RESEARCH PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 OTA-based Non-Inverting and Inverting Precision Full-Wave Rectifier Circuits without diodes Nigar Minhaj wave rectifier circuit is recently reported in technical literature [7]. It uses a three-output CCCII, two MOS transistors and a resistor with large cross over distortion for a low frequency of 5 KHz. Another rectifier circuit uses a fully differential input and output operational transconductance amplifier (OTA), four CMOS diodes and a MOS resistor in its realization, which rectifies frequencies upto 200 MHz [8]. This work presents a precision full-wave non-inverting and an inverting rectifier circuit using a three-output (two positive outputs and one negative output) CMOS OTA, two complementary MOS transistors and a resistor. The proposed rectifier circuits have the following advantages: 1. No diodes are used in their realizations. 2. Rectifies high frequencies upto 200 MHz. 3. Input signal separating range is from −500mV to 500mV, and 4. Suitable for IC fabrication. Abstract-- A three output operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with two complementary MOS transistors and a grounded resistor is used to realize non-inverting and inverting full-wave precision rectifiers. The attractive features of the proposed rectifiers are; high input impedance, large input operating range, high frequency operation, low zero crossing distortion, linearity, low component count and suitable for IC fabrication. SPICE simulation results, with 0.5 µm CMOS model obtained through MIETEC, are included to verify the proposed circuits. Index Terms—Analog circuits; current conveyors; rectifiers. R I. INTRODUCTION ECTIFICATION of low-level signals is a critical and demanding aspect of analog signal processing in telecommunication, instrumentation, measurement and control. The main problem of the operation of diode-only rectifier is limited by its threshold voltage. The precision rectifiers based on operational amplifiers, diodes and resistors exhibits significant distortion during the zero-crossing transitional portion of the circuit’s operation due to smallsignal transient behaviour, restricting the upper frequency limit of the circuit to a value well below that of the operational amplifier employed. The precision full-wave rectifiers consisting of current conveyors, diodes and resistors have also been proposed due to the advantages offered by these circuits [1-7]. Some of the classical circuits use two current conveyors (CCII), diodes and additional biasing network in form of voltage, source, current source, or diode bias bridge. Some circuits employ CCIIs, resistors, current conveyors, and current sources for realization, whereas other recent works employ CFA/operational conveyors, current conveyors and current sources to realize a precision rectifier. A single currentcontrolled current conveyor (CCCII)-based precision full- II. CIRCUIT DESCRIPTION The proposed non-inverting precision full-wave rectifier circuit is shown in Fig. 1. It consists of a single OTA with three outputs (two positive outputs and one negative output) as an active element, two complementary MOS transistors and a resistor. The OTA is used as a voltage to current converter (to change the input voltage, Vin, into output currents Io1, Io2, Io3. Complementary MOS transistors work as a voltage controlled switch. The resistor RL is used as a current to voltage converter, which converts the rectified currents into output dc voltage, Vout. The relations of the positive and negative polarity input voltage and output currents of the OTA can be expressed as: If Vin > 0 : Io1 = + gm Vin Io2 = + gm Vin (1) Vin < 0 : Io3 = - gmVin (2) For switching the two CMOS transistors (Mn and Mp), voltages ± Vsat are provided at their gates by connecting them to a positive output terminal of the OTA. Vsat corresponds to saturated voltage. Here, +Vsat equals to VDD and –Vsat to Vss i.e., biasing voltage of the OTA. Nigar Minhaj is with the University Women’s Polytechnic, Faculty of Engineering and Technology, Aligarh Muslim University, Aligarh, India (email: 72 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER RESEARCH PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 The voltage ± Vsat produced at the gate of two MOS IBIAS transistors will be (±gmRp)Vin. Here Rp= Ro║RGP║RGN; Ro is vin I03 Mn the output terminal resistance of the OTA, and RGP and RGN + - IBIAS vin gm I01 Mn + gm + - - v0ut + - + - vsat Mp Mp RL Proposed OTA-based inverting full-wave precision rectifier. III. SIMULATION RESULTS Proposed OTA-based non-inverting full-wave precision rectifier. The proposed precision full wave rectifier circuit of Fig.1 and Fig. 2 are verified using the implementation of OTA [8] as shown in Fig. 3. The parameters used in simulation are 0.5µm CMOS model obtained through MIETEC. The W/L parameters of MOS-transistors are 25 µm / 1µm from M1 to M10, 40µm /1µm for M11 to M20, 25 µm /2µm for MOS transistor Mn, and 20 µm/2µm for MOS transistor MP and IBIAS = 120µA. The supplied voltages used are VDD = - Vss = 5V, VB = 2V and RL = 3K is taken. The effective resistance at the gates of two MOS transistors is measured and found to be 400K. This is due to the parallel combination of the high output impedance of the OTA along with the high impedance gate terminals of MOS transistors. The simulated waveform of the saturated gate voltage is shown in Fig. 4. The input and rectified output for non-inverting full wave rectifier of Fig. 1 is shown in Fig. 5 with input amplitude of 120mV and for frequencies of 1MHz, 50MHz and 200MHz. The results of the inverting full wave rectifier of Fig. 2 are shown in Fig. 6 at the same frequencies as for non-inverting rectifier. are the gate resistances of the Mp and Mn transistors respectively. All these three resistances are quite high, resulting in saturation at this output terminal of the OTA. Depending upon the signal polarity (positive or negative) the voltage at the gates is +Vsat or –Vsat, respectively. The operation of the proposed circuit is as follows: In case of positive half cycle input voltage, Vin > 0 and + Vsat = VDD. Mn is ON (Mp is OFF). The output current Io1 (=gmVin) will flow through the load, RL, resulting in positive polarity voltage at Vout. In case of negative half cycle input voltage, Vin< 0 and -Vsat = Vss, Mp is ON (Mn is OFF). The output current (Io3= -gmVin) will flow through the load, , thus inverting the negative cycle of input. Unidirectional current flows through the load in either case, resulting in a full-wave rectified output. Using (1) and (2), the relation between the input and the output voltage of the proposed rectifier can be obtained as Vin > 0 : Vo = + gmRLVin (3a) (3b) Vin < 0 : Vo = - gm RLVin Equation (3) shows that the transconductance gain of the OTA can control the rectified output voltage. Thus, the circuit can provide a control over the average (dc) output. Using eqn. 3 1 and gm = , the relation between input and output voltages RL of the proposed non-inverting rectifier can be obtained as: (4a) Vin > 0 : Vout = + Vin Vin < 0 : Vout = - Vin (4b) The inverting full-wave rectifier circuit can be realized from Fig. 1 by simply reversing the connection of positive and negative output terminals of the OTA, which are connected to the complementary MOS transistors (i.e. Mn and Mp) as shown in Fig. 2. The relation between input and output voltages would become Vin > 0 , Vout = -Vin (5a) Vin < 0 , Vout = Vin (5b) VDD M19 M21 M20 M22 I02 M15 M13 VB M16 I01 M14 M10 M18 M23 M24 I03 M2 IBIAS M3 M5 M4 M6 M11 M7 M12 M8 VSS (a) 73 M17 Vin M1 M9 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER RL I03 Fig. 2. Fig. 1. +- v sat I01 + I02 v0ut I02 + RESEARCH PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 IBIAS vin I01 + + gm I02 + - I03 - (b) Fig. 3. (a) MOS OTA structure with three-outputs, (b) Symbol of OTA with three outputs. The linearity of the proposed circuits is studied by applying the dc input. The dc transfer characteristics is shown in Fig. 7, which shows a high degree of linearity and equal swing for both positive and negative variations of signal amplitude. The operating voltage range is from – 500mV to 500mV, of the input voltage. A little distortion at the zero crossing is presented. It is mainly attributed to the ON/OFF switching of the MOS transistors (Mn and Mp). The magnified zero crossing of Fig. 1 is shown in Fig.8. A small distortion at zero crossing is observed. (b) (c) Fig. 5. Input (sinusoidal) and rectified output waveforms of non-inverting full-wave precision rectifier of Fig. 1 at (a) 1MHz, (b) 50MHz and (c) 200MHz. Fig. 4. Gate voltage waveform for Fig.1. (a) (a) 74 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER RESEARCH PAPER International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering, Vol 1, No. 3, May 2009 (b) Fig. 8. Magnified zero-crossing of output (Vout) of Fig.1 IV. CONCLUSION A non-inverting and inverting full-wave precision-rectifiers are realized using a three-output operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) with two complementary MOS transistors and a grounded resistor. The attractive features of the proposed full-wave rectifier circuit are high input impedance, large input operating voltage range, high frequency operation with low zero crossing distortion, linearity, low component count and is suitable for IC fabrication. SPICE simulation results, with 0.5 µm CMOS model obtained through MIETEC verify the proposed circuit operations satisfactorily. (c) Fig. 6. Input (sinusoidal) and rectified output waveforms of inverting fullwave precision rectifier of Fig. 1 at (a) 1MHz, (b) 50MHz and (c) 200MHz. V. REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Fig. 7. Simulated results for dc transfer characteristic for proposed precision rectifier of Fig. 1. [7] [8] Z. Wang. “Full-wave precision rectification that is performed in current domain and very suitable for CMOS implementation.” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Suystems-I, 39, 456-462, 1992. K. Hayatleh, S. Porta and F.J. Lidgey, “Temperature independent current conveyor precision rectifier.” Electron. Lett. 30, 2091-2093, 1994 B. Wilson and V. Mannama, “Current mode rectifier with improved precision.” Electron. Lett, 31, 247-248, 1995. A. Monapapassorn, K. Dejhan and F. Cheevasuvit, “A fullwave rectifier using a current conveyor and current mirrors.” Int. J. 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Her current topic of interests is active networks. 75 © 2009 ACADEMY PUBLISHER