UK news from CERN Issue 9: 20 November 2012 In this issue: Action stations at ATLAS – preparing for the upgrade Industry meets the buyer – engineering contracts up to £30M up for grabs What’s next for particle physics – BBC Radio 4 goes beyond the Higgs People news – Celebrating Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith FRS Dates for the diary Action stations at ATLAS As LS1, the first long shutdown approaches, ATLAS engineers and physicists are on standby, ready to start the first of several major upgrades to their experiment. With the amount of work to be done, the schedule is tight. The ATLAS experiment © CERN SemiConductor Tracker (SCT) The SCT is a silicon strip detector that is one of the tracking detectors at the heart of ATLAS. It is made of more than 4,000 modules that are tiled over four concentric barrels around the beam pipe and nine discs on each of the end caps. Working on the ATLAS SCT barrel © CERN It is designed to reconstruct the trajectories of charged particles that are the debris that emerge from proton-proton collisions at 14TeV. “From these particle trajectories, we can reconstruct what happened in the most interesting collisions and look for rare physics processes,” explains project leader Steve McMahon from STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL). “But there are a lot of these charged particles produced - one billion every second - and the detector has to be able to sort the wheat from the chaff.” From conception to first operation took around 20 years; the SCT was designed, developed and built in more than 40 institutes from 15 countries on four continents. The barrel (central section) was assembled at RAL and the University of Oxford, and the end caps were assembled by the University of Liverpool and Nikhef (Netherlands). Once installed, commissioning the SCT took three years, but those painstaking checks and calibrations have paid off – the performance of the tracker has consistently exceeded expectations. During the first long shutdown in 2013-2014, a new silicon pixel layer will be installed around a new smaller beam-pipe to get even closer to the collision point at the LHC. This Insertable Blayer (IBL) helps spot the production of very short-lived particles, such as B-hadrons, but has to be very radiation hard. Silicon sensor technologies worked on by the Universities of Glasgow, Liverpool and Manchester help to ensure the required radiation survival. Written and edited by Stephanie Hills, STFC Communications and Innovation Officer @ CERN or Page 1 “One of the interesting things about silicon detectors like the SCT is that to mitigate the worst effects of radiation damage caused by the proximity of the SCT to the LHC beamline, the detector needs to be kept below 0°C all the time,” says Steve, “and this will include much of the time during the long shutdown. So, while other operations teams are getting a wellearned rest in 2013 and 2014, we have to keep a close eye on the detector with regular ‘health checks’ in the form of calibrations.” The SCT is enabling a long stream of graduate students to learn about how silicon technology works and extend the body of knowledge on these devices. Even now the successor to the SCT is being designed in universities around the world, and planning is already in hand for the installation of a new detector after 2022. Trigger and Data Acquisition System (TDAQ) So how do you sort the wheat from the chaff? And how can you be sure that you haven’t missed something of interest in the data that you’re rejecting? The answer is a sophisticated three level Trigger system and Data Acquisition System (DAQ) designed to select which events should be recorded for future analysis and which will be ignored. Steve Hillier (University of Birmingham) is Level1 Calorimeter Trigger Deputy Coordinator, “The Level-1 Trigger sees every collision, but within two millionths of a second the specialised electronics have to decide which events to keep or reject. The selection rate is approximately one in 1000.” Steve’s part of the Level-1 Trigger (designed, built and installed by the University of Birmingham, Queen Mary University of London and STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory) identifies electrons, photons, jets and missing energy. 56 Cluster Processing Modules are equipped with 30 different programmable chips to identify the collisions of interest. Another part of the Level-1 Trigger identifies muons. The Level-2 and 3 Triggers comprise a computing farm of commercial PCs. Testing of Level-1 Calorimeter Trigger Cluster Processor Module at Birmingham © CERN The Level-2 Trigger takes an average of four hundredths of a second to reduce the number of events from 75,000 to 6000 per second further by applying a more detailed filter in which the event must satisfy several specific criteria, for example, a signal in the calorimeter compatible with that electron and spatially consistent with a track identified in the SCT. The Level-3 Trigger further reduces the data using a yet more complex filter in an average of four seconds. After this stage, around 400 events per second are recorded at CERN’s Tier0 Data Centre and then disseminated to the Tier-1 data hubs around the world including the STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory. “The filtering implements the scientific goals agreed by the ATLAS collaboration,” explains Chris Bee (CPPM Marseille and Deputy Trigger/DAQ Project Leader. “Each filter or trigger imposes a set of criteria on events. Only events satisfying these criteria are passed to the next filter. Triggers can be changed to meet new science goals. New ideas have to be approved by the collaboration to make sure that they will deliver ‘good physics’ and then evaluated for their technical feasibility. Once approved, new triggers undergo very rigorous testing before they can be applied.” With so much data being rejected, how can the physicists be sure that they have captured the right data? David Francis (CERN and Trigger/DAQ Project Leader) is responsible for the DAQ and works closely with Chris: “ATLAS was never intended to capture the data generated by every collision. The Standard Model and other models that Page 2 Written and edited by Stephanie Hills, STFC Communications and Innovation Officer @ CERN or ATLAS studies, tell us that in many cases the physics we want to study (including new physics) can be characterised by relatively simple objects that individually we understand well, such as electrons and muons with a lot of energy. In turn sophisticated and detailed computer simulation of the ATLAS detector tells us what signals these objects generate in the ATLAS detector. These are the signals and combination of signals that the three level trigger is designed to capture. Without this selection, even with today’s computing technology, analysis and management of the data would be insurmountable. The DAQ is the glue that holds the experiment together. It is a large distributed computing system used to orchestrate the capture of data from the detector; it moves the data between the three different stages of the Trigger and finally to storage - eight full DVDs worth of data every minute!” The LHC is already outperforming expectations and contingencies built in to ATLAS technology have been reached. The planned increase in luminosity in 2015 will enable higher collision rates - more data require more efficient decision making. During LS1, the Level-1 Trigger will be upgraded to perform spatial correlations between signals and therefore make more precise decisions about keeping or rejecting data. This will enable the Level-2 and 3 Triggers to continue working at similar data thresholds. But this is not a long-term solution and, like Steve McMahon, the Trigger and DAQ teams are focused on future major upgrades. Phil Allport of University of Liverpool is the Upgrade Coordinator for ATLAS. He is already spending far more of his time at CERN than he had anticipated. “Planning for LS1, which starts early in 2013, LS2 (three years after the LHC resumes in 2015), and LS3 (early in the next decade) keeps us all very busy. For the UK, the largest upgrade programmes are upgrading the Trigger throughout this period and replacing the whole inner tracking detector with a vast, finer segmented, radiation-hard silicon array at LS3. However, there are many aspects of software, computing, physics preparations etc which will need to evolve significantly over these timescales and other major parts of the experiment are undergoing major upgrades which impact on us all.” “History shows that we should anticipate a long programme at the LHC,” says Phil, “For example, the Tevatron collider in the US operated from 1986 to 2011, much longer than predicted. By 2022 the LHC will have exceeded its original design lifespan. We’ll be upgrading with technologies that simply didn’t exist when the experiment was first proposed, to explore the frontiers of physics in ever greater detail.” For David, this is opening up new frontiers, “Our ambitions are getting bigger and we’re having to anticipate capabilities for the unknown.” Industry meets the buyer Mechanical and civil engineering companies in the UK will have the opportunity to learn more about international science organisations including CERN at an event designed to help them win contracts up to £30M. The Meet the Buyer event on 21 November has been organised by STFC and UKTI. International science projects and organisations in which the UK is a member will give presentations detailing their mechanical and civil engineering requirements. Representatives from the companies will then have the opportunity to discuss their capabilities in ‘oneto-one’ meetings with procurement and technical specialists from the projects. The UK has a better record in winning CERN contracts in the 10-750K CHF range but it is still only reaching approximately 50% of the target level. The personal contacts created at Meet the Buyer events can make all the difference, particularly as CERN procurement procedures vary according to the size of the contract – a full tender process is used for contracts over 200K CHF, but at the other end of the scale, CERN purchasers or staff can place orders direct with companies for up to 10K CHF. Current civil engineering opportunities at CERN include constructing new buildings and Page 3 Written and edited by Stephanie Hills, STFC Communications and Innovation Officer @ CERN or laboratories, renovating existing buildings, air conditioning and ventilation. Mechanical opportunities include contactless optical measurements, ultra high vacuum and ultraprecision machining. Structural repair and refurbishment contractors, Concrete Repairs Limited (CRL) has recently won a €1.3M contract to clean and repair the exteriors of CERN buildings. The contract covers surface cleaning using high pressure water jetting and abrasive blasting, and concrete repairs including applying coatings to improve the protection for steel reinforcements. “This is our first time working with CERN,” says Kevin Jones of CRL, “and we’re enjoying it. There have been a few teething problems along the way, but it has been a useful learning process and we believe that this will pay dividends when we want to apply for future contracts. We would certainly like to continue working with CERN.” The STFC website provides details on CERN tender opportunities and any UK companies wishing to engage with large-scale science facilities can join the Innovations Club. What’s next for particle physics? BBC Radio 4’s Frontiers programme has been at CERN to interview scientists about the next challenges in particle physics. Presenter Tracey Logan visited LHCb with Tara Shears (Liverpool) to learn more about the imbalance between matter and antimatter. Other interviewees on the programme include CERN Director General, Rolf Heuer, John Ellis, Jon Butterworth (UCL), Gavin Davies (Imperial), and Ben Allanach (Cambridge). You can listen again to the programme on the Radio 4 web site. People news Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith FRS On 20 November, CERN is hosting a symposium to celebrate the 70th birthday of former Director General Sir Chris Llewellyn-Smith and his considerable contribution to theoretical and experimental physics. During his time as DG, the LHC was approved and work started. The CERN symposium will cover key elements of Chris’ career in physics including updates on the LHC, fusion energy, theoretical physics and SESAME, the project to build a synchrotron light source in the Middle East (Chris is President of the SESAME Council). Speakers will include the current DG of CERN, Rolf Heuer, Lyn Evans (project leader for the LHC and now leading development work for the proposed CLIC and ILC linear colliders), John Ellis (CERN and King’s College London), Steve Cowley (Culham Centre for Fusion Energy) and Chris Allsopp (Oxford Institute for ENERGY Studies). How to subscribe To subscribe to (or unsubscribe from) UK News from CERN, please contact Back issues of UK News from CERN are available from the archive. Diary dates LHC on Tour at Welsh Senedd – 27 Nov-2 Dec CERN Council – 10-13 December Brits@CERN meeting – 13 December (5pm) LHC shutdown – mid February 2013 CERN Industry open day – 27 September 2013 CERN public open day – 29 September 2013 Page 4 Written and edited by Stephanie Hills, STFC Communications and Innovation Officer @ CERN or