AbuDhabiToastmasters,Division-Halsoannouncedanewaward -“EducationalAwardforGavelliers”innameofDr.B.R.Shetty, Managing Director and CEO, nmc healthcare and Honorary Patron,ToastmastersInternational-UAE. Dr. B. R. Shetty started the 1st chapter of Toast Masters in Emirates of Abu Dhabi in 1995, which has now grown into approx.99clubswithmembershipbaseofover2,500inUAE. 1 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | Employee of the month Ms. Ma Asuncion L. Bermas Ms. Vanaja NursingOT-AbuDhabi ReceptionistGynaec-AbuDhabi We asked: (Receptionist–AbuDhabi) Ms. VANAJA 1. Why do you think you were selected? IdobelievethatIamhardworkerandwhatever taskisgiventomeItrytofinishontimeandin thebestpossiblemanner 2. Please name three motivators which drives you to succeed in NMC? •Leadersmotivation •Teamworkinourdepartment •Aspirationtobepromoted Congratulations n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n International Recognitions Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed felicitates nmc healthcare for achieving internationalaccreditationsnmc specialty hospital, Dubai a unit of nmc healthcare, the largest private healthcare provider in the UAE, was felicitated by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Crown Prince of Dubai and Chairman of the Dubai Executive council for achieving international accreditations in a glittering awardsceremonyheldonMay 16th 2012 at Sheikh Rashid HospitalAuditoriumHisHighnessSheikhHamdan,presentedtheQualityAccreditationAppreciation awardtoDr.B.R.Shetty,ManagingDirectorandCEO,nmchealthcare,inthepresenceofHis ExcellencyQadhiSaeedAlMurooshid,Director-GeneraloftheDHA,representativesfromother healthcareproviders,dignitariesandspecialinvitees. Dr B.R Shetty, MD and CEO, NMC Healthcare, had inaugurated the “Smallest Needle Holder in the World,”duringaglittering Dr. B.Venkata Ratnam, Plastic Surgeon, nmc specialty hospital, Abu Dhabi, was recently honoredbyHHSheikhHamadanBinRashidAl Makhtoom, HonorableMinisterforHealthandDeputyRuler ofDubaiwiththe“FellowshipoftheInternational CollegeofSurgeonsinPlasticSurgery,”during the opening ceremony of an International ceremony at nmc specialty hospital, AbuDhabi,on26thApril,2012.The needle holder was designed by one oftheseniormembersofhismedical team, Dr. B. Venkata Ratnam, Head of Plastic Surgery, nmc specialty hospital,AbuDhabi,onwhosename, the finest surgical instrument was releasedandmarketed.Itisusefulfor use during surgery for all those who performdelicateandfinesurgicalprocedures,suchasPlasticSurgeons,Ophthalmologists,Neurosurgeons, CardiothoracicSurgeons,HandSurgeons,OrthopedicSurgeons,Urologistsetc.ItismanufacturedbyVan SickleSurgicalInstrumentsInc,atColleyville,nearDallas,Texas,USAandiscurrentlyavailabledirectlyfrom themanufacturer. 2 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n Celebrating nmc’s success with “the nmcians” nmchealthbecamethefirstcompanyfromtheregiontobelistedin LondonStockExchangeandthisremarkablesuccesswascelebrated asnmcfamilyfiestaonFriday6thApril2012inADNEC. Longstanding employees, who have committed over 20 years to the organizationanditsgrowth,werealsofelicitated. nmc specialty hospital, Al Ain on 26th April 2012,participatedinthecampaignorganized byAlAinMunicipalityandFamilyDevelopment Foundation(AdultWomenEducationCenter)to create awareness onThalassemia to the local EmiratiwomenofAlHayerVillage. Thalassemia ThehealthawarenesstalkwasaddressedbyDr. AmalAlGhadir,GP,NMCSpecialtyHospitalAl Ain,whothoroughlyexplainedthecausesand symptoms of Thalassemia and the preventive measurestobetakenforahealthyliving. Al Ain Municipality honored nmc specialty hospital, Al Ain and Dr Amal Al Ghadir for supportingthenobleinitiativeofeducatingthe localwomenfromruralareas. Awareness Drive nmcspecialtyhospital,ALAinwasalsopraised byAlAinMunicipalityforcontinuallysupporting the Health Awareness campaigns conducted to create awareness amongst theAlAin local community. NYUAD Networking Fair 2012 nmc healthcare participated in NYUAD Networking Fair 2012 organized by the Career Development Center at the NYUAbu Dhabi on Thursday, 5th of April. The event provided an opportunity to nmc healthcare to network with talented and bright NYUAD students. Assembled from 72 different countries, NYUAD offers academic program inareasofScience,Technology,Engineering, Mathematics,Education,Journalism,Business, Pre-health,SocialScienceaswellasArtsand Humanitiestonameafew. 3 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n OBS-GYNE Exhibition 2012 nmc healthcare participated in the OBSGYNE Exhibition 2012, with the objectives toupdatemedicalknowledgeandpractices, to share lessons learned as well as to promote collaboration and links between healthcare professionals, providers and regulators.nmchealthcareexhibitedinMB 01 and displayed brochures, pamphlets and other information material at the stall. nmc healthcare also offered a wide array of free medical tests and health screening programs including blood glucose, blood pressureandbodymassindextothevisitors. nmchealthcarealsoshowcaseditsupcoming projects acrossAbu Dhabi and Dubai at the exhibition. Health Awareness Lectures nmc specialty hospital,AlAin organized health awareness lectures on “Urological diseases” to the employees of Al Fara’a Steel structure, in anefforttoraiseawarenessontheriskfactors arising out of our lifestyles on Kidney and its preventionforabetterliving..Theprogramme wasconductedattheworksiteinJabelHafeet Dist, Al Ain and over 120 employees form Al Fara’aSteelstructuresattendedthegotbenefited fromtheprogramme.TheDepartmentofUrology atnmcspecialtyhospital,AlAinprovidesexpert careformaleandfemalepatientsofallageswho sufferfromproblemsoftheurinarytract. A patient, who underwent CABG at nmc specialty hospital, Al Ain presented a special mementoofhisownpoemaboutnmchospital & Dr. Pradeep Chand Nair, MBBS, MS, MCH, Consultant-CardioThoracicSurgeon. 4 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n There’s something about Happiness Happinessisalwaysdefinedasaninnerstateof mind,aninnerfeeling,apersonalthing.Yetwe searchforhappinessallaroundus.Peoplesay thathappinessislikeabutterfly;themoreyou runbehinditthefurtheritgoesawayfromyou. Butifhappinesstrulycomesfromwithin,inthis wildpursuitthefurthestwerunawayisfrom ourselves. Last week this became clearer, whenIwastoldthat“Successisgettingwhatyou want,andHappinessiswantingwhatyouget”. This statement sets the base for the fact that Happiness lies deep within one’s heart andifoneweretomaneuverone’sthoughts toward this art of finding happiness with what one lays eyes on…then not a singlesoulwoulddespairat thethoughtofanuncertain unhappy future. The pun is intended as we humans often overlook repeated signs and opportunities by nature, WE overlook and hence the power to be happy or find happiness is in OUR hands or rather this pursuitreconstitutesitselfinto anindividualizedeyeopener. I hope now you are convinced that if you will to be happy, you are happy. It has been taught to us that a content man is a happy man. Contentment is a term used to define one’s satisfaction and the dictionary supplies its meaning as Happiness.Well,thereyouhaveit.Butyes,a pointtobenoted…Happinessdoesnotstop you from striving to improve or going ahead inyourlife.Thedifferencehereliesinthefact thatperseveranceisawayofliferatherthana correction;itcomesnaturallytoapersonwho is happy.The person would want to achieve greater satisfaction, greater contentment and hence greater happiness, rather an enhancementofthealreadyexistingfeeling. There’s something truly then about happiness…all you have to do is want it, whichisrathercommonamongthewholeof human kind.That pretty much means to say we aren’t too far from Happiness…assuring youallthehappinessyoucouldeverwantin Life…cheers!!! Writtenby:Ms.MellisaPinto(NMCTrading) The Train the Trainer Programme T h e Tr a i n t h e Tr a i n e r p r o g r a m w a s successfully conducted at nmc specialtyhospital,AbuDhabionthe19April 2012. The session was inaugurated by our COO Mr. Binay Shetty who updated the attendees on the latest developments of nmc healthcare. He also set the ball rolling by reiterating on the importance of traininginaglobalcompanylikeoursand applaudedtherole that the attendees would be playing post attending this program. This training programwastailormade to suit our grouprequirement. The attendees came from all our hospitals and pharmacies as it gave a very good opportunity for all of them to interact and minglewitheachother. The program was conducted in a very interactive manner in which each of the attendees actively contributed to preparing training modules/presentations on topics giveninrandom.Theyweremadetodothis exercisefirstatthebeginningofthesession and then later at the end of the session usingallinformation&knowledgethatthey gainedfromthisprogram.Theresultswere amazing!! All the attendees were awarded with completion certificate and hereinafter each oneofthemwouldtreatasacertifiednmc CTC trainer. As per Ms. Seema Shetty ‘Training is not a onetime activity but a culture that all of us together have to take forward through continuous follow up programsbyourcertifiedtrainers.” 5 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n New Age Mom seminar Whenyouarepregnant,it’snothowmuchbut what you eat that makes the difference. nmc healthcare’shealthyeatingdeliveryprogramme byBiteRitetodayintroducedMamaCareMeal Package exclusively for expectant and new mothers which is specifically designed by Nutritionists and approved byGynecologist.onthe28th Aprilwasorganizedaseminar on The New Age Mom, Dr. Anselma,Gynecologistnmc specialtyhospitalspokeaboutthetrendsinUAE regardingpregnancyandmaternitycare.Other speakerswereDieticianArchanafromBiteRite, SisterIravati,Ms.Komathy,Physiotheripistand Fitness Trainer Mr. Rakesh also Ms. Patricia introducedpostnatalBellyDancingprogram. Ms.SeemaShettysaid“BiteRitebelieves thatMamaCareMealPackageshouldbeas individualanduniqueastheMOMwhoreceives it and so the individual Mama Care Meal plan will be developed just for you… to meet your specificneedsandgoals”. For more information Mama Care Meal Packages pleasecontact+97126411660orvisitBiteRite,near toRedCrescentBuilding,MuroorRoad,AbuDhabi. OR Life... nmc healthcare is unique again Earlier this month of April 2012, we have againetchedournameinUAEhistory,having achieved another high point in the healthcare industry.WiththeinstillationofournewSiemens MagnetomEssenza1.5TeslaMRImachineat thegroundfloorofBuildingnumber1,weare theonlyprivatehospitalinthecountrythathas twoMRIunits,ofhighfield1.5Tunits. HavingtwoMRIunitsalongsideateamofhighly qualified and trained technicians, nurses and radiologists will give us an opportunity be the best and trusted provider of comprehensive healthcareservicesinAbuDhabi.’’ Doctor:WhattimedoyouthinkIstart? AlotofthingsIneedtodo! Couldyoupeoplebetrue? WhencanIgetthrough? Nurse:Pardonbutalotofthings happened Weneverhavetimetositeven‘Trying everythingwecanButstillnotenough, workingevenweekend. Doctor:don’tneedthisandIdon’tneed thatAnexcusemakesmesadWouldyou pleasesitonthat?Sowehaveagood placetoworkat. Nurse:Workinghardtolendahand Surethingyoucan’tworkonlybyonehand Reasonshavetobesaidanddone Nottobeleftwithnoone. Doctor:Oh,bytheway,sorryfora sometimesIamgivingyouahardtime YouknowIfeelbetterwithyoubeside Youaresuchahelp,Ican’tdeny. Nurse:Hopeyouunderstandsame feelingswehaveSmilefromyou,enough forusforadaytolastAndawordof acknowledgmentismuchbetter Tobeinourbestbuthardlyhave… Written by: Ms. Maricel Trinidad Mondragon,SeniorNurseIn-Charge BRMedicalSuites,Dubai S t aff of f ers 6 | e-newsletter | May - 2012 | n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n Beat the Heat Int r o d uce s Summer “ THALI” Promo Starts from Sunday Timings : 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM Gold Facial Veg Thali for - AED 10/- The Gold Facial, based on Ayurveda, is a powerful anti-ageing treatment, with revitalizing and rejuvenating effects. Gold is one of the softest metals and is easily absorbed by the skin. It helps lymphatic drainage and facilitates the removal of toxins and wastes. It also stimulates blood circulation and improves skin elasticity, accelerating cell renewal and reversing oxidation damage. Takeaway - AED 11/- Non Veg Thali for - AED 12/Takeaway - AED 13/- Menu for Veg Thali Rice Chapati-2 Dal or Chana Masala Sambar Rasam Thoran (DISH OF THE DAY) Papad Yoghurt Laban Sweets Menu for NonVeg Thali Rice Chapati-2 Dal or Chana Masala Sambar Non Veg Curry (Dish of the day) Thoran (DISH OF THE DAY) Papad Yoghurt Laban Sweets Come and Enjoy the “Best” Traditional Indian authentic Thali Only available at NMC BiteRite Regular Price (for Ladies) AED275 Summer Price AED200 Regular Price (for Men) AED350 Summer Price AED275 Shahnaz Herbal Products: 24 Carat Nature's Gold Discount offer on Shahnaz Products Discount offer on Shahnaz Products Nature's Gold 2 in 1 Anti Ageing Skin Radiance Gel The 24 Carat Skin Radiance Gel contains 24 carat pure gold, along with plant extracts and essential oils, with a built-in resistance against skin agers. Nature's Gold Beautifying Mask: Based on an ancient formula, it contains 24 Carat pure gold, for skin rejuvenation. Shahnaz Husain Moisturizing Cream A moisturizing formula enriched with Date, Sandalwood Ext., Rose distillate & Honey. Shahnaz Husain 24 Carat Gold Scrub: ANTI AGE EXFOLIATING SCRUB: A unique blend of natural ingredients & exfoliates for removing dead epithelial cells & purifying the skin. Offer Valid : May 1st to June 30th, 2012 Zari Spa for Men Regular Price Summer Price Moroccan Bath 250 185 Thai Massage 225 170 Ayurvedic Massage 200 150 Swedish Massage 250 185 Hair Cut, Shave & Waxing 20% off Zari Spa for Ladies Regular Price Summer Price Moroccan Bath Thai Massage Body Scrub Slimming Massage Facials & Waxing 150 175 250 250 110 130 185 185 20% off ui For Men lt F r ee G For Details contact - 02 6179849 or Email : r H unge Hurry! Book your appointments: 02-6179150 / 02-6179462 / 02-6179463 P.O.Box: 6222, 3rd floor, bldg. no. 3, nmc specialty hospital, Abu Dhabi, UAE. E-mail: Flowers say it all..! UAE Exchange is delighted to offer the following benefits to nmcians across all of its branches in the UAE. • A 50% discount on the Remittance Service charges to any country* • Attractive currency rates to NMCians** *Only 50% of the service charges will be charged at the time of transaction for all Account Credits and Xpress Money Transactions. For eg. The normal service charge for a Direct Credit or Xpress Money to India is AED 15/- but an nmcian who hold UAE Exchange Silver Card needs to pay only AED 7.50/- which is 50% of the charges. Similarly for all other corridors. **All nmcians who hold UAE Exchange Silver Card will be offered discounted and the most competitive rates in the market. Bouquets, Flower Arrangements Balloons & Other Gift Articles... This Mother’s Day, spoil your Mom with our special flower bouquet delivery. Coming Soon H O S P I T A L n m c i a n ’s m o n t h l y c o m m u n i c a t i o n NMC Building NO 3, Madinat Zayed Area, Behind NMC speciality Hospital, Electra Street, Abu Dhabi. email : Call: 02-6289202 Flowers & Gifts If you have a news story you would like to share with the rest of the nmc family, an interesting hobby, or even just a great photo or story, email to Eva Kernova at