Branded Environments August 2013 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 Emerson Branded Environment Emerson Network Power - Brand Overview Logos and Fonts Color Business Unit Color Palettes Complete Color Palette Module Design Core Design Elements Additional Design Elements Incorrect Use of Modular Design Imagery Image Composition Industry Specific Imagery Industry Specific Imagery: Data Center/IT Industry Specific Imagery: Healthcare Industry Specific Imagery: Financial Industry Specific Imagery: Industrial Industry Specific Imagery: Telecom Industry Specific Imagery: Broadcast Industry Specific Imagery: Government Product Imagery Guidelines for Continuity Graphic Design Examples Using the Elements in Harmony Exhibit and Display Standards Sizing the Company Brand for Environmental Use Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Hanging Signs Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Murals Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Panels Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations Branded Environments 4.0 Emerson Network Power - Brand Overview The Preservation of Continuity within the Emerson Corporate Environment This guide builds upon the core Emerson brand and should be used in conjunction with the Emerson Network Power Brand Guidelines. The Global Branded Environment Creative Guide Goal The goal of the guidelines defined within are meant to establish a foundation for the Emerson Network Power brand and its industries as related to environmental use. Using the existing color palette, and correctly distributing it across all business units, paired with the existing Emerson core brand, will ensure that we consistently represent the brand in every setting. Defining graphic standards ensures the brand, both as a whole and as individual distinct industries, work in harmony to bring clarity and unification. Colors are specific to individual areas of business and will be used to identify them as such. Color will strategically assemble the brand as a sum of its parts. 2 Branded Environments 4.0 Logos and Fonts Emerson Brand Graphic guidelines, as defined in the Emerson core brand guidelines, have been established and should be applied to all design. Logo The rules regarding correct and proper use of the Emerson logo identified in the corporate guidelines should be followed. Fonts The DTL Argo family is the only font approved for use within the framework of all Emerson Network Power graphic design. Always maintain sentence case unless used for headings. No other fonts are approved for use when designing for Emerson Network Power displays. DTL Argo Family Light Regular Medium Bold Black ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 123456789!@#$%^&*()[]? 3 Branded Environments 4.0 Color Emerson Network Color Palette Hierarchy At its core, the primary colors defining Emerson Network Power are shown here. The addition of vibrant colors at the forefront of the brand help set it apart. The presence of the dark Emerson blue should always be anchored as the baseline or foundation to every display. Hierarchy Palette Primary, secondary, accent and base colors all work together to make up each industry brand. Emerson Network Power PMS 144c PMS 7409c PMS 288c PMS 877c PMS 7540c 0 - 18% Black Grid 4 Branded Environments 4.0 Business Unit Color Palettes Emerson Network Power Brand Business Unit Color Palettes Color is used to make a distinctive, positive impression. The Emerson Network Power color palette is uniquely suited to distinguish each business unit with its own set of colors. The palette is divided in such a way that analogous colors are paired to create a strong and separate color presence for each industry. Emerson Network Power PMS 144c Accent Color: PMS 7409c PMS 363c Accent Color: Primary Accent Color: Financial PMS 7489c PMS 2603c Telecom PMS 313c PMS 144c PMS 279c Healthcare Hierarchy of the Palettes The paired analogous colors representing each industry should be the dominant colors to each corresponding display. All displays should included the core Emerson blue at its foundation. Data Center / IT / Services PMS 200c Accent Color: PMS 279c Industrial PMS Rubine c PMS 2995c Broadcast PMS 2995c PMS 382c PMS 7409c PMS 1225c Accent Color: PMS 2995c Government PMS 2603c PMS 2415c Accent Color: PMS 7489c PMS 288c PMS 279c Secondary Accent Base Accent Color: PMS 144c Accent Color: PMS 1225c 5 Branded Environments 4.0 Complete Color Palette Complete Color Palette Color combinations must be restricted to each business unit inside the Emerson Network Power framework. If the logo and font are what ties the brand together, color is what defines one business from the another. Combining more than one set of colors to an industry diminishes the effect of category recognition. Pantone CMYK PMS 288c 100,67,0,23 PMS 877c 0,0,0,44 PMS 2603c 69,100,0,2 - % Black PMS 2995c 80,7,0,0 PMS 7540c 41,28,22,70 PMS 279c 80,30,0,0 PMS 1225c 0,18,94,0 PMS 300c 100,44,0,0 PMS7409c 0,40,90,0 PMS 313c 100,0,10,5 PMS 144c 0,50,95,0 PMS 382c 28,0,92,0 PMS 200c 0,100,63,12 PMS 7489c 41,0,78,0 PMS Rubine Red 4,100,15,0 PMS 363c 65,0,100,0 PMS 240c PMS 3278c 95,0,70,0 Pantone PMS 2415c CMYK 33,100,0,4 ® For color consistency, PANTONE publications should always be consulted when available for accurate color. PANTONE® is the property of Pantone, Inc. 18,94,0,0 6 Branded Environments 4.0 Complete Color Palette Modularity The foundation of the Emerson Network Power design direction is rooted in Modularity. It is key to both the graphic and environmental essence and should always be observed. It is the degree to which all components can be divided and recombined to achieve a wide array of variation keeping with the overall look and feel of the brand. X Use of the Grid The grid should be used at the start of all visual creation. X 7 Branded Environments 4.0 1 2 3 Core Design Elements Emerson Brand The Emerson Network Power logo should be the only logo used in the booth. If there is another logo approved to be in the booth, it must not be as prominently displayed as the Emerson Network Power logo. 1 2 Background Grid The grid should be used to determine ALL elements on each and every layout. Whether a background or the placement of images and text, it should always be invisibly present. Division Colors Never stray from an industry’s designated palette. 4 Headings Headings and core messages should always appear on the upper portion of every display. 5 Images Images should always fall within the specifications of each industry outlined in this guide. 6 Core Message Content should always link in proximity to the heading of the piece. 7 Core Brand Foundation The Emerson blue should be present in all applications, whenever possible. 3 4 Heading Sub Headings use division colors 6 Body Copy: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Morbi commodo, ipsum sed pharetra gravida, orci magna rhoncus neque, id pulvinar odio lorem non turpis. Nullam sit amet enim. 5 Bullet Item 1 Bullet Item 2 Bullet Item 3 7 8 Branded Environments 4.0 Additional Design Elements Icons The use of icons help delineate data types and adds structure, reinforcing the transfer of information. Products and services can be quickly identified by adding the appropriate associated symbols within each business segment. 9 Branded Environments 4.0 Incorrect Use of Modular Design Use All Design Elements Appropriately Boundaries provide a framework for the creation of all designs. Keeping true to core concepts and principals will work to ensure the overall goal of brand cohesiveness. Refraining from the addition of non-suitable elements keeps the design clean and uncluttered. DO NOT: Add lines DO NOT: Add lines DO NOT: Add transparency DO NOT: Work outside the grid to blocks DO NOT: Add darker elements DO NOT: Use more than 3 colors, or use the same color in adjacent blocks 10 Branded Environments 4.1 Image Composition Image Repository Access to all corporate approved images can be found at: Images Should Reflect the Industry The main focus of all images should have a heavy focus on interaction with futuristic elements as related to each business segment. Only use corporate approved images at events. Requires username and password. + Human Interaction + Abstract Technology Related Field 11 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery Image Selection The underlying theme behind all the Emerson Network Power brand imagery is the idea, knowledge and understanding of emerging technology, paired with its use in each related industry. The main consideration when choosing suitable imagery is whether customers can get a sense of the future use of our products. Services Data Center / IT Healthcare Financial Industrial Telecom Broadcast Government The images selected for use in the Healthcare industry should have a strong focus on medical professionals and advanced interface design. The focus of images within the Telecom industry should show communicative qualities, both how the customers use and implement Emerson Network Power products. Services images are those that relate only to the Data Center/IT industry and should highlight people working in the related field. The focus of images within the Financial industry should contain elements of data storage and human interaction with displays related to commerce. Broadcast imaging needs to foucs on how core and DCIM technoligies can be leveraged to get media engeineering and IT to work as a team to reduce cost and improve flexibility and availablity of infrastructure. The focus of images used for the Data Center industry should highlight elements of technology, human interaction, networking and connectedness. The focus of images used for the Industrial business segment should be manufacturing, high-tech automation and controls. The focus of images chosen for the Government industry designs should focus on human interaction with advanced interfaces depicting geographical and political themes. 12 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Data Center/IT Data Center / IT Images The focus of images used for the Data Center industry should highlight elements of technology, human interaction, networking and connectedness. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 13 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Healthcare Healthcare Images The images selected for use in the Healthcare industry should have a strong focus on medical professionals and advanced interface design. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 14 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Financial Financial Images The focus of images within the Financial industry should contain elements of data storage and human interaction with displays related to commerce. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 15 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Industry Industrial Images The focus of images used for the Industrial business segment should be manufacturing, high-tech automation and controls. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 16 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Telecom Telecom Images The focus of images within the Telecom industry should show communicative qualities, both how the customers use and implement Emerson Network Power products. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 17 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Broadcast Broadcast Images Broadcast imaging needs to foucs on how core and DCIM technoligies can be leveraged to get media engeineering and IT to work as a team to reduce cost and improve flexibility and availablity of infrastructure. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 18 Branded Environments 4.1 Industry Specific Imagery: Government Government Images The focus of images chosen for the Government industry designs should focus on human interaction with advanced interfaces depicting geographical and political themes. Making the Future of Your Business Possible Maximize availibility, capacity and efficiency of your critical infrastructure 19 Branded Environments 4.1 Product Imagery Emerson Network Power Product Images Product images should only be used when they relate to the core message of the display. 20 Branded Environments 4.1 Guidelines for Continuity The Emerson Network Power Brand The purpose of this guide is to bring a uniformity to our appearance. Our brand image reflects and defines who we are and how we are perceived by customers and competitors. As designers and purveyors of our brand, we have a responsibility to produce a consistent, distinct visual presence. A unique environment, showcasing our brand personality, is what sets us apart and creates the identifying bond with everyone it reaches. It is important that the users of this guide follow the rules and standards defined within. Adhering to guidelines will ensure that the brand is represented accurately in all settings. 21 Branded Environments 4.2 Using the Elements in Harmony Overview of the Elements Assembling all the aforementioned design elements and rules with a strong message yields success. 22 Branded Environments 4.3 Sizing the Company Brand for Environmental Use Legibility is Vital When displaying the company branding, legibility is vital. Maximum readability must be ensured at all times. Dimensions may be adjusted as needed to ensure the proper legibility in each unique environment. As well as proximity, each element of the brand should be used in the best way to capitalize on visual impact. Type Location and Sizing Along with the Emerson Network Power brand, the environment should always be understood in order to provide appropriate sizes for headings and information. )2154mm( + '3 )4877mm( "192/ '16 "6 '2 - "6 '1 )4877mm( "120/ '10 "6'1 - "10 )4877mm( "192/ '16 "10 < )4877mm( "192/ '16 23 Branded Environments 4.3 Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Hanging Banners Hanging signs and banners For tradeshow use, the large modular cubes or square hanging signs are fitting elements to promote the brand. 24 Branded Environments 4.3 Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Murals Murals Large areas provide the opportunity to showcase the images of the brand and highlight technologies, themes or products. 25 Branded Environments 4.3 Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Information Panels Information Panels For display facts about products and services. 26 Branded Environments 4.3 Typical Exhibit and Display Graphics: Information Panels Identification Panels For specific information regarding a particular product or products. Monitor Caps For instructional or supportive messaging related to video. 27 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations Computer Room Co-location Network Closet Enterprise Data Center 28 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations 29 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations 30 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations 31 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations 32 Branded Environments 4.4 Tradeshow, Portable and Permanent Installations 33 Emerson, ASCO, Business-Critical Continuity, Emerson Network Power and Liebert are trademarks of Emerson Electric Co. or one of its affiliated companies. ©2013 Emerson Electric Co. E-1045R2 0210