+~,.,:~ΣS ~_'? ι.r,, '- rog ammable D M 5 110 PDigital Mu timeter r l D M 511 Digital Mu ltimeter Operators 1 ιι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι ι ι ι ι ' . ' TeJdilli onmme CO MM ITTED TO E XC ELLEN C E PLEASE CHECK FOR CHAN GE INFORMATION AT THE REAR OF THIS MANUAL rogrammable D M 5110 PDigital M ultimeter D M 511 Digital Mu ltimeter Operators I nstru ctio n Manual Te kt ro ni x, Inc. Ρ. Ο. Box 500 Beaverton , U .S.A . Oregon 97077 Product Group 76 Τeldroniχ Part No. 070-7478-00 Serial Numb e r First Printing May 1989 Revised July 1989 Copyrig h t © Te k t ro n ix I nc.1989. All r ig h ts reserved . Contents of t h is publicatio n may not be rep roduced in any fo rm without th e wr itten permissio n of Te ktro n ix I nc.. Pr inted in U .S.A. Specification a n d price c h anges are reserved . Tektron ix p rod u cts are covered by U .S. and fo reign patents, iss ue d and p ending . T EK TR O N IX, ΤΕΚ , SCO PE-M O B I LE registe red trademarks. an d ` are T EL EQ U I PMEN T is α registe red t rade mark of Te k tro n ix U.K. L imited . ΙΒΜ @ is α register ed trademark of Internatio nal Bu si ness Machines Corp oration . i INST RUMENT SE RIAL NU MB E RS Eac h nst rument has α serial nu m ber on α ραh eΙ in sert tag, o r sta mped on th e c h assis. Th e fi rst n umbe r or letter desig n ates t h e co un try of manu fact ure. Th e last five digits of th e se rial nu mbe r a re assigned sequ en tially and are uniq u e to eac h instrument .T h ose ma nu factured in t h e Un ite d States h ave six u niqu e digits . The cou n try of manufacture is i dentified as follows : ΒΟΟΟΟΟΟ G100000 E200000 J 300000 Η700000 Te kt ronix, I nc. Beaverto n Oregon , U SA Te kt ronix Gu ern sey, Ltd ., C h annel Isla nd s Te k t ro n ix Un ited Kingdom, Ltd., Lo n don So n y / Tektronix, Jap a n Te ktronix Holland , NV, Heeιe nveen, Th e Net herlands DM 5110/DM 511 TABLE O F CONTENTS I LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS "' LIST OF TABLES ...........................................iii OPER ATO RS SAFETY SUMMARY ............... iv Section 1 SPECIFICATION I ntroduction .... ....... ........... ............. ....... ....... ....1-1 I n st ru me n t Description . .............. ... ....... ....... ....1-1 IEEE - 488 .1 Function Cap ability ..... ....... ....... .1-2 IEEE - 488 .1 Interface Function Subsets ....... .1-2 ΙΕΕΕ - 488 .1 Bus Add ress and Terminator .... .1-2 Accessories an d Options .............. ....... ....... ....1-2 Performance Cond itions .. ... ....... ....... ....... ...... ..1-2 E lectrical Characteristics ... ...... . . . ..1-3 Environmental Characteristics ............... ....... .. 1-13 ' Calib ration Comman d List .... . ... ....... ....... .... ... . .3-29 Power - On / Initial Conditions ......... ................3-30 Status and Error R ep orting .. ....... ....... .... ....... ..3-30 Detailed Error Listing ...... ................. ........... .....3-33 Section 4 M AINTENANCE I ntroduction ... .... ...... .. ....... .... ...... . .......... . ..4-1 Recalibration / . Adjustment . ..... ................. ... ..........4-1 Internal Fuse Replacement ..... ...... ................. .4-1 Cleaning Instructions ........ .......... ........ .............4-1 Secti on 5 OPTIONS AND ACC ESSORIES Optio n 02 ........... ... ........... ....... ......................... 5-1 Standar d Accessories .. .......... .............. ...........5-1 Optio nal Accessories .. .................. ..................5-1 Section 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS I ntroduction ..... .............. ... ..... . . . . .. ....... ....... ......2-1 Installation and Removal .. . ....... ...... ....... ....... ...2-1 Powe r Up Sequence ........ ........... ....... .............2-1 Repackaging for Shi pment ...... ....... ....... ......... .2-2 Controls, Connectors and Indicators ........... ....2-4 Front Panel Operation .. ........... ....... ...... ....... ... .2-7 Front Panel Controls ...... ........... ....... ..............2-7 Primary Level Functions .. .......... ....... ....... ....... . 2-7 Seco n dary Functions .............. ... ........... ....... .... 2-10 Summary of Keyboard Functions . ....... ............2-13 Basic M easurements .............. ... .............. ........2-15 Display Error Reporting .. ....... ....... .... ... ........... .2-21 Sect ion 3 PROG RAM MING I n t roduction . ... ... ... ......... ....... ... ........................3-1 ' IEEE-488 .1 bus Address and Terminator .... . ...3-1 Message an d Communication Protocol ...... ... .3-2 Remote - Local Op eration .......... ....... ....... ... ....3-7 Device Dependent Command Set . .... ... .... ... .... 3-8 Detaled Command List ........... ....... ................. . 3-11 Instruction Manual ίί DM 5110/DM 511 L IST OF I LLUSTRATIONS 2.1 3.1 3.2 Front Panel controls, connectors an d indicators ............ ....... ........... .................................. .2-3 ASCII and IEEE (GPIB) Code Chart.............. ....... ....... ... ......................................................3-6 Definition of STB Bits ............. ....... ... ....... .,..... ....... .......... ....... ....... .... ........... .............. . .... ... . ..3-31 L IST OF TA BLES 1-1 1-2 1-3 2-1 2-2 2-3 3-1 3-2 3-3 ΙΕΕ - 488 Interface Subsets . ....... .... ...... . ...... . ........................ ...... . . ... . ...... ... ........ ... ........... .....1-2 Electrical Characteristics ........... ....... ..... . . .... ... ........... ....... .......... ..........................................1-3 Environmental Characteristics .......... .,...................... ........... ........... ... ........... .... ....................1-13 Summary of Keyboard Functions ..... .............. .......... ........... ....... . . . ..... . ..... .... ....... .. , .... ..2-13 Resistance Ranges ........ ....... ......... .. . ...... ....... ....... ................................................... ..........2-17 Comparison of Ave rage and TR MS Mete r Readings ......... ........... ....... ...... ..... ... ..................2-20 Function/ Range v.s. Range Numbe r ............... ....... .... ... ........... ........... ... .. . . .. ... ..................3-24 E rro r Query and Status Information ................................ ... ........... ....... ..... . ..... ... . .. ..... ...........3-32 Detailed Error L isting .. ... .... ......... .... . .......... ....... ............................ .....................::.......... .......3-33 1 1 ι ι ι ι ιι DM 5110/DM 511 O perators Safety Summary ι The general safety information in this part of the summaη is forboth operating and servicing personnel. Specific wamings and cautions will be found throughout the manual where they apply and do not appear in this summary. TERMS In t h is Manual CA UTION statements i de ntify conditions o r practices t hat could res u lt in p roperty . d amage to t he e qu ipment o r ot h e r WA RN I N G stateme nts i de n tify cond itions or p ractices th at coul d res u lt in pe r so n al i njury or loss of live. As Mar ke d on Eq u i p men t ι ιι ι ι ι I CA U TIO N i n dicates α pe rso nal i nj u ry h aza rd n ot imme diately accessible as one reads th e markin gs, o r α haza rd to p roperty i ncluding th e i n st rume n t itself. DA N G ER ind icates α pe rsonal injury hazard immediately as one reads th e mark i ngs. SYMB O LS In Th is Manual Th is symbol in d icates where applica b le ca u tionary or oth e r i nformation is to be found. T h is symbol in d icates static sensitive devices, t hat are subj ect to be damaged by static elect r icity. As Marked on Equi pment DA N G ER - H ig h voltage Protective grou n d (earth ) terminal . & Instr u ction Manual ATTENTION - Refer to manu al. DM 5110/DM 511 Safety Sum mary (con t.) P O WER CO N DITIO N S U se th e Proper Power Cord U se only t he powe r co rd and con n ector as specified fo r t h e i nst r ument . Power Source Use t h e pro p er p ower so u rce . Before switc h in g on, make s ure t h e i n st ru ment is set to t he voltage of t h e powe r so u rce . Th is pro du ct is inte nde d to op erate from α power so ur ce t hat will n ot apply more t han 250 Volts RM S betwee n th e su pply con n ecto rs or b etwee n eit he r su pply connecto r an d g round. Α protective gro und con n ectio n b y way of t h e gro u n d i n g co n necto r n t h e power cord is essential for safe op eratio n . i Grou ndin g the Product Th is p rod uct is g ro und ed t hrou gh th e gro un din g co n nector of the powe r cord. To avoid elect rical shock , pl u g t h e p ower co rd into α p roperly wired receptacle b efore mak i ng any connections to th e product i n p u t or outp ut te r minals . Α protective g round co n nectio n by way of th e g round co n nectio n is esse ntial fo r safe ope r atio n . Danger Ar ising from Loss of Ground Up on loss of t h e protective-g ro u n d connection, all accessible co ndu ctive p arts ( i n clud ing knobs a nd contr ols t h at may a ppear to be i nsulated ) can render an electrical s h ock. U se t he Proper Fuse To avoid fi re h aza rd , u se only t he fu se sp ecified fo r t h e i nstru me nt i n t h e i n stru ment part list. Α rep laceme n t f use m ust meet th e type, voltage rati ng, and current rati n g specificatio ns fo r t he f use t hat it replaces . G ENER AL Do Not Op erate in Explos ive Atmospheres To avoi d exp losio n s, do not operate t h is instrument i n an atmosphe re,of ex p losive gasses. Do Not Remove Covers or Pa nels To avoid pe rso n al i nj u ry, t h e instru ment covers or pan els sh o u l d only be removed by q u alified service p e rsonnel . Do not ope rate t he i n strume n t wit h ou t cove rs and panels p ro pe rly i n stalled . ν Instruct ion Manual Spec ifications - DM 5110 / DM 511 Secti on 1 S PECIFICATION Introduction Th is section of the manual contains α general description of the Tektronix D M 5110 Programmable Digital Multimeterand the DM 511(Νοη Programmable) Digital Multimete rand complete electrical, mechanical, physical and environmental specifications. Stand ard accesso ries are also liste d. - In strument Description T he setti ngs of the GPIB address and .terminator are initiated by the frοntpanel keys. - Α BEEPER mode, wh ich sou n ds t h e beepe r when α measurement is beyond u ser selectable HI and LO L IM ITS. FAST and N OR MAL mode measurement . (3.5 and 4 .5 digit) 50 and 60 Hz measurement modes. The Tektronix DM 5110 is α p rogrammable six Α manually op erated switc h can select α fr ont o r rear function autorangίηg dίgital m ultimeter. At 4 1/2 d igitti connecon toe th LOW and Voltsempnputs. /Ω /T i resolution, the LED counts display can present +/- 19,999 The DM 5110 /DM 511 can make the following basic This switch is not ope rated via the ΙΕΕΕ-488.1 bus, but α query is available in the comma nd set to monitor the setting. WARNING I measurements: 10 ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι - DC voltage measurements up to 1000 V with maxim um resolution of 10 mV. Resistance measuremen ts up to 20 ΜΩ with maxim um resolutio n of 10 mΩ TRMS AC voltage measurements up to 500 V with maxim um resolution of 10 mV. DC current measu rements up to 2000 mA with maximum resolution of 10 πΑ. TRMS AC current measurements up to 2000 mA with maximum resol ution of 10 ηΑ. Tem perature measureme nts from -62 to + 240 °C. (Tektronix Ρ6602 temperature probe required.) All measurement f unctions can be set to either manual o r auto-ranging exce p t for t h e tem p eratu re measurement having just one range . Besides the led's showi ng the measured val ue, 5 ad ditional indicators show NULL, H OLD and AUTO and t he GPIB functions ADD R and REM . The DM5110/ DM 511 has the following functions : - Additional d Bm and d BV ranges, which aresoftware calculated versions of the AC voltage ranges. Α NULL fu n ction to make measurements with an offset value. Α HO LD mode and α T RIGG ER function. Α COMPARE mode, com p aring the measurement with user selectable HI and LO L IMITS . Instruction Manual The maximum voltage that can be applied to the rear interface connection is limited because of safety requiremen ts. The DM511 has the same specs. as the DM5110, but is not GPIB programmable, so all items in this manual concerning the IEEE- 488 .1 bus do n ot apply to the D M511 . CAUTION Turn the power OFF before inserting the DM51 10. Otherwise arcing may occur at the rear interface connectors and damage may be done to the plug-in circuitry. WARNING Do NOT operate this product without covers or panels installe d. Do 'NOT, apply powe r to the plug-in via a plug-in extender. . Do NOToperate this product with distorted covers. To avoid fire hazard, only use the fuse specified in the parts list. The maximum frontpanel inpu t voltage is 1000 V peak, so the in put connectors, and t herefore all mainboard circuitry and part of the GPIB board , may be floati ng up to 1000Volts. 1 -1 Ε Specifications - DM 5110 / D M 511 IEEE 488 .1 Function Capability 1 GPIB Reference Guide DM5110 ... ...070-7559-χχ 1 Instrument Interface Guide DM 5110 .......................................:..... .070-7560-χχ The built- in IEEE- 488 .1 interface makes the DM 5110 instrument remotely p rogrammable via the IEEE- 488 .1 bus as specified in IEEE Stand ard 488 .1 - 1987, "Standard Digital Interface for Programmable Instrumentation" . In this manual the interface is called the General Purpose Interface Bus ( GPIB ). IEEE - 488 .1 INTERFACE FUNCTION SUBSETS IEEE Standard 488 .1-1987 identifies the interface function repertoire of α device on the bus in terms of interface function s ubsets . These subsets are defined in the standard . The subsets that apply to the DM 5110 are listed below. Table 1-1 IEEE- 488 .1 INTERFACE FUNCTION SUB SETS Note The test leads ΡL260 (196-3212-χχ) are rated for 1000 V, based on UL evaluation. Optional Accessories include : Temperature Probe ....... ........... ....... .... . Ρ6602 H igh Voltage Probe ....... ....... .... ....... ..... 010-0277-χχ RF Probe ........................... .. ..... . ....... . .. . Ρ6420 Service Manual .......... ...................... ..... 070-7479-χχ Option Option 02 : DM5110 (or DM511) calibrated with α temperature probe P6602. Performance Conditions SH1 ΑΗ1 Τ6 Source h andshake. Complete capability. Acceptor handshake . Complete capability. Untalk if MLA The characteristics in this specification are valid with t he following conditions: L4 Unlisten if ΜΤΑ Service request . Comp lete cap ability . Remote Local. Completecapability inclu ding local lockout. - The instrument must h ave been calibrated at an ambient temperature between + 22 ^C and +24 ^C. ΡΡΟ Parallel Poll. Does not respond to parallel poll Device clear. Complete capability . Device trigger with G ET Non controller function Open collector d rivers - The instrument must be in a non-condensing environment whose limits are described u nder Environmental . - Allow 30 minutes warm-up time for o peration to the specified accuracy, and 1 h our after exposure to or storage in h igh humidity (condensing ) env ironment. SR1 RL1 DC1 DT1 CO Ε1 IEEE- 488.1 BUS ADDRESS AND TERMINATOR T he GPIB address and terminator are stored in EEPROM . The address and terminator are set via the front panel, as described in chapter 2. Accessories and Options Standard Accessories Included 1 DM5110 Operators Manual ........ .. 070-7478-χχ 1 Pair of test leads .............. ............. 196-3212- χχ 1-2 Specifications are valid only with t hose connecti6ns to the instru ment that are required to verify each specification . Items listed in t he Performance Re q uirement column of the following tables are verified by completing the Performance Check in t he Service Manual . Items listed in the Supplemental Information column may n ot be verified in the manual ; they are ex plainatory n otes for which no limits are specified . Instruction Manual Specification - DM 5110 / D M 511 ELE CTR ICA L CHARACTER ISTICS Table 1-2 E lectrical Characteristics Characteristics Perfor ma n ce Requ irements Supplemental Information DIRECT VOLTAGE (DV) (4.5 d igit, front and rear panel inpu ts) [For specifications of t h e 3.5 digit mode, add +/- 1 d isplay count.] ' ι +18 to +28 °C ι lie 200 mV 2V 20 V 200 V 1 000 V ι range ran ge range range range ra n ge range range range range Common Mode Rejectio n Ratio N or mal Mode Rejection ι Ratio ' " t t t t t (0.05% (0.05% (0 .05% (0.05°/ο (0.05% of of of of of reading +0 .015% of F.S.) reading reading reading read ing +0.01% of F.S.) +0.015% of F.S.) +0.01% of F.S.) +0.02% of F.S.) 0 to +18, +28 to +50 °C. 200 mV 2V 20 V 200 V 1000 V ' ι Automatic o r manual ranging Accu r acy for 200 m V, 2 V, 20 V, 200 V, and 1000 V ranges t t t t t (0.15% of reading +0.04% of F.S.) (0.1 % of reading +0.02% of F.S.) (0.15% of reading +0.025% of F .S.) (0.1% of reading +0.02% of F.S.) (0.1% of r eadi ng +0.02% of F.S.) z100 dB atDC z 80 dB at 50 or 60 Hz Wit h α 1 kΩ unb alance z50d B at50or60 Hz (t0 .2 Hz) Maxim um Resol utio n 10 μV Step Response Time < 50 msec. to 0.05 °/ο of ste p Input Resistance 10 M O hm i 0.5% Instruction Manual 1-3 Specificatio n - DM 5110 / DM 511 Ta b le 1-2 (Co nt .) Ch aracter istics Performance Requirements Supplemental Information Maximum Input Voltage Front-panel inputs: VOLTS Al /TEMP to LOW VOLTS /Q /TEMP to GNb LOW to GND 1000 V peak 1000 V peak 1000 V peak Rear interface Conn.: Pin 28Β (H i) to p i n 28Α (Lo) Pin 28Β (Hi) or pin 28Α ( Lo) to Chassis 60 V (DC plus pk AC) 60 V (DC plus pk AC) Instruction Manual Specification - DM 5110 / DM 511 Table 1-2 (font.) Performance Requirements Characteristics 1 ι Supplemental Informat i on ALTERNATI NG VOLTAG E (AC coupled) (Tru e RMS ) (4.5 digit, front and rear panel inputs) [For pecifications of the 3.5 digit mo de, add +/- 1 disp lay count.] s Automatic or manual ranging Accuracy for 200 mV 2 V, 20 V, 200 V an d 500 V ranges +18 to +28 °C 1 200 mV to 200V Range 20 H z to 100 Hz 100 H z to 10kHz 10 kHz to 20kHz 20 kHz to 50kHz i 0 ι t t t t (0 .8% (0.3% (0.6% (1 .0% of of of of reading read ing read ing read ing +0 .05% +0.05% +0.05% +0.05% of of of of F .S.) F.S.) F .S.) F.S.) Input Input Input Input > 200 counts > 200 counts > 500 counts >2000 co unts t t t t (0.8% (0.3% (0.6% (1 .0% of of of of reading rea ding readi ng rea d ing +0.05% +0.05% +0.05% +0 .05% of of of of F.S .) F.S.) F.S.) F .S.) Input Input Input Input > > > > 500V range 20 Hz to 100 100 Hz to 10 10 kHz to 20 20 kHz to 50 Hz kHz kHz kHz 50 counts 50 counts 250 counts 500 counts 0 to +18, +28 to +50 °C 200 mV to 200V Range 20 Hz to 100 Hz 100 H z to 10 kHz 10 kHz to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 50 kHz t (1 .1 % t (0 .6% f (0 .9% t (1 .3% of of of of reading read ing read ing read ing +0.075% +0 .075% +0 .075% +0 .075% of of of of F.S.) F.S.) F.S.) F.S.) I n put Inpu t I n put Input > 200 counts > 200 counts > 500 counts >2000 cou nts t t t t of of of of rea ding readi ng reading reading +0.075% of +0.075% of +0.075% of +0.075% of F.S.) F.S.) F.S.) F.S.) Input Input Input Input > > > > 500 V range ι ι ι ι 20 Hz to 100 Hz 100 Hz to 20 kHz 10 kH z to 20 kHz 20 kHz to 50 kHz I nstruction Manual (1 .1% (0.6% (0.9% (1 .3% 50 counts 50 counts 250 counts 500 cou nts 1- 5 Spec ification - D M 5110 / D M 511 Table 1 -2 (Cont.) Character i stics Performance Requ i rements Commo n Mo de Rejection Ratio z 60 dB at 50 or 60 Hz Supplemental Information With α 1 kΩ unbalance Maximum Resolution 10 μV Step Response time < 0.3 sec. to 1 % of step Maxim u m Input Voltage Front-panel in puts : LOW VOLTS / Ω / TEMP to GND LOW to GND VOLTS / Ω /TEMP to 500 V rms or 600 V DC 1000 V peak 1000 V peak Rear interface Conn.: . _ . . . . . . .ι ι C plus pk AC) . ι V (DC plus pk AC) Crest Factor 1- 6 Instruction Manual Specificatio n - D M 5110 / DM 511 Table 1-2 (Cont.) 1 1 ι ι ι Characteristics Per formance Requirements Supplemental Informatio n DECIBELS (AC coupled) (True RMS ) (4.5 d igit, front and rear p a n el inputs) For p ecifications of the 3.5 d igit mode, add +/- 1 d isplay count. s Acc uracy for d BV/dBm 00.00 d Bm= 1 mWatt in α 600 Ω load 00 .00 d BV =1 V RMS Automatic or manual r anging +18 to +28 °C Accuracy for d BV (autoranging) t 0.3 d B from -34 d BV to +54 d BV t 0.6 dB from -54 d BV to -34 d BV t 1 .0 dB from -60 d BV to -54 d BV F requency 20 Η.τ to 20 kHz F requency 20 Hz to 10 kHz Freque ncy 20 Hz to 10 kH z Accuracy for dBm (autoranging) t 0.3 d B from -32 dBm to +56 dBm t 0.6 dB from -52 dBm to -32 d Bm t 1 .0 d B from -58 d Bm to -52 d Bm Frequency 20 Hz,to 20 kH z Frequency 20 Hz to 10 kHz F requency 20 Hz to 10 kHz 0 to +18, +28 to +50 °C ι ι Acc u racy fo r dBV (autoranging) t 0.4 d B from -34 dBV to +54 d BV i 0.8 dB from -54 dBV to -34 dBV t 1 .5 dB from -60 dBV to -54 dBV Frequency 20 Hz to 20 kHz F requency 20 Hz to 10 kHz F req uency 20 Hz to 10 kHz Accuracy for dBm (autoranging) t 0 .4 dB from -32 d Bm to +56 d Bm i 0.8 d B from -52 dBm to -32 d Bm t 1 .5 dB from -58 dBm to -52 d Bm F req uency 20 Hz to 20 _kHz F req uency 20 Hz to 10 kHz Frequency 20 Hz to 10 kHz Maximum Resolutio n 0.01 d B Step Response time < 0.3 sec. to 1 % of step In put Impe dan ce 2 ΜΩ *1% paralleled by < 50 pF Maximum Input Voltage ., Front-panel inputs: VOLTS / Ω / TEMP to L OW VOLTS / Ω / TEMP to GNO LOW to GND Ι 500 V RMS or 600 V DC 1000 V peak 1000 V p eak Rear interface Conn.: Pin 28Β (Hi) to p in 28Α (Lo) Pin 28 Β (Hi) or pi n 28Α (Lo) to Chassis ι Instruction Manual 60 V (DC plus p k AC) 60 V (DC plus pk AC) 1-7 Specification - DM 5110 / D M 511 Table 1-2 (Cont.) Character istics Performance Requirements O H MS T S upplemental Information (4.5 d igit, front and rear panel inputs) [For s pecifications of t h e 3.5 d igit mode, add +/- 1 d isplay count.] Accuracy for 200 Ω, 2W, 20 W, 200 kΩ, 2 ΜΩ a nd 20 ΜΩ ranges Automatic or manu al Ranging +18 to +28 °C Source cur. V max. at full scale 200 Ω 2 kΩ 20 kΩ 200kΩ 2 ΜΩ 20 ΜΩ range range ra nge range range range t t t t t t (0.05% (0.05% (0.05% (0.05% (0.1 °/ρ (0.1% of of of of of of reading +0.02% of F.S) reading +0.01% of F.S) reading +0.02% of F.S) reading +0.01 % of F .S) reading +0.02% of F.S) read ing +0.01% of F.S) 1 .0 1 .0 10 10 0.1 0.1 mA mA μΑ μΑ μΑ μΑ 0.2 2.0 0.2 2.0 0.2 2.0 V V V V V V 0 to +18, +28 to +50 °C So u rce cur. V max. at full scale 200 2 20 200 2 20 Ω kΩ kΩ kΩ ΜΩ ΜΩ range t (0.25% t (0.25% range t (0.25%ρ range t (0 .25% range 1 t( % range 1 t( % ran ge Step Response Time of reading +0 .04% of of reading +0.03% of of reading +0.04% of of rea ding +0.03% of of rea ding + 0.04% of of reading + 0.03% of F .S) F.S) F.S) F.S) F.S) F.S) 1 .0 1 .0 10 10 0.1 0.1 mA mA μΑ μΑ μΑ μΑ 0 .2 2 .0 0.2 2.0 0.2 2.0 V < 0.2 sec: 200 R to 2 ΜΩ ranges < 2 sec: in 20 Mil range Maximum in put voltage any range (front) 300 V peak M aximum input voltage any range (rear) 60 V pea k Maximum Resolution 10 ma M aximum ope n circuit voltage <11 V 1- 8 V V V V V Instruction Manual Specificat ion - D M 5110 / D M 511 Table 1-2 (Cont.) Characteristics - Performance Requ i rements Supplemental informat i on DIRECT C U RRENT (DC) (4.5 digit, front panel inputs only) [For specificatio ns of the 3 .5 digit mo de, add +/- 1 d isplay count. Automatic or manual ranging Accuracy for 200 μΑ, and 2000 mA rangesA 1 1 ιι ι ι ι ι ι I +18 to +28 °C Ι t (0.1 % of readi ng +0.01 % of F .S.) Oto +18, +28 to +50 °C. Ι t (0.3 °/ο of reading +0.025 % of F.S.) Step Res ponse Time I ( I nput resistance I I < 50 msec. to 0.06 % of step Ra nge 200 2 20 200 2000 μΑ mA mA mA mA Approx.Res. 1 .0 kΩ 100 .0 Ω 10.2 Ω 1 .2 Ω 0.26 Ω Maximu m Op en Ci rcuit In put Voltage (mA to ιοωΙ Ι 250 V peak Maximum Inpu t Current 1 1 2 Α any range I , 1 Maximum floati ng voltage mA to GND LOW to GND Maximum resolution Instructi on Manual 1000 V peak 1000 V peak 10 ηΑ 1- 9 Specification - DM 5110 / DM 511 Table 1-2 (Co pt.) Characteristics Performance Req uirements Supplemental Information ALTERNATING CURRENT (AC coupled) (True RMS ) (4 .5 d igit, front p anel inputs only) [For specifications of the 3.5 digit mode, add +/- 1 d isplay count.] Accuracy for 200 μΑ, 2 mA, 20 mA, 200 mA an d 2000 mA r anges Automatic or manual ranging +18 to +28 °C +/-(0 .8% of reading +0.05% of F .S .) +/-(0 .3% of reading +0.05% of F.S .) 20 Hz to 100 Hz 100 Hz to 10kHz In put > 200 counts Input > 200 counts 0 to +18, +28 to + 50 °C 20 Hz to 100 H z 100 Hz to 10kHz Ι +/-(1 .1 % of reading +0.075% of F.S.) Ι +/-(0.6% of reading +0.075% of F.S.) In p ut > 200 counts Input > 200 counts Crest F actor / 1 3 : 1 for 0.1 °/ο add . error Step Res ponse Time I Ι < 0.3 sec. to 1 °/ο of step Input Impedance I I Range 200 2 20 200 2000 Maximum Open Circuit Input Voltage (mA to LOW) Maximum Input Current Approx . Imp . μΑ mA mA mA mA 1 .0 .kΩ 100.0 Ω 10.2 Ω 1 .2 Ω 0.26 Ω 250 V peak 1 1 2 Α any range Maximum floating voltage mA to GND LOW to GND M aximum Resolution 1- 1 0 _ I 1000V peak -- 1000V peak 10 ηΑ Instruction Manual Specification - D M 5110 / D M 511 Table 1-2 (Cont.) Characteristics I Performance Requ irements I Su pplemental Information TEMPERAT URE r n t pa nel i n pu ts) (4 .5 digit, f o [For specificatio n s of t he 3.5 digit mo de; add +/- 1 display co unt.] Temperatu re range I ' Ι Ι -62 ^C . to + 240 OC . +18 to +28 °C ambient n st ru me n t calib rated to Ρ6602 p ro be t 0.6 ^C f r om -62 ^C to +150 ^C t 1 .6 OC f rom +150 cC to +240 ^C An y Ρ6602 Pro be t 3.5 OC f rom -62 *C to +150 ^C t 6 oC from +150 oC to +240 cC . 0 to +18, +28 to +50 °C ambient l . Ρ6602 Pr ob e calibr ated to inst ru ment t 1 .5 cC from -62 oC to +150 *C t 2.5 *C f rom +150 ^C to +240 ^C Any Ρ6602 Prob e t 4.5 °C from -6 2 °C to +150 oC f 7 cC from +150 cC to +240 cC 1 ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι Instructio n Manual 1 -11 Specification - D M 5110 / DM 511 Table 1-2 (Co pt.) Characteristics Perfomnaηce Regυirernents Supplernentel information M ECHANICA L N et Weig ht DM5110 DM511 2.45 l bs. (1 .1 k g) 2.2 lbs. (1 .0 k g) Size 2.63 in . (66 .8 mm) W χ 11 .240 in . (285.3 mm) D χ 4.961 in. (125.9 mm) Η. MISCELLA NEOUS Power Consumption Less than 10 watt Rea d ing Rate 4.5 digit (NORMAL) > 3 times per second 3.5 d igit (FAST) > 25 times p er second except 20 MOh m range (10 times per second) Over- range Indicatio n blinking d isplay Warm-up Time 30 minutes (60 minutes after sto rage in h igh humidity environment) 1- 12 Instruction Manual Specification - D M 5110 / DM 511 ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ENVIRON MENTAL C HARACTERISTICS Table 1-3 E nvironmental Characteristics (with power module.) Characteristics Desc ription Supplemental Information T EMPERATURE Meets or exceeds MIL-Τ-28800D, class 5.. with 0 oC to +50 ^C exceptio ns. Non-Operating - 55 oC to +75 °C HUM IDITY H umidity 5 95°/ε RH, 0 ^C. to 30 °C 5 75% RH 30 °C to 40oC 5 45% RH a bove 40oC Meets or exceeds M IL-Τ-28800D, class 5, non-condensing . ALTIT UDE: 4 .6 k m (15,000 ft.) Non-Operating Meets or exceeds MIL-Τ-28800D, class 3. 15 km (50,000 ft.) I ι ι ι ιι ι ι VIBRATION Vibratio n Instru ction Manual 0.64 mm (0.025") peak-to-peak, . 5 Hz to 55 H z, 75 minutes . <Refer to ΤΜ500 (DM511) or TM 5000 ( ΡΜ5110) power module specifications .> M eets or exceeds M IL-Τ-28800D, class 3, wh en installed in powe r mod ule. 1-13 Specification- D M 5110 / DM 511 Table 1-3 (cont.) Characterιsfics SupplementalInfom ιetion Descrlption S HOCK Shock Bench Han d ling <Withou t p owe r module.> 30 g's (1 /2 sine) 11 ms. duration, 3 shocks in each d irection along 3 major axes, 18 total shocks. 12 drops from 45 degr., 4" or equilibrium, whichever occu rs first . Meets or exceeds ΜΙL-Τ 28800D . Ι Meets or exceeds MI L-Τ 28800D . TRANSPORTATION Transportation Qualified und er National EMC Within limits of F .C.C. Regulations P art 15, Sub part J, Class Α ; VDC 0871 category Β and M IL-461 Β (1980) for RE01, RΕ02, CE01, CΕ03, RS01, R S03, CS01, CS02, and CS06. 30 H z -1 GHz Safe Transit Association Preshipment. Test Procedures 1A-B-1 and 1 Α-Β-2. (System p erforma nce s ubj ect to exceptions of power module an d/or ot h er plug-ins.) ELECTRICA L DISCHARG E E lectrical Discharge Operating 1- 1 4 Ope rating Maximum Test Voltage : 20 kV, 150 pF throug h 150 Ω. No MIL-T-28800 equivalent. Charge applied to each p rotruding area of the front-panel except the input con nectors . Instruction Manual ιι ι ι Section 2 Ope rati ng Instructions - DM 5110 Ι DM 511 OP E R ATI N G I N ST RU CTIO N S Int roduction Power Up Sequence T h is section provides installatio n a nd operati ng in- When powered on, the DM 51101511 's micιoprocessors perfo rm α diagnostic routi n e (self test) to ch eck the functionality of the EEPRO M and the DM5110 tests the communication between the GPIB board mic rop rocesso r an d t he microprocessor of the mai nb oard. The instrument will start in the DC Voltage, autoranging, 4.5 d igit acc uracy mode. Th e LO LIMIT a n d ΗΙ L IM IT are set to zero. The NULL, BEEPER and COMPARE mode are off . If no EEPRO M errors are fou nd, the microp rocessor goes on to c heck t he f unctionality of t h e ot h er instrument h ardware. structions for t he DM 5110 / 511 an d d esc ribes t h e functions of the front-pa nel controls and connectors . T h e information i n t his section assumes the instrument is not connected to the GPIB. Complete informatio n fo r programming the DM 5110 via the GPIB (General Purpose Interface Bus) is in t he Programmi ng sectio n of this manual . (see sectio n 3) Installation and Removal NOTE The DM 5110 is designed to operate in αTM 5000 series power module. The DM 511 ίs designed to operate ίη α ΤΜ 500- s471100 module and also in α TM 5000 - series powermodule . The DM 5110/ DM511 are calibrated an d ready for use when received. It operates in one compartment of α power - module ( TM 5000 or ΤΜ500 is depe nding on t he type of in strume nt, DM 5110 or DM 511) . Refer to the manual of your power module for line voltage re quirements and power module operation . ι CAUTION To prevent damage to the DM5110 /DM 511, turn the power module offbefo re installation or removal. Do not use excessive force to install or remove. B efore installing the instrument in the power module, align t he instrument chassis with the u pper and lower g u ides of the selected compartment. Press the instrument in and firml y seat the circuit b oard in the interconnecting jack. To remove the instrument, pull the release latch (located in the lower left cor n er of the fro nt p anel), until the interconnecting jack disen gages and the instrument sli des out. Ch eck that the instrument is fu lly inserted in the power mo dule . Instru ction Manual If an EEPROM error is found , an erro r code "ΕΕrr" is d isplayed in the front-panel display for about α second. In t h at case, t he IEEE address is t h e n set to 15 and the line frequency to 60 H z. If the internal mic roprocesso r communicatio n test fails, the instrument - reacts like α DM511 . This can be checked by p ressing the INST ID key ; α DM511 will n ot show α GPIB ad dress. Also t he internal d iagnostic LED on the GPI B-board of α DM5110 will n ot blink in α constant rate with α one second repetition time. When errors like described above occur, send you r in strument to the nearest Tektro nix Service Center. WA RNING Dangerous arcs of an explosive nature in a high energy circuit can cause severe personal injury or death. If the meter is connected to α high e nergy circuit when set to α current range, low resistance range or any other low impedance range,the meter is virtually shorted. Dangerous arcing can also result when th e meter is set to α voltage range if minimum voltage spacing is reduced, or ifmaximum input voltages are exceeded. The maximum input common- mode voltage(the voltage between the LOW, V/Ω/ΤΕΜΡ, mA - inpu t and chassis ground) -4A00 V peak. Exceeding thίs value may create α shock h azard. Ι ι Operating Instru ctions - DM 5110 / DM 511 Repackagi ng for Sh ipment It is recommended that t h e or igi n al carton an d packi n g mater ial be saved i n the eve nt it is necessary fo r the i n st rument to be res hipped to α Tektro nix Service Cente r, usi n g α commercial tra n s port carrie r. If the o riginal mate rial is unfit or not available, t h en repac k age the instrument u si n g the followi n g proce dure : 1. 2. 3. Completely wrap t he i n st rume nt with polyeth yle ne sh eeting or equivalent to protect th e outsid e finish and prevent e ntη of h armf u l s ubsta n ces i nto the i nst ru ment . 4. Cu s h io n th e in strument on all si des u sing eig h t cm of paddi ng mate rial or urethane foam, tig htly packed between t h e carton and t h e i nstru ment. U se α co rru gated cardboard sh ippi ng carton h avi ng α test st rength of at least 125 kilo an d wit h an i n side d ime nsion of at least fiftee n cm large r th an the instru me n t d imension s. If t h e instr u ment is goi n g to be sh i pped to α Te kt ronix Service Ce n ter , enclose the following i n for mation : Seal the carto n wit h an i n dust rial stapler o r s h ippi n g tap e. 6. Ma rk the add ress of th e Tekt ron ix Service Cente r and also yo ur own address on the s hip ping carton in two prominent locations . - The ow n ers add ress, n ame, pho ne number of α contact pe rso n . - Type, optio n nu m ber and se rial number of the i n strume nt, reason for ret urning and α complete descri ption of the service re qui red . 1 ιι ι Α ι ι ι ι 2-2 Instruction , Manual ι ι O perat ing Instructions- D M 5110 Ι D M 511 ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι r- X60100~~00 R ~i~ia ADDIt ο _ _ ι , YW~iLLZS.J~'~ _ι. 1_1. 1_1. d Λ[Λ Yll ___ ~~ UΓG ~ W.u,tl. k V t~ι~ Ή Ιί Ιί ο ο ο 2 π ί~ί ' ΟίΈ9ίΟm, ~..._....~.._ iι k t - ίι , ιι rκ Ή .._._ =. ιιιr~ι"~. ~τ τ 91ro f, Fig.2-1 F ront Panelcontrols, con nectorsand indicato rs. Instruction Manual 2-3 Operati n g Instructions - DM 5110 Ι DM 511 Controls, Connectors and I ndicators All cont rols, connecto rs a n d i ndicato rs required for operation of the i n strume nts αιe located οη the front pan el. Fig 2.1 s h ows the location of all cont rols, connecto rs and indicators . dB Illu minated w h en un its are in d eci Bells. oC Ο P ο Display olarity LE D readout indicating t he polarity of the measureme nt. u mi nated w h en un its are Ill Celsi us. in degrees ( Dio de ) 41/2 - digit LE D readout with properly position ed decimal poi n t. Ill u mi nate d in 2 kΩ, 200 kΩ and 20 Mil ran ges, in dicati ng d iode measurement capabilitity i n t h ese ranges . Ω Ν ( Ill uminated whe n un its are in Oh ms. . 112 Il u mi n ate d whe n un its are in k iloOhms. Nrl Illu minated w h e n un its a re i n M egaOh ms. Beeper Illu minated w h en the i n st rument is i n the Beeper mode. Beeper soun ds when t h e measure me nt is below the LO limit or above the HI limit . Ill u mi nated wh en u nits are i n μΑ. ηιΑ Ill u minated whe n un its are in mA. Sinewave ) Illuminated in AC measuring mo des. Up Primary level: Selects the n ext hig her measu reme n t range. Pushing UP an d DOWN simultaneo u sly selects au toranging . Seco n dary level: Changing setti ngs. Down Pr imary level: Selects the n ext lower measurement range. Pus hing UP an d DOWN simultaneo u sly selects autoranging . Seco ndary level: Changi ng setti ngs. H O LD Primary level: Ill u minate d when units are in Vohs or combine d with d B for dBV. m Ill uminate d whe n units are in mVolts (10 -α ) or combine d with dB for dBm . 2- 4 Pressing t h e key sets th e instr ument in t he HOL D mode. T h e H O LD led is on. Also i ndicati n g t hat the second ary fu nctio n s fun ctions can be u sed . Seco ndary level: Pressin g t h e key sets th e instr u ment i n th e RUN mo de and ret ur ns the k eyboard f unctions to the p r imary level. I n str u ction Manual Operati n g Inst ruction s - ι DM 5110 / DM 511 0 ' 19 INST ID OHMS Primary level: Pressing the key makes the instrument s how h is primary address on the display . Releasing the key makes the inst rument return to the original state. Secondary level: Pressing the key sets the instrument in the GPI B settings mode. Primary level: Pressing the key sets the instrument in the Oh ms f unctio n. Secondary level: Pressing the key sets the instrument in the Temperatu re function . DCV Primary level: Pressing the key turns the NULL mode on or off . Secondary level: Pressing t h e key sets th e i nstrument i n t h e LO LIMit setting mode. Primary level : Pressing the k ey sets the instrument in the DC voltage mode. Secondary level : P ressing the key triggers the instrume nt 21 l ie DCA Primary level: P ressing t h e key sets the instrument in the DC current function. Secondary level: Pressing the key will set th e in strument in the 50 or 60 Hz setting mode. NULL dBm Primary level : Pressing the k ey sets the instrument in the dBm function. Secon dary level: Pressing the key sets the instrument in the COM Pare setting mode. dBV ι ι ι ι Primary level : Pressing the k ey sets the instrument in the AC current fu n ction. Secondary level: Pressing the k ey sets the instrument in the 3.5 or 4.5 digit setting mod e. ACV Primary level: Pressing the key sets the instrument in the AC voltage function . Secondary level: Pressing the key sets t he in strument in the Beeper setting mode. Primary level: Pressing the key sets t he in strume n t in t h e dBV functon. Secondary level: Pressing the key sets the instrume nt in the H igh LIMit setting mode. mA (Input) Te rminal u sed in conjunction with the LOW input connector for curre nt measu rements. LOW Common terminal for all types of measurement. V/11 /TEMP(Input) Terminal used in conjunction wit h the LOW input connector for voltage, resistance and tempe rature measureme nts. Instruction Manual 2-5 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 32 Ground Terminal REM ( led ) Chassis ground terminal . Illuminate d w hen the instrument is in the GPIB remote state . AUTO ( led) Illuminated in A U TO ranging . Note : This led is blinking constantly, when the inter nal jumper is in the CAL position. TAKE CAREII The instrumentcan now easily be recalibratedifil Contact qualified service personnel! H OLD (led) Illumi nated when the H OLD mode is on and also in d icating secondary keyboard level. n 36 ADDR (le d ) Illuminate d when t he instru ment is bei ng GP I B ' addressed to talk o r listen. INPUT (switch) Selects the F RONT or REAR connection of the LOW and VOL TS /Ω /TEMP inputs. In the REAR position the front-pan el mA, LOW a nd VOLT /Ω /TEMP - jacks are disconnected from the instrument . NULL (led) Illumi nated when t he NULL mode is on. 2-6 In st ruction Manual Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / D M 511 FRONT P ANEL O PERATION General In this section of the manual you will find α description of the front-panel operation of the DM 5110. (See Fig . 2-1 ) The name of keys that are to be pressed are surrounded by square brackets [ ] wherever possible . Example : the H ol d key would be written as [HOLD] . Display ι ι ιι ι ι ι The DM 5110 u ses α 4.5 digit LED 7 segment d isplay, combined with 17 separate LED's . The display can have the following information : The current (or last) read ing . If an error situation occurs, the display will show an error message for α short period of time . If the ID button is pressed , the GPIB address and terminator are d isplaye d as d escribed on page 2.9 If one of the set modes is selected, the display will hold the value to be changed or other information /prompts, needed to complete the information transaction with the instrument . GPIB Indicators T here are two GPIB indicators on the front p anel: The remote indicator . This indicates when t he instrument is in remote state (REM) . The addressed in d icator. This indicates when the instrument is b eing ad dressed to talk or listen (ADDR) . PRIMARY LEVE L FUNCTIONS F rom the "RUN" mode the following functions can be selected by h itting just one key MEASUREMENT FUNCTIONS Function Key-sequence Display DCV DCA [DCV] [DCA] mV or V μΑ o r mA ACV [ACV] [ACA] 1~. and mV or V - and μΑ or mA OHMS dBV [Ω ] [dΒV] Ω, !Ω or ΜΩ dBV an d d Bm [ d Bm] dBm and ACA General In all the functions, α measurement can be done in manual or the autoranging mode. In the display, the autoranging mo d e will be indicated by the "AUTO"-led. The front-panel of the DM5110 h as twelve "soft" keys that enable the operator to select functions and ranges of the DM . An additional switch below the L OW and Volts /Ω / TEMP jacks, selects the FRONT'or REAR connection of the LOW an d Volts/Ohms inputs. The first time an [UP] or [DOWN] key is h it in t he autoranging mode, the DM will r emain in the current r ange, but the autoranging mode is turned off. In this manual ranging mod e, the [DOWN] key selects α more sensitive range, and t he [UP] key will make the DM c hange to α larger range. FRONT PANEL CONTROLS ' In the REAR position of the switch, the mA - j ack is disconnected from the instrument, but the diode bridge clamping circuitry, in series with t he fuse, remains connected between the frontpanel LOW and mA - j acks. This prevents that pushin g the FRONT/ REAR switch opens α circuit in which α currentmeasurement is taken. The switch can not b e controlled by the GPIB - bus. Α q uery in t he IEEE- 488 .1 instruction set is provided to r ead the status of the FRONT/REAR switch. Most function a nd range settings of the DM5110 can b e d one by single key operations. (PRIMARY FUNCTIONS). These functions are indicated by α large b lack texture above the keys . By selecting the "HOLD" mode, another set of functions becomes available to the operator . (SECONDARY FUNCTIONS) . These functions are indicated by text beside the keys. Instruction Manual the 2-7 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 Return to the autoranging mode is possible b y pushng the [UP] and [DOWN] k ey simultaneously . Overrange is ind icated by blinking of the display. At α reading of 20000 counts or more the d isplay will show 19999. Resistance [Ω ] i DC V oltage In the Resistance (Ω) mo de, six ranges, full scale, are available : 200 2 [DCV] 20 200 . In the DC V oltage (DCV) mode, five ranges , full 2 scale, are availab le : 200 2 20 200 1000 20 mV V V V V Ω kΩ kΩ kΩ ΜΩ ΜΩ In the 2 W, 200 kΩ and 20 ΜΩ range, the output voltage at full scale is 2 Volts, enabling the u ser to make d io de measurements . Therefore, the diode symbol is "on" in t hese three ranges. D BM [dΒV] / [dBm] DC Current [DCA] DBV or In the DC Current (DCA) mode, five ranges, full scale, are available : The DBV and DBM ranges are recalculated versions 200 2 20 200 2000 of the ACV measurements . Therefore, the five ranges are also 200 mV, 2 V, 20 V , 200 V and 500 V true RMS, full scale. In the dBV mode these ranges are : μΑ mA mA mA mA -60 .0 ...... .......,. -40 .0 .. ............. -20.0 .. ... .... ...... 0 ........ ....... ... ... +20 .0 AC Voltage [ACV] In the AC Voltage (ACV) mode five ranges, full scale, (true RMS), are available : 200 2 20 200 500 mV V V V V -57 .78 .............. -37 .78 .......... .... -17 .78 ... ....... .... +2.02 .:......... . .... +42 .22 ......... ..... In the AC Current (ACA) mod e, five ranges, full scale, (true RMS), are available : μΑ mA mA mA mA ' 2- 8 -11 .76 + 8.24 +28 .24 +48 .24 +56 .20 ', dBV dBV dBV d BV d BV (00 .00 dBV equals α voltage of 1 V RMS) In the dBm mode these ranges are: AC Current [ACA] 200 2 20 200 2000 -13 .98 + 6.02 +26 .02 +46 .02 +53 .98 ι ι ι ι ι d Bm dBm d Bm dBm dBm (00.00 dBm equals 1 mWatt in α 600 W load (0 .775 V R MS)) . It is advisable to use the dB ranges in autoranging mod e, to insure measurements are taken in α range where the best accuracy is achieved. If α measurement is less then 1 °/ο of full scale, and α more sensitive range is available, the u ser is notified b y blinking of the sign le d . Overrange in the dB ranges is shown by the blinking maximum value of that range. Α zero counts measurement is converted to α -199.99 reading . Instruction Manual ί ι ι ι ι ι Operati ng I n structi ons. - DM 5110 Ι DM 511 ' NUL L Mod e I N ST ID To p rovide the ability to make relative measurements, the NULL mode is made available in all functions. Το use the NULL mode , first select the desired function and range, then apply the offset measurement to the instrument, and press the [NULL] k ey. The present reading will become the null value. The "NULL" led will indicate that the display-value is relative . Α special situation exists, when the NULL mode is used in the d BV a nd d Bm function . The V or m led is blanked indicating that α relative measurement is made. After selecting the NULL mode each range can be selected, even autoranging . Pressing the [INST ID] key will make the DM s how it's primary address on the display and, if U SER has been e nabled, generate α Service Request (SRO) the G0113 . The far right decimal point lights if the LF/ΕΟΙ mes'j" terminator is selecte d; decimal point does n ot sage light for ΕΟΙ ONLY selection . R eleasing the key w ill make the DM5110 return to the original state . The DM511 will n ot react to the [INST ID] switch. NOTE: The absolute ηυΙΙ value will be subtracted from the actual measureme nt. Blinking of the display, meant to sho w overrange, is still determined by the actual measurement value. The NULL mode will not be accepted when the instrument is in overrange condition . (The d isplay will briefly show "????") When the p resent reading, pushing the [NULL] key, is zero, the NULL f unction will not react. If the result of the NULL function calculation exceeds the 45 . digit capabilities of that specific range , the decimal point will be shifted one position to the r iht g , an d th e least s ign ifit g t w ηο longere can diiill b shown in the display . I Example : Suppose the NULL mode was set in the 2000.0 mA DC Current range at +1900 .0 mA. When t he same current in the opposite direction is measured, (-1900.0), the display will show -3800 mA ' ,,r During the N ULL mode the [HOLD] and [TRIG] mode will still function. Any k ey except [UP], [DOWN], [ID] or [HOLD] will make the instrument leave the NULL mode, and t he null value will be lost. H OLD Mode At power up the instrument will be measuring constantly . By pressing the [HOLD] key once, the instrument stops measuring and displays the last measurement . The "HOLD" - led will show that the instrument is in the H OLD mode. Pressing the [HOLD] k ey α second time will make the instrument return to the RUN- mode. (secondaη function [RUN]) The H OLD mode is also u sed as an entry to the SECONDARY LEVEL. When α k ey, that is not defined as α secondary level, is pressed, the instrument will n ot react. S ECONDARY LEVEL FUNCTIONS Ι Introduction Except for Trigger and the selection of the Temperature function, all secondary level keyboard func- tio ns are settings. In general, the function keys give the ability to show settings on the d isplay . Changes to settings can only be made with t he [UP] and [DOWN] keys. Changing from one setting to another can only be done by leaving and re-entering the "HOLD" mode (with most of the functions) .This is done to prevent settings to be changed erroneously . An exception is made for the BEEPER, COMPARE, LO L IM IT and HI L IMIT settings. For ease of operation, it is possible to change from one of the settings mentioned above, to one of the other t hree immediately. Instruction Manual 2- 9 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 In DCV, DCA, d BV, d Bm and TEMP the limits can h ave positive or negative polarity. When the instru ment is in the H OLD mode, the u ser In ACV, ACA and O HMS the limits can only be can make one meas urement and return to the H O LD positive. mode automatically, just by pressi ng the "TRIG" key on ce . Beeper Mode Trigger Limits ' The DM5110 h as an u ppe r (ΗΙ L IM IT) and α lower limit val ue. (LO L IM IT) At power-up, these will b oth be set to the zero position . (0.00 °C, 0.00 d Bm or d BV) . Related to the " limits" are the BEEPER and COM PARE mode. Note : There is only ONE upperand ONE lowerlimit, which (once set) are related to the function in which they were set The settings remain stored in memory until, in α function other then the one in which the current limits were set, the limits are changed, or the COMPARE or BEEPER mode is chosen . E xample : An ope rato r wants to make measurements on 1 °/ο 10 kOhm resisto rs. After selecting the 20 kOhms range the LO and HI limits can be set to 9.900 and 10.100 k Ohms in the secondary functions LOLIM and H ILIM . After selecting the COMPARE mode, the [RUN] key will enable the operato r to make measurements . If an interruption occurs, he still can make oth er measurements like voltage, current, temperature or nor mal mode resista nce measureme nts, with out distu rbing the limits, and afterwards return to measure 10 kΩ resistors immediately . As soon as the limit setting, COMPAR E or B EEPER on/off functions a re selecte d in α function d ifferent then O h ms, bot h limits will be reset to their defa ult value 0000. It is possible to set the LO and HI limits in two d iffe rent ranges of the same function and use the COM PARE or BEEPER mode in autoranging. 2- 1 0 If the instrument is in t he BEEPER mode, indicated by t he " ))))) " led, the beeper will sound when the measurement is below the LO L IM IT or above the HI L I MIT. An exception is made in the Ohms mode, when t he HI L IM IT is set at 19999 in t he measurement r ange, and the instrument is in overra nge. Selecting the BEEPER mode can be done b y first pushing the [BEEP] key, wh en in HO LD mo de.The d isplay will show "beep" . The Beeper-mode can be switched on o r off, by p ressi ng [UP] o r (DOWN] key. All t he other keys except [UP], [DOWN] , [RUN], [CO MP], H I LIM] and [LOL IM] will b e ignored. The last measurement that was made before the H OLD mode was entered , will be recalculated. If the BEEPER mode was turned on, and t he value is beyond t h e limits t he bee per will sou nd for α moment. When the key - sequence h as been completed, t he instrument is still in the H OLD mode (indicated by the H OLD led). Only after pressing [RUN] the instrument will make n ew measurements. Selection of α different measurement function will automatically turn off t h e BEEPER mode. Continuity Measurement. Whe n th e limits are set in α function different from Ohms, and the Beeper mode is turned on while measuring Oh ms, the limits will not return to the 0.0 settings. In that sp ecial case, the LOLIM IT will be set to 10.00 Ω and the H ILIM IT to 19.999 ΜΩ. Th is feature will only ap ply to keyboa rd commands while the instrument is not in the remote state . (applies to DM 5110 only) From t he power up condition, the contin uity mode can be entered by pus hing [OHMS], [HOLD], [BEEP], [UP ],an d [RUN] . In this setting the B eeper will sound when the measurement is less than 10 Ω. Instruction Manual Ope rati ng Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 Setti ng ' L imits L IMIT setti ng can b e d one in the following way : Press the [HOLD] key followe d by the [ΙΟL1Μ] key to reac h the LO L IMITsetti ng mode. The d isplay will show the cu rre nt LO L IMIT value. ' l ie Th e limit value will be in the same range and function in which t he instrument Was set befo re entering the H OL D mode. If limits were availa ble in memory of α completely diffe rent fun ction, b ot h limits will be reset to ze ro, the very moment the limit setting mode is entered. Βγ using the [UP]- and [ DO WN]- k eys, t h is value can be incremented or decreme nted. The counting of t h e limit val ue will speed up as the user h olds the [UP] - or [ DOWN] - k ey. T h e DM 5110 will n ot allow the L O L IM IT above the HI L IM IT or t he H ILI MIT below t h e LO L IM IT. When, for instance an "up" goi ng LO LIM IT reaches the H ILIMIT value, the HI L IM IT will also be incremented in t he same rate as the LO L IM IT. T he user will be n otified by α "beep" from the bee per. E xamp le: ι If the limits are to b e set from d efa ult value to 10 and 12 kΩ, it is efficie nt to set t he lo-limit to 10 kΩ first . Th e n th e Hi-limit just h as to be changed from 10 to 12 kΩ.. Wh en th e d esired setti ng is reached, exit from the L O L IM IT function is possible by p ressing : [HI LIM] [COMP] [BEEP] [RUN] to set HI L IM IT, to the COMPARE mode, to th e BEEPER mode setti ng, retu rn to previo usly selected function. Other keys do not react. The u ser can also start with the HI L IMIT setting by p ressing [HOLD] and t he [H ILIM] k ey and afterwards adju st the L O L IM IT. Du ring all these procedures, the inst ru ment will b e in H OLD mode, and this will be s hown by the "HOLD" - led in t he disp lay area. E very time the fu n ction is changed within the H OLD mod e, th e last measurement that was made before the H OLD mode was entered, will be recalculate d. Instructi on Manual The d isplay reading value is adju sted to the new settings. Only after pr essi ng [RUN], the inst ru me nt will make new measureme nts. To ch a n ge t h e range, the 50/60Ητ, the 3.5D/4.5D or the IEEE settings, the user h as to leave the HOLD mode first (RUN-key) . The reason is, to p revent settiηgs to b e changed e rroneously. Com pare Another feature, related to the limits, is the COMPARE mode, wh ere th e display will s h ow "HI", "L O" and "PASS": "LO" is shown when the measurement is b elow the LO L IM IT, "Hi" is shown when the measureme nt is more than t h e HI L IMIT. In all other cases the display will show "PASS". During positive ove rrange the "Hl" will negative overrange the "LO" will blink. b link, during Selecting the COMPARE mode can be achieved by first pushing the [COMP] key, when in H OLD mode . The d isplay will show "Comp". Th e CO MPA RE mode can be turned "ON" o r"O FF" with the [UP] and [DOWN] keys. When the COMPARE mode is turned "ON", t he last measu reme n t that was made before the HOLD mode was entered, will b e recalculated, and the dίsρΙαy reαdίηg ωίΙΙ be "HI", "L O" or "PASS". If the COMPARE mode is turned "OFF", th e reading will return to the normal decimal val ue.The instrument is still in t h e H OLD mode (indicated by the HOLD led). Only after p ressing [RUN] the instrument will make new measurements in either the COMPARE mode or t he 6ormal m ode. During t h e COMPARE setting mode the following modes are available by pressing: [LOLIM] [HILIM] [BEEP] [RUN] to set LO LIM IT to set HI L IMIT to the BEEPER mode setting, continuous measurement Ι - Other keys do n ot react. 2- 1 1 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 To change the range, the 50/60Hz, the 3.5D/4 .5D or th e G PIB setti n gs, th e u ser has to leave t h e H OLD mode first ([RUN] - k ey) . This is to p revent settings to be changed erroneously. After pressing [RUN], any primary level key, (except [HOLD, UP, DOWN o r I NST ID]), will make the instrume nt leave the COMPARE mode automatically . If the COMPARE mode is combi ned with the beep mod e, the beeper will sou n d at "H I" and "LO". If the COMPARE mode is combined with t he NULL functio n, the limits are compare d with t he resulting val ue . The [RUN] key will make the instrument leave the 3.5/4.5 set mode and proceed n the selecte d resolution . Any other key d oes not react. Th e 3.5 digit mode enables faster response measurement. It is made visible as the least significant digit is b lan ke d . In the 3.5 d igit mode COMPARE, NULL a nd BEEPER modes are still valid. Temperature Measurements Pressing the [HOLD] and t he [G PIB] k ey will make the instrument show the primary GPIB add ress setting in the d isplay [Adxx] . The [UP] and [DOWN] k eys enable t he user to increme n t a nd decreme nt to an alternative add ress setting. The other keys that will react, are: Pressing the [HOLD] and [TEMP] key will put the instrument in the tem perature measuring function . In this case the DM5110 will n ot remain in the HOLD mo de, but will automatically go to the RUN mode. The temperat ure mode h as just o ne range. The read ing is in deg rees Celsi us, from - 62.0 °C to +240.0 °C with α 0.1 degree resolution. The d isplay will s h ow "Open" w hen overrange ( > 250 .0 °C ) occurs and α b linking - 62.0 °C reading, when t he temperature is exceed ing the minimum val ue. Also when α valid measurement is taken above the maximum temperature of the Ρ6602 cable (+230 °C), the d isplay will b link. DM M Settings Pressing t he [HOLD] and [50/60Hz] key will make the instrument show the 50 or 60 H z setti ng in t he d is p lay. The setting can be changed with the [UP] and [DOWN] keys. The [RUN] key will ma ke the instrument leave the 50/60 Hz setting mode and store the new value in EEPRO M . Any other key d oes not react. i GPIB Setti ngs [RUN], to save the corrected GPIB add ress, or [G P IB], to procee d to th e next GPI B fun ctio n; the LF/ΕΟΙ setting . In this function, the display will show "LF" or "ΕΟΙ " in t he d isplay. The setting can be changed with the [UP] and [DOWN] keys. The other keys functio ning, are ; [RUN], to save all GP IB settings in EEPROM, or [GPI B] to return to the address setting mo de. Α G P IB message can be terminate d in two ways : - ΕΟΙ Mode . only. d ifferent The instrument terminates on ΕΟΙ - LF Mode . When the instrument is in the LF mode, α LF or ΕΟΙ in the input stream will terminate the message . At power-up the D MM will be in the 4.5 digit mode. Pressing the [HOLD] an d t he [3.5/4.5] key will make the instrument sh ow 3.5 or 4.5 in the display. The setting can be changed with t he [UP] and [DO WN] keys. 2- 12 Instruction Manual ι ι ι ι ι Operating Instructions - D M 5110 / DM 511 ' I * θ θ Summary of Keyboard Functions The followi ng keyboard sequences start from the normal "RUN" measuring mo de. Table 2:1 Su mmary of Key b oard Fu nctio n s Sequence of keys to be pressed Function I B asic measurement functions Resista n ce [Ω] DC Voltage [DCV] AC Voltage [ACV] AC Voltage dBm [dBm] AC Voltage dBV [dBV] DC Current [DCA] AC Current [ACA] Te mperature [HOLD], [TEMP] . Autoranging O FF [UP] or [DOWN] More sensitive range [DOWN] H ig h er [UP] ra n ge - Autoranging ON [UP]and [DOWN] simultaneo usly. Stop measuring [HOLD] M ake one measu rement [HOLD], [TRIG]. ι ι I nstru ction Manual 2- 13 Operating Instructions - D M 5110 / DM 511 Summary of k eyboard functions ( Cont. ) Table 2.1 ( Cont . ) Function Ι Sequence of keys to be pressed DMM setting functions Set linefreq. ,to 50Hz [HOLD], [50/60 Ητ], [UP] or [DOWN], [RUN]. Set linefreq. to 60Ητ [HOLD], [50/60Hz], [ UP ] or [DOWN, [RUN] . Select 3.5 digit mo d e [HOLD], [3.5/4.5], [UP] or [DOWN], [RUN] . Select 4.5 digit mode [HOLD], [3.5/4.5], [ UP ] o r [DOWN, [RUN] . NULL mo de ON [NULL] NULL mode OFF [NULL] or any Function Key Set LOLIMIT [HOLD], [LOLIM ], [UP] or [DOWN], [RUN] . Set H ILIMIT [HOLD], [HILIM], (UP ] or [DOWN], [RUN] . COMPARE-mode ON [HOLD], [COMP], [ UP ] or [DOWN], [RU N]. COMPARE-mode OFF [HOLD], [COMP], [UP] or [DOWN], [RUN] or any Function Key . BEEPER-mode ON [HOLD], [BEEP], [ UP ] or [DOWN], [RUN] . BEEPER-mo de OFF [HOLD], [BEEP], [UP] or [DOW N], [RUN] or any Function Key. - GPIB setting functions (DM5110 only) GPIB Service Request [INST ID] Select GPIB address [HOLD], [GPIB], [ UP ] or [DOWN], [RUN]. , Select GPIB ΕΟΙ - only setting Select GPIB LF/ΕΟΙ setting 2- 1 4 [HOLD], [GPIB], [GPIB], [UP] or [DOWN], ,[ R UN]. [HOLD], [GPIB], [GPIB], [ UP ] or [DOWN, [RU N]. Instruction Manual ι ι Operating I n st r uctions - DM 5110 / D M 511 ι B ASIC ME AS UREMEN TS The followi n g p arag raph s descr ibe t he basic p rocedu res fo r ma k i ng voltage, resistance, cu rre nt, and dB measu reme nts. ' For detailed ex plan atio n of G P I B commands, see t h e Prog rammi n g sectio n . I ι ' ι Hig h Energy Circu i t Safety Preca u tions To o ptimize safety wh en meas ur ing voltage i n h ig h ene rgy dist r i bu tion circu its, read a n d use t h e d i r ectio ns i n t he followi n g warn in g. WARNING Dangerous arcs of an explosive nature in α high energy circuit can cause severe personal injury or death. If the meter is connected to α high energy circuit when set to α current range, low resistance range or any other low impedance range, the circuit is virtually shorted. Dangerous arcing can also result when the meter is set to α voltage range if minimum voltage spacing is reduced, or if maximum input voltage limits are exceeded. Whe n makin g measu r ements in h ig h en ergy ci rc u its u se test leads th at meet th e following re q uirements : - 1 ι Test lead s sh o uld be fu lly ins u late d. O n ly u se test lead s t h at can b e co nn ecte d to t he ci rcuit (e.g. alligator clips, spad e l ugs, etc .) for h an d s-off meas ure m e n ts. Do not u se test leads t h at d ecrease voltage s pacing . T h is d iminis h es arc p rotection and creates α hazardou s con d itio n . Use th e followi n g se qu ence w h e n testing powe r circu its : 1 . De-e ne r gize t he ci r cu it u sin g the reg u lar installe d co nn ect- d iscon n ect device suc h as th e circ u it b rea ker, mai n powe r switc h , etc . 2. Attach th e test leads to t h e ci rc u it u n d er test . U se ap p ropriate safety rate d lea ds fo r t h is application . 3. Set t h e D MM to t h e pro p er function an d ran ge. Instruction Manual 4. 5. 6. En e rgize th e ci rc u it usi n g th e i n stalled con nectd iscon nect device an d make measureme nts with ou t d isco n necti n g t he DM M. De-e ne rgize th e ci rcu it usi n g t h e i nstalle d con nect-disco n nect device . Disco nn ect t he test lead s from th e ci rcu it und er test. WARNING The maximum common-mo de input voltage (the voltage between input LO and chassis ground) is 1000 V peak. Exceeding this value may create α shock hazard. Warm Up Pe r iod The DM 5110 / DM 511 is usable i mmediately wh en it is first t u rn e d on. However, the in st ru me n t m ust be allowed to warm up for at least 30 minutes to ac h ieve rated αεcυ racy. Null Th e null feat ure serves as α mea n s of baseline supp r ession by allowi ng α sto re d offset val u e to be s ub tracte d from s u bsequ ent read ings. When t he [NULL] key is p resse d th e instru ment ta kes t he cu r rently dis p laye d read i n g as baseli ne val ue. All sub- . se qu e n t read i n gs re p rese nt t he diffe rence between th e applie d sig n al level and the stored baseli n e. Α baseli ne level can be establish ed (via in put levels o r remotely entered valu es) fo r only o n e meas u rement function at α time. O nce α baseli ne is establis h ed fo r α meas u rement fun ction, t hat sto red level will b e the same regar dless of wh at range t h e DM 5110/511 is i n . Fo r example, if 1 V is establis h ed as th e baselin e on t h e 2 V range, th en t he baseli ne will also be 1 V on t h e 20 V t hro u g h 1000 V ra n ges . Α NULL baseli n e level can be as large as full ra n ge . NOTE : The following discussion on dynamic range is based on α display resolutio n of 4 1/2 digits. At 3 1/2 d resolution, the number of counts would be reduced by α factor of 10. 2- 1 5 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 By design, the range of the DM 5110/511 dis p lay, Baseline Levels is +/- 19999 counts . With NULL enabled in DCV or DCA, with α maxiB aseline val ues can be establis hed b y eit h e r applymum NULL value of 20000 co u nts, the reading that ing b aseline levels to the instrument or, (D M 5110 is to b e displaye d does n ot match t he cap abilities of οηΙγ) by setting baseline val ues with t he G PI B bus. the display in part of the range. An applicatio n could be AC measureme nt in ampliThen t he resulti ng reading is show n wit h r educed fiers or filters, when t he level of the input sig nal is resolutio n, to increase d isplay range. (The decimal nulle d in α dB fu n ction . point is s hifted one p ositio n to the right) Measureme nt of gai n or attenuatio n in d B's can then d irectly b e made at the, o utput of the device It is imp orta n t to n ote that the increased display under test. range does not increase the maxim u m allowable To establish α baseline level by ap plying α level to input level to t h e in strument. the DM 5110 / 511, p erform the following steps: For example, on the 2 V range, th e DM 5110/511 will always overrange when more th an 1 .9999 V is 1. Disable NULL, if presently enabled, by pressco n necte d to the input. ing t h e [NULL] key. The NULL indicato r will turn off . E xam p le : 2. Select α function and ra nge t hat is appropriate for the antici pated meas urement. The instrume nt is set to the 2V DC range and α 3. Connect the desired baseline level to the maximum - 2.0000 V is established as the NULL input of the DM 5110 / 511 and note that level value. on the d isplay . When -1 .0000 V is connecte d to the input of the 4. Press the [N ULL] key. The display will NULL D M 5110/511, t h e display will read + 1 .0000 V. and the NULL ind icator will be en abled. The When +1 .0000 V is connected to t h e inp ut, the previously dis playe d reading will be the sto red display will read +3.000 V. baseline. NULL Correction Α range in which the NULL correctio n is ofte n u sed, is in the 200 Ohms ran ge, compensating the r esista n ce of the test lea ds. To u se NULL for NULL correctio n , perform the following ste ps: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2-16 Disable NULL, if presently enabled, by pressing the [NULL] key. Th e NULL indicator will turn off. Select the 200 O hms range. Connect the test leads to the D M 5110 / 511 input and s hort them together. P ress the [NULL] key. In t he display the "NULL"- sign will be lit . Remove the short and connect the test leads to the resistance to b e measured . WA RNING λ With NULL enabled, α hazardous voltage baseline level (+/- 40 V or more), not displayed, may be present on the input termina ls. if not sure what is applied to the input, assume that α hazardous voltage is present 5. , Disconnect the stored signal from the input and connect the signal to be measured in its place. Subseque n t readings will be the d iffer ence Oetwee n the stored value and t he applied signal . Instr u ction Manual ι ι ι ι ι Operating Instructions - D M 5110 / DM 511 " DC Voltage Measurements The DM 5110/511 can be u sed to make DC voltage measurements up to to +/- 1000 V with α maxim u m resol utio n of 10 μV. U se the following procedure to make DC voltage measurements: 1 . Select the DC volts function by pressing the DCV key. 2. Select α range that will cover the expected voltage b y pressing the [UP] or [DO WN] ra nge key or p ress bot h keys sim ultaneously to u se autorange . 3. Connect the sign al to b e measured to the LOW and. VOLT/ Ω /TEMP input terminals. 4. Observe t he read ing from the display. Resistance M eas urements The D M 5110/511 can make resistance measurements up to to 20 ΜΩ with α max. resol ution of 10 mΩ. To2 make resista nce measureme nts, p roceed as follows : ΝΟΤΕ: Typical open circuit voltage is 11'V. GPIB ra nge n u mbe r shown in pa renth eses. Sending Range 0 mea ns Auto R ange.. Table 2-2 shows the current output for eac h resistance range. It h elps to shield α resistance >100 kΩ to ac h ieve α stable read ing. Place the resistance in α shielded enclosure and - electrically connect the shield to the LO input termiηαΙ of the instrument. Diode Test Because of their 2 V fullscale voltages, the 2 kΩ, 00 kΩ and ~0 Mil range can b e used to test d iodes (indicated b -~+ n t he display) Testing d iodes can be done as follows : i 1 . Select the 2 kΩ range. . Forward bias th e d iode b y connecti ng t h e red te rminal of the DM5110 /511 to the positive side of the d iode. Α good d iode will typically measure 1 . Select th e ohms function by pressing the [Ω] between 300 Ω a nd 1 kΩ (0.3 -1 .0 Volts at 1 mA) . lie key. 3. Reverse b ias t he diode by reversing the connec2. Select α ra n ge co nsistent with the expected tions on the . diode. Α good diode will overrange resistance or use autorange . the dis play. 3. Co n nect the resistance to the L OW and VOLT/Ω/ΤΕΜΡ te rminal of the instrume nt. Insulation Resista nce Measurements ------------ The maximum inp ut voltage between the' VOLT/12/Temp and LO input terminals is 1000Vpeak. Do not exceed these values or instrument, damage may occur. 4. Observe the r eading f rom the display. 1 TABLE 2-2 RESISTANCE RANGES ι ι ι ι (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) Range 4 1/2d N ominal F ull scale Resolutio Output Curren Vo ltage 200 2 k 20 k 200k 2 Μ 20 Μ 10 m Ω 100 m Ω 1 Ω 10 Ω 100 Ω 1 kΩ Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Ω Instruction Manual 1 .0 1 .0 10 10 0 .1 0 .1 mA mA μΑ μΑ μΑ μΑ 200 mV 2 V 200 mV 2 V 200 mV V 2 Measurement of h igh resistance values can be done by u si ng the 10 Mil input resistance of the D M5110 /511 in the DCV ranges, together with α DC Voltage supply. This can be d one as follows : 1 . Select the DCV function by pressi ng the DC V key. 2. Select autora nging . 3. ~Pres's the NULL key W ith ope n D M inputs . The NULL indicator will turn on and t he display will null. In this way, possible leakage of the DM inputs is comp e n sated . 4. Connect the DM5110 /511 VOLTS /Ω /TEMP terminal in series with t he r esistance that is to be measured and connect them to α DC Voltage of (for instance) 10 V. Con nect t h e Low terminal to chassis ground a nd to the Low terminal of the DC voltage . 2-17 Ι Operating Instructions - D M 5110 Ι DM 511 Leakage currents through t he resistance to b e 5. measured will cause α voltage across the 10 ΜΩ input of the DM5110 / 511 . Α 1 GigaOhm resistor at 10 Volts will give α read ing of : 10 ΜΩ χ 10V =100 m V 1 GΩ (10'2 Ω) Α read ing of less then 0.1 mV will indicate that the resistance under test has α h igher impe dance then 1000 GigaΩ. TRMS AC Voltage Measurements The instrume nt can make TRMS AC voltage meas- urements up to to 500 V with α max. resolution of 10 μV. To measure AC volts, proceed as follows : 1 . Select the AC volts function b y pressing the [ACV] key. 2. Select α range consistent with the expected voltage or use autorange. 3. Connect the signal to be measured to the LOW and VOLT/Ω /TEMP input terminals . 4. Observe the reading from the display . , The settling time is 0.3 sec to within 1 °/ο of change in reading . This time specification is for analog circuitry to settle and does not include Α/D conversion time. ΝΟΤΕ: See TRMS Considerations. Current Measurements (DC or TRMS AC) The DM 5110 /511 can make DC or TRM S AC current measurements up to 2000 mA with α max. resolution of 10 ηΑ. . U se the following procedure to make current measurements: 1 . Select the DC current or AC current function by pressing the [DCA] or [ACA] key respectively . 2. Select α range consistent with t he expected current or use autorange. 2- 18 3. Connect the signal to be measured to the L OW a nd mA -input terminals . 4. Observe the read ing from the d isplay . dB Measurements T he dB measurement mode enables you to com- press α large range of measurements into α much smaller scope . AC- dB measurements can be made with the instrument in the dBV o r d Bm function The relation ship between dB and voltage, can be expressed by the following equation : Vin dB = 20 log --Vref dBV is defined as decibels above or below α 1 V reference . The instrument will read 00.00 d B when 1 V is applied to the input. 00.00 dBm eq uals 1 mWatt in α 600 Ohms load (0.775 V RMS) . Reference levels other than 1 V and 0.775 V can be established using the NULL feature. This simply consists of ap plying α signal to the instrument and pressing the [NULL] key. The suppressed level is the dB reference (0 - d B point). Another method is to enter the desired reference value over the GPIB bus (DM5110 only) . The following p roced ure explains h ow to use the NULL feature to establish α reference : 1 . Select the [dBm] or [dBV] function by pressing the dBm or d BV key respectivel y . 2. Select α range consistent with the expected voltage ΟgηαΙ or use autorange. 3. Apply α voltage signal, that is to be used as the dB reference, to the input of the DM 5110. 4. Press the [ NULL] key. The NULL indicator will turn on and t he d isplay will null. The reference is now whatever t he applied signal is. 5. Disconnect the signal from the instrument . 6. Connect the signal to be measured to the input of the D M 5110/511 . 7. Take the d B reading from the display. Instruction Manual Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 WA RNING With NULL enabled, α hazardous voltage baseline level (+/- 40 V or more), not displayed, may be present on the input terminals. If not sure what is applied to the input, assume that α hazardous voltage is present. TRMS Considerations M ost DMM s actu ally measure the average val ue of an input wavefo rm, but they are calib rate d to read its RM S equivalent. This poses no problems as long as the waveform being measure d is α pure, lowdistortion sine wave . For complex, n o n sinusodial wavefo rms, h owever, measurements made with an averagi ng type mete r can b e grossly inacc urate. B ecause of its TRMS measuring capabilities, the DM 5110 /511 p rovides accurate AC measureme n ts for α wide variety of AC i nput wavefo rms. TRMS Measurement Comparison T h e RM S value of α pure sine wave is equal to 0.707 times its peak valu e. Th e average value of such α waveform is 0.637 times the peak value. So, for an ave rage-responding meter, α correction factor m ust be d esigne d in. Th is correction factor, (Κ), can b e fo un d by dividing the RM S value by th e ave rage value as follows : Κ =0.707/0.637 -1 .11 By ap plying this correction factor to an averaged reading, α typical meter can be desig n ed to give the RMS eq uivalent. This is doi ng fine as long as the waveform is α pure sine, but the ratios betwee n t he RMS and average values of d ifferent waveforms can vary considerably . Table 2-3 shows α comparison of co m mon ty pes of waveforms . For reference, the first waveform is an ordinary sine wave with α peak amplitu de of 10 V. The average value of the voltage is 6.37 V, while its RMS value is 7 .07 V. Instruction Manual If we apply t h e 1 .11 co rr ectio n facto r to the average reading, you see that both meters will give the same read ing, resulting in no error in the average type meter reading. The situatio n chan ges wit h the h alf-wave rectified sine wave. As before, the p eak value of the wavefo rm is 10 V but the average value drops to 3 .18 V. The RMS value of this wavefo rm is 3.86 V but the average resp ond ing meter will give α read ing of 3.53 V (3 .18 χ 1 .11 ), creating an error of 11 °/ο. Α similar situatio n exists for the r ectified squa re wave, which has an average value of 5 V and an RM S val ue of 5.0 V. The average resp ond ing mete r gives α TRMS reading of 5.55 V (5 χ 1 .11 ), while t he DM5110/511 gives α TR MS reading of 5 V. Other waveform comparisons can be found in Table 2-3 . Crest Factor Th e crest facto r of α wavefo rm is the ratio of its peak value to its RM S value. So, th e c rest facto r s pecifies the d ynamic range of α TRM S instrume nt. For sinusoidal waveforms, the crest is 1 .414. Fo r α symmetr ical square wave, t h e crest factor is t 1. T h e c rest facto r of other waveforms will, of course, depend on the wavefo rm in q uestio n because t h e ratio of peak to RMS val ue will vary. For example, the crest factor of α rectangular pulse is relate d to its duty cycle ; as the duty cycle decreases, t h e crest facto r increases . The DM5110 / 511 h as α maximum crest factor of 3, wh ich means the instrument will give accurate TRMS measurements of rectang ula r waveforms with d uty cycles as low as 10% . 2- 19 Ι Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / DM 511 Measurements dB A p plications Temperature Measuring Circuit Gain/Loss In combination with the Tektronix Ρ6602 temperatune-probe the DM51101511 can measure temperature from -62 .0 °C up to + 240 .0 °C . The Ρ6602 probe is especially designed for temperature sensing on electronic components, because t he tip has α minimal thermal leakage . This enab les the user to accurately measure the temperature of small size components. The NULL function can be used efficiently when a raise in tem perature of p arts nee ds to be measured . The procedure to make tem perature measurements ' is Any point in α circuit can be established as the 0 dB point. Measurements in t hat circuit then are referenced to that point and expressed in terms of gain (+d B) or loss -dB). To set the null dB point proceed as follows: 1 . Set the DM 5110/511 in d Bm or dBV mo d e. 2. Connect the DM 5110 /511 to the desired location n t he circuit . 3. Press the NULL key . The d isplay will read 0 d B. 4. Gain / loss measurements can now be ma de referenced to the 0 dB point . i Measuring Bandwidth The DM 5110 /511 can be u sed to bandwidth of an amplifier as follows : determine the 1 . Connect α signal generator a nd α frequency counter to the input of the amplifier . Set the DM 5110 /511 to d Bm or dBV a nd au2. toιange. 3. Connect the DM 5110 /511 to the load of the amplifier. 4. Adjust the frequency of the signal generator until α peak voltage reading is measured on the D M5110 /511 . This is the center frequency . 5. Press the [N ULL] key. The 0 dB point is now established . 6. Increase the frequency input u ntil the DM5110 /511 reads -3.00 dB. The frequency measured on the frequency counter is the high-end limit of the bandwidth . 7. Decrease the fre q uency input until the dB reading again falls to -3.00 d B. The fre q ue ncy measured on t he signal generator t hen is the low-end limit of the ban dwidth . ' 1 . Connect the Ρ6602 to the LOW and V/Ω/Temp input jacks. 2. Select the temperature measurement mode, pressing the [HOLD] and [TEMP] keys . 3. Allow t he Ρ6602 some time to adjust to ambient te mperature . 4. Push the [NULL] k ey, to set the ambient temperature as baseline level. . 5 Now α relative temperature measurement can be made . , ι ιι ι 1 2- 20 Instru ction Manual Operati n g I nstru ctions- DM 5110 Ι DM 511 Ta b le 2-3 Co mparison of Average an d T RM S ι ι Waveform AC Couple d Peak Value Si ne 10 V Half- W ave Sin e 10V RMS Value 7.07 V 3.86 V Meter Rea d ings Average Respo nding AC Couple d TRMS Rea d ing Read i ng Meter 7.07 V 3.90 V Averagin g Mete r Percent Meter Ι 7.07 V Error Ι 0% Ι 3.86 V Ι 1% Ι 3.08 V Ι 3.2%ε +10 0 Fu ll- Wave Si n e 10 V 3.08 V Squ are 10V 10.00 V 11 .10 V Ι 10 V Ι 10 V 5.00 V 5.55 V Ι 5.00 V Ι 11% 10 V 10A 22 .2Κ 10V 5.77 V . 5.55 V +1 ο +1 ο 2.98 V 11%ε ο ι Rectified Sq uare Wave 0 Rectangular Pu lse D= χ / Υ Κ = D-D° +10 Τ x 0 ~_ __ γ --.- Tria n g u la r Sawtooth ι ι ~ 2.22Κ!j- Ις ] χ 100%ο l< +1 ο Instruction Manual Ι 5.77 V Ι 4ο/ο 2-21 Operating Instructions - DM 5110 / D M 511 DM 5110 / 511 Dis play E rror R eporting Except t h e errors that can occ ur only during calibration procedures, which are described in the service manual, the followi ng messages can be shown on the DM5110 / 511 d isplay: - Α consta nt blinking of the "AUTO"-led . This meansthatthe internal calibration-enable jumper is in th e "CA L"-positio n!! The instr ument can now easily be recalibrate d. Contact α q ualified service p erso n ! - T he d isplay shows EEr r briefly. This can happen n the followi ng cases: i - At powe rup when the contents of the E EPROM are checked. 2- 22 When an attempt is made to change an EEPRO M related setting, and reprogramming the EEPROM with the new setting fails . (50/60 H z or GP IB address and LF/ΕΟ1 setting) Se nd your D M to the nea rest TEKTRON IX Service Center! - Α constant b linking of the two least significant d igit of the reading. This means that the calibration-setti ngs as stored in E EPROM are improper and the DM5110/511 returne d to default cali bration -settingslll Alt hough the instrument is still measuring, the reading is likely to be very inaccurate (+/- 2%) . Send your D M to the nearest TEKTRONIX Service Cente r! Instruction Manual Section 3 Programming - DM 5110 PROG RAMM I NG ( This section does not apply to the DM511) Introduction This sectio n of the manual p rovi d es information for prog ramming the DM 5110 Programmable Digital Multimeter via the IEEE - 488 .1 d igital interface . The IEEE - 488 .1 i nterface function s ubsets for the DM 5110 are listed in Table 1-1 in Section 1 . ' The DM 5110 can be ope rate d by remote control over the digital bus as specified in IEEE Sta n d ar d 488 .1-1987, Standard Digital In terface for Program mable Instrumentation, and is commonly called the General Purpose Interface Bus (G P IB). ' The infor mation in t his section assumes that the rea der is knowled geable in GPI B bus com m u n i cation and has some ex perience in programming the .. system ' ι ι ι ιι ι TM 5000 programmable instruments con nect to the GPIB th rough α TM 5000 power module . Refe r to the Operati ng In structio ns section for n stalli ng the instr ument in t he power module. . i The DM 5110 is d esigned to operate in α single com p artmen t of α TM 5000 series (IEEE-488 .1 compatible) power mod ule. The DM 5110 is connected to the bus through α p assive connector system in th e p ower mo dule. All b uffering is contained in t he instrument. IEEE- 488 .1 BUS ADDRESS AND TER MINATOR i The GPIB a ddress an d terminato r are stored n EEPRO M. The address and te rminator are set via the front TM 5000 instruments are d esigned to communicate panel, , as d escribed in Section 2, Table 2- , ( GP IB any bus-compatible controlle r that can send1 Setting Functions). and receive ASCII messages (commands) ove r t he IEEE-488.1 bus. These commands program the At shi p ment, the DM 5110's GP IB ad d ress is fac instr uments or req uest i nformation f rom the instrutory- set to 16; t h e te rmin ato r is set fo r ΕΟΙ only. ments. T he G P I B ad d ress and terminator can be changed Recommended controllers for use in programming as indicated in Section 2, Table 2-1 , u nder GPIB the DM 5110 are ΙΒΜ ® PC-com p atible controllers, Setting Functions. such as the Te ktronix PEP 301, ΡΕΡ303 with the Te ktro n ix GURU (GP IB User's Resource Utility for the ΙΒΜ ® P C) software and G P IB interface card , a n d th e 2402 TekMate . Commands for TM 5000 p rog rammable instruments are designed for compatibility among . instrum ent ty pes. The same comman ds are use d in d ifferent instruments to control similar fu nction s. After t he DM 5110 is set to the remote mo de by α system controller, its op erating modes an d frontpanel setti ngs can be set and rea d by programming mnemonics sen t to it in ASCII over the bus. Operating modes and f ront p anel settings can be read by the controller in eith e r t he local or r emote state. Instruction Manual 3- 1 Programming - DM 5110 D M5110 RES PO N S E TO IN T ERF AC E CO NTRO L MESSAG ES MESSAG E A ND CO MMUN ICATIO N PROTOCO L I n trodu ction Th e last D M 5110 is controlled by t he fron t p a n el keys o r data byte; ot hers use only the LF ch aracte r as α via commands received f rom t h e co nt roller . Ther e terminato r . Th e inst ru me n t can b e set to accept are fo u r types of comma nd : either te rmi nato r. - Measu reme n t Settin g commands ; Cont rol i nstru me n t settings. U ser Interface Setting Com man ds ; Control t h e G P I B interface setti n gs a nd the front pan el . Qu e ry / Out put ; Req uest data. Op eratio n al ; Cause α particu la r action . When t h e inst ru ment is i n th e remote state, it p rovides α r esponse or execu tes all command s as αρprop riate. In th e local state , only qu e ry / out put command s a re exec u te d ; setti ng and ope ration al command s generate erro r respo n ses, since th e i n stru me nt fun ctions are un d er f ront panel co ntrol. Th e D M 5110 accepts ab breviate d commands li k e ot h e r p rod u cts in th e TM 5000 se r ies. Command Se parator Α message consists of one command o r α series of comman d s, followed by α message ter mi n ato r. Messages consisting of mu ltiple commands m u st h ave th e comman ds sepa rated by semicolons. Α semicolon at t he end of α message is option al. Fo r example, each lin e below is α message . - ΙΝΙΤ T E ST?;I N IT; R QS ON; U S ER OFF;ID?;S ET? T E ST?; Message Termi n ator M essage may be termi n ated wit h ΕΟΙ or the ASCII line feed (LF) c h aracter . Some co n tr ollers assert ΕΟΙ concur rently wit h t he 3- 2 ' W it h ΕΟΙ ONLY selected as t he terminato r , th e instru ment interpretes α d ata byte received with ΕΟΙ asserted as t h e end of t he in put message ; it also asserts ΕΟΙ concu rrently wit h t he last byte of th e o u tpu t message . Wit h th e LF/ΕΟΙ setti ng, t he i nstrument i nte rpretes t he LF ch a racte r witho ut ΕΟΙ asserted (o r any data byte received with ΕΟΙ asserte d) as th e end of an inpu t message ; it t ransmits carriage return (C R ) followed by t he lin e feed (t h e LF with ΕΟΙ asserted ) to ter mi n ate ou t put messages . Refe r to Section 2, Table 2-1 fo r i n formatio n on setti n g the message te r minato r. ΤΜ 5000 i n st ru me n ts a re shipped with ΕΟΙ ONLY selected . Formatting α Message Comman ds sent to ΤΜ5000 instrume nts m u st have th e p rope r fo rmat (syn tax) to be u nde rstood; however , t h is format is flexible, so ma ny variations are acceptable. Th e followi n g descri bes t h is fo rmat an d the acceptable variatio n s. The i nst ru men ts ex pect all comma nd s to b e en code d in ASCII ; howeve r , t hey accept both u ppe r an d lower cAse ASCII ch aracters. All data out put is i n u pper case. Α comman d consists of α h eader an d , if n ecessary, followe d by arg ume n ts. Α comman d wit h arg u ments must have α heade r d e- . limiter t h at is t h e space ch aracte r (S P) between t he header a nd th e argument. T h e sp ace c h aracter (SP ), carriage ret ur n (C R), a nd line feed (LF) are sh own as s ubscri pt in th e followi ng examp les . Instru ction Manual ι ι ι ι ι Programming - DM 5110 Number F ormats RQSSP ON If ext ra fo r matting characters SP, C R and LF (the LF cannot be u sed for format in the LF/ΕΟΙ terminato r mode) are ad ded betwee n th e h eader d elimiter and the argument , they are ignored b y the instrument . E xample 1 : RQSSPON The instru ment accepts the followi ng k i nds of numbers for any of the numeric arguments . Signe d or u nsigned integers (including +0 and-0) . Unsigned integers are interpreted as positive . E xample 2 : RQSSP SΡΟΝ E xample 3 : RQS SP εα ιF SP V ON Example 3 works only if the GP IB terminator is set to ΕΟΙ only. If set to ΕΟΙ / LF, t hen t he LF will be treated as the en d of the message, and α comma nd error will b e retu rned. ( M issi ng arg ument) In general, these formatting characters are ignored after any delimiter an d at the begi nning and end of α message . ' 8Ρ ι ι ι " RQS 8Ρ ΟΝ ; CR - SP U SER,P OFF In the comman d list, some h eaders an d a rguments are listed in two forms, q full-le ngth version and an abb reviated version . Th e i nstrument accepts any header or argument contai ning at least th e c h a racters listed in the short form ; any character added to the abbreviated version m ust be those given in the full-length version . For documentation of programs, t h e u ser may add alpha characters to the full-lengt h ve rsio n. Alpha characters may also be added to α query h eader provi ded the q uestio n mark is at the end . , U SERE? U S ERE Q? USERE QUE ST? M ultip le arguments are separated by comma. 2,3 2,SP3 NOTE : In th e last example, the space is treated as α format characte r because it follows the comma (the argument delimiter) . Instruct i on Manual Sig ned or unsig ned decimal numbers. Unsigned decimal nu mbers are interprete d to be p ositive. E xamples :-3 .2, +5.0, 1 .2 Floating poi nt numbers expressed in scientific notation . - Examples: +1 .ΟΕ-6, 1 .ΟΕ-2, 1 .Ε-2, 0.01 Ε+Ο ιF U SER? ι E xample : +1, 2, -1, -10 The largest acceptable number for an arg ument is +/-99999 Ε+99 . Message Protocol As the instrument receives α message it is store d n the inp ut Buffer, processe d and executed. Processing α message consists of deco d ing comma n d, detecting delimiters an d c hecking syntax . For setti ng commands, the inst rument then stores the indicate d c hanges in the Pending Settings B uffer. If an error is detecte d during processi ng, t he instrument asserts SRO, ignores the r emainder of the message and resets the P ending Settings Buffer. Resetti ng t he Pend ing Settings Buffer avoids undesirable states that could occur if some setting commahds are executed while others in the same message are n ot. Executing α message consists of performing the actions specified by its command(s) . For setting commands, this involves updating the inst ru men t setti ngs a n d sto res t hese updates i n the i C u rrent Settings Buffe r. Th e setting commands are executed in gro ups ; that is, α series of setting commands is p rocessed an d stored in the P en d ing Settings buffer before execution takes p lace. 3-3 P rogrammi n g - DM 5110 Th is allows t he use r to specify a new instrument state wit h o ut having to co n si d e r w h et h e r α particu la r seque n ce wo u l d be valid . Execution of t h e settings occur s w h en t he i n st r ume n t processes the message ter minato r , α qu ery o utpu t comma nd, or an op eration al comma nd in α message . Whe n th e inst ru me n t processes α q u ery-o utput command n α message, it exec utes a n y p reced in g setti n g comma n ds to upd ate th e state of t h e i n stru me nt. It th e n execu tes t h e qu ery-o utp ut command b y ret rievi n g t he a pp ropr iate data an d pu tti n g it in t h e O u tp u t Buffer. T h e n , processi n g a nd execu tio n co n tin ue for t h e remainder of t h e message . Th e data is se n t to t h e controller wh e n t h e instr u ment is made α tal ker. Wh en th e i nst rum ent p rocesses an op e ratio nal comma n d in α message, it executes any precedi n g setti n g commands befo re executi ng t h e op erational comma nd . i Mu ltip le Messages The Input Buffer has fi n ite capacity (about 50 bytes) and α single message may be long en o u g h to fill it. In th is case, α portion of t he message is processed before the i n st ru me n t accep ts ad ditio n al input. During comma nd p rocessing t h e instrument h olds off additio n al data (by asse rti n g NRF D) until space is available in t he b u ffe r. Wh e n space is available, t h e i n strumen t can accept α seco n d message, b efo re th e first has been p rocessed. H oweve r, it h old s off ad ditio n al messages with NRF D, until it completes processi ng the first . Afte r t he i n st ru ment executes α query-output comma nd n α message, it h ol ds th e response i n its Out pu t Buffe r until th e controlle r ma kes t he inst rument α tal ker. If t h e i n stru ment receives α n ew message b efore all of t h e output from the p r evio u s message is r ead, it clears the Outpu t Buffer before execu ting th e n ew message . T his prevents t h e cont rolle r from getting unwanted data from old messages . 'An oth er situatio n may cau se the i nstru me nt to delete o utpu t. Th e executio n of α lo ng message mig ht cau se bot h t h e I n pu t andi O utput bu ffers to become full (outp u t buffer > 28 bytes) . When th is occ u rs, th e inst rument can n ot finis h exec uti n g t h e message because it is i 3-4 waitin g for th e cont r oller to read t h e data it has generated ; but t h e co ntroller cannot read th e d ata because it is waiti ng to finis h sendi ng its message . B ecau se t he i nstru ment's I nput buffer is f ull and it is h ol di ng off th e rest of t he cont r olle rs message with NR FD, t he system is hung up wit h t h e cont rolle r and in st ru me n t waiting fo r eac h oth e r. When t h e i n stru ment detects th is cond ition, it gene rates an e rror , asserts S R O, and deletes th e data i n the O utput buffe r. T h ese actio n s allow t he co n tr oller to transmit the rest of th e message and infor ms th e co n t roller that th e message was exec u ted and th at th e o utput was deleted . Α ΤΜ 5000 instru ment can be mad e α tal k e r wit h o u t havi n g received α message t h at s pecifies what it s h o uld ou tpu t. In th is case, acq u isition inst ru ments (counters and multimeters) ret urn α measuremen t if one is ready. If no meas uremen t is ready, t hey retu rn α single byte message with all bits equ al to 1 HEX FF)(wit h message termi nator as the" talke d wit h n oth i ng to say" (TWN TS)); othe r TM 5000 in stru ments will return on ly t h is message . I n st r ument Res p onse to IEEE-488.1 Messages Interface I n terface messages an d th eir effects on the i n st ru ment's i nterface functions are defined in IEEE Sta nd a rd 488 .1-1987 . Abb reviations from t h e standard are u sed in t h is d iscussion, w h ic h descri bes the effects of i nterface messages on i n st ru ment ope ration . UNL Unlisten UNT Untalk ment's listener fun ction goes to its idle state (u nadd ressed) . In t h e id le state, t h e instru ment will not acce pt i n st ru ment command s from the G P I B . Th e tal ke r fu nction goes to its idle state w h en th e n st ru me n t receives t h e UN T comman d. In t h is state, the inst ru me n t ca nn ot out p u t data via t he G P I B . I nstruction Manual ' ι ιι ι ί i ι ι ι ι I ι Programming - DM 5110 The ADDR light is off when both t he talker a nd listener f unctions are idle. If the instrument is either talk addressed or listen addressed, the light is on. DCL Device Clear. This message restarts device de pendent message processing, resets the input and o utput buffers, clears any buffered settings waiting for t he GET message, ' and clears the instrument status, exce pt power - on status. for the DCL and SDC do not reset the instrument to the power-on state. Use the ΙΝΙΤ command to reset the instrument to the power on state. " respon ds SPD Serial Poll Disable The SPE message enables the instrument to output serial poll status b ytes when it is talk ad dressed. The SPD message switches the instrument back to its normal operation of sen d ing the data from the Output Buffer. This causes the instrument to go to α local state. This state is described un d er Remote-Local F unctions . The instrument responds to GTL only if it is listen addressed . L ockout . This command causes the instrument to go to the Local With Lockout State ( LWLS) or t he R emote With Lockout State (RWLS) if REN is asserted. (See Remote-Local Function Operation) . If REN is true, the instrument goes to α remote state (from Ι-OCS to REMS or from LWLS to RWLS) when its listen address is receive d . REN false causes α t ransition from any state to L OCS ; the instrume nt stays in LOCS as long as REN is false . IFC Interface Clear. MILA My Listen Address ΜΤΑ My Talk Address ' GTL Go-To-Local . REN Remote E nable. S PE Seri al Poll Enable .' If DT is on, and GET is received, while listen addressed, α trigger is created and t he conversion sequence is started.The GET message is ignored and an SRO generated , if the DT function is disabled (DT OFF), the instrument is in the local state, or if α message is b eing processed when GET is recei ved . LLO Local SDC Selected Device Clear. Same as DCL message . The instrument to SDC only, if it is listen addressed . GET Group E xecute Trigger . The p rimary listen addresses are established by the instrument's GPIB address.The current setting is d isplayed when the ID button is pressed. When the instrument is addresse d to talk or listen, the frontp anel ADDR indicator is illuminated . Pulsing IFC is the equivalent of sending LINT, UNL, . SPD . The message buffer will NOT b e cleared so that input or output operations can be continued with no loss of data . - Digitally signed by http://www.aa4df.com Instruction Manual 3- 5 t Programming - D M 5110 ASCI & GPI B COD E C H ART υ NUL ο ) ό 9670 1 LLo τιΙ SO ~ 2τ ' DC7 , , 11 17 β, 142 82 α ,αα 0100 45 0101 25 46 28 47 % & 5165 5 911105 37136 else 591 45 221 108 88 36 7167 54 48 231107 55 47 110 48 111 49 Ε 33 ο 15 D VT4 ESC 1, 1 Β ~34 F G FF CR 12110 95 Ι 19 1D FS GS 4Β 114 28 40 291115 29 β1 4D 11 βαε ΚΕΥ octal hex 3-6 UN IVERSAL COMMANDS 25 15 LISTEN ADDRESSES 7, 57 Η Ι 1 Ν 8 89 26 89 105 111133 90 27 8Α 153 751 5Β 121134 91 28 78 SC 131135 Μ 87 104 δΑ L Χ 167 24 150 77 5Μ . 141138 78 z \ ASCII c h aracters NAΚ ]ASCII decimal Fig. 3-1 ASCII and IEEE (G P I B) Code Ch art θ ., β 20 t 77 γ ω 170 119 24 78 120 25 79 172 108 Ι 7Α 11 173 122 27 βΒ 164 107 7Β 129 28 92 29 80 155 108170 19 1175 194 29 93 _SD 158 10 152 ή SE 167 12 m n 109 174 7D } 14 178 110 17E 151177 ι ι ι 118 23 121 28 OF TALK ADDRESSES ,1 τ ,00 74 ,, _ β 5i185 21 U 75 117 22 ISO as 73159 101132 Κ W r α 1 184 κ as code 21 d 4 72 76 127 ADDRESSED COMM AND b Ρ α7 71 2 1βτ 70 β 130 113 27 64 145 5 α 09 112 Β 14 ,β ο ISO 140 DL E 1 β ι ι έ 125 30 Ν Dει 128 (RUΒOUT) 111 7F SECONDA RY ADDRESS ES OR COMMANDS REF: ANSI STD Χ3.4-1977 ΙΕΕ STD 488-1978 ISO STD 646-1973 I nstru ction Manual ι P rogramming - D M 5110 REMOTE - LOCAL FUNCTION O PERATION Introduction 1 ι ι ι ' The R emote-Local functions of the DM 5110 are controlled by the system controller and the front panel controls . There are four states associated with t he Remote-Local functions of the DM 5110 , two "local" states and two "remote" states : - L ocal State (LOCS) Remote State (REMS) Local With Lockout State (LWLS) Remote With Lockout State (RWLS) Local State (LOCS) . 1η L OCS, the front panel controls are u nder the control of the operator ; the front panel settings can not be change d via setting commands from the bus . H owever, the instrument will r espon d to query commands via the GPIB bus (REN bus line n eed not be asserted) . In α "local" state, all front panel controls are operational. If α remote command cannot be executed because t he instrument is in α "local" state, an execution error will b e reported to the controller (error 201). Remote State (REMS) . When t he DM 5110 receives its listen a ddress, with the REN bus line asserted, and rtl is false, it enters the Remote State and the REM indicator light is illuminated. While in REMS, the instrument responds to and executes all setting comman ds, queries, and nterface messages . For all commands having corresponding front panel controls, the front panel is updated to d isplay the new settings as the commands are executed. If the DM 5110 is in REMS, there are three conditions under which it will return to the Local State (LOCS): i ' - - If the REN bus line becomes υη-asserted (false) . NOTE. The DM 5110 can be in either the Local State (LOCS) or Remote State (REMS) when the Local Lockout (LLO) interface message is received. If in LOCS and REN is asserted, it will enter the Local With Lockout State (LWLS) o r if in REMS, it will enter the Remote With L ockout state (RWLS) when LLO is received. The LWLS and RWLS state transitions are completely controlled by the controller . Local With Lockout State (LWLS) . If the DM 5110 enters the Local With Lockout State, the REM indicator light will not be lit and t he instrument operates exactly as in t he L ocal State (LOCS). R emote With Lockout State (RWLS). While in RWLS, the REM indicator will be illuminated, all setting comman ds, queries, interface messages will be executed and all front-panel controls, except INST ID will be ignored .lf the GTL message is received while in RWLS, the instrument goes to the Local With Lockout State (LWLS). NOTE. The DM 5110 returns to the Local State (LOCS) any time the REN bus line becomes υη -asserted (false) . when any key, except INST ID is depressed by the operator, when t he instrument receives the Go To L ocal (GTL) interface message, or Instruction Manual 3-7 Programming - DM 5110 DEVICE DEPENDENT CO M M AND SET In t roduction The remote control messages for the DM 5110 are device-dependent messages on the GPIB. As such, they a re n ot specifie d n IEEE Standa rd 488 .1-1987 . H owever, the Tektronix Sta ndard Codes and Formats specifies the syntax, delimiters, a n d c ha racters allowed for h ig h -level p rogramming of TEKTRON IX instruments. Symbols not enclosed by < > are terminals or liter als. All fr ont-panel functions are also GPIB controllable, except for t he FRONT REAR NPU T switch, 50/60 H z setting, the GPIB add ress and LF/ΕΟΙ setti ngs. E ach DM 5110 comma nd, like those in all TM 5000 in struments, b egi ns with α h eader, which is α word or acronym th at describes the function implemented. Description Of The Syntax Diagrams Following the header, many comma nds require an i I The syntax in t h e section b elow is descri bed in α BNF format . The symbols used in th e syntax definitio ns are d escribed below . Symbol Descriptio n : < > Define d element. . .= Is d efi ne as - () Explanation - {} Gro uping of a rguments and variables. Do not include the braces in the message. Optional data. Do n ot in clude the data in the message . - [] Spaces in α definition are for formatting part of th e defi n ition. a nd are not DM5110 Detaile d Comman d Set argument, which is α word or nu mber t h at specifies t he desired state for the function . The commands are presented alphabetically on the following pages. Wh en abbreviation of the h eader is allowed, the optional part is printed in lower case. Excl usive OR. Α vertical line is u sed in α series of two or mo re units ; a ny one unit must be selected and sen t as part of the command message . Do not in clude the line in t he message . <NRF> ::= < NR1 > Ι < NR 2> Ι < NR 3> (Any of the three number types) Is u sed by the DM 5110 to accept or transmit α numbe r . Numbers may be NR1 (integer), NR2 (decimal) and NR 3 (with exponent) format. 3- 8 Instruction Manual ι ' ' Programming - DM 5110 GPIB Command Set Summary To control the DM5110 the following GPIB command s are d efined: ACA [< Amps>] ACV [<Volts>] Set to the AC current function Set to the AC voltage function BEEper ON BEEper OFf ΒΕΕρeι ? Beeper mode on Bee per mode off CALEN? CAL Response from DM : BEEP ON I OFF ' CALC CMPr CALC OFf CALC ? ON J OFF [internal cal j um per) [calibrate] If not cal-jumper in "CAL" then error 260 If calibration fails then error χχχ T urns on the compare calculation function Turns off all calculator functions Response from DM: CALC CMPR Ι OFF ' DATA? DBM [< dBm's>] DBV [<dBV's>] DCA [<Am ps>] DCV [< Volts>] DIGit [ <Digits>] DIGit ? DT OFf DT T RIg DT? Return the r ea d ing causing α monitor event. Set to the dBM function Set to the d BV function Set to the DC current function Set to the DC Volts function Sets the measurement resolution of the DM 5110. Response from DM : DIGI 3.54 .5 Device Trigger off Device Trigger mode Res ponse from DM : DT OFF Ι T RIG ERR? EVent ? Response from DM: ERR <NUMBER> Response from DM: EVENT <NUMBER> FUNCT DCV FUNCT ACV FUNCT DCA FUNCT ACA FUNCT O HMS FUNCT DBM FU NCT DBV FUΝCΤ ΤΕΜΡ FUNCT? DC Voltage M easurement AC Voltage Measurement DC Current Measurement AC Current Measurement Ohms M easurement d Bm Measurement . d Bm Measurement Temperature Measurement Res ponse from DM : FUNCT DCVIACVIDCA JACA J OHMSIDBMI DBVITEMP HELp ? Returns all instrument commands ' ' ' ' Response CALEN t Response from DM: ID ΤΕΚ/DM5110,V81 .1,FVx .x Power "on" conditions - FUNCT DCV RANGE 3 U SER O FF MODE RUN DIGIT 4 .5 - ROS ON O PC OFF Instruction Manual 3-9 Programming - DM 5110 GPIB Command Set Summary (Co t.) p LIMits<high limit>,<Ιοω limit> LIMits ? LINEFreq ? MODE RUN MODE T RIG Set limit values Returns the state of the limit function Response from DM: L INEF 50 160 MODE? MONitor ON MONitor OFf MONitor ? RUN mode TRIG mode (HOLD) Response from DM: MODE RUNITRIG Monitors the H IGH LOW limits and set SRO is out of limits Turns off the monitor function Response from DM: M ONITOR O N OFF NULL [<ΝυΙΙ value>] NULL ? Turns on the null function and set the null value Returns the state of the null function . OHMs [<Ohms>] OPC ON OPC OFf OPC ? OVEr ON ΟVΕι OFf OVEr ? Set to the Ohms function OPC r eporting on OPC reporting off Response from D : OPC ON OFF OVER reporting on OVER reporting off Response from DM : OVER ON Ι O FF RANge <Range number> RANge ? ROS ON RQS OFf RQS? Res onse fro D M: RANGE <0..6> Enable RQS Disable RQS Response from DM: ROS ON OFF S ENd S ET? J M p J m J SOURce ? Res onse <READING DATA> Returns the co plete state of the instrument Response from DM : SOURCE FRO T Ι REAR TEMP [< °C>] T EST? Set to the temperature function Start self test U SER ON U SER OFf U SERre ? Enable INST ID Service request Disable INST ID Service request Response from DM : U SER O N OFF p q 3- 1 0 m N J Instruct on ΜαηυαΙ i Programming - DM 5110 DETAI LED ι I ACV (AC Voltage Function), Type : Setting / Type : Setting Setting Syntax : ACA [<number>] Setti ng Syntax : ACV [<num ber>] Exam ples : Range Selected : Ι Exam p les : Range Selecte d : ACA 18 Ε-3 20 mA ACA 500 Ε-3 2000 mA ACA No No range, Auto ranging ACV 15 ACV 15 Ε-2 ACV 20 V 200 mV range, Auto ranging Discussion : Discussion number : := <NRF> (valid cu rrent to the instrume nt) number ::= <NRF > (valid voltage in put to the instrument) Th e arg ument is u sed to select the range . If there is no argument, t h e range is set to auto range, starting in t he h ighest range . If the argument is α valid current reading, the instrument round s the argument up to the first full scale value, an d selects that specific ran ge. If the argument is above t h e h ighest range, the inst ru ment ge nerates an execution e rror (and asserts SRO if ROS is on) . 200 2 1 ι ι L IST ACA (AC Current Fu nction ) Th is command will set the instrument to the ACcurrent function. Also sets the ra n ge of the AC- current function. ι COMMAND μΑ mA 20 mA 200 mA 2000 mA Th is command will set the instrume n t to th e AC voltage function .. Also sets the range of the ACvoltage function . The argument is used to d etermine the range. If there is no arg u ment, the range is set to αυtorange, starting in the h ighest range. If the arg ument is valid , the instrument rounds the argument up to t he first fu ll scale value, and selects that specific range. If t he arg ument is above the h ighest range, the in strument generates an executio n error (and asserts S RO if ROS is on) . R anges : 200 2 20 200 500 mV V V V V ι Instruction Manual 3- 1 1 λ ι Programming - DM 5110 BEEper CA L C (Com pare M ode) Type : Setti n g or Qu ery Type : Setti ng o r Query Setting Syn tax : ΒΕΕρeι ON I OF f Setting Syntax : CAL C CO M p ~ OFf CALC C MPr ~ O F f Query Syntax : BEEp er? Qu e ry Syntax : CAL C? Que ry Response : BEEP ON Ι OFF; Query R esponse: CA L C C MPR Ι OFF; Examples CA LC CM PR CA LC OFF CA LC COM P Discussion : Th is B E Ep er ON Ι OFF comma nd enables or d isables the BEEPER m ode. Th e beepe r mode works on all fun ctions and ma k es t h e b eeper so u n d if t he r ea di ng is below t he low limit or ab ove t he h ig h limit, with an exceptio n w h en t h e instru ment is in t h e Oh ms mode, in ove rrange, and th e ΗΙ LIMIT is set at 19999 i n th e measurement range. : Discussion : Wit h the CA L C C MPR command th e i nstr u me nt will display HI if th e reading is h ig h er than the HI L I M IT, LO if the readi n g is less than t h e LO W L I MIT o r P ASS in all other cases . The value of the limits is set b y t h e L IMITS comma nd. Over t he G P I B-bu s, t he S EN D command will make t h e D M 5110 outp ut the following results: 1 . fo r L O, 2. for P ASS, 3. fo r HI +1 E+99 or -1 E+99 for overrange. Th e OFF a rg u me nt turns off t he com pare fu n ction . 3-12 Inst ru ction Manual ι ι ι ι ι ι *I ι ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι Programming - DM 5110 D B M [<n um ber>] DATA? (dB Milli Type : Query Type : Setti ng Syntax : DATA? Setting Syn tax : D BM [<number>] Response : < nu m ber > Discussion Discussion : ι J* ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι Watt Function ) . This comman d returns o ne of the responses liste d below. 1) After power on, retu rns 0 until α read ing is availa ble. 2) If α MON ITOR S RO h as occurred, DATA returns the measureme nt causing the SRO . 3) If neit her of the above condition is true, DATA return s the most recent reading. DATA will return the same reading until the next con ve r sion is t r iggere d an d α new reading is available . It does not trigger α conve rsio n no r wait to return α ne w reading as the SEND command d oes. This command will set the instrument to the DBM fu nctio n . Also sets the range of the DΒΜ function . The D BM function is α recalculated version of the ACV ranges. Th e r ead i ng is converted to dB with α 1 m W reference (.775 Volt). If there is no arg ument, the range is set to αυtorange, starting in t h e high est range. If the argument is valid , the instrument r ounds the argumen t up to th e fir st fu ll scale value, and selects that s pecific range. If the arg u ment is above the highest range, the instrument generates an execution error (an d asserts S RO if ROS is on) . n umber ::= <NRF> (valid dBm to the instrument) Ranges -57 .78 -37 .78 -17 .78 + 2.02 +42 .22 .. ........... ......-11 .76 . . . . ............... + 8.24 .. .............. ... +28 .24 ..... .... ....... ...+48 .24 ........ ...........+56.20 d Bm d Bm dBm d Bm dBm (00 .00 dBm equals 1 mWatt in 600 Ω load (0.775 V RMS )) . Instruction Manual 3- 13 Programmi ng - D M 5110 DBV [<number>] (dB Voltage F unction ) DCA [<n umber>] (DC Current Function ) Type : Setting Typ e : Setti ng Setti ng Syntax : DBV [<number>] Setti ng Syntax : DCA [<ηumber>] Discussion Exam p les : Range Selected This command will set the i n strument to t h e D BV fu nction . Also sets the r ange of the DBV function . The D BV f un ction is α r ecalculated version of the ACV ranges . Th e rea ding is converte d to d BV (1 volts reference). The arg ument is use d to determin e th e range. If there is no argument, the range is set to αυtoran ge, starti ng in t he highest range. If the argument is valid , the instrument rounds the argument up to the first full scale value, and selects t h at specific range. If the argument is above the highest range, the instrument generates an executio n erro r (and asserts SRO if RQS is on) . DCA 18Ε-3 DCA 500Ε-3 DCA 20 mA 2000 mA No range, Auto r anging numbe r : := <NRF> (valid dBV to the instrume nt) Ran ges -60 .0 . . .................-13.98 dBV -40 .0 . ........ .......... +6.02 dBV -20 .0 ........ ...........+26.02 dBV 0 .. ......................+46.02 dBV +20 .0 .... .... ....... ....+53 .98 dBV ( 0 d BV e quals α voltage of 1 V RM S ) 3- 1 4 Discussion : This command will set the instrument to the DC curre nt function. Also sets the range of the DC current function . Th e arg ument is u se d to d etermine the range. If there is no ar gument, th e range is set to αυtorange, starting in the h ighest range. If t h e a rg ument is valid , the instrument rounds the argument up to the first f u ll scale value, and selects that specific range. If the argument is above the h ighest range, the instrument gen erates an execution e rror (and asserts SRO if ROS is on) . number : :- <NRF> (valid c urre n t in put to t h e i n strument) Ranges : 200 2 20 200 2000 μΑ mA mA - mA mA Instruction Manual ι ι ι ι t ι ι Programming - D M 5110 W I ' DC V [<num ber>] (DC V oltage Function ) DIGit [<number>] (Digital R esolution ) Type : Setting Type : Setting or Q uery Setting Syntax : DCV [<number>] Setting Syntax : DIGit [<numbe r>] E xamples Range Selected : Query Syntax : DIGit? Query R esponse : DIG 3.5 1 4.5 ; Examples R esolution Selected: : DCV 15 20 V DCV 15Ε-2 200 mV DCV No range, A uto ra nging I Discussion ' This comman d will set the instrument to the DC voltage fu nction . Also sets t he range of the DC voltage function. The argu me nt is used to d ete rmine t h e range. If there is no arg ument, the range is set to αυtorange, starting in th e h ig h est ra n ge . If the argument is valid , the instru me n t rou nds th e arg ument up to the first full scale val ue, and selects that specific ran ge. If the arg ument is above the h ighest r ange, the instrument generates an executio n e r ro r (a nd asserts S RQ if R QS is on) . ' I number : := <NRF> (valid voltage input to th e in strument) ' Ranges : ι ιι I 200 2 20 200 1000 Instruction Manual mV V V V V : DIG 3 DIG 4.5 DIG 4 3 .5 digit 4.5 d igit 4 .5 digit Discussion : This command selects the conversio n rate . The arg ument 3 will set the resolution to 31/2 digits, and t he conversion rate to at least 25 readings per secon d. An exceptio n is made for the 20 MO hm range where the conversio n rate is at least 11 readings p er second . The argument 4 will set the resol ution to 41/2 d igits, and the conversion r ate to at least 3 readings per second. Number, ment) , < NRF > (Valid setting to the instr u- 3- 1 5 P rogramming - DM 5110 E RRor? DT TR IG Ι O Ff (Device Trigger) (Error) Type : Setting or Query Type : Query Setting Syntax : DT TRIg Ι OFf Query Syntax : ERRo r? Query Syntax : DT? Query Response : ERR,P < number > Query Response : DT TRIG Ι O FF; Discussion : Discussion : T h is co m mand e nables or disables the d evice trigger function . The ERR OR qu ery will return an error message showi ng the status of the instrument. ERR OR can be caused by incorrect command or the use r, pressing the ID button; ove rrange or other events. If Device Trigger is e nabled, the <G ET> IEEE- 488 .1 interface message causes the instrument to trigger t he instrume nt to make α measurement. If <GET> is received while the message processo r is b usy or when DT is OFF, the instrument generates an error which n dicates t h e <GET> was ignore d (error 206) . i 3- 1 6 Instruction Manual .r Programming - DM 5110 r FUNCtion DCV I DCA Ι ACV ACA Ι OHMS Ι D BM EVent? Ι DΒV ΙΤΕΜΡ ( Type : Query Type : Setting or query Query Syntax : EVent? Setting Syntax : EVENT Ρ < number > Quer y Syntax : FUNCtion DCV Ι DCA Ι ACV ΙΑ CΑΙ OHMS Ι DΒΜΙ DΒV ΤΤΕΜΡ FUNCtion ? Query Response : r Function Selection ) , Discussion : The EVENT query will return the same information as the ERROR query, except that the response header is EVENT instead of ERROR. Query Response : Discussion FUNC DCV Ι ACV Ι DCA Ι ΑCΑΙ DΒV Ι DΒΜΙ OHMS TEMP ; Ι The FUNCTION command will set the function of the D M 5110. When the FUNCTION command is sent, the range is n ot changed . DCV This command will set the instrument to the DC Voltage function . . DCA This command will set the instrument to the DC Current function . ACV This command will set the instrument to the AC Voltage function. ACA This command will set the instrument to the AC Current function . D BV This comman d will set the instrument to the AC Volts function an d d oes α conversion to DBV . DB M 1 ι This comrhand will set the instrument to the AC volts function and does α conversion to DB M . OHMS This command will set the instrument to the Ohms function . TEMP Th is comman d will mak e th e i n st ru ment meas ure temp erature . This can be done u sing α special temperature probe (Ρ6602) connected to the front panel LOW and V /Ω / Temp jacks. Instruction Manual 3- 17 P rogra mm i ng - DM 5110 HELp? ID? (Identificatio n) Type : Query Type : Query Query Syntax : ΗΕLρ ? Query Syntax : ID? Query Response : All Commands Query Response : Discussion The HELP? query will return all instrumentcomman ds. 3- 1 8 IDTEK/DM 5110,V81 .1, Fx.x ; Discu ssion The 1D? query will ret urn t h e ID st ring for the DM 5110. The ID query will return t he ID string in the form: The brea k down of t he st ring is as follows : ID ::= Command h eader ΤΕΚ ::= M anufacturer of the instrument DM5110 ::= Model n umber of the instru ment V81 .1 ::= Codes and formats version, this instrument confo r ms to. Fx.x ::= Th e firmware version that is used in this instrument. Instruction Manual Programming - DM 5110 L IMits ( L imit Setting) INIt ( Initiate) ' I ιι ι ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι Type : Operational Ty p e : Setting or Q uery Syntax : I NIt Setting Syntax : L IMits<high limit>,<Ιοω limit> Discussion Query Syn tax : L IMits? The ΙΝΙΤ comman d will r eset the instrument to the p ower on state except that α p ower on SRO r ep ort will not occur . Query Response : L IMITS<high limit>,< Ιοω limit> ; The power-on setting list is as indicated below The instrument will be in t he local state with t he following default settings : BEEPER O FF CALC OFF DIGIT 4.5 DT OFF FUNC DCV LI M ITS 0., 0. MODE RUN MONITOR O FF NULL 0. ΟΡC OFF OVER OFF RANGE O ROS ON U SER OFF Instruction Manual Discussion : high limit : :_ < NRF> (valid read ing for function) low limit ::= <NRF> (valid read ing for function less or equal than high limit) Units are in Amps, Volts, Ohms, dB's and °C. T he arguments for this command set the value of the limits u sed by the CALC CMPR calculation, the BEEPER mode and the M ONITOR S RO. Error 232 will occur when : 1) The lo limit argument is above the hi li mit argument. 2) Argument 1 and/or 2 are beyond t he span of the selected function . The settings remain stored in memory until the function is changed . Note, that the front-panel operation is different at this subject . 3-19 Programming - DM 5110 LINEFreq? ( L ine Frequency) Typ e MODE RUN Ι T RIg (RUN Ι T RIG Setting) Quer y Type : Setting or Query Query Sy n tax : L I NEfr eq ? Setti ng Syntax : M ODE RU N Ι TRIg Query Response : L I NEF 50160; Query Syntax : M ODE? Discussion : Query Response : M OD E RUN Ι TR IG; This command returns the setting of the line freq uency. Discussion : : The mode command will set the trigger/run mode . If MODE RUN is set, readings are taken continuously. Th e TR IG argume n t sets th e TRIGG ERED mode. In th is mode, α trigge r occurs upon receipt of one of t h e followi ng command s : Α "S END" command Α G roup Execute Trigge r <GET> interface message (Only if Device Trigger is enabled). If over-range or u nd er-range occurs, or α more accurate range is availab le, while MODE TR IG is enabled and the instrument is in a uto-ranging, it will change range and output the last stable reading. This evi dently increases the time it takes to make α measurement. If measu ri ng speed is requ ire d , selecting α p rope r range is advisable. 3-20 I n struction Manual 1 ι ι ι ι 101 1 ί i ι ι ι P rogrammi n g - D M 5110 MO Nitor ι ι ι I ' ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι NULL [< ηυΙΙ val u e>] ΟΝ I OR Ty pe : Setting o r Query Type : Setti ng o r Qu ery Setti n g Syn tax : MO N ίtor ON ( O Ff Setti n g Syntax : NULL [< ηυΙΙ val ue>] MO N itor? Query Syntax : NULL? MO N ITO R ON Ι OFF; Query Response : NULL <nu m b er> ; Query Syntax : Q uery Response : . Discussion Discussion Th e MONito r ON Ι OFF comman d en ables or disab les th e MONITOR S RO. With the MO N ITO R SRO e n abled, t h e instru me nt saves th e first meas u rement o u tside the limits (set b y t h e L I M ITS comma nd) a nd ge ne rates an SRO. SRO's are not ge ne rated fo r su bseq uent measurements (outsi de t h e limits) un til t h e SRO is service d an d t h e meas u rement is reported to t h e co ntr oller in response to t h e DATA ? que r y. null valu e ::= <Ν' RF > valu e fo r th e null calcu lation (valid rea di n g fo r functio n) Th is command en ab les th e NULL f unction ; the arg u me nt sp ecifies th e val ue of th e offset. If no null value argu ment is se n t, t h e NULL valu e is ac qu i r ed from th e n ext valid read ing . Th e NULL fu nctio n is disab led wh e n th e meas urement f u nction is ch anged o r w h e n t h e a rg u ment is 0. (C h an gin g the measu rement fu nction also sets t h e a rgument to 0 .) If t h e argument is not α valid rea di ng for t he functio n selected , t h e in st ru ment gen e r ates α comman d erro r (an d asserts SRO if RQS is on) . The NULL query returns t h e valu e u sed in th e null calc ulation . If the nu m be r 0 is retu rn ed, the NULL fun ction is disa ble d . If an y ot her value is retu rned, t he NULL function is ena ble d and set to th e val u e returne d . Instr uction Manual 3-21 Ι ι Programming - DM 5110 OP C ON Ι OR OHMs [<number> ] (O hms Function) (Operation Com p lete) Type : Setting Type : Setting or Query Setting Synta x : OH M S [<number>] Setting Syntax : OPC ON Ι O Ff Examples Range Selected Query Syntax : OPC? Que ry Response : OPC ON Ι OFF ; : OHM S 18 OHM S 500 . OHMS 1 .5Ε+7 OHMS 200 Ω 2 kΩ 20 ΜΩ Auto ranging Discussion : Discussion : n umber ::= <NRF > (vali d o hms to the instrument) This comman d will enable or disable the reporting of This comman d will set the instrument to the OH M S function. Also sets t h e range of the OH M S function . The argument is u sed to dete rmine the range . If there is no argument, the range is set to autorange, starting in the h ighest range. If the argument is valid , the instrument rounds the argument up to the first full scale value, and selects that sp ecific range. If the arg ument is above the h ighest ran ge, th e instrument generates an execution error (and asserts S RO if ROS is on) . R anges 200 2 Ω 2 20 ΜΩ ΜΩ 20 200 3-22 ι ι ι ι ι an operation complete event. If the function is ON and when α readi ng is comp lete, S RO will b e asserte d (if R OS is ON) so that t he controller can come and get the reading. This will allow the D M5110 to u se α large delay time to get α reading an d then report to the controller that t h e r ea d ing is ready to be tran sfe rred. If ROS is OFF t he eve nt is r eported using the EVE NT or ERROR que ry. ι ι ι kΩ kΩ kΩ Instruction Manual ι Programming - DM 5110 OVEr ON Ι OFf (Over Range) ' Type : Setting or Query Setting Syntax : OVEr ON OFf Query Syntax : OVEr? Query Response : OVER ON O FF; Discussion : T he OVER ON command will cause an over range event to report an error . ' If RQS is ON then u sing the RQS line . the ERROR will be re p orted If RQS is OFF t hen t he ERROR q uery will be used to re p ort the ERROR. ' ι ι ι ι ι ι If OVER is OFF, the instrument returns +/-1 .Ε+99 when talke d to indicate over-range ( does not assert SRO) . Instruction Manual 3- 23 Programmi ng - D M 5110 R ANge < nu m ber> ( Range Setting) Type : Setting or Query Setting Syntax : RANge < number> Query Syntax : RA N ge? Query Response : RAN GE < n u mber> Discussion This command will set the range of the DM5110. If α number is given,the r ange is set accordi ng to Table 3-1 . N u mbe r :: _ < NRF > (Vali d ra n ge to the instrument ) Table 3-1 . Function Ι Range v.s. Range number F ull Scale val ue of range DCV 5 6 1 ACV DCA AUTO AUTO AUTO 200 mV 200 mV 2 ν ν 20 V -20 200 V Ι Ohms Ι dBV/d Bm Ι Ι AUTO Ι AUTO Ι-62 to +240 -C 1200 mVAC 1-62 to +240 -C ACA Ι AUTO TEMP PA 1 200 μΑ 1 200 2 mA 12 mA Ι 2 kΩ 12 VAC Ι -62 to +240 -C V 1 20 mA Ι 20 mA 20 kΩ 1 20 VAC 1 200 V 1 200 mA 1 200 200 kΩ 1200 VAC 1-62 to +240 °C 1000 V J 500 V 2000 mA2000 m --Α 1_'-2 .~ ΜΩ 500 VAC --62 to +240 ~C 1 000 V V 2000 mA ΜΩ ~ 500 VAC 1-62 to +2 40 °C 1 500 1 200 Ι 1 mA 1 2000 MA Ι 20 0 -62 to +240 0C Note : Wh e n internal cal-jumper is in Cal positio n, ra n ge 0 generates error 205 . 3- 24 Instruction Manual ι ιι ι ι I P rogramm i n g - DM 5110 R QS ON Ι OFf ( Request Service) Type : Setting or Q uer y Type : Ou tpu t Setting Syntax : RQS ON Ι OF f Syntax : SΕ Nd Query Sy n tax : ' R QS? Discussion Query Response : RQS ON Ι O FF; Disc u ssion : T h is comma nd enab les the instr ument to ge nerate any service req uests. Th e O FF arg u ment disa b les all service re q u ests. ' ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι S ENd See Stat us an d Error Rep orting in this sectio n for f u rt h e r info rm ation . T h e i n stru ment t rigge rs α meas u reme n t a n d th e n outp uts it. If th e CO MPARE calcu latio n is e n able d (CALC C MPR) th e i nstru ment ou t pu ts one of t he followi n g numbe rs wh ich i ndicate t h e relatio n s h ip betwee n the input and the limits set by th e LI M ITS comma nd 3. ; if t h e input is above bot h limits. 2.; if th e i np ut is between o r equal to one of t h e limits . 1 .; if t he in p u t is below b oth limits . +1 . Ε+99 ; or -1 . Ε+99 ; if over- ranged . If t h e p eriod, waiting for t h e n ew reading is longer than t h e timeo ut of t h e DM5110 (5 sec.), t h e D M 5110 will se nd th e "tal ked wit h noth ing to say" respo n se. .("FF"- byte) Instruction Manual 3-25 Programming - D M 5110 S ET? (Function toSet all Commands in α String) SO UR ce? (Returns the p osition of the In put Switch) Type : Que ry Type : Query Query Syntax : SET? Q uery Syntax : SOURce? Query Response : SOURCE FRONT Ι REAR Disc ussion The S ET query will return t he res ponse to all settable comman d s in one st ri ng . Disc ussion The fo r mat is T he SOURCE? query <FUN C?> <RANGE?> <LIMITS?> <CALC?>< NULL?> <DIGIT?> <MODE?> <BEEPER?> <DT?> <MONITOR?> <OPC?> OVER?> < USER?> < RQS?> . 3- 26 input switch. returns the p ositio n of th e Instruction Manual Programming - DM 5110 . ι I TEMP [-cnumber>] (Temperat u re F unction) T EST? Typ e : Setting Type : Query Setti ng Syn tax : TEMP [<number>] Ouery Syntax : T EST? Query Response : T EST <problem number> ; Discussion : This command will set the inst rument to the temperat ure function . If the arg ument is above the maxim u m of the tempe r ature range, the instrume nt generates an executio n error (a nd asserts SRO if RQS is on) . ι ιι ι ι ι ι ι ι ιι ι ι number ::_ < NRF > (valid tem perature to the instrument) Range : Discussion The TEST query command is u sed to cause α self test to occur and report the results . The problem n umber can be eit her 0, if no erro r h ave occurred, o r 302 if the test has failed. -62 oC to +240 oC Instruction Manual 3-27 P rogrammi n g - DM 5110 US ER re q ΟΝ ( OR Type : Setting or q uery Setting Sy n tax : U S ER req ON Ι OFf Query Sy n tax : U S ERre q? Query Respo n se : US ER ΟΝ J OFF; Discussion : Th is comma n d en ables o r d isables th e I NST ID bu tton service request . If e nabled , the instru me n t asserts S R O whe n th e I N ST ID bu tto n is pr esse d . 3- 28 Instru ction Manual ι ιι ι' ' Programming - DM 5110 CALIBRATION COMMANDS L IST CA L (Calibration Com mand Function) CA LEN? Type : Operational Type : Query Syntax : CAL Query Syntax : CALEN? Response : CAL <erro r n u mbe r> Query Response : CALEN ON I O FF ( Retur n to N ormal O p eratio n F unction) I ι ι Discussion Discussion T his command will start the calibration of the instru ment and reports the result. This query will return the state of the calibration jumper . NOTE: lf the CAL command is used when the voltage reference is n ot set up the calibration of the instrument can be affected. If CALE N ON; is returned then the jumper is set to enable the calibration of t h e instrument. If t he cal j um p er is set for calibration disable, and the CAL comman d is sent, error 260 is returned . If the deviation between the refe rence voltage and th e p redicted calibration readi ng is to great then e rror 655 is r eturne d . Other errors that can occur are numbers 651 - 654 . The error query responses and status information is as listed below: ' Calib r ation ste p done Calib ration sto p ped Calibrate LO VAC first Unstable measurement error E eprom error Calibration beyon d bounde ries : : : : : : If CALEN O FF; is returned then t he jumper is set to d isable t h e calibration of the instrument. If CALEN OFF; is retu r ned, t h e n t h e CA L command will cause an error if it is sent (error 260). 455 651 652 653 654 655 F or more information on th e calibration proce dure, ι ι see the Service Manual . Instruction Manual 3- 29 P rogramming - DM 5110 POWER-ON / INITIAL CONDITIO NS STATUS AND ERROR REP ORTING At p ower up, t he DM5110 will be set in the following m ode : - T h e conve rsion rate is set to 4.5 d igit in the - Th e function will start at the 1000 Volt DC r ange, autorangi ng. RUN mode. The instrument will be in the local state with the following settings: - i Through t h e Service Request f u n ctio n (define d n the IEEE-488 .1 standard), the instrument may alert the instrument that it n eeds service . This service Primaryre a dd ress, LF/ΕΟΙ setti ng as sto red quest is also α means of indicati ng that an e vent in EEPROM . (α c hange in status or an error) h as occured. To service α req uest the controller performs α Serial Poll; n response th e i nstrument returns α Status Byte (STB), wh ich ndicates whether it was requesting service or n ot. Th e ST B ca n also provide α limited amount of information abo ut the request. The format of the information is structured as shown in Fig .3-2 . B ecause the STB conveys limited information about an event, the events are divided n classes : the Status Byte reports the class . The classes of events are defin ed as follows : i i i BEEPER OFF CALC OFF DIGIT 4.5 DT OFF FUN C DCV CO M MAND ERROR L I M ITS 0., 0. Ind icates t h e i nstrument has received α MODE RUN command t hat it cannot und erstand. MO N ITO R OFF NULL 0. EXEC UTION ERROR OPC OFF ndicates that the instrument has receive d α OVER OFF command that it cannot execute . - - I RANGE O R CS ON U SER OFF I NTERN AL ERROR I nd icates the instrument has detecte d α hard- ware condition or firmware problem that prevents operation. SYSTEM EVEN TS E vents that are common to instruments in α system . (e.g. Power on, U ser Request, etc.) . I NTERNAL WARN ING In te rnal warning in d icates that the instrument h as d etected α p roblem . The instrument re mains operational but t h e problem shoul d be corrected. DEVIC E STATU S Device d ependent events.(see F ig. 3-2) 3- 30 Instruction Manual ι ιι ι ι ι ι ι Programming - DM 5110 i If 0, STB ndicates event class If 1, STB indicates d evice statu s 1 if req uesting service 1 ind icates an abn ormal eve nt 1 if message processo r is bu sy Define Events Stat us B yte ( E xam ple) P ower On Ι 8 _~ ' Ι 7 0 t 1 Ι 1 6 Ι 1 5 Ι 1 4 Ι 1 3 Ι 1 2 Ι 1 1 Ι Not 1 Busy l Bu sy Χ Ι 0 Ι 0 Ι 0 Ι 1 Ι 65 Ι 81 F ig .3-2. Definitio n of STS b its . l ie ' D E CI M A L DATA B ITS T h e instrument can provid e a dditional information ab ou t man y of t h e events, particu la rly th e e rr or s reported in th e Status B yte . After d ete rmining th at t h e i nstru ment re qu este d service, ( by examini ng t h e ST B), t he cont rolle r may req uest the addition al info rmation b y se nd i n g e r ro r q uery (ERR?) . In response, th e inst rumen t returns α code wh ich defi n es t h e event. These cod es are desc ribed i n Tab le 3-2 . All events and erro r s have α pr iority assigned to th em . If more t h an one e rr or or even t is p ut into t h e Queu e an d RQS is ON t h en t he oldest error is retu rned first and t he h ig h est priority is retu r ne d next. If more t h an on e erro r o r event is p ut in to t he Q u e ue and RQS is O FF th e n the h ig h est prio r ity erro r will be ret u rned fi rst. Only o ne e rro r is stored at each prio r ity level. If an er ror of α certain prio r ity is queued and anot h er error with th e same prio rity occu rs t h e n ew er ro r is discarded. If α message bei ng sent to the inst ru me n t h as an e rror in it, t h en all message u nits up to the erro r , a re h andled. -, . T h e message u nit wit h the e rror i n it an d all remaining message un its are d isca rde d . 1 ιι ι I nstructio n Manual 3- 31 Program ming - DM 5110 Ta b le 3 -2 ERRO R Q UERY A N D STAT US I NFO RMATIO N A bno r mal Eve n ts Error: Serial Poll Res p onse: Pr iority Level: 97 97 97 97 97 97 2 2 2 2 2 2 98 98 98 3 3 3 98 98 98 3 3 3 98 98 3 3 99 65 66 67 4 1 6 5 601 102 6 701 703 193 195 Ouery Res p onse: Comman d errors Comman d heade r error 101 H eader 102 delimite r erro r Comma nd argu me nt err or 103 A rg u ment delim . e rror 104 Missi n g arg u me nt 106 ΙηναΙ. message un it del . 107 Exec u tion erro rs Not executable in local 201 Settings lost d ue rtl 202 Input and o utp ut 203 bu ffer f ull Setti n gs conflict 204 Argume nt out of ra n ge 205 G ET ig n ored 206 Beyo n d limit set o r null capab ilities 232 Cal loc k ed 260 System eve n ts System 302 Er ro r Power on 401 Ope ratio n Comp lete 402 ID user req uest 403 I n te r nal warn ing Over ra n ge e rro r Device statu s Below limits Above limits θξΜθΒ(ς 3- 32 ° If t he message processor is busy ser ial poll - r espo n se retu r n s 16 high e r. Instruction Manual ι Programming - DM 5110 D M5110 DETAI LE D ERR OR LISTI NG ι Table 3-3 Detaile d E rror E rror Cause Error Type COMMAND ERR ORS (100) SRO Command head er error H ea d e r delimiter err or Command l ie arg ument e r ror L isting byte : Priority 97 decimal or 113 decimal (busy bit set) When the keyword of α comman d is unknown or miss pelled . (Incorrect syntax .) delimiter between t h e h eader a nd t he arg u ment is missi ng or the wrong character. (Incorrect syntax .) Wh en t he Wh e n t h e sy n tax of t h e arg ument is wrong . 02 (Incorrect syntax .) 02 104 A rgument delimiter error When the delimiter betwee n a rg uments is the wrong character. (Incorrect syntax .) 02 106 Missing arg ument When α comma n d is missing one of its a rg ume n ts. 02 107 Invalid message u nit d elimiter When the d elimiter betwee n comman ds is missing or th e wr on g character. 02 .η E XEC U TIO N ERRORS (200) SRO byte = 98 d ecimal or 114 decimal (busy b it set) ' 201 Command n ot executable When α comman d cannot be executed while the instrume nt in local is under local control. Th is incl udes all of the comman ds that control the settings of the instrument. It does n ot include que ries, R OS ON, U S ER ON . 202 Settings lost due to rtl If α butto n is pressed while α command is bei ng set or executed. 03 nput and output buffer full Out put d ata has been deleted. The instrument cannot finish executing th e message because it is waiting for the controller to read the d ata it has generated. 03 203 ι I ' Ι I 204 Settings conflict This error occ urs if you try to execute α command that conflicts with t he current mo de of ope ration . 03 205 Argument out of ran ge You will get this error if α numerical argument is out of the range of t h e instrument. 03 I nstruct ion Manual 3- 33 Programm ing - DM 5110 Table 3-3 (cont.) Error 206 E rror Type GET ignored E rror Cause Priority Α GET has been ignored for o ne of the following reasons: 03 - DT is off. - DM5110 is in local state - Α h ardware update of the D M 5110 is not finished . 232 Beyond limit set or null capabilities . This error is returne d if one of the arguments for the L IMITS command is out of range, or when the lo limit argument is above the hi limit argument . This error is also returned if the argument for NULL command is out of range. 03 260 CAL locked T his error is returned if the calibration jumper is not 03 SYSTEM ERRORS (300 ) 302 3- 34 System Error set to the calibration position and the CAL comm and is sent to the D M 5110. S RO byte = 99 decimal or 115 decimal (busy bit set) This error is the return if α instrument test has failed. The results are re ported by sending TEST and α number representing the error type. The response to the TEST? q uery is TEST <problem number> ; The problem number can be either 0, if no error have occurred, or 302 if the test h as faile d . 04 Instru ction Manual P rogramming - D M 5110 Table 3-3 (cont .) Error ι ι ι ι Error Type 1priorityl STB SYSTEM EVENTS (400) 401 Power on This will be returned if the instrument has just 01 65 402 Operation complete New measurement available 06 66 403 U ser Request If U SER ON is set an d the front p anel ID button is pushed, SRO is asserted and after t he nstrument is p olled, this event code will be returned . The SRO byte returned by the poll is 67 or 83 (busy b it on) . 05 67 Error ιι ι Error Type powered on . This event cannot be masked . i E rror Cause Priority INTERNAL WARNINGS (600) SRO byte ο 102 deci mal or 118 decimal (bu sy bit set) 601 Overrange error This error is generated when overrange occurs and the CAL jumper is in t he normal position. 6 DEVICE STATUS (700) Below limits A bove ι ι ι ι Error Cause 'ROW , limits Instructi on Manual If the DM5110 is set in MON I TOR ON, this error is generated If α measurement is above the HI L IMIT. If t h e D M 5110 is set i n M ON ITOR ON, t h is error is below t h e LO L I M IT. gen erated if α measureme nt is 6 6 3- 35 WARNING THE FOLLOWING SERVICING INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOR USE BY QUALIFIED PERSONNEL ONLY . TO AVOID PERSONAL INJURY, DO NOT PERFORM ANY SERVICING OTHER THAN THAT CONTAINED IN OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS UNLESS YOU ARE QUALIFIED TO DO SO . REFER TO OPERATORS SAFETY SUMMARY AND 'SERVICE SAFETY SUMMARY PRIOR TO PERFORMING ANY SERVICE. Maintenance - DM 5110 / DM 511 Sectio n 4 MAI N TEN AN CE Int roduction Cleaning Inst ructions Th is sectio n of t he manual p rovides i n fo rmation on ch an gi n g t he inte rnal fuse an d also on gene ral mai ntenance of t h e D M 5110 / D M 511 . T h is inst rument shou ld b e cleaned as ofte n as op eratio n co ndition s re qu ire . Accum u lation of dirt on compo n e n ts may act as an i n sulati ng blanket and prevents efficie nt h eat d issipatio n that can ca use ove rheating and comp o n e n t b reakdow n . Recali b rat i on / Adjustment To ass ure acc u rate meas u rements, c h ec k t h e calibration of t h e i n strument eve ry 6 mont h s o r afte r 1000 h o u rs of u se,w h ic h ever occurs fi r st. ι Adju st ments of i n ternal ci rcu its to specifie d accu racy, an d / o r calib ration c h ec k sh ou ld be p erfo r med at t h e factory or α Te k t ronix Service Center. U se α non-residue type of cleane r; prefe rab le isopro pyl alco hol or d e n atured et h yl alco h ol. Before u sing any ot he r type of clea ner consult yo u r Te ktro n ix Service Cente r or represe ntative. Exte rior : Befo re return ing t h e i n st ru ment for any servici n g, please co n tact your nea rest Te kt ro n ix Service Cente r. 10 I n ternal Fu se Re p laceme nt D M 5110 / 511 Α fuse is locate d on t he left sid e of t he i n st ru me n t, on the main boa rd just beh i nd t he f ro n t panel. ( As yo u face the f ro nt of th e i n stru ment) ' Th e side cove r can be loose n e d by turnin g t he plastic sc rew at th e end of t he cover, wit h α coin o r screw driver . T h e cove r can be remove d now . lo remove the fu se, ca ref u lly pull it out of t h e f u se h old er. ι _ CA U TION WA RNING To avoid fire hazard, use only the fuse of correct type, voltage rating, and current rating as specified on the ίηstrument and in the fuse replacing instructions below. L oose d ust acc u m u late d on t he fro n t can be remove d by α soft clot h or α small bru s h . Dirt th at remain s on t he front can be removed wit h α soft cloth dampened wit h α mild detergent and wate r solution. Do not use abrasive cleaners. I nterior : It is recommended t h at i n clea n ing th e i nterio r th at t h e acc u m u lated dust be fi rst blow n off wit h dry low pressu re air, t h en use α soft b rus h to remove any remaining dust . CAUTl0Ν This instrument contains electrical components that are susceptible to damage from static discharge. Discharge the static voltage from your body by wearing an approved wrist strap and pad connection while cleaning the interior of the instrument 11 - If th e fu se is b lown , re p lace it wit h α 2Α, 250 V , 3 AG, fast blo w fu se .( See Part L ist in th e Service Manual or contact yo ur Te kt ronix Service Ce n te r .) After replaceme nt, reinstall t h e si de cover. Instruction Manual 4-1 Ι Options / Accessories - DΜ 5110 / DM 511 O PTIO NS A N D ACC ESSO R I ES ' OPTION 02 adds α TEKTRONIX Ρ6602 t hat has bee n calibrated with the instrume nt. Information co n ce rning the TEKTRONIX Ρ6602 Temperature Probe can be found in t h e instructio n manu al for that accesso ry or contact your local Tektronix Service Ce n ter or rep resentative . ι Standar d Accessories 1, D M 5110 / 511 Operators Manual . .... .. . ... . .. ,... ....... ...... . . .... 070-7478-χχ 1 Pair of Test Leads... ... ....... . ...... ...... ........... ................. ... ...... 196-3212-χχ 1 GPI B Reference Guide (DM 5110 οη 1γ) ....... ...... . ...... ....... ... 070-7559-χχ 1 Instrument Interface G uide (DM5110 only) . ....... ...... ....... . 070-7560-χχ Optional Accessor ies l ie Temperature Pro be . ....... ....... ...... . ...... .... ... .... ... ... ....... ....... ..... Ρ6602 (Te ktronix) RF Probe . .... ... .... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... .... ....... ... ... ....... ... .... .. Ρ6420 (Te ktronix) Hig h Voltage Probe ... ....... ....... ...... ....... ....... .... ... .......... ....... ... 010-0277-χχ Service Manual ... .. . ...... ....... .... ... .... ...... .............. ....... ... ....... ... 070-7479-χχ Instruction ΜαηυαΙ 5-1 MANUAL CHANG E I NFO RMATION At Te ktronix, we co nti n ually strive to k eep up with latest electronic develo p me n ts by addi ng circuit and compon ent improvements to our i nstruments as soon as they are developed an d tested . Sometimes, due to p rintin g and shi pp ing re quirements, we ca n't get these c hanges immediately i nto printed manuals. H ence, your manual may co ntain n ew c hange i nformation on followi ng p ages . Α si ngle chan ge may affect several sections . Si ncethe change i nformatio n sheets are carrie d in the manual u ntil all ch a nges are permanently entere d , some du plication may occur. If no such c hange pages appear following this page, your ma nual is correct as pri nte d .