EXHIBITOR PROSPECTUS INTERMAG 2003 INTERNATIONAL MAGNETICS CONFERENCE BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS MARCH 28- APRIL 3, 2003 www.intermagconference.com ✩ EXHIBIT DAYS & HOURS MONDAY, MARCH 31 Plenary Sessions Move In 2 pm - 6 pm TUESDAY, APRIL 1 Show Hours 12 pm - 5 pm Posters 8 am - 12 pm 1 pm - 5 pm WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2 Show Hours 12 pm - 5 pm Posters 8 am - 12 pm 1 pm - 5 pm THURSDAY, APRIL 3 Show Hours 12 pm - 5 pm Posters 8 am - 12 pm 1 pm - 5 pm Move Out 5:15 pm - 7 pm INVITATION TO EXH THE AUDIENCE The 1500 professionals in attendance of the Intermag Conference are primarily scientists, engineers and managers representing a diverse range of disciplines related to the physics and engineering applications of magnetism and magnetic material. Principal areas of interest cover both theory and applications, and include magnetic recording, magnetic thin films, magnetic computation, magnetism in the biological sciences, and microwave magnetics to name but a few. EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Exhibitors shall display only its own products or services for which it is the duly authorized representative and shall cause all such products/services exhibited by it to be listed in the Exhibitor Directory. The Exhibitor shall represent in advance that all products or services displayed will be suitable to the market. Intermag 2003 shall supply the exhibitor with the service kit, a uniform company name sign, two conference registrations for the oral and poster sessions, 1 copy of the conference digest, as well as list the products and company information in the exhibitor directory. Intermag 2003 shall not be responsible for errors or omissions in the show directory and reserves the right to edit all submitted content. All submissions must be 50 words or less and must be submitted by February 1, 2003. PAST EXHIBITORS Advance Film Technology, AJA International, ALDITECH, American Superconductor Corporation, Ansoft Corporation, Ansys, Inc., Balzers Process System, Ceramic Magnetics, CMS Technologies, Inc., Commonwetlth Scientific Corp., CVC, Dae Bo Magnetics, Dexter Magnetic Materials, Diamonex, Digital Instruments, Digital Measurements, DMS, a Division of ADE Technoligies, Dong Yang Precision Eng. Co., Ltd., Dr. Brockhauss Messtechnik GmBH, F. W. Bell, GMW Associates, Hankwang Corp., Honeywell, Inc., Hysitron, Inc., Innovative Instrumentation, International Magnaproducts, Ion Tech, J&J Vacuum-Tech Pacific, Ltd., Joo Won Ind., Jooyang Industrial Corp., Kagaku Gitjutsu-Sha, Kurt J. Lesker Company, LAFOUDA Solutions, Lakeshore Cryotronics, LDJ Magnetics, Inc., Magnet-Physik, Magnetic Instrumentation, Magnetic Solutions, MKS Instruments, MMR Technologies, Nano Instruments, Neocera, Inc., Nordiko, Oxford Instruments, Pacific µetals Co., Ltd., Park Scientific Instruments Advanced Corp. (PSIA Corp.), Phase Metrics Korea, Co., Ltd., Plasma Therm, Princeton Measurements, Pure Tech, Quantum Design, Redcliffe Magtronics, Sany Special Steel Co., SHB Instruments, Sierra Applied Sciences, Shinhan Scientific Co., Vector Fields, Veeco Instruments, Walker Scientific BOOTH FEES AND WHAT IT INCLUDES • Standard backwall 8'0" drape and draped sidewalls 36" high • 44"x7" identification sign with company name and booth number • Carpeted ballroom • A comprehensive Exhibitor Service Kit containing all necessary forms and information regarding booth furnishings, electrical and utility service, and shipping FOR MORE INFORMATION • 24-hour security in the exhibit hall from move-in through tear-down • A hyperlink to your company website from the Intermag 2000 website • Daily cleaning and maintenance of the aisles and common exhibit areas Wendy Acevedo Arthur Account Executive 2025 M Street, NW Suite 800 Washington DC 20036 (202) 367-2358 Facsimile (202) 331-0111 intermag@courtesyassoc.org • A listing of company name, booth location, and products or services in the on-site Exhbition Directory • An Exhibitor Service Desk staffed throughout set-up and dismantle to handle your needs • Complimentary morning and afternoon refreshments • Complimentary admission to the Oral and Poster Sessions for up to 2 booth personnel and 1 copy of the Conference Digest HIBIT EXHIBITOR GUIDELINES ✩ FLOOR PLAN INTERMAG 2003 RAMP The following guidelines governing the exhibits under the auspices of Intermag 2003 are part of the application for exhibit space and constitute a contract between the Exhibitor and Intermag 2003. Booth space assignments are made in the order applications are received with payment. REST ROOM HARVARD ROOM ENTRANCE BRANDEIS ROOM A complete Exhibitor Service Kit will be sent to each Exhibitor approximately 60 days prior to the Exhibition. Furniture rentals, fixtures, and labor will be available from the official decorator. Electrical Service Forms are included in the Exhibitor Service Kit. NO shipements are to be sent directly to the meeting location. Directions for shipping will also be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit. PANTRY/BAR NORTHEASTERN ROOM SHOW AS OF 7/24/02 Official Decorator 1 2 MEN 3 4 5 6 WOMEN 7 8 9 10 TELEPHONES 11 12 13 14 SERVICE DESK 17 HOTEL STORAGE 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 60 - 4'x8' POSTERBOARDS 26 29 HOTEL STORAGE 27 28 HOTEL STORAGE 30 In order to avoid unnecessary payment of duties and taxes, we strongly recommend the use of a customs broker to facilitate the movement of goods back and forth across the border. Through the assistance of Mendelssohn, we have been granted the most favorable Canada Customs Recognition for this event. For this reason, as well as the expertise of Mendelssohn, using them will provide minimal exposure to payment of duties and taxes. HOTEL STORAGE Intermag 2003 has appointed Mendelssohn Customs and Logistics as our official provider of custom brokerage and logisitics services for the Conference and Exhibition. All of their required materials will be included in the Exhibitor Service Kit. Mendelssohn will contact each individual exhibitor approximately 6 weeks prior to the exhibition. FA Customs and Shipping IEEE INTERMAG CONFERENCE The Total Show by Freeman Decorating Services 1515 Washington Street Braintree, Mass 02184 (781) 348-1200 Fax: (781) 380-0771 www.freemanco.com Offical Customs Broker: HOTEL STORAGE HOTEL STORAGE Attn: Paul Wong Mendelssohn Custom Brokers 69 Yonge Street, Suite 400 Toronto, Ontario CANADA M5E 1K3 Tel: (416) 863-9339 Toll Free: 1-800-665-4628 Fax: (416) 863-5149 FH FH TELEPHONES Exhibitor Badges The badges will be included in a packet that will be given onsite to all exhibitors. The badges will allow admittance to the meetings, but they will not include entrance to the Conference Dinner. Tickets for the dinner will be available for purchase. Security A security guard will be furnished by Intermag 2003 to be on duty in the exhibit hall. However, the safekeeping of the Exhibitor’s property shall remain the responsibility of the Exhibitor. IEEE INTERMAG CONFERENCE SCALE IN FEET 0 10 20 30 ALL BOOTHS ARE 8'Dx10'W EXCEPT AS NOTED 40 MARCH 31 - APRIL 1, 2003 MARRIOTT - COPLEY PLACE - THIRD FLOOR UNIVERSITY HALL BOSTON, MA A P P L I C AT I O N /C O N T R A C T F O R E X H I B I T S PA C E PLEASE TYPE OR PRINT FIRM NAME (exactly as it will appear in the Intermag 2003 Program Book, all Intermag 2003 publications, & booth sign) ADDRESS CITY STATE TELEPHONE FAX CONTACT PERSON TITLE EMAIL WEB ADDRESS BOOTH NUMBER PREFERENCE(S): FIRST CHOICE ZIP SECOND CHOICE THIRD CHOICE PLEASE WRITE A BRIEF PRODUCT DESCRIPTION (exactly as to appear in the Exhibition Directory): PAYMENT Each 8x10' booth space will cost US$1,700.00. A deposit of one-half of the total cost for requested exhibit space must accompany the Application/Contract to Exhibit. Applications not accompanied by appropriate deposit will be delayed in processing and space assignment. Balance of fees are due no later than February 28, 2002. All checks should be made payable to Intermag 2003.” CANCELLATIONS Must be in writing and must be received by December 27, 2002. Payments will be refunded, less $250.00 management fee, to be paid after the Conference. Any cancellations received in this office after December 27, 2002 can not be refunded. We would like to reserve booth space for the Intermag 2003 Conference Exhibition, March 31st – April 3rd, 2003, Boston, Mass. We agree to abide by the Official Rules, Terms, and Conditions governing exhibits set forth in the Exhibitor Prospectus which is made a part of this application, and to all conditions under which exhibit space in the Marriott Copley Place Hotel is leased to the Intermag 2003 Conference. SIGNATURE TITLE DATE FOR INTERMAG 2003 USE ONLY MAIL PAYMENT TO: Accepted by: ___________________________ Date: ____________ Booth #: _____________ Date Deposit Received: __________________ Check #:_________ Amount Paid: _________ Date Final Payment Received: ____________ Check #:_________ Total Paid:____________ INTERMAG 2003 c/o Courtesy Associates 2025 M Street, NW, Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 INTERMAG I N T E R N AT I O N A L M A G N E T I C S C O N F E R E N C E • B O S T O N , M A S S A C H U S E T T S M A R C H 28 - A P R I L 3, 20 03 2003 GENERAL CHAIRMAN Dr. V. R. Ramanan ABB Inc. Raleigh, NC, USA vr.v.ramanan@us.abb.com PROGRAM CHAIRS Dr. Michael Alex ReadRite Corp. Fremont, CA, USA michael.alex@readrite.com Dr. Laura Henderson Lewis Brookhaven National Laboratory Upton, NY, USA lhlewis@bnl.gov Dr. Massimo Pasquale IEN Galileo Ferraris Torino, Italy pasquale@ien.it Dear Prospective Exhibitor: We are pleased to invite you and your company to join the 2003 Intermag Exposition. This year’s trade show will be held in Boston, Massachusetts at the Boston Marriott Copley Place. As always, we expect 1500 attendees from a broad spectrum of disciplines in the field of magnetics. Historically the conference brings together scientists, engineers, and managers from all around the world, working in various fields ranging from magnetic recording to magnetism in the biological sciences. These technical professionals and decision-makers come to share, learn, and bring back to their organizations key information about the latest developments in their particular field of interest. TREASURER Dr. Doug Lavers University of Toronto Toronto, ON, Canada lavers@ecf.utoronto.ca LOCAL CHAIR Dr. Robert O’Handley Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA bobohand@mit.edu PUBLICATIONS CHAIR Dr. Caroline Ross Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA, USA caross@mit.edu PRINTING & PUBLICITY CHAIR Dr. Can Korman The George Washington University Washington, DC, USA korman@seas.gwu.edu The exhibition will be held in the University Hall of the Boston Marriott Copley Place. The show guarantees regular traffic by sharing space with the daily Poster Sessions, conference breaks and evening Bierstube. All networking functions are held daily within the exposition area to ensure constant traffic at a steady flow. In addition, the trade show limits its floor plan to 30 booths to guarantee a quality captured audience to the exhibitors who take advantage of this opportunity. With the limited space available and a tremendous prospective exhibitor list we advise you to reserve your booth space early. We look forward to a successful exhibition at Intermag 2003 and look forward to your participation. Sincerely, INDUSTRIAL SUPPORT Dr. Takao Suzuki Toyota Technological Institute Nagoya, Japan tsuzuki@toyota-ti.ac.jp CONFERENCE & EXHIBITS COORDINATOR Courtesy Associates 2025 M Street, NW – 8th Floor Washington, DC 20036 USA Telephone: (202) 973-8676 Fax: (202) 973-8722 intermag@courtesyassoc.com V. R. Ramanan General Chairman www.intermagconference.com Sponsored by the Magnetics Society of the IEEE OFFICIAL RULES, TERMS AND CONDITIONS AGREEMENT PHOTOGRAPHY–VIDEO–RECORDING The Exhibitor agrees to comply with the Application, the Rules and Conditions of the Exhibit, Prospectus, Exhibitor Service Kit, IAEM Guidelines for Display Rule and Regulations, the Master Floor Plan and such conditions as the Intermag 2003, Freeman, and the Marriott Copley Place may impose at any time (hereinafter referred to as the Official Rules, Terms, and Conditions). Any violation by the Exhibitor of the Official Rules and Conditions herein may, in its sole determination, constitute a termination of the Agreement and forfeiture of any monies paid on account. Upon due notice of such termination, the Intermag 2003 shall have the right to take possession of the Exhibitor’s space, remove all persons and properties and hold the exhibitor accountable for all liability, expenses and damages arising from Exhibitor’s breach/violation of the Official Rules, Terms and Conditions. In addition, Intermag 2003 may, in its sole determination, refuse to consider the Exhibitor for participation in future shows if the Exhibitor violates or fails to abide by all rules and conditions set forth herein. No exhibit, performance or event presented at the show shall be photographed, videotaped, broadcast or recorded for commercial use, sale or distribution of any kind. Exhibitors shall not photograph or video tape the exhibit or product of another exhibitor without the prior written consent of Intermag 2003 and the exhibitor involved. Intermag 2003 reserves the right to photograph and/or video tape any exhibit at the show for use in REP’s, future promotional materials and otherwise as determined by Intermag 2003. MUSIC, PHOTOGRAPHS AND OTHER COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL Intermag 2003 cannot guarantee that a supplier exhibiting similar or related products will not be located in nearby or adjoining booths. The Intermag 2003 retains the right, in its sole determination, to refuse or deny any application submitted, in which case any deposit shall be refunded. An application will be considered approved when executed by the Exhibitor, countersigned by the Intermag 2003 and final payment is received on or before February 25, 2003. Intermag 2003 reserves the right to reconfigure booth space as necessary. Each Exhibitor is solely responsible for obtaining all necessary licenses and permits to use music, photographs or other copyrighted material in the exhibitor’s booth or display. No Exhibitor will be permitted to play, broadcast or have performed any music or use any other copyrighted material, such as photographs or other artistic works without first presenting to Intermag 2003 proof satisfactory that the exhibitor has, or does not need, a license to use such music or copyrighted material. Intermag 2003 reserves the right to remove from the exhibit all or any part of any booth or display which incorporates music, photographs or other copyrighted material and for which the exhibitor fails to produce the proof that the Exhibitor holds all required licenses. The Exhibitor shall remain liable for and shall indemnify and hold harmless Intermag 2003, its members, officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns from and against any and all claims, losses, damages, injuries, awards, fines, government charges, and liability of any kind—together with all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees in connection with its display or presence at Intermag 2003 arising from or out of any violation or infringement (or claimed violation or infringement) by Exhibitor, Exhibitor’s agents or employees, or any patent, copyright or trade secret rights or privileges. SUBLETTING SPACE FIRE CODE REGULATIONS LICENSE It is understood that this agreement is a license, not a lease, and that no leasehold or tenancy is intended to be or shall be created as a result of this Agreement. SPACE ASSIGNMENTS Exhibitors shall not assign, sublet, share or apportion the whole or any part of the space allotted, or have representatives, products, equipment, signs or printed materials from other than its own firm in the said exhibit space without the prior written consent of the Intermag 2003. If such consent is given, the Exhibitor shall be liable for and shall assume full responsibility for the conduct, negligence, errors, acts and omissions of the assignee or sublicensee and all its representatives. DISPLAY DESIGN The IAEM Guidelines for Display Rules and Regulations have been adopted as the official regulations for display construction. A copy of the Guidelines will be made available to the Exhibitors upon request to Intermag 2003. Request for variance from the Guidelines must be submitted to Intermag 2003 for consideration by February 1, 2003. Exhibitors are not allowed to obstruct the view, occasion injury or adversely affect the displays of other exhibitors. The general appearance of the show must take precedence over that of any individual exhibit and Intermag 2003 may, in its sole determination, require rearrangement, at the Exhibitor’s expense, of any display in violation of the Guidelines. No banners or signs may be hung from the ceiling of the exhibit hall or displayed in the registration and exhibit hall foyers. PROHIBITED DISPLAYS The items set forth herein, including but not limited to, animals, reptiles, birds, rodents, fish or insects, and helium balloons, may not be used as part of any exhibit. Cold air balloons are permitted with the written consent of Intermag 2003. INSTALLATION AND DISMANTLING Displays must be completely assembled by 6:00pm on Sunday, April 9, 2003, and properly staffed at least 15 minutes prior to and for the duration of the show hours. Displays may not be dismantled prior to 7:00pm on Tuesday, April 11,2003. Any space not claimed and occupied by 6:00pm on Sunday, April 9, 2003, will be forfeited by Exhibitor and may be used, resold or reassigned by Intermag 2003 without obligation on the part of Intermag 2003 for any refund whatsoever. However, if the freight has arrived, Intermag 2003 reserves the right to engage any necessary labor to get the booth fully set-up by the time the show opens with all charges allocated to the Exhibitor. OFFICIAL SERVICE CONTRACTOR Freeman is the official service contractor and must be used for material handling, rigging, electrical, plumbing, vacuuming, custom cleaning, and other services that the facility or applicable labor agreements require Freeman to perform unless the facility performs any of the services on an exclusive basis. All mechanical equipment used for the Event including but not limited to forklifts, cranes, pallet jacks, genielifts and scaffolding, must be exclusively provided by Freeman. EXHIBITOR-APPOINTED CONTRACTORS Exhibitor-appointed contractors must conform to these Official Rules, Terms, and Conditions. Exhibitorappointed contractors are required to advise Intermag 2003 of their intent to service Exhibitor at least 60 days prior to Intermag 2003 and send a certificate of insurance naming Intermag 2003 as additional insured directly to Intermag 2003 by February 4, 2003. EXHIBITOR CONDUCT All Exhibitors and their representatives shall conduct themselves in a manner consistent with standards of decency and good taste. Intermag 2003 reserves the right to regulate and/or restrict exhibits to a reasonable noise level and to suitable methods of operation and display of materials. Exhibitors and their representatives shall not enter into another Exhibitor’s space without permission or said space when unattended. Attendants, models and other employees must confine their activities to the contracted exhibit space. EXHIBITOR DIRECTORY Exhibitors shall display only its own products or services for which it is the duly authorized representative and shall cause all such products/services exhibited by it to be listed in the Exhibitor Directory. The Exhibitor shall represent in advance that all products or services displayed will be suitable to the market. Intermag 2003 shall supply the exhibitor with the service kit, a uniform company name sign, two conference registrations for the oral and poster sessions, 1 copy of the conference digest, as well as list the products and company information in the exhibitor directory. Intermag 2003 shall not be responsible for errors or omissions in the show directory and reserves the right to edit all submitted content. All submissions must be 50 words or less and must be submitted by February 1, 2003. LABOR The Exhibitor agrees to comply with all union regulations and to abide by all agreements between Intermag 2003, Freeman, and the Marriott Copley Place or any of its agents and to abide by all Official Rules, Terms and Conditions. COMPLIANCE WITH LAWS AND RULES Exhibitors must comply with all existing or amended Federal, state, city and other local and jurisdictional laws, regulations and rules that might be in force before and during the exhibition and conference period. ADVERTISING Exhibitors shall not distribute or permit to be distributed any advertising matter, literature, souvenir items or promotional materials in or about the exhibit or meeting areas except within the confines of the Exhibitor’s own contracted space. All displays must be designed and built to meet applicable fire, safety, and building codes. The use or storage of any flammable liquids, gases or other materials is strictly prohibited. Displays must not block the view of, or impede access to, fire alarm boxes, fire hose cabinets, fire extinguishers, or other safety equipment. DAMAGES The exhibitor is responsible for al damage to any property caused by Exhibitor personnel. LIABILITY AND INSURANCE Intermag 2003 shall not be held liable to the Exhibitor for, and is thereby released from liability for, any damage, loss, harm or injury to the person or property of the Exhibitor or any of its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives or assigns, and any claims for such damage, loss, harm or injury are hereby expressly waived by the Exhibitor, its officers, agents, employees, or other representatives or assigns, whenever such claims result from theft, fire, water, accident, rain, wind, snow, labor strikes, or any other cause. The Exhibitor shall indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Intermag 2003, Freeman and the Marriott Copley Place, and their members, officers, directors, employees, agents, and assigns from and against, any and all claims, demands, losses, actions, causes of actions, damages, injuries, awards, fines, government charges, and liability of any kind—together with all costs, expenses and reasonable attorney’s fees, for injury to and death of persons, damage to or any loss of property which are caused by, arise from or grow out of the exhibitor, or any of their officers, agents, employees or other representatives or assigns. It shall solely be the Exhibitor’s responsibility to obtain adequate insurance to participate in this event. EVENT SCHEDULING Exhibitor-sponsored social functions conflicting with the timing of official Intermag 2003 events listed in the Advance Program are strictly prohibited. Non-compliance with this policy will result in the loss of the opportunity to participate in the future shows in Intermag 2003’s sole determination. FOOD & BEVERAGE SERVICE Exhibitors must request written permission from Intermag 2003 before serving any food and beverage in their contracted exhibit space. No alcoholic beverages are to be served within an exhibit space. Food and/or beverage items served within an Exhibitor’s contracted space must be provided by the Marriott Copley Place. Preparation of food within the contracted exhibit space is prohibited and service may not take place during installation and dismantling. DISRUPTION OF SHOW If, because of fire, war, labor strikes, picketing, exhibit facility construction or renovation project, government regulation, public catastrophe, bomb threats, act of God or the public enemy or other cause beyond the control of Intermag 2003, the Show or any part of thereof is prevented from being held, is canceled in whole or in part by Intermag 2003, or the exhibit space becomes unavailable, Intermag 2003 shall not be liable to the Exhibitor. SALE OR TRANSFER OF EXHIBITOR’S BUSINESS In the event of the sale or transfer of a substantial portion of the assets of Exhibitor’s business, or in the event of a substantial change in management of the Exhibitor, Intermag 2003 may, in its sole determination, terminate this Agreement. BANKRUPTCY In the event Exhibitor files for bankruptcy or is declared bankrupt Intermag 2003 may, in its sole determination, terminate this Agreement. CLOSING OF EXHIBIT If Exhibitor or one of its subsidiaries or affiliates is on strike, resulting in picketing or a similar type of demonstration in or near the Marriott Copley Place, Intermag 2003 reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately, close the exhibit and remove the Exhibitor’s property from the Exhibit Space without liability of any kind or nature to Exhibitor. AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT The Marriott Copley Place shall be responsible for compliance with all accessibility requirements and labor accommodation requirements under the federal Americans with Disabilities Act (“ADA”). The Exhibitor agrees to comply with any provisions of the ADA which are applicable to the Exhibitor and its Exhibit. CANCELLATION Failure to comply with the final payment deadline will result in cancellation of this Agreement. Cancellations must be received in writing on or before December 31, 2002. Payments will be refunded less $250.00 management fee. No refunds will be made after December 31, 2002. All such sums that are retained or are owing shall be deemed liquidated damages. Not withstanding, Intermag 2003 shall have the right to pursue any other legal remedy granted by law in the event the Exhibitor defaults or fails to exhibit pursuant to the Official Rules, Terms, and Conditions. GOVERNING LAW This Agreement shall be governed, construed and enforced by the laws of the District of Columbia as if it is an agreement made and to be performed entirely within the District of Columbia.