Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction

International Journal of Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
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ISSN: 2319-1112
Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction
Rakesh R. 1 , Sushma B.R. 2, Venkatesh Prabhu 3
Electronics & Radar Development Establishment (LRDE),
DRDO, Bangalore, India
email:-,, 3ve_
Abstract--This paper proposes a method of improving the power factor of a three phase rectifier by using
aBoost Converter with Power Factor Correction Controller. When compared to Passive Power Factor Correction,
Active Power Factor Correction Method is used in order to reduce the size of the system. It also regulates the output
voltage as well as makes power factor almost unity. Average Current Control technique has been discussed in this
paper. Modeling of the PFC Controller using MATLAB/Simulink is carried out and the results are verified.
Keywords-- Three phase uncontrolled rectifier, Boost converter, Power Factor Correction, Average
Current Control, MATLAB/Simulink.
1. Introduction
Single phase rectifier with Power Factor Correction (PFC) has been discussed in many papers [1-5]. But
coming to the practical case three phase rectifiers are commonly used for high power applications. Power factor
correction is becoming more important nowadays, as we are more concerned about the reduction of harmonic
components in the supply side.
Power Factor Correction can be of two types: Active or Passive [6]. Passive power factor correction
involves the use of linear elements like inductors and capacitors to improve the power factor and minimize harmonic
components in the power supply. Passive power factor correction for high power applications requires large
inductors and capacitors. So, Active power factor correction is used in high power applications. In active
powerfactor correction methods, the input current is forced to follow the input voltage, so the ratio between voltage
and current will be maintained constant and the power factor will be unity, whole circuit emulates as a simple
resistor by the power supply [7]. When the ratio between voltage and current deviates from the constant, results in
phasedisplacement,harmonic distortion or both in the power supply, and deteriorate the power factor [8].
Power factor is defined as the ratio of real input power to the RMS value voltage and current of the load or
power factor corrector input.
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Phase displacement is the measure of reactance of the input impedance of the active power factor corrector.
Reactance either in inductive or capacitive form will cause phase displacement of input current waveform with
respect to input voltage waveform. Harmonic distortion is the measure of the non-linearity of the input impedance of
the active power factor corrector. Distortion increases the RMS value of current without increasing total power
being drawn. A non-linear load has a poor power factor because the total power delivered is less compared to RMS
value of current. When harmonic distortion alone is considered, power factor deteriorates to 0.999 for 3% of Total
Harmonic Distortion (THD) and 0.95 for 30% of THD [9].
The graph showing variation of Power factor with THD is shown in Fig.1.
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Power factor
Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Controller
Fig.1. Power Factor Vs Distortion
2. Active Power Factor Correction
Boost converter topology is commonly used for power factor correction circuits the input current is
continuous and produces lowest level of conducted noise and best input current waveform.In this topology, the
output capacitor absorbs the input power pulsation, thus the ripple on the output voltage is reduced [10]. Only
disadvantage of this topology is that the output voltage is always higher than the input voltage.
In boost converter topology, Power factor correction is achieved by forcing the input current to follow the
input voltage waveform. Active power factor correction can be achieved by two methods- average current control
technique and peak current control technique. Both these techniques use current loop feedback to control the input
current. Compared to average current control, peak current control has a low gain and wide bandwidth. So, by using
average current control technique, a better power factor can be achieved and this technique also allows a better input
current waveform [11-12].
3. Average Current Control Method
Fig. 2. Average Current Control Technique
The block diagram for average current control method is shown in Fig.2. The input current and switching
waveforms are shown in Fig.3. In this the current through the inductor is sensed and is given to a current error
amplifier, which drives the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) Modulator. Thus the error between the average current
ig and reference current has been reduced by the current loop. The converter works in continuous conduction mode.
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Rakesh R et al.
Fig. 3. Switching waveform with input current waveform
4. Modeling of PFC in MATLAB/Simulink.
Power factor correction controller for the boost converter topology is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink
software. The whole block diagram for the topology is shown in Fig.4.
Fig. 4. Boost converter with PFC Controller
Fig. 5. PFC Controller
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Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Controller
The output of three phase bridge rectifier is given to a boost converter and boost converter switch is controlled
by the PFC Controller.
A. PFC Controller
PFC controller not only makes the power factor nearly unity but also regulates the output voltage. It has
internally a voltage controller, multiplier, current controller and a PWM generator.
Output voltage sample, feed-forward voltage, and input AC current are given as input to the PFC Controller.
The output of the controller will be PWM output for the boost switch. The internal diagram for the PFC Controller is
shown in Fig.5.
Fig. 6. Voltage Controller
B. Voltage Controller and Multiplier:
Voltage controller is an error amplifier. The reference voltage and sample of output voltage are the noninverting and inverting inputs of the error amplifier. Output of the voltage error amplifier is one of inputs to the
multiplier block. Other inputs to the multiplier are feed forward voltage and input AC current as voltage signal.
Output from the multiplier block is given to the current controller.
Fig. 7.Current Controller
C. Current Controller:
Current Controller is also an error amplifier. Its input signals are current sense and the multiplier output. The
output of the current controller is given as the input for PWM.
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Rakesh R et al.
In PWM, a ramp signal with switching frequency of 20 kHz is compared with the current controller output.
The output of the PWM is given as a controlled gate signal for the boost switch which in turn forces the input
current to follow the input voltage waveform.
5. Design
Output Voltage = 700V
Output power = 25kW
Switching frequency = 20 kHz
Duty for the boost converter for inductor design occurs at minimum input voltage for the given output.
Idc =
52.2A (Assume efficiency of 95%)
ΔI=10.44A (20 % ripple is allowed)
Boost Inductor,
= 622µH
Load Resistance,
௏ మ ௢௨௧
= 19.6Ω
Maximum duty, Dmax = 0.7
For 2% ripple at the Output Voltage,
Output Capacitor =
≅ 100µF
6. Simulation Results
Simulation is carried out in MATLAB/Simulink and various waveforms are shown in figures given below.
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Current (A)
Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Controller
Time (s)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 8. Input Supply Current
Time (s)
Current (A)
Voltage (V)
Fig. 9. Output Voltage
Time (s)
Fig. 10. Rectifier Voltage and Current
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Current (A)
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Rakesh R et al.
Time (s)
Fig.11. Output capacitor Current
From the Fig.9.and Fig.10., it is clear that the output voltage is almost 700V and the rectified current and
voltage are in phase. The distortion in the line current waveform in Fig.8 is because of third harmonic distortion,
which is due to the second harmonic present on the feed-forward voltage.
The capacitor current ripple is much higher as seen from Fig.11, it is about 50A. So the output capacitor
should withstand this much current.
The Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) of the system in MATLAB is also shown in Fig.12.
Fig. 12. THD Analysis
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Three Phase Rectifier with Power Factor Correction Controller
7. Conclusion
Conventional method of improving power factor will increase the size of inductor and capacitor for high
power applications. Active power factor correction can be used in high power application as size gets reduced. By
correcting both the distortion power factor and displacement power factor, efficiency of the system is improved.In
Active Power factor correction technique, the input current is forced to follow the input voltage waveform, their by
achieving a power factor near unity. In addition to that Active Power factor correction will give a regulated output
PFC using average current control is modeled in MATLAB/Simulink software. Power factor of the circuit
is improved to 0.95 by using active power factor correction though the THD is still 30%. In this topology, the output
capacitor ripple current is high which can be further reduced by techniques like interleaving.
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