua, Sr. Juan GAZOL SALCEDO Ministro Consejero de la Misi6n de Nicaragua, Sr. Mario CASTELLON DUARTE Consejero de la Misi6n de Nicaragua, Sra. Myrna MONCADA Tercera Secretaria FONSECA de la Misi6n Ginebra Ginebra Ginebra de Nicaragua, Ginebra NEW ZEALAND Representatives H.E. Mr. Timothy J. HANNAH Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Trevor HUGHES Multilateral Aid Officer, Development Assistance Ministry of External Relations and Trade Alternate Head of Delegation Geneva Division Representatives H.E. Mr. Abdullah bin Mohammed AL-FARSY Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Head of Delegation Mr. Adel AL-RAHISI Director to the Ministry of Finance and Economy Mr. Ibrahim bin Mohammed bin Sharif AL-FARSY First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva 5O Geneva Mrs. Fatima AL-GHAZALI First Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Mohammed bin Abdullah bin Salimn AL-SAMEEN Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, New York PANAMA Representantes S.E. Sr. Osvaldo VELASQUEZ Embajador Representante Permanente ante las Naciones S.E. Sra. Rossana L. AMEGLIO Embajadora Representante Adjunto ante las Naciones Sra. Lourdes C. VALLARINO Segunda Consejera Mis~on Permanente ante las Naciones REPUBLIC Unidas, Unidas, Unidas, Ginebra Ginebra Ginebra OF KOREA Representatives Mr. Young Woo PARK Minister Permanent Observer Mission Head of Delegation Mr. Jong Ki HONG First Secretary Permanent Observer Mr. Young Wan SONG Assistant Director Ministry of Foreign SAUDI Mission to the United Nations, Geneva to the United Nations, Geneva Affairs ARABIA Representatives Mr. Jassim ABU-OSHBA Second Secretary Permanent Mission to the United 51 Nations, Geneva Mr. Majid ALDREES Third Secretary Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Mr. Sulaiman BUDAIR Attach~ Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Geneva ¯ SENEGAL Repr6sentants M. Moussa TOURE Ministre des Finances M. Alioune SENE Ambassadeur Mission permanente Gen~ve aupr~s M. Mabigue NGOM Charg~ de la cooperation Unies Minist~re des Finances M. Moussa Bocar LY Premier Conseiller Mission permanente aupr~s Gen~ve M. Galo DIOP Secr~taire d’Ambassade Mission permanente aupr~s Gen~ve SAINT de l’Organisation avec syst~me des Nations des Organisations Unies des Nations de l’Organisation des Nations Unies de l’Organisation des Nations Unies LUCIA Representative H.E. Dr. Charles S. FLEMMING Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United 52 Nations, New York SOMALIA ReDr6sentants S.E. Mme Fatuma ISAK BIHI Ambassadeur Repr~sentant permanent aupr~s de 1’Office des Nations et des institutions sp~cialis~es en Suisse M. Mohamed Omar DUBAD Charg~ d’Affaires Mission permanent aupr~s de 1’Office des Nations institutions sp~cialis~es en Suisse Mr. Ahmed Abdi ISSE Conseiller Mission permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations institutions sp~cialis~es en Suisse Unies Unies et des Unies et des Mr. Mohamud AHMED HERSI Premier secr~taire Mr. All A. SHEIKH HUSSEIN Premier secr~taire SUDAN Representatives Dr. Mohamed Kheir EL ZUBEIR First Under-Secretary of Planning Mr. Ahmed ABDELWAHAB GUBARTALLA Minister Plenipotentiary Charg~ d’Affaires Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva SWAZILAND Representative H.E. Dr. Timothy L.L. DLAMINI Permanent Representative to the United 53 Nations, New York TANZANIA Representatives H.E. Mr. Amir Habib JAMAL Ambassador Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Mr. Marcel W. NAMFUA Minister Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. M.J. KISIRI Counsellor (Trade) Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Nations, Geneva Geneva TOGO Repr~sentant M. Yandja YENTCHABRE Attach~ de Cabinet Minist~re du Plan et des Mines TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO Representative Mrs. Annette GONZALES Deputy Permanent Representative Permanent Mission to the United TUNISIA Repr~sentants S.E.M. Mustafa Kamel NABLI Ministre du Plan et du D~veloppementR~gional S.E. Dr. Souad LYAGAOUBI-OUAHCHI Ambassadeur Repr~sentant Permanent aupr~s de l’Office des Nations Unies ~ Gen~ve M. Adbelhamid BOUHAOULA Directeur G~n~ral de la Cooperation 54 Internationale M. Abdelmajid MAHJOUB Charg6 de Mission Mission permanente aupr~s & Gen~ve M. Abderrazak AZAIEZ Counseiller Mission permanente aupr~s Gen~ve de l’Organisation des Nations Unies de l°Organisation des Nations Unies TURKEY Representatives H.E. Mr. Cem DUNA Ambassador Permanent Representative Head of Delegation to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. Fikret UCCAN Director, Social Planning Department State Planning Organization Mr. Akin ALGAN Counsellor Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mr. R. Hakan OZYILDIZ Deputy Counsellor for Economic and Commercial Affairs Permanent Mission to the United Nations, Geneva Mrs. Meral ORGUN Senior Expert State Planning Organization Dr. Yusuf O. HAMURDAN Senior Expert State Planning Organization Mr. Haydar BOYSAL Senior Expert State Planning Organization 55 UGANDA Representatives Hon. Matthew RUKIKAIRE Minister of State Ministry of Planning and Economic Head of Delegation Ms. F. J. BWANGA-BUGONZI Senior Economist Ministry of Planning and Economic Mr. James MUGUME Counsellor Permanent Mission to the united Development Development Nations, New York VIETNAM Repr~sentants M. VU TAT BOI Directeur D~partement des relations ~conomiques Office du Conseil des Ministres M. NGUYEN XUAN ANG Fonctionnaire D~partement de cooperation ~conomique Minist~re des Affaires etrang~res M. NGO DINH KHA Deuxi~me Secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s Gen~ve M. NGUYEN THANH LONG Deuxi~me Secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s Gen~ve YEMEN, REPUBLIC ext~rieures et culturelle de l’Organisation des Nations Unies de l’Organisation des Nations Unies OF Repr~sentants Dr. Mutahar AL-SAEEDI Vice-ministre de planification 56 et de d~veloppement S.E.M. Mohamemd AL-QUTAISH Ambassadeur Charg~ d’affaires a.i. Mission permanente aupr~s de 1’Office institutions sp~cialis~es ~ Gen~ve M. Saeed MOKBIL Ministre pl~nipotentiaire Mission permanente aupr~s de 1’Office institutions sp~cialis~es ~ Gen~ve M. Abdullah NOMAN Premier secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Office institutions sp~cialis~es ~ Gen~ve Mme Magiba KAID Premier secr~taire Mission permanente aupr~s de l’Office institutions sp~cialis~es ~ Gen~ve ZAMBIA Representatives Mr. Martin MWALE Director Ministry of Finance and Planning 57 des Nations Unies et des des Nations Unies et des des Nations Unies et des des Nations Unies et des United Nations Office at Geneva Representative Mr. Theodore S. ZOUPANOS Chief Division of External Relations Office of the United Nations in Vienna Representative Miss Margaret Joan ANSTEE Director-General UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN’S FUND Representatives Dr. Richard JOLLY Deputy Executive Director, Mr. John WILLIAMS Secretary, Executive Board Ms. Abeeda KHAN Office of the Executive UNITED NATIONS CONFERENCE Programmes Director ON TRADE AND DEVELOPMENT Representative Mr. Y. BERTHELOT Deputy Secretary-General Mr. John BURLEY Chief Joint Technical Co-operation Mr. S. SAFRONOV Chief Intersectoral Issues Unit Mr. A. ASHIABOR Director UNPAAERD Task Force Unit 58 Unit Mr. S. KAZEMI Chief Programme of the Special Mr. K. KHAW Chief Programme Co-ordination Economic Unit (Palestinian and Evaluation Ms. A. VON WARTENSLEBEN Deputy Chief Joint Technical Co-operation People) Unit Unit Mr. R. VOGEL Deputy Director Shipping Division Mr. Ed DOMMEN Senior Economic Affairs Officer Intersectoral Issues Unit Mr. H. CUBILLOS Senior Principal Adviser Programme of the Special Economic Ms. G. KOCH Officer-in-Charge Advisory Service on Transfer Technology Programme Mr. P. HEIN Joint Technical UNITED NATIONS INTERREGIONAL RESEARCH INSTITUTE Co-operation Mr. Ugo LEONE Director UNITED NATIONS of Technology Unit CRIME AND JUSTICE Representative VOLUNTEERS Representatives Ms. Brenda G. McSWEENEY Executive Co-ordinator Mr. Sukehiro HASEGAWA Deputy Executive Co-ordinator 59 Unit (Palestinian People) Mr. Krishno DEY Principal Officer Mr. William JACKSON Senior External Relations Ms. Darbara BASMA Chief, Recruitment Officer Resources Mr. Robert LEIGH Chief, Participatory Development Programme Mr. Miguel BERMEO-ESTRELLA Chief, Programme Operations Mr. Romesh MUTTUKUMARU Chief, Programme Support Mr. Alfred Management UNITED NATIONS S. FAWUNDU Officer ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMME Representative Mr. Anastase DIAMANTIDIS Deputy Director Regional Office for Europe ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR AFRICA ReDresentativQ Mr. All Badara TALL Chief, Technical Assistance Co-ordlnation and Operations ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR EUROPE (Also Office represented ECLAC) RePresentatives Mr. Gerald HINTEREGGER Executive Secretary Mr. S. DUKE Special Assistant to the Executive Secretary of the Commission 60 Secretary ECONOMIC COMMISSION FOR LATIN AMERICA (Represented UNITED NATIONS CENTRE AND THE CARIBBEAN by ECE’s Representatives) FOR HUMAN SETTLEMENTS (Habitat) Representative Mr. Lars LUDVIGSEN Human Settlements Officer European Office UNITED NATIONS DISASTER RELIEF CO-ORDINATOR, OFFICE OF THE Representatives Mr. M’Hamed ESSAAFI Co-ordinator Mr. Ferdinand MAYRHOFER-GRUNBUHEL Director and Deputy to the Co-ordinator Mro Robert SOURIA Chief Relief Co-ordination Branch Mr. John TOMBLIN Chief Disaster Mitigation Branch Mr. Filippo ALESSI Officer-in-Charge International Decade Mr. O. ALMAREN Associate Relief UNITED NATIONS for Natural Co-ordination HIGH COMMISSIONER Disaster Officer FOR REFUGEES, OFFICE R_e~resentatives Mr. Douglas STAFFORD Deputy High Commissioner Mr. Antoine NOEL Director Inter-Organization for Refugees Co-operation 61 Reduction OF THE Secretariat Mr. Taoufik OUANES Chief Inter-Agency Co-operation Mr. Bryan DESCHAMP Senior Inter-Organization INTERNATIONAL Co-operation TRADE CENTRE (UNCTAD/GATT) Representative Mr. G6ran ENGBLOM Executive Director Mr. Michael DEENEY Director Division of Technical Co-operation Mr. J. SMADJA Chief Budget Section Division of Administration WORLD FOOD PROGRAMME Representative Ms. Jane WAGNER Liaison Officer 62 SPECIALIZED INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION AGENCIES (ILO) Representatives Mr. J. F. TREMEAUD Assistant Director-General Director Technical Co-operation Department Mr. J. HUNT Deputy Director Financial and Central Administrative Mr. K. INOUE Chief Technical Co-operation Mr. O. HEMBRECHTS Chief Policy and Programme Promotion ORGANIZATION Branch Activities OF THE UNITED NATIONS (FAO) Representatives Mr. Edouard SAOUMA Director-General Mr. F. RINVILLE Assistant Director-General Development Department Mr. A. REGNIER Director Field Programme Department Section Mr. Ghazi FAROOQ Co-ordinator, Population FOOD AND AGRICULTURE Services Development Division Ms. K. KILLINGSWORTH Director Office for Inter-Agency Affairs Mr. J. CAMARA Director New York Liaison with the United Office 63 Nations Mr. D. FORBES-WATT Adviser Special Development Subjects Development Department Mr. J. ALBERTS Population Programme Co-ordinator Mr. E. HEIN Officer-in-charge Policies, Procedures and programme Statistics Field programme Development Division UNITED NATIONS EDUCATIONAL, SCIENTIFIC AND CULTURAL Unit ORGANIZATION (UNESCO) Representatives Mr. Akihiro CHIBA Director Bureau for Co-ordination of Operational Activities Mr. Raoul URZUA Co-ordinator of Population Activities Division of Population and Human Settlement Mr. Paul BERRY Chief of Section INTERNATIONAL CIVIL AVIATION for Relations ORGANIZATION with the United (ICAO) Representative Mr. Fachri MAHMUD Director Technical Assistance WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION Bureau (WHO) Representatives Dr. Yuji KAWAGUCHI Director Planning, Co-ordination and Co-operation Mr. R. MARTI Chief Finance Division 64 Nations Dr. K. O. ELO Chief Emergency Preparedness Dr. M. Merson Director Global Programme and Response on AIDS Dr. A. Pio Chief Control of Acute Respiratory Infections Dr. R. Thapa Medical Officer Maternal and Child Health Mr. R. J° ANDERSON Chief Office of External Co-ordination Dr. M. JANCLOES Chief Office of International Co-operation Mr. D. DEANE External Relations Office of External officer Co-ordination Mr. A. IMBRUGLIA Consultant Division of Budget and Finance (For discussions on UNFPA, 28-30 MaT) Dr. A. PETROS-BARVAZIAN Director Division of Family Health Dr. M. F. FATHALLA Director Special Programme of Research Development and Research Training Dr. M. BELSEY Chief Maternal and Child Health, in Human including Dr. T. VARAGUNAM Scientist Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training 65 Family in Human Reproduction Planning Reproduction Dr. L. MEHRA Senior Medical Officer Maternal and Child Health, including Family Planning Mrs. C. E. D. EL SHAMI Administrative Officer Division of Family Health Mr. R. C. SAYNOR Budget Officer Division of Budget and Finance Mr. S.P.S. Soni Finance Officer Accounts WORLD BANK Representatives Mr. Hans WYSS Director-Designate, Central Operations Department Mr. Nimrod RAPHAELI Technical Co-operation Adviser Central Operations Department Mrs. Gretchen M. HANDWERGER Senior International Relations officer International Economic Relations Division Mr. Gary GABRIEL Technical Assistance Technical Department INTERNATIONAL MONETARY Officer, Africa Region FUND (IMF) Representative Mr. Rattan J. BHATIA Director Fund Office in the United Nations Special Representative to the United Mr. Warren L. COATES, Jr. Adviser Treasurer’s Department 66 Nations, New York UNIVERSAL POSTAL UNION (UPU) Representatives Mr. Moussibahou MAZOU Assistant Director-General Head of the Development Co-operation International Bureau Division Mr. Peng MINGDAO Counsellor Head of the Administration Section Development Co-operation Division Mr. Vanida CHANDRASIRI Deputy Head Africa and Arab Countries Section Development Co-operation Division WORLD METEOROLOGICAL ORGANIZATION (WMO) Representatives Mr. John R. LINCOLN Chief Programme Support and Co-ordination Mr. Eduardo BASSO Acting Director Technical Co-operation Department Mr. Mubarak HUSSAIN Chief of Finance INTERNATIONAL MARITIME ORGANIZATION (IMO) Representatives Mr. Leighton VAN NORT Director Technical Co-operation Division Mr. Aldo LALE-DEMOZ Co-ordinator Office of the Director Technical Co-operation Division 67 Division WORLD INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY ORGANIZATION (WIPO) Representatives Mr. Shahid ALIKHAN Deputy-Director-General Mr. Bruno MACHADO Head, Development Co-operation Programme Mr. Vladimir YOSSIFOV Senior Programme Officer Section for Relations with International of Innovation in Developing Countries INTERNATIONAL FUND FOR AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT Support Organizations (IFAD) Representative Mr. Bahman MANSURI Director Africa Division UNITED NATIONS INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATION (UNIDO) Representative Mr. Domingo L. SIAZON, Director-General Jr. Mr. Horst P.F. WIESEBACH Deputy Director-General Department for Programme and Project Mr. Hayat MEHDI Director Strategy, Policy and Planning Office of the Director-General Office Ms. Irene LORENZO Director Liaison Office at Geneva Mr. Adrie DE GROOT Industrial Development Officer Strategy, Policy and Planning Office Office of the Director-General Mr. David RAKOTOPARE Liaison Officer, Geneva 68 Unit Development and Promotion GENERAL AGREEMENT ON TARIFFS AND TRADE (GATT) Representative Mr. Ti~oul~ KONAT~ Director Technical Co-operation INTERNATIONAL ATOMIC ENERGY Division AGENCY (IAEA) Representative Ms. Merle S. OPELZ Head, IAEA Office in Geneva 69 INTER-AGENCY CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE ON SUBSTANTIVE (OPERATIONAL ACTIVITIES) (CCSQ)(OPS) BODY QUESTIONS Representative Mr. P. KUMARAKULASINGHE Co-ordinator 7O INTERGOVERNMENTAL AFRICAN DEVELOPMENT ORGANIZATIONS BANK Representatives Mr. O.A. SY Director Co-operation Department Ms. A. GOMEZ Co-operation Officer ASIAN-AFRICANLEGAL CONSULTATIVE COMMITTEE Representatives H.E. Mr. F. K. NJENGA Secretary-General Mr. Bhagwat-Singh Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Permanent Observer to the United Nations, New York ASIAN DEVELOPMENT BANK Representative Mr. Woo-Chull CHUNG Senior Co-Financing Officer Co-Financing and Co-ordination Office of the President Unit COMMONWEALTH SECRETARIAT Representative Mr. S. O. BARNOR Director General Technical Assistance Programme Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation 71 ORGANIZATION FOR ECONOMIC CO-OPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT Representative Mr. Joseph Wheeler Chairman Development Assistance ORGANIZATION OF AFRICAN Committee UNITY Representatives H°E. Mr. Noureddine HACHED Ambassador Permanent Observer to the United Nations, Mr. Amr A. MOUKHTAR Deputy Permanent Observer (Political Geneva Mr. Usele MAWISA Deputy Permanent Observer Geneva (Economic Mr. Mohamed Hafiz TUNIS Counsellor (Economic Affairs) Geneva Yr. Desta NEGOUSSE Counsellor (Information Geneva Affairs) 72 Geneva Affairs) Affairs) to the United Nations, to the United Nations, NON-GOVERNMENTAL INDUSTRY COUNCIL ORGANIZATIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT Representatives Mr. Walter W. SIMONS Executive Director Dr. David V. M. ASHLEY ICD Senior Associate and WHO/ICD Food Safety Programme INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER Co-ordinator OF COMMERCE Representatives Mr. Serge DE KLEBNIKOFF Director International Development, Paris Mr. John KRAUS Representative to the United Organizations, Geneva INTERNATIONAL PLANNED PARENTHOOD Nations and other International FEDERATION Representative Mr. Mark LASKIN Assistant Secretary INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATION General FOR MIGRATION Representatives Mr. H. HABENICHT Director Department of Policy Planning, Research Mr. R. JENNY Director Department of Operations Mr. A. MARIATEGUI Director Department of Latin American 73 Programmes and Evaluation Mr. Peter SCHATZER Chief Division of Liaison INTERNATIONAL and Fund Raising UNION FOR THE SCIENTIFIC STUDY Representatives Mr. Bruno REMICHE Executive Secretary Mr. France JANS Finance Assistant THE POPULATION INSTITUTE Representatives Mr. Werner President FORNOS Mr. Peter H. KOSTMAYER Member of the Board of Directors U.S. House of Representatives 74 OF POPULATION UNITED NATIONS POPULATION FUND (UNFPA) RePresentatives Dr. Nafis SADIK Executive Director Mr. Tatsuro KUNUGI Deputy Executive Director Mr. Joseph VAN ARENDONK Assistant Executive Director Mr. Jyoti SINGH Chief Information and External Relations Mr. Jose DONAYRE Chief Technical and Evaluation Division Mr. Stafford MOUSKY Chief Governing Council, UN Liaison Mr. Roushdi EL-HENEIDI Chief Division for Arab States Division and External and Europe Mr. Jurgen SACKLOWSKI Chief Division of Finance, Personnel Mr. Hirofumi ANDO Chief Programme Co-ordination Management and Field Support and Administration Office Mr. Lamine N’DIAYE Chief Africa Division Ms. Kerstin TRONE Chief Latin America and the Caribbean Mr. Raheem SHEIKH Chief Asia and the Pacific Relations Division 77 Division Branch Mr. Daan EVERTS Executive Secretary United Nations Capital Development Mr. Shigeaki TOMITA Director, United Nations for Development and Director, United Nations Exploration Fund Fund for Science Revolving and Technology Fund for Natural Mr. Eugene YOUKEL Director UNDP Office in Geneva Mr. Denis HALLIDAY Director Division of Personnel Mr. Timothy ROTHERMEL Director Division for Global and Interregional Bureau for Special Activities Mr. Peter BRANNER Director United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Mr. Jacques LOUP Co-ordinator of Assistance Regional Bureau for Africa Projects Office to the LDCs Mr. Abebe AMBATCHEW Director Agency Support Costs Secretariat Mr. Salif N’DIAYE Resident Representative Ivory Coast Mr. TilakMALHOTRA Deputy Assistant Administrator Bureau for Special Activities Ms. Elizabeth REID Director Division for Women in Development Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation Mr. Jehan RAHEEM Director Policy Division Bureau for Programme Policy 80 and Evaluatlon Resources Mr. J. Russell BONER Director Division of Information Mr. Nissim TAL Director Planning and Co-ordination Mr. Anton KRUIDERINK Director Resources Mobilization Office Unit Ms. Sarah L. TIMPSON Director Division for Non-Governmental Organizations Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation Mr. Thord PALMLUND Co-ordinator Management Development Programme Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation Mr. Somendu BANERJEE Director Central Evaluation Office Bureau for Programme Policy and Evaluation Mr. John SVENDSEN Chief Inter-Agency Procurement Services Bureau for Special Activities Ms. Sharon CAPELING-ALAKIJA Director United Nations Development Mr. Surinder M.S. CHADHA Director Special Unit for Technical Countries Office Fund for Women Co-operation for Developing Mr. Peter LESLIE Director Division of Finance Bureau for Finance and Administration Mr. Shahid HUSAIN Deputy Director Special Unit for Technical Co-operation 81 for DevelopingCountries Mr. Edward WHITE Principal Officer Special Unit for Technical Co-operation for Developing Mr. Bruce HILLIS Deputy Director, Division of Finance Bureau for Finance and Administration Mr. Sebastian ZACHARIA Chief Regional Programme Division Regional Bureau for Asia and the Pacific Mr. David R. SCOTTON Principal Liaison Officer Washington, D.C. Mr. Bruce JENKS Chief, Budget Section Division of Finance Bureau for Finance and Administration Mr. Luis GOMEZ-ECHEVERRI Chief Office of the Administrator Mr. Jan VAN EYNDHOVEN Senior Planning and Co-ordination Policy and Co-ordination Office Officer Mr. Peter QUENNELL Programme Analysis Officer Regional Bureau for Africa Mr. R. Frederic KASTENS Planning and Co-ordination Planning and Co-ordination Officer Office Mrs. Soheyla CHAHKAR-FARHANG Chief Planning, Analysis and Information Section United Nations Sudano-Sahelian Office Mr. Edward C. MATTES, Jr. Programme Officer Short-Term Advisory Services, 82 UNFSTD Countries GOVERNING COUNCIL SECRETARIAT Mr. Uner KIRDAR Secretary of the Governing Council and Director, Division of External Relations Mr. Alfred R. HAEMMERLI Deputy Director Division of External Relations Mr. Francis R. BLAIN Principal External Relations Mr. Finn ULRICH Senior External Relations Officer Officer Mr. Amir DOSSAL Special Assistant to the Assistant Administrator Bureau for Finance and Administration Mrs. Temmy JANOFSKY Governing Council Affairs Officer Mr. James LEE Senior Editor Mrs. Ruby GARVEY Governing Council Affairs Assistant Mrs. Gracita T. RAO Administrative Assistant Mrs. Maria PASAMBA Senior Secretary Ms. Carole HARRIS Administrative Assistant Ms. Marcella ROMERO Bilingual Secretary Secretariat Support Mr. Benito Ms. Cecilia Asuncion Corpus Ms. Sylvia Dick Ms. Denise Ellak-Muller 83 Ms. Maribel Gallaga Ms. Wilma Gibson Ms. Reina Goddard Ms. Deanna Gomez Ms. Susan Johnston Ms. Bernadette Jones Ms. Wendy Khin Ms. Christine Miller Ms. Jacqueline Pascal Ms. Marguerite Samson Mr. Peter Simons Ms. Telma Viale Ms. Edwina Zgutowicz 84