prof. RNDr. Václav Snášel, CSc. děkan fakulty elektrotechniky a informatiky VŠB-TU Ostrava Vážený pane děkane, ve smyslu zákona č. 111/1998 Sb. Vás zdvořile žádám o zahájenı́ řı́zenı́ ke jmenovánı́ profesorem v oboru ”Informatika“. S touto žádostı́ předkládám následujı́cı́ přı́lohy: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Zkrácený životopis Výsledky tvůrčı́, vědecké a inženýrské činnosti Uznánı́ výsledků odbornou veřejnostı́ Pedagogické schopnosti Odborné schopnosti směřujı́cı́ k rozvoji oboru Spolupráce s VŠB-TUO Doklady o vzdělánı́ a zı́skaných titulech Potvrzenı́ o pedagogické praxi (Confirmation of Academic Experience) V Ostravě dne 7.11. 2012 Prof. Ing. Petr Musı́lek, Ph.D. P. Musı́lek 1 1 Životopis prof. Ing. Petr Musı́lka, Ph.D. Osobnı́ údaje Datum a mı́sto narozenı́: 22. 8. 1968, Pardubice Adresa trvalého bydliště: 3339 118 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6J 3J5 Rodinný stav: ženatý, 2 děti Zaměstnánı́ 1. Professor, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta, Canada (UofA) Univerzitnı́ vzdělánı́ 1995 Ph.D., Vojenská Akademie Brno, obor: Vojenská elektrotechnika, informatika a kybernetika, Školitel: prof. Ing. Zdeněk Krupka, CSc., Disertačnı́ práce: Plánovánı́ trasy mobilnı́ho robota s využitı́m umělých neuronových sı́tı́ 1991 Ing., Vojenská Akademie Brno, obor: Výzbrojně elektrotechnický – optika a elektronika, Školitel: prof. Ing. Vladimı́r Řeřucha, CSc., Diplomová práce: Návrh výukového expertnı́ho systému Absolvované kurzy 2010 2008 2007 2005 2005 1999 1995 The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, Human Resource Services, UofA Creating Online, Collaborative Communities, Human Resource Services, UofA Effective Engineering Teaching Workshop, Faculty of Engineering, UofA A Recipe for Ideal Learning, University Teaching Services (UTS) seminar, UofA Group Work and Peer Evaluations, UTS seminar, UofA Developing Your Teaching Portfolio, University of Saskatchewan, Canada International Diploma Course on Medical Statistics and Informatics, EuroMISE Center, Univerzita Karlova, Praha 1993 International Diploma Course on Artificial Intelligence, VUT, Brno 1992 International Summer School on Advanced Topics in Artificial Intelligence, ČVUT, Praha Profesnı́ praxe 2012-dosud Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UofA 2012 Pracovnı́k vědy a výzkumu, Fakulta elektotechniky a informatiky, VŠB-TU Ostrava, Česká Republika P. Musı́lek 2 2003-2012 Associate Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UofA 2005 Visiting Professor, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain 2005-2006 Visiting Scientist, Ústav Informatiky, Academie Věd České Republiky, Praha, Česká Republika 1999-2003 Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, UofA 1997-1999 Postdoctoral Fellow, Intelligent Systems Research Laboratory, University of Saskatchewan, Canada 1995-1997 Vedoucı́ skupiny počı́tačových aplikacı́ a zástupce ředitele ústavu, Ústav informatiky, Vojenská lékařská akademie J. E. Purkyně, Hradec Králové 1994-1995 Odborný assistent, Katedra Technické Kybernetiky and Vojenské Robotiky, Vojenská akademie Brno, Česká Republika Akademická a odborná oceněnı́ 2007 2001 1997 1995 1991 Jmenovánı́ Senior Member IEEE Jmenovánı́ CFI Researcher, Canada Foundation for Innovation Udělenı́ NSERC/NATO Science Fellowship, Canada Oceněnı́ děkanem za vynikajı́cı́ výsledky v doktorandském studiu, VA Brno Udělenı́ diplomu “s vyznamenánı́m”, VA Brno Publikačnı́ činnost Téměř 150 publikovaných a přednesených přı́spěvků, včetně − 30 článků v recenzovaných časopisech, − 35 článků v recenzovaných sbornı́cı́ch konferencı́, − 1 vı́ce-autorské monografie a 5 samostatných kapitol v monografiı́ch, − 1 patentu, − 100 nevlastnı́ch citacı́ v databázi WoS (170 v databázi Scopus). Pedagogická činnost − − − − − − − Délka pedagogické praxe: 12 let Školitel 5 obhájených disertačnı́ch pracı́ (Ph.D.), 16 obhájených diplomových pracı́ (M.Sc.), 6 obhájených závěrečných projektů (M.Eng.) Vedoucı́ 11 bakalářských výzkumných projektů a 5 hostujı́cı́ch studentů Člen komisı́ pro státnı́ doktorské zkoušky a obhajoby doktorských disertačnı́ch pracı́ na University of Alberta, University of British Columbia, České vysoké učenı́ technické, VŠB-Technická Universita Ostrava Uplatněnı́ vedených postdoků: Mgr. Pavel Juruš, Ph.D. – vědecký pracovnı́k, Ústav informatiky AV ČR, Mgr. Jiřı́ Hošek, Ph.D. – vědecký pracovnı́k, Ústav fyziky atmosféry AV ČR, Mgr. Jana Heckenbergerová, Ph.D. – odborný asistent, Katedra matematiky a fyziky, Univerzita Pardubice Zavedenı́ nových předmětů CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering, ECE 524 Data Exploration and Evolutionary Computing, ECE 523 Software Project Management and Software Quality (UofA) V současnosti garant předmětů EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors, CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering, ECE 524 Data Exploration and Evolutionary Computing (UofA) P. Musı́lek − − − 3 Dalšı́ vyučované předměty CMPE 300 Introduction to Software Engineering Process, CMPE 510 Reliable and Secure Systems Design, EE 445 C++ Programming for Engineers, ECE 523 Software Project Management and Software Quality (UofA), Tools for Artificial Intelligence (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain) Spoluautor textů, programů a animacı́ do předmětů EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors, CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering Zı́skánı́ projektů na pedagogickou problematiku: hlavnı́ řešitel Canada-EU project of International Academic Mobility SOFTWORLD: A Multidisciplinary, Distributed, Cooperative Education Initiative in Software Engineering Projekty, organizačnı́ schopnosti a dovednosti (detaily jsou uvedeny v přı́loze 5) − − Vı́ce než 12 leté zkušenosti v řešenı́ dlouhodobých VaV projektů a výzkumných týmů Celkový objem finančnı́ch prostředků zı́skaných pro podporu výzkumu od roku 1999: $1,400,000 jako hlavnı́ řešitel + $6,500,000 jako splouřešitel Vědecká specializace − − − Inteligentnı́ systémy Energetická informatika Enviromentálnı́ informatika Mezinárodnı́ spolupráce (pouze aktivnı́, mimo Českou republiku a Kanadu) − − − − − − − − European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) project ES1002 (Weather Intelligence for Renewable Energies), 2011-dosud Delft University of Technology, Netherlands (energy management), 2012-dosud Vienna University of Technology, Austria (smart grids), 2012-dosud University Putra Malayisia (wireless sensor networks), 2012-dosud German Remote Sensing Data Center, German Aerospace Center (DLR), Germany (ecosystem monitoring using wireless sensor networks), 2012-dosud Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica (ecosystem monitoring using wireless sensor networks), 2012-dosud Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA), Japan (satellite project GOSAT), 2009-dosud Ludwig Maximilian University (LMU), Munich, Germany (ecosystem monitoring using wireless sensor networks), 2011-dosud Spolupráce s průmyslem − − − − − − − Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), Montreal, QC, 2008-dosud British Columbia Transmission Corporation (BCTC), Vancouver, BC, 2008-dosud Newfoundland and Labrador Hydro (NLH), St. John’s, NL, 2009-dosud Bonneville Power Administration, Portland, OR, USA, 2009-2011 TEPCO, Tokyo, Japan, 2010 Forest Technology Systems, Inc. (FTS), Victoria, BC, 2010-dosud EcoTEMP Int., Edmonton, AB, 2000-2004 P. Musı́lek 2 1 Výsledky tvůrčı́, vědecké a inženýrské činnosti Následujı́cı́ seznam uvádı́ pouze nenulové počty nevlastnı́ch citacı́; výčet citacı́ je uveden na konci této přı́lohy. a) Monografie [a1] Novák M., Kufudaki O., Moos P., Musı́lek P., Pelikán E., Šebesta V., Umělé neuronové sı́tě: Teorie a aplikace, C. H. Beck, Praha, 1998 (382 p) b) Samsotatné kapitoly v monografiı́ch [b1] Jurus, P., P. Musilek, Y. Li, J. Rodway, Regional-scale modeling of greenhouse gas fluxes, In Reclamation and restoration of boreal ecosystems: attaining sustainable development, Cambridge University Press, 2012, pp. 23-55 [b2] M. Reformat, P. Musilek, E. Igbide, Intelligent Analysis of Software Maintenance Data, Advances in Machine Learning Applications in Software Engineering, Edited by D. Zhang and J.J.P. Tsai, Idea Group Inc., 2006, pp. 14-51 [b3] G. Succi, W. Pedrycz, P. Musilek, and I. Kaytazov, Holmes: A Heavyweight Support for a Lightweight Process, XP Perspectives, Addison Wesley Professional Series, 2002, pp. 41-48 [b4] P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems edited by N. K. Sinha and M. M. Gupta, Academic Press, 2000, pp. 137160 [b5] P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Fuzzy Neural Networks, Soft Computing and Intelligent Systems edited by N. K. Sinha and M. M. Gupta, Academic Press, 2000, pp. 161-184 c1) Články v odborných periodicı́ch - impaktované časopisy ve WoS [IF, kategorie, počet časopisů v kategorii celkem, pořadı́ časopisu v kategorii, kvartil] [c1] Zarnani, A., Musilek, P., Heckenbergerova, J., Statistical Prediction Intervals Through Clustering of Model Output, Meteorological Applications (přijato k publikaci 21.10.2012) [IF 1.411 “METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES”71/44 Q3] [c2] Heckenbergerova, J., Musilek, P., Filimonenkov, K., Quantification of Gains and Risks of Static Thermal Rating based on Typical Meteorological Year, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 44, 2013, pp. 227-235 [IF 2.246 “ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC”245/39 Q1] [c3] Musilek, P., Heckenbergerova, J., M. M. I. Bhuiyan, Spatial Analysis of Thermal Aging of Overhead Transmission Conductors, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 27(3), 2012, 1196-1204 [IF 1.355 “ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC”245/95 Q2] [c4] Zarnani, A., Musilek, P., Shi, X., Ke, X., He, H., Greiner, R., Learning to Predict Ice Accretion on Electric Power Lines, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 25(3), 2012, pp. 609-617 [IF 1.665 “ENGINEERING, MULTIDISCIPLINARY”90/10 Q1] [c5] Pytlak, P., Musilek, P., E. P. Lozowski, J. Toth, Modelling Precipitation Cooling of Overhead Conductors,Electric Power Systems Research, 81, 2011, pp. 2147-2154 [IF 1.478 “ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC”245/82 Q2] [c6] Hosek, J., Musilek, P., Lozowski, E., Pytlak, P., Effect of time resolution of meteorological inputs on dynamic thermal rating calculations, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 5(9), 2011, pp. 941-947 [IF 1.197 “ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC”245/109 Q2] (1 citace) [c7] Hosek, J., Musilek, P., Lozowski, E., Pytlak, P., Forecasting Severe Ice Storms Using NWP: The March 2010 Newfoundland Event, Nat. Hazard. Earth Sys., 11, 587-595, 2011 [IF 1.983 “WATER RESOURCES”78/16 Q1] (1 citace) [c8] Pytlak, P., Musilek, P., E. Lozowski, D. Arnold, Evolutionary Optimization of an Ice Accretion Forecasting System (IAFS), Monthly Weather Review, 138 (7): 2913-2929, 2010 [IF 2.688 “METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES”71/18 Q2] P. Musı́lek 2 [c9] P. Musilek, D. Arnold, and E P. Lozowski, An Ice Accretion Forecasting System (IAFS) for Power Transmission Lines Using Numerical Weather Prediction, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, Vol. 5, 2009, pp. 025-028 [IF 1.287 “METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES”71/47 Q3] (1 citace) [c10] A. Lau and P. Musilek, Immune Programming Models of Cryptosporidium Parvum Inactivation by Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide, Information Sciences, 179, 2009, pp. 1469-1482 [IF 2.833 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS”135/9 Q1] (2 citace) [c11] Y. Li, P. Musilek, M. Reformat and L. Wyard-Scott, Identification of Pleonastic It Using the Web, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 34, 2009, pp. 339-389[IF 1.143 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/59 Q3] (1 citace) [c12] M. Vejmelka, P. Musilek, M. Palus and E. Pelikan, K-means Clustering for Problems with Periodic Attributes, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2009, pp. 733-753[IF 0.624 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/87 Q4] (3 citace) [c13] K. R. Janes and P. Musilek, Modelling the Disinfection of Waterborne Bacteria using Neural Networks, Environmental Engineering Science, 24 (4), 2007, pp. 471-482[IF 0.887 “ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES”205/162 Q4] (1 citace) [c14] L. Kurgan and P. Musilek, A Survey of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Process Models, Knowledge Engineering Review, 21(1), 2006, pp. 1-24[IF 0.549 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/92 Q4] (26 citacı́) [c15] P. Musilek, A. Lau, M. Reformat and L. Wyard-Scott, Immune Programming, Information Sciences, 176 (8), 2006, pp. 972-1002 [IF 2.833 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS”135/9 Q1] (33 citacı́) [c16] P. Musilek and J. Meltzer, Interpretation of Software Cost Data Using Neural Networks, Neural Network World, 15 (5), 2005, pp. 411-423[IF 0.646 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/84 Q4] [c17] T. Mirzayans, N. Parimi, P. Pilarski, C. Backhouse, L. Wyard-Scott and P. Musilek, A swarm-based system for object recognition, Neural Network World, 15 (3), 2005, pp. 243 255[IF 0.646 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/84 Q4] [c18] P. Musilek, R. Guanlao and G. Barreiro, Genetic Programming of Fuzzy Aggregation Operations, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 16 (2), 2005, pp. 107-118[IF 0.556 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/90 Q4] (2 citace) [c19] W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, P. Musilek, and X. Bai, Using Self-Organizing Maps to Analyse Object-Oriented Software Measures, Journal of Systems and Software, 59 (1), 2001, pp. 6582 [IF 0.836 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS: 99/42 Q2] [c20] P. Musilek, Neurocomputing with Fuzzy Numbers, Neural Network World, 10 (4), 2000, pp. 665-674 [IF 0.646 “COMP. SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/84 Q4] [c21] M. M. Gupta and P. Musilek, Fuzzy Neural Networks and Cognitive modelling, International Journal of General Systems, 29 (1), 2000, pp. 7-28[IF 0.667 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, THEORY & METHODS: 99/57 Q3] [c22] P. Musilek, Artificial Neural Networks in Robot Navigation, Neural Network World, 5, 1995, pp. 929-944[IF 0.646 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/ 84 Q4] [c23] P. Musilek, Principles of Autonomous Mobile Robot Control, Neural Network World, 3, 1993, pp. 249-260 [IF 0.646 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”, 111/84 Q4] c2) Články v odborných periodicı́ch - recenzované časopisy ve Scopus [c24] K. R. Janes and P. Musilek, Neural network models of Cryptosporidium parvum inactivation by chlorine dioxide and ozone, Journal of Environmental Engineering and Science, 6 (5), 2007, pp. 477-482 P. Musı́lek 3 [c25] P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, and M. Reformat, Software Cost Estimation with Fuzzy Models, Applied Computing Review, 8 (2), 2000, pp. 24-29 (32 citacı́, Scopus - secondary documents) c3) Články v odborných periodicı́ch - ostatnı́ recenzované časopisy [c26] Brabec, M, Pelikan, E., Krc, P., Eben, K., Musilek, P., Statistical modelling of Energy Production by Photovoltaic Farms, J. of Energy and Power Engineering, 5(9), 2011, pp. 785-793 [c27] Bhuiyan, M. M. I., Musilek, P., J. Heckenbergerova, D. Koval, Assessment of the Loss of Strength in Transmission Line Conductors over Time due to Thermal Loading, IIASTransactions on Systems Research and Cybernetics, X(1): 27-32, 2010 [c28] Khaki, M., Bhuiyan, M. M. I., J. Heckenbergerova, D. Koval, Musilek, P., Impact of Local Weather Conditions on Transmission Line Ratings, IIAS-Transactions on Systems Research and Cybernetics, X(1): 33-38, 2010 [c29] A. Mahaweerawat, P. Sophatsathit, C. Lursinsap and P. Musilek, MASP - An Enhanced Model of Fault Type Identification in Object-Oriented Software Engineering, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence and Intelligent Informatics, 10 (3), 2006 , pp. 312-322 [c30] P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Neural Models Based on Some New Fuzzy Arithmetic Operations, Journal of Advanced Computational Intelligence, 3 (4), 2000, pp. 245-254 d) Editorstvı́ tematických sbornı́ků a speciálnı́ch čı́sel časopisů [d1] P. Musilek, M. Reformat, and L. Kurgan (Eds.), Biologically Inspired Computing and Computers in Biology, Special Issue of Neural Network World, 15(3), 2005 (93 pages) [d2] S. Dick, L. Kurgan, P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, and M. Reformat (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2004 North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS’04) Conference, Banff, AB, June 27-30, 2004, IEEE press (1024 pages) [d3] P. Musilek and M. Reformat (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing based Software Engineering QSSE’2003, Banff, Alberta, Canada, February 17-18, 2003 (80 pages) [d4] P. Musilek and G. Succi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 2nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing based Software Engineering QSSE’2002, Banff, Alberta, Canada, February 18-20, 2002 (105 pages) [d5] W. Pedrycz and P. Musilek (Eds.), Role of Fuzzy Sets in Software Engineering, Special Issue of Applied Computing Review, ACM, 8 (2), 2000 (29 pages) e) Původnı́ vědecké články ve sbornı́cı́ch konferencı́ [e1] A. Zarnani and P. Musilek, Modeling Forecast Uncertainty Using Fuzzy Clustering, In Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2013, Volume 188, pp. 287-296 [e2] Md. Bhuiyan, M. I., Heckenbergerova, J., Musilek, P., An Expert System for Condition Assessment of ACSR Conductors, In Proc. Electric Power and Energy Conf. (EPEC 2011), Winipeg, MB, 2011 [e3] Heckenbergerova, J., Musilek, P., Filimonenkov, K., Assessment of Seasonal Static Thermal Ratings of Overhead Transmission Conductors, 2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 24–29 July 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA (8 pages) [e4] Pytlak, P., Musilek, P., Doucet, J., Using Dynamic Thermal Rating Systems to Reduce Power Generation Emissions, 2011 IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) General Meeting, 24–29 July 2011, Detroit, Michigan, USA (7 pages) [e5] Heckenbergerova, J., Musilek, P., Md. Bhuiyan, M. I., Thermal Aging of an Overhead Power Transmission Line – Sensitivity Study, 12th Int. Conf. Electric Power Engineering (EPE 2011), Kouty nad Desnou, Czech Republic, May 17-19, 2011 P. Musı́lek 4 [e6] D. Pimentel, Musilek, P., Knight, A., Energy Harvesting Simulation for Arctic Monitoring Stations, In Proc. Electric Power and Energy Conf. (EPEC 2010), Halifax, NS, 2010 [e7] Heckenbergerova, J., P. Musilek, M. M. I. Bhuiyan, D. Koval, Analysis of Spatial and Seasonal Distribution of Power Transmission Line Thermal Aging, In Proc. IEEE Conf. Innovative Technologies for an Efficient and Reliable Electricity Supply, Waltham, MA, 2010 [e8] Khaki, M., Musilek, P., Heckenbergerova, J., Koval, D., Electric Power System Cost/Loss Optimization Using Dynamic Thermal Rating and Linear Programming, EPEC 2010 [e9] Pytlak, P., Musilek, P., An Intelligent Weather-based System to Support Optimal Routing of Power Transmission Lines, EPEC 2010 [e10] Brabec, M., Pelikan, E., Krc, P., Eben, K., Musilek, P., Statistical modelling of Energy Production by Photovoltaic Farms, EPEC 2010 [e11] Heckenbergerova, J., P. Musilek, M. M. I. Bhuiyan, D. Koval, E. Pelikan, Identification of Critical Aging Segments and Hotspots of Power Transmission Lines, In Proc. 9th Int. Conf. on Electrical Engineering and Environment (EEEIC 2010), IEEE, Prague, Czech Rep., 2010 [e12] D. Pimentel, P. Musilek, A. Knight, and J. Heckenbergerova, Characterization of a Wind Flutter Generator, EEEIC 2010 [e13] Pelikan, E., Eben K., Resler J., Jurus, P., Krc, P., Brabec M., Brabec, T., Musilek P., Wind Power Forecasting by an Empirical Model Using NWP Outputs, EEEIC 2010 [e14] Pimentel, D., P. Musilek, Power Management With Energy Harvesting Devices, In Proc. Canadian Conf. Electrical and Comp. Engineering (CCECE 2010), IEEE, Calgary, AB, 2010 [e15] Rodway, J., P. Musilek, Estimation of Missing Data Points from Remotely Sensed Datasets, CCECE 2010 [e16] Bhuiyan, M. M. I., P. Musilek, J. Heckenbergerova, D. Koval, Evaluating Thermal Aging Characteristics of Electric Power Transmission Lines, CCECE 2010 [e17] P. Pytlak, P. Musilek, E. P. Lozowski, Precipitation-based Conductor Cooling Model for Dynamic Thermal Rating Systems, In Proc. Electrical Power and Energy Conference EPEC 2009, October 22 - 23, 2009, Montreal, Quebec (8 pages) [e18] G. Huang, P. Musilek, J. Sun, Searching Messages Based on Semantic Context, 4th IEEE International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking, and Mobile Computing (WICOM 2008), October 12-14, Dalian, China [e19] G. Huang and P. Musilek, Searching of Brief Message Based on Semantic Context, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2008), October 22-24, Xi’an, China [e20] G. Huang and P. Musilek, Research of Real Time Embedded Distributed Systems, IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering (ICEBE 2008), October 22-24, Xi’an, China [e21] V. Snasel, H. O. Nyongesa, P. Kromer, P. Musilek, D. Husek, Fuzzy Modelling of User Needs for Improvement of Web Search Queries, In Proc. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS’07, San Diego, CA, 2007, pp. 446-451 [e22] A. Kaboli, M. Bowling, P. Musilek, Bayesian Calibration for Monte Carlo Localization, In Proc. 21st Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-06), Boston, MA, July 16-20, 2006, pp. 964-969 [e23] P. Musilek, E. Pelikan, T. Brabec, M. Simunek, Recurrent Neural Network Based Gating for Natural Gas Load Prediction System, In Proc. IJCNN 2006, World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 15-21, 2006, pp. 7127-7132 (4 citace) [e24] F. Ahmad, P. Musilek, A Keystroke and Pointer Control Input Interface for Wearable Computers, In Proc. 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing P. Musı́lek [e25] [e26] [e27] [e28] [e29] [e30] [e31] [e32] [e33] [e34] [e35] 5 and Communications (PERCOM’06), March 13-17, 2006, Pisa, Italy, pp. 2-11 (3 citace) P. Musilek, M. Reformat, Y. Li, C. Ly, Fuzzy Reasoning with Ontology: Towards Truly Autonomic SemanticWeb Service Consumption, in. Proc. Rough Sets and Soft Computing in Intelligent Agent and Web Technology, 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, Compiegne, France, September 19-22, 2005, pp. 43-48 P. Musilek, S. Li, L. Wyard-Scott, Enhanced Learning Classifier System for Robot Navigation, In Proc. 2005 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Edmonton, Canada, August 2-6, 2005, pp. 1245-1250 R. Guanlao, P. Musilek, F. Ahmad, A. Kaboli, Fuzzy situation based navigation of autonomous mobile robot using reinforcement learning, In Proc. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS’04, Banff, Canada, 2004, pp. 820-825 Y. Li, P. Musilek, L. Wyard-Scott, Fuzzy logic in agent-based game design, In Proceedings of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS’04, Banff, Canada, 2004, pp. 734-739 B. Shen, X. Su, R. Greiner, P. Musilek, and C. Cheng, Discriminative Parameter Learning of General Bayesian Network Classifiers, In Proc. 15th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI 2003, pp. 296-305 P.Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, and N. Sun, On the Sensitivity of COCOMO II Software Cost Estimation Model, In Proc. 8th IEEE Symposium on Software Metrics, Ottawa, 2002, pp. 13-20 W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, M. Reformat, P. Musilek, and X. Bai, Self-organizing Maps as a Tool for Software Analysis, In Proc. Canadian Conference of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Toronto, Canada, May 12-15, 2001 W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, M. Reformat, P. Musilek, and X. Bai, Expressing Similarity in Software Engineering, In Proc. 2nd International Workshop on Soft Computing Applied to Software Engineering, Enschede, The Netherlands, February 8-9, 2001 W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, P. Musilek, and X. Bai, Visualization of Object Oriented Software Measures using Self-Organizing Maps, In: Proc. World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, July 23-26, 2000, Orlando, FL, Vol. I, pp. 701-706 P. Musilek, M. M. Gupta, and G. J. Schmidt, Adaptive fuzzy approach to edge detection, In Proc. Sensors and Controls for Intelligent Machining and Mechatronics, edited by G.K.Knopf, P.F.Muir, and P.E.Orban, Proc. SPIE Vol. 3832, 1999, pp. 107-117 P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Adaptive Fuzzy Approach to modelling of Operational Space for Autonomous Mobile Robots, In Proc. Intelligent Robots and Computer Vision XVII: Algorithms, Techniques, and Active Vision, edited by D. P. Casasent, SPIE Proceedings 3522, Boston, Massachusetts, 1998, pp. 265-274 f ) Vyžádané přednášky [f1] P. Musilek, Measurement, Modeling and Forecasting for Energy and Environment, Symposium On Environmental Monitoring in the XXI Century: Challenges and Opportunities, University Putra, Malaysia, 27th September 2012 [f2] P. Musilek, Genetic and Immune Algorithms, CSS Cybernetics Summer school 2012, VSBTU Ostrava, September 2012 [f3] P. Musilek, Measurement, Modeling and Forecasting for Energy and Environment, ABBYnet Workshop, Munich, March 6-7, 2012 [f4] P. Musilek, Dynamic Line Rating using Numerical Weather Prediction: Update, Meeting of Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation Interest Group (WISMIG), Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), Vancouver, BC, April 4, 2011 [f5] P. Musilek, Modelling tools: state of the art, trends, and research directions, Wind Energy Development in Harsh Environments: Issues, Opportunities and Challenges, R&D Workshop, P. Musı́lek [f6] [f7] [f8] [f9] [f10] [f11] [f12] [f13] [f14] [f15] [f16] [f17] [f18] [f19] [f20] 6 July 6-7, 2010, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada P. Musilek, P. Jurus, Regional-Scale modelling of Greenhouse Gas Fluxes, Symposium Reclamation And Restoration Of Boreal Peatland And Forest Ecosystems: Toward A Sustainable Future, Edmonton, AB, Canada, March 25-27, 2010 P. Musilek, Dynamic Line Rating using Numerical Weather Prediction, Meeting of Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation Interest Group (WISMIG), Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), New Orleans, LA, April 24, 2009 P. Musilek, Applications of Numerical Weather Prediction in Electric Power Industry, Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO), Tokyo, Japan, November 4, 2008 P. Musilek, Evaluation of Applicability of GOSAT Data for Monitoring of Green House Gases (GHG) Emissions from Tailings Ponds and Upgrader Operations in the Oil Sands Production Area, Alberta, Canada, Workshop on the Data Utilization of Greenhouse gases Observing SATellite (GOSAT) “IBUKI”, Tokyo, Japan, November 5-7, 2008 P. Musilek, Modelling and Forecasting of Icing Events Using Regular Weather Models, Intelligent Sensors Workshop, Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation Interest Group (WISMIG), Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), Arlington, VA, April 30, 2008 P. Musilek, Pilot Project #3344: modelling and Forecasting of Icing Events Using Regular Weather Models, Meeting of Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation Interest Group (WISMIG), Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), Montreal, QC, September 25, 2008 P. Musilek, Using the Web as Aid in Natural Language Processing, Invited plenary lecture at Knowledge 2008, Bratislava, Slovakia, February 13-15, 2008 P. Musilek, Meteorological Modelling and Forecasting of Icing Events, Meeting of Wind and Ice Storm Mitigation Interest Group (WISMIG), Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI), Hartford, CT, April 11, 2007 P. Musilek, Karel Antos, and Bruno Jezek, A Trip Around the Bologosphere: Taming the World Live Web, Invited Plenary Lecture at the Symposium on Human-Centric Computing and Data Processing, February 21-23, 2007, Banff, AB P. Musilek, Design of a high-level control system for a mobile robot, Seminar on Humanlike artificial creatures, Dept. of Software and Computer Science Education, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, March 15, 2006 P. Musilek, Biologically Inspired Computing with Applications, Hora Informaticae, Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic, September 26, 2005 P. Musilek, Introduction to Biomorphic Computing, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, December 14, 2005 P. Musilek, Automotive Applications of Artificial Neural Networks, TRW Automotive, Detroit, MI, June 7-8, 2005 P. Musilek, Artificial Neural Networks: Theory and Applications, LEAR Corporation, Detroit, MI, March, 2004 P. Musilek, Soft Computing in Software Engineering, Military Technical Academy in Brno, Czech Republic, July 2002 g) Ostatnı́ publikace [g1] A. Zarnani, P. Musilek, Clustering Numerical Weather Forecasts to Compute Prediction Intervals, 10th European Conference on Applications of Meteorology (ECAM), Berlin, Germany, Sep 12–16 2011 [g2] Y. Li, P. Musilek, Forecasting Wind Ramp Events, 31th International Symposium on Forecasting, Prague, Czech Republic, June 26–29, 2011 P. Musı́lek 7 [g3] Musilek, P., Esteki, A., Lozowski, E., A Predictive Indicator of Icing Damage Risk, 14th Int. Workshop on Atm. Icing of Structures (IWAIS 2011), Chongqing, China, May 8-13, 2011 [g4] Pimentel, D., Musilek, P., Fuzzy Power Management for Automatic Monitoring Stations in the Arctic, Arctic Science and Technology Symposium, ISOPE 2011, Maui, HI, June 19-24, 2011 [g5] P. Jurus, M. Brabec, P. Krc, E. Pelikan, Musilek, P., Utilisation of micrometeorological variables in regional-scale CO2 modelling, Verification and validation in meteorology, climatology and air quality, Annual Workshop of the Czech Met. Soc., Bozi Dar, September 22-24, 2010 [g6] P. Pytlak, P. Musilek, E. P. Lozowski, D. Arnold, J. Toth, Wind and Ice Load Model Using Numerical Weather Prediction, In Proc. 13th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures IWAIS 2009, 8-11 September 2009, Andermatt, Switzerland (8 pages) [g7] P. Musilek, E. P. Lozowski, D. Arnold, Data-Driven Approach to Model-Based Precipitation Type Classification, MOCA 2009: Joint Assembly of IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS, July 19-24, 2009, Montreal, Quebec (1 page) [g8] P. Musilek, J. Rodway, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, Inferring Missing Data in Satellite GHG Data, MOCA 2009: Joint Assembly of IAMAS, IAPSO and IACS, July 19-24, 2009, Montreal, Quebec (1 page) [g9] P. Musilek, E. P. Lozowski, D. Arnold, P. Jurus, K. Eben, E. Pelikan, and J. Resler, A road weather monitoring and forecasting system using high-resolution NWP models, Intelligent Weather Information Systems and Services in Traffic and Transport, July 9-12, 2008, Klagenfurt, Austria [g10] J. Cermakova, J. Becvar, M. Brabec, T. Brabec, O. Konar, M. Maly, P. Musilek, O. Naxerova, E. Pelikan, M. Simunek, J. Vondracek, Natural Gas Consumption modelling: Customers without Course Measurement, In Proc. 7th International SIMONE Congress Pipeline Simulation and Optimization, Lednice, Czech Republic, October 11-14, 2005 (CD, 6 pages) [g11] Mahaweerat, A., Sophatasthit, P., Lurinsap, C., Musilek, P., Fault prediction on objectoriented software using neural network techniques, In proc. InTech’04, Houston, TX, Dec 2-4, 2004, pp. 27-34 [g12] P. Musilek, G. Barreiro, and J. Pulido, Automatic Discovery of Fuzzy Aggregation Operations, In Proc. 6th IASTED International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing (ASC 2002), Banff, 2002, pp. 621-625 [g13] P. Musilek, J.D. Ferguson, J. Miller, Automatic Evolution of Parallel Programs and Its Visualization, In Proc. 17th International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST), Chicago, October, 2001 [g14] J. Miller, P. Musilek, and J. D. Ferguson, Evaluating Technologies for Smart Living, In Proc. 17th International Conference on Advanced Science and Technology (ICAST), Chicago, October, 2001 [g15] P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, M. Reformat, N. Sun. Interactive Simulation of a Fuzzy Model for Software Cost Estimation. In Proc. International Conference on Simulation and Multimedia in Engineering Education, Phoenix, AZ, Jan 2001 [g16] P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Dissimilarity Based Fuzzy Logic Neuron, In Proc. 5th Int. Conf. on Soft Computing and Information/Intelligent Systems IIZUKA’98, Iizuka, Japan, 1998, 4 pages [g17] P. Musilek, PASEC: A method for sub-optimal global planning of an autonomous mobile robot, In Proc. 12th European Meeting of Cybernetics and System Research, In R. Trappl (ed.) Cybernetics and Systems’94, 2, World Scientific, Singapore, pp. 1515-1519 [g18] P. Musilek, Mobile robot path following by neural based predictor. In Proc. Parallel Applications in Statistics and Economics (PASE’93), Ascona, Switzerland 1993 P. Musı́lek 8 [g19] P. Musilek, Fuzzy neural system for terrain knowledge integration, In Proc. 3rd International conference on fuzzy logic, neural networks and soft computing IIZUKA’94, Iizuka, Japan, 1994 [g20] V. Prenosil and P. Musilek, Error prediction in large electronic systems by neural networks, In Proc. of the International Symposium on Forecasting (ISF’94), Stockholm, Sweden, 1994 [g21] P. Musilek, Application Of Neural Networks And Fuzzy Logic In Mobile Robots, In Proc. Neural networks - 6th microcomputer school, Sedmihorky, Czech Republic, 1994, pp. 303314 [g22] M. Khaki, P. Musilek, J. Heckenbergerova, D. Koval, Piece-wise Linear Programming Model for Hydro-Thermal Coordination using Dynamical Thermal Rating (poster), MITACS/CORS 11th Annual Conference, Edmonton, AB, May 25-28, 2010 [g23] J. Rodway, K. Filimonenkov, Y. Li, P. Jurus, P. Musilek, Source Constitution of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere: Analysis and Visualization (poster), 1st Annual Graduate Research Symposium, Edmonton, AB, June 17, 2010 [g24] P. Musilek, P. Pytlak, E. Lozowski, D. Koval, and, J. Doucet, Advanced Dynamic Thermal rating System using Numerical Weather Prediction (poster), Power and Energy Innovation Forum, Edmonton, Alberta, November 6, 2008 [g25] D. Arnold, P. Musilek, E. Lozowski, modelling and Forecasting of Wind and Ice Loads On Power Transmission Lines (poster), Power and Energy Innovation Forum, Edmonton, Alberta, November 6, 2008 [g26] P. Pytlak, M. Reformat, and P. Musilek, Fuzzy Anticipatory Learning Classifier System: Approach Overview and Potential Applications, In Proc. Symposium on Human-Centric Computing and Data Processing, February 21-23, 2007, Banff, AB, pp. 8-9 [g27] P. Musilek, P. Pytlak, S. Li, FALCS and Its Applications in Control and Decision Support, In Proc. International Conference on Military Technologies ICMT’07, Brno, Czech Republic, May 2-4, 2007 (4 pages) [g28] F. Ahmad and P. Musilek, UbiHand: a wearable input device for 3D interaction (poster) ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, 33rd Int. Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, July 30 - August 3, 2006, Boston, MA [g29] P. Pytlak and P. Musilek, Artificial Immune Network for Sonar Data Clustering, In HC2 2005, Symp. on Human-Centric Computing, Banff, Canada, Feb 20-23, 2005, pp. 51-56 [g30] R. Orsten and P. Musilek, Simulating Software Requirements Specification Inspections, In Proc. QSSE2004, pp. 41-43 [g31] R. Guanlao and P. Musilek, Dynamic Software Environment for Reinforcement Genetic Programming, In Proc. QSSE2003, pp. 21-26 [g32] Z. Li, P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz and Y. Li, Predicting Software Development Effort Using Multiple Regression Models and Neural Networks, In Proc. QSSE2003, pp. 54-60 [g33] P. Musilek and J. Meltzer, Constructive Cost modelling Using Neural Networks, In Proc. 2nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2002, Banf, February 2002, pp. 58-64 [g34] R. Orsten, P. Musilek, Simulating Software Requirements Specification Inspections, In Proceedings of the 4th ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2004 [g35] A. Lau, P. Musilek, and M. Reformat, Virtual Computing with Artificial Immune Systems, In Proceedings of the 4th ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2004 [g36] Y. Li, P. Musilek, L. Kurgan, Battlecity Revived: Game Design with, In Proceedings of the 4th ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2004, pp.24-28 [g37] G. Barreiro, P. Musilek, A. Lau, Application of Software Measurement in Educational Process (extended abstract), In Proceedings of the 3rd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative P. Musı́lek [g38] [g39] [g40] [g41] [g42] [g43] [g44] [g45] [g46] [g47] [g48] [g49] [g50] [g51] [g52] [g53] [g54] 9 and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2003, p. 77 R. Guanlao and P. Musilek, Dynamic Software Environment for Reinforcement Genetic Programming, In Proceedings of the 3rd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2003, Banff, February 2003, pp. 21 26 Y. Li and P. Musilek, BDI.Net: A Lightweight Framework, In Proceedings of the 3rd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering, QSSE 2003, Banff, February 2003, pp. 49-53 Z. Li, P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz and Y. Li, Predicting Software Development Effort Using Multiple Regression Models and Neural Networks, In Proceedings of the 3rd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2003, Banff, February 2003, pp. 54-60 P. Musilek, and J. Meltzer, Constructive Cost modelling Using Neural Networks, In Proc. 2nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2002, Banff, February 2002, pp. 58-64 P. Musilek, N. Sun, and G. Succi, Sensitivity Analysis of Parametric Cost Estimation Models, In Proc. 2nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing Based Software Engineering QSSE2002, Banff, February 2002, pp. 38-43 P. Musilek, G. Succi, N. Sun, W. Pedrycz, Fuzzy extension of COCOMO model, In Proc. 1st ASERC Wshop on Quantitative Software Engineering QSE2001, Banff, February 2001 M. Reformat, P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, A. Medin, Software Quality Assurance in Practice, In Proc. 1st ASERC on Quantitative Software Engineering QSE2001, Banff, February 2001 G. Succi, M. Stefanovic, W. Pedrycz, P. Musilek, Predicting Software Service Requests, In Proc. 1st ASERC Workshop on Quantitative Software Engineering QSE2001, Banff, February 2001 W. Pedrycz, X. Bai, G. Succi, P. Musilek, Use of SOM in detecting similarities among software classes, In Proc. 1st ASERC Workshop on Quantitative Software Engineering QSE2001, Banff, Feb 2001 P. Musilek and M. M. Gupta, Model of Object Representation in Visual System, In: Proceedings of the IEEE North Saskatchewan Section Annual Symposium, 6 pages, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, 1997 P. Musilek, Predictive methods in mobile robot control, In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Neural Networks NEURONET‘93, Prague, Czech Republic, 1993 P. Musilek, and Jindra, V., Neural Networks in Military Systems, In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Neural Networks NEURONET‘93, Prague, Czech Republic, 1993 V. Rerucha, Z. Krupka, Prochazka, D. and P. Musilek: Synthesis of control law for stepping robot, In Proc. WAAC‘93, CTU, Prague, Czech Republic, 1993 V. Rerucha, D. Prochazka and P. Musilek, Walking coordinator learning concept for the legged robot, In Proc. Image Processing and Neural Networks, MTU Liptovsky Mikulas, Slovak Republic, 1993 V. Rerucha, D. Prochazka and P. Musilek, Consecutive learning approach to robot locomotion control, In Proc. 2nd Int. Conf. on Neural Networks NEURONET‘93, Prague, Czech Republic, 1993 P. Musilek, The Expert System IDEL, In Proc. Personal computers and networks in Command and Control, Brno, Czech Republic, 1992 Z. Krupka, V. Rerucha, D. Prochazka and P. Musilek: Modelling of an Intelligent Control System, In Proc. Personal computers and networks in Command and Control, Brno, Czech Republic, 1992 h) Patenty a oponované výzkumné zprávy [h1] Musilek, P., A Pilot Study: modelling and Forecasting Icing Events Using Regular Weather Models, Report #3344, Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation P. Musı́lek 10 (CEATI), Montreal, QC, 2010 (122 pages) [h2] D. Saunders, P. Musilek and L. Johner, Method and Apparatus for Sensing Seat Occupancy, US Patent Ser. No. 10/249,527, Issued April 11, 2006 Seznam nevlastnı́ch citacı́ (reference se vztahujı́ k seznamu publikacı́ uvedeném výše) [c6] Hosek, J., Musilek, P., Lozowski, E., Pytlak, P., Effect of time resolution of meteorological inputs on dynamic thermal rating calculations, IET Gener. Transm. Distrib., 5(9), 2011, pp. 941-947 [IF 1.197 “ENGINEERING, ELECTRICAL & ELECTRONIC”245/109 Q2] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 1 1. Title: Fuzzy Dynamic Thermal Rating of Transmission Lines Author(s): Shaker, Hamid; Fotuhi-Firuzabad, Mahmud; Aminifar, Farrokh Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON POWER DELIVERY Volume: 27 Issue: 4 Pages: 1885-1892 Published: OCT 2012 [c9] P. Musilek, D. Arnold, and E P. Lozowski, An Ice Accretion Forecasting System (IAFS) for Power Transmission Lines Using Numerical Weather Prediction, Scientific Online Letters on the Atmosphere, Vol. 5, 2009, pp. 025-028 [IF 1.287 “METEOROLOGY & ATMOSPHERIC SCIENCES”71/47 Q3] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 1 1. Title: Energy sector vulnerability to climate change: A review Author(s): Schaeffer, Roberto; Szklo, Alexandre Salem; Pereira de Lucena, Andre Frossard; et al. Source: ENERGY Volume: 38 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-12 Published: FEB 2012 [c10] A. Lau and P. Musilek, Immune Programming Models of Cryptosporidium Parvum Inactivation by Ozone and Chlorine Dioxide, Information Sciences, 179, 2009, pp. 1469-1482 [IF 2.833 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS”135/9 Q1] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 2 1. Title: Grammar-based immune programming Author(s): Bernardino, Heder S.; Barbosa, Helio J. C. Conference: 15th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming Location: Fayetteville, AR Date: JUN 08-11, 2009 Sponsor(s): Air Force Off Sci Res; Arkansas Biosci Inst; Arkansas Sci & Technol Authority; Univ Arkansas Coll Engn; Univ Arkansas Grad Sch; Univ Arkansas Dept Comp Sci & Comp Engn; Univ Arkansas Dept Biol Engn; Univ Arkansas, Div Agr Source: NATURAL COMPUTING Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 209-241 Published: MAR 2011 2. Title: Grammar-Based Immune Programming for Symbolic Regression Author(s): Bernardino, Heder S.; Barbosa, Helio J. C. Book Editor(s): Andrews, PS; Timmis, J; Owens, NDL; et al. Conference: 8th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems Location: York, ENGLAND Date: AUG 09-12, 2009 Source: ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 5666 Pages: 274-287 Published: 2009 [c11] Y. Li, P. Musilek, M. Reformat and L. Wyard-Scott, Identification of Pleonastic It Using the Web, Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 34, 2009, pp. 339-389 [IF 1.143 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/59 Q3] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 1 1. Title: Bootstrapping Object Coreferencing on the Semantic Web Author(s): Hu, Wei; Qu, Yu-Zhong; Sun, Xing-Zhi Source: JOURNAL OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY Volume: 26 Issue: 4 Pages: 663-675 Published: JUL 2011 [c12] M. Vejmelka, P. Musilek, M. Palus and E. Pelikan, K-means Clustering for Problems with Periodic Attributes, International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 23, No. 4, 2009, pp. 733-753[IF 0.624 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/87 Q4] P. Musı́lek 11 Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 3 1. Title: INCREMENTAL CLUSTERING USING INFORMATION BOTTLENECK THEORY Author(s): Liu, Yongli; Ouyang, Yuanxin; Xiong, Zhang Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume: 25 Issue: 5 Pages: 695-712 Published: AUG 2011 2. Title: TRAVELOGUE ENRICHING AND SCENIC SPOT OVERVIEW BASED ON TEXTUAL AND VISUAL TOPIC MODELS Author(s): Pang, Yanwei; Lu, Xin; Yuan, Yuan; et al. Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PATTERN RECOGNITION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume: 25 Issue: 3 Pages: 373-390 Published: MAY 2011 3. Title: Color Image Spaces Author(s): Mitchell, H. B. Book Author(s): Mitchell, HB Source: IMAGE FUSION: THEORIES, TECHNIQUES AND APPLICATIONS Pages: 195-204 Published: 2010 [c13] K. R. Janes and P. Musilek, Modelling the Disinfection of Waterborne Bacteria using Neural Networks, Environmental Engineering Science, 24 (4), 2007, pp. 471-482[IF 0.887 “ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES”205/162 Q4] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 1 1. Title: Development of Artificial Neural Network Based Metamodels for Inactivation of Anthrax Spores in Ventilated Spaces Using Computational Fluid Dynamics Author(s): Hoque, Shamia; Farouk, Bakhtier; Haas, Charles N. Source: JOURNAL OF THE AIR & WASTE MANAGEMENT ASSOCIATION Volume: 61 Issue: 9 Pages: 968-982 Published: SEP 2011 [c14] L. Kurgan and P. Musilek, A Survey of Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Process Models, Knowledge Engineering Review, 21(1), 2006, pp. 1-24[IF 0.549 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/92 Q4] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 26 1. Title: Evaluation of an integrated Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining process model Author(s): Sharma, Sumana; Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata; Kasper, George M. Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 39 Issue: 13 Pages: 11335-11348 Published: OCT 1 2012 2. Title: Cluster Analysis of Smart Metering Data An Implementation in Practice Author(s): Flath, Christoph; Nicolay, David; Conte, Tobias; et al. Source: BUSINESS & INFORMATION SYSTEMS ENGINEERING Volume: 4 Issue: 1 Pages: 31-39 Published: FEB 2012 3. Title: A context-aware data mining process model based framework for supporting evaluation of data mining results Author(s): Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Pages: 1156-1164 Published: JAN 2012 4. Title: Data preprocessing for anomaly based network intrusion detection: A review Author(s): Davis, Jonathan J.; Clark, Andrew J. Source: COMPUTERS & SECURITY Volume: 30 Issue: 6-7 Pages: 353-375 Published: SEP-OCT 2011 5. Title: Integrating genetic algorithm and decision tree learning for assistance in predicting in vitro fertilization outcomes Author(s): Guh, Ruey-Shiang; Wu, Tsung-Chieh Jackson; Weng, Shao-Ping Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 38 Issue: 4 Pages: 4437-4449 Published: APR 2011 6. Title: Normality Mining: Privacy Implications of Behavioral Profiles Drawn From GPS Enabled Mobile Phones Author(s): Gasson, Mark N.; Kosta, Eleni; Royer, Denis; et al. Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART C-APPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Pages: 251-261 Published: MAR 2011 7. Title: A new methodology for Decisions in Medical Informatics using fuzzy cognitive maps based on fuzzy rule-extraction techniques Author(s): Papageorgiou, Elpiniki I. Source: APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING Volume: 11 Issue: 1 Pages: 500-513 Published: JAN 2011 8. Title: Modeling Data Mining Applications for Prediction of Prepaid Churn in Telecommunication Services Author(s): Kraljevic, Goran; Gotovac, Sven Source: AUTOMATIKA Volume: P. Musı́lek 12 51 Issue: 3 Pages: 275-283 Published: AUG-OCT 2010 9. Title: A survey of data mining and knowledge discovery process models and methodologies Author(s): Mariscal, Gonzalo; Marban, Oscar; Fernandez, Covadonga Source: KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW Volume: 25 Issue: 2 Pages: 137-166 Published: JUN 2010 10. Title: Data Reconciliation for Wastewater Treatment Plant Simulation Studies-Planning for High-Quality Data and Typical Sources of Errors Author(s): Rieger, Leiv; Takacs, Imre; Villez, Kris; et al. Source: WATER ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH Volume: 82 Issue: 5 Pages: 426-433 Published: MAY 2010 11. Title: Toward an integrated knowledge discovery and data mining process model Author(s): Sharma, Sumana; Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata Source: KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING REVIEW Volume: 25 Issue: 1 Pages: 49-67 Published: MAR 2010 12. Title: Towards supporting expert evaluation of clustering results using a data mining process model Author(s): Osei-Bryson, Kweku-Muata Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 180 Issue: 3 Pages: 414-431 Published: FEB 1 2010 13. Title: A Novel Approach on Constructed Dynamic Fuzzy Cognitive Maps Using Fuzzified Decision Trees and Knowledge-Extraction Techniques Author(s): Papageorgiou, Elpiniki I. Book Editor(s): Glykas, M Source: FUZZY COGNITIVE MAPS: ADVANCES IN THEORY, METHODOLOLOGIES, TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Book Series: Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing Volume: 247 Pages: 43-70 Published: 2010 14. Title: Guide to Intelligent Data Analysis How to Intelligently Make Sense of Real Data Introduction Author(s): Berthold, Michael R.; Borgelt, Christian; Hoeppner, Frank; et al. Book Author(s): Berthold, MR; Borgelt, C; Hoppner, F; et al. Source: GUIDE TO INTELLIGENT DATA ANALYSIS: HOW TO INTELLIGENTLY MAKE SENSE OF REAL DATA Book Series: Texts in Computer Science Pages: 1-14 Published: 2010 15. Title: A Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Process Model in E-Marketing Author(s): Zeng, Huifang; Pan, Ding Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA) Location: Jinan, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: JUL 06-09, 2010 Sponsor(s): IEEE Source: 2010 8TH WORLD CONGRESS ON INTELLIGENT CONTROL AND AUTOMATION (WCICA) Pages: 3960-3964 Published: 2010 16. Title: An integrated qualitative trend analysis approach to identify process abnormalities: a case of oil export pumps in an offshore oil and gas production facility Author(s): Raza, J.; Liyanage, J. P. Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INSTITUTION OF MECHANICAL ENGINEERS PART E-JOURNAL OF PROCESS MECHANICAL ENGINEERING Volume: 223 Issue: E4 Pages: 251-258 Published: NOV 2009 17. Title: Toward data mining engineering: A software engineering approach Author(s): Marban, Oscar; Segovia, Javier; Menasalvas, Ernestina; et al. Source: INFORMATION SYSTEMS Volume: 34 Issue: 1 Pages: 87-107 Published: MAR 2009 18. Title: Medical Decision Making through Fuzzy Computational Intelligent Approaches Author(s): Papageorgiou, Elpiniki I. Book Editor(s): Rauch, J; Ras, ZW; Berka, P; et al. Conference: 18th International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS 2009) Location: Univ Econ, Prague, CZECH REPUBLIC Date: SEP 14-17, 2009 Sponsor(s): Univ Econ, Fac Informat & Statist, Lab Intelligence Syst; Seznam cz a s; Ceskoslovenska Obchodni Banka a s; Czech Soc Cybernet & Informat; TOVEK spol s r o; Spinger, Heidelberg German Source: FOUNDATIONS OF INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 5722 Pages: 99-108 Published: 2009 19. Title: Discovering Concurrent Process Models in Data: A Rough Set Approach Author(s): Suraj, Zbigniew Book Editor(s): Sakai, H; Chakraborty, MK; Hassanien, AE; et al. Conference: 12th International Conference on Rough Sets, Fuzzy Sets, Data Mining and Granular Computing Location: Indian Inst Technol, Delhi, INDIA Date: DEC 15-18, 2005-2009 Sponsor(s): Int Rough Set Soc; Int Fuzzy Syst Assoc; Indian Unit Pattern Recognit & Artificial Intelligence; Indian Statist Inst Calcutta; Mach Intelligence Res Labs; Springer; Chinese Rough Set P. Musı́lek 13 & Soft Comp Soc; SIG Rough Sets Japan; Egyptian Rough Sets WG; Infobright; IIT Delhi Source: ROUGH SETS, FUZZY SETS, DATA MINING AND GRANULAR COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Volume: 5908 Pages: 1219 Published: 2009 20. Title: Supporting Personalized Information Exploration through Subjective Expert-created Semantic Attributes Author(s): Hampson, Cormac; Conlan, Owen Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 3rd International Conference on Semantic Computing (ICSC 2009) Location: Berkeley, CA Date: SEP 14-16, 2009 Sponsor(s): IEEE Source: 2009 IEEE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SEMANTIC COMPUTING (ICSC 2009) Pages: 384-389 Published: 2009 21. Title: Medical data mining by fuzzy modeling with selected features Author(s): Ghazavi, Sean N.; Liao, Thunshun W. Source: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE IN MEDICINE Volume: 43 Issue: 3 Pages: 195-206 Published: JUL 2008 22. Title: A Simple Method for Heuristic Modeling of Expert Knowledge in Chronic Disease: Identification of Prognostic Subgroups in Rheumatology Author(s): Dahlstrom, Orjan; Timpka, Toomas; Hass, Ursula; et al. Book Editor(s): Andersen, SK; Klein, GO; Schulz, S; et al. Conference: 21st International Congress of the European-Federation-for-Medical-Informatic (MIE2008) Location: Gothenburg, SWEDEN Date: MAY 25-28, 2008 Sponsor(s): European Federat Med Informat Source: EHEALTH BEYOND THE HORIZON - GET IT THERE Book Series: Studies in Health Technology and Informatics Volume: 136 Pages: 157-162 Published: 2008 23. Title: Conceptual Analysis of fuzzy data using FCA Author(s): Yang, Kyoung-Mo; Kim, Eung-Hee; Hwang, Suk-Hyung; et al. Book Editor(s): Misra, SC; Revetria, R; Sztandera, LM; et al. Conference: 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS 08) Location: Venice, ITALY Date: NOV 21-23, 2008 Sponsor(s): WSEAS Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS’08) Book Series: Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Pages: 37-42 Published: 2008 24. Title: Evaluation System for E-Learning with Pattern Mining Tools Author(s): Ribeiro, Bernardete; Cardoso, Alberto Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: IEEE International Conference on System, Man, and Cybernetic Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE Date: OCT 12-15, 2008 Sponsor(s): IEEE Source: 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN AND CYBERNETICS (SMC), VOLS 1-6 Book Series: IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS, CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS Pages: 3050-3055 Published: 2008 25. Title: Fuzzy Cognitive Map based Decision Support System for thyroid diagnosis management Author(s): Papageorgiou, Elpiniki I.; Papandrianos, Nikolaos I.; Apostolopoulos, Dimitrios J.; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Location: Hong Kong, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: JUN 01-06, 2008 Sponsor(s): IEEE Source: 2008 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, VOLS 1-5 Book Series: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems Pages: 1206-1213 Published: 2008 26. Title: Novel architecture for supporting medical decision making of different data types based on Fuzzy Cognitive Map Framework Author(s): Papageorgiou, Elpiniki; Stylios, Chrysostomos; Groumpos, Peter Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE-Engineering-in-Medicine-and-Biology-Society Location: Lyon, FRANCE Date: AUG 22-26, 2007 Sponsor(s): IEEE Engn Med & Biol Soc Source: 2007 ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY, VOLS 1-16 Book Series: PROCEEDINGS OF ANNUAL INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE OF THE IEEE ENGINEERING IN MEDICINE AND BIOLOGY SOCIETY Pages: 1192-1195 Published: 2007 P. Musı́lek 14 [c15] P. Musilek, A. Lau, M. Reformat and L. Wyard-Scott, Immune Programming, Information Sciences, 176 (8), 2006, pp. 972-1002 [IF 2.833 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, INFORMATION SYSTEMS”135/9 Q1] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 33 1. Title: Artificial bee colony programming for symbolic regression Author(s): Karaboga, Dervis; Ozturk, Celal; Karaboga, Nurhan; et al. Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 209 Pages: 1-15 Published: NOV 20 2012 2. Title: Damage detection based on improved particle swarm optimization using vibration data Author(s): Kang, Fei; Li, Jun-jie; Xu, Qing Source: APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING Volume: 12 Issue: 8 Pages: 2329-2335 Published: AUG 2012 3. Title: Optimal placement of UPFC in power systems using immune algorithm Author(s): Taher, Seyed Abbas; Amooshahi, Muhammad Karim Source: SIMULATION MODELLING PRACTICE AND THEORY Volume: 19 Issue: 5 Pages: 1399-1412 Published: MAY 2011 4. Title: Pareto-Optimal Design of Damping Controllers Using Modified Artificial Immune Algorithm Author(s): Khaleghi, Milad; Farsangi, Malihe M.; Nezamabadi-pour, Hossein; et al. Source: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SYSTEMS MAN AND CYBERNETICS PART CAPPLICATIONS AND REVIEWS Volume: 41 Issue: 2 Pages: 240-250 Published: MAR 2011 5. Title: Grammar-based immune programming Author(s): Bernardino, Heder S.; Barbosa, Helio J. C. Conference: 15th International Conference on DNA Computing and Molecular Programming Location: Fayetteville, AR Date: JUN 08-11, 2009 Sponsor(s): Air Force Off Sci Res; Arkansas Biosci Inst; Arkansas Sci & Technol Authority; Univ Arkansas Coll Engn; Univ Arkansas Grad Sch; Univ Arkansas Dept Comp Sci & Comp Engn; Univ Arkansas Dept Biol Engn; Univ Arkansas, Div Agr Source: NATURAL COMPUTING Volume: 10 Issue: 1 Pages: 209-241 Published: MAR 2011 6. Title: An immune programming-based ranking function discovery approach for effective information retrieval Author(s): Wang, Shuaiqiang; Ma, Jun; He, Qiang Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 37 Issue: 8 Pages: 5863-5871 Published: AUG 2010 7. Title: Near-optimal solution to pair-wise LSB matching via an immune programming strategy Author(s): Xu, Huan; Wang, Jianjun; Kim, Hyoung Joong Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 180 Issue: 8 Pages: 1201-1217 Published: APR 15 2010 8. Title: Coordinated control of low-frequency oscillations using real immune algorithm with population management Author(s): Farsangi, Malihe M.; Kyanzadeh, Saeid; Haidari, Saeid; et al. Source: ENERGY CONVERSION AND MANAGEMENT Volume: 51 Issue: 2 Pages: 271-276 Published: FEB 2010 9. Title: A CLONAL SELECTION ALGORITHM FOR THE AUTOMATIC SYNTHESIS OF LOW-PASS FILTERS Author(s): Conca, Piero; Nicosia, Giuseppe; Stracquadanio, Giovanni Book Editor(s): Serra, R; Villani, M; Poli, I Conference: Conference of Wivace 2008 on Artificial Life and Evolutionary Computation Location: Venice, ITALY Date: SEP 08-10, 2008 Source: ARTIFICIAL LIFE AND EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION Pages: 69-79 Published: 2010 10. Title: EVOLVING RULES FROM NEURAL NETWORKS TRAINED ON BINARY AND CONTINUOUS DATA Author(s): Kahramanli, Humar; Allahverdi, Novruz Book Editor(s): Peters, H; Vogel, M Source: MACHINE LEARNING RESEARCH PROGRESS Pages: 211-231 Published: 2010 11. Title: Artificial immune systems for assembly sequence planning exploration Author(s): Chang, Chien-Cheng; Tseng, Hwai-En; Meng, Ling-Peng Source: ENGINEERING APPLICATIONS OF ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE Volume: 22 Issue: 8 Pages: 1218-1232 Published: DEC 2009 12. Title: Artificial immune system for optimal design of composite hydrogen storage vessel Author(s): Liu, Pengfei; Xu, Ping; Zheng, Jinyang Source: COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS P. Musı́lek 15 SCIENCE Volume: 47 Issue: 1 Pages: 261-267 Published: NOV 2009 13. Title: Extracting rules for classification problems: AIS based approach Author(s): Kahramanli, Humar; Allahverdi, Novruz Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 36 Issue: 7 Pages: 10494-10502 Published: SEP 2009 14. Title: NATURE-INSPIRED INTELLIGENCE: A REVIEW OF SELECTED METHODS AND APPLICATIONS Author(s): Vassiliadis, Vassilios; Dounias, Georgios Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE TOOLS Volume: 18 Issue: 4 Pages: 487-516 Published: AUG 2009 15. Title: Dynamic population variation in genetic programming Author(s): Kouchakpour, Peyman; Zaknich, Anthony; Braeunl, Thomas Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 179 Issue: 8 Pages: 1078-1091 Published: MAR 29 2009 16. Title: Rule extraction from trained adaptive neural networks using artificial immune systems Author(s): Kahramanli, Humar; Allahverdi, Novruz Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Pages: 1513-1522 Published: MAR 2009 17. Title: Clone selection programming and its application to symbolic regression Author(s): Gan, Zhaohui; Chow, Tommy W. S.; Chau, W. N. Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 36 Issue: 2 Pages: 3996-4005 Published: MAR 2009 18. Title: Grammar-Based Immune Programming for Symbolic Regression Author(s): Bernardino, Heder S.; Barbosa, Helio J. C. Book Editor(s): Andrews, PS; Timmis, J; Owens, NDL; et al. Conference: 8th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems Location: York, ENGLAND Date: AUG 09-12, 2009 Source: ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 5666 Pages: 274-287 Published: 2009 19. Title: Design of Two Power System Stabilizers Coordinately Based on Strength Pareto Evolutionary Algorithm Author(s): Khaleghi, Milad; Mohammadian, Mohsen; Khorasaninejad, Mohammadreza; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 4th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications Location: Xian, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: MAY 25-27, 2009 Sponsor(s): IEEE, Ind Elect Chapter Singapore; NW Polytech Univ; IEEE Xian Sect; IEEE Control Syst Soc; IEEE Ind Elect Soc; Natl Nat Sci Fdn China; Inst Engn & Technol; Shaanxi Key Lab Informat Acquist & Proc Source: ICIEA: 2009 4TH IEEE CONFERENCE ON INDUSTRIAL ELECTRONICS AND APPLICATIONS, VOLS 1-6 Pages: 1518-1523 Published: 2009 20. Title: Artificial Immune Systems for Optimization Author(s): Bernardino, Heder S.; Barbosa, Helio J. C. Book Editor(s): Chiong, R Source: NATURE-INSPIRED ALGORITHMS FOR OPTIMISATION Book Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence Volume: 193 Pages: 389411 Published: 2009 21. Title: Nominal-Yield-Area Tradeoff in Automatic Synthesis of Analog Circuits: A Genetic Programming Approach using Immune-Inspired Operators Author(s): Conca, Piero; Nicosia, Giuseppe; Stracquadanio, Giovanni; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE/Computer Soc Conference: 4th NASA/ESA Conference on Adaptive Hardware and Systems Location: Moscone Convention Ctr, San Francisco, CA Date: JUL 29-AUG 01, 2009 Sponsor(s): NASA Jet Propuls Lab; European Space Agcy; Univ Edinburgh Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2009 NASA/ESA CONFERENCE ON ADAPTIVE HARDWARE AND SYSTEMS Pages: 399-406 Published: 2009 22. Title: Adaptive Danger Area Based Danger Model Immune Algorithm Author(s): Xu, Qingyang; Meng, Xianyao; Wang, Ning; et al. Book Editor(s): Chen, W; Li, SZ; Wang, TL Conference: IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Intelligent Systems Location: Shanghai, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: NOV 20-22, 2009 Sponsor(s): IEEE Beijing Sect; Shanghai Jiaotong Univ; Xiamen Univ; City Univ Hong Kong; Iwate Prefectural Univ Source: 2009 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT COMPUTING AND INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS, VOL 3 Pages: 109-112 Published: 2009 P. Musı́lek 16 23. Title: Evolving Complex Network for Classification Problems Author(s): Wu, Peng; Chen, Yuehui; Xu, Tao; et al. Book Editor(s): Qi, L; Tian, XZ Conference: International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Natural Computing Location: Wuhan, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: JUN 06-07, 2009 Sponsor(s): Wuhan Univ Sci & Technol; Huazhong Normal Univ; Wuhan Inst Technol Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 2009 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NATURAL COMPUTING, VOL I Pages: 287290 Published: 2009 24. Title: Voltage Stability Improvement by Multi-objective Placement of SVC using Modified Artificial Immune Network Algorithm Author(s): Khaleghi, Milad; Farsangi, Malihe M.; Nezamabadi-pour, Hossein; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: General Meeting of the IEEE-Power-and-Energy-Society Location: Calgary, CANADA Date: JUL 26-30, 2009 Sponsor(s): IEEE Power & Energy Soc Source: 2009 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-8 Book Series: IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-PESGM Pages: 5112-5118 Published: 2009 25. Title: Weka Machine Learning for Predicting the Phospholipidosis Inducing Potential Author(s): Ivanciuc, Ovidiu Source: CURRENT TOPICS IN MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY Volume: 8 Issue: 18 Pages: 1691-1709 Published: DEC 2008 26. Title: An advanced clonal selection algorithm with ad-hoc network-based hypermutation operators for synthesis of topology and sizing of analog electrical circuits Author(s): Ciccazzo, Angelo; Conca, Piero; Nicosia, Giuseppe; et al. Book Editor(s): Bentley, PJ; Lee, D; Jung, S Conference: 7th International Conference on Artificial Immune Systems Location: Phuket, THAILAND Date: AUG 10-13, 2008 Source: ARTIFICIAL IMMUNE SYSTEMS, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: LECTURE NOTES IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Volume: 5132 Pages: 60-70 Published: 2008 27. Title: An Immune Algorithm for the integration of process planning and scheduling Author(s): Tian, Ying; Jiang, Pingyu; Zheng, Mei Source: INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MATERIALS & PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY Volume: 33 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 95-108 Published: 2008 28. Title: A system for detection of Liver Disorders based on Adaptive Neural Networks and Artificial Immune System Author(s): Kahramanli, Humar; Allahverdi, Novruz Book Editor(s): Misra, SC; Revetria, R; Sztandera, LM; et al. Conference: 8th WSEAS International Conference on Applied Computer Science (ACS 08) Location: Venice, ITALY Date: NOV 21-23, 2008 Sponsor(s): WSEAS Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 8TH WSEAS INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON APPLIED COMPUTER SCIENCE (ACS’08) Book Series: Recent Advances in Computer Engineering Pages: 25-30 Published: 2008 29. Title: Design of a Supplementary Controller for SVC Using Hybrid Real Immune Algorithm and Local Search Author(s): Kyanzadeh, Saeid; Farsangi, Malihe M.; Nezamabadi-pour, Hossein; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: General Meeting of the IEEE-Powerand-Energy-Society Location: Pittsburgh, PA Date: JUL 20-24, 2008 Sponsor(s): IEEE Power & Energy Soc Source: 2008 IEEE POWER & ENERGY SOCIETY GENERAL MEETING, VOLS 1-11 Book Series: IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-PESGM Pages: 3900-3904 Published: 2008 30. Title: A hybrid multi-objective immune algorithm for a flow shop scheduling problem with bi-objectives: Weighted mean completion time and weighted mean tardiness Author(s): Tavakkoli-Moghaddam, Reza; Rahimi-Vahed, Alireza; Mirzaei, Ali Hossein Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 177 Issue: 22 Pages: 5072-5090 Published: NOV 15 2007 31. Title: Design of mixed H-2/H infinity control systems using algorithms inspired by the immune system Author(s): Guimaraes, Frederico G.; Palhares, Reinaldo M.; Campelo, Felipe; et al. Source: INFORMATION SCIENCES Volume: 177 Issue: 20 Pages: 4368-4386 Published: OCT 15 2007 32. Title: Immune genetic algorithm for the fixed charge transportation problem - art. no. P. Musı́lek 17 1257 Author(s): Ma, Xiaoke; Wang, Yan; Yang, Tao; et al. Book Group Author(s): ATlantic PRess Conference: 2007 International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering Location: Southwest Jiaotong Univ, Chendgdu, PEOPLES R CHINA Date: OCT 15-16, 2007 Source: PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS AND KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING (ISKE 2007) Book Series: ADVANCES IN INTELLIGENT SYSTEM RESEARCH Pages: 1257-1257 Published: 2007 33. Title: Design of power system stabilizer using immune algorithm Author(s): Kyanzadeh, Saeid; Farsangi, Malihe M.; Nezamabadi-pour, Hossein; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 14th International Conference on Intelligent System Applications to Power Systems (ISAP 2007) Location: Kaohsiung, TAIWAN Date: NOV 04-08, 2007 Sponsor(s): IEEE; IEEE Power Engn Soc; Natl Sci Council; Minist Educ; Taiwan Power Co; Allis Elect Co Ltd; Hsiang Chen Elect Corp; ABB; Shingneng Power Co; Taiwan Cogenerat Corp; Siemens; Shihlin Elect & Engn Corp; Natl Sun Yat sen Univ Source: 2007 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS APPLICATIONS TO POWER SYSTEMS, VOLS 1 AND 2 Pages: 381-386 Published: 2007 [c2] P. Musilek, R. Guanlao and G. Barreiro, Genetic Programming of Fuzzy Aggregation Operations, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 16 (2), 2005, pp. 107-118[IF 0.556 “COMPUTER SCIENCE, ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE”111/90 Q4] Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 2 1. Title: Logistics tool selection with two-phase fuzzy multi criteria decision making: A case study for personal digital assistant selection Author(s): Buyukozkan, Gulcin; Arsenyan, Jbid; Ruan, Da Source: EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS Volume: 39 Issue: 1 Pages: 142-153 Published: JAN 2012 2. Title: A statistical study of differences and similarities among aggregation functions Author(s): Troiano, Luigi; Rodriguez-Muniz, Luis J. Source: LOGIC JOURNAL OF THE IGPL Volume: 19 Issue: 2 Pages: 415-424 Published: APR 2011 [c25] P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, and M. Reformat, Software Cost Estimation with Fuzzy Models, Applied Computing Review, 8 (2), 2000, pp. 24-29 Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 32 (Scopus - secondary documents) 1. Papatheocharous, E., Andreou, A.S. A hybrid software cost estimation approach utilizing decision trees and fuzzy logic (2012) International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 22 (3), pp. 435-465. 2. Lopez-Martin, C. 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On the use of tools based on Fuzzy Set Theories in parametric software cost estimation (2006) Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 3885 LNAI, pp. 129-137. 26. Martı́n, C.L., Pasquier, J.L., Cornelio Yáñez, M., Agustı́n Gutiérrez, T. Software development effort estimation using fuzzy logic: A case STudy (2005) Proceedings of the Mexican International Conference on Computer Science, 2005, art. no. 1592208, pp. 113-120. Cited 6 times. 27. Macdonell, S.G., Gray, A.R. The viability of fuzzy logic modeling in software development effort estimation: Opinions and expectations of project managers (2005) International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, 15 (5), pp. 893-918. 28. Ngo-The, A., Saliu, M.O. Fuzzy structural dependency constraints in software release planning (2005) IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp. 442-447. Cited 2 times. 29. Sicilia, M.-Á., Cuadrado-Gallego, J.-J., Crespo, J., Garcı́a-Bariocanal, E. Software cost estimation with fuzzy inputs: Fuzzy modelling and aggregation of cost drivers (2005) Kybernetika, 41 (2), pp. 249-264. Cited 3 times. 30. Ahmed, M.A., Saliu, M.O., Alghamdi, J. Adaptive fuzzy logic-based framework for software development effort prediction (2005) Information and Software Technology, 47 (1), pp. 31-48. Cited 24 times. 31. Saliu, M.O., Ahmed, M., AlGhamdi, J. Towards adaptive soft computing based software effort prediction (2004) Annual Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society - NAFIPS, 1, pp. 16-21. Cited 3 times. 32. Carbo, J. Fuzzy logic in estimation of effort in software projects (2003) Proceedings of the 10th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering, pp. 393-398. [c2] P. Musilek, E. Pelikan, T. Brabec, M. Simunek, Recurrent Neural Network Based Gating for Natural Gas Load Prediction System, In Proc. IJCNN 2006, World Congress on Computational Intelligence, WCCI 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, July 15-21, 2006, pp. 7127-7132 Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 4 1. Title: Forecasting natural gas consumption Author(s): Soldo, Bozidar Source: APPLIED ENERGY Volume: 92 Pages: 26-37 Published: APR 2012 2. Title: Electric Load Forecasting for Western Canada: A Comparison of Two Non-Linear Methods Author(s): Bakhshaii, A.; Stull, R. Source: ATMOSPHERE-OCEAN Volume: 50 Issue: 3 Special Issue: SI Pages: 352-363 Published: 2012 3. Title: Estimation of natural gas consumption using artificial neural network: A case study in Ankara Author(s): Cakir, Mutlu Tarik Source: ENERGY EDUCATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY PART A-ENERGY SCIENCE AND RESEARCH Volume: 28 Issue: 2 Pages: 811-820 Published: JAN 2012 4. Title: Comparison Neural Networks Models for Short Term Forecasting of Natural Gas Consumption in Istanbul Author(s): Kizilaslan, Recep; Karlik, Bekir Book Group Author(s): IEEE Conference: 1st International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies Location: Technol Univ Ostrava, Ostrava, CZECH REPUBLIC Date: AUG 04-06, 2008 Sponsor(s): IEEE Commun Soc Source: 2008 FIRST INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL INFORMATION AND WEB TECHNOLOGIES, VOLS 1 AND 2 Pages: 455-460 Published: 2008 [c24] F. Ahmad, P. Musilek, A Keystroke and Pointer Control Input Interface for Wearable Computers, In Proc. 4th Annual IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications (PERCOM’06), March 13-17, 2006, Pisa, Italy, pp. 2-11 Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́: 3 1. Title: Object-Based Activity Recognition with Heterogeneous Sensors on Wrist Author(s): P. Musı́lek 20 Maekawa, Takuya; Yanagisawa, Yutaka; Kishino, Yasue; et al. Book Editor(s): Floreen, P; Kruger, A; Spasojevic, M Conference: 7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Location: Helsinki, FINLAND Date: MAY 17-20, 2010 Sponsor(s): Univ Helsinki, Dept Comp Sci; Helsinki Inst Informat Technol Source: PERVASIVE COMPUTING, PROCEEDINGS Book Series: Lecture Notes in Computer Science Volume: 6030 Pages: 246-264 Published: 2010 2. Title: User authentication using keystroke dynamics for cellular phones Author(s): Campisi, P.; Maiorana, E.; Lo Bosco, M.; et al. Source: IET SIGNAL PROCESSING Volume: 3 Issue: 4 Pages: 333-341 Published: JUL 2009 3. Title: A Video-Based User Interface for People with Disabilities of the Fingers Author(s): Higa, Hiroki; Dojo, Takashi; Mihara, Kosuke; et al. Book Group Author(s): IEEE Comp Soc Conference: Spring Conference of the International-Association of Computer Science and Information Technology Location: Singapore, SINGAPORE Date: APR 17-20, 2009 Sponsor(s): Int Assoc Comp Sci & Informat Technol Source: IACSIT-SC 2009: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF COMPUTER SCIENCE AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY - SPRING CONFERENCE Pages: 459-463 Published: 2009 P. Musı́lek 3 1 Uznánı́ výsledků odbornou veřejnostı́ Citace v databázı́ch publikacı́ (detaily citacı́ jsou uvedeny v přı́loze 2) Ukazatel Počet záznamů Počet citacı́ včetně autocitacı́ Počet nevlastnı́ch citacı́ h-index WoS 44 116 100 4 Scopus 57 187 170 6 Google Scholar 80 517 11 Publikace s velkým počtem staženı́ (údaje z ACM Portal k 8.2. 2013) [c25] P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, G. Succi, and M. Reformat, Software Cost Estimation with Fuzzy Models, Applied Computing Review, 8 (2), 2000, pp. 24-29 − Počet staženı́ (za poslednı́ch 6 týdnů): 9 − Počet staženı́ (za poslednı́ch 12 měsı́ců): 59 − Počet staženı́ (celkem): 1393 [c28] F. Ahmad and P. Musilek, UbiHand: a wearable input device for 3D interaction (poster) ACM SIGGRAPH 2006, 33rd Int. Conference and Exhibition on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, July 30 - August 3, 2006, Boston, MA − Počet staženı́ (poslednı́ch 6 týdnů): 7 − Počet staženı́ (za poslednı́ch 12 měsı́ců): 35 − Počet staženı́ (celkem): 343 Oceněnı́ publikacı́ a prezentacı́ (uvedené odkazy se vztahujı́ k přı́loze 2) 2010 2010 2010 2010 2004 IEEE EPEC 2010 Paper Award za presentaci [e6] IEEE EPEC 2010 Paper Award za presentaci [e9] MITACS/CORS 11th Annual Conference 3rd place za poster [g22] Graduate Research Symposium Poster Presentation Prize za [g23] NAFIPS Outstanding student paper citation [e27] Práce v redakčnı́ch radách − Časopis Modelling and Simulation in Engineering (associate editor, 2007-dosud) − Časopis Advances in Military Technology (member of editorial board, 2006-dosud) − Časopis Neural Network World (member of editorial board, 2000-dosud) − Časopis International Journal of Computer Science and Information Management (associate editor, 2001-2003) P. Musı́lek 2 Expertnı́ činnost − Studie o možnostech využitı́ nových metod pro předpovı́dánı́ větrné energie v systémech společnosti Willowglen, Canada (2012) − Studie o možnostech uplatněnı́ metod dynamické zatı́žitelnosti se zařı́zenı́mı́ společnosti FTS, Canada (2012) − Simulace pro vypracovánı́ expertnı́ho posudku o průběhu a následcı́ch namrazové události v oblasti Massachusets, USA (2011-212) − Studie o možnostech vývoje inteligentnı́ho systému pro podporu rozhodovánı́ v provozu přenosových sı́tı́ BC Hydro, Canada (2010-2011) − Studie o možnostech využitı́ meteorologických předpovědnı́ch modelů pro predikci vzniku námrazových událostı́ [h1], Center for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation, Canada (2008-2009) Členstvı́ v odborných organizacı́ch − APEGGA (Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta) [registrace v profesnı́ komoře] 2007 - dosud − IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) 1994 - present [2007: senior member] − IIF (International Institute of Forecasters) 2011 - present − NAFIPS (North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society) 2004 - present Vedenı́ sekcı́ na mezinárodnı́ch konferencı́ch − Co-chair of focus session Soft Computing Models for Engineering, Industrial and Environmental Applications at 2013 IFSA World Congress, June 24-38, 2013, Edmonton, AB, Canada − Co-chair of Workshop on Rnewable Energies Forecasting and Delivery (REFDE), 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2102), Montreal QC, April 29 - May 2, 2012 − Chair of session ME04, Computers, Software and Applications- Algorithms, 25th IEEE Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2102), Montreal QC, April 29 - May 2, 2012 − Chair of session B1 Forecasting, mapping, assessing climatic risks and icing failure of structures, 14th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, IWAIS 2011, Chongqing, China − Co-chair of session C3 Ice prevention, ice melting methods and de- and anti-icing measures, 14th International Workshop on Atmospheric Icing of Structures, IWAIS 2011, Chongqing, China − Co-chair of session Energy Forecasting, The 31st International Symposium on Forecasting, ISF 2011, Prague, Czech Republic, June 26-29, 2011 − Session Chair (TP3 Operational Scheduling), 10th Electrical Power and Energy Conference EPEC 2010, Halifax, NS, August 25-27, 2010 − Chair of Session 1.2, Information Retrieval, Annotation, Reasoning, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFPIS’07, June 21-24, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA P. Musı́lek 3 Členstvı́ v organizačnı́ch výborech mezinárodnı́ch konferencı́ − Publicity Chair, 2013 IFSA World Congress & NAFIPS Annual Meeting, June 24-38, 2013, Edmonton, AB, Canada − General Chair of Workshop on GHG Reduction using IT, Banff, Alberta, Aug 29-Sep1, 2009 − Special Sessions Chair, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFPIS’07, June 21-24, 2007, San Diego, CA, USA − General Chair, 4th ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing based Software Engineering QSSE 2004, February 15-17, Banff, AB, Canada, 2004 − Publicity Chair, North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFPIS’04, June 27-30, 2004, Banff, AB, Canada − General Chair, 3nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing based Software Engineering QSSE 2003, February 16-18, Banff, AB, Canada, 2003 − Member of Organizing Committee, 1st ASERC Workshop on Software Testing, February 19, 2003, Banff, AB, Canada − General Chair, 2nd ASERC Workshop on Quantitative and Soft Computing based Software Engineering QSSE 2002, February 18-20, 2002, Banff, AB, Canada − Multimedia Chair, 3rd International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering XP2002, Alghero, Italy, 2002 − General Chair, 1st ASERC Workshop on Quantitative Software Engineering QSE 2001, February 19-21, 2001, Banff, AB, Canada Členstvı́ v programových výborech mezinárodnı́ch konferencı́ − Member of Program Committee, Int. Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, SOCO 2012, Ostrava, Czech Republic, September 5-7, 2012 − Member of Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2012, Zhengzhou, China, August 15-17, 2012 − Member of Scientific Committee, International Conference on Military Technologies, ICMT 2011, Brno, Czech Republic, May 10-11,2011 − Member of Scientific Committee, IADIS International Workshop on Information Systems Research Trends, Approaches and Methodologies, 2011 − Member of Program Committee, 8th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation WCICA 2010, Jinan, Shandong, China, July 7-9, 2010 − Member of Program Committee, 10th Electrical Power and Energy Conference EPEC 2010, Halifax, NS, August 25-27, 2010 − Member of Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2008, September 1-3, 2008, Qingdao, China − Member of Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies ICADIWT 2008, August 4-6 2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic ı̈tem Member of Program Committee, International Workshop on Evolutionary Techniques in Data Processing, DEXA 2008, Turin, Italy, September 1-5, 2008 − Member of Program Committee, 7th International Conference Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications CISIM 2008, June 26-28, 2008, Ostrava, Czech Republic P. Musı́lek 4 − Member of Technical Committee, FUZZ-IEEE 2008, World Congress on Computational Intelligence WCCI 2008, June 1-6, 2008, Hong Kong − Member of Program Committee, International Workshop on Evolutionary Techniques in Data Processing, DEXA 2007, 3-7 September 2007, Regensburg, Germany − Member of the Program Committee, Workshop on Evolutionary Techniques in Dataprocessing, International Conference Knowledge’07, February 23-27, 2007, Ostrava, Czech Republic − Member of International Scientific Board, International Conference on Military Technologies ICMT’07, May 2-4, 2007, Brno, Czech Republic − Member of Program Committee, 18th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence ICTAI’06, November 13-15, 2006 Washington D.C., USA − Member of Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration IRI’06, September 16-18, 2006, Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA − Member of Program Committee, Symposium on Human-Centric Computing (HC2), February 20-23, 2005, Banff, AB, Canada − Member of Program Committee, IEEE International Conference on Information Reuse and Integration IRI’05, August 15-17, 2005, Las Vegas, NV, USA − Member of Program Committee, 16th IEEE International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence, ICTAI’04, November 15-17, 2004, Boca Raton, FL, USA − Member of Program Committee, 3rd International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering XP’03, Genoa, Italy, 2003 Zı́skánı́ vědeckých/odborných grantů Od roku 1999 − 10 grantových projektů jako hlavnı́ řešitel, s celkovou podporou ve výši $1,400,000 − 10 grantových projektů jako spoluřešitel, s celkovou podporou ve výši $6,500,000 Detailnı́ výčet těchto grantových projektů je uveden v přı́loze 5. Kurzy a přednášky na jiných vysokých školách − Kurz Artificial Intelligence, , Dept. of Computer Science, University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, řı́jen-prosinec 2005 − Projektové řı́zenı́ a financovánı́ VaV na Univeristy of Alberta, Univerzita Pardubice, Česká republika, 29.10. 2012 − Design of a high-level control system for a mobile robot, Seminář Human-like artificial creatures, Katedra softwarového inženýrstvı́, Matematicko-fyzikálnı́ fakulta, Univerzita Karlova, Praha, Česká republika, 15.5. 2006 − Biologically Inspired Computing with Applications, Hora Informaticae, Ústav informatiky, Akademie věd České republiky, Praha, Česká republika, 26.9. 2005 − Introduction to Biomorphic Computing, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 14.12. 2005 − Soft Computing in Software Engineering, Vojenská akademie, Brno, Česká republika, 10.6 2002 Práce ve výborech a komisı́ch − Předseda Stipendijnı́ komise, Československá společnost pro vědy a uměnı́, Alberta, P. Musı́lek − − − − 5 Kanada: 2009-dosud Člen Výkonného výboru, Československá společnost pro vědy a uměnı́, Alberta, Kanada: 2009-dosud Člen Industry Relations Committee of the IEEE Northern Canada Section: 2007-2009 Člen Computer Engineering and Technology Advisory Committee, North Alberta Institute of Technology (NAIT): 2004-present Člen Nominating Committee, IEEE Industrial Applications/Power Engineering Society Chapter, 2003 Recenznı́ a posudková činnost (počet provedených recenzı́ je uveden v závorkách) − Granty: NSERC discovery (4), NSERC CRD (3), Grantová agentura ČR (3) − Časopisy: Applied Intelligence (1), Applied Soft Computing (3), BMC Bioinformatics (2), Computational Intelligence (2), Empirical Software Engineering (3), European Journal of Operation Research (2), Fuzzy Sets and Systems (1), IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks (2), IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (2), IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics B (1), Information Sciences (6), International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (1), Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems (1), Journal of Intelligent Systems (1), Journal of Systems and Software (2), Kybernetika (1), Mathematical and Computer Modelling (1), Neural Network World (5), Neurocomputing (2) − Konference: IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2009 (10), IEEE International Conference on Automation and Logistics, ICAL 2008 (4), IEEE International Conference on Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies ICADIWT 2008 (2), NAFIPS 2007 (referee for “Best student paper”competition), IRI 2006 (6), ICTAI 2006 (5), Information Reuse and Integration IRI2005 (7), Extreme Programming XP 2002 (6) − Učebnice: McGraw Hill (1) P. Musı́lek 4 1 Pedagogické schopnosti Výuka v bakalářském a postgraduálnı́m studiu (University of Alberta) Kurz Název Zimnı́ semestr 2013 ECE 212 Introduction to Microprocessors Zimnı́ semestr 2012 ECE 524 Explor. Data Analysis & Evol. Comput. Podzimnı́ semestr 2011 CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors Podzimnı́ semestr 2010 CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality Zimnı́ semestr 2010 ECE 720 B2 Computer Modeling of Weather ECE 730 B5 Tech. and Economy of El. Power Systems Podzimnı́ semestr 2009 CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality Zimnı́ semestr 2009 ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality EE 499 Special Topics in Electrical Engineering Podzimnı́ semestr 2008 CMPE 449 Intelligent Systems Engineering EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors Zimnı́ semestr 2008 ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality Podzimnı́ semestr 2007 CMPE 449 Neural Nets, Fuzzy Sys. and Evol. Opt. EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors Zimnı́ semestr 2007 EE 380 Introduction to Microprocessors ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality Podzimnı́ semestr 2006 CMPE 449 Neural Nets, Fuzzy Sys. and Evol. Opt. Zimnı́ semestr 2005 CMPE 499 Special Topics in Computer Engineering ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality EE 499 Special Topics in Computer Engineering Podzimnı́ semestr 2004 CMPE 300 Introduction to SW Engineering Process CMPE 449 Neural Nets, Fuzzy Sys. and Evol. Opt Zimnı́ semestr 2004 CMPE 300 Introduction to SW Engineering Process CMPE 449 Neural Nets, Fuzzy Sys. and Evol. Opt. Podzimnı́ semestr 2003 ECE 523 SW Project Managmt and SW Quality Počet studentů Úroveň 88 bakalářské st. 9 postgraduálnı́ 24 91 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 16 86 30 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 6 1 postgraduálnı́ postgraduálnı́ 15 92 19 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 12 1 postgraduálnı́ bakalářské st. 15 85 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 9 postgraduálnı́ 12 82 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 23 12 bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 21 bakalářské st. 3 15 1 bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ bakalářské st. 60 38 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 58 57 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 24 postgraduálnı́ P. Musı́lek 2 Kurz Název Zimnı́ semestr 2003 CMPE 300 Introduction to SW Engineering Process CMPE 499 Navigation and Control of Mob. Robots EE 720 B5 Fuzzy Sets and Systems Podzimnı́ semestr 2002 CMPE 510 Reliable and Secure Systems Design EE 720 A3 Fundamentals of Software Engineering EE 720 A3 Computational Intelligence Zimnı́ semestr 2002 CMPE 300 Introduction to SW Engineering Process EE 599 C++ Programming for Engineers EE 602 B5 Computational Intelligence Podzimnı́ semestr 2001 EE 564 Fuzzy Systems EE 601 A3 Fundamentals of SW Engineering Zimnı́ semestr 2001 EE 445 C++ Programming for Engineers CMPE 310 Applying SW Eng. Practices - Project Podzimnı́ semestr 2000 EE 445 C++ Programming for Engineers Zimnı́ semestr 2000 EE 445 C++ Programming for Engineers Počet studentů Úroveň 90 2 2 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 35 13 7 bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ postgraduálnı́ 88 1 3 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 36 16 bakalářské st. postgraduálnı́ 24 38 bakalářské st. bakalářské st. 43 bakalářské st. 9 bakalářské st. Ostatnı́ výuka Kurz IAI (Léto 2009) 13-11380 (Podzim 2005) EngM630 (Zima 2005) EngM630 (Zima 2004) ME885.3 (Zima 1999) EE311.3 (Fall 1998) Název Wireless Sensor Nets Tools for Artificial Intel. Project Mgmt Techniques Project Mgmt Techniques Neural Nets Applications Electronics Počet st. 20 Úroveň postgraduálnı́ 2 bakalářské st. 11 postgraduálnı́ 18 postgraduálnı́ 9 postgraduálnı́ 34 bakalářské st. Poznámka EAS, University of Alberta (4 hrs) University of Carlos III Madrid, Spain MECE, University of Alberta Guest lecture (3 hrs) MECE, University of Alberta Guest lecture (3 hrs) University of Saskatchewan 20% of instruction University of Saskatchewan 40% of instruction Vedenı́ postgraduálnı́ch studentů a postdoktoradů Postdoctorandi Jana Heckenbergerová Jiri Hošek Pavel Juruš Obdobı́ od-do 2009-2011 2009-2010 2009-2010 Zdroj podpory∗ NSERC-SPG NSERC-SPG CSEE %Vedenı́ (společně s) 100% 60% (E. Lozowski) 100% P. Musı́lek 3 Stipendium∗ Doktorandi Od Do Dhrup. Debnath James Rodway Ashkan Zarnani Yaqiong Li Pawel Pytlak Demian Pimentel Yifan Li Adriel Lau Sa Li 2012 2011 2009 2009 2008 2007 2003 2004 2003 dosud dosud dosud dosud 2012 2011 2009 2009 2007 MSc studenti Asher Watts Milad Khaki James Rodway K. Filimonenkov Mafijul I Bhuiyan Dan Arnold Apinya Horthong Pawel Pytlak Kevin Janes Armita Kaboli Farooq Ahmed Reid Orsten Rhea Guanlao Zhenyou Li Guil. Barreiro Iliyan Kaytazov Nan Sun Od Do Stipendium 2012 2009 2009 2009 2009 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2002 2002 2002 2001 2001 2000 dosud 2011 2011 2011 2011 2009 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2003 2003 QE II MEng studenti Nick Swinghamer Subhadyu Chanda Zhemin Chen Shyam Chadha Li Du Mujtaba Istihad Hostujı́cı́ studenti Atchara Mahaweerawat Suphakant Phimoltares Gonzalo Mendez Cristobal Lugue Yago Sáez Marco Scarfo Dante Carrizo %Vedenı́ (společně s) 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% (E. Lozowski) 60% (A. Knight) 50% (M. Reformat) 100% 100% QE II F.S.Chia CSC QE II PGS-D QE II MITACS IPS QE II CGS-M %Vedenı́ (společně s) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 60% (E. Lozowski) 50% (W. Pedrycz) 50% (M. Reformat) 100% 50% (M. Bowling) 100% 100% 100% 50% (W. Pedrycz) 100% 50% (G. Succi) 100% Od Do %Vedenı́ 2009 2009 2008 2007 2005 2000 2011 2011 2010 2009 2007 2003 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% Úroveň PhD PhD PhD PhD PhD MSc PhD Současná pozice enrolled full-time enrolled full-time enrolled full-time enrolled full-time AB Agriculture energy industry IT consultant Research (BCTC) SW Engineer Současná pozice MSc student (AB) PhD student (ON) PhD student (AB) SW Engineer PhD student (AB) AB Environment Engineer (ICAA) PhD student (AB) Yukon government PhD student (US) SW enginner (US) SW engineer (BC) EPCOR unknown SW company AB Matrikon unknown Současná pozice Manager R&D, Eleven Engineering Engineer, General Electric IS Engineer, Botticelli Development Domácı́ instituce Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Chulalongkorn University, Thailand Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain University of Genoa, Italy Universidad Politecnica de Madrid, Spain Obdobı́ 01-10/2005 01-10/2005 07-10/2005 07-10/2005 07-10/2005 07-10/2004 07-10/2004 P. Musı́lek Ostatnı́ studenti Asher Watts Eric Bennett James Rodway Martin Vejmelka Tanya Mirzayans Nitin Parimi Pawel Pytlak Farooq Ahmad Chris Stiebritz James Martin Shyam Chadha Jason Meltzer Aisha Yahya 4 Téma výzkumu Intelligent Power Management Emission inventories Environmental Modeling Clustering Swarm-based Sys. for Obj. Recognition Swarm-based Sys. for Obj. Recognition Artificial Immune Nets for Data Anal. Navigation of Autonomous Mob. Robots Fuzzy Control of Mobile Robots Software Engineering Evolvable Hardware Software Cost Modeling Software Cost Estimation Typ studenta/ stipendium∗ DRA DRA Coop student Casual (sabbatical) NSERC USRA Research Asistant NSERC USRA DRA DRA DRA NSERC USRA Research Assistant NSERC USRA Obdobı́ 2011 2010 2008 2006 2005 2005 2004 2003 2003 2002 2002 2001 2000 *) Zdroje podpory a stipendia (v pořadı́ výskytu): NSERC-SPG - Strategic Project Grant funded by the Natural Sciences and Research Council of Canada (NSERC), CSEE - Canada School of Energy and the Environment; F. S. Chia - recruitment doctoral scholarship funded by the University of Alberta; CSC - doctoral scholarship funded by the China Scholarship Council; QE II - Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship funded by the province of Alberta; PGS-D - postgraduate doctoral scholarship funded by NSERC; CGS-M - postgraduate masters scholarship funded by NSERC; MITACS - internship funded by the Mathematics of Information Technology and Complex Systems and an industrial partner; IPS industrial postgraduate scholarship funded by NSERC and an industrial partner; USRA - Undergraduate Student Research Award, DRA - Dean’s Research Award Působenı́ ve zkušebnı́ch komisı́ch Internı́ (katedra ECE, University of Alberta) − Člen/předseda komise pro Ph.D. kandidátské zkoušky: 17/1 − Člen/předseda komise pro Ph.D. závěrečné zkoušky: 16/3 − Člen/předseda komise pro M.Sc. závěrečné zkoušky: 15/11 Internı́/externı́ ostatnı́ katedry, University of Alberta) − Člen komise pro Ph.D. kandidátské zkoušky: 11 − Člen komise pro Ph.D. závěrečné zkoušky: 2 − Člen komise pro M.Sc. závěrečné zkoušky: 16 Externı́ (University of British Columbia, ČVUT, VŠB-TU Ostrava) − Oponent disetačnı́ práce: 2 − Člen komise pro Ph.D. závěrečné zkoušky: 3 Zı́skánı́ grantového projektu s pedagogickým zaměřenı́m Canada-EU project of International Academic Mobility SOFTWORLD: A Multidisciplinary, Distributed, Cooperative Education Initiative in Software Engineering (hlavnı́ řešitel, 2001-2004) P. Musı́lek 5 1 Odborné schopnosti směřujı́cı́ch k rozvoji oboru Současně řešené projekty Sponsor: Program: Název: Alberta Innovates Technology Futures - iCORE Tier 3 Collaborative Research Award Collaboration with Forschungszentrum der Bundesrepublik Deutschland für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) Hlavnı́ řešitel: A. Sanchez-Azofeifa Spoluřešitelé: M. Lippset, M. MacGregor, P. Musilek, B. Rivard, M. Sharp Trvánı́ projektu: 2013-2015 Celková výše podpory: $450,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Canada School of Energy and Environment (CSEE) Mobility Fund HAI-TERI Working session A. Sanchez-Azofeifa P. Musilek 2013 $5,950 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: TECTERRA University Applied Research Funding Program Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) for Environmental Monitoring A. Sanchez-Azofeifa M. MacGregor, P. Musilek 2013-2014 $400,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Canada School of Energy and Environment (CSEE) Event Support Grant Workshop on WSN for Advanced Environmental Monitoring A. Sanchez-Azofeifa M. Lipsett, M. MacGregor, P. Musilek, M. Sharp 2013 $20,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant Modelling and Forecasting Environmental Effects on Renewable Energy Production and Power System Operation Hlavnı́ řešitel: P. Musilek Trvánı́ projektu: 2011-2016 Celková výše podpory: $160,000 ($32,000 per year) P. Musı́lek Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: 2 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Strategic Project Inspection of Power Transmission Lines Using an UAV A. Lynch P. Musilek, M. Jagersand 2010-2013 $508,180 + $326,920 in-kind Sponsor: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) a Alberta Science and Research Investments Program (ASRIP) Program: New Initiatives Fund (NIF) Název: EnviroNet: Sensing our changing Environment Hlavnı́ řešitel: A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, Spoluřešitelé: A. Croitoru, J. Gamon, P. Gburzynski, A. Hamann, A. Knight, P. Musilek, M. Nascimento, M. Sharp, H. Yang, C. Haas, J. Kavanaugh, J. Sander Trvánı́ projektu: 2009-2012 Celková výše podpory: $1,593,563 + $222,637 in-kind Sponsor: Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, Nat. Ins. for Environmental Research, a Japan Ministry of Environment Program: 1st GOSAT (GHG Observing SATellite) Research Announcement Název: Evaluation of Applicability of GOSAT Data for Monitoring GHG Hlavnı́ řešitel: P. Musilek Spoluřešitelé: A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, D. Spitzer and R. Dirks Trvánı́ projektu: 2008-2013 Celková výše podpory: $2,500 (travel) + ongoing exclusive access to satellite data Ukončené projekty Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitelé: Spoluřešitelé: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Strategic Project Advanced Dynamic Thermal Rating System Using NWP P. Musilek D. Koval, E. P. Lozowski, J. Doucet 2008-2011 $572,800 + $49,000 in-kind Academie Věd České Republiky Projekty mezinárodnı́ sploupráce Metody redukce sklenı́kových plynů s využitı́m IT E. Pelikan (Czech Republic) and P. Musilek (Canada) M. Brabec, P. Jurus, A. Knight, O. Konar, P. Krc, E. Lozowski, M. Palus, A. Sanchez-Azofeifa, M. Vejmelka Trvánı́ projektu: 2009-2012 Celková výše podpory: 3,230,000 CZK ($183,400) P. Musı́lek Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Splouřešitel: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: 3 Canada School of Energy and Environment (CSEE) Proof of Principle Projects Field Verification of Satellite Monitoring in Oil Sands Areas P. Musilek A. Sanchez-Azofeifa 2009-2010 $84,000 Sponsor: Mathematics of Inf. Technology and Complex Systems (MITACS) a British Columbia Hydro (BCH) Program: MITACS Internship Název: 3D Visualization of Electric Power Transmission Systems Hlavnı́ řešitel: K. Filimonenkov Spoluřešitelé: P. Musilek Trvánı́ projektu: 2010-2010 Celková výše podpory: $15,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: MITACS, BC Transmission Corporation (BCTC) a NSERC MITACS Internship NWP for Predicting Hazardous Situations in Power Transmission D. Arnold P. Musilek 2006-2008 $27,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant Data Analysis with Artificial Immune Systems P. Musilek 2006-2011 $85,000 ($17,000 per year) Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Alberta Science and Research Authority (ASRA) Research Project Network for AB-Wide Experience Base of SW Best Practices J. Miller P. Musilek, W. Pedrycz, M. Reformat, M. Smith, Y. Wang 2001-2004 $300,000 Sponsor: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Spoluřešitelé: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Alberta Science and Research Authority (ASRA) Alberta Software Engineering Research Consortium (ASERC) P. Sorenson P. Musilek, and 16 others from the U of Alberta and Calgary 2001-2003 $2,400,000 P. Musı́lek 4 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant Computational Intelligence in Software Development P. Musilek 2000-2006 $ 93,624 ($15,604 per year) Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: University of Alberta and Faculty of Engineering Start-up Fund N/A P. Musilek 1999-2001 $50,000 Sponsor: Program: Název: Hlavnı́ řešitel: Co-investigator: Trvánı́ projektu: Celková výše podpory: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and ASRIP New Opportunities Facility for Evolutionary Computing in El. and Computer Eng. P. Musilek A. Knight 2001-2002 $180,733 + $5,900 in-kind Sponsor: Program: Název: Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) and ASRIP Innovation Fund (IF) Facility for Study of Effectiveness of Collaborative, Distributed Software Development Hlavnı́ řešitel: P. Sorenson Spoluřešitelé: P. Musilek, and 15 researchers from U of Alberta and Calgary Trvánı́ projektu: 2002-2003 Celková výše podpory: $1,092,700 P. Musı́lek 6 − − − − − − − − − − − − 1 Spolupráce s VŠB-TUO Visiting researcher (sabbatical leave, 1.7. – 31.11. 2012) Zahájenı́ jednánı́ o spolupráci FEI/VŠB-TU Ostrava s University of Alberta (směřujı́cı́ k uzavřenı́ MOU mezi oběma institucemi) - probı́hajı́cı́ (MOU předběžně schváleno University of Alberta International) Přijetı́ dvou mladých vědeckých pracovnı́ků VŠB-TUO na placené postdoktorandské pobyty na University of Alberta (celkové trvánı́ obou stážı́ je 18 měsı́ců) Zprostředkovánı́ kontaktů s významnými pracovišti v ČR (Centrum výzkumu globálnı́ změny, AV ČR), a v zahraničı́ (Technical University Vienna, Technical University Delft, German Aerospace Center - DLR) Přı́prava návrhu projektu EU FP7 call SMARTCITIES 2013 “RESPONSE 4 smart”(vytvořenı́ konsorcia, koordinace, organizace a vedenı́ mı́tinků, přı́prava textu návrhu) Přı́prava návrhu projektu EU FP7 call ICT 2013 “The Global Cloud”(přı́prava textu návrhu) Přı́prava návrhu standardnı́ho projektu GA ČR Metody řı́zenı́ a managementu energetických celků (hlavnı́ řešitel) Přı́prava návrhu projektu aplikovaného výzkumu a experimentálnı́ho vývoje (3. veřejná soutěž Programu ALFA) TA ČR Vývoj energetických jednotek s možnostı́ zvyšovánı́ nezávislosti na vnějšı́ch zdrojı́ch energie (spoluřešitel) Vypracovánı́ oponentského posudku a účast na obhajobě disertačnı́ práce Ing. Wu Jie, 23.8. 2012, Ostrava Kurz Artificial Immune Systems, Cybernetics Summer School 2012, 31. 8. 2012-4. 9.2012, Ostrava Semináře s diskuzı́ o možnostech konkrétnı́ spolupráce s následujı́cı́mi odbornými skupinami . Informatika (J. Platoš, P. Krömer, M. Kudělka) . Elektro-energetika (S. Mišák, L. Prokop) . Kybernetika (J. Koziorek, Z. Macháček) Publikace v době působenı́ na VŠB-TU Ostrava (s uvedenı́m afiliace): . Heckenbergerova, J., Musilek, P., Filimonenkov, K., Quantification of Gains and Risks of Static Thermal Rating based on Typical Meteorological Year, International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 44, 2013, pp. 227-235 . Musilek, P., Heckenbergerova, J., M. M. I. Bhuiyan, Spatial Analysis of Thermal Aging of Overhead Transmission Conductors, IEEE Trans. Power Delivery, 27(3), 2012, 1196-1204 . Zarnani, A., Musilek, P., Heckenbergerova, J., Statistical Prediction Intervals Through Clustering of Model Output, Meteorological Applications (přijato k publikaci 21.10.2012) . Zarnani, A., Musilek, P., Modeling Forecast Uncertainty Using Fuzzy Clustering, In Soft Computing Models in Industrial and Environmental Applications, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer, 2013, vol. 188, pp. 287-296 P. Musı́lek − − − 2 Dalšı́ publikace připravené ve spolupráci s pracovnı́ky VŠB-TUO: . Musilek, P., Rodway, J., Mišák, S., Prokop, L., Bilik, P., Snášel, V., Towards Prediction of Power Quality from Renewable Sources, 26th Canadian Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (CCECE 2013), May 5-8, 2013, Regina, SK, Canada . V. Snášel, H. O. Nyongesa, P. Krömer, P. Musilek, D. Húsek, Fuzzy Modelling of User Needs for Improvement of Web Search Queries, In Proc. North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society NAFIPS’07, San Diego, CA, 2007, pp. 446-451 Organizace sekce ”Soft Computing Models for Engineering, Industrial and Environmental Applications”(Petr Musilek, Ajith Abraham, Vilém Novák, Václav Snášel) na IFSA World Congress, Edmonton, AB, Canada, June 24-28, 2013 Účast v programových výborech několika workshopů organizovaných pracovnı́ky VŠB-TU Ostrava (Industrial Applications of PDP, Bio-inspired Data Processing, Parallel Data Processing, Intelligent Bio-signal Processing) 7 Doklady o vzdělánı́ a zı́skaných titulech Seznam přiložených dokladů: Diplom (inženýr) Diplom (doktor) Osvědčenı́ o nahrazenı́ zkratky (Ph.D.) Diplom (Professional Engineer) Oznámenı́ o jmenovánı́ (Professor) Datum Contactpersoon Telefoon/fax E-mail Onderwerp 5 November 2012 Prof.dr.eng. P.Bauer +31 (0)15 27 84654/+31 (0)15 27 82968 Petr Musilek Onze ref Technische Universiteit Delft Faculteit Elektrotechniek, Wiskunde en Informatica (EWI) Sectie Electrical Power Processing (EPP) Prof. RNDr. Vaclav Snasel, CSc. Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering VSB - Technical University of Ostrava 17. listopadu 15 Ostrava - Poruba, 708 33 Bezoek Mekelweg 4 2628 CD Delft Correspondentie Postbus 5031 2600 GA Delft Recommendation for inauguration of Dr. Ing Petr Musilek to professor As a professor in Power Electronics, it is my distinct pleasure to recommend to you my esteemed colleague Petr Musilek for inauguration to professor at the VSB-Technical University of Ostrava. I hope that my perspective will be helpful to you as you evaluate this exceptional candidate. In my capacity as a research professor in Power Electronics I have worked with Dr. Musilek closely on preparation of a proposal for an FP7 project. I am also following his professional and pedagogical career and I am familiar with his scientific publications. In August 2012, Dr. Musilek visited Delft University of Technology as an international visitor. During his stay I had several opportunities to discuss his research, scientific results and teaching experience. I found that Dr. Musilek is a rare combination: he is already at this relative young age a seasoned expert in both academic research and teaching. He has proven to be exceptional in several respects of academia. Dr. Musilek has an impressive number of journal and conference publications. In his CV he has listed 56 conference publications, 30 refereed journal publications and 6 books or book chapters. In the recent years, these publications show that he has not focused on just one research area but he is covering a range of topics related to informatics and energy systems. A number of these papers are published in journals that represent the highest scientific level in the electrical and computer engineering disciplines. He also has an extensive number of publications in a range of IEEE and European conferences. This allows his research work to be disseminated to the research community in a short time frame. Dr. Musilek already supervised 5 PhD and 16 MSc students to completion. Currently, his research is supported by 5 graduate students. He has also distinguished himself by his commitment and passion for teaching and Pag./van 1/2 Datum Pag./van education. His skills are very impressive and he is an eager, enthusiastic presenter. If summary, I see Dr. Musilek as an outstanding researcher with strong international reputation, excellent teacher, and leader in his filed. This allows me to fully support his inauguration process . Yours faithfully, Prof.Dr.eng. Pavol Bauer Dr. M. E. El-Hawary, Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering November 20, 2012 Prof. RNDr. Vaclav Snasel, CSc. Dean of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics VSB Technical University of Ostrava 17 listopadu 15 708 33 Ostrava-Poruba Czech Republic RE: Promotion of Dr. Petr Musilek to Professor Dear Professor Snasel: I write in support of Dr. Musilek’s consideration for the rank of Professor at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics of the Technical University of Ostrava. Professor Musilek has been a faculty member in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, since 1999. I have come to know him through meeting in conferences, inviting him to contribute to workshops and in general as a valued member of the energy community in Canada. I’m pleased to offer the following observations on his contributions in Informatics, with specific profile towards Energy informatics: Dr. Musilek’s basic area of research is intelligent systems (including neural nets, fuzzy systems, evolutionary computation, etc.) While has made several fundamental contributions in the area, his strength is in leveraging his knowledge to contribute to applications in energy and environmental modeling, forecasting (prediction,) and optimization. Dr. Musilek has established an impressive record of multi-disciplinary collaborations, resulting in excellent research funding that supports a vigorous research program leading to good training opportunities for highly qualified personnel. To be specific, he is principal investigator on 10 grants (total $1,500,000) and 7 as co-Principal Investigator (total $6,000,000.) Research work done is of a high application caliber and this is evidenced by the number of industrial and international collaborations. He has over 150 communications overall, including 30 journal papers, 55 entries and 162 citations (without self-citations), 5 book chapters and 1 co-authored monograph on Neural Networks (in Czech.) Room C 366, Sexton Campus • Dalhousie University • Halifax, NS B3H 4R2 Canada Tel: 902.494..6198 • Fax: 902.422.7535 • Email: He serves as associate editor of the highly regarded journal of Modeling and Simulation in Engineering, serves as member of the editorial boards of Neural Network World and Advances in Military Technology. He has annually served as member in program and organization committees of major international conferences. He has chaired many conference sessions, and organized many special/focus sessions. He has supervised research of 5 Ph. D. and 6 MSc students and 3 post doctoral Fellows He has been teaching for 12 years with an average of 3 courses a year (microprocessors, intelligent systems, data analysis.) He has been recognized as a Senior Member IEEE (2007,) and NATO Science Fellow (postdoctoral fellowship 1997-1999.) In summary, Dr. Musilek is an internationally recognised researcher and a good educator, clearly excelling in all areas important for the promotion to full Professor. In light of his contributions, I have no doubt that he will be a very valuable asset to your institution. I hope that I offered sufficient information to meet your requirements, and I would be pleased to provide additional information if you so require. Sincerely yours M E El-Hawary Professor of Electrical and Computer Engineering Life Fellow IEEE, Fellow Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow Engineering Institute of Canada, Fellow Engineers Canada 2