Dr. MC Chaturvedi - University of Manitoba

Department of Mechanical
Graduate Studies Newsletter
[Volume 2, Issue 4]
A tribute to
Dr. M.C. Chaturvedi
on the occasion of his retirement
after 44 years of dedicated and
distinguished service in the Department of
Mechanical Engineering and his
contribution to the field of Materials
Special Edition:
On April 1, 2010 Professor Chaturvedi retired
from the Department of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering at the University of
Manitoba after 44 years of dedicated and
Distinguished Professor and Tier-I Canada
Research Chair in Aerospace Materials.
A tribute to Dr. M. C.
Chaturvedi on the
occasion of his
Professor Chaturvedi graduated with a Bachelor of Science degree in Metallurgical Engineering
from Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, in 1960 and obtained his Master of Metallurgy
and Ph.D. degrees from Sheffield University, England in 1966 and joined, Department of
Mechanical Engineering at the University of Manitoba as a post-doctoral Fellow in May 1966.
He became an Assistant Professor in 1969 and a Full Professor in 1974. He was Associate Dean
(Graduate Studies and Research) in the Faculty of Engineering from 1982 to 1991, and was
acting Associate Vice-President (Research) from 1991 to1992.
In 1995 he accepted the position of NSERC Industrial
Research Chair in Aerospace Materials, and in 2002 the
Government of Canada awarded him Tier-I Canada
Research Chair in Aerospace Materials in recognition of
his outstanding contributions to research in materials
science. On May 29, 2003 The University of Manitoba
conferred upon him its highest academic title of
Distinguished Professor for his outstanding and sustained
contributions to research and teaching in materials science
at the University Manitoba.
His area of research was, and will continue to be,
microstructure-mechanical property relationships in nickel
and cobalt base superalloys, aluminum alloys and steels.
As NSERC Industrial Research Chair and Canada Research Chair his research dealt with joining
of nickel based superalloys and titanium aluminide based alloys, which he did in close
collaboration with Standard Aerospace Ltd. and Bristol Aerospace Ltd. of Winnipeg. His
research has resulted in publication of 205 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 80 in peerreviewed conference proceedings.
He has also co-authored a graduate
Transformations in Materials.
extensively contributed to the
training of graduate students. 15
students have obtained Ph.D. and 25
M.Sc. degrees under his supervision.
He has also supervised research of
30 post-doctoral research fellows.
Eight of his former students are
Canadian Universities and one is an
Assistant Professor in Washington State University, Pullman, Washington. During his stay at the
University of Manitoba he established state-of-the art materials research facilities in the
Department of Mechanical Engineering, which include highly sophisticated and unique material
characterization equipment, with over $11.5 million received from external sources. This
included grants from Manitoba aerospace industries, Province of Manitoba, NSERC and 3
individual grants from Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI).
In addition to his academic contributions, Professor Chaturvedi also actively participated in the
administrative activities of the University. He was member of the University of Manitoba Senate
from 1974-80. In 1979 and 1980, he was Chair of the Senate Planning and Priority Committee.
As Associate Dean of Engineering, Dr. Chaturvedi was responsible for applying for and securing
5 NSERC Industrial Research Chairs in the Faculty of Engineering. He also received funds from
the Canadian International Development Agency to develop a 3-year institutional linkage
program with Khon Kaen University in Thailand for an enhancement of engineering education in
Thailand, and a 5-year linkage program with Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
to establish a Centre for Failure Analysis and Prevention in Beijing, China. He was also ViceChair of a 5-year CIDA supported linkage program between the Department of Physics at the
University of Manitoba and Lanzhou University, Lanzhou, China to improve teaching of
Materials Science and Engineering at those universities.
Dr. Chaturvedi has contributed his time generously in serving the wider interests of the scientific
and research communities. He was Chair of the Manitoba Research Council for two years, a
member of the NSERC Chemical and Metallurgical Grant Selection committee, and is a member
of College of Reviewers of Canada Research Chairs, and of CFI applications. He was the Chair
of the Canadian Materials Science Conference held at the University of Manitoba Campus in
2002 and also chaired a very successful Annual Conference of Metallurgists held on August
2008 at Winnipeg Convention Centre. He was member of the Board of Directors of
Metallurgical Society of Canada, which has membership of over 1500, from 2005-2010, and was
its President in 2008-09.
For his contributions to materials research, training of graduate students and service to materials
research and industrial community he was elected a Fellow of ASM International in 2000. In
2002 he was a recipient of Dofasco Award for “a significant contribution to metallurgical
research” from Metallurgical Society of Canada, and was elected a Fellow of Canadian Institute
of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum in 2009.
Though he retired on April 1, 2010 as a Distinguished Emeritus Professor he will continue to be
active in research at the University of Manitoba, and is currently supervising the research of a
number of graduate students and post doctoral fellows with the help of an NSERC Discovery
Prof. Chaturvedi’s Family
Prof. Chaturvedi’s wife, Janice, was employed at the University of Manitoba for 22 years; her
last position was as Assistant Director, Centre for Higher Education Research and Development
(CHERD) until she retired in 2007. Prof. Chaturvedi and his wife, Janice, moved to Victoria,
British Columbia in fall 2007 where they enjoy milder temperatures year round. In Prof.
Chaturvedi’s own words – “The rhododendrons and roses are absolutely beautiful!!”
Renuka Chaturvedi, Prof. Chaturvedi’s daughter, completed her M.Sc. in Sociology at the
University of Manitoba. A recipient of the Canada Graduate Scholarship, Renuka is presently a
Ph.D. candidate in the Department of Sociology and Anthropology at Carleton University in
Arun Chaturvedi, Prof. Chaturvedi’s son, is a record producer/songwriter living in Winnipeg.
He is a classically trained pianist and was the front man for the Canadian modern rock group,
“Driver”. He is set to release his first solo recording in summer 2010.
Prof. Chaturvedi from His Student’s Eyes
• I am sure many of us have anecdotes about
his support, but his kindness and generosity
relationship – he helped me and my young
family in every possible way in all aspects
of life. (Sahaym, 2002 graduate).
• He encouraged me to find my own way
and develop my skills. He has always been
very considerate, supportive and thoughtful.
(Vishwakarma – presently at U of M).
• Dr. Chaturvedi’s fondness and admiration
towards his students and researchers made a
memorable impression on me and gave me
the desire to continue with lifelong learning.
(Weixing Chen, 1995 graduate).
• Dr. Chaturvedi made learning easier for me
as a student. He incorporated hands-on
training as an essential part of his teaching
approach….He would always listen to my
ideas, even when they can be silly, without
condemning me. (Idowu, 2010 graduate).
• I always remember that he invited the
whole group of his students to the Faculty
Club, usually on Friday afternoons…..There,
we chatted with each other in a very relaxing
environment. This indeed enhanced the
friendship and mutual understanding
between the students. (Zhang He, 1993
• I am forever grateful to Dr. Chaturvedi for
giving me the priceless opportunity to be
trained by him and for having faith and
confidence in my ability…” (Lanre Ojo,
2005 graduate, Associate Professor, U of M.
• Dr. Chaturvedi is a very meticulous,
intelligent and brilliant supervisor!....If he
checks your write-up I can assure you that
even the best editor in the world will not
have any other thing/comment(s) to make.
(Dotun Akinlade, 2008 graduate).
• Dr. Chaturvedi joined the lab as a Post
Doc in 1966 about 5 or 6 months before me,
so he is really old. He was one of my initial
teachers of metallographic techniques; in
particular I remember being taught to use
the sealing off unit to encapsulate a sample
in glass with a vacuum or inert gas
atmosphere for heat treatment. We were
Metallography, heat treatments, and a small
rolling mill. John van Dorp joined about 6
month after me. He became the electron
optics specialist in the labs and the general
fix it man for everything. Over the years the
collaboration of the researches in funding
the lab supplies and applying for equipment
grants was a successful formula. The lab
was expanding, adding new equipment. A
series of mechanical test frames and electron
microscopes, image analysers, hardness
equipment followed. We were all growing
and learning, not only how to use the new
equipment but also how to make accessories
and modifications to meet the experimental
needs. Mike Boskwick joined us for the last
10 years. It has been a challenging and
rewarding place to work (Don Mardis,
Technician, 1966- ).
• Prof. Chaturvedi has always been flexible
regarding work time – he always
understands when I need to rearrange my
work week for family matters. My position
was new when I started so the job
description evolved as time went on; he
continues to challenge and encourage me
with new projects/responsibilities. Prof.
Chaturvedi participates in conferences
worldwide and is out of the office
frequently. To keep track of his travels I
have a large world map hanging in my
office. Following Prof. Chaturvedi’s travels
has been a geography lesson in itself. When
I started my position in September 2002 I
heard many stories about the annual
Metallurgy Christmas Lunch. It was a basic
potluck but always turned into a large table
of international foods and selections of
home-brewed wines.
As Engineering
underwent renovations our space for this
lunch became smaller and smaller but we
always managed to find enough space to
have a party! (Elenor Friesen, Admin.
Secretary, 2002-2010).
As I am approaching to the end
of my term as the Associate Head
(Graduate Studies) in the
Department of Mechanical
Engineering, I like to take this
opportunity and sincerely thank
those who contributed to
publication of this newsletter. I
sincerely hope that this initiation
will continue on.
My sincere thanks go to
Tingting, our current editor for
the great job she has been doing
in editing the article and putting
the entire newsletter together.
Thank you Tingting.
Nariman Sepehri
Where Are Some of Prof. Chaturvedi’s
Former Students Today?
1. Dr. Seun Idowu (Ph.D., 2010), Shell Oil, Alberta.
2. Dr. Lanre Ojo (Ph.D., 2005), Associate Professor,
Department of Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering, University of Manitoba.
3. Dr. Uttara Sahaym (Ph.D., 2002), Assistant
Research Professor, School of Mechanical and
Materials Engineering, Washington State University,
Pullman, Washington.
4. Dr. Daolun Chen (PDF, 1997-2000), Professor,
Department of Mechanical and Industrial Engineering,
Ryerson University.
5. Dr. Weixing Chen (Ph.D., 1995), Associate
Professor, Chemical and Materials Engineering,
University of Alberta.
6. Dr. Xiao Huang (Ph.D., 1994), Professor,
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Carleton
7. Dr. Z. He (Ph.D., 1993), AECL, Chalk River.
8. Dr. Brad Diak (M.Sc., 1990), Associate Professor,
Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Queen’s
Mechanical and Manufacturing
Engineering Graduate Studies
9. Dr. Mukesh Jain (PDF, 1988-90), Professor,
McMaster University.
Tingting zhao, Master’s Student
Graduate Student Representative:
Shahab Shokrzadeh, Doctoral Student
Faculty Advisor:
Dr. Nariman Sepehri
Associate Head (Graduate Studies)
10. Dr. Spiro Yannacopoulos (Ph.D., 1986), Professor
and Director, School of Engineering, University of
British Columbia.
11. Dr. Alok Gupta (Ph.D., 1987), Senior Scientist,
Novelis Global Technical Centre, Kingston, Ontario.
12. Dr. Yafang Han (Ph.D., 1984), Professor, Beijing
University of Astroonautics and Aeronautics, Beijing,
13. Dr. Ravi Ravindran (Ph.D., 1982), Professor,
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Ryerson