14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 1 Damping oscillations improvement by fuzzy power system stabilizers tuned by Genetic Algorithms D. Menniti, A. Burgio, A. Pinnarelli, V. Principe, N. Scordino, N. Sorrentino Department of Electronic, Computer and Systems Science University of Calabria - ITALY Fax (+39) 984-494713 Phone (+39) 984-494707 e-mail sorrentino@deis.unical.it Abstract – A very important matter of discussion in power system operation is the oscillations damping problem. As an issue, new more effective power system stabilizers (PSSs) have been implemented, based on non linear control laws and/ or non conventional control techniques such as those provided by use of fuzzy logic and neural networks. Because of simultaneous presence of several PSSs in the power system, the problem of their coordination arises. For this reason, in this paper the authors utilize Genetic Algorithms to coordinate power system stabilizers based on fuzzy logic previously proposed by the authors. The co-ordination technique has been tested on the wellknown New England power system and its effectiveness has been confirmed by the obtained results. Keywords: Decentralized control, Power System stabilizer, Fuzzy control, Multimachine power system, Feedback Linearization. 1. INTRODUCTION The severe restrictions on the expansion of the transmission network of modern power systems, due to economic constraints, environmental impact and right-ofway limitations, lead to the operation of power systems under conditions increasingly stressed, implying more tight transient and steady-state stability margins. Therefore, a major effort has to be made to improve power system stabilizers (PSSs) performance and characteristics. PSSs are usually designed once a time, by conventional control methods, which restrict the system model to low order single-input-single-output linear models, whereas the power system oscillatory instability is actually a large-scale multivariable problem. In order to improve the PSSs performance, generally, the explicit and systematic formulation of two major issues in their design has to be taken into account: the ability of the control scheme to provide satisfactory performance for a large variety of operating conditions the robustness issue- and the interactions among the various controllers -the co-ordination issue [1]. In [2], to meet the robustness issue, the authors have proposed a fuzzy logic power system stabilizer (FPSS). In this case, the power system was modelled using the direct feedback linearization technique (DFL). The DFL is able to represent a n machine power system as an interconnected system of n linear systems by non-linear local feedback for each machine [3]. After the linearization, the dynamic of each subsystem, controlled as it was isolated, is independent of the actual operating point. The DFL compensating law has the ability to alleviate but not to eliminate the non-linearities effects in the n machine power system. The model still so contains non-linearities and interconnections effects. The proposed FPSS is able to compensate these nonlinearities and interconnections effects improving power system dynamic performance. The FPSS is a fuzzy controller based on a double decision table approach. In the former table, the antecedent of each rule conjoins the speed deviation and the generated power deviation in fuzzy set values. In latter one, the antecedent of each rule conjoins the previous fuzzy output value and the angle deviation in new fuzzy set values. A very important task to assure a good performance of the controllers is to choose the FPSSs membership functions ranges (MFRs). Due to the complexity of both, the power system and the FPSS, the MFRs are determined by a hand made trial and error procedure considering, for sake of simplicity, a FPSS once a time. Moreover, in order to assure the power system stability and to improve power system dynamic performance the co-ordination of the FPSS actions is necessary. For this aim, in this paper, it is proposed a genetic algorithm (GA) to tune FPSSs membership function ranges previously determined to achieve the better coordination when the FPSSs simultaneously work in the same power system. GAs are search procedures based on the mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics. They were developed to allow computers to evolve solutions to a problem, to select the best solutions for recombination of the others and to use their offspring to replace poorer solutions. Usual concerns in optimization problems, such as non-differentiability, non-linearity and non-convexity, do not limit the use of this search method. The greater flexibility provided by GAs regarding controller structure and objective function specifications, is the main advantage of the method. In the first section of the paper, the FPSS controller is briefly recalled, then the used GA is described in details. Finally, the numerical experiments performed on the New England power system are summarized. 2. THE FUZZY LOGIC POWER SYSTEM STABILIZER: FPSS In the last years, the interest in modelling power system by feedback linearization techniques has increased more and more. The main advantage of this technique is based on the fact that the linearization does not depend on the actual operating point. Then, the controller designed on the basis of the so linearized model is more robust than 14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 2 the conventional one. Unfortunately, by feedback linearization, residual non-linearities exist: it is so necessary to adopt an adaptive control technique such as fuzzy logic in order to assure effective control and to enhance the system dynamic performance [2, 4]. In this section the combination of feedback linearization and fuzzy control, proposed in [2], is briefly reported. A. Direct feedback linearization As well known, in an n machines power system, only the m critical ones are equipped with PSS. To design effective controllers and to co-ordinate them, an important step is to evaluate their dynamic interactions. The following equations for the n machines power system can be written: δDi (t ) = ω i (t ) (1) Di 1 ωD i (t ) = − ω i (t ) + ( Pmi − Pei (t )) (2) Mi Mi ) ( 1 ' ' ' ED qi u − E qi I di (t ) (t ) = (t ) + x di − x di i ' Tdoi (3) where i = 1,..., n and ' ' Pei (t ) = ∑ E qi (t ) E qj (t ) β ij (t ) j =1 n ' I di (t ) = ∑ E qj (t )α ij (t ) j =1 with β ij (t ) = Bij sin δ i (t ) − δ j (t ) + Gij cos δ i (t ) − δ j (t ) [ ( ) ( )] α ij (t ) = [Bij cos(δ i (t ) − δ j (t ) ). − Gij sin (δ i (t ) − δ j (t ) )] and the other variables of obvious meaning. It is useful to recall also the two following expressions: n ' ' (t ) E qj (t )α ij (t ) ∑ E qi (4) j =1 n ' I qi (t ) = ∑ E qj (t ) β ij (t ) j =1 (5) In order to eliminate the non-linearities in the electric equations (1)-(3), let us firstly consider the differentiation of the active electric power Pei(t). Hence the new variable is ∆Pei(t)=Pei(t)-Pmi: 1 ∆Pei (t ) = − ∆Pei (t ) ' Tdoi + 1 ' Tdoi ' I (t ) I (t ) + P [u i (t ) I qi (t ) + x d − x di mi qi di ' + Tdoi Qei (t )ω i (t )] + − ) ( n ' ' (t ) E qi (t ) β ij (t ) ∑ E qj ( ) ' Q (t )ω (t )] − Tdoi ei i (6) so becomes ∆PDei (t ) = − 1 ' Tdoi ∆Pei (t ) + 1 ' Tdoi (6) j =1 n ' ' (t ) E qj (t )α ij (t )ω j (t ) ∑ E qi j =1 Being in operative regions of synchronous machines n ' ' vi (t ) + ∑ ED qj (t ) Eqi (t )β ij (t ) j =1 (8) n ' ' − ∑ Eqi (t ) Eqj (t )α ij (t )ω j (t ) j =1 Considering for each machine equipped with a PSS x i (t ) = [δ i (t ) ω i (t ) ∆Pei (t )] as state vector, and vi(t) as input vector, the set of m machines equipped with PSS can be seen as the aggregation of m subsystems described by: xD i = Ai x i (t ) + Bi v i (t ) + Bi f i (t , x(t )) where i=1,2..m 0 0 1 Bi = 0 − Mi 1 1 T ' − doi ' Tdoi n ' ' (t ) β (t ) ∑ ED qj (t ) E qi ij j =1 ' f i (t , x(t )) = Tdo n ' ' − ∑ E qi (t ) E qj (t )α ij (t )ω j (t ) j =1 0 1 D Ai = 0 − i Mi 0 0 n Qei (t ) = Iqi(t)≠0, for the m machines the following non-linear feedback law can be chosen: 1 ' u i (t ) = [vi (t ) − x d − x di I di (t ) I qi (t ) − Pmi I qi (t ) (7) (9) (10) (11) B. Fuzzy logic controller From equations (9)-(11), it is clear that the dynamic of each machine is linear when it is considered decoupled from the other ones, while the residual non-linearities are due to the interconnections. Adopting an opportune decentralised adaptive control law it is possible to face the aforesaid non-linearities thus improving system performance [4]. In [2], the authors have already demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed fuzzy power system stabilizer (FPSS) to achieve such a goal. The basic configuration of the FPSS can be simply represented in four parts: the fuzzifier, the knowledge base, the inference engine and the defuzzifier. The fuzzifier maps the FPSS input crisp values into fuzzy variables using normalized membership functions and input gains. The fuzzy logic inference engine then infers the proper control action based on the available fuzzy rules base. The fuzzy control action is in turn translated to the proper crisp value through the defuzzifier using normalized membership functions and output gains. In the proposed FPSS, the model expressed by (9)-(11) 14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 3 is utilized and consequently the state variables, angle deviation, speed deviation, and active power deviation, are selected as FPSS inputs. Although the angle deviation (∆ δ) cannot be directly measured, it can be easily estimated by local measurements as demonstrated in [5]. Each of the FPSS input and output signals are represented by a given number of linguistic variables. A reasonable number is seven, because increasing the number of linguistic variables results in a corresponding increase in the number of rules. Each linguistic variable has its fuzzy membership function. The membership function maps the crisp values into fuzzy variables. The chosen set of membership are NB, NM, NS, Z, PS, PM, PB which stand for negative big, negative medium, negative small, zero, positive small, positive medium and positive big, respectively. For sake of simplicity, it is assumed that the membership functions are triangular, symmetrical and each one overlaps the adjacent functions by 50%. As in FPSS there are three control variables, the authors propose an original solution based on a double decision table approach, as shown in Fig. 1. In Table 1, the antecedent of each rule conjoins the speed deviation, ∆ω, and the generated active power deviation, ∆Pe, in fuzzy set values (OutFLC1). In Table 2, the antecedent conjoins OutFLC1 and the angle deviation ∆δ in new fuzzy set values (OutFLC2). FPSS ∆Pe ∆ω ∆δ FLC1 Outflc1 FLC2 νi time, for which complex optimization algorithms have been devised to obtain the tuning sequence [8]. In this paper, to simultaneously tune all the FPSSs parameters, a genetic algorithm is used and an opportune performance index, calculated by the dynamic simulation of the overall non linear system, is adopted. In this section, firstly, the peculiarities of GA are recalled, then the formulation of the problem as an optimization problem and its translation in genetic code are illustrated. A. Genetic Algorithm GAs are search procedures inspired by the mechanism of evolution and natural genetics. They combine the survival of the fittest principle with information exchange among individuals to computationally produce simple yet powerful tools for system optimization and other applications. The first step in the solution of an optimization problem using GA is the encoding of the optimization problem’s variables. The most usual approach is to represent these variables as strings of 0s and 1s. These strings are often referred to as chromosomes, by analogy to the natural genetic process. Firstly, the relationship between these strings and the actual value of the variables may be established in different ways, and the best way may differ from one problem to another. Secondly, the objective function is converted into a fitness function, which is used to evaluate each string. An initial population of alternative solutions is usually chosen at random. Potentially good candidate solutions beforehand known can be included in the initial population to speed up computation and increase the chances of finding the global optimum. Table 1 Rules Table of FLC1 Fig. 1 FPSS structure Then the by the centroid defuzzyfication rule is applied on OutFLC2 to evaluate vi. The fuzzy rules for FLC1 and FLC2 are reported in Tables 1 and 2, respectively. The membership function range, i.e. the FPSS parameters, are determined by an hand made trial and error procedure considering in the power system only a FPSS once a time (CFPSS). 3. FPSS TUNING PROCEDURE In a multi-machine power system with several poorly damped modes of oscillation, several PSSs have to be used. For large-scale power systems, comprising many interconnected machines, the problem of tuning the PSS parameters is not a straightforward exercise and in some cases could become too complex to resolve [6,7]. Researchers have addressed the PSS parameters tuning problem in a multi-machine power system in two basic ways: one concerns algorithms to simultaneously tune the parameters of all the machines of the system; the other one to sequentially tune the PSS parameters, one PSS at ∆ω ∆ Pe NB NM NS ZE NB NB NB NB NM NM NB NB NM NM NS NB NM NM NS ZE NB NM NS ZE PS PM PB NM NS ZE NS ZE PS ZE PS PM PS PM PM PS PM PB NM NS ZE NS ZE PS ZE PS PM PS PM PB PM PM PB PM PB PB PB PB PB Table 2 Rules Table of FLC2 Outflc1 NB NM NS ZE PS NB NB NB NB NB NM NM NS PM PB NM NB NM NM NM NS NS ∆δ NS NM NM NS NS ZE ZE PS ZE NM NS NS ZE PS PS PM ZE PS NS ZE ZE PS PS PM PM PM ZE PS PS PM PM PM PB PB PS PM PM PB PB PB PB After this step, successive populations are generated 14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 4 using the following genetic operators: • Selection: this is a process in which strings are coupled to a mating pool according to their fitness value, i.e. the ones with a higher value have a higher probability of contributing with one or more offspring in the next generation; • Crossover: this operator proceeds in three steps: firstly, pairs of strings are picked at random from the mating pool; secondly, if a number generated randomly in the range 0 to 1 is greater then pc (the crossover rate), this pair is selected for crossover, otherwise it remains unaltered; thirdly, the crossover process itself consists of interchanging the portions of the strings beyond a position, which is randomly selected. • Mutation: this is the random flipping of bits in the population of strings, according to a mutation rate pm. Selection is responsible for the implementation of the survival of the fittest principle. Crossover implements information exchange among individuals of a population with the attempt to generate new better fitted individuals. Mutation has the role of restoring good genetic material that may have been lost by selection and crossover. There are different ways of performing selection, crossover and mutation [9]. B. Formulation of the optimization problem To apply GA, it is firstly necessary to formulate the problem as an optimization problem. At this scope, it is opportune to remember that the main goal of the proposed approach is to choose the membership function ranges of the m FPSSs so as to take into account the interactions among the different controllers and to enhance the dynamic performance of the power system. Obviously, it is necessary to determine an index able to quantify the dynamic performance of the power system for a chosen set of parameters. The adopted dynamic performance index, which quantifies the deviation of the machine speed from its nominal value, is the following [10]: J = are the parameter bounds. Of course, this optimization problem cannot be solved with a conventional technique, being characterized by a non-differentiable objective function and non-linear constraints. In this case, genetic algorithms (GA)can provide advantage. C. Definition of GA elements The formulation (13) can be translated into genetic algorithm code. The most important step is to code the potential solution of the problem as an individual. The variables to be determined are the triangular fuzzy set ranges. Each FPSS is made up of four input and two output fuzzy sets; maintaining the ranges bounds as further variables then the total amount of variables for the FPSS is twelve. Obviously, these variables are the same for each of the m FPSSs. The variables are floating numbers that can be converted in binary strings of appropriate dimension in a very easy way, assuring a fixed precision. A generic solution of the problem can be so coded as in Fig. 2, where LbIj, UbIj, LbOk and UbOk are respectively the lower and upper bounds of the j-th input and k-th output fuzzy set ranges. For each individual it is possible to evaluate its fitness calculating the associated performance index J simulating the non-linear power system model under a test fault. Having in mind to maximize the powersystem dynamic performance the fitness is computed as the inverse of J. m T ∑ ∫0 ∆ω i dt i _1 (12) Then, the optimization problem can be formulated as follows: θ∗=Min J(θ,x) θi i=1,2..m s.t. x i = Ai xi (t ) + Bi vi (t ) + Bi f i (t , x(t )) i=1,2..m (13) νi=fuzzy_controller(θi,xi) f(t,x,θ)=0 ( machines without PSS) θi,min <θ i <θi,max where f is the non-linear power system model, θi is the set of the membership function parameters and θi,min, θi,max Fig. 2 Coding the generic problem solution D. Structure of GA The scheme of GA is conventional: the roulette rule for the selection, the simplest crossover for the generation evolution and a binary technique for the mutation [11]. The population so evolves from an initial one, chosen randomly, to a final issue, for a fixed number of generations. Indeed, the more is the number of requested generations better is the solution, but this would worsen the computational burden. By fixing the number of generations, the most convenient trade off between the improvement of the solution and computational effort is 14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 5 reached. Then, the best element of the final population is considered as the optimal configuration for FPSS (GFPSS). 4. NUMERICAL EXPERIMENTS The proposed approach has been tested on the New England test system constituted by ten machines and thirty-five buses. For this power system the most critical machines to be equipped with PSS are the 6-th and 9-th. For each machine, the proper FPSS membership functions have been designed by a trial and error procedure. Starting from this knowledge, 10 possible FPSSs configurations have been randomly generated. The GA starts from this initial population and uses as test case the line 3-9 in fault condition for 0.10 sec.. The GA evolves for 10 generations and then stops having reached an acceptable level of fitness. In Fig. 3, the trend of the fitness in the population during the evolution in the generation is depicted. It is possible to see that the best solution improves generation after generation as well as the population mean fitness. FPSSs parameters before and after the tuning procedure are reported in Table 3-4 respectively. In order to test the effectiveness of the so obtained controller, the results of the GFPSS are compared with CFPSS. Several fault conditions have been considered and the performance of the system is quantified by (12). The most significant results of the performed tests are reported in Table 5. The first column reports the line in fault (fault duration 0.15 sec), the second and third ones, respectively, report the value of the index (12) when CFPSS and GFPSS are working calculated using the results of the non linear dynamic system simulations. 10.8 x 10 -3 10.6 10.4 10.2 10 1/J Best fitness Mean fitness 9.8 9.6 9.4 9.2 9 8.8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 generations Fig. 3 Genetic algorithm solutions Table 3 FPSS on machine 6 parameters before and after 10 optimization Membership Function range ∆ω ∆P ∆δ V CFPSS GFPSS -2÷2 -10÷10 -1.5÷1.5 -300÷300 -2.60÷1.40 -12.77÷6.99 -2.07÷1.06 405÷201 Table 4 FPSS on machine 9 parameters before and after optimization Membership Function range ∆ω ∆P ∆δ V CFPSS GFPSS -1÷1 -10÷10 -1.5÷1.5 -500÷500 -1.34÷1.31 12.82÷7.17 -2.00÷1.00 -698÷333 Table 5 Results of the most relevant tests Line in fault CFPSS GFPSS Improvement [%] 4-19 1396 1149 17.7% 8-9 2446 2047 16.2% 3-4 2434 2223 8.7% 16-17 2445 2047 16.3% In order to show the effectiveness of the proposed approach, the last column reports the improvement allowed by the GFPSS with respect to CFPSS. It can be noticed that an average improvement of 14.6% can be reached after the tuning procedure. As an example, in Fig. 4, the speed of machines 2, 6 and 9 are reported in comparison when CFPSS and GFPSS are working, respectively, and a fault on line 4-19 is considered. 5. CONCLUSIONS In the paper a co-ordinated design of the fuzzy power system stabilizers (FPSS) proposed by the authors in [2] is described. The problem of the co-ordinated selection of FPSSs parameters formulated as an optimization problem to minimize a dynamic performance index is very hard to solve by conventional optimization methods, owing to system large dimension and to the non-differentiable nature of the problem. For this reason, in the paper, a genetic algorithm has been proposed. Then, the optimization problem has been translated into a genetic formulation, in terms of fitness and chromosomes, so that a standard genetic algorithm can find an “optimal” solution. The numerical results obtained on the New England power system confirm the goodness of the proposed approach comparing the dynamic power system performance before and after the tuning procedure. 14th PSCC, Sevilla, 24-28 June 2002 Session 14, Paper 2, Page 6 Machine 2 0.8 GFPSSs CFPSSs 0.6 0.4 rad/sec 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -0.6 -0.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 sec 6 7 8 9 10 Machine 9 1 GFPSSs CFPSSs 0.8 0.6 rad/sec 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 sec 6 7 8 9 10 Machine 6 0.7 GFPSSs CFPSSs 0.6 0.5 0.4 rad/sec 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 -0.1 -0.2 -0.3 0 1 2 3 4 5 sec 6 7 8 9 10 Fig. 4.: Speed machines when a fault on line 4-19 occurs VI. REFERENCES [1] A.S. Bazanella and C.C. Paim “Robust design of damping controllers in power systems” Proceedings of 1999 PowerTech, Budapest, Hungary, Aug 29Sept 2 [2] D. Menniti, N. Sorrentino "A decentralised fuzzy stabilizer for multimachine power system" Proceedings of 1999 PowerTech, Budapest, Hungary, Aug 29-Sept 2 [3] Y. Wang, G. GuoD.J. 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