Announcement International Conference on “Reforms in Technical Education-Global Trends” (ICORTE 2010) August 27-28, 2010 University College of Engineering (Autonomous) Osmania University, Hyderabad, India -500007,, Conference Home Page URL: 1)From V.Uma Maheshwar Organising Secretary, International Conference-ICORTE-2010 & Placement Officer, University College of Engineering (Autonomous) Osmania University, Hyderabad, India -500007 email ids: vum.india, vum.india 2)About this email Dear All, This is an official email from University College of Engineering, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India either directly sent to you or forwarded by other recipients of the email. The email intends to share the details of an Announcement of an International Conference on “Reforms in Technical Education-Global Trends” (ICORTE 2010) being organized by the College. during August 27-28, 2010. International Conference on "Reforms in Technical Education-Global Trends" (ICORTE) will be held at Hyderabad, India during August 27-28,2010. The conference is organized by the Dept. of Mechanical Engineering, University College of Engineering (OUCE), Osmania University, Hyderabad, India. 3)About the Conference The conference serves as a common platform for Industry, Engineering Institutions and Accreditation/ Regulatory bodies to discuss common issues and evolve new strategies for improving the effectiveness of the functioning of Technical Education Institutions across the globe. The conference features Panel discussions, Expert Talks, Exhibitions and Paper Presentations (Oral and Poster). The conference will bring together Industry, Academia, Govt. and Deemed Universities, Govt. and Private Engineering/ Technical Education Institutions, International/National Institutes of Technology, Govt. Technical Education Councils and Accreditation bodies, Govt. R&D, Defence Sector and other Professional bodies for deliberations and interactions on Current developments and Future Global trends on “Reforms in Technical Education across the world". The conference aims to address the concerns of all stakeholders of Technical Education Sector in general and Industry/ Corporate sector in particular which is the prime customer of Outputs of Technical Education Institutions. Deliberations and presentations at the conference will be offered with a motto of "Deliberate with a focus on arriving at guidelines and solutions ". The Conference is expected to catalyze discussions on Global Technical Education front that could initiate paradigm shifting efforts through lasting Industry-Institute-Regulatory/ Accreditation Body Collaborations. The conference will host several guest talks by prominent speakers like CEOs/CTOs/COOs/CPOs/ HR Heads from Industry and Public Sector Units, Vice- Chancellors/Directors/Principals/ Heads of Depts. from Universities, International/National Institutes of Technology, Govt. and Private Engineering Colleges/ Technical Institutions, and Key Administrative Officials from Statutory Professional Councils, Technical Education Governing or Accreditation Councils/Bodies and Secretaries/Ministers from Central and State Governments of India and abroad. A healthy discussion between Industrialists, Academicians and Administrative officials from Technical Education through their interactive sessions is expected to bring forth relevant issues on the global technical education front with an aim to frame effective solutions/guidelines. 4)Expected Conference Attendees(Tentative List) Vice-Chancellors, Registrars, Directors, Principals, Deans, Heads of Dept's, Placement Officers, Members of Board of Studies, Professors, Associate/Assistant Professors/Lecturers and other Professionals from various Govt. and Deemed Universities, Technical Educational Institutions across the world. CEOs, COOs, CTOs, CPOs, HR Managers, Academic Relationship Managers, and Training Academy heads from Public and Private Corporate/Industry Sectors. Chairmen, Vice-Chairmen, Presidents, Secretaries and Administrative officers etc., of International & National Technical Education Councils and Accreditation Bodies. And importantly “Alumni of the College and University”. Chief Minister of AP & Union Minister for Ministry of Human Resource Development Sri. Kapil Sibal are likely to inaugurate the Conference. The Governor of AP & Union Minister of State for HRD Smt. Purandareswari are likely to grace the Valedictory Session. Chairmen AICTE & UGC are also invited apart from other Academic and Industrial experts. The list is tentative as the dignitaries attendance would depend on Parliamentary sessions and Political Scenario during August 2010 end. 5)What is expected from you do after checking this email? 1) I would request you to ”just” forward this email along with the attached soft copy of Conference Brochure (a Norton Antivirus Checked Safe Zipped file of 6 pdf pages of the conference) by email to your friends and probable participants out of your address books of email accounts. Please write the following in the email Subject of email: “International Conference Announcement forwarded by <YOUR NAME>”. Kindly add in your “CC of email” so that we can take a note of your contribution. ( Few Appreciation Surprise Prizes are in store for maximum forwarders ! if that is something which would motivate you ☺ ) Also kindly request the recipients of your forwarded email to forward the same to others…..just like a chain reaction….the information is intended to flow with your support ! “Each forward” that you send might help us in reaching out to potential authors/participants/collaborators which otherwise would have been impossible. Thus your email forwards will greatly contribute in reaching out to maximum number of people. Please note that even though the recipients may not be directly interested in the Conference, they can forward it to others who may be potential beneficiary of the Conference. You will thus be directly helping the University/College in passing the Conference Announcement to maximum number of people. I opine that it is the minimum one can do for a Genuine Objective although it will take out about 10 minutes maximum out of your busy schedule. 2) We encourage you to contribute a Paper to the Conference aligned with the theme of the conference. For detailed list of topics and paper submission procedure, please visit our websites as given in my signature. I am sure everyone of us have some idea/ suggestions on the expected reforms in Technical Education Sector. And the Conference gives you a great opportunity to present your views to the world of delegates from four global entities- Academia, Industry, Accreditation /Regulatory bodies and of course the Govt. 6) What else can you do for the Conference? 3) Suggest Resource persons/ Sponsors/ Experts for the Conference from your network of people preferably from Outside India. 4) We would like to offer free local accommodation and transportation for the conference days to “Highly Positioned Academic Foreign Delegates” who are willing to travel to India on their own travel cost. Hence, Indians/ students studying abroad may talk to prospective faculty, heads, deans, principals and pass on the information to us by email. 5) Participate as delegate. 6) Collaborate with Conference as an Expert (Please send in your CV for our Review) 7) Collaborate with Conference as a Sponsor (Please send in your Company /Institute Profile) 8) Submit Papers 9) Just wish the Conference Team all the best by sending an email ( Do not Forget to mention your address and affiliation in the email !) 10) Any other innovative contribution you would like to offer to the conference secretariat...please email back ! We will be glad to take a look into your idea! Please visit our websites <> or <> for all latest updates on the conference. Imp Note: Do not Click Reply Button for sending Your email responses on the conference. But use the following email ids to reach us by email ! < vum.india> / <vum.india> I am sure every recipient of this email can contribute in one or many ways as suggested above. Whatever you do will serve as good input for the University event. Assuming that you would respond positively, accept our thanks in advance ! 7) Repeating From Address : V.Uma Maheshwar Organising Secretary International Conference-ICORTE-2010 & Placement Officer, University College of Engineering (Autonomous) Osmania University, Hyderabad, India -500007 Email ids: vum.india / vum.india Our Websites :,, Conference Home Page URL: 8) Thanks for your time …& Seasons Greetings !