Approval of SDWG Meeting Agenda

 Sustainable Development Working Group
General Meeting, Barrow, Alaska
Meeting Dates:
March 11-12, 2016
Inupiat Heritage Center 5421
North Star Street, Barrow, AK
North Slope Borough
PH: +1- (907) 852-0422
Annotated Agenda
Friday, March 11, 2016
Meeting Objectives: To provide information and a status update on the projects of the
2015-2017 SDWG Work Plan, and to discuss SDWG related activities - including ways to
strengthen the SDWG and begin development of a work plan for 2017-2019.
1. Welcome by SDWG Chair, Roberta Burns
1a. Introduction of New Participants
1b. Administrative Announcements
2. Approval of SDWG Meeting Agenda
3. Approval of Minutes of Last SDWG Meeting
4. Opening Remarks by SDWG Chair
• Report on Chair’s activities since SDWG Chena Meeting
5. Update on Activities of Executive Secretary
• Website, archives, communications, etc.
1 Documents for Agenda Items 1 to 5:
• 1a. Draft Participants List
• 2.
Annotated, Timed Draft Agenda
• 3.
Draft Minutes of SDWG Chena Meeting (01-02 October 2015)
• 5.
Exec Sect. Short Power Point Presentation/Handout
All meeting documents are available on the password-protected page of the SDWG website:
Password: NorthSlope2016
6. SDWG Project Updates
6. SDWG Project Updates
Background: Project Leads will provide status updates/progress reports on ongoing
projects to assist the SDWG in determining timelines and scheduling appropriate
reviews leading to the Ministerial Meeting in 2017.
6a. Economy of the North (ECONOR III) [Leads: Norway, United States,
Canada, Saami Council]
6b. Reducing Suicide in Arctic Communities (RISING SUN) [Leads:
United States, Canada, Kingdom of Denmark, Norway, ICC]
6c. Operationalizing One Health in the Arctic [Leads: United States,
Documents for Items 6a to 6c:
6a. Revised ECONOR III Project Template
6b. Revised RISING SUN Project Template; one page Information note
6c. Revised One Health Project Template; one page information note
Networking Break
2 6. SDWG Project Updates (Continued)
6. SDWG Project Updates (Continued)
6d. EALLU – Arctic Indigenous Youth, Climate Change and Food
Culture [Leads: Canada, Kingdom of Denmark, Norway, Russia, United States, AIA (tbc),
Saami Council]
6e. Adaptation Portal [Leads: Canada, United States, AIA, GCI]
Arctic Energy Summit [Leads: Iceland, USA]
6g. Arctic Remote Energy Networks Academy (ARENA) [Leads: Canada,
United States, Finland, Iceland, GCI]
6h. Assessing, Monitoring and Promoting Arctic Indigenous
Languages [Leads: Canada, United States, Saami Council, ICC]
Documents for Items 6d to 6h:
6d. EALLU Project Update
6f. AES Executive Summary
6g. ARENA project update
7. Project Proposals, Decisions and Notifications
3 7. Project Proposals, Decisions and Notifications
Background: During this portion of the agenda new project proposals will be
presented and considered; changes to existing projects that require a decision will be
considered (e.g. changing the status of a project from “designated” to “endorsed”);
and presentation of potential projects which are still undergoing development.
7a. The Arctic as a Food Producing Region [Leads: Norway, Canada]
7b. Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA) [Leads: United States]
7c. Improving Health in Arctic Communities through Safe and
Affordable Access to Household Running Water and Sewer: Water,
Sanitation and Health (WASH) [Leads: United States, Kingdom of Denmark]
7d. Gender Equality [Notification: Iceland]
7e. Solid Waste Disposal [Notification: AIA]
Documents for Items 7a to 7e:
7a. Project Proposal Template: Arctic as a Food Producing Region
7b. Project Proposal Template: Arctic Renewable Energy Atlas (AREA)
7c. Project Proposal Template: WASH
7d. Discussion Paper on Gender Equality
7e. Discussion Paper on Solid Waste Disposal
8. Expert Group Reports
8. Expert Group Reports
Background: The Chair of AHHEG and SECEG will update participants on activities since the
SDWG last meeting, including plans for future activities and engagement in cross-cutting
activities with other Arctic Council Working Groups and subsidiary bodies.
8a. Arctic Human Health Expert Group (AHHEG)
8b. Social, Economic and Cultural Expert Group (SECEG)
PAME: Meaningful Engagement of Indigenous Peoples in Marine Activities
4 15:15-15:45
Networking Break
9. Cooperation with Other Working Groups and Cross-Cutting Issues
CAFF request re: development of educational materials
List of Cross-cutting projects and required input from other WGs [Followup to Reykjavik Meeting of SAO Chair/WG Chairs]
Task Force on Arctic Marine Cooperation (TFAMC)
Background: The Task Force has begun its needs assessment task at the broadest
level, with strategic objectives for Arctic marine areas adopted by Arctic Council
Ministers. Among these are progress toward implementing an ecosystem-based
approach to marine management, and the four strategic goals of the Arctic Marine
Strategic Plan for 2015-2025:
o Goal 1: Improve knowledge of the Arctic marine environment, and continue to
monitor and assess current and future impacts on Arctic marine ecosystems.
o Goal 2: Conserve and protect ecosystem functions and marine biodiversity to
enhance resilience and the provision of ecosystem services.
o Goal 3: Promote safe and sustainable use of the marine environment, taking into
account cumulative environmental impacts.
o Goal 4: Enhance the economic, social and cultural well-being of Arctic inhabitants,
including Arctic indigenous peoples and strengthen their capacity to adapt to
changes in the Arctic marine environment.
Documents for Items 9a to 9d:
• 9a. Letter from CAFF Chair; CAFF Memo Document; Link to CAFF webpage
• 9b. Report of Meeting of SAO Chair/WG Chairs (Dec 2015)
• 9c. Task Force on Arctic Marine Cooperation Co-Chairs’ Non-Paper (29 Jan. 2016)
16:30 Adjourn DAY ONE
Evening Events
Saturday, March 12, 2016 Day Two will focus primarily on ways to strengthen the SDWG and to begin development
of a work plan for 2017-2019.
09:30-12:00 [Including 30 minute Coffee Break]
10. Strengthening the SDWG [SDWG Chair, All]
Background: The SDWG Chair will open a discussion on opportunities for
strengthening the working group. To encourage a robust conversation, several topics
along with associated questions for consideration are suggested below, but Heads of
Delegation may wish to propose additional ideas and subjects for discussion.
Documents for Items 10:
Chair’s Discussion Paper: Strengthening the Sustainable Development Working Group
Procedures for submitting, approving and managing project proposals in the Sustainable
Development Working Group (20 January 2006)
Sustainable Development Framework Document (October 13, 2000)
List of SDWG Projects and Activities, 1998 to 2015
11. SDWG Work Planning
6 11. SDWG Work Planning [SDWG Chair, All]
Review SDWG 2015-2017 Work Plan: to ensure all stated
objectives are on track
Process and timing for completion and review of projects prior
to 2017 Ministerial Meeting
Initiate development of SDWG 2017-2019 Work Plan (first draft
due October 2016)
Coordination of SDWG 2017-2019 Work Plan with other working
group plans
Documents for Items 11:
SDWG Work Plan 2015-2017
Past SDWG Work Plans organized by thematic priorities
Representative examples of Work Plans from other Working Groups
Report of SAO Chair/WG Chairs Meeting (Reykjavik, Dec. 2015)
Other Matters
12. Other Reports and Statements
13. Observers Statements
Statements from Observers
Questions, Comments and Discussion
7 14. Other Matters
Preparations and logistics for SDWG Meeting in Unalaska
Any requested additions to agenda
Meeting Decisions and Summary
Meeting Adjourns
16:30 Meeting Adjourns