Table of Contents - Intranet

Student Handbook
Trades & Technology Doorway
School of Automotive Industries
Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Palmerston North, Masterton & Whanganui
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
Palmerston North
The information contained in this handbook replaces all information contained in any previous
handbook and is intended as a guide only.
UCOL is committed to innovation and continuous improvement, and reserves the right to change
any aspect(s) of the Course, which may affect the currency of the information contained in this
handbook, e.g.:
Course location
Lecture times
Teaching staff
Other matters
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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This student programme handbook contains information on the following
Certificate in Automotive Engineering Level 3
Delivered on the Palmerston North, Masterton and Whanganui Campuses
Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint Level 3
Delivered on the Palmerston North Campus
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Important Note:
To access the UCOL student intranet, go to A screen shot of the web
page is displayed below.
Throughout this handbook you will see references to UCOL policies and procedures. These
policies and procedures set out the agreed ways in which UCOL operates and apply to all
You can use the student intranet to find the most up to date policies, procedures, guidelines and
forms. They are located in Policies and Procedures under UCOL Info.
Searching by keyword is the fastest method. You can use single words or simple phrases to find
what you are after. Please ensure you download these documents each time you need to access
them as they are being updated continually.
The Academic Statute and Student Discipline Statute, two important documents that set out the
main rules and procedures under which UCOL runs, can be found under ‘Related Documents’ to
the left of the Policies and Procedures page.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Welcome .......................................................................................................................... 6
Staff.................................................................................................................................. 7
Section A - Pathways Diagrams..................................................................................... 9
Section B - Programme Structures, Information and Regulations .............................. 10
Certificate in Automotive Engineering Level 3 .......................................................... 11
Timetable ...................................................................................................................... 11
Qualifications/Graduation Requirements: ................................................................. 12
Textbooks..................................................................................................................... 12
Course Materials .......................................................................................................... 12
Programme Outline ..................................................................................................... 13
Off Campus Learning .................................................................................................. 14
Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint Level 3 .................................................... 15
Timetable ...................................................................................................................... 15
Qualifications/Graduation Requirements: ................................................................. 15
Textbooks..................................................................................................................... 15
Course Materials .......................................................................................................... 15
Programme Outline ..................................................................................................... 16
Off Campus Learning .................................................................................................. 17
Section C - General Information .................................................................................... 18
Entry & Exit Points ...................................................................................................... 18
Fees Statement (re graduation) .................................................................................. 18
Student Studios ........................................................................................................... 18
Printing and Photocopying ......................................................................................... 19
UCOL Wireless Network .............................................................................................. 19
Staff Studios: ............................................................................................................... 19
Section D - Assessment ................................................................................................. 22
Assessment Procedures ............................................................................................. 22
Merit and Distinction ................................................................................................... 22
Assessments in Te Reo Maori .................................................................................... 22
Extensions ................................................................................................................... 23
Penalties for Late Submissions .................................................................................. 23
Resits/Reassessments/Appeals ................................................................................. 23
Reconsideration of Assessments............................................................................... 24
Conduct During Assessment ...................................................................................... 24
Special Assistance ...................................................................................................... 24
Inability to Meet Course Requirements ...................................................................... 25
Academic Appeals ....................................................................................................... 25
Section E - Withdrawal ................................................................................................... 26
Section F - Student Support and Library....................................................................... 27
Ground Rules ............................................................................................................... 32
Change of Circumstances/Personal Details .............................................................. 32
Section G – Student Responsibilities ............................................................................ 33
Section H - Academic Appeals, Concerns and Complaints ......................................... 34
Section I – Health & Safety ............................................................................................. 38
Health & Safety Responsibilities ................................................................................ 38
Workshop Rules .......................................................................................................... 39
Restricted Areas .......................................................................................................... 39
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Personal Protective (PPE) and Safety Equipment ..................................................... 39
General Procedures ..................................................................................................... 40
Fire Emergency ............................................................................................................ 40
Accidents ..................................................................................................................... 41
First Aid ........................................................................................................................ 41
Section J – Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol...................................................................... 42
Section K – International Students ................................................................................ 43
Appendices ..................................................................................................................... 44
School of Automotive Industries ................................................................................. 44
Request for Assessment Extension Form ................................................................... 44
School of Automotive Industries ................................................................................. 45
Request for Reconsideration of Assessment .............................................................. 45
School of Automotive Industries ................................................................................. 46
Attendance Guidance ................................................................................................. 46
School of Automotive Industries ................................................................................. 47
Inability to Meet Programme Requirements ................................................................ 47
School of Automotive Industries ................................................................................. 48
Study Contract............................................................................................................ 48
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Welcome to the Faculty of Trades and Technology School of Automotive Industries. Our
aim is to make your learning as enjoyable, interesting and instructive as possible, without
losing sight of your ultimate success in gaining skills and qualifications suitable for your
start in a career in the automotive industries.
Our staff are here to help you to achieve success in all subject areas but to be able to
plan ahead and give you this help they will require your co-operation and effort.
This handbook contains valuable information about your programme of study and will
give you a good understanding of what is required for the course. Please read it
Maurice Filer
Head of School
School of Automotive Industries
(Based in Palmerston North)
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Key Staff & Contacts
Executive Dean
Nicky van der Bergh,
DMinTh; MTS; BTh; BS.BusAdmin; Dip Hosp. Mgt;
Dip Couns; NC Cookery.
Associate Dean
Jen Trow, MEd(Admin); BEd; NZCS; NCALNE.
Telephone 952 7001 Extn: 70218
Head of School
Maurice Filer,
Advanced Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering,
Alternative Fuels Certificate, NC in Adult Literacy Education.
Workbased Assessor (unit 4098)
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70044.
Faculty Administrator
Michele Waitoa
Advanced Cert In Adult Teaching, Dip Accounting; NZIM
Supervisory Mgmt; NZ Diploma in Business,
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70706.
Ossie Buchanan,
Telephone 952 7110 Ext 70137
Certificate in Automotive Engineering L3 – Palmerston North
Edward Davison
Advanced Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering,
NC in Adult Literacy Education.
Workbased Assessor (unit 4098)
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70221
Robert Horne,
Advanced Trade Cert (A Grade Motorcycle Mechanic),
NC (Motorcycle Engineering),
Certificate in Adult Teaching (Advanced),
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education,
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70221
Lance Funnell
Advanced Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering,
Alternative Fuels Certificate,
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education,
Workbased Assessor (unit 4098)
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70116 OR
Nigel Hughes
Advanced Trade Certificate Automotive;
Certificate in Adult Teaching (Advanced);
NC in Offender Management
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70577 OR
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering L3 – Masterton
Gary Esler
Advanced Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering,
Registered MITO Assessor, Workbased Assessor (unit 4098)
Dip Tertiary Tchg
Telephone 9462301 Ext 72048 OR
Certificate in Automotive Engineering L3 – Whanganui
Johan VanDerVyver-Ras
A-Grade Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanic
Diploma in Adult Education; Occupational Health and Safety Certificate (L6);
Registered MITO Work place Assessor.
Workbased Assessor (units 4098 & 11281)
Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint L3 – Palmerston North
Philip Oswald
Advanced Trade Certificate in Panelbeating,
Certificate in Adult Teaching (Advanced),
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education.
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70045
Ash McKenzie
Trade Certificate in Panelbeating,
Certificate in Adult Teaching (Advanced);
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70045
MITO apprentice delivery
Lance Funnell
(Palmerston North)
Advanced Trade Certificate in Automotive Engineering,
Alternative Fuels Certificate,
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education,
Telephone 952 7001 Ext 70116
Brent Kennard
Advanced Trade Certificate in Panel Beating,
Certificate in Adult Teaching (Advanced),
NC in Adult Literacy and Numeracy Education.
Telephone 06 952 7001 Ext 70577 OR
Johan VanDerVyver-Ras
A-Grade Heavy Duty Diesel Mechanic
Diploma in Adult Education; Occupational Health and Safety Certificate (L6)
Registered MITO Work place Assessor.
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Section A - Pathways Diagrams
National Certificate
in Motor Industry
(Entry Skills) Level 2
Electrical and
Mechanical Strand)
Certificate in
Level 3
Certificates in
Certificate in
Panel and
Paint Level 3
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Section B - Programme Structures, Information
and Regulations
Semesters (all sites)
Full year Semester 1
Term 1:
Monday 15 February to Friday 15 April
Mid term break:
Monday 18 April to Friday 29 April
Term 2:
Monday 2 May to Friday 8 July
Mid Semester break: Monday 11 July to Friday 22 July
Full Year Semester 2
Term 3:
Monday 25 July to Friday 23 September
Mid term break:
Monday 26 September to Friday 7 October
Term 4:
Monday 10 October to Friday 18 November
Mid-Year Intake 2015 (as applicable)
Semester 2
Term 4:
Monday 12 January to Friday 15 April 2016
Public Holidays
Easter Good Friday - Friday 25 March
Easter Monday - Monday 28 March
Easter Tuesday – Tuesday 29 March
Anzac Day - Monday 25 April
Queen’s Birthday - Monday 6 June
Labour Day - Monday 24 October
There are no classes on public holidays
Please note: Any lecturer supported learning hours (or tuition hours) that may be given are not fixed,
and may change as class progress or learning opportunities present themselves.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering Level 3
The programme is offered on a full-time basis and offers a total of 133 NZQA credits
delivered as 120 local credits. The National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills)
(Level 2) (Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Strand) is incorporated.
Automotive Engineering consists of eleven papers, each of which contains NZQA unit
standards. These unit standards are organised under paper headings for teaching
purposes only to better reflect the integrated nature of learning and to ensure ease of
The programme is designed to provide broad-based training in a range of skills
associated with automotive engineering and to enable you to develop the literacy and
numeracy skills relevant to the automotive industry and/or for further study in
automotive-related subjects.
Although changes may be made from time to time, your study times at UCOL are
generally between: Monday to Wednesday or Wednesday to Friday.
Graduate Profile and Career Options:
This programme provides you with opportunities to build on introductory levels of
training by developing your knowledge of automotive engineering theory and practice
in tandem with the acquisition of a range of workplace and team-oriented skills. You
will develop knowledge of theory and practice in automotive engineering, and relevant
literacy and numeracy skills, to help t gain an apprenticeship, other forms of initial
employment in the automotive trade and/or engage in further study automotiverelated fields.
Career options may be:
Automotive Engineering
Automotive Heavy Engineering
Road Transport –agricultural-plant and equipment
Automotive Electrical Engineering
Automotive Machining
Motorcycle Engineering
Outdoor Power Equipment Servicing
Power Boat Servicing
Brake Service Engineering
Automotive Air Conditioning
It is also a useful qualification for other motor industry occupations, such as:
Automotive Parts Person
Service Station Attendant
Automotive Dismantler
Motor Vehicles Salesperson
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Qualifications/Graduation Requirements:
Students who successfully complete the 120 UCOL credits in this programme from the
table on page 16 will be awarded the Certificate in Automotive Engineering, Level 3.
Students who successfully complete the required criteria are eligible to receive the
Certificate in Automotive Engineering, Level 3, with Distinction or Merit (see page 46).
There are no compulsory academic requirements (CARs).
May, E., & Simpson, L. (2007). Automotive mechanics (7th revised ed., Vols. 1).
Australia: McGraw-Hill
Course Materials
Most materials needed to complete the units of learning will be provided, with the
following exceptions:
These are approximate costs only.
Stout Footwear
E.g. leather shoes or boots Steel toecaps are optional.
Sneaker type footwear is unacceptable
Second hand overalls can be purchased from NZTS in Donnington St.
$ 40.00
A basic tool kit consisting of spanners’ pliers’ screwdrivers’
hammer and socket set.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Programme Outline
Paper Title
Administration and
Self Management
Entry Information
P = prerequisite
R = recommended
7118 #
249 #
21673 #
21674 #
21692 #AEM
21716 #AEM
231 #AEM
244 #AEM
21717 #AEM
21869 #
229 #
21669 #
21859 #*
21720 #AEM
21722 #AEM
21676 #AEM
21707 #AEM
3856 #
16113 #
21858 #*
21671 #CE
21684 #CE
21685 #CE
21715 #CE
21672 #
3877 #
233 #CE
234 #AEM
235 #AEM
R appropriate
driver’s licence
for the vehicle
being driven
R 21677
R 21680
Engine Service 1
Under Body Service 1
Vehicle Electrics 1
Workshop Safety
Vehicle Electrics 2
R 21670
R 21683
R 21682
R 21714
R 21688
R 21686
R 21669
R 21667
R 21707
Totals Level 2 Papers
(comprise the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills)
Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Strand, Level 2)
Engine Service 2
Underbody Service 2
Vehicle Electrics 3
Vehicle Electrics 4
243 #AEM
R 21687
R 21720
R 21701
R 24105
R 24092
R 21707
Totals Level 3 Papers
Totals: Certificate in Automotive Engineering, Level 3
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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* Evidence for unit standards 21858 Demonstrate good work habits and perform safe
work practices in an automotive workshop and 21859 Select and use hand tools and
workshop equipment for an automotive application will be gathered throughout the
programme as practical tasks are completed in the workshop. Successful completion
will be determined at the completion of both the Level 2 and Level 3 programmes.
Embedded Qualifications
All units marked # are core compulsory units in the National Certificate in Motor
Industry (Entry Skills) Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Strand, Level 2.
The unit standards marked #CE are core elective units in the National Certificate in
Motor Industry (Entry Skills) Automotive Electrical and Mechanical Strand, Level 2. A
minimum of 14 credits are required for the award.
A minimum of 30 credits are required from the unit standards marked #AEM or other
unit standards listed under the heading Automotive, Electrical and Mechanical Strand
in the National Certificate prescription.
This programme consists of eleven papers, each of which contains NZQA unit standards. These
unit standards are organised under paper headings for teaching purposes only to better reflect the
integrated nature of learning and to ensure ease of delivery
Off Campus Learning
There are no practicum or work experience hours required for this programme.
However you may have the opportunity to complete up to 160 hours of voluntary
work experience.
Student Learning Off-Campus Policy
Student Learning Off-Campus Procedure
Off-Site Practical Work-Based or Clinical Components Procedure
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint Level 3
The programme offers a total of 134 NZQA credits delivered as 120 local credits. This
incorporates the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills) (Level 2)
(Collision Repair Strand).
This programme consists of eleven papers, each of which contains NZQA unit
standards. These unit standards are organised under paper headings for teaching
purposes only to better reflect the integrated nature of learning and to ensure ease of
Although changes may be made from time to time, your study times at UCOL are
generally between:
Group A
Group B
Theory/ W/shop
Graduate Profile and Career Options:
Graduates of the Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint, Level 3 will have
developed basic skills in the automotive trade and be ready for apprenticeships or
other forms of initial employment in the motor body trades area.
This qualification will be advantageous when seeking an apprenticeship in Panel
Beating, Coach Building, Motor Trimming, Plastic Repair and Chassis Repair,
Fabrication and Realignment.
Qualifications/Graduation Requirements:
Students who successfully complete the 120 UCOL credits in this programme from the
table on page 16 will be awarded the Certificate in Automotive Panel and Paint, Level 3.
All programme material will be supplied by UCOL
Course Materials
Most materials needed to complete the units of learning will be provided, with the
following exceptions:
These are approximate costs only.
Stout Footwear
E.g. leather shoes or boots Steel toecaps are optional.
Sneaker type footwear is unacceptable
Second hand overalls can be purchased from NZTS in Donnington St.
$ 40.00
A basic tool kit consisting of spanners’ pliers’ screwdrivers’
hammer and socket set.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Programme Outline
Paper Title
Workshop Safety
Workshop Engineering
Administration &
Panel 1
Panel 2
Panel 3
Plastic Repairs and Spot
Vehicle Body Work
Vehicle Construction
and Body Glass
Unit Standard
3856 v7#
16113 v4#
21858 v1#*
21671 v1#CE
21684 v1#CE
21685 v1#CE
21715 v1#CE
7118 v3#
249 v9#
21673 v1#
21674 v1#
21695 #CRS
21702 #CRS
21710 #CRS
21718 #CRS
21694 #CRS
21696 #CRS
21699 #CRS
21700 #CRS***
21703 #CRS
21859 v1#*
21869 v1#
233 v8#CE
21698 v1#CRS**
21669 v1#CRS
21713 v1#CRS
229 v8#
R 21670
R 21683
R 21682
R 21714
license for
the vehicle
being driven
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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* Evidence for unit standards 21858 Demonstrate good work habits and perform safe
work practices in an automotive workshop and 21859 Select and use hand
tools and workshop equipment for an automotive application will be gathered
throughout the programme as practical tasks are completed in the workshop.
Successful completion will be determined at the completion of the programme.
** Evidence for unit standard 21698 Remove and replace exterior and interior motor
body parts and trim in the motor industry will be gathered from the Vehicle
Exterior Repairs and Vehicle Interior Repairs papers.
*** Evidence for unit standard 21700 Store and use hazardous materials in the
motor and related industries will be gathered from the Panel 1, Panel 2 and
Panel 3 papers.
Embedded Qualification
All units marked # are core compulsory units in the National Certificate in Motor
Industry (Entry Skills) Level 2.
The unit standards marked #CE are core elective units in the National Certificate in
Motor Industry (Entry Skills) Level 2. A minimum of 14 credits from these or other
core elective units listed in the National Certificate prescription are required for the
In addition, a minimum of 30 credits are required from the unit standards marked #CRS
for the award of the National Certificate in Motor Industry (Entry Skills) (Level 2)
Collision Repair Strand
This programme consists of nine papers, each of which contains NZQA unit standards.
These unit standards are organised under paper headings for teaching purposes only
to better reflect the integrated nature of learning and to ensure ease of delivery.
Off Campus Learning
There are no practicum or work experience hours for this programme. However you
may have the opportunity to complete up to 160 hours of voluntary work experience.
Student Learning Off-Campus Policy
Student Learning Off-Campus Procedure
Off-Site Practical Work-Based or Clinical Components Procedures
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Section C - General Information
Entry & Exit Points
You are expected to enrol at the start of your programme and complete at the end of
your enrolment period.
If you leave the programme before completion, any unit standards assessed as
‘Pass/Complete’ will be recognised in the form of a UCOL Academic Record. In
addition, a report of the completed units will be sent to NZQA to update your Record
of Learning.
Fees Statement (re graduation)
All fees are due to be paid in full by the first day teaching starts. Section 6.5.2 of the
Academic Statute states that programme materials and other items will be not
available to students owing any fees to UCOL. Students who have not paid all of their
fees will not be eligible to receive credits or awards (i.e. not be eligible to graduate).
In other words, if you have outstanding library fines, or other debts with UCOL, you
place your ability to graduate at risk.
Academic Statute
Student Studios
The computer facilities provided by UCOL are available to every enrolled student.
Students who enrol in programmes that require the use of computers are provided
with a computer account at the time of enrolment and they will receive an account
notification containing their log-on name, password and email address at the
beginning of the course.
Students on programmes for which use of a computer is not a requirement can also
obtain an account by applying in person to the Student Resource Centre. Generally
the application will take a day to process. When it is processed you will receive a
letter containing your user name and password and your internal and external e-mail
Your password is the key to your account. Never share your login and password
details with anyone else. Anyone who knows your password can log on and use your
e-mail, access your work or surf the net at your expense. You will also be held
responsible for any activities that take place under this account name. Always log off
before you leave a PC.
Internet access is available to all students. You are expected to use it for course
related purposes. Internet access is monitored, and certain types of web sites are
blocked. Inappropriate use of the internet is strictly forbidden and can result in
disciplinary action being taken.
Further information about computer use at UCOL can be found on the student intranet
Information Technology page.
POLICY: Computer Use Policy (currently under review)
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Printing and Photocopying
Printers are usually located in the computer labs and/or student studios. When you
log onto a computer you will automatically be connected to the nearest printer.
There is a charge for all printing and photocopying. When you print your job is sent
to a printer account program which checks that your account is in credit. You can
delete your print jobs from the queue before they print without charge. Once the job
has left the print queue it will be charged – turning off the printer will not stop this
and there is no mechanism for a refund.
Black and white
6 cents per side
8 cents per side
15 cents per side
20 cents per side
If your account is $0.00 or shows a negative balance the system stops you from
printing and sends you a message saying why. You can also check your balance on
the intranet. To put your account into credit you can make payments at either Hub
Central or the Student Resource Centre. You should also report any problems through
Some papers include an initial credit as part of your fees. If you are unsure of this,
ask your lecturer.
Photocopier/printers are operated from your student ID card. The cost of the copiers
is deducted from your printer account. Again, you will only be able to copy whilst
your account is in credit.
UCOL Wireless Network
UCOL provides a wireless network (WiFi) for use by the public, students and staff on
Public access is limited to our public web sites.
Students and staff have two types of access:
Access to only UCOL web sites, including password protected ones, such as
Webmail, the Intranet etc. No extra software is required for this, just connect
to the WiFi network called ‘Connect to UCOL’ and open your web browser.
Internet access. Instructions are available at
When using the UCOL WiFi network, the same conditions of use and restrictions apply
as when using a UCOL computer and the UCOL network.
Computer Use Policy
Staff Studios:
Lecturers can be contacted by telephone or email. Telephone numbers are on page 6.
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Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL)
(Cross Credit, Credit Transfer and the Assessment of Prior Learning)
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) acknowledges what you have learned from other
programmes and qualifications, life experiences, work experiences, training
programmes and workshops and measures this against the requirements of the
programme you are enrolled in.
You can be awarded credit towards a qualification where it can be satisfactorily
demonstrated that your prior learning reaches the required standard. It is important
to apply for RPL if you think that you have already learned the material to be covered
in the programme. The advantages are:
If you can get credit for parts of the programme, you will not have to take
them. This will give you more time to concentrate on other parts of the
programme or to take other papers.
You only have to take units that are new and challenging, rather than going
over old ground.
It recognises that you already have skills and knowledge when you start out on
the programme.
Types of RPL:
• Credit transfer: where you have successfully completed unit standards/papers
at a New Zealand accredited education provider with identical programme
content and learning outcomes. These unit standards/papers could be from
secondary school, university, college, UCOL or other polytechnics.
• Cross credit: where you can produce evidence of having been awarded credit
for what may be regarded as equivalent papers toward another qualification
from another New Zealand accredited education provider. For example, you
may have completed the first year of a degree at another provider and wish to
have this transferred to a UCOL degree. Cross credit is not normally applicable
to unit standards.
• Assessment of prior learning: where you believe you can meet the learning
outcomes of a unit standard/paper but have no formal academic record or
transcript to support the award of credit. In this case you will be required to
present evidence that you can meet the learning outcomes.
are different ways to prove your prior learning, including:
Endorsed academic transcript or NZQA Record of Learning
Challenge assessment (examination, practical, verbal or written)
Attestation (assembly of information and evidence)
How to apply:
• You should apply within two weeks of starting the unit standard/paper. Late
applications will not necessarily be considered.
• Then, get a detailed description of the unit standards/papers you want RPL for
from your lecturer or RPL Coordinator. You will have to produce evidence of
how you have already met the requirements for those learning outcomes.
Decide which combination of methods you will use to provide evidence of your
prior learning.
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Complete the RPL Application Form and formally submit your evidence to the
lecturer or RPL Coordinator.
Evaluation of the application will usually be completed within two weeks. The
lecturer or RPL Coordinator will then make a formal recommendation to the
Faculty Board of Educational Improvement, which renders the final decision.
You might receive full credit, partial credit, partial credit with a requirement of
further information/assessment, or no credit.
You will be formally notified in writing of the outcome. Once the process has
been completed, you will be invoiced for an administration fee of $45, in
addition to $50 per hour of assessment.
If you think you might be eligible or are interested in applying for RPL, you
should talk to your lecturer or RPL Coordinator.
Recognition of Prior Learning Policy
Recognition of Prior Learning Procedure
Academic Statute
Financial Information/Student Loans and Allowances
You should note that financial support from StudyLink is affected if you are not
studying full-time, and continued support may be dependant on successful completion
of papers. You should talk to StudyLink if you have any questions:
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Section D - Assessment
Assessment Procedures
All programmes in the School of Automotive Industries use competency-based
assessment and results will be specified in accordance with the current UCOL Academic
Statute.and any relevant policies and procedures.
Assessments will cover practical and theoretical content. These assessments may
consist of, but not be limited to: peer or self assessment, written and practical tests,
observations and/or verbal questions.
For practical assessment students will be assessed in a controlled environment under
industry working conditions. For theory assessment, students will be assessed in a
classroom situation.
You will be advised of the assessment requirements at the start of each paper.
Merit and Distinction
Students who successfully complete the required criteria for each programme with
Distinction or Merit.
To gain an award with Distinction, a student must have gained merit in at least
90% of the units
To gain an award with Merit, a student must have gained merit in at least 80%
of the units
To be awarded merit in a unit standard, the student must clearly surpass the standard
required to achieve competency in each assessment, according to the criteria below:
Competency achieved on first submission
Demonstrate at least two of the following:
• Excellence in presentation
• Meeting all negotiated deadlines for assessment tasks and completion of units
• Evidence of extra / original thought, analysis, wider reading, information
gathering and research
• Active participation and interaction (as per programme judgement statements)
You will not be precluded from receiving the award with Distinction or Merit because you
introduced credit to the programme through the Recognition of Prior Learning process.
Discretion to make an award with Distinction or Merit in these circumstances rests with
the Faculty Board of Studies.
Assessments in Te Reo Maori
UCOL endorses the right of its students to use Te Reo Maori in assessments.
Assessments may be conducted in Te Reo Māori, provided the conditions outlined in the
Assessment in Te Reo Procedure are able to be met (refer to Assessment and Moderation
Students, fluent in Te Reo Māori, who wish to present all or part of their assessed work
in Te Reo Māori should notify their lecturer and the Programme Leader of this at the
beginning of their programme (refer to Assessment in Te Reo Māori Procedure).
Assessment in Te Reo Maori Procedure Assessment Procedure
Assessment and Moderation Policy
Moderation Procedure
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Extensions for an assessment can only be granted prior to the assessment due date and
only in exceptional circumstances as defined by UCOL Academic Statute. Consideration
of exceptional circumstances will be made in accordance with the UCOL Assessment
Procedure. Evidence of the circumstances may be required.
An application for an extension must be submitted in written form using the Request for
Extension Form or in electronic form (email) to the subject lecturer. An application
made in electronic form must include all the information required by the ‘Request for
Assessment Extension Form’.
Where an extension has been granted, and the extension deadline has been met, no
penalties will apply. The student’s assessment will be marked, and feedback provided,
in the same way as if the assessment was submitted on the original date and time.
Penalties for Late Submissions
In the event of you being unable to attend or hand in an assessment, a medical (or
comparable) certificate is required. If you do not attend, or hand in an assessment by
the scheduled assessment time and you do not offer such a certificate you will be
deemed to have voluntarily missed the assessment. Generally, this will mean that you
will have only one more opportunity to be assessed for competency in that particular
The following conditions apply to all late submissions of assignment material that does
not have an approved extension:
All assessment work received after the due date and time, and not subject to a
lecturer-approved extension, will attract a penalty.
The penalty for late submission is relegation to a single opportunity to
successfully achieve in the assessment in question. Generally, this opportunity
must be taken at the same time as others who are scheduled to complete their
one resit entitlement, ie, after their unsuccessful attempt at the same
Any late submitted (first submission) assessment task will be returned unmarked
prior to the student resubmitting on the remaining single opportunity.
The single opportunity to successfully achieve will only be granted if it can be
determined there will be no advantage to the student submitting the late
assessment or disadvantage to students who have submitted the work on time.
If the student does not partake in the reassigned due date and time, and/or
does not complete the assessment successfully, there will usually be no further
resit opportunities and a ‘Not Achieved’ result will be entered for the assessment.
In exceptional circumstances an additional resit may be possible. The final decision will
be at the discretion of the subject lecturer in consultation with the programme leader. If
an additional resit is granted, this will most likely incur a resit fee.
Assessment in each programme are a continuous process as skills are developed and
knowledge gained. Sufficient time is allowed within the programme for students to
develop the required levels of skills and knowledge.
A resit must be completed within the two weeks of the original assessment being
undertaken and the necessary moderation processes being completed. The time for the
reassessment will be negotiated between the student and the lecturer.
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A student who has been unable to achieve competency within the normal time allowed
may, after further practice and study, apply for a further assessment before the end of
their enrolment period. A fee may be charged for such an assessment.
Resit Provisions (see Academic Statute, Section 7.6); Assessment Procedure
Reconsideration of Assessments
You have the right to ask for a reconsideration of assessment or to appeal if you believe
an assessment has been incorrectly marked. Please note that, as a result of the
reconsideration of assessment, your result may be unchanged, raised or lowered (refer
to Academic Statute Academic Statute).
The reconsidered result will be recorded as the final result. You still have the right to
appeal this result in accordance with the Academic Statute.
You should approach your lecturer in the first instance to discuss this, but if you want to
take it further then you need to fill in the Reconsideration of a Assessment Form and
submit to the Programme Leader within of 5 working days of the return of the
Conduct During Assessment
During your study, you are expected to observe and comply with the Academic Statute
and all programme regulations. Plagiarism or cheating is not tolerated. Academic
dishonesty includes:
Copying from or inappropriate communicating with another person during an
exam or assessment
Possessing any unauthorised material during an exam or assessment
Submitting any work for assessment that is not your own and whose author has
not been acknowledged
Copying another’s work
Collaborating with others in the preparation of material, except where this is an
assessment requirement
Resubmitting work without prior written approval of the lecturer
Turnitin, or a similar programme, may be used to determine whether you have
committed academic dishonesty.
Part VIII of the Academic Statute outlines the disciplinary proceedings that apply should
you breach these rules.
Academic Statute
Conduct of Examinations and Assessments Policy
Conduct of Examinations and Assessments Procedure
Special Assistance
If you believe you may qualify for special assistance or extra time for an assessment/test/
examination you should contact an Academic Counsellor.
Special Assistance for Examinations/Tests Policy and
Special Assistance for Examinations/Tests Procedure
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Inability to Meet Course Requirements
A doctor’s certificate may be required if you are absent for more than three days. Your
Programme Leader will identify key progress points related to assignments and/or
If you have serious health problems please inform your Programme Leader or lecturer.
It is important that you keep UCOL advised of any change in circumstances as this may
affect your future entitlement to student loans and allowances.
If you are not meeting the course requirements you will be interviewed by the
Programme Leader (Inability to Meet Course Requirements and/or Attendance Guidance)
Academic Appeals
The Academic Statute details the academic appeals process.
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Section E - Withdrawal
Before you decide to withdraw from your programme you should discuss this with the
Associate Dean, Head of School, Associate Head of School or a lecturer of your choice.
Remember, if you are having difficulties with your programme there are ways UCOL can
help you.
If you decide to withdraw, you must complete a Change of Circumstances Form. This
can be obtained from the Information Centre on your campus, Student Information in
Palmerston North or Reception in Wairarapa.
Fee Refunds – Domestic Students
The rules for fee refunds if you withdraw are outlined in the Enrolment Guide. Do not
delay – it is your responsibility to complete the form.
Your enrolment will be cancelled and your fees will be refunded if you complete and
return the form within:
1 month after the first date teaching started, or
The date at which 10% of teaching has been provided,
whichever is earlier.
An administration fee will apply.
After this period your enrolment status is withdrawn and no refund is available.
Academic Statute
Fee Refunds – International Students
Please refer to the International Student Fee Refund Policy for more information.
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Section F - Student Support and Library
Student support and Library staff are here to help you succeed in your chosen
programme. The team offers a variety of services as described below. Please do not
hesitate to be in touch if you require our assistance. We look forward to meeting you.
If you are having problems with your programme then you could talk to your lecturer
first or you can go directly to the appropriate service. Check out Learning & Study on
the student intranet. Ask your student representative or other support person to go with
you if you like, having informed him or her of what you want to say. (See below for
possible sources of support.)
Student Health
Some of the services which may be available to you are:
Health assessments
First aid
Sexual health checks (STIs)
Cervical screening
General health advice/information
GP referrals
These are free to enrolled students.
Work hours
Palmerston North
Contact Student Coach
Lynda Morrell
06 952 7001
extn 70010
021 669 839
Mon 8.30am-4.30pm
Tues 8.30am-12.30pm
Fri 12.30-4.30pm
Walk in service
L Block or enquire at
reception or The Hub
06 946 2301
extn 72070
Mon & Wed
10am to 2pm
Doctor’s appointments have been available at the health centre in Palmerston North but
this is currently under review. Please call reception to make an appointment. They are
free with a community services card, $15.00 without a card and $25.00 for international
Whanganui students need to contact Lynda Morrell as above.
Counsellors can assist with any difficulties or concerns.
family, relationships, you or your study.
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These issues may be about
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Groups are run throughout the year. The purpose varies according to the focus; some
are for skills training and others are for support, education or therapy. Groups are open
to all students and are free of charge.
Palmerston North
Contact the Student
Health Centre
Contact Student Coach
Lynda Morrell
06 952 7010
021 669 839
Work hours
Mon 8.30am-4.30pm
Tues 8.30am-12.30pm
Fri 12.30-4.30pm
06 946 2301
extn 72068
Student Resource Centre
Provides the following services:
UCOL student ID cards (replacements cost students $5)
Computer network logons
Assignments received and distributed (on current ID card sighted)
Purchase printing credit add to student account
Vehicle registration forms (sticker provided for UCOL car parking)
Palmerston North bus timetable (free use with UCOL ID card)
Application for Community Services Card
Work hours
Palmerston North
Info Centre
06 952 7001
extn 70437
06 965 3800
Mon-Fri 9am4pm
06 946 2301
extn 72044
Learning Services
This free student support is available for all UCOL students to help you be as successful
in your study as you can be. At the Learning Centres, staff will support you to manage
your own study, work with you on your assignments, improve your skills and become
independent learners. They provide a friendly environment where you can relax and get
on with your learning.
Work hours
Palmerston North
06 952 7036
06 965 3801
extn 60877
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06 946 2301
extn 72076
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Student Experience Coach
The Student Experience Coach is available to students and staff to assist your success by
supporting with any personal, social, or practical issue that may be hindering attendance
or activities within UCOL. Appointments can be made at HUB Central in Palmerston
Work hours
Palmerston North
Susanne Croft – room 6.0.19
06 952 7001 extn 70634
Lynda Morrell
021 669 839
Mon 8.30am-4.30pm
Tues 8.30am-12.30pm
Fri 12.30-4.30pm
Student Relations Coordinator
If you are concerned about any aspect of your studies at UCOL and would like some
advice on what to do and who you can talk to you can contact the Student Relations
Work hours
Palmerston North & Whanganui
Adele Wilson
06 952 7001 extn 70619
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm
Support for Students with Disabilities
If you have a disability you may contact a support person for advice and discuss support
Palmerston North
John Nelson
06 952 7001
extn 70010
Luke Sula
06 965 3801
extn 60704
Mon & Wed 12.30-3pm
Tues & Thurs
Vanessa Dotrice
06 946 2301
extn 72076
See HUB reception
Māori Education Support
Providing academic, cultural and social support from a kaupapa Māori base and in
support of Māori cultural identity, to improve academic success.
All three campuses have a whanau room or marae facility. The whanau room is a space
provided especially for Maori and Pasifika where principles of whanaungatanga,
Whakaruruhau, Oranga, Akonga, Matauranga and Hapainga I te reo maori me ona
tikanga are fostered and nurtured.
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Work hours
Palmerston North
Erica William
06 952 7001
extn 70637
Mere Robb
06 965 3801
extn 60831
Simone Baker
06 946 2301
extn 72010
Should you require any information with regard to scholarships, contact the following:
Palmerston North
Teresa Kendrick
06 952 7001
extn 70147
Mon & Fri 9am-4pm
Tues & Thurs 9am-3.30pm
Karen Hughes
06 965 3801
extn 60877
Vanessa Dotrice
06 946 2301
Financial Advisory Service
Should you require any information with regard to budgeting/student hardship advice,
Palmerston North
Susanne Croft
06 952 7001
extn 70634
06 965 3801
extn 60877
Vanessa Dotrice
06 946 2301
Student Web Services Website
This web site located at is a secure web site permitting current
and past students to view and edit their student information including personal details,
enrolments, academic results and financial statements. Check your Programme
Confirmation Letter for login details. To view Academic results once logged in, click on
Academic Details >> Assessment Details >> Paper description.
UCOL Library
UCOL Library gives you access to the resources you need to become a successful
student. Enrolled students, part time and full time, have access to all library services
and resources at any of our UCOL campuses.
Library and Hub Central staff are here to assist you to develop the information, research
and study skills you need.
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A wide range of resources and services are available:
Information skills training
Research assistance
Computer access
Laptop loan
Electronic journals
Print Credit top up (eftpos only)
Study areas
Intercampus loans
Interlibrary loans
Work hours
Palmerston North
06 952 7001
extn 70601
Mon-Thurs 8am-6pm
Fri 8am-5pm
06 965 3801
extn 60877
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06 946 2301
extn 72044
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Ground Rules
The following is an outline of basic course obligations and responsibilities, in consultation
with your class; you may elect to add other guidelines to this list.
everyone has their say
wait your turn and do not interrupt
criticise the behaviour/work - not the person
do your share - team work is vital
keep language socially and culturally acceptable
work and support each other as a team
no personal alcohol on campus
no drugs, other than authorised prescription medication
no smoking is permitted on the UCOL Campus
no food or drink is to be consumed in the computer suite/s
Personal Property
Where lockers are provided - please use them! Do not leave personal belongings lying
around as they may be stolen.
All student work must be collected at the end of the course. If not collected it may be
kept by the UCOL or thrown out!
Change of Circumstances/Personal Details
You will need to fill out a Change of Circumstances form if you change any of the
following details during 2016:
• your name
• your address
• your residency/citizenship
• you enrol in an additional subject(s)
• you change or withdraw from a programme of subject(s)
• you have been issued with an NSI (National Student Index) number since your
first enrolment.
Don’t forget forms are available from the Information Office or by calling UCOL.
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Section G – Student Responsibilities
All students at UCOL (whether on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off
campus) are expected and required to behave at all time in a reasonable and
lawful manner in the circumstances.
Without limiting 1), you are required:
To observe all UCOL Health and Safety Policy rules.
To treat all people (whilst on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off
campus), including UCOL staff and students in a lawful manner in the
circumstances and with respect and consideration.
To attend UCOL course activities and tuition without the influence of alcohol
and / or unlawful substances.
To take reasonable care not to damage or destroy UCOL resources and to
use all UCOL resources in accordance with UCOL’s directions.
Not to harass any person whilst on UCOL premises or at a UCOL activity off
Not to discriminate against any person in a way which is unlawful.
To act in a manner that maintains the well-being of that student and other
staff and students at UCOL.
See Student Discipline Statute, Non-Academic 2003
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Section H - Concerns and Complaints
You can’t study properly if you’re unhappy. If you have a concern, complaint or problem
relating to your study it’s best if you do something about it as soon as possible. UCOL
has policies and procedures to help address any issue as quickly as possible and a
Student Relations Coordinator to help you in the process.
Ideally, first talk directly to the person concerned or your lecturer. To help you focus on
the issue, write down your problem. Feel free to take a support person with you. This
person can help you stay on track and talk things over with you afterwards.
If you are unable to talk to the person concerned directly you may contact the Student
Relations Coordinator for assistance. This assistance may take the form of a mediation
session between the student and people involved.
Adele Wilson is UCOL’s Student Relations Coordinator and is available to help you
resolve issues as quickly and easily as possible. Adele is based in Palmerston North in
room 6.0.24 and regularly visits both the Whanganui and Wairarapa campuses. You can
reach Adele by phone at 06 952 7001 extn 70619 or by email at
The Association of Students at UCOL (AS@U) also provides assistance for concerns and
complaints and can assist with guidance and support. You can contact them directly on
06 952 7001 extn 70460. They are located at Shop 10, The Gap (behind the sushi shop
off King Street).
Susanne Croft is UCOL’s Student Experience Coach and is available to support you with
any personal, social or practical issues. Susanne is based at the Palmerston North
campus in room 6.0.28. You can contact Susanne by phone at 06 952 7001 extn 70634
or 021 889 550. Her email is
A quick reference guide of who can help with your concerns and a flowchart illustrating
the Student Concerns and Complaints Procedure are provided on the following pages.
Concerns and Complaints Policy
Concerns and Complaints Procedure
Harassment/Bullying Prevention Policy
Harassment/Bullying Prevention Procedure
Academic Appeal
If you wish to appeal a grade, you can refer to the Reconsideration of Results section in
this handbook (under Section D – Assessment), Part IX of the Academic Statute, or
Academic Appeals, Concerns and Complaints on the student intranet.
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Concerns and Complaints Reference Guide
Relevant policies and procedures
Who can help
Programme Handbooks
This student intranet page contains a list of all
finalised programme handbooks.
Academic Statute
The Academic Statute is required by UCOL
Council and ensures academic rigor throughout
the Institution.
Academic Appeals, Concerns and Complaints
Student Concerns and Complaints Policy
Student Concerns and Complaints Procedure
If you have a concern, complaint or problem
relating to your study it’s best if you do
something about it as soon as possible. UCOL
has policies and procedures to help address any
issue as quickly as possible and a Student
Relations Coordinator to help you in the
Student Harassment/Bullying Prevention Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure a safe
learning environment free from harassment.
Student Harassment/Bullying Prevention
Any allegations of harassment made by a
student will be acknowledged, treated in a
confidential manner and will be dealt with
under the direction of the student making the
Academic Statute
The Academic Statute is required by UCOL
Council and ensures academic rigor throughout
the Institution.
Admission Policy
The purpose of this policy is to minimise all
barriers to student entry to papers/courses or
programmes at UCOL.
International Students Policy
The purpose of this policy is to ensure
awareness of the legislative requirements that
accompany the enrolment of international
students, as well as their adequate care and
support during the enrolment period.
Code of Practice for the Pastoral Care of
International Students
Enrolment Guide
The Enrolment Guide and the Enrolment Form
contain important terms and conditions of your
contract with UCOL.
Student Relations
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Student Relations
Leader; lecturer;
Student Coach;
Student Relations
Leader; lecturer;
Student Relations
Student Support
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Relevant policies and procedures
Who can help
Academic Statute
The Academic Statute is required by UCOL
Council and ensures academic rigor throughout
the Institution.
International Student Fee Refund Policy
Health and
Student Learning Off-Campus Policy
Student Learning Off-Campus Procedure
Off-Site Practical Work-Based or Clinical
Components Procedure
Smoke Free Policy
Health and Safety at Work Act 2015
Student Health and Emergency Procedure
UCOL seeks to maintain safe campus
environments that promote the well-being and
health of all employees and students.
Student Discipline Statute
The Student Discipline Statute sets out in detail
appropriate policies and procedures for dealing
with student disciplinary matters.
Debt Controller;
Student Relations
Student Support
Student Relations
Health and Safety
Leader; lecturer
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Student Relations
Leader; lecturer
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Concerns’ Procedure Flowchart
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Section I – Health & Safety
It is the intention of the programme staff to achieve and maintain a safe, healthy work
and study environment for all of those involved in its operations.
To meet this objective UCOL will:
Ensure that managers and supervisors recognise their obligations to the
occupational health and safety of all persons under their direction in our workplace
Ensure compliance with the Regulations, Standards, Codes of Practice and the
provisions of applicable UCOL and national policy and legislation
Provide the information, instruction, supervision, training, retraining and
education necessary to enable all staff and students to carry out their tasks in a
way that minimises the risk of injury or illness to themselves and to others
Ensure that all premises, means of access, plant, equipment, vehicles and
processes are designed, constructed, maintained and used with regard for health
and safety
Maurice Filer 2016
Health & Safety Responsibilities
The Programme Leader is responsible to the Executive Dean for the management of
health and safety matters within the automotive programme.
All staff and students are responsible for ensuring that they work in a manner which is
safe to themselves and to others, and must comply with the requirements of relevant
UCOL, Faculty and Programme Health and Safety Policies.
General Health and Safety Information
If in doubt: ASK your lecturer.
If you don’t know how it works: Don’t play with it. Ask your Lecturer.
If you have forgotten how it works: Don’t play with it. Ask your lecturer.
All students are asked to read the relevant parts of the UCOL, Faculty and Programme
Health and Safety policy, procedures, guidelines, codes and standards.
The Workshop Safety paper must be completed and assessment passed before
entering any workshop.
Health and Safety Policy
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Workshop Rules
These rules are firmly enforced for your safety. The Workshop Safety paper must be
completed and assessment passed before entering any workshop. All legislation
involving Health Safety will be observed.
Infringements will result in instant referral to the Programme Leader, or the Dean of
The workshop may not be entered if a lecturer is not present.
No equipment or machine may be used if instruction has not been given on that
particular machine.
Running, pushing or skylarking, or conscious dangerous use of a machine or tool
is forbidden.
Footwear complying with the "Health and Safety in Employment Act" is required (see
page 10).
Students with long hair will be required to wear a hair net or band at all times
when operating on or near machinery.
Safety glasses are provided and must be worn when:
Cutting, drilling, grinding or using compressed air.
Or at any time you consider eye safety to be an issue.
Machines and equipment you will be using are expensive. To avoid unpleasant
repercussions, please report any damage or breakage to your lecturer
UCOL has a smoke free campus. Smoking is not permitted in any class areas. This
includes workshops and toilets.
Keep clear of other students using machinery.
The use of cell phones, radio and personal stereo units are strictly forbidden during
class and workshop times.
Other Work Sites
The above rules and conditions apply to any off-site project work.
Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS)
UCOL is committed to providing a safe learning environment for all students. You are
required to inform lecturers of any OOS symptoms, which may develop.
Restricted Areas
Please keep clear of the lecturers’ workshop office. This is for staff use only.
Personal Protective (PPE) and Safety Equipment
Ear muffs and other hearing protection, and special welding protection are
provided where necessary and must be worn.
Safety glasses are provided at work sites and must be worn.
If there are no safety glasses present at a work site see your lecturer before
starting work. They will be provided.
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General Procedures
Do not attempt a difficult or overweight lift get another student or the lecturer to
Please maintain your work area in a tidy condition.
The clean up is everybody's responsibility. Everyone is expected to help with the
lecturer’s direction.
Please familiarise yourself with the correct place for all tools
It is your responsibility to get your work assessed.
If the lecturer is occupied when you need attention, try to find another part of
your job to go on with. Please do not hinder other students who are concentrating
on their work.
We are proud of the standard of facilities, including classrooms; we are able to offer you.
To maintain these standards we seek co-operation in keeping rooms clean and tidy.
Fire Emergency
All students must familiarise themselves with the location of fire doors, fire exits and
emergency evacuation routes, so that they know how to exit from the building in the
event of an emergency. All staff and students should know the location of their nearest
fire alarm call points and how to use these.
In the event of an actual or suspected fire emergency:
1. Operate the nearest fire alarm
2. Immediately leave the building by the closest evacuation route - do not run, do
not use the elevator/lift, follow the instructions of the Floor Fire Warden if he/she
is present
3. Assemble at secure car park outside automotive workshop.
4. Do not leave the assembly point or re-enter the building until authorised to do so
by the Chief Fire Warden or Fire Services Personnel
Fire Policy; Fire Trial Evacuation Procedure
Evacuation of Mobility Impaired Students
If you have a disability that makes it difficult for you to exit the building in the event of
an emergency please alert your lecturer who will discuss UCOL’s emergency evacuation
arrangements for such a situation and plan ahead how best to implement them to suit
your situation.
Emergency Evacuation of Disabled Persons Procedure
Fire Precautions and Fire Prevention
Emergency evacuation routes must remain tidy and free from obstacles. You must not
place or store equipment so that it blocks exits or evacuation routes or immediate access
to fire alarms, fire equipment or electrical switchgear.
The value of routine checking that electrical equipment, gas taps etc are turned off, and
that doors to rooms and staircase are closed, cannot be overemphasised. You are
reminded that smoking is not permitted on UCOL premises including entrance foyers.
Smoking is only permitted in specially designated areas.
This smokefree policy applies 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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All accidents, fires, ‘near misses’, and instances of known or suspected occupational ill
health must be reported using an Incident Report Form. Your lecturer will help you to
access and fill in this form. Reported accidents/incidents will be investigated and any
necessary remedial measures, including revised work procedures, training, etc. will be
implemented as appropriate.
Accidents/incidents of a serious nature must be immediately reported to a lecturer.
First Aid
A first aid box is available in all staff studios and workshops.
In the event of any emergency requiring an ambulance, immediately call 111.
Remember to state the precise location and nature of the emergency. Then contact your
nearest lecturer.
Student Health Centres
Work hours
Palmerston North
109 King Street
(Block 4)
06 952 7001
extn 70010
Contact Student Coach
Lynda Morrell
027 616 5812
Mon 8.30am-4.30pm
Tues 8.30am-12.30pm
Fri 12.30-4.30pm
A Block reception or
The Hub
06 946 2301
extn 72070
Mon & Wed
Hazard Plans
The majority of the activities carried out as part of your programme are routine and
generally low risk in nature and do not require to be formally risk assessed. However,
for any activity involving a significant risk, a written hazard assessment and risk
management plan has been developed. It is important that you make yourself familiar
with, and comply with, these plans. You can access a copy of these plans in the
automotive workshops and classrooms.
Health and Safety Queries and Issues
A self-inspection (safety audit) of the Programme will take place every year to monitor
the effectiveness of the Health and Safety Policy.
All students encountering any kind of health and safety hazard in this programme should
report these promptly to either the Programme Leader in Palmerston North or the
Lecturers in Feilding and Masterton, in their absence, to any senior member of staff.
If necessary, Health and Safety concerns may be escalated to the Faculty Executive
Students with Disabilities or Health Issues
UCOL is committed to working with students whose condition or health status
predisposes them to emergency health events. It invites students who fall into this
category to contact the Programme Leader or another lecturer of their choice to discuss
and agree on strategies to manage these events. The information provided by the
student and any resultant “emergency event management plan” will be kept confidential
and only shared with those involved in this implementation.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Section J – Smoking, Drugs and Alcohol
For the safety and well-being of yourself and others UCOL has policies regarding
smoking, drugs and alcohol.
Smoking on Campus
Smoking is not permitted on any UCOL campus or UCOL owned or leased facility, which
All buildings, including balconies
All outdoor areas on site including UCOL designated car parks
Vehicles owned, leased or used for work purposes by UCOL
UCOL childcare centres
This smoke free policy applies 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.
Smokers are offered the opportunity to participate in Quit Smoking programmes – see
your health nurse or counsellor for information.
Smoke Free Policy
Smokefree Environment Policy and Smokefree Environment Complaints Procedure
Unlawful/illegal Drugs and Unlawful/illegal Substances
UCOL requires that all students comply with the law as it relates to the use and
possession of illegal drugs and the abuse of substances. This does not mean that you
cannot use over the counter medicines for minor illnesses, nor does it mean you cannot
take medicines prescribed for you by your doctor.
You may be excluded from class or any UCOL activity if a staff member considers you
are under the influence of drugs. This may lead to suspension from your
course/programme and even to having your enrolment cancelled.
The Police may be notified of any illegal activity related to the use or possession of
unlawful drugs or substances.
Drug-free Campus and Substance Abuse Policy
You may be excluded from class or any UCOL related activity if a staff member considers
you are under the influence of alcohol.
Any activities on campus where alcohol is served must comply with the Sale of Liquor
Act 1989.
Alcohol Policy
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Section K – International Students
International Student Support Coordinators will help international students with any
questions they might have.
The Coordinators provide information about UCOL, living in New Zealand and organise
orientation and social events.
If you have any question or problems, please contact them and they will provide you
with support and help.
Work hours
Adele Wilson
06 952 7001 extn 70619
021 372 125
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm
Cameron Lock
06 952 7213
021 324 826
Mon-Fri 8.30am-5pm
POLICY: International Students Policy
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Appendix 1
School of Automotive Industries
Request for Assessment Extension Form
Programme: _____________________________________________________
_______________________________________ (Lecturer’s name)
I would like to request an extension for the submission of work for assessment for the following Unit
Yours sincerely
_________________________________________ (Student)
Date received from student: __________________ Decline / Accepted (cross out one)
You may negotiate with your Lecturer for additional time to complete the work required.
Negotiation of extension time for projects must be in writing and made at least 24 hrs prior
to assessment dates.
Extensions will only be issued to students who have genuine reasons for not being able to
complete assessments.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Appendix 2
School of Automotive Industries
Request for Reconsideration of Assessment
I request that my work for the above Unit Standard be re-assessed.
I understand that the mark I receive from this re-assessment will appear on my final transcript.
Yours sincerely
____________________________________ (Student)
This request must be made within 5 (working) days of receiving your original Assessment.
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Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Appendix 3
School of Automotive Industries
Attendance Guidance
I note that your attendance is not meeting the unit requirements and advise you of the following:
To gain credit for this unit you must meet the attendance requirements set.
Programme Leader/
Student Signature:
UCOL’s Trades & Technology Doorway – Student Handbook 2016
Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Appendix 4
School of Automotive Industries
Inability to Meet Programme Requirements
Student Name:
Lecturer Name:
As of:
you are not receiving a passing Assessment in
You are urged to contact the lecturer of this class immediately concerning your standing in this class.
This is written notification of this situation and will be put on your file.
Reason(s) for this Notice:
Unexcused Excessive Absences and/or lateness
Incomplete/Work not Meeting Learning Outcomes
Poor Progress in Class
Lecturer Signature:
Programme Leader
Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________
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Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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Appendix 5
School of Automotive Industries
Study Contract
hereby acknowledge that I have been
shown how to access this 2016 School of Automotive Industries Student Programme Handbook and
have been made aware of the key elements of this handbook.
In signing this agreement, I agree to abide by the statutes, regulations and policies of UCOL stated
within this booklet and understand that should I breach any of the above mentioned rules I may be
subject to disciplinary action.
I understand that if I wish to withdraw from part or my entire programme or my circumstances
change in other ways that affect my programme, it is my responsibility to complete a Change of
Circumstances form and to submit it immediately to Student Registry.
Student Name:
As Programme Leader / Lecturer for the above student, I have explained any areas of concern or
confusion expressed regarding the rules and conditions stated in the 2016 School of Automotive
Industries Student Programme Handbook I am assured that the student understands their obligations
as a student on this course.
UCOL’s Trades & Technology Doorway – Student Handbook 2016
Certificate in Automotive Engineering, L3
Certificate in Automotive Panel & Paint, L3
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