PEORIA COUNTY ZONING REQUIREMENTS Any land division must conform to the zoning requirements set forth in the Peoria County Unified Development Ordinance. The following provisions must be met in accordance with the ordinance. We advise you to contact the Department of Planning and Zoning for any regulation changes to the ordinance. Front Road Setback Requirements Note: For square corner lots, the “road” setback shall be applied to both the front yard where the main door is located and the side yard facing the right-of-way; the other yards shall be considered the “side” yards. Residential Lot Size Requirements by Zoning District State Roads Non-Residential 75 feet from right of way or 135 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater Collector/Township: “R-R”, “R-1”, “R-2”, & “R-3” Residential Non-Residential 75 feet from right of way or 160 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater 40 feet from right of way or 70 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater Residential Zoning District Minimum lot size (acres) County Highway- Primary Residential Non-Residential A-1 Agriculture Preservation 40 A-2 Agriculture 25 R-R Rural Residential R-1 Low Density Residential R-2 Medium Density Residential R-3 High Density Residential 1 1/2 100 feet from right of way or 140 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater County Highway- Non-Primary Residential Non-Residential 1/4 if on public sewer 1/2 if on private sewer; add 4000 sq.ft per additional unit 6000 sq. ft on public sewer 1/2 acre on private sewer; add 3000 sq. ft per unit 75 feet from right of way or 115 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater 40 feet from right of way or 100 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater 65 feet from right of way or 125 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater Collector/Township: “A-1” & “A-2” Zoning Districts Residential Non-Residential 40 feet from right of way or 70 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater 65 feet from right of way or 95 feet from center of right of way, whichever is greater 75 feet from right of way or 110 feet from center of right of way whichever is greater. Local Street Non-Residential 25 feet from right of way 50 feet from right of way Side & Rear Yard Setback Requirements Side “A-1” & “A-2” Zoning Districts Rear Principal Structure: 30 feet from the property line Principal Structure: 30 feet from the property line Accessory Structure: 15 feet from the property line if the structure is less than 2,000 sq. feet and 30 feet from the property line when the structure is greater than 2,000 sq. feet. Accessory Structure: 15 feet from the property line if the structure is less than 2,000 sq. feet and 30 feet from the property line when the structure is greater than 2,000 sq. feet. Side & Rear Yard Setback Requirements R-R Rural Residential Zoning District Side Rear Side Principal Structure: 1) Septic: not less than 30 ft. from the property line. 2) Sewer: not less than 15 ft. from the property line. Accessory Structure: 15 feet from the property line if the structure is less than 2,000 sq. feet and 30 feet from the property line when the structure is greater than 2,000 square feet. Side Principal Structure: not less than 30 ft. from the property line. Accessory Structure: 15 feet from the property line if the structure is less than 2,000 sq. feet and 30 feet from the property line when the structure is greater than 2,000 sq feet. R-1 Low Density Residential Rear Principal Structure: not less than 15 feet from property line. Accessory structure: not less than 15 feet from property line. Side Principal Structure: not less than 25 feet from property line. Accessory Structure: not less than 15 feet from property line. R-2 Medium Density Residential Rear Principal structure: not less than 10% of lot width at building line. Maximum of 15 feet and minimum of 5 feet from property line. Accessory structure: 5 feet from the property line. * may be reduced to 3 ft. provided the accessory structure is in the rear 1/3 of lot. Principal structure: not less than 15 feet from the property line. Accessory structure: 5 feet from the rear property line. R-3 High Density Residential Rear Principal Structure: 1) Single and 2 family dwellings, excepting duplexes: not less than 10% of width of lot at building line. Maximum of 15 feet, minimum of 5 feet from the property line. 2) Duplexes: -Interior side (common wall): zero lot line, provided that the required minimum lot width and minimum lot area are met. -Exterior side: not less than 10% of the lot width at the building line. Maximum of 15 feet, minimum of 5 feet from the property line. 3) Other uses: not less than 20 feet from property line. Accessory Structure: not less than 10% of width of lot at building line. Maximum of 15 feet and minimum of 5 feet from property line. Principal Structure: not less than 20 feet from the property line. Accessory structure: not less than 5 feet from the property line. Revised January 2011 A GUIDE TO PEORIA COUNTY ZONING REQUIREMENTS PEORIA COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & ZONING Matthew G. Wahl, Director Peoria County Courthouse 324 Main St., Rm 301 Peoria, IL 61602 Ph: (309) 672-6915 Fax: (309) 672-6075 Office Hours Monday-Friday: 8:30 to 4:30 p.m.