Key comparison CCM.V-K1.B1 MEASURAND : NOMINAL VALUE : xi: ui: Lab i Kinematic viscosity 1300 mm2/s at 20 °C result of measurement carried out by laboratory i relative standard uncertainty of x i xi ui / (mm /s) / 10 Date of measurement 1281.50 1286.10 1285.98 1284.24 1286.49 1285.00 1285.80 1285.99 1284.10 1289.16 1286.90 1288.20 1288.28 1283.68 1283.75 1294.27 1287.37 2.00 1.77 0.92 0.84 0.42 2.00 0.68 0.78 1.22 1.40 0.63 1.77 1.26 0.70 2.50 32.60 1.52 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 May - July 2002 2 BNM-LNE CANNON GUM CNR-IMGC NMIJ NMi-VSL NRCCRM PTB SMU UME VNIIM BEV CENAM INM(RO) IPQ NIS NPLI -3 Laboratories maintaining an independent scale The BIPM key comparison database, June 2008 1/4 Key comparison COOMET.M.V-K1 MEASURAND : NOMINAL VALUE : x i COO: u i COO: Kinematic viscosity 1000 mm2/s at 20 °C result of measurement carried out by laboratory i relative standard uncertainty of x i COO Lab i x i COO / (mm /s) / 10 Date of measurement 1019.0 1016.4 1020.6 1018.2 1.0 1.2 1.6 1.3 2005 2005 2005 2005 2 BelGIM UkrCSM BIM VNIIM u i COO -3 In order to link the results of key comparison COOMET.M.V-K1, taken at nominal value 1000 mm 2/s, to those of key comparison CCM.V-K1.B1, taken at nominal value 1300 mm2/s, COOMET data were evaluated for a kinematic viscosity of 1300 mm 2/s, according to the procedure described in Section 4 of the COOMET.M.V-K1 Final Report, which is based of the common participation of VNIIM in both key comparisons. The resulting values are given in the following table for the three laboratories which participated in COOMET.M.V-K1 only. MEASURAND : NOMINAL VALUE : xi: ui: Lab i Kinematic viscosity 1300 mm2/s at 20 °C result of measurement carried out by laboratory i (evaluated for the CCM.V-K1.B1 nominal value) relative standard uncertainty of x i xi ui / (mm /s) / 10 Date of measurement 1287.91 1284.63 1289.94 1.3 1.5 1.8 2005 2005 2005 2 BelGIM UkrCSM BIM The BIPM key comparison database, June 2008 -3 2/4 Key comparison CCM.V-K1.B1 MEASURAND : Kinematic viscosity 2 NOMINAL VALUE : 1300 mm /s at 20 °C The key comparison reference value, x R, is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the results of those laboratories which maintain an independent scale. Its standard uncertainty, u R, is calculated as the uncertainty of the arithmetic mean. x R = 1285.57 mm2/s and u R = 0.58 mm2/s The degree of equivalence of each laboratory with respect to the key comparison reference value is given by a pair of terms: D i = x i - x R and U i , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in (mm2/s). The derivation of U i may be found in the CCM.V-K1 Final Report. The degree of equivalence between two laboratories i and j is given by a pair of terms: D ij = x i - x j and U ij , its expanded uncertainty (k = 2), both expressed in (mm2/s), U ij = 2x R(u i 2 + u j 2)1/2. The full matrix of equivalence is not computed here. The degrees of equivalence of the three laboratories which participated in key comparison COOMET.M.V-K1 for nominal value 1000 mm 2/s, relative to the CCM.V-K1.B1 key comparison reference value are deduced from the results evaluated for 1300 mm 2/s as explained in Section 4 of the COOMET.M.V-K1 Final Report. Lab i Di Ui Lab i 2 BNM-LNE CANNON GUM CNR-IMGC NMIJ NMi-VSL NRCCRM PTB SMU UME VNIIM / (mm /s) 4.7 -4.1 4.2 0.5 2.3 0.4 2.2 -1.3 1.4 0.9 4.8 -0.6 1.9 0.2 2.1 0.4 3.0 -1.5 3.4 3.6 1.8 1.3 Di BEV CENAM INM(RO) IPQ NIS NPLI / (mm 2.6 2.7 -1.9 -1.8 8.7 1.8 BelGIM UkrCSM BIM 2.34 -0.94 4.37 Ui 2 /s) 4.7 3.4 2.0 6.5 84.4 4.0 3.6 4.0 4.8 CCM.V-K1.B1 participants maintaining an independent scale participants in COOMET.M.V-K1 only The BIPM key comparison database, June 2008 3/4 CCM.V-K1.B1 and COOMET.M.V-K1 - Kinematic viscosity of Liquid B1 (1300 mm2/s) Degrees of equivalence D i and expanded uncertainty U i (k = 2) 10.0 8.0 2 Di = (xi - x R) / (mm /s) 6.0 4.0 2.0 0.0 -2.0 -4.0 -6.0 U NIS = 84.4 mm 2/s -8.0 BIM UkrCSM BelGIM NPLI NIS IPQ INM(RO) CENAM BEV VNIIM UME SMU PTB NRCCRM NMi-VSL NMIJ CNR-IMGC GUM CANNON BNM-LNE -10.0 Red diamonds: CCM.V-K1.B1 participants maintaining an independent scale Open red circles: other CCM.V-K1.B1 participants Green triangles: participants in COOMET.M.V-K1 only The BIPM key comparison database, June 2008 4/4