Geologists` Association, Annual Conference, University of Leicester

Geologists’ Association, Annual th
Conference, University of Leicester, 5 -­‐ 7th September 2014 Organisers: Haydon Bailey & Mark Williams Scientific programme, abstracts of presentations, and summary of field trips 2 Saturday September 6th, 2014 “Palaeo’ to the people; Fossils in the service of man” Programme: University Main Campus, Bennett Building, Lecture Theatre 2 9.15 Welcome, Prof. David Siveter, University of Leicester Morning session 1: Chair, Mark Williams 9.30 KEYNOTE Dr Jan Zalasiewicz The Anthropocene Leicester University 10.15 Dr Jim Riding, BGS, Nottingham What has pollen ever done for us? (or palynology in the service of man) 10.40 Prof. Ulrich Salzmann, Northumbria University Pliocene Vegetation and climate change: Lessons from the Past 11.05 Coffee Morning session 2: Chair, Ulrich Salzmann 11.40 Prof. David Siveter, Leicester University The Herefordshire Lagerstätte: virtual fossils from 425 million-­‐year-­‐old volcanic ash 12.05 Alison Tasker & Dr Ian Wilkinson The provenance and transportation of BGS, Nottingham & Leicester University chalk tesserae in Roman mosaics 12.30 Prof. Mark Williams, Leicester University Microfossil adventures in the British Iron Age 12.55 Lunch Afternoon session 1: Chair, Mark Woods 2.15 KEYNOTE Prof. Paul Smith Oxford University 3.00 Dr Peter Osterloff & Dr Manuel Vieira Shell UK Ltd, Aberdeen 3.25 Dr Haydon Bailey, Network Stratigraphic 3.50 Tea Afternoon session 2: Chair, Jim Riding 4.25 Dr Mark Woods, BGS Nottingham 4.50 5.15 Prof. Rory Mortimore, Brighton University Closing comments, Haydon Bailey Museums of natural history: whence and whither? Microfossils – Linking Past, Present and Future What did those Micropalaeontologists ever do for us? Applied Palaeontology in the Chalk Group Fossils: a vital role in civil engineering in The Chalk. 3 Abstracts for talks Morning session 1 The Anthropocene Jan Zalasiewicz, Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester LE1 7RH [] Human-­‐driven rapid and large-­‐scale change to the Earth system have led to the suggestion that we have left the Holocene to enter a new epoch of geological time: the Anthropocene Epoch. The term was proposed little more than a decade ago by Paul Crutzen, the Nobel Prize-­‐winning atmospheric chemist, and has since been widely used – and sharply debated. Its status as a potential new unit of the Geological Time Scale needs evaluation by considering the various kinds of historical and environmental change in terms of geological -­‐ or more precisely stratigraphic -­‐ change. Lithostratigraphic change, for instance, is strikingly represented by the spread of the ‘urban stratum’, the refashioning of sand, clay and limestone into our buildings, foundations and transport systems. Biostratigraphic changes include the ongoing mass extinction event and the effect of invasive species (while deep human-­‐
made bioturbation in the form of extensive mine and borehole systems comprises a novel aspect the fossil record). Chemostratigraphic changes include the reshaping of the Earth’s carbon, phosphorus and nitrogen cycles. The most profound and long-­‐
lasting effects will be those affecting the biosphere, which will leave a distinctive future fossil signature – in both macro-­‐ and microfossils. How great, though, will these changes be? Ongoing efforts to answer this question should help in the understanding of the Anthropocene as a new development within Earth history. What has pollen ever done for us? (or palynology in the service of man) James B. Riding, British Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG [] Palynology is the study of organic-­‐walled microfossils or palynomorphs and their modern counterparts. Palynomorphs are an extremely diverse group, having either plant or animal affinity and deriving from both marine and terrestrial habitats. They include acritarchs, dinoflagellate cysts, chitinozoa, plant spores and pollen grains. Palynomorphs are generally abundant, robust and small (ca. 20-­‐150 μm), hence are virtually ubiquitous in most sediments and sedimentary rocks. They are composed of sporopollenin, a highly resistant and complex organic biopolymer. Palynology is a well-­‐established discipline and is used in integrated geographical and geological studies from the Proterozoic to the Holocene principally 4 for biostratigraphical, climatological and ecological interpretations. For example, palynomorphs are used in the petroleum industry for relative age indices, and in Quaternary studies for modelling vegetation history. The overwhelming majority of palynological studies utilise in situ forms. However allochthonous palynomorphs can help determine the provenance of a sediment package. Reworking is more prominent during times of marine regression. This diverse and fascinating sub-­‐discipline of micropalaeontology has other, perhaps more little known applications. Palynomorphs, largely pollen grains, can be used in forensic investigations. Individual localities have distinctive pollen signatures due to the virtually infinite variables of vegetation types and taphonomy. This means that samples taken from, for example, clothing, footwear or the wheel arches of cars can help to place a person at a specific locality. Investigators are increasingly using techniques such as palynology to help in criminal cases. Another use of palynology is in the analysis of honey. Some unscrupulous traders label cheap blended honeys as being from a certain floral type (e.g. “thyme honey”). A palynologist can easily test the veracity of such claims by examining the pollen spectrum of honey samples. Pliocene Vegetation and climate change: lessons from the past Ulrich Salzmann, Department of Geography, Northumbria University Newcastle, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 8ST [] Our understanding of future global warming under increasing emissions of greenhouse gases relies heavily on the prediction of climate model simulations. Although progressively more sophisticated, climate models have uncertainties, in particular when simulating climates with temperatures and atmospheric CO2 concentrations unprecedented in the recent past. One approach to explore these uncertainties and understand mechanisms of potential future climate change is to look at time periods in the past, for which geological data are available. This talk will present results from an international programme (PRISM/PlioMIP) focussing on the global reconstruction of climate and environments of the warm late Pliocene world, ca 3 million years ago, using geological data and models. The late Pliocene Epoch is widely regarded as an accessible example of a world that is similar to the future Earth of the late 21st Century. The talk will present global reconstructions of Pliocene vegetation, sea and land surface temperatures, soils and lakes. A comparison of these data-­‐based reconstructions with model simulations reveals a substantial cold bias in the Northern Hemisphere high latitudes. Challenges of reconstructing and quantifying a Pliocene warm world with data and models will be discussed. Morning session 2 5 The Herefordshire Lagerstätte: virtual fossils from 425 million-­‐year-­‐old volcanic ash David J. Siveter, Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester, LE1 7RH [] Our understanding of the history of life on Earth relies heavily on the fossil record, and especially on rare cases of exceptional preservation, where soft parts of animals and entire soft-­‐bodied animals are preserved. Such exceptionally preserved fossils provide an unparalleled view of animal palaeobiology and the true nature of animal biodiversity. On-­‐going research has recovered spectacular fossils from Wenlock Series rocks (~425 Ma) of Herefordshire in the Welsh Borderland. Representing one of the rare Silurian Lagerstätten, this biota of global importance contains representatives of many major groups of animals, including molluscs, echinoderms, brachiopods, polychaetes and a range of arthropods. Animals preserved are primarily epibenthic, but infauna and nekto-­‐benthic forms are also represented. The fossils are preserved as three-­‐dimensional calcite void-­‐fills in carbonate nodules and are impossible to extract by standard methods. The specimens are studied using tomographic techniques to produce high fidelity three-­‐dimensional virtual fossils that yield a wealth of palaeobiological information. These fossils are crucial in helping to fill a gap in our knowledge of the history of life and to resolve controversies about the relationships and evolution of animals still alive today. The provenance and transportation of chalk tesserae in Roman mosaics Alison Tasker a$, Ian Wilkinson a,b* & Mark Williams a a Department of Geology, University of Leicester, University Road, Leicester, bBritish Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottinghamshire, NG12 5GG [$; *] Roman mosaicists used chalk as the white background for many of their mosaics. We have collected tesserae from 1st to 4th century mosaics and have found that, despite their small size, chalk tesserae yield rich foraminiferal assemblages that identify different biostratigraphical ages from the Cenomanian/Turonian through to the Campanian. The Brading mosaics, Isle of Wight, are close to the chalk outcrop and because appropriate chalk is available, a local provenance for the tesserae can be identified. However, although Roman Silchester, Hampshire, also stands near the Chalk outcrop, the local rock was unsuitable for mosaics and, as a consequence, tesserae were sourced from further afield. In the case of Leicester, Leicestershire, and Caerleon, South Wales, which are situated many kilometres away from a source of chalk, Roman transport routes 6 determined provenance of the raw materials to some extent. From the evidence so far gathered, it appears that local materials were used where possible, but centres of manufacture in the vicinity of Baldock, Hertfordshire, and Norden, Dorset, were sourced for high quality tesserae. Microfossil adventures in the British Iron Age Mark Williamsa*, Ian Wilkinson a,b, Jeremy Taylorc, Ian Whitbreadc, Rebecca Stampa, Ian Boomerd, Emma Yatesa & Christopher Stockera [*] a
Department of Geology, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, bBritish Geological Survey, Keyworth, Nottingham NG12 5GG, cSchool of Archaeology and Ancient History, University of Leicester, Leicester LE1 7RH, dSchool of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham B15 2TT The Iron Age hill fort of Burrough Hill, Leicestershire, eastern England, lies in a lowland landscape of Mesozoic sedimentary rocks that are blanketed by Pleistocene till. During the late Iron Age the hill fort was an important central place, with permanent occupation probably from the Early/Middle Iron Age that continued into the Roman period. A variety of materials in archaeological contexts from the site, including clay rampart bonding and the clay linings of storage pits and floors, are found to yield characteristically mixed microfossil assemblages of Early to Late Jurassic ostracods and foraminifera, together with foraminifera from the Late Cretaceous. These provide a unique microfossil signature that indicate provenance of raw materials from the local till. Microfossils can also be recovered from Iron Age potsherds at Burrough Hill, and these too suggest a local glacial source for the clay. Microfossils provide a powerful tool for the provenance of materials at Iron Age sites in the East Midlands where a detailed baseline understanding of the local geology is firmly established. Afternoon session 1 Museums of natural history: whence and whither? Paul Smith, Oxford University Natural History Museum, Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3PW [] Within Europe, museums often have collections that date back into the 1600s and occasionally into the 1500s, rooting into the Renaissance origins of modern collections and cabinets of curiosity. The Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution saw a dramatic increase in the size and scope of collections, and most recently there 7 has been an increase in the numbers of museums and, particularly, their level of specialization. At the present day there is a rich landscape of museums and collections, but where does the future lie for museums of natural history? Do they have a role beyond catering for families and young children? To maintain relevance, it will be important to adapt the activity range of natural history museums away from their traditional modes. This can be achieved in part by extensions of activity that are already museum strengths, such as encouraging young people to study natural science and to view the field as an attractive career path, and having an active volunteer programme. Acting as an interface and hub for local wildlife and geoconservation groups will also continue to be an important role. But perhaps the biggest challenge is that natural history museums should no longer be content to act simply as cabinets of curiosity. Instead, they have a major responsibility to act as a lens that examines societal issues and controversies relating to contemporary science in an authoritative but balanced way that is increasingly difficult to access through everyday media. Microfossils – Linking Past, Present and Future Peter Osterloff* & Manuel Vieira, Shell UK Ltd, Aberdeen, AB12 3FY [*] The Shell Group, as a global hydrocarbon player, maintains a steady investment into the maturing of technical staff who study subsurface geology. With the need to drill for hydrocarbons in increasingly challenging settings, coinciding with many fields reaching “maturity”, there is a greater need to employ “specialist geologists”, such as biostratigraphers. Their job it is to understand the subsurface uncertainties and remediate in support of continuing field-­‐scale development and future near-­‐field exploration. Biostratigraphers play an increasingly important role in bringing well delivery to an optimum level, through routine pre-­‐drill study work, operational support at the well-­‐site (sections Total Depth calls, or biosteering), and in post-­‐drill analysis in assessment of an opportunity statement. Shell still maintains globally a high number of technical professional biostratigraphers who either directly use microscopes to determine microfossils, or monitor through 3rd party contractors a number of projects and studies supporting exploration and development activities. Staff also invest time and energy in pursuit of detailed stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental knowledge of the rock sequences being evaluated. Taking this further, Shell sponsors academic programs around the World, such as internships and sabbatical programs in Nigeria, through to BSc to PhD level sponsorship for students in Malaysia and Oman. The hope is to ensure that we sustain home-­‐grown talent across the local skill-­‐pool, and that each hydrocarbon basin evaluated receives input from the local experts, i.e. those that study the 8 outcrop sections, bore-­‐holes, exploration wells, etc, and provide the linkages at an academic level that advances both the academic institution, but also the industry. Collectively our biostratigraphers also engage with students by providing discipline knowledge dissemination such as lectures on the MSc micropalaeontology course (University of Birmingham), MSc Palaeontology course (New University of Lisbon), various lecture programs in Oman (Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat), Malaysia (Curtin University, Miri) and a one-­‐week biostratigraphy training course at Rhodes University, Grahamstown / University of Pretoria, South Africa. Other ad hoc activities in guest lectureship include the University of Florida, and the Centre of Excellence (Geology), University of Benin, Nigeria. Case examples are given from Oman, Nigeria, UK and the USA, where student, consultancy groups and other institutions have worked in collaboration with Shell to nurture students, who have then gone on to provide ground-­‐breaking stratigraphic research that continues to enhance subsurface evaluation and knowledge. “What did those Micropalaeontologists ever do for us?” Haydon W. Bailey, Network Stratigraphic Consulting Ltd [] To paraphrase Monty Python just a little..... “What did those Micropalaeontologists ever do for us?” “well there was the hot shot analyses that gave us the age of our reservoir, and there was that wellsite “geosteering” job that enhanced all that recovery and we were lucky when that chap did the geostopping job just above the BCU”. “Okay, so I grant you the “hot shots”, the geosteering and the geostopping, but really, what did the micropalaeontologists ever do for us?” “and the guy who helped calibrate a whole load of seismic for us.....” “okay I’ll give you that one” “and there was his mate who sorted out all that palaeoenvironmental data so that we could work out that facies play”. “Okay, I give up; so the anorak who showed up on the rig with that black box and looked at a few samples when we TD’d the well did actually do some work before we packed him off again?” “Well, we won’t be seeing him again; I heard he’s retired and he was the last one working in the North Sea; all the others have gone to get much better day rates in the Gulf of Mexico.” Obviously a fictional scenario, but one that’s already come close to reality when we stopped training micropalaeontologists in the UK in 2008. It’s easy to take a specialist for granted when there’s always been a number of them available, all competing and keeping prices low; but demography has a habit of creeping up from behind as we 9 start to realise it when Jurassic palynologists or Chalk nannoplankton specialists just aren’t there anymore. How do you put a value on someone who’s trained for six or seven years and then worked in industry for another thirty? Perhaps we should try, because that’s when you recognise the vital importance of training the next generation. Afternoon session 2 Applied Palaeontology in the Chalk Group: quality control for geological mapping and modeling, and revealing new understanding Mark Woods, British Geological Survey, Kwyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5GG [] For more than a century fossils have been an integral part of Chalk geology. The thick and apparently uniform character of the Chalk allowed fossil-­‐based subdivisions to become pre-­‐eminent in historical Chalk research. Although modern formational subdivisions of the Chalk are largely based on variation in key physical and textural features, fossils remain vitally important. They guide identification of these subdivisions away from well-­‐exposed coastal successions into the agricultural and urbanised landscapes of southern England; they help reveal patterns of structural complexity that has not widely been understood to affect the Chalk; and they provide evidence of lateral contrasts in depositional processes that allow us to understand how the outcrop patterns and distributions of Chalk subdivisions are related to the form and structure of the depositional basin. In subsurface Chalk geology, fossils are an important component in the calibration of geophysical logs from cored boreholes, which act as ground-­‐truth points in networks of log interpretations from uncored boreholes. From these, map and borehole data can be assembled into three dimensional digital geological models; of value for engineering, water supply and flood management, as well as for understanding large-­‐scale Chalk depositional processes and making predictions about Chalk geology in areas where little data exist. Fossils: a vital role in civil engineering in the Chalk Rory Mortimore, University of Brighton [] Fossils found in drill-­‐core, trial pits and field sections in the Chalk play a key role in (i) identification of marker beds (ii) correlation of boreholes across a site (iii) recognising lateral variation in lithology within a geological framework (iv) composition of the 10 sediment and its mechanical and hydrogeological properties. Three groups of fossils, bivalves, echinoderms and brachiopods, illustrate how the engineering ground profile has been enhanced for tunnels, roads, railways and offshore wind farms using these fossils. Field trips Sunday 7th September 2014 Departing from John Foster Hall, Manor Road, Oadby, Leicester, LE2 2LG Field trip to Bradgate Park, departs 10AM, John Foster Hall Leader Keith Ambrose, British Geological Survey [] Leicestershire is blessed with some of the oldest rocks to be seen in England, in Charnwood Forest. Here, Precambrian rocks crop out through a cover of Triassic MercIa Mudstone Group and Quaternary deposits. These rocks are very significant in the story of the earth, being the first place in the world to yield fossils of Precambrian age. The fieldtrip will examine these rocks in Bradgate Park. We will see evidence of extensive volcanic activity that took place in an island arc, depositing great thicknesses of mainly pyroclastic rocks in the seas that surrounded the volcanic islands. We will see evidence of late Precambrian igneous intrusions, the basal Cambrian quartzite and deeper water Cambrian mudstones, the Swithland Slates. These were originally also thought to be of Precambrian age but the discovery of trace fossils on local gravestones led to their age being revised to the Cambrian. We will also see an exposure of the Mercia Mudstone Group in a former brick pit that was probably the source of the clays used to build Bradgate House, home of Lady Jane Grey, the 9-­‐day queen. We will also see the ruins of Bradgate House. Field trip to Ketton Quarry, departs 9AM, John Foster Hall Leader Peter del Strother [] Hanson’s cement works quarry at Ketton, in Rutland, contains arguably the best exposure of Middle Jurassic strata in mainland Britain. The excursion will first examine the ironstone of the marine Northampton Sand Formation and the overlying terrestrial Grantham Formation, previously known as the Lower Estuarine. The complete succession, through the Lincolnshire Limestone, Rutland Formation (Upper Estuarine), Blisworth Limestone, Cornbrash and Kellaways Formation, is exposed in the quarry. The exposures provide clear evidence of alternating marine and non-­‐
marine or marginal-­‐marine depositional environments, known as paralic facies. There is an abundance of trace and body fossils and a superb bored and oyster-­‐
encrusted hardground. The famous Ketton Freestone, used in many buildings in Stamford and Cambridge, will be seen in its full oolitic glory. Walking distance will be 4 to 5km over quarry roads and rough tracks with low gradients. Safety helmets, strong boots (not trainers) and a high-­‐viz jacket or waistcoat must be worn. 