MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION MANAGEMENT SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence -Freedom -Happiness Hanoi, day.a± mohih 3. 2016 No: AJ.a./TB -HVQLGD ANNOUNCEMENT NUMBER 1 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE IN 2016 "DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY FOR TEACHERS AND EDUCATIONAL MA;NAIciEB:S.. VIETNAM AND GLOBAL TRENDS" In order to contribute to the implementation of the current education and training reform, train human resources in education management, carry out research and development in education management science, apply education management science, advising and provide consulting to education authorities about developing education and training strategies and to educational institutions to increase professional competency among teachers and education managers, the National Institute of Education Management (NIEM) of Vietnam holds the 2016 International Conference under the following topic: - J# yz.ef#cz77qes'e.. ``Phat tri6n nang lTc ngh6 nghiep cho giao vi6n va can b© quan ly gj+ho dngc.. Xu hndng Vi?i Nam vb Th6 gi6i." - J7? E7zg/I.sfe.. "Developing Professional Competency for Teachers and Educational P/I:2I"gers.. Vietnam and Global Trends." I. Aims of the Conference To strengthen cooperation in scientific research and training between educational institutions based on a national platform in the region and the world; to create a forum for education researchers, policy makers, education managers and teachers in the country and internationally to share theoretical perspectives and practical experience as well as research results of policies, mechanisms, forms, methods and conditions in long and and short-term training to develop professional competency among teachers and educational managers that will meet the requirements of current education reform in Vietnam and in the world. 2. Contents of the Conference: Addressing the following main issues: 2.]` Requiring professional competency development among leachers and education mcr#czgc7.s (new trends in education reform and professional competency of teachers and education managers, etc.) 2.2. Mechanisms, policies and leadership al all levels in long and short-term train.Ing (]`f teachers and managers in order fo improve prof;essional c()mpelency among teachers and education marlagers, educal.Ion authorities and educational inslilLili()rl.I al all leJvels (policies, managenicnt mechani,sin, school models, school £`ctivities mancigcmcnt` devclopmcnt of professional compctcncy among tcachcrs €`nd mzmLigers, intcr"lional cooperation in long and short-lcrm trailiing. scicnti fic, ctc.). 2.3. D(vclo|)ing hit+her cdui.(]li()n in`Jliluli()n.s lhal Iruin lc'iic.hc.r.I ililtl i'iJii(.iili(jn 1t> si,i|)pt)rl pr().fessi()Iit]l c(jm|)('Ic'nc}> dcvclopmcnl alrl(>nK Ictlchcrs tmtl ctlilctilit]n miiliilgers (including content, curriculum, training of lecturers, academic conditions, leaning resources, online leaning systems, etc.). 2.4. Forms, methods, conditions and environment Of organizing long and short-term trcz.#z.77g /or feczcfee7.a cz77cJ ecz:z4cczfJo72 #ecz7zczgers (application of ICT, teaching equipment, financing of long and short-term training of teachers and education managers, etc.). 3. Language and Conference Proceedings - Co#/e7.e;£ce Le#gacge: Vietnamese and English. - Co77/cre77ce ProccecJz.#gr': Selected papers will be edited for Conference Proceedings and published in a special issue of the Joumal of Education Management in September 2016. 4. Location and Time of Conference - £occzrz.o#.. National Institute of Education Management, No. 31 Phan Dinh Giot Street, Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam. 02 days, expected to be the 29th and 30th of September 2016 5. Expected guests and delegates - Jrferrfej®dr defegates'.. Leaders, education managers, experts and lecturers from universities in Australia, Singapore, France, the USA, Hong Kong, Thailand, Lao PDR and Mozambique, and international organizations such as the World Bank, ADB and UNESCO. - Do;7cesffc detryates.. Leaders of the Vietnam Ministry of Education and Training (MOET) and departments under MOET; research institutes, universities, domestic and international education organizations in Vietnam; leaders and education managers from the Department of Education and Training (DOET) and Bureau of Education and Training @OET); teachers and lecturers at all education levels in the country; doctoral and master degree students. 6. Registration and Paper submissions 6.1. Registration Those who would like to participate can register using the enclosed registration form, mailing it to the Organizing Committee at the following address: Department of Science Management, National Institute Of Education Management, No. 3 I Phan Dinh Giot Street, Phirong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuen District, Hanoi, Vietnam. re/: +84 438643501, Fczx: +84 438641802, Webs#e: This announcement and registration form can also be found on the website of NIEM. For more details, please contact: -International contact: Mr. Khanh Lu'g`ng, mobile phone: +84 914.821.661, email: or Ms. Hoang Thi Linh Giang, mobi]c phone: +84 966 086 660, email: Linhrianghoan£102@=mai].com, National Iiisljtutc of Education Management, No. 31 Phan Dinh Giot Street, Phuong Liet Ward, Thanh Xuan District, Hanoi, Vietnam -Domestic contact: Ms. Nguy6n Thi Hal Y6n, mobile phone: +84 98 540 7044, cmai]: entlssh® National Institute of Education Maiiagcmcntt No. 31 I'1ian I)inh Giot Strect` Phuong Liet W€`r(I, Thanh Xu{m District, I]an(ti, Vietmim 6.2. Rc'gi.Nlrclli()n lim( -F,£irly rcgistrfition: bcl`orl` .3()` 2()16 4~' -Normal registration: after March 30, 2016 6. 3. Registration f or Paper presehiation Time to resgister: -.4prz./ /sf /o Mcr)/ /s'f, 20/6: Register Participation and Paper title and summary -A4lcD/ JJ/fe Zo A4lcz); jo/fe, 20/6: Conference Organizing Committee will send out invitations and notice of selection to the authors. -/24#e /sf fo J2{7te 20ffe, 20/6: Receiving submissions of full Papers. 6.4. Paper Presentation Form Authors can register and submit a Paper to be presented at the conference in two forms, with the following specific requirements: + To be presehied at the Coiiference - Full Paper submission i)c vli •tGli( -Each Paper should be presented within 15 minutes with 5 additional minutes for = -_ -. - Q&A. + Pos`/cr prese7efo/I.o7?: Submission of the full text; paper size 80 x 100 cm, including Paper's title, author' s name, abstract, introduction, methods, results and conclusions. 6.4. Posting rules The language of the Papers, posters and presentations at the conference can be Vietnamese or English. Each Paper is to have 5,000 to 9,000 spaces. The Paper must be presented in Times New Roman font, font size 13; left margin 3 cm, right margin 2 cm; under 2 cm. References must be arranged in alphabetical order and fohow this sequerroe.. author's name, year Of publication, name Of publication, vohune, I.s`s#e, pzfb/z.steer, p/czce o/pz/a/z.ccr/z.o#. The foreign language names and terms must be written in Latin characters. 7. Funds and Conference Fee 7.1. The expenses incurred in presenting the C,onference, cony.rr\g out C,onf€re;nee activities, inviting delegates and the main presenters (domestic and international), and publishing the Conference Proceedings are paid for by NIEM. 7.2. Cost to participating domestic and international organizations and individuals which will go towards Conference activities and delegate servicing costs. 7.3. Coriference Fee Time to Register Conference Fees -Early registration (before June 30, 2016) 800,000 VND -Normal registration (after June 30, 2016) 1.200,000 WD -Registration at the Conference 1,800,000 VND P/cczse sc#c7 Conference fees to : Nat.tonal lyistitule Of Education Managemenl (NIEM), No. 3] Phan Dinh Gio/ Slreel, Phuong Liel Ward, Thallh Xuan Disfricl, Hairoi, Vietnain. A#:%':,tn:,:::'tb(e;6:ffoAN42:.]sO(1,u:/:!]a%ja#r:I:let/:[e`namBanl(for^grlHJNul.eantJ,#, Dcvcl(ipmenl (AGRIBANK), S()ulh I]anoi 13ranch. `m (Vietnanesg: N¢i; s6 tdi HQc lchodn: vien Qudn i460 43-1101000 oy) gido dye, 640 31 tqi Phan Ngan D`unh hang Gi6t, N6ng Phaong nghiep Liet, vdTha:wh Phdt tri6n Xutp, N6ng th6n Chi nlednh Nam Hd N¢{D Registration of Conference participants will be confirmed after the Conference fee has been received. NIEM looks forward to the participation of educational agencies, professionals, teachers, education managers and all interested individuals. Sincerely./. institutions,, MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NATIONAL INSTITUTE 0F EDUCATION SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM Independence -Freedom - Happiness MANAGENINT REGISTRATION FORM 2016 INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE " DEVELOPING PROFESSIONAL COMPETENCY FOR TEACHERS AND EDUCATION MANAGERS: VIETNAM AND GLOBAL TRENDS" (Enclosed with Announcement No.1 Of the 2016 International Corference) To: National Institute of Education Management - Full name: Academic Title, Degree Work Title, Place of work Mob i le phone numb er number Work Email 1. Register to affg±4 conference I would like to register to attend 2016 International Conference organized by NIEM: -Yes I -No I 2. Register to attend and submit Pa ers to Conference I would like to register to attend and submit a Paper at the Conference -Yes I -NOD 3. Register to make a Presentation at the Conference I would like to register to make a presentation at the Conference -Yes I -No] i:|p±Please check each section for which youwish to register (in the 3 sections above) For Delegates who wish to register and submit a paper at the Conference, please fill in the following: 1. Title of paper 2. Paper suinmary (200-300 words) OIhcr commellls (if (N1}J) We respectfully request that delegates send their registration form to the National Institute of Education Management by post or by email in accordance to the time limitation presentated in Announcement No. 1. Announcement No. I and the registration form can be found on NIEM's website: We sincrely welcome all interested participants and request that they register according to the regulations. Sincerely./.