2014‐2015 Lake Orion Kindergarten Program Op ons FULL DAY KINDERGARTEN: The Lake Orion School District is thrilled to offer, as its recommended program, a full day kinder‐ garten experience in all seven of our elementary buildings to children who are 5 years of age on or before October 1. Full day programming does not add addi onal curriculum, but rather ensures that the exis ng curriculum is taught in ways that re‐ flect the needs and development of these young learners. Full day programs allow kindergarten teachers more me for formal and informal instruc on, as well as the flexibility to differen ate the curriculum to meet student's needs and interests. Also sig‐ nificant is that the addi onal me develops a student’s social competence, crea ve problem‐solving, and gross and fine‐ motor skills. The opportunity for kindergartners to plan and learn experien ally develops their language, cogni ve and social ‐emo onal skills. The unhurried pace of a full‐day provides a stress‐free environment in which children grow and thrive. DEVELOPMENTAL KINDERGARTEN: The Lake Orion School District believes that the full‐day kindergarten experience meets the needs of all kindergarten students, including those students who are socially and emo onally less mature. How‐ ever, the district recognizes that some parents strongly be‐ lieve their child would be be er served by a ending develop‐ mental kindergarten for a year before entering kindergarten. If your child turns five between July 1 and December 1, Devel‐ opmental Kindergarten is an op on. Con ngent upon paren‐ tal interest and available classroom space, the district will strive to provide parents this op on at limited loca ons. Transporta on is not provided for Developmental Kindergar‐ ten. When you contact your neighborhood school regarding kindergarten, you should indicate if you are interested in De‐ velopmental Kindergarten for your child. 2014‐2015 Lake Orion Kindergarten Program Loca ons Developmental Kindergarten building options will be determined once student enrollment is confirmed. Four building op ons are available for incoming kindergarten students. The curriculum at all buildings is designed to meet the standards and benchmarks set by the State of Michigan. NEIGHBORHOOD SCHOOLS Blanche Sims, Paint Creek, Pine Tree, Webber Each neighborhood school is designed to reflect the unique characteris cs of the families and neighborhoods it serves. Differen ated instruc on and enrichment programs are created around the needs, interests and talents of the students in each building, resul ng in a challenging and suppor ve educa onal environment. Enrollment is open to students living within the school’s boundaries. This learning community provides an atmosphere of caring and trust in which children are nurtured and thrive academically, socially and emo onally. * The three elementary schools below are focus schools and require lo ery applica on. Orion Oaks Elementary was designed with four mul age neighborhoods. This allows for a smaller, more closely knit community within a larger school envi‐ ronment. Teachers work in teams to implement the mul age concept. Stu‐ dents benefit from both grade specific and mul age learning experiences. Mul age educa on represents a com‐ munity of learners that includes a varie‐ ty of abili es and ages in one classroom. Teachers assess students to find out the student’s “just right” level in all subject areas to challenge them according to their individual need. Orion Oaks is also in the process of becoming a cer fied Lighthouse Leadership School infusing the 7 Habits of Successful Leaders. What is Carpenter year round educa‐ on? Year‐Round Educa on is an alterna ve to the tradi onal September‐June school calendar. It does not mean that students literally a end school all year. It is just a different, more balanced cal‐ endar. The typical 8‐10 week summer vaca on is shortened and other breaks are distributed throughout the school year. This does not eliminate summer vaca on, but merely reduces it. It is a way of balancing me off of school to provide more con nuous learning. At Carpenter, students a end school for the same number of days as stu‐ dents who par cipate in a tradi onal school calendar, a ending August through the 3rd week of June, with usu‐ al holiday breaks. Carpenter breaks are in November, February and May during which an op onal theme‐based learn‐ ing experiences called “intersession.” Stadium Drive’s academic curriculum is unique in that it includes dance and theatre, in addi on to physical educa on, visual art, media, music and the State of Michigan guide‐ lines also offered at all Lake Orion ele‐ mentary schools. The arts are an integral part of the core curriculum and of stu‐ dents’ experiences. This approach to the curriculum provides students more op‐ portuni es for academic success and a deeper understanding of the core curric‐ ulum. One of the strategies that makes the program at Stadium Drive Elementary School of the Arts unique is the use of arts infusion. The staff believes in the importance of providing a curriculum which integrates the academics with the arts in order to offer their students a well‐rounded learning experience. A concept may be enriched through an art or music experience, but when in‐ fused, the concept in internalized. 2014‐2015 Lake Orion Kindergarten Program Op ons DATES TO REMEMBER Kindergarten Information Nights Paint Creek January 28, 2014 6:00 - 7:00 pm Webber January 28, 2014 7:15 - 8:15 pm Blanche Sims January 30, 2014 6:00 – 7:00 pm Pine Tree January 30, 2014 7:15 - 8:15 pm *Stadium Drive – Fine Arts February 4, 2014 7:00 - 8:00 pm *Orion Oaks – Multiage February 5, 2014 7:00 - 8:00 pm *Carpenter – Year Round February 6, 2014 7:00 - 8:00 pm *Focus School lo ery for those students who have submi ed applica ons is February 27, 2014. Applica ons for the lo ery can be picked up at any Focus School a er February 4, 2014, and are due back to any Focus School by 4:00 p.m. on Monday, February 24, 2014. DEVELOPMENTAL KINDERGARTEN AND KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION March 12, 2014 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. 2:00 p.m.—6:30 p.m. Room 109 Community Educa onal Resource Center 455 East Scripps Road Registra on for the School Age Child Care program will also be available for incoming kindergarten students. PLEASE BRING THE FOLLOWING FOR DEVELOPMENTAL KINDERGARTEN AND KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION Enrollment forms will be available at informa on nights and registra on and can be downloaded at www.lakeorion.k12.mi.us/AboutLOSchools/enrollment.htm Original, cer fied birth cer ficate Immuniza on records Parent iden fica on (driver’s license, passport) Divorce decree/Custody papers (if applicable) If you are unable to a end registra on, need enrollment forms, or have ques ons regarding enrollment, please contact the Central Enrollment Office at 248‐814‐‐0215. If your child needs before/a er school care, please call the Early Childhood Office at 248‐693‐5439. Proof of Residency—Two pieces of proof are required. Proof may be a purchase agreement, mortgage statement, lease agreement, closing statement, property tax state‐ ment, u lity bills (driver’s license is not proof of residency) Kindergarten students will need a health appraisal and vi‐ sion screening prior to the start of school