WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Title: Synopsis: Document ID: Date: Prepared For: WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-Line Capability Assessment” This document covers the methodology, application and findings from the work carried out by Work Package 2 Part A “Off-Line Capability Assessment” as part of the Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS) project. Considering residential load models based on literature data, the methodology is first demonstrated using individual primary substations as well as constraints resulting from the interactions across voltage levels (including the effects on LV customers). The half-hourly quantification of the potential residential demand response is then extended to whole Electricity North West Limited area and to the whole UK. In addition, load models based on measurements from the trials (catering for both residential and nonresidential loads), are also adopted to produce a more comprehensive quantification. UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Kieran Bailey CLASS Future networks engineer Electricity North West Limited, UK Steve Stott CLASS technical engineer Electricity North West Limited, UK Prepared By: Andrea Ballanti The University of Manchester Sackville Street, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Revised By: Dr Luis(Nando) Ochoa The University of Manchester Sackville Street, Manchester M13 9PL, UK Contacts: Dr Luis(Nando) Ochoa +44 (0)161 306 4819 luis.ochoa@manchester.ac.uk The results and discussions provided in this report are outcomes of preliminary analyses and ‘proof of concept’ performed at selected subset of substations of a particular electricity distribution network under specific operating conditions and is not guaranteed to be the same for other sites or other networks. The readers should use this document as guidance and at their own responsibility. Any omissions or errors, if identified, should be reported to the authors. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 1 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Executive Summary This document presents the methodology, application and findings from the work carried out by Work Package 2 Part A (WP2-A) as part of the Low Carbon Networks Fund Tier 2 project “Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS)” run by Electricity North West Limited. The aim of this work package is to provide Electricity North West Limited with the half-hour demand response (DR) unlocked by reducing voltages through on-load tap changer actions at primary substations. The DR quantification was carried out per primary substation, per grid supply point, for the Electricity North West Limited area and for the whole UK considering four typical days. The developed methodology caters for the constraints imposed by customers in real LV networks as well as for features of real high voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) networks. This, in turn, allows quantifying in a realistic manner the extent to which the voltage can be changed (i.e., voltage capability) without affecting customers or violating any network limitation. In addition, load models (i.e., the relationship between voltage and demand) based on literature data (residential loads only) as well as on measurements (both residential and non-residential loads), produced by Work Package 1 (WP1), were adopted. Key aspects of the developed methodology and associated results are described as follows. 1. Load Modelling The load model provides the mathematic relationship between voltage and demand, essential to quantify, in conjunction with the voltage capability, the volume of DR that can be unlocked. In WP2-A the time-varying load model based on literature data for residential customers is developed by a bottom-up approach in which each single appliance load model and demand was aggregated at primary substation level. Given the limited information on commercial and industrial customers, the non-residential component of the demand was considered as nonresponsive to voltage changes. In this context, the resulting literature-based load models allow for an initial conservative estimation of the potential DR considering only residential consumers. More comprehensive aggregated load models were produced by WP1 using the measurements from 60 primary substations part of the trial, i.e., catering for both residential and non-residential substations. A comparison between the literature and measurement-based load models revealed, as expected, that the former underestimates the total load responsiveness given that the non-residential component is neglected. Indeed, the discrepancies are larger for primary substations identified as mainly non-residential. However, when considering the average literature and measurement-based load models from the mainly residential primary substations (also known as representative models), the resulting values showed good consistency especially at peak time (6 pm). 2. HV Network Modelling To assess the voltage capabilities of a given primary substation, a realistic representation of the corresponding HV network is required. For this purpose, a methodology is developed to model HV networks from the provided DiNIS export files into the adopted power distribution system simulator (OpenDSS). Among the 15 HV networks modelled only three (Romiley, Fallowfield and Ashton Golborne) were adopted for further power flow analysis given the high confidence on the developed models. From the LV perspective, realistic settings for the off-load tap changer (typically unknown) are considered. 3. LV Network Constraints To assess the extent to which the voltage at primary substations can be reduced, the constraints that LV customers might impose were quantified. For this purpose, a Monte Carlo approach was applied to 57 LV feeders considering 200 simulations per typical day. The outcome is the average number of BS EN 50160 compliant customers per LV busbar voltage. Results show that the minimum LV busbar voltage needed to maintain the number of compliant customers above 99 % is 234 V (1.017 p.u.) in winter, 231 V (1.004 p.u.) during spring and autumn, and 230 V (1.0 p.u.) in summer. As expected, given the high demand in that CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 2 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 characterise winter period a lower tap capability (or a higher LV busbar voltage) was found. On the other hand, no significant difference can be noticed between autumn and spring due to their similar demand level. 4. Voltage Capability Based on the developed HV network models and LV network constraints, power flow studies were performed to quantify the extent to which the voltage at the primary substation can be reduced, i.e., the voltage capability. The potential voltage fluctuations at the primary side of the primary substation are also catered for carrying out a simplified analysis using one EHV network model. As expected during winter peak hours (6 pm) all HV networks showed the lowest voltage capability (2.86 % or 1.43 %). The highest voltage capability (4.29 %) was found during summer nights (9 pm to 7 am) and it was mainly limited by the available OLTC tap step positions (i.e., OLTC headroom) rather than by the LV network constraints. 5. Demand Response Quantification: Electricity North West Limited Area To quantify the DR that a primary substation can provide for which network models are not available the voltage capability results obtained from the three analysed HV networks were generalized. More precisely, two scenarios were produced: conservative and optimistic. With the optimistic scenario it was found that a voltage reduction of 2.86 % (i.e., 2 OLTC tap steps) can always been introduced without affecting customers. Moreover, a reduction of 4.29 % (i.e., 3 OTLC tap steps) was found to be feasible throughout a significant part of the year. The measurement-based load models and their statistical variability obtained by WP1 was also considered. In addition, the contribution of the EHV network was taken into account and found to be typically below 2 % of the DR (resulting from the reduction of losses). This quantification process was carried out considering all primary substations, the aggregated demand response per GSP, and the whole Electricity North West Limited area. Considering the literature-based models i.e., only the residential component of the demand, and the optimistic voltage capability scenario it was found that the DR that the Electricity North West Limited area can provide varies between 15 MW during summer (3 am) to 170 MW during winter (around 8 pm). However, considering the measurement-based load models (in which both residential and non-residential components are accounted for), a much higher DR was found: between 65 MW during summer (around 5 am) to 235 MW during winter (around 8 pm). No significant seasonality effects were noticed between autumn and spring due to the similar loading level in these seasons. 6. Demand Response Quantification: Whole UK Information such as number, size and main type of customers corresponding to primary substations outside the Electricity North West Limited area was not available. Consequently, for the UK quantification, the number of houses nationwide as well as the aggregated demand data from National Grid were adopted. Adopting the optimistic capability scenario and the literature-based load model (only the residential component is considered), it was found that for the whole UK the DR can vary from about 63 MW during summer (around 5 am) to more than 1.2 GW in winter evening (around 8 pm). During winter peak hours (around 6 pm) more than 1 GW of DR can be unlocked. This, however, represents a conservative quantification of the potential benefits from CLASS. To understand the full extent to which CLASS can contribute, the non-residential component was incorporated in the quantification, aligned with measurement-based models produced by WP1. Adopting the optimistic voltage capability scenario, it was found that the whole UK can provide a DR varying from 1.2 GW during summer (around 5 am) to more than 3.3 GW during winter evening (8 pm). Finally, during winter, autumn and spring peak hours (6 pm) almost 3 GW of potential DR were found. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 3 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Table of Contents Executive Summary ............................................................................................................................... 2 1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.3.1 1.3.2 1.3.3 1.3.4 1.4 1.5 Load Modelling and Demand Profiling ............................................................................. 6 Primary Substation Demand Profile...................................................................................... 6 Load Models: Basic Concepts .............................................................................................. 8 Literature-Based Load Model ............................................................................................... 9 Single Appliance Demand Profile ......................................................................................... 9 Single Appliance Load Model ............................................................................................. 10 Representative Load Models for Residential Customers ................................................... 11 Primary Substation Load Model.......................................................................................... 12 Measurement-based Load Model: Primary Substation ...................................................... 13 Load Model Comparison ..................................................................................................... 15 2 2.1 2.1.1 2.1.2 2.1.3 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 HV Network Modelling ...................................................................................................... 18 Structure of DiNIS Export Files ........................................................................................... 18 Table ST40 ......................................................................................................................... 19 Table ND108 ....................................................................................................................... 19 Table LN135 ....................................................................................................................... 20 Structure of the OpenDSS Files ......................................................................................... 20 Translation Process ............................................................................................................ 21 HV Network Selection ......................................................................................................... 22 Primary Substation: On-Load Tap Changer Modelling ....................................................... 23 Secondary Substation: Off-Load Tap Changer Modelling .................................................. 24 3 3.1 3.2 LV Network Constraints ................................................................................................... 26 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 26 Results ................................................................................................................................ 29 4 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Voltage Capability ............................................................................................................. 31 EHV Network Influence ....................................................................................................... 31 Time-Varying Load Allocation ............................................................................................. 32 Time-Varying Voltage Capability Assessment.................................................................... 33 Demand Response Quantification ...................................................................................... 35 5 5.1 5.2 Demand Response: Primary Substation ........................................................................ 37 Tap Capability Generalisation............................................................................................. 37 Demand Response Quantification ...................................................................................... 38 6 6.1 6.2 Demand Response: Electricity North West Limited Area ............................................. 41 EHV Network Contribution .................................................................................................. 41 Demand Response Quantification ...................................................................................... 42 7 Demand Response: United Kingdom ............................................................................. 46 8 Conclusions ...................................................................................................................... 48 9 References......................................................................................................................... 51 Appendix 1 - Load Model per Appliance ............................................................................................ 53 Appendix 2 - Aggregating Load Models ............................................................................................ 55 Appendix 3 - HV Network Selection: Filtering Process .................................................................... 57 Appendix 4 - Off-Load Tap Changer Modelling ................................................................................. 59 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 4 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 5 - Time-Varying Load Allocation ...................................................................................... 60 Appendix 6 - Conservative Tap Capability Scenario ........................................................................ 63 DR in the Electricity North West Limited area ........................................................................................ 63 DR in the United Kingdom ...................................................................................................................... 64 Appendix 7 - One Primary Substation Dashboard ............................................................................ 66 Appendix 8 - Electricity North West Limited Dashboard ................................................................. 68 Appendix 9 - UK Dashboard ................................................................................................................ 69 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 5 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 1 Load Modelling and Demand Profiling In order to quantify the demand response that is possible to unlock in a given primary substation, the aggregated load model needs to be produced. A literature-based approach is proposed here by which the load models of individual residential appliances are aggregated at a primary substation. For this purpose, the aggregated residential and non-residential demand profiles are first produced considering the customer types according to ELEXON. Thereafter, the aggregated time-varying load models are produced for the residential demand. Although the response, i.e., load models, from nonresidential demand is neglected in this approach, it allows quantifying the potential contributions from the residential sector alone. Finally, these literature-based load models are compared with models produced by Work Package 1 that were derived from measurements and embed both residential and non-residential responses to voltage changes. Primary Substation Demand Profile 1.1 In this section the methodology to estimate the aggregated demand per primary substation is discussed. This includes the breakdown per type of demand, residential and non-residential, for any primary substation. In the UK the balancing and settlement code company (ELEXON), by comparing how much electricity generators and suppliers produce and consume, has classified customers, based on their consumption, in 8 categories (profile class, PC) as defined below [1]: Profile Class 1 (PC1) Domestic Unrestricted Customers Profile Class 2 (PC2) Domestic Economy 7 Customers. These customers are usually equipped with storage space heating appliances typically activated at night as their tariff guarantee lower electricity price during these hours Profile Class 3 (PC3) Non-Domestic Unrestricted Customers Profile Class 4 (PC4) Non-Domestic Economy 7 Customers Profile Class 5 (PC5) Non-Domestic Maximum Demand (MD) Customers with a Peak Load Factor (LF) of less than 20 % Profile Class 6 (PC6) Non-Domestic Maximum Demand Customers with a Peak Load Factor between 20 % and 30 % Profile Class 7 (PC7) Non-Domestic Maximum Demand Customers with a Peak Load Factor between 30 % and 40% Profile Class 8 (PC8) Non-Domestic Maximum Demand Customers with a Peak Load Factor over 40 % For each PC and day throughout the fiscal year, ELEXON produces half-hourly consumption profiles. These profiles can be modified so as to create representative demand profiles by considering the total number of customers per PC. An example of this is shown in Figure 1. For every primary (and secondary) substation in the UK the number of customers per profile class is, in general, known. Consequently, the aggregated yearly profile for a primary substation can be obtained by adding up the profiles resulting from the direct multiplication of the number of customers per PC and the corresponding representative profile. PC0 customers, characterised by a maximum demand above 100 kW and equipped with Half-Hourly (HH) meter, are neglected due to lack of data. Given that PC0 customers are neglected, the resulting aggregated profile is scaled up in order to match the actual maximum demand. For illustration purposes, the load profiling methodology is applied to Egremont primary substation. The corresponding data is presented in Table I and Table II The final aggregated demand profile for the peak day (13th December) for Egremont primary substation is shown in Figure 2. The demand of PC1 and PC2 customers (dominant in this primary substation) provides the residential component of the aggregated demand, useful for the application of the literature-based load model explained in the next chapters. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 6 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 16 PC1 14 PC2 PC3 PC4 PC5 to PC8 Demand (kW) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 30 minutes 18:00 21:00 Figure 1 ELEXON profiles per customer category in a winter day Table I Egremont primary substation available data: Number of customers N° PC0 PC1 PC2 Profile classes PC3 PC4 PC5 24 8.891 644 445 135 8 PC6 PC7 PC8 7 6 8 Table II Egremont primary substation available data: Peak Demand Primary peak Peak demand 2012/2013 Power factor 12.25 MW 0.97 16 14 PC5 to PC8 PC4 PC3 PC2 PC1 Demand (MW) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 30 minutes 18:00 21:00 Figure 2 Aggregated demand per customer type for the peak day (13th December) on Egremont primary substation CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 7 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 16 14 Winter Autumn Spring Summer Demand (MW) 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 30 minutes 18:00 21:00 Figure 3 Estimated aggregated demand on Egremont for 4 representative weekdays The same process can be repeated for any other day of the year. Figure 3 shows the profiles for four typical days1 (identified using a clustering technique). The highest demand of around 11 MW is experienced in winter at 6pm and no significant difference can be noticed between spring and autumn as previously discussed. During summer at night the lowest demand (3.4 MW) is experienced. Caveats It should be noted that the estimated aggregated demand does not take into account PC0 customers (i.e., those with a declared maximum demand above 100 kW) as no data was made available. Consequently, in the effort to compensate this approximation the estimated ELEXON demand was scaled up to match the (yearly) monitored maximum demand. In this way both residential and nonresidential components have been scaled by the same factor not reflecting the real (and unknown) load composition. This, in turn, may lead to potential under or overestimation of the residential share in the aggregated demand. In addition, it should be noted that the ELEXON profiles for high-consuming customers such as PC7PC8 are obtained based on a lower number of monitored customers compared to the much more numerous PC1 and PC2. Consequently, those profiles may not provide a trustworthy representation. This is important in cases with large commercial or industrial customers. 1.2 Load Models: Basic Concepts Throughout this report terminology related to load modelling is used. Hence, it is important to highlight that all models discussed hereafter are for steady-state studies. It is widely known and accepted that each electric load is characterised by its own voltage/power dependency. In particular, the following classification of loads is the most common: 1. Constant power: These loads are insensible to voltage variation (within acceptable limits). This kind of load is also very common in most load flow studies where a constant P-Q is assumed [2] for steady-state studies. In practice, only Switch Mode Power Supply (SMPS), generally known as electronic devices, belong to this category. 2. Constant current: A linear relationship between voltage and power is considered. 3. Constant impedance: A quadratic relationship between power and voltage is defined. Resistive loads without thermal control (e.g., space or water heaters) belong to this category. 1 Winter (26th January) – Autumn (2nd October) – Spring (13th April) – Summer (22nd June) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 8 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 A recent growing interest in load modelling has highlighted the inaccuracies brought by load models based only on the previous approach [2]. A more sophisticated model, called “exponential”, is shown in Eq. 1. V P P0 V0 np Eq. 1 The key element in Eq. 1 is the np coefficient. It can adopt fractional values between 0 and 2 thus increasing the flexibility of the model – a feature not possible with the previous classification where np becomes 0, 1 or 2, respectively. However, the accuracy of this model has been improved by the so-called polynomial (or ZIP) model (shown in Eq. 2). V 2 V P P0 Z P I P PP V0 V0 Eq. 2 Z P I P PP 1 Given that each of the three polynomial coefficients (ZP, IP and PP) can be defined, this model allows a more precise modelling [2]. Indeed, when it is possible to define the coefficients, it is the preferred model for in-depth analysis [3, 4]. In WP2-A both exponential and ZIP load models were extensively adopted to shows main results and compare the outcomes of two different approaches (i.e., literature and measurement based) developed to characterise the voltage dependencies of the aggregated demand (at primary substation, Electricity North West Limited area, and the whole UK). 1.3 Literature-Based Load Model In this chapter the bottom-up approach developed to produce a “time-varying” load model for the residential component of the demand (PC1 and PC2) is described. This model was adopted in the early stage of CLASS project whilst the measurement-based model was under development. By defining the load model and demand profile for every single appliance typically found in a UK dwelling the load model of any primary substation can be produced adopting a bottom-up approach. This process is summarised in Figure 4. First, a literature review has been carried out in order to associate a ZIP model with each single appliance. Thereafter, by adopting the freely available CREST tool [5], the load profile for each residential customer (and its appliances) has been stochastically produced. Then, the daily ZIP model for each residential customer is calculated by aggregating each single appliance model and profiles. The load model for a generic residential customer is then obtained by averaging the load model of 500 residential customers. The non-residential demand is considered as non-responsive to voltage changes, i.e., constant power load model. Finally, by adopting the ELEXON profiles to estimate the aggregated residential and non-residential component of the demand, the aggregated load model for any primary substation can be produced. 1.3.1 Single Appliance Demand Profile For the specific UK residential sector, Loughborough University, by analysing the UK national Time of Use survey, produced a freely available VBA tool [5] (“CREST tool”) able to stochastically reproduce 1 min resolution demand profile per dwelling and down to every single appliance that can be found in it. For this purpose, the tool initially simulates how people in a dwelling are interacting with electrical appliances (e.g., watching TV, cooking, ironing etc.). Based on the yearly energy consumption per appliance, it then stochastically decides whether a specific appliance is being turned on at a given moment in time. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 9 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 1 Appliance Load model literature review Demand profile CREST tool Aggregation Process for all appliances in a dwelling 1 residential customers Load model 1 residential customer Demand profile aggregated Aggregation Process for 500 customers 500 Residentialcustomers Representative load model for residential customer Demand profiles residential and non-residential ELEXON Load model for non-residential customer (Not responsive) Aggregation Process for all customers in a primary substation Primary Substation Load model aggregated Demand profile aggregated Figure 4 Flowchart of the literature-based load model for a primary substation The overall dwelling power is obtained summing up the power of each appliance used at that moment. This operation is repeated each minute for the whole day, finally obtaining the corresponding demand profile. Thanks to the adoption of Markovian chains (that summarise the time of use survey) the CREST tool is able to provide realistic load profiles in a stochastic manner. An example of the dwelling profile that can be produced is shown in Figure 5 (two people, weekday, winter). As evident in Figure 5 the power consumption of each appliance within a dwelling was generated. This particular feature makes it possible to associate each single appliance the ZIP model found in the literature (Appendix 1). 1.3.2 Single Appliance Load Model A total of 35 appliances commonly found in a UK dwelling are considered to produce the aggregated load model of a single residential customer. The corresponding individual load models have been produced based on 29 papers and reports. Different measurement approaches, countries, regulations and even the obvious technological evolution of appliances made the load modelling a complex task. The following criteria (in order of relevance) were adopted to select the most relevant papers [6-8]: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Measurement-based models Year of publication Agreement of models with other studies Production of models via simulations V/P-Q dependency within practical intervals (i.e., ±5 % of V0) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 10 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 The adopted polynomial coefficients (adopting the ZIP load model) for each of the 35 appliances are shown the Appendix 1. The latter also presents further details related to the selection process. 4.5 4 3.5 Power (kW) 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 1 minute 18:00 21:00 CHEST FREEZER' FRIDGE FREEZER' FRIDGE UPRIGHT FREEZER' ANSWER MACHINE' CD PLAYER' CLOCK PHONE HIFI IRON VACUUM FAX PC PRINTER TV(CRT) TV(LCD) TV(Plasma) VCR DVD' RECEIVER HOB OVEN MICROWAVE KETTLE SMALL COOKING' DISH WASHER' TUMBLE DRYER' WASHING MACHINE' WASHER DRYER' DESWH E INST' ELEC SHOWER' STORAGE HEATER' ELEC SPACE HEATING' GIS Light CFL Light Figure 5 Example of dwelling profile and breakdown per appliance (CREST tool) 1.3.3 Representative Load Models for Residential Customers Considering the availability of demand profile per single appliance within a dwelling (CREST tool, an example is shown in Figure 5) and associated load model found in the literature (section 1.3.2) the time-varying load model per single domestic customers can be produced as detailed in the Appendix 2. However, in the context of CLASS it is more important to quantify the aggregated demand response provided by thousands of customers typically connected to a primary substation. Given the stochastic nature of the CREST tool the procedure can be repeated to produce the required thousands of load models (and profiles) for each one of the domestic customers connected to a primary substation and finally aggregate them for the whole substation. However, it was noticed that for any number of customer above 300 (far below the number of residential customers typically connected to a primary substation) the aggregated time-varying load model does not change significantly. Consequently, it was decided to define a representative time-varying load model for residential customers that is realistic when thousands of them are aggregated. This representative load model was obtained by aggregating the load models of 500 customers (more than 300 to capture potential outliers). The aggregated demand (and breakdown per appliance) for 500 PC1 customers for a winter weekday is shown in Figure 6. The resulting representative load models for PC1 and PC2 customers are shown in Figure 7. The time-varying nature of such model allows capturing the variability in the demand composition as evident in Figure 6 where for instance during night hours cold appliances (e.g., fridge, refrigerator) are dominant while at peak time (6 pm) light appliances are one of the most important component. Although the resulting PC1 load model varies in time (Figure 7), it is consistent with aggregated timeindependent models found in the literature [4, 9-11] where np values around 1.1 and 1.4 were found. In terms of PC2 customers, as it can be noticed from Figure 7, they are characterised by a high responsiveness at night hours. This is due to the presence of storage space heating appliances which is the main difference from PC1 customers. Representative PC1 and PC2 load models were produce for 4 typical days adopting the same procedure presented here. Finally, it is important to highlight that the CREST tool is only used to produce the time-varying load models. The demand profiles for PC1 and PC2 customers are produced using the methodology described in section 1.1. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 11 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 450 400 350 Power (kW) 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 30 minutes 18:00 21:00 CHEST FREEZER FRIDGE FREEZER FRIDGE UPRIGHT FREEZER ANSWER MACHINE CD PLAYER CLOCK PHONE HIFI IRON VACUUM FAX PC PRINTER TV(CRT) TV(LCD) TV(Plasma) VCR DVD RECEIVER HOB OVEN MICROWAVE KETTLE SMALL COOKING DISH WASHER TUMBLE DRYER WASHING MACHINE WASHER DRYER DESWH E INST ELEC SHOWER STORAGE HEATER ELEC SPACE HEATING GIS Light CFL Light Figure 6 Demand profile and breakdown per appliance during winter weekday for 500 PC1 customers (CREST tool) Figure 7 Representative literature-based load models for PC1 and PC2 customers in winter weekday 1.3.4 Primary Substation Load Model A literature-based load model was developed for residential customers (PC1 and PC2) whilst the nonresidential ones (PC3 to PC8) were considered non-responsive (i.e., np=0) as no data on type and load composition were available. In addition, for every customer category, the estimated aggregated demand was also quantified (section 1.3). Consequently, following the aggregation process described in the Appendix 2 the literature-based load model for any primary substation can be produced. To demonstrate the methodology the aggregated load model for Egremont primary substation is shown in Figure 8-a. In this case it can be noticed that the load model coefficient np varies between 0.3 and 1.1. This implies that 1 % voltage reduction can trigger, in function of the time, a DR from 0.3 % to 1.1 % of the aggregated demand. During summer night hours the lowest np coefficient was found. Such low responsiveness can be justified by the dominance of refrigerators (Figure 6), typically characterised by a low np [12]. In addition, as expected, the primary substation load model (Figure 8-a) is less responsive than it would be if it was 100 % residential (Figure 7). Indeed, the residential component in this primary substation is estimated to vary between 65 and 85 % of the total demand (Figure 9-a). CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 12 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 a) b) Figure 8 Literature-based load model for a) Egremont, b) Hyndburn Road a) b) Figure 9 Estimated residential share in a) Egremont, b) Hyndburn Road For primary substations with higher industrial share as Hynburn Road (Figure 9-b) a lower np (Figure 8-b) was found. This is an expected outcome as the literature-based load model aims to quantify the demand response provided by the residential component only of the demand. Hence, the smaller residential component the smaller the demand responsiveness quantified with the literature-based load model. Caveats Although the literature-based load model shows strong consistency with findings in the literature [13], it should be noticed that it may not capture atypical load compositions such as higher than average penetrations of space heating appliances among residential customers. Moreover, given that the literature-based load model relays on number of customer per type (i.e., PC1 to PC8) it provides similar outcomes (i.e., np coefficient) for substations with similar customer composition. However, this might not be the case in practice as customers belonging to the same category (particularly PC5 to PC8) may not provide the same response to voltage variations due to their different types of loads and consequently load composition. 1.4 Measurement-based Load Model: Primary Substation WP1 produced measurement-based time-varying load model for 60 primary substations by analysing one year of monitoring data from CLASS trials. More specifically, for every substation 5 values (i.e., mean, 25th percentile, 75th percentile as well as lower and upper np) are provided half-hourly for representative days. An example is shown in Figure 10 for Egremont primary substation for a summer weekday. Given the need to generalise the measurement-based load models so they can be applied to other primary substations, representative measurement-based load models were produced considering the average values for those substations within the same category, i.e., with similar demand compositions at peak time. Adopting the approach detailed in [14], the 60 primary substations were divided into three categories: mainly residential (40), mixed (16) and non-residential (4). CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 13 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 10 Measurement-based load model for Egremont primary substation in a summer weekday Figure 11 Representative measurement-based load model per category in winter, weekday The results of this averaging process (considering only the mean values) are shown in Figure 11 for each of the three categories during winter (weekday). As it can be noticed the mainly non-residential primary substations present the highest responsiveness to voltage variation with an average np coefficient that varies from 1.3 to around 1.7. Figure 12 shows the representative measurement-based load model for main residential primary substations considering different seasons (weekday). The same pattern in the demand responsiveness is followed across the year: highest at night hours and the lowest at around 15:00. During spring and autumn quite close results can be noticed due to the general small difference in demand (and load composition) during these seasons. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 14 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 12 Representative measurement-based load model for mainly residential primary substations, weekday 1.5 Load Model Comparison The literature-based described the voltage-demand relationship of mainly residential primary substations as the non-residential component of the demand was assumed non-responsive. Consequently, to verify the accuracy of this model the comparison with the measurement-based will involve only mainly residential primary substations. The measurement-based load model of a substation embeds the specific features of the downstream demand that might be different from that of another primary substation belonging to the same category. This is clearly shown in Figure 13 where the measurement-based load model of the 40 mainly-residential primary substations involved in the trial show differences (even significant) one from another. However, this features might not be captured by the literature-based load model where only number of customers, average load profile and load models are considered. For instance, Figure 14 shows literature and representative measurement-based load model (of two primary substations belonging to the same category (mainly residential). In particular, for Egremont the two models show consistency (Figure 14-a) whilst a significant difference can be noticed in the case of Fallowfield (Figure 14-b). Indeed, in the latter some (unknown) features of the downstream load are likely to justify this difference. Indeed, even among the mainly residential substations Fallowfield shows significant differences as evident in Figure 13. Figure 13 Measurement-based load models for mainly residential subs in winter, weekday CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 15 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 a) b) Figure 14 Load model per primary substation in winter, weekday for: a) Egremont b) Fallowfield In order to compare the two load models per substation category, the same process undertaken to generalise the measurement-based load model is repeated adopting the literature-based load models (for the mainly residential category). The resulting representative literature-based load model is shown in Figure 15-a together with the measurement-based one. a) b) Figure 15 Representative load models for mainly residential substations: a) Winter (weekday) b) Summer (weekday) From Figure 15-a it can be noticed that the literature-based load model underestimates the load responsiveness (i.e., lower np) compared to the measurement-based. This is expected given that the former assumes the non-residential demand as non-responsive (i.e., np=0). Nonetheless, the literature-based load model provides comparable results to the measurement-based at peak time (6pm) when the non-residential component is expected to represent a small share of the demand. Conversely, at around noon the highest mismatch can be noticed. Indeed, commercial and industrial loads (non-residential component) are likely to be more significant in the central hours of the day [15]. This can also be seen in Figure 9-a where the residential load share drops from 85 % at 6pm to 60 % at noon. During summer, as shown in Figure 15-b, the literature-based load model presents slightly lower np coefficients compared to its winter counterpart (Figure 15-a black line). This is due to the expected reduction in space heating appliances consumption especially during at night. However, this is in contradiction with the measurement-based findings where the responsiveness at night hours (np≈1.4) is even higher than during daylight hours (np≈1.2). Street lights (that might represent an important fraction of the total demand at night) or non-residential customers that might use resistor-based devices may justify such outcomes. Representative literature-based load models can also be obtained for mixed and mainly nonresidential primary substations. However, as shown in Figure 16, the representative literature-based load model is not able to represent the demand responsiveness of these two categories. As mentioned previously, this is due to the fact that the non-residential component, which is dominant in these categories, was neglected. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 16 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 a) b) Figure 16 Representative load model for winter, weekday for: a) mixed b) mainly nonresidential primary substations CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 17 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 2 HV Network Modelling To quantify the volume of voltage-led DR that CLASS can provide the whole distribution network (Figure 17), from the transmission-distribution interface (Grid Supply Point, GSP) down to residential customers, needs to be modelled. In addition, only the adoption of real network models can provide confidence in quantifying the extent to which the voltage at primary substation can be changed without exposing downstream connected customers to unacceptable voltages. Figure 17 Distribution network in the UK However, due to the complexity and dimension of the corresponding modelling task, the methodology proposed here considers a limited number of real representative network models for every voltage level (i.e., EHV, HV and LV) as detailed below: 1. EHV network modelling: 1 EHV network (corresponding to Kearsley GSP) fully modelled into OpenDSS [16] by the REACT project [17]. This network allows realistically considering the voltage changes on the primary side of the primary substations and the corresponding impact on the on load tap changer; 2. HV network modelling: 3 accurate HV network models produced using the raw data provided by Electricity North West Limited for CLASS. With these networks the extent to which the voltage can be changed at primary substations is investigated; and, 3. LV network modelling: 57 residential LV feeders fully modelled into OpenDSS by the “Low Voltage Network Solutions” project. These networks allow quantifying the extent to which voltages can be changed at LV busbars without affecting customers. As EHV and LV network models have been already developed in the context of other projects, only the HV network modelling is discussed here. Given that the state-of-the-art distribution network analysis software package OpenDSS [16] will be adopted for further analysis, the DiNIS2 export files provided by Electricity North West Limited for the 15 HV networks need to be translated accordingly. In this section, the structure of the available DiNIS export files and the required output (i.e., translated files) are briefly described. Finally, the developed translation process is explained adopting one network (Romiley) for illustration purposes. 2.1 Structure of DiNIS Export Files The HV network used to illustrate the translation process presented in this report is fed by a primary substation called Romiley and supplies the urban area of the Metropolitan Borough of Stockport, Greater Manchester. The CSV DiNIS export files provided by Electricity North West Limited for Romiley corresponds to a table of 687 rows and 202 columns, as shown in Figure 18. 2 DiNIS (Distribution Network Information System) is a network analysis product developed by Fujitsu in 1987 and adopted mainly by distribution network operators in UK, USA and Australia CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 18 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 18 Snapshot of the provided DiNIS export file containing data of Romiley HV network These data lack of any regularity in their structure. Indeed not only the number of columns changes for every row but also the kind of information that can be found in the same column changes in function of the row. Based on the “Export manual” of DiNIS it was found that the provided table is in reality the concatenation of 3 different tables here identified as: ST40, ND108 and LN135. The structure of those tables (for Romiley primary substation) is described in the following sub-section. The qualitative aspects are applicable to all DiNIS export files provided by Electricity North West Limited. 2.1.1 Table ST40 This table of 24 rows with a variable length of up to 40 columns reports the main information about each “site” associated with Romiley primary substation (such as GIS coordinates, primary substation name and number, etc.). A “site” in DiNIS is just a collection of other objects (e.g., transformer, protections, etc.) that are physically in one place (e.g., a primary substation). It was the user's choice (at the moment of creation of such table) which components go on a given site. This represents a problem as the data on this table is partially dictated by the (unknown) user’s personal choices. After an analysis of the available data the main conclusions, in the context of the HV network translation process, are summarised below: 1. The table also contains data of other primary substations despite the fact that it is supposed to contain exclusively information on the 11kV network feed by Romiley primary substation. 2. The Grid Supply Point (GSP) and a Bulk Supply Point (BSP) data have also been found. After internal discussions with Electricity North West Limited it was clarified that due to an export problem data associated to part of the upstream network was also included in the export file. 2.1.2 Table ND108 This table of 300 rows with a variable length up to 158 columns contains the information of every “node” in the HV network. A “node” might be a transformer, a generator, a protection device or a motor. Every element is associated with a field identifier. Specific combinations of elements (and associate field identifiers) might also be present. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 19 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 After a first analysis of the available data the main conclusions, in the context of the HV network translation process, are summarised as follows: 1. Only the field identifiers for loads (LD138), transformers (TR146-147), generators (GN129) and text (TX118) will be considered. No switch or protection devices will be included in the HV network model. 2. Importance is given to the field TX118 given that it provides the name of the corresponding LV substation and reference number. This information is critical as it can be used to link the LV substations to another database where the number of customer per class type (i.e., from PC0 to PC8) is provided. 2.1.3 Table LN135 This table, of 314 rows of variable lengths up to 197 columns, contains the information of every line in the network. The terms used in Figure 19 will be adopted to describe the data. A line element in DiNIS can by a single segment or a multi-segment as shown in Figure 19. A segment is part of a line and has the same type of conductor (identified by a unique name called linecode). Every segment is given by one or more sub-segments that are part of a line specified by two GIS points. After a first analysis of the available data (and associated information) the main conclusions, in the context of the HV network translation process, are summarised as follows: 1. Data related to the DiNIS graphical output (i.e., one-line diagram) has been neglected given that the GIS references can provide a more effective visualisation of the network. 2. The length and linecode are associated with every segment but not with each sub-segment. Consequently, this information has to be passed on accordingly. 3. The status of the extreme points of a line is valuable information to understand whether LV substations are indeed connected to the HV network. If the extreme of a line is open hereafter this point will be called an “open point”. Figure 19 Definition of line, segment and sub-segment introduced in LN135 table Structure of the OpenDSS Files 2.2 The structure of the txt files required by OpenDSS to perform a power flow (that are also the output file of the translation process) is described as follows: • Lines.txt. This file describes the network topology. Each row of code describes one line (o part of it) of the network with data such as bus connections, line type (also called linecode) and length. An example is provided below: New Line.LINE1 bus1=1 bus2=2 Length=183.24 unit=m LineCode=11kV300ACAS • LineCode.txt. This file associates a linecode (i.e., a unique name that identifies a specific cable/overhead line type) with its electric parameters. An example is provided below: New Linecode.11kV300ACAS R1=0.120 X1=0.077 R0=29.7 X0=25.6 nphases=3 units=km • Load.txt: Every row of code in this file describes a load by phase connection, bus connection, nominal rate and power factor. An example is provided below: CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 20 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 New Load.YY phases=3 bus1=537 kV=11 kW=100 PF=0.95 It is important to note that Electricity North West Limited has provided all the electric parameters (i.e., R, X, R0, X0) corresponding to overhead lines and underground cables adopted in their HV networks. 2.3 Translation Process Once the desired output format has been defined (section 2.2) and the input data provided (i.e., one table for every HV network) an automatic procedure can be coded to carry out the translation process from the provided DiNIS export files to the required OpenDSS ones. This has been done using MS Visual Basic for Applications (VBA). The detailed description of the implemented VBA code goes beyond the objective of this report. However, a brief overview of its capability is provided as follows. 1. Automatic subdivision of the DiNIS export file (CSV) into the three main tables ST40, ND108, and LN135 (section 2.1). 2. Automatic generation of separate and ordered tables for lines, loads, open points, and generators present. Elements not part of the HV network are automatically removed. 3. Automatic association of a unique number to every bus (export files only provide coordinates). 4. Automatic connectivity check to verify whether in the translation process electric islands have been accidentally generated. 5. Automatic primary substation cleansing. The export files detail every connection in a busbar (even for a couple of centimetres). An automatic procedure is created to ‘clean’ this unnecessary use of nodes. 6. Automatic generation of the OpenDSS files. 7. Automatic network topology visualisation. For debugging purposes every element in the network (i.e., lines, loads, primary substation, LV substations and open points) and their information (e.g., name, length, bus connection) can be visualised. In Figure 20 the whole network is shown whilst in Figure 21 the main features of the selected element (a line in this case) are depicted. Figure 20 Visualisation of Romiley HV network It is important to highlight that several assumptions have being considered in the translation process given that some input data necessary for the conversion process were missing. The main are described as follows: 1. Missing LineCode. The electric features (e.g., impedances) of some line codes from the DiNIS export files (LN135 table) are not provided. For this purpose, considering the available name, a thorough check in the provided Electricity North West Limited Code of Practice has been carried out in order to define its likely characteristics. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 21 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 2. Unknown phase connection of a PMT. In the UK, especially in rural areas, a pole mounted transformer could be found to supply a small number of customers. It is usually fed by two phases of the upstream HV network. However, in some cases, the DiNIS export files do not provide the corresponding information. As a consequence the connection is randomly assumed in the generation process (in order to guarantee a uniform connection among the phases). 3. Secondary substation data missing. Sometimes a SS that appears in DiNIS does not exist in the Electricity North West Limited database containing the information of number of customers per profile class. In this case, these SS have been excluded from the model. The OpenDSS models of 15 HV networks have been so produced. Figure 21 Description of a selected element (line) in Romiley HV network 2.4 HV Network Selection Due to different levels of accuracy in the input data (missing line parameters, imprecise secondary substation reference numbers, etc.), the confidence on the 15 OpenDSS network models cannot be considered the same. Consequently, a four-step filtering process was developed to select the more accurate HV network models on which carry out further network analysis necessary for the voltage capability assessment, Figure 22. The details of the process are discussed in the Appendix 3. ENWL other database Translation process (VBA) 15 network models 1st Filter: Translation accuracy 2nd Filter: LV topology 3rd Filter: LV visibility 4th Filter: Mainly domestic 3 network models DiNIS export files Figure 22 HV network modelling and conversion overview Only 3 HV network models, whose main features are report in Table III, were finally chosen: Romiley (Figure 23), Fallowfield and Ashton Golborne. Table III Main electric feature of the selected 3 HV networks HV network Romiley Fallowfield Ashton Golborne Line length (km) 46.08 29.91 60.07 # LV transformers 89 50 83 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester # custom ers 11,977 9,981 10,705 Peak demand (MW) 14.52 14.03 17.41 22 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Romileyv4 network 393 392.5 392 Y (km) 391.5 391 390.5 390 Disconnected SS Transformer SS Transformer Open point Primary substation transformer 389.5 389 388.5 391 392 393 394 X (km) 395 396 397 Figure 23 Topology of Romiley HV network Primary Substation: On-Load Tap Changer Modelling 2.5 The tap capability of a primary substation is defined as the maximum number of tap steps that can be changed (from normal operation conditions) without affecting customers. However, the actual tap capability may be constrained by the physical limit of the On Load Tap Changer (OLTC). Indeed, as characterised by a finite number of tap steps it is important understanding if, from normal operation condition, the available tap headroom is large enough to allow CLASS actions. For this purpose, a realistic representation of the on load tap changer was embedded in the HV network model by considering: 1. 2. 3. 4. Typical lowest-highest OLTC tap step position; Typical voltage amplitude per tap step; Typical nominal tap position: tap position when the primary side voltage is 1 pu Typical voltage target (i.e., the voltage that the OLTC tries to maintain on the secondary side of the primary substation) and deadband (tolerance around the voltage target). A typical on-load tap changer, installed on the primary side of the primary substation transformer, is characterised by 17 tap steps. Every tap step is in general 1.43 % in voltage amplitude with a deadband settings (Vs%) of ±1.5 % and time delay of 120s as shown in Figure 24-a. a) b) Figure 24 OLTC in a UK primary substation: a) settings, and b) tap steps The disposition of the tap within the primary winding of the primary substation transformer is illustrated in Figure 24-b where the purple squares indicate the OLTC tap positions and Vp and Vs indicate CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 23 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 primary and secondary side voltage respectively. For this particular numbering, a tap step reduction (e.g., from position 4 to 3) implies a reduction of the secondary side voltage, Vs. The nominal tap position adopted in the Electricity North West Limited area varies according to the year of commissioning of the primary substation as follows: Position 4 for primary substations commissioned before 1960-1970; and, Position 5 for primary substations commissioned after. From internal information it was found that most of the transformers in the Electricity North West Limited area are more than 43 years old making them quite likely to be equipped with OLTC in nominal tap position 4, Figure 25. Figure 25 Number of transformer per age of installation (2012) Consequently, in the context of this report the OLTC is always assumed to have a nominal tap position 4. This, in turn, implies that if the supplied voltage on the 33 kV side of the primary transformer is within 1 pu (± deadband) the OLTC will be in position 4. As such, for an eventual CLASS action (i.e., voltage reduction), a headroom of 3 tap steps will be available (i.e., from 4 to 3, 3 to 2 and 2 to 1). Based on information made internally available by the “Reactive Power Exchange Application Capability Transfer” (REACT) project [17] it was found that the most common voltage target value across primary substations is 1.00 pu (Vs in Figure 24-a). All the aforementioned settings have been applied to both parallel transformers making them act simultaneously. This is not the case in reality where, due to mechanical and control delays, one transformer will always trigger a tap change earlier than the other. This phenomena was not captured in the analysis as it evolves in a much shorter time scale (seconds) than the simulation resolution (10 min). For the same reason, tap delays (2 minutes versus 10 minute time stamp in the simulation) was not included neither. However, because of their short duration, they are not expected to affect the robustness of the results of this report as tap capabilities and demand response are meant to be provided for much longer periods (such as half hour or 1 hour). 2.6 Secondary Substation: Off-Load Tap Changer Modelling Every secondary substation in installed on the primary side 11/0.433 kV or 6.6/0.433 kV) deployable and cost effective feeders. the UK is generally equipped with an off-load tap changer. This device, of the transformer, by modifying the nominal transformer ratio (i.e., boosts or reduces the LV busbar voltage. This represents a fast solution for DNOs to solve voltage problems on the downstream LV The off-load tap changer setting is defined by its “Tap position”, Table IV, at which a voltage boosts/decrease on the LV side (compared to the natural transformer ratio) is associated. Tap position 3 (also called nominal position) does not modify the nominal transformer ratio (i.e., 1 p.u on the CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 24 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 primary side will result in 433 V on the LV side3). Tap positions 4 and 5 are adopted to increase the LV busbar voltage (needed if the end customer voltage is too low) and vice-versa for tap positions 1 and 2. As the off-load tap changer position is not commonly a recorded feature within DNOs a survey was carried out on 80 secondary substations (SSs) to verify whether tap position 3 is the only one adopted as typically assumed. Table IV Off-load tap changer survey: Positions, voltage boost/reduction, and percentage Tap position 5 4 (nominal) 3 2 1 LV busbar voltage variation +5% +2.5% 0% -2.5% -5% % of the surveyed secondary substations* 0% 0% 52% 29% 9% *For 10% of SS it was not possible to identify the tap position The results shown in Table IV (last column) highlight that 38% of secondary substations are equipped with an off-load tap changer in position different from 3, particularly positions 1 or 2. This is likely to have been adopted in SSs that feed LV feeders with photovoltaic systems. Nevertheless, tap positions 4 or 5 were not found (i.e., voltage boost on the LV side) it was concluded (after internal discussion with Electricity North West) that up to 10 % of the total population are likely to be in position 4 or 5. Consequently, due to the likelihood that different tap settings are adopted, a methodology to define the tap step position for every secondary substation across a given HV network model has been defined as discussed in detail in the Appendix 4. HV network models and monitored aggregated demand are needed for this purpose For illustration, Figure 26 shows the off-load tap changer positions so found for the SSs in Romiley HV network. It can be noticed that 22 out of 89 off-load tap changers have positions higher than 3 (i.e., 4 or 5). This high number of SSs (more than 10 %) is due to the numerical nature of the methodology by which the typical voltages at the LV transformer busbar (above 415V line-to-line) must be met. Indeed, a change in the SS tap position is usually triggered by a customer complaint due to malfunctioning appliances. However, modern appliances are designed to work properly within wider voltage ranges [18]. Consequently, the LV supplied voltage may drop below the statutory limit just for few hours a year without compromising the adequate functioning of appliances. This situation in reality will not affect the nominal tap position (3) while in the simulation this will trigger a tap step increase. Final off load tap changer settings for Romiley 5 Tap postion 4 3 2 1 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 SS number 60 70 80 90 Figure 26 Off-load tap changer positions for the LV transformers in Romiley HV network 3 Neglecting internal transformer voltage drop. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 25 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 3 LV Network Constraints The benefits that the voltage-led demand response scheme proposed in CLASS might deliver are limited to the extent to which the voltage at the primary substation could be changed without negatively affecting the voltages of LV customers. Consequently, power flow studies should be carried out in HV and downstream LV networks simultaneously in order to evaluate the limit of any voltage-led demand response scheme. However, due to the complexity and dimension it is not practical to analyse every single LV feeder. For instance, the 60 HV networks involved in the CLASS trials feed around 350,000 customers by an estimated 7,000 LV feeders (assuming 50 customers per feeder). The influence of LV customers is catered for by a statistical analysis on 50+ LV residential feeders modelled in the context the Low Carbon Networks Fund (LCNF) project “LV Networks Solutions” [19]. The outcome of this analysis is the percentage of BS EN 50160 non-compliant customers per LV busbar voltage. These values, will allow quantifying the voltage capability in further HV network studies without the need to explicitly model thousands of LV feeders. 3.1 Methodology Prior any statistical quantification of the LV network constraints a preliminary deterministic analysis on the available 73 feeders from the “LV Network Solutions” project is carried out. In particular, the highest voltage drop (from LV busbar to customer) is evaluated in order identify eventual anomalies in the original data-set. A residential customer demand of 0.9 kW (i.e., annual diversified maximum demand, based on ELEXON 2012) was adopted and the results are shown in Figure 27. The voltage drop so calculated shows a great variability from value as high as 22 V (i.e., 9.6 %) to as low as fraction of volts. Feeders with less than 1 V of voltage drop are characterised by small cables length and a low number of customers. An example is shown in Figure 28-a. On the other hand, those with the highest voltage drops connect more than 150 customers with more than 1 km of cables (Figure 28-b). In the context of the statistical assessment feeders with less than 5 customers have been removed as likely to supply commercial or small industrial users and not representative of the residential population. Consequently only 57 feeders out of 73 will be considered. Figure 27 Highest voltage drop (LV busbar to customers) per feeder (0.9 kW per customer) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 26 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 a) b) Figure 28 Voltage drop heat map per customer for a feeder with: a) more than 100 customers b) less than 5 customers A Monte Carlo approach has been applied to the selected 57 LV feeders considering 200 simulations for every typical day (winter, summer, autumn and spring) adopting randomly generated 10-min residential load profiles [5] from the CREST tool (section 1.3.1). To study the impact that voltage in the HV network might have on customer the LV busbar voltage were kept constant throughout the day. This will provide more severe outcomes in terms of voltage headroom assessment as in the context of CLASS voltage changes at the primary substation will be carried out for short periods rather than for the whole day. Then, by averaging the results from the 200 simulation the percentage of BS EN 50160 non- LV customers per LV busbar voltage is quantified. Ultimately, it is this percentage that can be used to understand the limits to which a primary substation can change voltage by adopting these results in conjunction with future HV network studies. The proposed Monte Carlo approach for one feeder can be summarised as follows: Step 1. A feeder is selected from the 57 available (Figure 29) Step 2. Its secondary side voltage is considered constant for the whole day. Then a random produced load profiles is allocated to each customer in the analysed feeder (Figure 30). Step 3. A load flow is performed in OpenDSS and metrics such as compliance to BS EN 50160 are obtained (Figure 31). This procedure (for the same feeder and LV busbar voltage) is repeated for 200 simulations. Step 4. Once this process is finished, the LV busbar voltage is increased by 1 V (i.e., 0.43 %). This resolution was chosen as best compromise between accuracy and required computational time. At the end of step 4 the percentage of non-compliant customers, given a LV busbar voltage value, is obtained for every of the 200 simulations. To obtain one single value per LV busbar voltage the average of those 200 percentage values (excluding the 5% highest i.e., above the 95th percentile) is averaged. The so obtained average percentage of non-compliant customer per feeder and LV busbar voltage is shown in Figure 32. It can be seen that a voltage range between 230 and 252 V leads mostly to 0% of customers with voltage issues CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 27 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 29 Voltage constraint assessment methodology: Step 1 Figure 30 Voltage constraint assessment methodology: Step 2 Figure 31 Voltage constraint assessment methodology: Step 3 . CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 28 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 Feeder Number Average of customer with problem excluding the 5% highest values 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 VLV - LV busbar voltage (V) Figure 32 Average percentage of non-compliant customer per feeder and LV busbar voltage in a spring day (weekday) It is important to highlight that the assumptions below have been adopted throughout this analysis and hence are also limitations of the findings. 1. Every feeder has been considered individually. Consequently, the effect on a secondary substation that feed completely diverse feeders was not take into account. 2. The BS EN 50160 was used considering the daily simulations instead of a week-long assessment. This provides a more conservative quantification of the LV network constraints. 3. The voltage at the LV busbar has been assumed constant throughout the day. However, the application of voltage-led demand reduction is likely to be applied only for small periods during the day. 3.2 Results The Monte Carlo approach has generated 21664 values as shown in Figure 32. Each corresponds to the average percentage of non-compliant customers per feeder and LV busbar voltage. For instance, for feeder 1 (1st row from the top in Figure 32) and LV busbar voltage of 225 V (10th column from the left in Figure 32) the average percentage of customers with problems is 6.12 %. It is worth noticing that the number of customers with voltage drop problems (below the statutory limit) varies significantly from feeder to feeder. For instance, feeder number 57 (the longest and with more than 180 of customers, Figure 28 right) starts experiencing voltage issues at 235 V, whilst feeder number 1 (with only 70 customers, Figure 30) at 227 V pu, Figure 32. The results in Figure 32 (for spring) are further summarised in Figure 33 that reports also the results for the other seasons. This is done by averaging, for the same LV busbar voltage, the percentage of non-compliant customers of all feeders. The blue area in Figure 33 defines the “Low Risk Scenario” i.e., the LV busbar voltage range at which more than 99 % of customers are BS EN 50160 compliant (or less than 1% non-compliant). 4 2166 = 57 feeders over 38 LV busbar voltage values (from 216 to 253 V with 1 V step) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 29 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Legend: % of non-compliant customers >10% 5-10% 1-5% <1% Wint. Aut. Spr. Sum. 80 60 40 20 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 0 LV busbar voltage (V) Winter (26th January) – Autumn (2nd October) – Spring (13th April) – Summer (22nd June) Figure 33 Average % of BS EN 50160 non-compliant customers per LV busbar voltage In particular, the lowest value of this region for every season (i.e., 234 V in winter, 231 V in autumn and spring and 230 V in summer), defines the LV network constraints for voltage reduction purposes. If a less conservative figure of 5 % (green area) is considered, a wider voltage range could be adopted. Interesting to notice is that the LV network constraints are less severe (i.e., lower voltage values can be accepted in the LV busbar) during summer. This is due to the reduction in the demand level, and consequently in the voltage drop in the network. No significant difference can be noticed between autumn and spring as similar demand levels (and consequently voltages) are experienced. Figure 33 represents valuable information in deciding the extent to which a voltage reduction can be implemented at primary substation. Indeed, once the corresponding HV network has been analysed, it is possible to verify whether or not the voltages at the LV busbar lay within the acceptable range presented in Figure 33. If so, the voltage reduction of the analysed primary substation can be considered as “low-risk” for the downstream connected LV customers. It is important to highlight that the voltage ranges defined above (i.e., blue, green, orange and red) are obtained after two “averaging” processes. Consequently, every percentage of non-compliant customers associated with a LV busbar voltage value (Figure 33) is the summary of 11,400 simulations5. Hence, caution should be taken when reading these initial results. For instance, for spring season a LV busbar voltage of 232 V does not expose more than 1% of customers (in average) to voltage issues (Figure 33). However, some feeders might experience much larger issues. This is the case of feeder 57 with an average of 12.09% (last row, 17th column from left in Figure 32). Indeed, feeder 57 represents a “particular” case that, when included in the whole population, does not have great influence in the overall results. Nonetheless, it highlights the fact that certain voltages might not necessarily be adequate for “particular” feeders. Finally, it should be noted that due to the mathematical nature of the LV network constraints assessment a customer is defined as non-compliant even when its supply voltage violates the statutory limits for fraction of Volts. However, in these cases, customer’s appliances are unlikely to be negatively affected as they are designed to work within a wider voltage range than those defined by the statutory limits (some of them are even able to operate in other countries with very different nominal voltage levels). Consequently, in practice, the voltage range to which customers are not negatively affected is expected to be larger than the obtained here. 5 11,400 = 200 scenarios per LV feeder * 57 LV feeder CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 30 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 4 Voltage Capability This chapter aims to quantify the voltage capability and demand response for the 3 HV networks (i.e., Fallowfield, Romiley and Ashton Golborne) for which detailed models and monitored data are available. For this purpose, first the potential voltage influence of the upstream EHV network is considered. Thereafter, the LV busbar voltage profiles in normal operation condition are quantified by power flow analysis performed in OpenDSS for the 3 HV networks. In addition, the effects on the LV customers are catered for by the LV network constraints that allow calculating the voltage (and tap) capability (section 4.3). Finally, the DR was quantified (section 4.4). 4.1 EHV Network Influence For the quantification of the voltage capability (i.e., the extent to which the voltage can be changed in the primary substation) it is key to quantify voltages across the HV networks in normal operation condition (i.e., prior to any CLASS action). For an accurate quantification the influence of the voltage variations in the upstream EHV network need to be catered for. The models of the EHV networks that feed the analysed 3 HV networks were not available. Only the model of one real EHV network (Figure 34) from the North West of England developed in the context of the REACT project [17] was adopted. The network presents a total of 17 Bulk Supply Points (BSP, 132/33 kV) and 91 primary substations (33/11 kV or 33/6.6 kV) connected by almost 400 km of 132 kV and 33 kV lines. The Grid Supply Point (GSP) secondary busbar voltage is assumed to be 1.02 p.u while the target voltage on the secondary side voltage Bulk Supply Points (BSPs) and primary substations is assumed to be 1 p.u. These values reflect the typical DNO and TSO practice in the UK. According to the monitoring data this network experiences a yearly peak demand of 561 MW in winter and supplies a total of 263,653 customers. Figure 34 Schematic of the modelled EHV network [17] The influence of this EHV network on the downstream primary substations is given by the voltage on the primary side of each of the 91 primary substations. However, in order to provide a general profile to be applied to the 3 HV networks (whose EHV network is not Kearsley) the average was obtained, Figure 35 for the 4 typical days. This profile will be adopted as primary side voltage at the primary substations of the 3 HV networks. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 31 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 Primary side voltage (pu) 23rd September 2015 1.03 1.02 1.01 1.00 Winter Autumn Spring Summer 0.99 0.98 0.97 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 24 hours - 10 min resolution 21:00 Figure 35 Representative primary side voltage adopted for the primary substation 4.2 Time-Varying Load Allocation The benefits that CLASS can provide are limited to the extent to which the voltage at primary substation can be changed without affecting downstream LV customers. This requires the evaluation of voltages on the HV network in normal operation condition (i.e., prior any voltage control action) by mean of power flow studies. However, the demand profiles at secondary substations, needed for this purpose, are not available given that the only monitored point (power) across the HV network is at the primary substation. Consequently, a simple load allocation technique to estimate the aggregated demand profile at every secondary substation, based on the few available monitoring data and HV network model, was developed as discussed in the Appendix 5. 15 Allocated demand for every SS and PMT ACTIVE power demand for every SS and PMT in the HV network 1.8 Estimated aggregated domestic component Estimated aggregated non-domestic component Monitored aggregated demand Simulated aggregated demand Allocated power (MW) 1.6 Power (MW) 10 5 1.4 1.2 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min 18:00 21:00 a) 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 21:00 Time 10-min b) Figure 36 Load allocation results for Romiley on January 26th: a) Aggregated demand b) allocated demand per secondary substation For Romiley primary substation on a winter day (January 26th) the results of such process are shown in Figure 36. As can be seen the aggregated demand profiles per secondary substation (Figure 36-b) are as such that no mismatch can be noticed between the monitored active power demand at primary substation (purple line in Figure 36-a) and aggregated simulated counterpart (blue line in Figure 36-a). It is interesting to remark how the allocated residential component dominates the demand at peak time (black line in Figure 36-a, at around 18:30); a further proof of the mainly residential nature of Romiley HV network. As it can be noticed from Figure 36-b the power demand of one substation reaches very high value but always below 1.2 MW. This is because the transformer has a rating of 1.2 MW that cannot be overcome in normal operation condition. This highlights that the algorithm has successfully found a CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 32 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 solution that satisfy the monitored data (Figure 36-a) and adopted constraints (such as the transformer rating). It is worth noticing that the allocated profiles represent only a set of possible solutions that satisfies the network constraints (transformer size or highest monitored demand) and match the monitored values (i.e., primary substation demand). However, no indication on the accuracy of the allocated profiles can be provided as no secondary substations power measurements are available for validation. Nonetheless, high confidence is expected at least for mainly domestic secondary substations given the residential component is more predictable (in the aggregate) than its non-residential counterpart. 4.3 Time-Varying Voltage Capability Assessment In this section the voltage capability is quantified for the 3 HV networks for which network models and monitored data are available. This is one of the core findings of WP2-A as the voltage capability affects directly the volume of demand response that can be provided. The voltage capability is obtained by comparing the voltage limit imposed by the analysis of LV network with the LV busbar voltage of every secondary substation in the HV networks in normal operation condition. For such quantification power flow studies were performed adopting the modelling framework developed in the previous sections. This is summarised as follows: 1. EHV network influence: The voltage profile on the primary side of the HV networks varies to mimic the likely voltage influence of the upstream EHV network (section 4.1) 2. On-load tap changer modelling: The real features such as number of tap steps, amplitude and nominal position of the OLTCs on the primary substations are considered (section 2.5) 3. Off-load tap changer modelling: tap position is estimated for every secondary substation (section 2.6) 4. Load allocation profile per secondary substation: the aggregated demand profiles per secondary substation are considered (section 4.2) More precisely, for Romiley primary substation on January 26th, the LV busbar voltage for every secondary substations during normal operation are shown in Figure 37 [20]. Daily voltage profile for all the SS in Romiley for 26/01/2015 260 LV busbar voltage (V) 255 250 245 240 i-th VLV 235 Voltage capability Lowest VLV 230 00:00 03:00 LV network constraints 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min 18:00 21:00 Figure 37 LV busbar voltage per secondary substation in normal operation condition, Romiley on January 26th Assuming that the average percentage of non-compliant customers should be maintained below 1 % (i.e., low risk scenario, section 3) then the voltage level on the LV busbar should be kept above 234 V (dashed line in Figure 37). The difference between the lowest LV busbar voltage (dashed red line in CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 33 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 37) and the limit imposed by network constraints represents is the voltage capability (green area in Figure 37). Finally, knowing that one tap step will reduce the voltage by 1.43 % of any downstream connected secondary substation (i.e., around 3.5 V) the tap capability can be obtained by dividing the voltage capability over 3.5 V (i.e., 1.43 %). The results for Romiley on January 26th are shown in Figure 38-a with a blue line. However, when also the constraints given by the finite number of tap step on the OLTC are considered, the tap step reduction that can actually be introduced is lower (red line in Figure 38-a). Consequently, the physical limits of the OLTC do influence the overall demand response that can be provided; especially on the early hours of the day. For instance, at 3:00 am a reduction up to 4 tap steps is allowed as no significant voltage problem will arise (blue line in Figure 38-a). However, because at that moment the OLTC is in tap position 4 (black line in Figure 38-b) only 3 tap steps reduction are possible (i.e., 4 to 3, 3 to 2 and 2 to 1). Consequently, only 3 tap steps reduction, considering both LV network and OLTC constraints, are allowed at 3:00 as shown by the red line in Figure 38-a. Allowable # tap reduction foram day 26/01/2015 considering OLTC headroom limit 8 Without considering OLTC limit Considering OLTC limit 5 7 6 4 Tap position Allowed tap step reduction 6 3 2 Lowest acceptable tap step position Tap position normal operation OLTC minimum tap step position 5 4 3 2 1 0 00:00 Tap position in 26/01/2015 with and without CLASS 1 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min a) 18:00 21:00 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min 18:00 21:00 b) Figure 38 Romiley on January 26th: a) Tap capability with and without OLTC limit b) Tap positions In particular, it was found that during summer period and night hours, due to higher voltage on the primary side of the primary substation, the main limit to tap step reduction is given by the OLTC headroom rather than by the LV network constraints. This highlight the importance in modelling the influence of the EHV network. In addition, it is worth noticing that a voltage reduction on the primary substations will reduce the LV busbar voltage close to the LV network constraints limit only for the furthest secondary substations and only for the period of time in which CLASS is meant to be applied. This, in turn, means that the percentage of non-compliant customers is much lower than 1 % if evaluated in aggregate at primary substation level. To understand the concept let’s assume that, for peak reduction purposes, a CLASS action is undertaken from 6 pm to 6:30 pm. In this case, considering the tap availability, a reduction of 3 tap steps is introduced. The daily voltage profiles on the LV side after such actions are shown in Figure 39. As it can be seen, in the considered half hour, only few LV busbar voltages are close to the limit of 234 V (winter limit) whilst for the rest the voltages vary between 240 and 235 V. This implies that most of the secondary substations are characterised by a percentage of non-compliant customers (see [20]) much lower than 1 %. In addition, the CLASS action will last for a finite period of time (half hour for instance) making even more remote the possibility of voltage violations. The LV busbar voltage of PC0 customers (characterised by a maximum power above 100 kW) has not been considered for the voltage capability assessment in this analysis, Figure 37. Indeed, a PC0 customer most of the time owns the secondary substation that it is often located within its property (or in general very close to the demand). Consequently, the LV network constraints cannot be applied to these cases as the supplied voltage of a PC0 customer can be practically assumed coincident with its secondary substation LV busbar voltage. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 34 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 In addition, the LV network that supplies a PC0 customers will not have a “residential topology” as those used to define the LV network constraints in [20] making the adoption of the LV network constraints limits inappropriate for PC0 customers. Figure 39 LV busbar voltages assuming one CLASS action for peak demand reduction purpose in Romiley on January 26th 4.4 Demand Response Quantification In the previous section the tap capability based on detailed HV network and load models was obtained. Hence, based on these results, the demand response is quantified in this section. In particular, for Romiley primary substation on January 26th assuming a tap reduction (from normal operation condition) equal to the tap capability a daily power flow is performed in OpenDSS. The demand response was obtained by the difference between the aggregated primary substation demand before and after the voltage reduction. It was found that the demand response varies between 100 and more than 600 kW Figure 40. The daily pattern in the primary substation aggregated demand and the time-varying nature of the load composition (and therefore in the load model) justify these wide variations. Demand response (kW) 700 Achievable power demand reduction in Romileyv4 in 26/01/2015 600 500 400 300 200 100 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min 18:00 21:00 Figure 40 Estimated demand response for Romiley on January 26th Repeating the whole procedure it is possible to quantify the demand response for the other typical days. The results for Romiley are shown in Figure 41-a. It is of interest to remark that during summer peak hours (i.e., 6 pm) the absolute demand response that can be provided is smaller than its winter counterpart. Indeed, in summer not only the demand is 30-40% lower but also a lower tap capability mainly due to the limited on load tap changer headroom, Figure 41-b. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 35 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 It was also found that night hours are characterised by the same tap capabilities throughout the whole year, Figure 41-b. This is due to the limit imposed by the on-load tap changer headroom as explained in section 4.3. Estimated maximum demand reduction typical days: Romiley 600 500 400 6 26-01-2015 23-06-2014 02-10-2014 13-04-2015 5 Tap capability Demand Response (kW) 700 300 200 26-01-2015 23-06-2014 02-10-2014 13-04-2015 3 2 1 100 0 00:00 4 N tap reduction for voltage reduction actions WITH OLTC constraints Romiley 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 Time 10 min 15:00 18:00 21:00 0 00:00 a) 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 Time 10 min 15:00 18:00 21:00 b) Figure 41 Romiley on the four typical days: a) Demand response b) Tap capability The whole methodology has been extended to the other two primary substations (i.e., Fallowfield and Ashton-Golborne) for which detailed HV network models are available. However, for the DR quantification in the whole Electricity North West Limited area it is necessary to adopt similar voltage capabilities for those primary substations for which no detailed network models are available. Such quantification is explained in the next chapter. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 36 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 5 Demand Response: Primary Substation In the previous chapter the voltage capability and demand response (DR) were quantified adopting both detailed network models and monitoring data for the selected 3 HV networks (i.e., Fallowfield, Ashton Golborne and Romiley). However, given that such data are not available for the majority of the HV networks, another approach is proposed here. More specifically, the tap capability of the 3 representative HV networks are generalised by introducing two scenarios (section 5.1). These tap scenarios are then adopted in combination with aggregated demand profiles and load models (section 1) to quantify the volume of DR of any primary substation (section 5.2). 5.1 Tap Capability Generalisation In chapter 4 the voltage capability and demand response were quantified for three mainly residential primary substations for which network models and monitoring data were available. The maximum number of tap step reductions that is possible to introduce (i.e., tap capability) in these substations for a typical winter day are shown in Figure 42. Differences among HV networks are due to topology and load level characteristics. For instance, for Ashton Golborne at peak demand only 1 tap step reduction is feasible as affected by higher voltage drop due to is larger than other line extension (Table III) Tap capability in winter day for 3 primary sub. 5 Romiley Fallowfield Ashton Golborne Tap capability 4 3 2 1 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 24 hours - 10 min resolution 21:00 Figure 42 Tap capability for the three HV primary substations on a winter weekday The tap capability can be obtained exclusively by carrying out power flow studies, not possible for those HV networks (the majority) for which models are not available. Consequently, the results of the considered 3 HV networks have to be generalised. For this purpose, the highest and lowest tap capability among the three primary substations at any moment in time (i.e., the highest and lowest envelope of the three curves) are selected to produce optimistic and conservative scenarios. These Tap capability extreme on are shown in Figure 43 for a winter weekday. 26-01-2015 Tap capability 5 4 3 2 1 0 00:00 Conservative Optimistic 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 18:00 24 hours - 10 min resolution 21:00 Figure 43 Conservative and optimistic tap capability scenarios on a winter weekday CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 37 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 The optimistic tap capability scenarios for the four seasons (half-hourly resolution) are shown in Figure 44 where a “CLASS reference” scenario is also defined (red dotted line in Figure 44). This was the voltage capability (i.e., 3 % voltage reduction, approximately 2 taps) considered at the proposal stage of the project. It can be noticed that a voltage reduction of 2.86 % (2 taps) is always possible throughout the year while a reduction of 4.29 % (i.e., 3 taps) was found to be feasible throughout a significant part of the year without affecting customers. The conservative scenarios can be found in the Appendix 6. Figure 44 Optimistic tap capability scenarios (one tap step=1.43% voltage reduction) Caveats The described methodology extrapolates the results of three mainly residential primary substations. Although these HV networks show variety in topology and numbers of customers they might not cover the whole range of variability that can be seen in the whole Electricity North West Limited area. Consequently, the real tap capability for some primary substations might be substantially different. In addition, although the tap capability scenarios will be applied to all primary substations (residential and non-residential) for a wider-scale demand response quantification. These figures should be considered more reliable when applied only to mainly residential primary substations as the 3 HV networks from which these results have been produced belong to this category. On the other hand, HV networks dominated by non-residential demand might have different topologies and consequently different tap capabilities. Finally, it should be noted that the voltage capability scenarios here evaluated (both conservative and optimistic) have been produced by adopting the LV network constraints previously introduced. As already discussed in chapter 3, due to the mathematical nature of the adopted quantification, these voltage capabilities flag a customer as non-compliant when its supplied voltage violates the statutory limits even for a fraction of Volts. However, such situations are, in practice, unlikely to result in problems to customers as the appliances are designed to work for a wider range of voltages. Consequently, the true voltage capability is expected to be higher than here considered. Indeed, this is aligned with the findings of CLASS trials where 3 % and 5 % voltage reduction at peak winter time (6 pm) in 14 primary substations have been introduced without noticing any negative impact on customers. 5.2 Demand Response Quantification For the demand response (DR) quantification (adopting both literature and measurement-based load models) the following data have been adopted: 1. Aggregated demand for any chosen primary substation in the Electricity North West Limited area P0(t) from section 1 2. Tap capability scenarios (Figure 44) from which the corresponding voltage reduction can be obtained (V(t)) 3. Load model (np(t)) per primary substation category (both literature and measurement-based) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 38 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 In particular the demand response (DR(t)) for a primary substation can be obtained from Eq. 3. V P(t ) P0 (t ) ( t ) V 0(t ) np ( t ) V V( t ) P(t ) P0 (t ) 0 (t ) V 0(t ) np ( t ) DR(t ) P(t ) P0 (t ) Eq. 3 Where P(t) indicates the power after the voltage reduction while V0(t) the voltage initially applied to the aggregated demand (assumed to be nominal for simplicity). The comparison between the DR obtained with measurement and literature-based load models in Egremont primary substation is shown in Figure 45. A winter weekday and the optimistic tap capability scenarios were adopted for this purpose. Figure 45 DR for Egremont in winter day: optimistic tap capability scenario As presented in section 1.4, for the measurement-based load model, mean, upper bound and lower bound values were adopted. This, in turn, provides a range (within blue lines in Figure 45) of potential DR that the substation is able to deliver by taking into account the statistic uncertainty in the demand responsiveness based on monitoring data. The corresponding dashboard (i.e., the table with halfhourly DR estimates that Electricity North West Limited may use for the roll-out of CLASS) reporting the mean, maximum and minimum values can be found in the Appendix 7. The strongest agreement between the DR volume quantified with the literature-based load model and measurement-based load model (mean value) was found at peak hours (around 6 pm) whilst the largest discrepancies occur in the central hours of the day. The maximum DR (mean of circa 0.7 MW) is reached in evening hours as during this period the highest tap capability is also available. Finally, the demand response quantified adopting the measurement–based load model with the optimistic tap capability scenario across the 4 seasons is shown in Figure 46 (adopting the mean value for simplicity). The highest demand response was found in winter (circa 0.7 MW) at around 8 pm while at peak time (i.e., at around 6 pm) due to the lower voltage capability only 0.6 MW were available. The lowest volume of demand response is reached during summer at around 5 am (circa 0.18 MW) mainly due to the low demand value in this period of time. The above DR can also be presented as a percentage of the corresponding aggregated demand each season and each half hour so as to understand the proportion that can be reduced. This is shown in Figure 47. A DR varying from 3.8 % to 7.5 % was found for Egremont primary substation. In particular, due to similarities in load models (Figure 15) and tap capability (Figure 44) among seasons no significant differences can be noticed in the relative demand response along the year except at late evening where load level and voltage capability change significantly . CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 39 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 With the above generic process, the DR can be quantified for any primary substation and for any day of the year considering either of the tap capability scenarios (conservative or optimistic) without the need of network models. Figure 46 Absolute DR for Egremont: optimistic tap capability scenario - mean measurementbased load model Figure 47 Relative DR for Egremont: optimistic tap capability scenario - mean measurementbased load model CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 40 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 6 Demand Response: Electricity North West Limited Area In the previous chapter the methodology developed to quantify the demand response of a generic primary substation for which no network models are available, considering both literature and measurement-based load model, was presented. In particular, Egremont primary substation was used to illustrate the process. In this chapter, the methodology will be extended obtaining the demand response (DR) that all the 350+ primary substations in the Electricity North West Limited area can provide considering also the contribution of the EHV network. 6.1 EHV Network Contribution For the provision of ancillary services the demand response at the interface transmission-distribution (i.e., Grid Supply Point, GSP) should be quantified given that this might be different from the simple aggregation of the demand response per single primary substation. For this purpose, considering the available EHV network model (section 4.1) and assuming all downstream primary substations will have the same voltage reduction (equal to the tap capability scenarios previously discussed, Figure 44), the demand response at the GSP was quantified. In addition, this value was compared to the aggregation of every single primary substation DR. The results, for the winter day, are shown in Figure 48 by the EHVDR_Ratio calculated as the DR at the GSP (DRGSP) over the sum of the DR of every single primary substation (DRSubi-th), Eq. 4. DRGSP EHVDR _ Ratio N DR GSP DR over Summation Primary sub. DR on 26/01/2015 with higher tap i 1 Eq. 4 Subi th EHV DR Ratio 1.020 1.010 1.000 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 24 hours - 10 min resolution 18:00 21:00 Figure 48 EHVDR_Ratio in a winter weekday for the considered EHV network It could be noticed that the EHVDR_Ratio is bigger than 1. This implies that the DR provided at GSP level (DRGSP) is higher than the demand response provided by the aggregation of all primary substations. This is due to the decrease in the EHV network losses that in turn contributes to the overall demand reduction. This contribution peaks to ~1.5 % of the DR (i.e., EHVDR_Ratio≈1.015) at around 6 pm. Similar patterns can be identified for the other typical days. It should be noticed that, due to lack of modelling data of the EHV network, the iron losses in the primary substation transformers were neglected. Only cable losses and transformer copper losses were considered. Consequently, the contribution to the DR provided by the EHV network is in reality expected to be slightly higher (i.e., higher EHVDR_Ratio). Indeed, the iron losses are known to decrease with the voltage. The time-varying values of EHVDR_Ratio obtained above are considered when quantifying the demand response in the Electricity North West Limited area as well as nationwide. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 41 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 6.2 Demand Response Quantification Once the DR for every primary substation is evaluated following the procedure discussed in chapter 5 and considering also contribution due to the EHV networks (i.e., EHVDR_Ratio factor), the DR per GSP can be obtained. The results are shown in Figure 49 and Figure 50 (for a winter weekday) adopting the literature and measurement-based load model respectively. Figure 49 Aggregated DR per GSP: literature-based load model - optimistic scenario - winter weekday Figure 50 Aggregated DR per GSP: measurement-based load model - optimistic scenario – winter weekday The GSP that shows the highest (in absolute) demand response with the measurement-based load model is “Harker/Hutton” with 28 MW in winter at 8 pm. By adding up the contribution of every single GSP the results for the whole Electricity North West Limited area are shown in Figure 51. The DR that can be unlocked varies from 15 MW during summer at night hours to almost 170 MW in winter at around 8 pm. It can also be seen that the highest DR is not coincident with the peak in demand (winter at 6 pm) due to the reduced tap capability (3 taps rather than 4 as shown in Figure 44). Figure 52 and Figure 53 show the DR estimated for winter and summer periods respectively adopting the optimistic tap capability scenario and both load models. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 42 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 51 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: all seasons – optimistic tap capability scenario – literature-based load model Figure 52 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: winter weekday – optimistic tap capability scenario Figure 53 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: summer weekday – optimistic tap capability scenario CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 43 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 The same conclusions obtained for Egremont primary substation can be drawn here. More precisely, during winter the highest difference (around 50 %) between the DR estimated with the two load models is noticed at around noon. This is due to absence in the literature-based load model of the non-residential component of the demand that is likely to have its maximum in the central hours of the day. On the other hand, a significant lower mismatch (20 %) can be noticed at peak time (i.e., 6 pm) as the two load models show strong consistency (Figure 15). During summer, a significant difference between the two load models can be noticed at night (midnight to 6 am) as the DR volumes estimated by the literature-based are much lower than the measurementbased. As already discussed, this is due to the high demand responsiveness found with the measurement-based load model during night hours (section 1.5). The demand response for the Electricity North West Limited area across the four seasons obtained with the measurement-based load model (adopting the mean values) and optimistic tap capability scenario is provided in Figure 54. The DR as a percentage of the half-hourly aggregated demand per season is also presented in Figure 55. Figure 54 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: all seasons – measurement based load model - optimistic tap capability scenario Figure 55 Relative aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: all seasons – optimistic tap capability scenario – measurement based load model The DR was found to reach up to 235 MW (8 % of the total demand as shown in Figure 55) during winter at around 8 pm and 200 MW (almost 6 %) at peak hours (6 pm). The minimum was found during summer night hours (around 5 am) when only 65 MW (less than 6 %) can be provided. An CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 44 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 almost constant DR of around 170 MW (around 6 %) can be provided during winter period from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm due to the steadiness in the aggregated demand and voltage capability. Finally, it can be of interest to investigate how the literature-based load model can be enhanced by including the non-residential component of the demand. In particular, a load model coefficient of np=1.3 (rather than np=0) was adopted for the non-residential component of the demand as in this case the lowest mismatch with the measurement-based results was found. The quantification for the Electricity North West Limited area is carried out again and the results for the winter case with optimistic tap capability scenario are shown in Figure 56. Figure 56 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: winter weekday – optimistic tap capability scenario – enhanced literature and measurement based load models In this case the enhanced literature-based load models results in more similar values to those from the measurement-based. Indeed, for a significant part of the day the difference between the two models is between ±5 %. This demonstrates that a load model coefficient of np=1.3 can realistically describe the non-residential component of the demand. This value is similar to those reported in the literature (np=0.4 and np=0.8 for large and small commercial respectively [21], np=0.2-1.4 [18]). However, for industrial customers the literature reports much lower values (np=0 [21], np=0.8 [18]). This, in turn, may imply that the non-residential component, in the aggregate, is mainly dominated by small commercial activities than large industrial ones (whose load model, in general, is lower than 1.3). However, the limited number of studies on this subject makes it difficult to be conclusive at this stage. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 45 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 7 Demand Response: United Kingdom The potential DR that CLASS may provide is demonstrated by a nationwide quantification. The methodology discussed in the previous chapters cannot be applied for this purpose as no information is available on primary substations on other DNO’s license areas. The aggregated residential demand and non-residential in the UK is estimated considering the number and type of customers according to national statistics. More specifically, the data considered includes: Number of dwellings in the UK (Ndw) [22]; Residential customer proportion in the UK (PC1%, PC2%) [23]; Average demand profile per single dwelling in the UK (PdwPC1(t), PdwPC2(t)) [24]; and, UK demand (P_UK(t)) [25]. Eq. 5 is used to combine the above data and estimate the UK residential demand PResidential_UK(t), and non-residential PNON_Residential_UK(t). PRe sidential _ UK (t ) N dw PC1% PdwPC 1 (t ) N dw PC 2 % PdwPC 2 (t ) PNON _ Re sidential _ UK (t ) PUK (t ) PRe sidentialUK (t ) Eq. 5 The resulting values are presented in Figure 57 for a winter day. The UK residential component (blue area in Figure 57) was estimated to vary between 5 (at around midnight) to approximately 19 GW at peak hours (6 pm) or from 20 % to 40 % of the demand. This, in turn, highlights that the nonresidential component is expected to be dominant. Although the entire nationwide non-residential component is considered here, only the fraction connected downstream the voltage control point, i.e., primary substations, would in practice be able to provide demand response in the context of CLASS. However, due to the lack of information on the proportion of demand upstream primary substations, it is assumed that this component is affected by voltage changes at primary substations. Consequently, the quantification proposed here is expected to overestimate the absolute DR that the non-residential component can effectively provide. a) b) Figure 57 Estimated UK demand share per customer type on January 26th 2015: a) absolute b) relative Once the residential and non-residential demand component have been quantified, the literaturebased load model was adopted and the results shown in Figure 58. The DR was found to reach around 1.2 GW in winter evening (around 8 pm) while during peak hours (around 6 pm) more than 1 GW of DR can be unlocked. The minimum was found in summer at around 5 am when only 63 MW of DR were available. These results, considering the literature-based load model (np=0 for the nonresidential), provide the volume of demand response that CLASS can unlock if only the residential component of the demand is considered. However, to quantify the full potential of CLASS the non-residential component needs to be taken into account. For this purpose, a load model coefficient np=1.3 (rather than np=0) was adopted for this CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 46 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 component, producing the so called “enhanced” literature-based load model. This value has provided the closest agreement with the measurement-based load model findings previously discussed and shown in Figure 56 for the Electricity North West Limited area. The results corresponding to the DR for the UK are shown in Figure 59. The associated dashboard can be found in the Appendix 9. Figure 58 Aggregated DR for the whole UK: literature-based load model – optimistic tap capability scenario Figure 59 Aggregated DR for the whole UK: enhanced literature-based load model – optimistic tap capability scenario It was found that up to 3.3 GW of DR can be unlocked during winter evening (8 pm) while an almost constant demand response of 2.5 GW is available from 8:30 am to 3:30 pm. During spring, winter and autumn peak hours (6 pm) almost 3 GW are available. As previously discussed the lowest volume of DR (1.2 GW) was found during summer night hours (around 5 am). CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 47 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 8 Conclusions This document presented methodology, application and findings from the work carried out by Work Package 2 Part A (WP2-A) as part of the Low Carbon Networks Fund Tier 2 project “Customer Load Active System Services (CLASS)” run by Electricity North West Limited. The aim of this work package is to quantify the half-hour demand response (DR) that Electricity North West Limited can provide by reducing voltages (i.e., voltage-led demand response) through on-load tap changer actions at primary substations. The DR quantification was carried out per primary substation, per grid supply point, for the Electricity North West Limited area and for the whole UK considering four typical days. The developed methodology caters for the constraints imposed by customers in real LV networks as well as for features of real high voltage (HV) and extra high voltage (EHV) networks. This, in turn, allows quantifying in a realistic manner the extent to which the voltage can be changed (i.e., voltage capability) without affecting customers or violating any network limitation. In addition, load models (i.e., the relationship between voltage and demand) based on literature data (residential loads only) as well as on measurements (both residential and non-residential loads), produced by Work Package 1 (WP1), were adopted. Key aspects of the developed methodology and associated results are described as follows. 1. Load Modelling The load model provides the mathematic relationship between voltage and demand, essential to quantify, in conjunction with the voltage capability, the volume of DR that can be unlocked. In the context of WP2-A a time-varying load model based on literature data was developed to represent domestic customers only. The “time-varying” nature of such model captured the daily and seasonal changes in the demand reflecting the typical pattern in the residential customers’ behaviour. This is essential for an accurate quantification of DR in the context of the provision of ancillary services. Given the limited information on commercial and industrial customers, the non-residential component of the demand was considered as non-responsive to voltage changes (i.e., load model coefficient np equals to zero). Consequently, the resulting-literature based load models allow for an initial conservative quantification of the DR. The extent of such underestimation is function of the actual responsiveness and level of the non-residential demand. More comprehensive aggregated load models were produced by WP1 using the measurements from 60 primary substations part of the trial, i.e., catering for both residential and non-residential components. A comparison between the literature and measurement-based load models revealed, as expected, that the former underestimates the total load responsiveness given that the non-residential component is neglected. Indeed, the discrepancies are larger for primary substations identified as mainly non-residential. However, when considering the average literature and measurement-based load models (called here as representative models) from the mainly residential primary substations, the resulting values showed good consistency. In particular, a strong agreement was found at peak demand during winter days with np coefficients equal to 1.1 and 1.3, for the representative literature and measurement-based models, respectively although at noon less consistency was found due to the neglected nonresidential component of the demand that peaks at around those hours. 2. HV Network Modelling To assess the voltage capabilities of a given primary substation, a realistic representation of the corresponding HV network during normal operation is required. For this purpose, a methodology is developed to model HV networks from the provided DiNIS export files into the adopted power distribution system simulator (OpenDSS). Among the 15 HV networks modelled only three (Romiley, Fallowfield and Ashton Golborne) were adopted for further power flow analysis given the high confidence on the developed models. In addition, realistic settings for the off-load tap changer (typically unknown) are considered. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 48 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 3. LV Network Constraints To assess the extent to which the voltage can be reduced the constraints that LV customers might impose were quantified. For this purpose, a Monte Carlo approach was applied to 57 LV feeders considering 200 simulations per typical day. The outcome is the average number of BS EN 50160 compliant customers per LV busbar voltage. Results show that the minimum LV busbar voltage needed to maintain the number of compliant customers above 99 % is 234 V (1.017 p.u.) in winter, 231 V (1.004 p.u.) during spring and autumn, and 230 V (1.0 p.u.) in summer. The higher value found in winter is due to the higher voltage drop in the LV network in this period. No significant difference can be noticed between autumn and spring as similar demand levels were found in these seasons. It should be noted that, in practice, the LV busbar voltage for which no negative impact can be seen on customers is likely to be higher than obtained here. The analysis flags a customer as non-compliant whenever its supply voltage violates the statutory limits even for a fraction of Volts. However, in practice, no negative impact will be noticed as the appliances are designed to work within wider voltage ranges. 4. Voltage capability Based on the developed HV network models (Romiley, Fallowfield and Ashton Golborne) and LV network constraints power flow studies were performed to quantify the extent to which the voltage can be modified (i.e., the voltage capability). The influence of the EHV network, in term of potential voltage fluctuations at the primary side of the primary substation, are also catered for carrying out a simplified analysis using one EHV network model. As expected during winter peak hours (6 pm) all HV networks showed the lowest voltage capability (2.86 % or 1.43%). The highest voltage capability (4.29%) was found during summer nights (9pm to 7am) and it was mainly limited by the available OLTC tap step positions (i.e., OLTC headroom) rather than by the LV network constraints. 5. Demand response quantification: Electricity North West Limited area To quantify the DR that a primary substation can provide for which network models are not available the voltage capability results obtained from the three HV networks were generalized. More precisely two scenarios were produced: conservative and optimistic. With the optimistic scenario it was found that a voltage reduction of 2.86 % (i.e., 2 OLTC tap steps) is always possible throughout the whole year without affecting customers. Even a reduction of 4.29 % (i.e., 3 OTLC tap steps) was found to be feasible throughout a significant part of the year. Even with the conservative scenario a voltage reduction of 2.86 % can be introduce throughout the year except during peak time in winter weekdays at around 6 pm. The measurement-based load models and their statistical variability obtained by WP1 was also considered. In addition, the contribution of the EHV network was taken into account and found to be typically below 2 % of the DR (resulting from the reduction of losses). This quantification process was carried out per primary substations, per GSP, and for the whole Electricity North West Limited area. Considering only the literature-based models, i.e., only the residential component of the demand, and the optimistic voltage capability scenario it was found that the DR that the Electricity North West Limited area can provide varies between 15 MW during summer (3 am) to 170 MW during winter (around 8 pm). However, considering the measurement-based load models (in which both residential and non-residential components are accounted for), a much higher DR was found: between 65 MW during summer (around 5 am) to 235 MW during winter (around 8 pm). No significant seasonality effects were noticed among winter and spring due to the similar loading level in these seasons. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 49 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 7. Demand response quantification Whole UK For the UK quantification the previous technique cannot be adopted given that information such as number, size and main type of customers corresponding to primary substations of other DNOs were not available. To overcome this limitation, the number of houses in the UK (from national statistics) and aggregated national demand (from National Grid) were adopted to estimate the residential component of the demand at national level. The quantification for the whole UK, adopting the optimistic capability scenario and the literature-based load model, shows a DR varying from 63 MW during summer (around 5 am) to 1.2 GW autumn evening (around 7 pm) or winter (around 8 pm). This represents a conservative quantification of the benefits that CLASS can provide as the non-residential response was not considered. The non-residential component was incorporated in the quantification by adopting the measurement-based models produced by WP1. The DR resulting from considering the optimistic voltage capability scenario was found to vary from 1.2 GW during summer nights to up to 3.3 GW during winter (around 8 pm). 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Ochoa - The University of Manchester 52 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 1 - Load Model per Appliance No consistency has been found in literature as quite often several different load models could be found for the same appliance. In order to associate a set of reasonable ZIP values for the 35 defined appliances in a common dwelling in UK the following criteria have been adopted: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Higher importance to model based on measurement Higher importance to model developed in recent literature Higher importance to model validated by other measured models (from other literature) Higher importance to model validated by simulations Higher importance to the V/P-Q dependency only for practical interesting voltage interval (i.e., ±5 % of V0) Although a high number of studies have been consulted the majority of the adopted models come from [6-8] as shown in Table V. The 35 considered appliances come from [5] with some minor adaptations. Table V Adopted ZIP model per each appliance in a common UK dwelling active power reactive power N Name Z I P Ref. Z I P Ref. PF6 1 Chest freezer 1.17 -1.83 1.66 [7] 7.07 -10.94 4.87 [7] 0.920 2 Fridge freezer 1.17 -1.83 1.66 [7] 7.07 -10.94 4.87 [7] 0.920 3 Refrigerator 1.17 -1.83 1.66 [7] 7.07 -10.94 4.87 [7] 0.920 4 Upright freezer 1.17 -1.83 1.66 [7] 7.07 -10.94 4.87 [7] 0.920 5 Answer machine 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [6] -0.990 6 CD Player 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [6] -0.990 7 Clock 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [6] -0.990 8 Cordless telephone 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [6] -0.990 9 Hi-Fi 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 0.45 -1.44 1.99 [6] 0.970 10 Iron 1.00 0.00 0.00 - 0.00 0.00 1.00 - 1.000 11 Vacuum 1.18 -0.38 0.20 [7] 4.10 -5.87 2.77 [7] 0.970 12 Fax 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [6] -0.990 13 PC 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 0.45 -1.44 1.99 [6] 0.970 14 Printer 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [6] 1.000 15 TV 1-LCD 0.00 0.00 1.00 [26] 0.45 -1.44 1.99 [26] 0.997 16 TV 1-CRT 0.16 -0.15 0.99 [27] 0.45 -1.44 1.99 [26] 0.970 17 TV 1-Plasma 0.00 0.00 1.00 [28] [29] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [28] [29] 0.997 18 VCR / DVD 0.00 0.00 1.00 [26] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [26] -0.990 19 TV Receiver box 0.00 0.00 1.00 [26] 3.63 -9.88 7.25 [26] -0.990 20 Hob 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 21 Oven 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 22 Microwave 1.39 -1.96 1.57 [7] 50.07 -93.55 44.48 [7] 0.950 6 Negative PF indicates a capacitive load CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 53 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 23 Kettle 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 24 Small cooking (group) 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 25 Tumble dryer 0.96 0.05 -0.01 [30] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [30] 1.000 26 DESWH 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 27 E-INST 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 28 Electric shower 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 29 Storage heaters 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 30 Other electric space heating 1.00 0.00 0.00 [8] 0.00 0.00 1.00 [8] 1.000 31 GIS 0.47 0.63 -0.10 [7] 1.48 -1.29 0.81 [7] 0.995 32 CFL -0.01 0.96 0.05 [6] -0.10 0.73 0.37 [6] -0.910 Appliances like dish washer, washing machine and washer dryer machine cannot be defined by a unique set of ZIP values due to different stages (and electrical behaviour) during their operation cycle. For this reason a more complicated modelling, following the indication in [31], has been considered as detailed in Table VI. Table VI Appliances with their own time variant cycle 33 Dish washer Zip cycle [31] Zip cycle [31] 1.000 34 Washing machine Zip cycle [31] Zip cycle [31] 0.995 35 Washer dryer Zip cycle [31] Zip cycle [31] -0.910 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 54 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 2 - Aggregating Load Models The processes necessary to aggregate numerous load models for the development of the literaturebased load models (Figure 4) are detailed as follows. 1. Aggregation of numerous appliance load models: The adopted procedure is illustrated in Eq. 6 and Eq. 7. One set of ZIP coefficients per single residential customer (rather than per appliance) is the main outcome (Eq. 7). In Eq. 6 first the total dwelling demand (Pdwelling) is obtained by adding up the power required by each single appliance (only two for sake of simplicity, P1 and P2 in Eq. 6). Then the definition of ZIP model definition is introduced. Finally, only 3 ZIP coefficients (Zdwelling, Idwelling and Pdwelling) have been defined to model the whole customer. For a general N number of appliances the findings in Eq. 6 are generalised in Eq. 7. Pdwelling (t ) P1 (t ) P2 (t ) V 2 V 2 V V Pdwelling (t ) P01 (t ) Z1 I1 P1 P02 (t ) Z 2 I 2 P2 V0 V0 V0 V0 2 V V Pdwelling (t ) P01 (t ) Z1 P02 (t ) Z 2 P01 (t ) I1 P02 (t ) I 2 P01 (t ) P1 P02 (t ) P2 V0 V0 Eq. 6 P (t ) Z P (t ) Z V 2 P (t ) I P (t ) I V P (t ) P P (t ) P 2 01 1 02 2 01 1 02 2 Pdwelling (t ) P01 (t ) P02 (t ) 01 1 02 P ( t ) P ( t ) P01 (t ) P02 (t ) V0 P01 (t ) P02 (t ) 01 02 V0 2 V V Pdwelling (t ) P0 dwelling (t ) Z dwelling (t ) I dwelling (t ) Pdwelling (t ) V0 V0 N P0i (t )Z i Z dwelling (t ) i 1 N P i 1 0i N ; I dwelling (t ) (t ) P0i (t ) I i i 1 N P i 1 0i N ; P0 dwelling (t ) (t ) P i 1 N 0i P i 1 (t ) Pi 0i Eq. 7 (t ) 2. Aggregation of N customer load models: This aggregation process can be applied even if the customer belongs to different ELEXON categories (i.e., PC1 to PC8). The adopted approach is identical to the one previous introduced and repeated in Eq. 8 for clarity. N PNcustDemand (t ) Pi i 1 V 2 V PNcustDemand (t ) P0i (t ) Z i I i Pi V0 V0 i 1 2 V V PNcustDemand (t ) P0 NcustDemand (t ) Z Ncust I Ncust PNcust V0 V0 N N Z Ncust (t ) N P i 1 N (t ) Z i 0i P i 1 0i (t ) ; I Ncust (t ) N P i 1 N 0i P i 1 Eq. 8 (t ) I i 0i ; PNcust (t ) (t ) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester P i 1 N 0i P i 1 (t ) Pi 0i (t ) 55 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Although the ZIP form was adopted [32], the aggregated load model is expressed in the exponential form (i.e., np(t) coefficient) Eq. 9. This is a necessary step in order to compare the aggregated literature-based load model developed here with the measurement-based. V P( t ) P0 (t ) ( t ) V 0(t ) np ( t ) Eq. 9 Where P0(t) and P(t) indicate the demand pre and post voltage variation (i.e., V(t)=V0(t)-V(t)). The conversion from Z-I-P to np coefficient is illustrated in Eq. 10 [12]. np(t ) 2Z (t ) I (t ) P(t ) CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester Eq. 10 56 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 3 - HV Network Selection: Filtering Process Among the 15 HV network models translated into OpenDSS only 3 have been selected based on the following 4 criteria: 1st Filter: Translation accuracy: From the developed OpenDSS model it is possible to obtain the number of customers per primary (N1). The same information is also available in a EWNL database (N2). If the translation process has been carried out without significant approximations the two figures (N1 and N2) should match or, at most, be very close. If a secondary substation has been “lost” or some open points have been not considered properly in the translation process the condition N1=N2 will not be met anymore. The difference between N1 and N2 is an indicator of how accurate the OpenDSS model can be. If the difference is above 5% the network model is considered not acceptable. 2nd Filter: LV topology. The availability of OpenDSS model (from “LV Network Solutions” project) of LV networks supplied by an analysed HV network is considered an advantage for future studies in which LV and HV network might be analysed in an integrated manner. 3rd Filter: LV network visibility. Those HV networks whose LV feeders present both LV busbar and end point monitors are preferred to those with only one monitoring point. 4th Filter: Mainly residential. Based on the number of customers per profile class and ELEXON associated profiles it is possible to estimate the contribution of the residential component on the peak demand (Peak Load Sharing, PLS, [33]). Only primary substation with a PLS>75% (i.e., the estimated residential component is above 75% of the peak demand) have been considered “mainly residential”. It is worth noticing that the 4th Filter has been previously adopted to categorise 15 primary substations involved in Trial 17 at the beginning of the project [33] as shown in Table VII. Table VII Primary substation category in Trial 1 [33] and updated PLS (within brackets) Electricity North West Limited mainly non-residential (PLS should be <25%) Electricity North West Limited mainly residential (PLS should be >75%) Electricity North West Limited mixed (25% <PLS should be<75%) Trafford Park North (0.1%) Dickinson Street (58.9%) Kitt Green (87.5%) Avenham (22.3%) Central Manchester (64.31%) Fallowfield (85.8%) Romiley (89.1%) Wilmslow (66%) Egremont (85.5%) Ashton (87.9%) Buckshaw (57.5%) Victoria Pk (53.3%) Hyndburn Rd (48.5%) Blackfriars (77.7%) Bridgewater (75.3%) However, after adopting the latest available database and fixing some inaccuracies from previous analyses (Deliverable 3) a few inconsistencies in the proposed Trial 1 classification can be noticed (highlight in red in Table VII). More precisely, the primary substation called Wilmslow defined as “mainly residential” in [33] presents, adopting the latest data, a PLS below 75 % (within brackets in red Table VII). On the other hand, Dickinson, Kitt Green and Central Manchester, cannot be defined anymore “large commercial” as their PLS is above the predefined threshold of 25 %. In addition, Blackfriars and Bridgewater, previously classified as mixed, they were found to belong to the mainlyresidential category as their PLS is above 75 % as shown in Table VII. The results of the four filtering actions are shown in Table VIII. Different colours indicate the empirical degree of acceptability of the HV network model, from dark green (optimal) to red (not acceptable). For instance, the HV network model of “Dickinson” cannot be accepted for the 1st filtering (i.e., “translation accuracy”) as the mismatch in term of number of customers (N1 and N2) is above 5 %. It is important to highlight that the peak load share estimation is based only on one instant (peak time). However, residential and non-residential components are likely to change throughout day as well as 7 Trial 1 in CLASS project aims to investigate the relationship voltage/demand by introducing controlled and monitored voltage variation on 15 primary substations CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 57 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 throughout seasons. Consequently, this methodology provides a simple indication of those primary substations that are likely to supply mainly residential demand as the actual time-varying peak share is unknown. Table VIII Filtering actions adopted to define the most reliable HV network models CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 58 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 4 - Off-Load Tap Changer Modelling The methodology adopted to identify the off-load tap changer position of every secondary substations across a generic HV network requires the HV network model and the aggregate demand profile per secondary substation in the most loaded day. In addition some outcomes from the Low Carbon Network Fund project “LV network solutions” have also been adopted. More precisely, the analysis of millions of monitored voltage sample undertaken in “LV network solution” project has highlighted that for around 90 % of the time (at 10 min resolution for one year) the LV busbar voltages of 100 secondary substations in the Electricity North West Limited area are above 240 V. This figure also agrees with the outcomes of another Low Carbon Network Fund projects (“LV Network Templates”). In addition, it shows consistency with the common design criteria followed by Electricity North West Limited by which a voltage drop from LV busbar to customer should not overcome 7 % (i.e.,16 V) for a typical feeder. This, in turn, implies a customer voltage no lower than 224 V (assuming 240 V as lowest value), close to nominal voltage (i.e., 230 V in UK). Consequently, assuming that the LV busbar voltage of a secondary substation should never drop below 240 V, as this would not reflect normal operation condition, the criteria illustrated in detail in Figure 60 is defined to assess the tap position per secondary substation. Figure 60 Adopted criteria to define the off-load tap changer position of a secondary substation First, the most loaded day for the defined primary substation is identified from CLASS monitored data (iHost data). Then, in a first attempt, the off-load tap changer position of every LV transformer is fixed at 3. The load allocation technique explained in Appendix is adopted to quantify the likely aggregate demand per secondary substation. Then, in such condition, power flow is performed in OpenDSS [16]. For those secondary substation that experience a LV busbar voltage below 240 V the respective off-load tap changer position is raised (i.e., from 3 to 4 or 3 to 5) until the LV busbar voltage is above 240 V at all times. The settings so obtained have been incorporated in the HV network modelling, generating the “updated HV network model” Figure 60, adopted throughout this report. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 59 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 5 - Time-Varying Load Allocation To evaluate the voltage levels across the HV network, necessary for the voltage capability quantification, the aggregated demand profiles per secondary substation are needed. However, as not monitor device are installed at this level, a load allocation technique to estimate the aggregate demand profile per secondary substation is proposed here. This belongs to a category of “state estimation” techniques where the state of the system (i.e., demand profiles in this case) is quantified in order to match the few available measured variables, Figure 61-a. For this purpose, power flow equations are modified (“rearranged” Figure 61-b) in order to obtain the unknown secondary substation demand profiles to match the monitored measurement. A key role in the load allocation is played by the so called “pseudomeasurements”. These are usually historical data adopted to make the network observable (i.e., it is possible to know voltage and power in every point). These can be considered, in the load allocation perspective, as a reliable “first guess” of what the demand of the LV substations might be. In the context of this work the pseudomeasurements per secondary substations are obtained by multiplying the number of customers per profile class (PC) with the associate ELEXON and CREST profiles as detailed in section 1. Nevertheless several sophisticated techniques to solve the load allocation problem might be found in the literature [34]-[35] a simpler approach has been developed here. a) Load profile: First guess (Pseudomeasurement) Network topology Rearranged load flow equations Simulated variable (Vs) Error= Vm-Vs Minimise error Error< tolerance YES Load profile: allocated Monitored variable (Vm) NO b) Figure 61 Load allocation: a) problem b) approach Indeed the very low number of monitoring points in power (only one in this case, P and Q at the primary substation8,) and high number of LV transformer demand profile to allocate (from 50 to +100) makes the problem greatly undetermined. Consequently, the benefits arising from the adoption of complex techniques has been retained negligible. 8 The voltage on the secondary side of the primary substation transformer is also provided. However only a minimal contribution on the load allocation procedure can provide as it is weakly correlated with the load downstream. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 60 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 The adopted methodology is summarised in Figure 62. Once the HV network model is defined the number of residential (PC1 and PC2) and non-residential customers (PC3 to PC8 and PC0) is known for every secondary substation in the network. The demand profile per customer class depends on the day; hence this information should also be defined. Once customer number and associated (ELEXON and CREST) profiles are defined it is possible to associate a pseudo-measurement to every secondary substation. P # of PC3 to PC8 & PC0 customers START Define primary substation & Day ELEXON load profile CREST # of PC1 & PC2 customers Calculate nondomestic component for every SS Calculate minimum variation (P) on the non-domestic component only to eliminate the error Run power flow Calculate domestic component for every SS HV network in OpenDSS Primary sub. simulated demand (Ps) NO E=Ps-Pm E <5kW YES END Primary sub. monitored demand (Pm) Figure 62 Load allocation: adopted methodology For the residential component the CREST tool-based profiles have been preferred to the ELEXON ones [13]. The main advantage lies on the possibility to generate one different profile for every single residential customer (providing diversity in the among secondary substation aggregate demand). Once load profiles have been estimated (in this 1st iteration) a power flow determines the total demand at the secondary side of the primary substation. Ideally, if the first attempt in allocated the demand per secondary substation has been quite successful, the difference (E, Figure 62) between monitored and simulated primary substation demand will be below the tolerance. However this is hardly ever the case. Hence, the mismatch is used as feedback in a linearised version of the power flow equations that correlates the variation of every secondary substation demand (active and reactive) with the power on the secondary side of the primary substation (the monitored variable). This is a single equation with one known term (the monitored demand) and as many unknown variables as the demand profiles to allocate. Due to the infinite solutions that this undetermined system might provide (as there is only one equation with as many unknown as secondary substations in the HV network) an objective function has been adopted to reduce the search space: the variation introduced in the first guess (P, Figure 62) should be the smallest possible. Indeed the first guess demand (the pseudo-measurements) represents the best of the knowledge on the secondary substation demand profiles. Ultimately this process will provide, given the mismatch (E), the update (P) to apply at the demand of every secondary substation. As the linearised version of the system is only an approximation of the real one few iterations are needed to find the correction values (P) of the secondary substation demand that brings the mismatch below the defined threshold. It is worth noticing that, given the reliability of CREST tool in simulating residential demand profiles the residential component of the pseudo-measurements is not modified by the load allocation process. In other words, only the non-residential component of the demand is updated (by P), iteration by iteration, in order to reduce the mismatch between simulated and monitored primary substation demand (the mismatch E). In order to provide more realistic outcomes a constraint has been introduced: the allocated demand per secondary substation should never overcome the biggest value between Maximum Demand Index (i.e., the highest recorded demand in the site) and LV transformer nominal rating. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 61 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 1.5 REACTIVE power demand for every SS and PMT in the HV network Estimated aggregated domestic component Estimated aggregated non-domestic component Monitored aggregated demand Simulated aggregated demand Power (Mvar) 1 0.5 0 00:00 03:00 06:00 09:00 12:00 15:00 Time 10-min 18:00 21:00 Figure 63 Load allocation results for the reactive power for Romiley on January 26th (at primary substation level) The methodology has also been applied to estimate the reactive power component of the nonresidential demand. In this case the power factor (PF) per secondary substation is the variable to allocate (as the active power is known from the previous steps). It has been decided to limit the power factor between 1 and 0.85 p.u. No capacitive behaviour has been allowed as no information is available. For the reactive power not always a perfect match has been obtained between monitored and simulated aggregated demand as can be noticed in Figure 63 for few instants through the day in which monitors and simulated reactive demand do not overlap perfectly. The problem happens when the monitored reactive power is lower than estimated residential reactive power (generated by CREST and not modified in the load allocation process). Hence, as no capacitive behaviour has been introduced in the non-residential component it is not possible to have an aggregated reactive power lower than the residential one making impossible to find an exact solution. In this case the best solution is to set the reactive power of the industrial component to zero as the algorithm does (Figure 63). A work around may be to consider the industrial customers able to inject reactive power (i.e., being capacitive). Nonetheless, as no information is available on the matter, such modification has not been implemented. CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 62 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 6 - Conservative Tap Capability Scenario Figure 64 shows the conservative tap capability scenario obtained by considering the lowest tap capability (for every instant) among those found in the detailed network analysis carried out for Fallowfied, Ashton Golborne and Romiley (section 5.1). In addition, a “CLASS reference” scenario is also defined (red dotted line). This was the voltage capability (i.e., 3 % voltage reduction, approximately 2 taps) considered at the proposal stage of the project. Even with the conservative scenario it was found that a voltage reduction of 2.86 % (2 taps) is indeed possible throughout the year (except during peak time in winter weekdays, around 6 pm). A voltage reduction of 4.29 % (i.e., 3 taps) was also found to be feasible throughout a significant part of the year without affecting customers. Figure 64 Conservative tap capability scenarios The aggregated DR for both Electricity North West Limited area and the UK adopting the literature and measurement-based load models with the conservative tap capability scenario are provided in the following sections. DR in the Electricity North West Limited Area Adopting the literature-based load model it was found that the DR varies from 15 MW during night summer hours (around 3-4 am) to 120 MW in autumn peak time (6 pm) and winter in late evening (9 pm). It can also be noticed that, due to the adopted conservative tap capability scenario, the peak in the DR (in winter at 9 pm) is not coincident with the annual peak in the demand (in winter at 6 pm). Indeed, during the highest demand, the tap capability is lower and so the voltage capability. The DR for the Electricity North West Limited area across the four seasons adopting the measurement-based load model and conservative tap capability scenario is shown in Figure 66. The minimum of almost 65 MW was found during summer early morning hours (around 6 am) whilst the maximum of around 170 MW happens in winter at around 9 pm (as well as between 10 am and 3:30 pm). At around winter peak hours (6 pm) only 65 MW were found. This is due to the lower tap capability found during this season (i.e., 1 tap or 1.48 % voltage reduction). CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 63 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 65 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: all seasons - literaturebased load model - conservative tap capability scenario Figure 66 Aggregated DR for the Electricity North West Limited area: all seasons measurement-based load model - conservative tap capability scenario DR in the United Kingdom Considering the residential-component only of the demand and adopting the conservative tap capability scenario it was found that the DR that CLASS may unlock at national level varies between 63 and 930 MW throughout the year. The maximum is reached at peak hours (6 pm) in autumn and the minimum during summer night (3 am). However, to assess the full potential of CLASS the non-residential component response was embedded by describing its voltage-demand relationship with a load model coefficient of np=1.3 (rather than np=0) as shown in Figure 68. This value has provided the closest agreement with the measurement-based load model outcomes for the DR quantification in the Electricity North West Limited area (Figure 56). As expected, the estimated demand response is higher when the nonresidential component is included. In particular, it reaches its maximum of 2.5 GW during winter (around 9 pm). The same volume of DR is also available from 10:00 to 15:30 due to the steadiness in the aggregated nationwide and voltage capability. Finally, at peak winter time (6 pm) only 1 GW is available as only 1 tap step reduction is considered in the conservative tap capability scenario (Figure 64). CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 64 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Figure 67 Aggregated DR for the whole UK: all seasons - literature-based load model conservative tap capability scenario Figure 68 Estimated DR for the whole UK: all seasons - enhanced literature-based load model conservative tap capability scenario CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester 65 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 7 - One Primary Substation Dashboard Table IX and Table X report the demand response that is possible to unlock in Egremont primary substation by considering the mean, minimum and maximum load model values provided by the statistical analysis carried out in WP1 (Section 1.4). The data are provided at half hour resolution for the four typical weekdays adopting the optimistic tap capability scenario. Table IX Dashboard: Egremont (MW) weekday: a) Winter, b) Autumn a) Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Min. 0.184 0.209 0.201 0.198 0.192 0.205 0.195 0.182 0.178 0.181 0.178 0.193 0.206 0.233 0.264 0.179 0.282 0.285 0.29 0.284 0.276 0.277 0.271 0.267 0.274 0.26 0.242 0.236 0.251 0.264 0.256 0.27 0.29 0.21 0.231 0.364 0.364 0.354 0.35 0.339 0.439 0.432 0.307 0.301 0.379 0.359 0.236 0.206 b) Mean 0.301 0.311 0.31 0.301 0.297 0.315 0.308 0.301 0.295 0.3 0.304 0.321 0.35 0.387 0.453 0.304 0.486 0.475 0.473 0.464 0.449 0.448 0.446 0.446 0.454 0.449 0.434 0.426 0.424 0.439 0.449 0.465 0.491 0.353 0.384 0.584 0.589 0.579 0.559 0.533 0.687 0.652 0.479 0.47 0.592 0.552 0.373 0.335 Max. 0.366 0.419 0.411 0.396 0.384 0.403 0.4 0.382 0.375 0.39 0.39 0.426 0.46 0.519 0.596 0.407 0.627 0.597 0.608 0.602 0.586 0.582 0.575 0.574 0.59 0.589 0.581 0.57 0.562 0.589 0.622 0.643 0.687 0.504 0.545 0.832 0.833 0.808 0.778 0.755 0.979 0.918 0.644 0.622 0.777 0.728 0.45 0.403 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Min. 0.04 0.036 0.035 0.142 0.137 0.134 0.13 0.13 0.125 0.122 0.121 0.129 0.146 0.168 0.198 0.217 0.229 0.22 0.219 0.216 0.211 0.21 0.213 0.209 0.211 0.208 0.199 0.2 0.202 0.202 0.208 0.219 0.228 0.244 0.261 0.269 0.374 0.382 0.383 0.379 0.354 0.338 0.083 0.08 0.077 0.069 0.044 0.045 Mean 0.213 0.193 0.185 0.215 0.208 0.207 0.203 0.203 0.201 0.202 0.202 0.217 0.249 0.289 0.343 0.378 0.4 0.388 0.388 0.381 0.37 0.365 0.366 0.364 0.361 0.361 0.349 0.34 0.34 0.343 0.349 0.366 0.381 0.401 0.417 0.431 0.594 0.601 0.603 0.592 0.576 0.552 0.532 0.518 0.498 0.452 0.29 0.24 Max. 0.298 0.269 0.259 0.293 0.279 0.27 0.263 0.265 0.265 0.261 0.256 0.276 0.315 0.365 0.425 0.465 0.495 0.49 0.509 0.502 0.497 0.493 0.502 0.506 0.518 0.529 0.53 0.518 0.528 0.579 0.583 0.608 0.635 0.665 0.691 0.708 0.97 0.978 0.971 0.938 0.919 0.869 0.843 0.809 0.758 0.68 0.433 0.344 66 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Table X Dashboard: Egremont (MW) weekdays: a) Spring, b) Summer a) Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Min. 0.158 0.142 0.135 0.172 0.167 0.163 0.161 0.159 0.151 0.151 0.148 0.156 0.176 0.198 0.22 0.242 0.264 0.252 0.254 0.251 0.241 0.239 0.239 0.239 0.242 0.246 0.229 0.215 0.213 0.218 0.216 0.228 0.241 0.256 0.357 0.364 0.371 0.357 0.362 0.365 0.371 0.372 0.373 0.369 0.358 0.345 0.217 0.173 b) Mean 0.244 0.221 0.208 0.262 0.259 0.255 0.252 0.248 0.241 0.241 0.236 0.246 0.28 0.311 0.347 0.385 0.422 0.398 0.399 0.395 0.384 0.378 0.381 0.38 0.38 0.383 0.372 0.353 0.345 0.351 0.352 0.364 0.373 0.396 0.554 0.565 0.579 0.56 0.563 0.56 0.565 0.571 0.577 0.577 0.563 0.528 0.34 0.272 Max. 0.338 0.301 0.277 0.352 0.352 0.346 0.337 0.333 0.321 0.32 0.32 0.336 0.384 0.432 0.485 0.546 0.603 0.574 0.56 0.559 0.544 0.533 0.529 0.529 0.537 0.545 0.523 0.497 0.489 0.478 0.47 0.484 0.494 0.536 0.752 0.795 0.82 0.797 0.801 0.814 0.813 0.815 0.834 0.822 0.805 0.749 0.474 0.381 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Min. 0.119 0.108 0.098 0.105 0.102 0.1 0.098 0.097 0.096 0.096 0.094 0.099 0.114 0.136 0.164 0.189 0.201 0.203 0.211 0.206 0.204 0.202 0.201 0.204 0.208 0.208 0.202 0.198 0.198 0.198 0.196 0.2 0.207 0.216 0.22 0.222 0.228 0.22 0.211 0.2 0.197 0.189 0.19 0.198 0.198 0.189 0.167 0.142 Mean 0.223 0.201 0.185 0.202 0.197 0.193 0.187 0.182 0.182 0.179 0.172 0.186 0.21 0.244 0.287 0.327 0.348 0.348 0.352 0.34 0.336 0.332 0.329 0.332 0.333 0.33 0.31 0.3 0.295 0.294 0.293 0.305 0.323 0.338 0.351 0.351 0.358 0.353 0.341 0.328 0.325 0.322 0.331 0.352 0.353 0.341 0.305 0.266 Max. 0.453 0.409 0.376 0.411 0.398 0.325 0.314 0.309 0.308 0.304 0.259 0.281 0.305 0.341 0.404 0.466 0.496 0.501 0.471 0.456 0.45 0.446 0.439 0.446 0.453 0.454 0.433 0.425 0.421 0.42 0.416 0.525 0.549 0.574 0.593 0.589 0.599 0.613 0.585 0.557 0.547 0.533 0.619 0.73 0.73 0.699 0.624 0.537 67 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 8 - Electricity North West Limited Dashboard Table XI reports the half hourly dashboard of the aggregated demand response for the whole Electricity North West Limited area in four typical weekdays. For this purpose, the mean measurement-based load model values were adopted with the optimistic tap capability scenario. Table XI Dashboard: Electricity North West Limited area (MW) –Weekdays Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Winter 108.19 115.33 116.37 114.19 112.81 120.86 118.31 115.23 112.63 113.89 115.18 120.42 129.28 141.79 165.03 108.8 175.76 174.4 175.3 173.65 170.08 169.62 170.22 169.66 171.78 169.63 164.4 160.65 158.77 163.91 166.19 171.53 180.02 127.26 136.06 203.36 203.31 198.27 191.06 182.44 235.29 224.39 164.59 160.87 202.43 191.96 130.16 118.02 Autumn 76.91 70.94 69 81.5 78.94 78.73 76.94 76.78 76.14 76.16 76.09 81.76 91.7 104.96 123.43 136.4 146.54 143.36 145.42 144.67 142.3 141.03 141.45 140.67 139.66 139.07 133.85 130.5 130.2 130.33 132.05 137.31 140.52 146.46 149.51 152.29 207.97 208.98 209.53 206.2 201.61 192.85 186.41 181.73 173.42 158.09 102.66 85.87 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester Spring 85.95 79.37 75.88 99.47 98.39 96.87 95.35 93.43 90.15 89.96 87.8 90.8 101.11 111.48 124.19 137.18 151.74 144.5 146.25 146.22 143.52 141.73 142.92 142.45 141.75 141.42 137.97 131.38 128.09 129.48 130.05 133.82 135.72 141.99 195.43 196.84 199.29 192.36 192.7 192.18 194.04 196.11 198 199.67 194.53 182.7 118.57 95.34 Summer 79.44 72.57 67.56 76.42 73.53 72.37 70.65 69.15 68.87 67.76 65.71 70.93 78.49 90.58 106.11 121 129.86 131.68 134.98 132.09 131.39 130.45 129.85 130.44 130.37 129.26 120.99 116.69 114.16 112.68 112.33 115.19 120.01 123.82 126.91 125.53 126.37 123.91 119.36 114.83 114.19 112.72 115.69 122.3 122.14 117.33 106.14 92.83 68 WP2 Part A - Final Report “Off-line Capability Assessment” UoM-ENWL_CLASS_WP2T1_FRv10 23rd September 2015 Appendix 9 - UK Dashboard Table XII reports the half hourly dashboard of the aggregated demand response for the UK for four typical days. For this purpose, also the non-residential component of the demand have been modelled assuming for this component a load model np=1.3, aligned with the measurement findings. The optimistic tap capability scenario was adopted. Table XII Dashboard: UK (MW) –Weekdays Time 00:00 00:30 01:00 01:30 02:00 02:30 03:00 03:30 04:00 04:30 05:00 05:30 06:00 06:30 07:00 07:30 08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00 14:30 15:00 15:30 16:00 16:30 17:00 17:30 18:00 18:30 19:00 19:30 20:00 20:30 21:00 21:30 22:00 22:30 23:00 23:30 Winter 1562.4 1802.1 1824.1 1808.7 1785.9 1782.0 1781.4 1766.1 1751.1 1756.1 1765.5 1773.6 1811.4 1931.9 2168.3 1582.6 2419.5 2413.3 2452.6 2460.7 2435.6 2407.9 2414.8 2410.1 2423.1 2418.7 2415.0 2358.7 2344.4 2374.9 2378.1 2421.3 2540.8 1787.3 1909.9 2903.7 2872.1 2784.1 2718.8 2605.1 3330.9 3195.8 2311.5 2158.0 2707.2 2547.6 1770.0 1687.7 Autumn 1377.0 1574.8 1559.1 1547.9 1545.7 1537.3 1519.0 1533.1 1558.3 1612.9 1688.5 1839.7 2010.8 2083.9 2125.9 2141.1 2151.7 2150.7 2147.9 2137.2 2112.3 2097.9 2083.6 2083.6 2066.0 2053.6 2026.0 2006.6 2001.8 1993.7 2051.6 2085.2 2132.4 2160.7 2168.8 2239.4 3110.6 3082.4 2949.8 2796.1 2662.4 2482.2 2346.4 2157.1 2011.3 1870.0 1367.7 1309.4 CONFIDENTIAL Copyright © 2015 A. Ballanti & L. Ochoa - The University of Manchester Spring 1407.2 1631.4 1637.8 1627.5 1609.1 1601.1 1600.1 1601.4 1633.0 1662.0 1722.0 1831.4 1958.2 2022.8 2093.9 2106.6 2115.4 2102.6 2062.5 2045.7 2013.6 1901.3 1958.0 1954.2 1939.1 1909.7 1894.8 1883.5 1852.9 1868.5 1935.8 1976.9 2036.9 2055.3 2772.1 2815.8 2805.2 2810.5 2845.9 2852.7 2754.9 2602.6 2464.4 2280.3 2127.8 1967.0 1428.2 1392.8 Summer 1244.0 1244.8 1219.2 1199.5 1185.0 1192.8 1177.1 1161.3 1161.0 1164.5 1256.1 1414.8 1597.5 1776.5 1902.9 1970.4 2026.3 2030.6 2030.2 2017.0 2026.3 2028.2 2042.1 2034.3 2034.0 2027.1 2018.2 1979.8 1967.8 1983.9 2032.4 2046.3 2086.3 2083.6 2067.0 2030.2 2000.3 1962.6 1878.0 1830.6 1827.3 1784.9 1797.3 1706.5 1609.8 1482.6 1403.8 1363.6 69