ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual Important Notes Restrictions in Use IDT’s ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit, consisting of the SSC Communication Board (SSC CB), ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board (SSC EB), Sensor Replacement Board (SSC RB), and Evaluation Software, is designed for sensor module evaluation, laboratory setup, and module calibration development only. IDT’s SSC Evaluation Kit hardware and software must not be used for module production or production test setups. The related product ZSSC4151 SSC Mass Calibration System is designed only for development, evaluation, and laboratory setup of sensor modules with IDT Sensor Signal Conditioner ICs. The IDT Mass Calibration System hardware and software must not be used for module production and production test setups. Disclaimer IDT shall not be liable for any damages arising out of defects resulting from (i) delivered hardware or software (ii) non-observance of instructions contained in this manual and in any other documentation provided to user, or (iii) misuse, abuse, use under abnormal conditions, or alteration by anyone other than IDT. To the extent permitted by law, IDT hereby expressly disclaims and user expressly waives any and all warranties, whether express, implied, or statutory, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability and of fitness for a particular purpose, statutory warranty of non-infringement, and any other warranty that may arise by reason of usage of trade, custom, or course of dealing. Contents 1 2 3 4 5 6 Evaluation Kit Contents and Overview ............................................................................................................. 3 ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1. Overview .................................................................................................................................................... 5 2.2. ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board Schematic ................................................................................. 6 2.3. Connections between the Communication Board and ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board ..................... 7 2.4. Connections between the Sensor Replacement Board and the Evaluation Board ................................... 7 2.5. Connections between the ZSSC4151 IC and the Evaluation Board ......................................................... 8 Ordering Information ........................................................................................................................................ 9 Related Documents .......................................................................................................................................... 9 Glossary ........................................................................................................................................................... 9 Document Revision History ............................................................................................................................ 10 © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 1 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual List of Figures Figure 1.1 Figure 2.1 Figure 2.2 ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit ........................................................................................................... 3 ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board – Overview ......................................................................... 5 ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board Schematic .......................................................................... 6 List of Tables Table 2.1 Table 2.2 Table 2.3 Table 2.4 ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board Connectors, Switches, and LEDs .............................................. 5 Bu1 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and SSC Communication Board ....... 7 K10 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and Sensor Replacement Board ....... 7 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and the ZSSC4151 QFN24....................... 8 © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 2 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 1 Evaluation Kit Contents and Overview The ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit is designed for sensor module evaluation, laboratory setup, and module calibration development for the ZSSC4151 Sensor Signal Conditioner (SSC). The user’s sensor module can be connected to the kit for development, evaluation, and calibration. Alternately, the kit provides a sensor replacement board that can be connected in place of an actual sensor module for basic evaluation purposes only. The ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit consists of the following parts: • • • • • • SSC Communication Board (SSC CB) V4.1 * ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board (SSC EB) V1.1 SSC Sensor Replacement Board (SRB) V2.0 6 ZSSC4151 samples (QFN24 4x4mm) USB cable Vacuum suction pen (provided for safe handling of IC samples) Note: The ZSSC4151 Evaluation Software required for the ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit is not included with the kit. This software is available for download from the ZSSC415x product page or by contacting IDT (for contact information, see page 10). It provides a graphical user interface (GUI) for communication, calibration, and evaluation. Refer to the ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Startup Guide for instructions for setting up the kit hardware, connections, and software. Note: The ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board is also used in kits for other products, so some of the ZSSC4151 pin names differ from the board and schematic labels. See Table 2.4 for the corresponding pin names. Note: There is a “dummy” IC in the socket on the ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board that should be replaced with an actual ZSSC4151 device under test (DUT). Refer to Figure 1.1 for the location of pin 1 for proper IC orientation. Figure 1.1 ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit Pin 1 Reset SSC Communication Board (SSC CB) * ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board (SSC EB) Sensor Replacement (SRB) For detailed information about SSC Communication Board, please refer to the SSC Communication Board Data Sheet available on the IDT website at http://www.IDT.com/ZSSC415xKIT © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 3 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual The ZSSC4151 SSC Evaluation Kit contains the hardware needed for communication and calibration of the ZSSC4151 sensor signal conditioning IC. The user’s PC can communicate with the ZSSC4151 on the SSC EB via the SSC Communication Board (SSC CB) through a USB connection. The Sensor Replacement Board (SRB) provides a replacement for an actual sensor and can be used for the first step of a calibration demonstration or a dry-run calibration. On the SRB, the sensor replacement signal is controlled by a potentiometer and provides a signal ranging from 2mV to 110mV to the analog front-end of the ZSSC4151 (BRN and BRP pins via the BR1N and BR1P pins respectively on the K10 connector; see Figure 2.2) and a temperature sensor signal from a 1N4148 diode to the ZSSC4151 temperature input (TS1 or TS2 pin, selectable by jumper K8, see Figure 2.1). One of the primary purposes of the ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit is communication between the user’s PC and the ZSSC4151 DUT. The PC sends commands and data via its USB port (configured as a virtual COM port) to the SSC CB. The microcontroller on the SSC CB interprets these commands and relays them to the ZSSC4151 in the * † I²C™ or OWI (One-Wire Interface) communication mode. The microcontroller will also forward any data bytes from the ZSSC4151 back to the PC via the USB connection. These bytes can be sensor and temperature readings to be displayed via the GUI, raw analog-to-digital converter (ADC) data used during calibration, or EEPROM data. The SSC CB microcontroller controls the power signals required for entering the Command Mode (when the OWI interface is used). The ZSSC4151 power (VDDE) can be supplied from the CB KS5V power supply (jumper K7 closed; refer to Figure 2.1) or from an externally connected VDDE2 supply (jumper K7 open). Important: Ensure that jumper K7 is open before connecting an external VDDE2 power supply. If connected, the VDDE2 supply can be switched ON or OFF by the CB-controlled KS5V and the IC4 power MOSFET as needed to establish OWI communication. The reset button (see Figure 1.1) initializes the CB controller to its initial state. Note that any CB port settings will be overwritten. The Mass Calibration Board DUT connector is intended for connecting the ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board 2 (SSC EB) to a Mass Calibration Board (MCB) for evaluation. The connector provides an I C™ and OWI interface through the MCB and provides power to it. Important: Do not connect the SSC CB to the SSC EB if the MCB is used. * 2 I C™ is a trademark of NXP. † OWI is also referred to as ZACwire™. © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 4 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 2 ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board 2.1. Overview Note: See section 2.2 for the SSC EB schematic, including pin names for the CB (Bu1) and SRB (K10) connectors. Figure 2.1 ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board – Overview Table 2.1 ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board Connectors, Switches, and LEDs Name Description D1 Status LED for the KS5V supply. Its forward current is not included in the measured supply current. Bu1 50-pin female connector connected to the SSC CB. See section 2.3 for descriptions of the signals on Bu1. K10 50-pin male connector to the SRB. See section 2.4 for descriptions of the signals on K10. KL1 On-board screw terminal for GND (VSSE), VDDE2 (to VDDE), VDDA, and TS1 connections. KL2 On-board screw terminal for TS2, VSSA, TOP, and BR2P (not applicable to ZSSC4151). KL3 On-board screw terminal for BR2N (not applicable), BR1P (to BRP), BR1N (to BRN), and BOT. K1, K9 Powers (enables) the headers for connecting external Sensor 1 or Sensor 2 modules (K2 and K5 respectively) via KS5V. K2, K5 Headers for connections for external Sensor 1 or Sensor 2 modules. K4, K6 Strips for access to all ZSSC4151 signals; can be used to connect directly to the ZSSC4151 for in-circuit programming. K7 Connects KS5V supply to VDDE pin (leave open when external power supply VDDE2 is connected); provides test points for simple supply current measurements. K8 Connects the external SRB temperature sensor to the IC’s TS1 or TS2 inputs. S1 Switch that is used for interface selection during programming and calibration (set to OWI for ZSSC4151 IC). QFN-24 Socket for inserting the QFN 4x4mm ZSSC4151 DUT. K11 Mass Calibration Board (MCB) DUT connector. © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 5 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 2.2. ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board Schematic Figure 2.2 ZSSC415x/6x/7x SSC Evaluation Board Schematic © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 6 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 2.3. Connections between the Communication Board and ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board Table 2.2 gives the descriptions for the signals on the Bu1 connector (see Figure 2.1) that are applicable to the ZSSC4151. Table 2.2 Bu1 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and SSC Communication Board Name Pin 5P 1 5V constant power supply. KS5V 3 Power supply controlled by the microcontroller on the SSC CB. GND 2,4,6 Ground connection. SCL, SDA 11,13 I C™ interface, 5V logic. MOSI, MISO, SCK 17,19,21 SPI interface, 5V logic (used for SSC EB identification by I C™; not applicable to ZSSC4151). OWI 25 Bi-directional I/O port with ZSSC4151-internal pull-up resistors; a pull-up resistor from KS5V with a resistance of 4.7kΩ (on the CB) can be enabled by setting the SSC CB microcontroller port pin G3 low via the PS_G30 terminal command. ADC1 27 One-Wire Interface (OWI) connection to CB’s ADC1 (PA1). PE7 28 Bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. Tr_PD2 39 Pull-up from KS5V with 510Ω resistor (R2) to the OWI line; enabled by setting the SSC CB microprocessor port pin D2 low via the PS_D20 terminal command during OWI communication. PD4 43 Bi-directional I/O port with internal pull-up resistors. PD6, PD7 47,49 I C™ 8-bit serial shift registers settings; set by the ZSSC4151 Evaluation Software. 2.4. Description 2 2 2 Connections between the Sensor Replacement Board and the Evaluation Board Table 2.3 gives the descriptions for the signals on the K10 connector (see Figure 2.1). Table 2.3 K10 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and Sensor Replacement Board Name Pin# Description TOP 39 Bridge and temperature sensor positive supply voltage TS_U 41 Temperature sensor input (diode 1N4148) BOT 43 Bridge negative supply voltage BR1P 47 Bridge positive signal BRP BR1N 49 Bridge negative signal BRN © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 7 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 2.5. Connections between the ZSSC4151 IC and the Evaluation Board Table 2.4 gives the descriptions for the signals on the K6 and K4 connectors (see Figure 2.1) and the relevant ZSSC4151 IC pins. Table 2.4 Signal Connections: ZSSC415x/6x/7x Evaluation Board and the ZSSC4151 QFN24 Evaluation Board Label Evaluation Board Connector / Pins ZSSC4151 Pin Name QFN24 Pin VDDA K6 / 15 and 8 VDDA 1 Positive digital supply voltage VSSA K6 / 16 and 9 VSSA 2 Negative analog supply voltage SDA K6 / 17 and 10 SDA 3 I²C Description TM data IO TM clock SCL K6 / 18 and 11 SCL 4 I²C VDDE K6 / 19 and 12 VDDE 5 Positive external supply voltage VSSE K6 / 20 and 13 VSSE 6 Negative external supply voltage OUT/DOUT K6 / 21 and 14 AOUT 7 Analog output and one wire interface IO (OWI) BR2N K4 / 17 and 9 Not applicable to the ZSSC4151 BR2P K4 / 18 and 10 Not applicable to the ZSSC4151 TS2 K4 / 19 and 11 TS2 17 Alternate temperature sensor and current source resistor TOP K4 / 20 and 12 TOP 16 Bridge top potential TS1 K4 / 21 and 13 TS1 15 Temperature sensor and current source resistor BR1N K4 / 22 and 14 BRN 14 Negative input sensor bridge BOT K4 / 23 and 15 BOT 13 Bridge bottom potential BR1P K4 / 24 and 16 BRP 12 Positive input sensor bridge © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 8 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 3 Ordering Information Visit www.IDT.com/ZSSC415xKIT for current product ordering codes and descriptions. After a ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit has been ordered, individual parts can be ordered separately. Sales contact information is provided on page 10. 4 Related Documents Document ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Start-up Guide SSC Evaluation Kit Feature Sheet ZSSC4151 Data Sheet SSC Communication Board Data Sheet SSC Sensor Replacement Board Data Sheet SSC Command Syntax SSC Mass Calibration Board Data Sheet Visit www.IDT.com/ZSSC4151 and www.IDT.com/ZSSC415xKIT or contact your nearest sales office for the latest version of these documents. 5 Glossary Term Description ADC Analog-to-Digital Converter CB Communication Board DUT Device Under Test OWI One-Wire Interface PCB Printed Circuit Board SRB Sensor Replacement Board SSC Sensor Signal Conditioner © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 9 March 11, 2016 ZSSC4151 Evaluation Kit Hardware Manual 6 Document Revision History Revision Date Description 1.00 September 8, 2015 First release. March 11, 2016 Changed to IDT branding. Corporate Headquarters Sales 6024 Silver Creek Valley Road San Jose, CA 95138 www.IDT.com 1-800-345-7015 or 408-284-8200 Fax: 408-284-2775 www.IDT.com/go/sales Tech Support www.IDT.com/go/support DISCLAIMER Integrated Device Technology, Inc. (IDT) reserves the right to modify the products and/or specifications described herein at any time, without notice, at IDT's sole discretion. Performance specifications and operating parameters of the described products are determined in an independent state and are not guaranteed to perform the same way when installed in customer products. The information contained herein is provided without representation or warranty of any kind, whether express or implied, including, but not limited to, the suitability of IDT's products for any particular purpose, an implied warranty of merchantability, or non-infringement of the intellectual property rights of others. This document is presented only as a guide and does not convey any license under intellectual property rights of IDT or any third parties. IDT's products are not intended for use in applications involving extreme environmental conditions or in life support systems or similar devices where the failure or malfunction of an IDT product can be reasonably expected to significantly affect the health or safety of users. Anyone using an IDT product in such a manner does so at their own risk, absent an express, written agreement by IDT. Integrated Device Technology, IDT and the IDT logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of IDT and its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Other trademarks used herein are the property of IDT or their respective third party owners. For datasheet type definitions and a glossary of common terms, visit www.idt.com/go/glossary. All contents of this document are copyright of Integrated Device Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2016 Integrated Device Technology, Inc. 10 March 11, 2016