Final Examination Proctor Form Please complete this form and email to or Fax: 519-884-8826 This form is NOT for Midterm Exams! Please contact the Online Learning Office for Midterm Exams Fall 2016 Deadline: November 11 *Deadline dates are fixed and forms submitted after the deadline date will not be accepted. Student Information: Name: _______________________________________________ Student ID: _______________________________ Telephone: (____) _______________________ Email Address ( preferred): ________________________ Courses (please list all courses): * Exam(s) must be written on scheduled date and time. Students are not allowed to change dates and times. COURSE DATE OF EXAM TIME OF EXAM ______________________________________________________________________________________________ Proctor Information: Name: ______________________________________ Business phone: (____) ______________________________ Place of Employment (last place if retired): ______________________________________________________________ Occupation: _________________________________________________ Are you retired? : ___________________ Business Email Address: ___________________________________________ (Please note: personal email accounts such as gmail, yahoo, Hotmail, etc. will not be accepted. This is our preferred method for sending final exams. If a business email is not available, the exam will be couriered to your business address) Business Address: _______________________________________________________________________________ A full street address, postal code and phone number are required for exams sent by courier service. If you have proctored before, please indicate institution: _______________________________________________ Are you interested in proctoring for other students? ___________________________________________________ □ I confirm that I have read and agree to follow the final examinations rules and regulations (see links) □ I have read the Final Examination Proctor Policies (Page 2) By signing this form, you certify that you are a suitable proctor for this student. ________________________________________ _________________ ___________________________________ Proctor Signature Date Student Signature *ANY PROCTORING FEES CHARGED ARE THE STUDENTS’ RESPONSIBILITY* Final Examinations – Office of the Registrar Wilfrid Laurier University 75 University Ave West Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5 Questions? 519-884-0710 ext 6098 or 6370 1 of 2 Final Examination Proctor Policies ________________________________________________________________ IMPORTANT: This final exam proctor form is not valid for Midterm examinations. Please submit the Midterm Examination proctor form to the Online Learning Office. Suitable Proctors for students writing in Canada (must be approved by our office): Faculty (ie. professor) from a University or College Principal of a Primary or Secondary School University Examinations officers Suitable Proctors for students writing outside of Canada (must be approved by our office): Faculty (ie. professor) of an accredited University Embassy or Consulate personnel *Each student must find their own proctor. Multiple students cannot use the same proctor Responsibilities of the Student: Return this form by the deadline date (Late forms will not be accepted) by either email or fax Ensure proctor’s proof of employment form has been submitted by the deadline date Pay any fees charged for proctoring services Provide proctor with a prepaid courier envelope (must have tracking number) on the date of exam Write the final exam using the approved proctor, on the scheduled date and time NOTE: If you have selected “other” for your exam centre and you require Accessible Learning accommodations, please contact our office at least 3 weeks prior to the exam session in order for us to make arrangements Responsibilities of the Proctor: Ensure your Department Chair, Dean or Human Resources department has submitted an official letter as proof of employment (without this, the exam will not be sent). Proof of Employment letter must be received directly from the Department Chair, Dean or Human Resources department and cannot be sent by student or proctor or will not be considered official Invigilate the exam on University, College, or school property on the scheduled date and time Mail the exam back to us immediately after being written (courier envelope provided by student on date of exam) Any changes being made must be approved by the Final Examinations Office. Final Examinations – Office of Enrolment Services Wilfrid Laurier University 75 University Avenue West Waterloo, ON N2L 3C5 Questions? 519-884-0710 ext 6098 or 6370 2 of 2