Industrial Cord Cord & Cordset e Super Vu- Iron" Type G and Type G-GC Round gooe (UL), 2000 Volt Portable Power Cable Product Construction: Conductor: • 8 AWG thr0tJ9h 500 kcrrd ruBy anne~ stm:>ded bare copper Insulation: • Premium-grade. cotoo-cooeo 9O"C EPOM • Color code: See cnart l>eIcr.., • Insuls'.ed grounds and ground checks Jacket: • S~( Vu-Troo- 900c. bfad< - Teffipel1lttEe mrge: -4ll"C 10 .•!!O'c 3 CONDUCTOR Jacket Marking: TYPE G-GC (4/0 AND SMAllER) CAROL SUPER VU-TIlOt.'" S!Z£ (mtn') TYPE G-GC PORTABLE POW-t:R CABLE (Ul) 2000 V DRY WET 7S'C SUN RES P-7K-1230~9MSHA-CSA TYPE G--GC (-40"C) 2 KV FTS MADE 1111 USA (TR\J-MARK SEQUENTIAl fOOTAGE) o TYPE G-GC {LAAGER THAN .vO] (SIZf) TYPE G-GC CAROl SUPER VU-TROt-" 9O"C DRY ANO WATER RESISTANT 7S"C 2000 V SUN RES (Ut} P-7K-123C49MSHA LR271G1 MADE IN USA (TRU-MARK SEQUENTIAl FOOTAGE) -TYPEGCAROL SUPER VU-TRDN- SIZE {mm-l TYPE G PORTABLE POWER CABLE (UL)60012000 V DRY 9O"C WET 75"C SUN RES P-7l(-'23~9 MHSA - CSA TYPE G (--4O"C) 2 KV FTS MAOE IN USA (TRU-MARK SEOUENTIAl FOOTAGE) o CATALOG HUMBSl NO. AM> OR c:n kanU snwm ItICIt:S mm olnduS:rial and light- to medium-duty applca!ions 3 8 133 0.160 4.06 10 2#10 0.060 1.52 0.965 24.51 6S 3 6 259 0.198 5.03 10 2#10 0.060 1.52 1.020 25.91 87 170 82643 3 -1 259 0.245 6.22 10 2#8 0.060 1.52 1.125 28.58 114 1005 82663 3 2 259 0.297 7.54 10 2#7 0.1)60 2.03 1.315 33.40 152 14BO 82373 3 1 259 0.353 B.97 8 U6 0.080 2.03 1.445 36.10 177 1815 82383 3 110 259 0.385 9.78 8 2#5 0.080 2.03 1.570 39.88 205 2205 82393 3 210 259 0.442 11.23 8 2#4 0.080 2.03 1.660 42.16 237 2545 82403 3 310 259 0.480 12.19 a 2#3 0.080 2.03 1.810 45.97 274 3230 • Sunlight-reslsta.'I! • TAU· Mar!(- seqoomial footage m¥.<lng Industry Approvals: • UL Type G. G·GC ·CSA • MSHA Ap;:rO\~ • RoHS Compliant Packaging: • Lengths cut to ordEr !Of ."",.,cion n ,,-:::or ~ pt'C9etly ".::Iec! Ofld ~'C1rnin:1ted. . •~ COLOR CODE CHART KO.Of CONDUCTORS 3 4 COlOR Black, Wtllle, Red - Black, White, Red. Orange 600 82413 3 410 259 0.555 14.10 8 2#2 0.080 2.03 1.920 48.77 316 3675 82423C'" 3 250 627 0.615 15.62 8 2~2 0.095 2.41 2.390 60.71 352 6060 82~ 3 350 855 0.725 8 21:1/0 0.095 2.41 2.680 68.07 433 7400 2#210 0.095 2.41 3.030 536 10100 82473Cl1" 3 500 1235 18.42 0.880 22.35 8 CATAlOG HUMBat 82314 NO. AW& ~. OR .; GRmI HOMUW.IHS.. CONn. l'lUCKN£SS CONO.O.o_ NGIMNAlOJ). AWG kcmII ~~ 8 76.96 - TYPE G - 600/2000 VOLT 4 CONDUCTOR NOMItW. • Excellen! impact and abrasion resista:1C9 WIlhstar(js exposure to oil adds. all<a!ies. heat. mois1ure and most chemicals • Suitable for ~01l1n wa:¥' • Indent-printed for easy i~lCa1ioo • Rope lay simnding fof maximum fl& life • Cable core bound lor superior IIeJcib;Ioty and lOUghneas " Non-wicking ruober filk!cs (G--GCI • CEnadian COlor code available t.1>OflI'1>qUes1 AI'PIIOX. CU!IR. NETWT. 82313 Features: o NOMttAtlHS. IIIIfdIHAL ntfCKItESS OD. COtfl). AWGSIZE IN&HES mm IHCHES mm 82623 mining • Heavy-duty service as po\V~1'supply ~ • Mobile and ~ eloctrical eq:i;:lmem o 3- and <I·conductor-use 00 three·phase AC systems wher!> grounding is required WEN MOO., A:~ COHO.OD. CONI).. so-c Applications: - TYPE G-GC - 2000 VOLT Y£U..OW GROOID Wl*lIW. mROX. CUIU!EMT AIlfS(tI ~r' INCI!ES mm S(Z£ INtHES mm lHCII£S mm 133 0.160 4.06 4#12 0.060 1.52 1.045 26.54 259 0.198 5.03 4#12 0.060 1.52 1.125 28.58 70 880 259 0.245 6.22 MttO o.oso 1.52 1.225 31.12 91 1160 52 M'III 690 82624 4 6 82644- 4 4 82664 4 2 259 0.297 7.54 4#9 0.080 2.03 1.435 36.45 122 1720 82374" 4 1 259 0.353 8.97 4#8 0.080 2.03 1.595 40.51 142 2200 82384 4 110 259 0.385 9.78 4#7 0.080 2.03 1.730 43.94 164 2705 3190 I 82394 4 210 259 0.442 1123 4#6 0_000 2.03 1.855 47.12 190 82404 4 3JO 259 00480 12.19 4l!5 0.080 2.03 2.040 51_82 219 4005 82414 4 410 259 0.555 14.10 4#4 0.080 2.03 54.48 253 4560 "~bo«d on!lO"C ~ •• UL ldcd,.,-,;l clU4 ~ • ~kP-""'C~q.-1i:y~~ "Acttcl~".=ror.<)<. 3d 33'C ~ ~pe: 2.145 T:J!:io lOO.5W!2lofthe t~ Eloc:ri:cl Codo" • NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Certifications Compliances: Applications: Arktite circuit breaking plugs and receptacles are used: • To supply power to portable electrically operated devices such as motorgenerator sets, compressors, heating and cooling units, welders, conveyors, lighting systems and similar equipment Where temporary power is needed, such as at trailers, building units, heavy machinery and similar equipment and • UL Standards: 1682,514; 1010 (APJ and NPJ plugs only) • CSA Standard: C22.2 No. 182.1 SPLIT PIN CONTACT OESIGN Split-pin contacts: • Made of high grade naval brass to ensure • 3601» of • Wherever electrical loads must be quickly disconnected from power source • In a typical installation, where a large machine utilizes a number of electrical motor drives and for ease of adjustment, removal, maintenance and replacement, each motor is connected by portable cord and Arktite receptacles rather than permanently wired long life contact batweGn the pin and sleeve to reduce and eliminate arcing • Self-wiping to prevent heat rise at every insertion contamination • In areas where dust, dirt, moisture and corrosion are a problem • Indoors and outdoors in non-hazardous areas of chemical plants, process industry facilities, meat packing plants, manufacturing plants and similar industrial locations Features: • Circuit breaking: plugs through 100 ampere rating may be disconnected under load; 150-400 ampere units are for service disconnect use only. • Receptacles accept only plugs of the same amperage rating, style and number of poles, making it impossible to mismate, and provides for positive polarization. • Extra wide electrical spacing allows for maximum safety. • Insulator materials are the result of intensive testing. Selection has been made based on highest dielectric strength, maximum mechanical and impact resistance, lowest moisture absorption and highest arc tracking resistance. • A variety of installations is possible due to the availability of several types of back boxes. • Designed to withstand rough usage and the effects of adverse environments. • Reversible interiors, 30, 60 and 100 ampere (except 30 and 60 ampere, 5-pole) Arktite plug and receptacle interiors are interchangeable using a screwdriver. This makes it possible to feed a normally de-energized receptacle from an energized plug with usual Arktite safety; no energized contacts are exposed. • The additional features below are called out in the illustration on this page The ground contact is bonded to the receptacle housing (Style 2) o @ e receptacle to prevent mispolarization Easy access terminals make wiring simple Grounding contacts that make-first and break-last in the unlikely event of keyway failure 8The gasketing when the plug is being removed is instantly snuffed in the deep confined insulated arcing chamber A detent spring forms a parallel grounding path through the metallic plug sleeve and receptacle housing and is the first contact to make and the last to break o o An arc formed o o The plug sleeve is keyed to the o system provides unsurpassed watertight integrity (NEMA4) All aluminum Uni-Shell" construction provides superior strength in abusive environments The Tri-Lock" cable grip has three clamps which provide even gripping and superior cord clamping ~ The unique Sure-Seal" cable gland provides a complete environmental seal around the cable (NEMA 4) ~ Wrenching surfaces make Arktite plugs quick and easy to assemble tI" 1230 us: '·866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265·0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds COOPER Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles 1P NEMA 4 Watertight Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Grounding: Style 1 VS. Style 2 Cooper Crouse-Hinds Arktite devices utilize two methods, or styles, for completing the grounding circuit in plugs and receptacles. NEC reference 250.138 (A) & (8). Style 1 - Metallic Style 2 - Metallic Style 2 - Non-metallic A Style 1 plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 1 receptacle is one which is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. On insertion. the plug sleeve makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage, and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. A Style 2 metallic housing plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the extra (grounding) pole and metal plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 2 metallic housing receptacle is one in which the extra (grounding) pole is electrically connected to the equipment grounding conductor and the metal receptacle housing which itself is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. In Style 2, nonmetallic housing plugs and receptacles, the extra pole is used for grounding since the housings are non-conductive. In a Style 2 receptacle, the grounding connection is made before line and load poles engage, and is broken after the line load poles disengage. Furthermore, upon insertion, the plug sleeve of metal shelled units makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage. and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. T----' , , -!. Made of non-metallic Krydon material Metal shelled type Style 1 Ground conductor attaches to shell. -'" COOPER Crouse-Hinds Style 2 Ground conductor attaches to contact, which is bonded to shell. us: '-866-764-5454 CAN: 101300-265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1231 1P NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Standard Materials: • Metallic receptacle housings, plug and cord connector bodies - high impact strength copper-free aluminum • Non-metallic receptacles, plugs and cord connectors - Krydont> fiberglassreinforced polyester material ~'--,\ L.... I Arktite receptacles have a cast raised rib located inside the receptacle sleeve. The location of the rib is in a specific relationship to the receptacle insulator that houses the contacts. • Back boxes: 20, 30, 60, 100,150 and 200 ampere - cast aluminum; 400 ampere - Feraloye iron alloy • Insulation (metallic products): (2-, 3-, and 4-pole) 30, 60, 100,200,400 ampere - fiberglass-reinforced polyester; 20, 30 ampere (5-pole) melamine • Contacts: pressure, solder, binding screw - brass; crimp/solder 20, 30. 60, 100 ampere - leaded red brass; crimp/solder 150, 200,400 amperetelurium copper Standard Finishes: • Feraloy - electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint • Aluminum - natural • Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester material - gray • Fiberglass-reinforced polyester insulation - (red) Accessories: • Melamine - natural (brown) • Brass - natural • Leaded red brass - electro-tin-plate • Accessories include a variety of angle adapters. panel adapters and back boxes for Arktite receptacles. See pages 1250-1253. • Included throughout 1 P are wire mesh cable grips and protective caps for Arktite plugs. The mating plug has a cast groove located on the outside of the plug sleeve. This groove lines up with the raised rib. '------------- Options: The following special options are available from factory by adding the suffix to the Cat. #: Description Suffix • Reversed contacts. Receptacle assembled with plug interior (exposed contacts). plug assembled with receptacle interior (recessed contacts). For applications where plug is energized to feed normally de-energized receptacle. Available on 30 through 400 ampere units ... S22 • Special polarity. For use where two or more receptacles of the same ampere rating, style and number of poles are to be installed in the same area for use on different voltages and/or frequencies. Prevents insertion of a plug in a receptacle with different electrical rating. Available on 20 through 400 ampere units as follows: • Receptacle interior rotated 22'1'to right and plug changed to match (see photo to right) S4 • Cerro-free" epoxy powder finish for added corrosion resistance S752 §150A, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect 1232 APQ/NPQ Arktite Motor Plug APJ/NPJ Arktite Plug Transformer Switch Generator APR/NPR AR/NR Arktite Arktite Connector Receptacle Typical Installation use only. US: '·866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright· 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds , COOPER Crouse-Hinds NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Arktite Horsepower Ratings Maximum Horsepower for Plug and Receptacle Combinations by Input Voltage* Locked-Rotor Interrupting Motor Horsepowert Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts Single-phase Electrical System 30 2 60 5 100 10 200 15 3 10 20 40 7.5 25 10 20 Three-phase Electrical System 30 3 60 10 100 15 200 30 5 20 30 60 10 40 40 25 120 Volts Following values are typical horsepower ratings based on NEC Article 430 tables. HP Ratings are based on the largest conductor size for each plug and receptacle combination per the Wire Size table below. Motor Horsepower"; 10 50 25 15 Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts 30 60 100 150 200 15 20 30 40 60 30 40 60 75 125 40 50 75 100 150 Wire Sizes: The table below lists the diameter of the wire recess in Arktite plug and receptacle contacts so that maximum size of bare conductor can be figured. Range of wire sizes shown in table is intended only as a guide. Depending on type of wire used (building wire, flexible or extra flexible cable) and its construction (number and size of strands), bare copper diameters vary widely. Diameter of Wire Recess in Plug and Receptacle Contacts Ampere Rating Contact Type Diameter of Recess Wire Size:!: Building Extra Flex 20 30 (2, 3, & 4-pole) 30 (2. 3, & 4-pole) 30 (S-pole) 60 (2, 3, 4 & 5-pole) 60 (3 & 4-pole) 100 (2, 3 & 4-pole) 100 (3 & 4-pole) 150 (4-pole) 200 (3 & 4-pole) 200 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 200 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) Binding Screw Pressure Crimp/Solder Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Pressure Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder N/A .281 .180 .188 .312 .277 .390 .390 .390 .687 .560 .750 .840 1.25 #14-#12 #10-#6 #10-#8~ #12-#6 #6-#4 #6-#4" #4-#1 #2-#1" #2-2/0 2/0-4/0 #1-4/0 4/0-250MCM 250-500MCM 500-1000MCM #14-#12 #10-#8 #10-#8 #12-#8 #8-#4 #8-#4 #4-#2 #2-#2 #2-1/0 21D-3/0 #1-3/0 3/D-250MCM 2S0-400MCM 40D-750MCM §150A. 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect use only. t Horsepower ratings are based on Cooper Crouse-Hinds testing in which locked-rotor currents were interrupted by withdrawing the plug from the receptacle. recommended. however. that such use be limited to emergency conditions only; and that a horsepower rated switch be used for motor disconnect: It is hfghly . Thisguide is for reference only. Consult your local electrical codes beiore installation. Cooper Crouse-Hinds does not recommend our plug and receptacle be used for disconnect "Smaller sizes may be used with well reducers - information aVailable upon request. ~Do not use wire size smaller than minimum size recommended. If! , COOPER Crouse-Hinds under load. us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright· 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1233 1P Weatherproof Arktite® Heavy Duty Receptacle Assemblies 400 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC,50-400 hertz Features: Wire Mesh Grips: • Grounding contact wire terminators will accommodate ground wire of same size as phase wire • Spring band contact design provides multiple points of electrical contact. Improves electrical reliability and significantly reduces effort required for insertion and withdrawal Applications: • Crimp/solder type contacts are standard • Large wire wells are available for "extra flexible' wire • Larger wire well size connectors will interchange with connectors of other wire well size of same amperage and contact configuration • Self-closing spring doors on receptacles and cord connectors provide environmental sealing • Threaded nuts provide positive plug retention • Two piece plug and cord connector design provide easy installation • For disconnect use only - not for current interrupting 1. For listing of additional back boxes, see page 1251. Illustration shows 3 blank plates and 1 hub plate. 2. S22 suffix for reverse interiors is available from factory only. Field conversion cannot be done. 3. Replacement interiors for standard units vs. S22 units vary in length. Specify the unit type when ordering parts. Wire mesh grips are used: • To provide secure cable termination • To extend cable life • With 20, 200 and 400 ampere plugs Features: • Eliminate sharp radius of cable bend at the point where cable enters plug, thereby reducing cable failure • Absorb longitudinal stresses placed on the point of termination caused by pulling the cable • Gripping action increases in direct proportion to amount of tension applied to cable Standard Material and Finishes: • Stainless steel wire braid - Natural Ordering Information: Plug Cable Range Grip Range Nominal Grip Length-Inches Grip Cat. # 1.375 to 1.875 1.375 to 1.625 1.625 to 1.875 8 11 K163 K188 1.875 to 2.500 1.875 to 2.000 2.000 to 2.250 10 11'/. K200 K225 Dimensions In Inches: -.-------r I 19 I .1 AP Plugs r -----201~-- APR Connectors AR Receptacles AREX Assemblies Description a With blank hub plate With hub plate max. No. Poles c d 3 4 5'/,. 4'/,. 5"1'6 4"1,. till COOPER Crouse-Hinds us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1245 1P Arktite® Heavy Duty Receptacle Weatherproof Assemblies 400 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 56-400 hertz Ordering Information: Receptacle Assembly With AJ Back Boxes and Angle Adapters:!: Spring Door Hub Cover Cat. # Description Size (In.) Mating Plug Receptacle Receptacle Housings Spring Door Cat. # Mating Connector only Cable Dia. Plug Cat. II Connector Cat. /I Style 1 - Wire Well Takes .84" Maximum Conductor Size 3-wile, 3-pole 2'f.. 4-wire. 4-pole 2'12 3 3 AREX40317 AREX40318 AR4031 1375 to 1875 1 875 to 2.500 AP40357 AP40356 APR40317 APR40318 AREX40417 AREX40418 AR4041 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP40457 AP40458 APR40417 APR40418 2.500 to 3.000 3.000 to 3 800 AP40351 0 AP403512 APR403110 APR403112 2.500 to 3.000 3.000 to 3.800 AP40451 0 AP404512 APR404110 APR404112 Style 1 - Wire Well Takes 1.25" Maximum Conductor Size 3-wlre. 3-pole 3 3'/: 4 AREX403128 AREX403129 AREX4031210 AR40312 4-wire, 4-pole 4 5 AREX4041210 AREX4041212 AR40412 Style 2 - Wire Well Takes .84" Maximum Conductor Size 2-wlre, 3-pole 2 2'/. 3 AREX40326 AREX40327 AREX40328 AR4032 1.375 to 1.875 1875 to 2 500 AP40367 AP40368 APR40327 APR40328 3-wire, 4-po/e 2'/, 3 AREX40427 AREX40428 AR4042 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP40467 AP40468 APR40427 APR40428 Style 2 - Wire Well Takes 1.25" Maximum Conductor Size 2-wlre. 3-pole 3 3'/, 4 AREX403228 AREX403229 AREX4032210 AR40322 2.500 to 3 000 3.000 to 3.500 AP403610 AP403612 APR403210 APR403212 3-wire, 4-pole 4 5 AREX4042210 AREX4042212 AR40422 2.500 to 3.000 3.000 to 3.500 AP404610 AP404612 APR404210 APR404212 ;Hub 1246 prates and blank plates may be Interchanged to permit conduit feed from bottom or sides. us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800·265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds -- COOPER Crouse-Hinds PRODUCT DATA SHEET Controlled Documenl- Engineering Drive 1530 Shields Drive Waukegan, Il 60085 Toll-Free (800) 323-9355 Fax: (847) 689-1192 Royal® Type G-GC Conductors Construction Parameters: CONDUCTOR: 8 AWG - 500 MCM slTanded INSULATION: COLOR CODE: EPDM Conductors: Grounds: Ground JACKET: COLOR: INDENT LEGEND: Black. White. oar. copper Red Green Check: Yellow CPE Black (Other colors available upon request) CCI ROYAL XX AWG rxxx mm') XlC TYPE G-GC PORTABLE POWER CABLE E172226 (Ul) 2oo0V 90C DRY 90C WET SUN RES-I56016 CSA TYPE G·GC 20DOV-40C FTI FT5 P,n7-l<All0D09-MSHA PHYSICAl PROPERTIES: TEMPERATURE RANGE: ""O'C to 90'C WATER RESISTANT: Yes ELECTRICAl PROPERTIES: VOLTAGE RATING: 2000V""" Max Industry Approvals: e UL Subject 1650 o NEC Ar1lc1e400 o CSA C222 No. 96 o Passes CSA. FT1, FTS Horizontal Flame Tests oMSHA o EPA 40 CFR. Part 261, Subpart C. heavy metals per Table I, TCLP melhod Part Number 830130 e No Condo 3 830332 6 4 3 3 133129 259f.lO 259128 830334 2 3 259/26 0.050 1.52 1.52 1.52 1.52 830335 1 3 259125 0.080 2.03 '/0 259124 Gauge AWG MeM 830331 fnsutation Wall. Nom Stranding Inches 0.060 0.060 0.060 mm 210 34212' 0.080 0.080 830338 3/0 3 3 3 2.03 830337 418124 0.080 2.03 830339 4I\l 3 532/24 830340 250 627fl4 2.03 2.41 830341 350 500 3 3 0.080 0.095 88&2' 0,095 2.41 3 t29512~ 0.095 2.41 8Jtt~6 830~ Nct.:AR'dImMsIo<lt"IooefgbTs_ ·~bJlsNaItHECT This producl. complies 2.03 ••~SlIb}I!dIvInfl<nlty~sM'ld~"c."""""tO~M""Nd. on ,Nom. Grt:en Ground 2#10 2#10 Yellow Ground Check #10 Inches mm 0.940 23.88 sa7 .to 0..976 Z4.79 aa Sto #10 1.108 28.14 1,300 33.02 #6 1.450 36.83 71. 993 1395 1680 H7 2#6 2#5 204 2#3 2#2 2'2 •• •• •• •• 2#1/0 2#210 Net Weight LbJ1<ft. kg/km 2075 2500 In 205 237 27. 316 352 433 53. 874 1063 1478 39.78 2081 3095 1.680 42.67 1.834 46.56 1,948 49.48 2492 2997 ~92 IUl 2.180 55.37 .c;.297 3709 4459 5345 6395 IUl 2.s97 65£16 •• 6188 9209 2.940 74.68 8236 12256 1.566 Am NEC 65 87 114 152 s· CEC 65 Nom DCR OJ1M' 0.65 lIT 0.42 II. 0.26 152 177 205 0.13 237 274 316 352 .33 536 0.17 0.11 0.08 0.07 0.05 0.04 0.03 0.02 ••&Io4O(l.:scaJ~CE.(;T.bH1'ZAltwfI>rHct;ll7'MtCMFYf"flc~ WlIh Europe~ Oll'ectNe2011165/EU (RoHS-2) The customer vnll accept all factory lengths and -1-/. 10 percent of tolal order requested. The informa"'Jon pres:ented here is. 10 !he best of OUTknowledge. true and accurate. Since condtlons of use are beyond Coleman Cable's control all product data presented is for purposes only and does not ereale a binding obliga'6on Of liability on Coleman Gable or confer any rigtrts on any customer. The sale of products(s} is condiicned upon of a purchase order subject to Coleman cf1':cla:imsailliabiity in connection with the use of inform~ contained heron or otherwise. inforrr.aOOnal acceptance Th~ !>p(!Cif'~tion G pl'OpriGtary intellecluai pl"oporty of Cofeman Cable. Arty information contained herein shall not DBdisclosed IQ any party without written consent 01 Coleman Cable. SpecifICation Issue Date: December 3, 2013 1-800-323·9355 1-847-689-1192 (Phone) (Fax) Designed By: PEM ©2013 eel NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles 1P Indusbial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Applications: Arktite circuit breaking plugs and receptacles are used: • To supply power to portable electrically operated devices such as motorgenerator sets, compressors, heating and cooling units, welders, conveyors, lighting systems and similar equipment • Where temporary power is needed, such as at trailers, building units, heavy machinery and similar equipment Certifications Compliances: and • UL Standards: 1682, 514; 1010 (APJ and NPJ plugs only) • CSA Standard: C22.2 No. 182.1 SPLIT PIN CONTACT DESIGN SpHt-pin contacts: • Made of hiSh grade naval brass to ensure long life • 360° of contact between the pin • Wherever electrical loads must be quickly disconnected from power source • In a typical installation. where a large machine utilizes a number of electrical motor drives and for ease of adjustment, removal, maintenance and replacement, each motor is connected by portable cord and Arktite receptacles rather than permanently wired and sleeve to reduce heat rise and ellmirrate arcing • Self-wiping at every insertion to prevent I contamination • In areas where dust, dirt, moisture and corrosion are a problem • Indoors and outdoors in non-hazardous areas of chemical plants. process industry facilities. meat packing plants, manufacturing plants and similar industrial locations Features: • Circuit breaking: plugs through 100 ampere rating may be disconnected under load; 150-400 ampere units are for service disconnect use only. • Receptacles accept only plugs of the same amperage rating. style and number of poles, making it impossible to mismate, and provides for positive polarization. • Extra wide electrical spacing allows for maximum safety. • Insulator materials are the result of intensive testing. Selection has been made based on highest dielectric strength, maximum mechanical and impact resistance, lowest moisture absorption and highest arc tracking resistance. • A variety of installations is possible due to the availability of several types of back boxes. • Designed to withstand rough usage and the effects of adverse environments. • Reversible interiors, 30, 60 and 100 ampere (except 30 and 60 ampere, s-pore) Arktite plug and receptacle interiors are interchangeable using a screwdriver. This makes it possible to feed a normally de-energized receptacle from an energized plug with usual Arktite safety; no energized contacts are exposed. 1230 www.crcuse-hmds.corn • The additional features below are called out in the illustration on this page The ground contact is bonded to the receptacle housing (Style 2) o t) The @ Easy access terminals make e o o us: 1-866·764·5454 wiring simple Grounding contacts that make-first and break-last in the unlikely event of keyway failure An arc formed when the plug is being removed is instantly snuffed in the deep confined insulated arcing chamber A detent spring forms a parallel grounding path through the metallic plug sleeve and receptacle housing and is the first contact to make and the last to break CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright" ~ The plug sleeve is keyed to the receptacle to prevent mispolarization gasketing system provides unsurpassed watertight integrity (NEMA4) All aluminum Uni-Shell'" construction provides superior strength in abusive environments The Tri-Lock" cable grip has three clamps which provide even gripping and superior cord clamping (Ii) The unique Sure-Seal" cable gland provides a complete environmental seal around the cable (NEMA 4) (D Wrenching surfaces make Arktite plugs quick and easy to assemble o o 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds -- COOPER Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles NEMA 4 Watertight 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Grounding: Style 1 VS. Style 2 Cooper Crouse-Hinds Arktite devices utilize two methods, or styles, for completing the grounding circuit in plugs and receptacles. NEC reference 250.138 (A) & (B). Style 1 - Metallic Style 2 - Metallic Style 2 - Non-metallic A Style 1 plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 1 receptacle is one which is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. On insertion, the plug sleeve makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage, and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. A Style 2 metallic housing plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the extra (grounding) pole and metal plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 2 metallic housing receptacle is one in which the extra (grounding) pole is electrically connected to the equipment grounding conductor and the metal receptacle housing which itself is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. In Style 2, nonmetallic housing plugs and receptacles, the extra pole is used for grounding since the housings are non-conductive. In a Style 2 receptacle, the grounding connection is made before line and load poles engage, and is broken after the line load poles disengage. Furthermore, upon insertion, the plug sleeve of metal shelled units makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage, and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. , , -:. 1----"'\ n Made of non-metallic Krydon material , . •~ Metal shelled type Style 2 Ground conductor attaches to contact, which is bonded to shell. Style 1 Ground conductor attaches to shell. """ COOPER Crouse-Hinds us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-80()"265-O502 CopyrightO 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1231 1P Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles NEMA 4 Watertight Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Standard Materials: • Metallic receptacle housings, plug and cord connector bodies - high impact strength copper-free aluminum Arktite receptacles have a cast raised rib located inside the receptacle sleeve. The location of the rib is in a specific relationship to the receptacle insulator that houses the contacts. • Non-metallic receptacles, plugs and cord connectors - Krydon~ fiberglassreinforced polyester material • Back boxes: 20, 3D, 60, 100, 150 and 200 ampere - cast aluminum; 400 ampere - Fernloy" iron alloy • Insulation (metallic products): (2-, 3-, and 4-pole) 30, 60, 100, 200, 400 ampere - fiberglass-reinforced polyester; 20, 30 ampere (5-pole) melamine • Contacts: pressure, solder, binding screw - brass; crimp/solder 20, 30, 60, 100 ampere - leaded red brass; crimp/solder 150, 200, 400 ampere telurium copper Standard Finishes: • Feraloy - electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint • Aluminum - natural • Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester material - gray • Fiberglass-reinforced polyester insulation - (red) Accessories: • Melamine - natural (brown) • Brass - natural • Leaded red brass - electro-tin-plate • Accessories include a variety of angle adapters, panel adapters and back boxes for Arktite receptacles. See pages 1250-1253. • Included throughout 1P are wire mesh cable grips and protective caps for Arktite plugs. The mating plug has a cast groove located on the outside of the plug sleeve. This groove lines up with the raised rib. '------------- Options: The following special options are available from factory by adding the suffix to the CaL #: Description Suffix • Reversed contacts. Receptacle assembled with plug interior (exposed contacts), plug assembled with receptacle interior (recessed contacts). For applications where plug is energized to feed normally de-energized receptacle. Available on 30 through 400 ampere units ... 522 • Special polarity. For use where two or more receptacles of the same ampere rating, style and number of poles are to be installed in the same area for use on different voltages andlor frequencies. Prevents insertion of a plug in a receptacle with different electrical rating. Available on 20 through 400 ampere units as follows: • Receptacle interior rotated 22%0 to right and plug changed to match (see photo to right) S4 • Cerro-free" epoxy powder finish for added corrosion resistance S752 §15OA, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect 1232 APQ/NPQ Arktite Motor Plug APJ/NPJ Arktlte Plug Transfonme..r---'l:::---1 Switch APRINPR Arktite Connector ARINR Arktite Receptacle Typical Installation use only. us; 1·866-764-5454 ~ CAN; 1-8<>0-265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds COOPER Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles 1P NEMA 4 Watertight Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Maximum Horsepower for Plug and Receptacle Combinations by Input Voltage* Arktite Horsepower Ratings Locked-Rotor Interrupting Motor Horsepcwerr Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle Single-phase 30 60 100 200 Electrical Three-phase 30 60 100 200 Electrical 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts 2 3 5 10 15 10 20 40 7.S 25 10 20 3 10 15 30 5 20 30 60 120 Volts System Motor Horsepowel* System 10 40 40 25 Following values are typical horsepower ratings based on NEC Article 430 tables. HP Ratings are based on the largest conductor size for each plug and receptacle combination per the Wire Size table below. 10 50 25 15 Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts 30 60 100 150 200 15 20 30 40 60 30 40 60 75 125 40 50 75 100 150 Wire Sizes: The table below lists the diameter of the wire recess in Arktite plug and receptacle contacts 50 that maximum size of bare conductor can be figured. Range of wire sizes shown in table is Intended only as a guide. Depending on type of wire used (building wire, flexible or extra flexible cable) and its construction (number and size of strands), bare copper diameters vary widely. Diameter of Wire Recess in Plug and Receptacle Contacts Ampere Rating Contact Type Diameter of Recess Wire Size; Building Extra Flex 20 30 (2. 3, & 4-pole) 30 (2, 3, & 4-pole) 30 (S-pole) 60 (2, 3, 4 & 5-pole) 60 (3 & 4-pole) 100 (2, 3 & 4-pole) 100 (3 & 4-pole) 150 (4-pole) 200 {3 & 4-pole} 200 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 200 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) Binding Screw Pressure Crimp/Solder Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Pressure Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder N/A .281 #14--#12 #10-#6 #10--#8"" #12-#6 #6--#4 #6--#4" #4-#1 #2--#1" #2-210 2/0-4/0 #1-4/0 4/0-250MCM 250-500MCM 500-1000MCM #14-#12 #10-#8 #10--#8 #12-#8 #8--#4 #8--#4 #4-#2 #2-#2 #2-1/0 2/0-3/0 #1-3/0 3/0-250MCM 250-400MCM 400-750MCM .180 .188 .312 .277 .390 .390 .390 .687 .560 .750 .840 1.25 §150A. 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect use only. testing tn which locked-rotor currents were interrupted by withdrawing the plug from the receptacle. It is recommended. however. that such use be limited to emergency conditions only; and that a horsepower rated switch be used for motor disconnect . • This guide is for reference only. Consult your local electrical codes before installation. th Cooper Crouse-Hinds does not recommend our plug and receptacle be used for disconnect under load. "Smaller sizes may be used with well reducers - information ava~able upon request. ;00 not use wire size smaller than minimum size recommended. t Horsepower ratings are based on Cooper Crouse-Hinds "'" COOPER Crouse-Hinds us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-900-265-0502 highly Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1233 Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit 1P NEMA 3R Breaking Receptacle Assemblies 200 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz Ordering Information - Mechanical Lug Termination: Receptacle Assembly Receptacle Receptacle Assembly with AJ Back Boxes and Angle Adapters Hub Description Size (In.) Cat. # Receptacle Cat. # 2 2'/, AREAL20416 AREAL20417 Style 2 - Wire Well Takes 0.687" Maximum ARL2041 Conductor Lug Housings only Cable Dia. Style 1 - Wire Well Takes 0.687" Maximum Conductor Size 1'/, AREAL20315 3-Wlre, AREAL20316 2 ARL2031 3-pole AREAL20317 2'/' 4-wire, 4-pole wI Mechanical Mating Plug Mating Connector Plug Cat. # Connector 0875 to 1375 1.375 to 1.875 1 875 to 2.500 APL20355 APL20357 APL20358 APRL20315 APRL20317 APRL20318 0.875 1.375 1.875 2.500 1.375 1.875 2.500 3.000 APL20455 APL20457 APL20458 APL20451 APRL20415 APRL20417 APRL20418 APRL204113 to to to to Cat. # Size z-wire, 3-pole 1'/2 2 2'/, AREAL20325 AREAL20326 AREAL20327 o 875 to ARL2032 1.375 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 APL20365 APL20367 APL20368 APRL20325 APRl20327 APRl20328 3-wire, 4-pole 1'/, 2 2'12 AREAL20425 AREAL20426 AREAL20427 ARL2042 0.875 to 1.375 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 APL20465 APL20467 APL20468 APRL20425 APRL20427 APRL20428 Plug Cat. # Connector 0.875 to 1.375 1.375 to 1 875 1 875 to 2.50U AP20355 AP20357 AP20358 APR20315 APR20317 APR20318 0.675 to 1.375 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP20455 AP20457 AP20458 APR20415 APR20417 APR20418 1.375 to 1.875 1 875 to 2.500 AP203511 AP203512 APR203111 APR203112 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP204511 AP204512 APR204111 APR204112 2.500 to 3.000 AP204513 APR204113 0875 to 1375 1 375 to 1.875 1.675 to Z .500 AP20365 AP20367 AP20368 APR20325 APR20327 APR20328 0.875 to 1.375 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP20465 AP20467 AP20468 APR20425 APR20427 APR20428 0.875 to 1 375 1.375 to 1 875 1 875 to 2.500 AP203610 AP203611 AP203612 APR203210 APR203211 APR203212 1.375 to 1.875 1.875 to 2.500 AP204611 AP204612 APR204211 APR204212 Ordering Information - Crimp/Solder Termination: Receptable Assembly with AJ Back Boxes and Angle Adapters Hub Description Size (In.) Cat. # Receptacle Cat. # Housings only Cable Dia. Style 1 - Wire Well Takes 0.56" Maximum Conductor Size 1'1, AREA20315 s-wue, AREA20316 2 AR2031 3-pole AREA20317 2'12 4-wire. 4-pole 2 2'/2 AREA20416 AREA20417 AR2041 Style 1 - Wire Well Takes 0.75" Maximum Conductor Size 1'I, AREA203125 2 AREA203126 AR20312 2'j, AREA203127 3-wlre, 3-pole 4-wire, 4-pole 2 2'/z AREA204126 AREAZ04127 AR20412 Style 2 - Wire Well Takes 0.56" Maximum Conductor Size 1'/. AREA20325 2-wne, AREA20326 2 AR2032 a-cote AREA20327 2'/, 3-wire, 4-pole 1% 2 2'/2 AREA20425 AREA20426 AREA20427 AR2042 Style 2 - Wire Well Takes 0.75" Maximum Conductor Size 1'10 AREA203225 AREA203226 2 AR20322 AREA203227 2'/2 2-wlre, 3-pole 3-wire, 4-pole 1% 2 2'f, AREA204225 AREA204226 AREAZ04227 tFor use on system less than 60 hertz the receptacles. "'" COOPER Crouse-Hinds AR20422 plugs and connectors are for disconnect Cat. # use only. us: 1-866-764·5454 CAN: 1-800·265·0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1243 Weatherproof Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Receptacle Assemblies 1P 200 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz 200A Replacement Receptacle Interior .56 wire well Cat. # Config. Parts Plug Interior Brass Retaining Shoe .75 wire well Cat. # .56 wire well Cat. # .75 wire well Cat. # .56 wire well Cat. # .75 wire well Cat. # 200A Standard and S4 2W3P 3W3P 3W4P ATP401 ATP402 ATP433 ATP434 0490335 0490335 ATP397 ATP403 ATP398 ATP404 ATP429 ATP435 ATP430 ATP436 0490327 0490337 0490337 4W4P ATP399 ATP400 ATP431 ATP432 0490331 0490332 0490328 200A ST22 and 54 S22 2W3P ATP417 ATP418 ATP449 ATP450 0490335 0490335 3W3P ATP414 ATP445 3W4P ATP413 ATP419 ATP420 ATP451 ATP446 ATP452 0490327 0490337 0490337 4W4P ATP415 ATP416 ATP447 ATP448 0490331 0490332 0490328 Cord Grip Assembly Plug Clamp Nut Cord Diameter Range .875 -1.375 1.375 - 1.875 1.875 - 2.500 Replacement ,-------, AP2 KIT1 M80 AP2 KIT2 M80 AP2 KIT3 M80 2W3P 3W3P AP:0401965 AR:0401502-2 2W3P 3W4P AP:0401964 AR:0401502-1 Pin & Sleeve Contacts: Receptacle Cat. # Cat. # Type Plug Cat. # Cat. # 200A Standard & S4 .56 wire well .75 wire well .56 wire well .75 wire well Phase Contact Ground Contact 0490339 0490343 0490340 0490344 0490319 0490323 0490320 0490324 200A 522 & S4 S22 Phase Contact .56 wire well 0490351 .75 wire well 0490352 .56 wire well 0490355T .75 wire well 0490356 Ground Contact 0490347 0490348 0490359 0490360 200A Mechanical Phase Contact Rec Spring Door Lug Ground Contact .687 wire well 0403668 .687 wire we" 0403678 0403687 0403677 tFor use on system less than 60 hertz the receptacles, plugs and connectors are for disconnect use only. tfII' 1244 us: 1-866·764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds COOPER Crouse-Hinds Rubber Cord Products Mining Carolprene® Jacketed Type SOOW, Non-UL 90°C 600 Volt Portable Cord Product Construction: Conductors: • 8 through 2 AWG fuUy annealed bare copper per ASTM £3..174 stranded Insulation: • Premium-grade. color-coded • Colot code: See chart 9O"C EPDM OOICIIJ Jacket: • Carolprene-. black • Temperature range: -4O"C to TYPE SOOW, NON-UL - 600 VOLT +9O"C Jacket Marking: • CAROL (SIZE) 1YPE SOOW 9O"C P-7K-123033 MSHAMADE IN USA No.'II-Ul 2 8 65/26 0.050 127 0.660 16.76 40 283 250' 3 8 65/26 0.050 1.27 0.695 17.65 40 340 250' 4 8 65/26 0.050 127 0.760 19.30 35 491 250' 8 65/26 0.050 1.27 0.840 21.34 28 550 250' 6 101126 0.050 127 0.790 20.07 55 531 250' 6 101/26 0.050 1.27 0.865 21.97 45 660 250' 6 101126 0.050 127 0.945 24.00 36 759 250' 2 4 119/25 0.050 1.27 0.860 21.84 70 580 250' 3 4 119/25 0.050 127 0.915 23.24 70 745 250' 01811· 01812 01821 982G7 5 • Excellent resistance to oil and moisture • Good tensile strength, elongation and aging charactaristlcs 01825 3 01824 4 • High flexlbaity • Excellent atxasion 98270 5 . • Sun!lght-reslstant 01823" Industry Approvals: 01822 01821 98463 4 4 119/25 0.050 127 1.000 25.40 60 5 4 119/25 0.050 1.27 1.095 27.81 48 01819 3 2 1331.0211 0.055 1.40 1.085 27.56 01818 98187 4 2 1331.0211 0.055 1.40 1.170 29.72 5 2 1331.0211 0.055 1.40 1.390 35.31 64 Applications! • Portable tools and equipment • Temporary and portable POWQf • Molees and associated machlnety Features: resistance • MSHA Approved • RoHS Coo-.pIiant Packaging: • 250' (762 m). 500' (152.4 m). 1000' (304.8 m) • Other put-ups available on special order • NOtHtod< ilem; rrin:rntm~.ity ~ t Gc1:u> C<lOduct.,..forgrounc!ng od-J. ~io::: ""Win9 waigh! r=y V31Y. COLOR CODe CHART fOActu;:/ WO-OF COII:IOClOttS COLOR 2 Black. White 3 Black. White. Green 4 Black, Wi'.ite. Red. Green 5 Black. White. Red. Orange. Green ~uired. _ <In NEe bb/.c .:oo..~ 918 250' 1030 250' 95 10n 250' 80 1344 250' 1702 250' NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Applications: Arktite circuit breaking plugs and receptacles are used: • To supply power to portable electrically operated devices such as motorgenerator sets, compressors, heating and cooling units, welders, conveyors, lighting systems and similar equipment Where temporary power is needed, such as at trailers, building units, heavy machinery and similar equipment • Wherever electrical loads must be quickly disconnected from power source • In a typical installation, where a large machine utilizes a number of electrical motor drives and for ease of adjustment, removal, maintenance and replacement, each motor is connected by portable cord and Arktite receptacles rather than permanently wired • In areas where dust, dirt, moisture and corrosion are a problem • Indoors and outdoors in non-hazardous areas of chemical plants, process industry facilities, meat packing plants, manufacturing plants and similar industrial locations Certifications Compliances: and • UL Standards: 1682, 514; 1010 (APJ and NPJ plugs only) • CSA Standard: C22.2 No. 182.1 SPLIT PIN CONTACT OESIGN Split-pin contacts: • Made of high grade naval brass to ensure long life • 360" of contact between the pin and sleeve to reduce beet rise and eliminate arcing • Self-wiping at every insertion to prevent contamination Features: • Circuit breaking: plugs through 100 ampere rating may be disconnected under load; 150-400 ampere units are for service disconnect use only. • Receptacles accept only plugs of the same amperage rating, style and number of poles, making it impossible to mismate, and provides for positive polarization. • Extra wide electrical spacing allows for maximum safety. • Insulator materials are the result of intensive testing. Selection has been made based on highest dielectric strength, maximum mechanical and impact resistance, lowest moisture absorption and highest arc tracking resistance. • A variety of installations is possible due to the availability of several types of back boxes. • Designed to withstand rough usage and the effects of adverse environments. • Reversible interiors, 3D, 60 and 100 ampere (except 30 and 60 ampere, 5-pole) Arktite plug and receptacle interiors are interchangeable using a screwdriver. This makes it possible to feed a normally de-energized receptacle from an energized plug with usual Arktite safety; no energized contacts are exposed. 1230 • The additional features below are called out in the illustration page o The ground contact @ €) e o us; '-866-764-5454 on this is bonded to the receptacle housing (Style 2) Easy access terminals make wiring simple Grounding contacts that make-first and break-last in the unlikely event of keyway failure An arc formed when the plug is being removed is instantly snuffed in the deep confined insulated arcing chamber A detent spring forms a parallel grounding path through the metallic plug sleeve and receptacle housing and is the first contact to make and the last to break CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright" o The plug sleeve is keyed to the receptacle to prevent mispolarization 6 The gasketing system provides unsurpassed watertight integrity (NEMA4) 9 All aluminum o Uni-Shell" construction provides superior strength in abusive environments The Tri-Lock" cable grip has three clamps which provide even gripping and superior cord clamping @ The unique Sure-Seal" cable gland provides a complete environmental seal around the cable (NEMA 4) (D Wrenching surfaces make Arktite plugs quick and easy to assemble 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds "" COOPER Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Plugs and Receptacles NEMA 4 Watertight 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Grounding: Style 1 VS. Style 2 Cooper Crouse-Hinds Arktite devices utilize two methods, or styles, for completing the grounding circuit in plugs and receptacles. NEC reference 250.138 (A) & (8). Style 1 - Metallic Style 2 - Metallic Style 2 - Non-metallic A Style 1 plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 1 receptacle is one which is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. On insertion, the plug sleeve makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage, and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. A Style 2 metallic housing plug is one in which the grounding conductor in the flexible cable is bonded to the extra (grounding) pole and metal plug sleeve by a pressure connector. A Style 2 metallic housing receptacle is one in which the extra (grounding) pole is electrically connected to the equipment grounding conductor and the metal receptacle housing which itself is grounded by virtue of the fact that it is an integral part of a grounded conduit system. In Style 2, nonmetallic housing plugs and receptacles, the extra pole is used for grounding since the housings are non-conductive. In a Style 2 receptacle, the grounding connection is made before line and load poles engage, and is broken after the line load poles disengage. Furthermore, upon insertion, the plug sleeve of metal shelled units makes contact with detent springs of the grounded receptacle housing before line and load poles engage, and on withdrawal, remains in contact until after line and load poles disengage. Therefore, exposed metal parts of the portable equipment or plug are suitably grounded. Made of non-metallic Krydon material Metal shelled' type Style 1 Ground conductor attaches to shell, ",- COOPER Crouse-Hinds Style 2 Ground conductor attaches to contact, which is bonded to shell. us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800·265-0502 Copyright· 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1231 lP Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles NEMA 4 Watertight Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Standard Materials: ~ • Metallic receptacle housings, plug and cord connector bodies - high impact strength copper-free aluminum ",: ~ I -=r._ . I. Arktite receptacles have a cast raised rib located inside the receptacle sleeve. The location of the rib is in a specific relationship to the receptacle insulator that houses the contacts. I • Non-metallic receptacles, plugs and cord connectors - Krydon'" fiberglassreinforced polyester material I • Back boxes: 20, 30, 60, 100, 150 and 200 ampere - cast aluminum; 400 ampere - Fersloy" iron alloy • Insulation (metallic products): (2-, 3-, and 4-pole) 30, 60, 100,200,400 ampere - fiberglass-reinforced polyester; 20. 30 ampere (5-pole) melamine • Contacts: pressure, solder. binding screw - brass; crimp/solder 20, 30, 60, 100 ampere - leaded red brass; crimp/solder 150, 200. 400 amperetelurium copper Standard Finishes: • Feraloy - electrogalvanized and aluminum acrylic paint The mating plug has a cast groove located on the outside of the plug sleeve. This groove lines up with the raised rib. '------------- • Aluminum - natural • Krydon fiberglass-reinforced polyester material - gray • Fiberglass-reinforced polyester insulation - (red) • Melamine - natural (brown) • Brass - natural • Leaded red brass - electro-tin-plate Accessories: • Accessories include a variety of angle adapters, panel adapters and back boxes for Arktite receptacles. See pages 1250-1253. • Included throughout 1P are wire mesh cable grips and protective caps for Arktite plugs. Options: The following special options are available from factory by adding the suffix to the Cat. #: Description Suffix • Reversed contacts. Receptacle assembled with plug interior (exposed contacts), plug assembled with receptacle interior (recessed contacts). For applications where plug is energized to feed normally de-energized receptacle. Available on 30 through 400 ampere units ... S22 • Special polarity. For use where two or more receptacles APQ/NPQ Arktite Motor Plug 1232 Generator Switch APR/NPR Arktite Connector of the www.crouse· Plug Transforme..t----\:':-1 ARfNR Arktite Receptacle Typical Installation same ampere rating, style and number of poles are to be installed in the same area for use on different voltages and/or frequencies. Prevents insertion of a plug in a receptacle with different electrical rating. Available on 20 through 400 ampere units as follows: • Receptacle interior rotated 22'1'to right and plug changed to match (see photo to right) S4 • Cerro-free" epoxy powder finish for added corrosion resistance 5752 §1S0A, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect APJ/NPJ Arktite ,,- use only. us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright· 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds COOPER Crouse-Hinds Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking§ Plugs and Receptacles NEMA 4 Watertight 1P Industrial Heavy Duty Non-hazardous Areas Arktite Horsepower Locked-Rotor Ratings Maximum Horsepower for Plug and Receptacle Combinations by Input Voltage* Interrupting Motor Horsepowert Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle 120 Volts 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts Single-phase Electrical System 30 2 60 5 100 10 200 15 3 10 20 40 7~ 25 10 20 Three-phase Electrical System 30 3 60 10 100 15 200 30 5 20 30 60 10 40 40 25 Following values are typical horsepower ratings based on NEC Article 430 tables. HP Ratings are based on the largest conductor size for each plug and receptacle combination per the Wire Size table below. Motor Horsepower>!< 10 50 25 15 Ampere Rating Plug and Receptacle 240 Volts 480 Volts 600 Volts 30 60 100 150 200 15 20 30 40 60 30 40 60 75 125 40 50 75 100 150 Wire Sizes: The table below lists the diameter of the wire recess in Arktite plug and receptacle contacts so that maximum size of bare conductor can be figured. Range of wire sizes shown in table is intended only as a guide. Depending on type of wire used (building wire, flexible or extra flexible cable) and its construction (number and size of strands), bare copper diameters vary widely. Diameter of Wire Recess in Plug and Receptacle Contacts Ampere Rating Contact Type 20 30 (2, 3, & 4-pole) 30 (2, 3, & 4-pole) 30 (5-pole) 60 (2, 3, 4 & 5-pole) 60 (3 & 4-pole) 100 (2, 3 & 4-pole) 100 (3 & 4-pole) 150 (4-pole) 200 (3 & 4-pole) 200 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 200 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Std. 3 & 4-pole) 400 (Lg. 3 & 4-pole) Binding Screw Pressure Crimp/Solder Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Crimp/Solder Pressure Pressure Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Crimp/Solder Wire Size:!: Diameter of Recess NlA .281 .180 .188 .312 .277 .390 .390 .390 .687 .560 .750 .840 1.25 Building Extra Flex #14-#12 #10-#6 #10-#8" #12-#6 #6-#4 #6-#4" #4-#1 #2-#1" #2-2/0 2/0-4/0 #1-410 4/0-250MCM 250-S00MCM 500-1000MCM #14-#12 #10-#8 #10-#8 #12-#8 #8-#4 #8-#4 #4-#2 #2-#2 #2-1/0 2/0-3/0 #1-3/0 3/0-250MCM 250-400MCM 400-750MCM §1 SOA, 200A and 400A rated units are for service disconnect use only. testing in which locked-rotor currents were interrupted by withdrawing the plug from the receptacle. recommended, however, that such use be limited to emergency conditions only; and that a horsepower rated switch be used for motor disconnect . t Horsepower ratings are based on Cooper Crouse-Hinds tt is highly • This guide is for reference only. ConsuH your local electrical codes before installation. ~ Cooper Crouse--Hinds does not recommend our plug and receptacle be used for discomect under load. "'SmaUer sizes may be used with well reducers - information available upon request. ~Do not use wire size smaller than minimum size recommended. , COOPER Crouse-Hinds us: 1-866-764·5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 CopyrighF 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1233 NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Receptacle Assemblies and Housings 1P 100 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz 150 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz .' Receptacle Assembly Hub Size (In.) Description Spring Door Cat. # Receptacle Mating Plug Mating Connector Receptacle Housings Only Spring Door Threaded Cap Cat. # Only Cat. # Cable Dia. Cat. # Cat. # 100A - Style 1 2-wlre, } 2-pole 1'I. 1'1. AREA10214 AREA10215 AR1021 AR1027 0.875 to 1.70 APJ10277 APR10257 3-wire, } 3-pole 1'I, 1'/2 AREA10314 AREA10315 AR1031 AR1037 0.875 to 1.70 APJ10377 APR10357 AREA10415 AREA10416 AR1041 AR1047 0.875 to 170 APJ 10477 APR10457 4-wlre, } 4-pole 100 A - Style 2 2-wire, } 3-pole 1'I, 1'/2 AREA10324 AREA10325 AR1032 AR1038 0.875 to 1.70 APJ10387 APR10367 3-wire, } 4-pole 1't. 2 AREA10425 AREA10426 AR1042 AR1048 0875 to 1 70 APJ10487 APR10467 AR1542 AR1548 0.875 to 1.70 APJ15487 150 A - Style 2 * 3-wire, } 4-pole Dimensions (In Inches): -• I: ARE Assembly AR Receptacle - Spring Door No. Poles No. Poles Housing c 20r3 4 2or3 4 open open with cap with cap 3'/" 37116 3"/16 3'/. No. Poles b c 3 3% 3'/" 4 3'h 3 f 10~_·1__ b ---l APJ Plug No. Poles b 2 or 3 3 4 4 6'/,. 3'/. 6% 4'/. c f b P 1 7 /,. AR Receptacle - Open and With Cap APR Connector t For use on systems less than 60 hertz the receptacles, • FOf 1240 plugs and connectors are for disconnect use only . 150A • Consult factory for additional options and conf'9uratians. Consult factory for certifICations information. www.crouse-hinds.corn US: 1·866·764·5454 CAN: 1·BO!J..265-0S02 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds "" COOPER Crouse-Hinds NEMA 4 Watertight Arktite® Heavy Duty Circuit Breaking Receptacle Assemblies and Housings 1P 100 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz 150 A, 600 VAC/250 VDC, 50t - 400 hertz Plug Closure Caps: Applications: CPK caps for Arktite plugs are used: • Where portable equipment is on a standby basis and plugs are not in use • To effectively protect insulation and contacts from excessive moisture. dirt. dust and corrosion • With 30, SO, 100, 150 and 200 ampere plugs with fastening ring and standard 200 ampere plugs for the clamp door housing Ordering Information Config. Cat. # I~~ & 3P CPK62 CPK64 Standard Materials: • Copper-free aluminum Standard Finishes: • Natural Replacement Parts: Receptacle Interior Plug Interior Spring Door J Config. 2W2P Receptacle Interior ATP315 Plug Interior ATP310 Spring Door Screw Cap 2W3P 3W3P ATP318 ATP316 ATP313 ATP311 QE53 QE62 3W4P 4W4P ATP319 ATP314 ATP317 ATP312 QE54 QE64 4W5P 5W5P N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Screw Cap Replacement Pin & Sleeve Contacts: Description Available as a kit only. 5 phase contacts & 1 ground contact included. Recep Plug AR100CONKIT AP100CONKIT t For use on systems less than 60 hertz the receptacles, plugs and connectors are for disconnect use only_ "" COOPER Crouse-Hinds us: 1-866-764-5454 CAN: 1-800-265-0502 Copyright" 2010 Cooper Crouse-Hinds 1241