2015 Annual Conference Peachtree City, GA May 20-22

2015 Annual Conference
Peachtree City, GA
May 20-22, 2015
President’s Message
Dear GASFAA Members,
Welcome to the 2015 GASFAA Conference in beautiful Peachtree City, Georgia. It is the site of golf courses, lakes, trails,
state-of-the-art movie studios, and now GASFAA has arrived on the scene! Our membership is why we are here, and our
Program Committee is excited to present Lights, Camera, Action, GASFAA!
If this is your first GASFAA Conference, we hope that you find the sessions informative, that you engage in the special
events, and allow the GASFAA community to welcome you into the family.
We have a fabulous offering of topics and speakers to share information that we believe you will find invaluable. Please
join us in welcoming these special guests:
Clyde Anderson, Financial Life Connection and CNN Financial Contributing Reporter,
David Bartnicki, U.S. Department of EducationFederal Training Officer,
Tricia Chastain, President of Georgia Student Finance Commission, and
Dr. Houston Davis, Executive Vice Chancellor of the University System of Georgia.
Not only will we be treated to many excellent speakers, but we have 32 concurrent sessions—all jam-packed with info
you won’t want to miss! It may sound a bit complicated, but Felicia Ailster, GASFAA’s Vice President for Programs, has
found the perfect solution. She has created a new mobile conference agenda and interactive scheduler to help you
make the most of our conference.
I would like to thank all of the session presenters for agreeing to share their expertise. Thank you to all GASFAA
committee members who have contributed throughout the year and to the GASFAA members who have volunteered to
be moderators, to those members who assist with registration, and those doing the jobs we often take for granted—
seen and unseen. You are all Stars in GASFAA’s eyes!
On behalf of the GASFAA Executive Board, I would like to extend a special thanks to our vendors and sponsors. Without
you, this annual conference would not be a reality. Please accept our gratitude for your continued support.
It has been a true honor to serve as your President this year alongside a GASFAA Executive Board that I can only describe
as outstanding. I have been surrounded by a group people who are gracious, giving, and supportive. Together, we have
endeavored to remain a valuable resource to you by providing information and training that is relevant and timely.
We invite you to be involved, engaged, and encouraged as you join us for “Lights, Camera, Action, GASFAA!”
Sincerely yours,
Susan A. Smith
GASFAA President
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Thank you to our 2014-2015 Vendors and Sponsors.
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Next Gen Web Solutions
American Student Assistance
CMD Outsourcing Solutions
Discover Student Loans
Educational Credit Management Corporation ECMC Solutions
EdFinancial Services
Financial Aid TV
Financial Aid Services
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services, Inc.
Nelnet Loan Servicing
Sallie Mae
Student Loan Finance Corporation
Wells Fargo Education Financial Services (EFS)
Page 3
Elected Officers
Susan Smith
University of North Georgia
Sarah Baumhoff
Kennesaw State University
Past President
Cathy Crawley
Georgia College & State University
Vice President of Programs
Felicia Ailster
Georgia Perimeter College
Vice President of Professional Development
Pat Barton
Clayton State University
Kimberly Morris
Southern Crescent Technical College
Jody Darby
Chattahoochee Technical College
Amber Singletary
Georgia Northwestern Technical College
Committee Chairs
Diversity & Community Action
Janice Balte
University of North Georgia
Communications & Technology
Mitchell Fagler
Southeastern Technical College
Membership Development
Sarah Baumhoff
Kennesaw State University
Vendor/Sponsor Coordinator
Stephen Andersen
Georgia Northwestern Technical College
Leadership Development
Wanda Hicks
Athens Technical College
Budget & Finance
Pennie Strong
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Legislative Affairs
Philip Hawkins
University of West Georgia
“If you build it, he will come.” Field of Dreams
Page 4
Committee Members
Awards & Nominations Committee
Nancy Ferguson
Sylvia M Jones
Marcia S Slade
Letrell L Thomas
University of Georgia
Wells Fargo [EFS]
Shorter University
Ogeechee Technical College
Diversity & Community Action Committee
Vory L Billups
Robin M Forte-Burrell
Vanessa M Fulton
Stephanie D Gunby
Carole J Jones
Kimberly B Jordan
Julie A Lord
Natasha Simpson
Tiffany Tuma
Atlanta Technical College
Atlanta Institute of Music
Georgia Institute of Technology
Herzing University
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia Gwinnett College
University of North Georgia
Georgia Perimeter College
Georgia State University
Leadership Development Committee
Marsia Malone
Shannon C Simmons
Megan P Simpson
Angela F Wilson
Robin M Winston
Gwinnett Technical College
Georgia College & State University
Georgia Highlands College
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia Perimeter College
Professional Development Committee
Truitt E. Franklin
Lawana J Haynes
Kristin Hooks
Angela Lewis
Shelley Mock-Randolph
Irma Molinares
Melodie Pirone
Russ Romandini
Beverly Smyre Hines
Truett-McConnell College
Georgia Gwinnett College
USG Board of Regents
University of North Georgia
Brenau University
ECMC Solutions
Southern Crescent Technical College
Columbus State University
Augusta Technical College
Page 5
Program Committee
Joe Buchholz
La-Tonya T Harrell
David Haygood
Brenda B Hill
Syreeta L Monroe
Mendi C Morrow
Andra Peterson
Jill Towns
University of West Georgia
Georgia State University
Sallie Mae
Georgia Northwestern Technical College
Savannah State University
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia Gwinnett College
Georgia Military College
“My mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna
get. -Forest Gump
“Elementary, my dear Watson.” –The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes
“Wait a minute, wait a minute. You ain't heard nothin' yet!” –The Jazz Singer
Page 6
Session Presenters and Speakers
Clark Aldridge
Clyde Anderson
David Bartnicki
Pat Barton
Sarah Baumhoff
Amy Berrier
Greg Carlo
Michelle Craig
Tricia Chastain
Robyn Crittenden
Cathy Crawley
Dr. Houston Davis
Ron Day
Vanessa Fulton
Amy Gerber
David Haygood
Wanda Hicks
Kristin Hooks
Kristi Jones
Bonita King
Colleen Krumweide
Nancia Leath, MA, LPC
Em McNair
Gary Mann
Kimberly Morris
LaKisha Sanders
Kelly Savoie
Louis Scott
Cathy Shell
Susan Smith
Monica Stam
Pennie Strong
Robin Winston
Financial Life Connection
U.S. Department of Education
Clayton State University
Kennesaw State University
SASFAA President-Elect, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Clayton State University
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia College & State University
University System of Georgia
NASFAA Past National Chair, Kennesaw State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services
Sallie Mae
Athens Technical College
USG Information Technology Services
Georgia Perimeter College
Financial Aid TV
Mental Health Specialist
The Extra Edge Professional Development Trainers
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Southern Crescent Technical College
Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Sallie Mae
Georgia State University
NCASFAA President, Lees McRae College
GASFAA President, University of North Georgia
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia Perimeter College
“Bond. James Bond.” Dr. No
“You can't handle the truth!” A Few Good Men
Page 7
Session Moderators
Faith Anderson
Sarah Baumhoff
Dr. Susanna Baxter
Rebecca Ethredge
Vanessa Fulton
Amy Gerber
Maria Hammett
Niambi Hines
David Haygood
Wanda Hicks
Rhonda Johnson
Dr. Joyce Jones
Sylvia Jones
Bonita King
Colleen Krumwiede
Marisa Malone
Gary Mann
Syreeta Monroe
Dawn Moore
Janifer Morgan
Mendi Morrow
Stephen Purvis
Courtney Ray
Russ Romandini
Kelly Savoie
Doug Tanner
Kristie Teasley
Jill Towns
Darryl Watson
Angela Wilson
Savannah Technical College
Kennesaw State University
Georgia Independent College Association
Southeastern Technical College
Georgia Institute of Technology
Great Lakes Educational Loan Services
Mercer University
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Sallie Mae
Athens Technical College
Mercer University
University System of Georgia
Wells Fargo EFS
Georgia Perimeter College
Financial Aid TV
Gwinnett Technical College
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Savannah State University
DeVry University
Columbus Technical College
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Wesleyan College
Athens Technical College
Columbus State University
Sallie Mae
Valdosta State University
Chattahoochee Technical College
Georgia Military College
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Georgia Student Finance Commission
“There's no place like home.” The Wizard of Oz
Page 8
General Information
Networking is important to GASFAA’s strength. We want to meet you. When you do meet someone new, your
name is important. If we don’t know you, we would like to get to know you! Please wear your name badge to
all sessions and meal functions.
Meeting Etiquette
Please silence or turn off all cellular phones and other devices during all conference sessions and meals.
Please refrain from talking during presentations, and remember that loud conversations held outside of a
meeting room may be disruptive to others.
If you have brought a guest with you, we cordially welcome him or her to our conference. If he or she wishes to
attend any meal function(s), please visit the Registration Desk for meal prices.
Conference Attire
Business casual attire is encouraged. Rooms may be cool, so please plan accordingly.
Vendor Area
Our vendors are vitally important to GASFAA’s successes. As such, please visit these important GASFAA
partners as they have some great information for you to take back to your offices. See the detailed schedule in
the Program for the hours of operation of the Vendor Area. The Vendor Area is closed during general sessions
and meals so that our partners can join us
Recording Devices
No sessions may be recorded or taped without the permission of the presenter(s). We appreciate your
cooperation in this matter.
Session Presentations
The concurrent session presentations are provided on the GASFAA website for members to access. Any that
may not be listed were not provided before the conference. As they are provided, the Program Committee will
ensure they are published to the membership as well.
“No wire hangers, ever!” – Mommie Dearest
“I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.” – A Street Car Named Desire
“Striker: Surely you can't be serious.
Rumack: I am serious...and don't call me Shirley.” -Airplane
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Facility Map
Wyndham Peachtree Hotel and Conference Center
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Tuesday, May 19th
1:00pm – 5:00pm
Executive Board Meeting
Clayton A & B
2:00pm – 5:00pm
Program Committee Meeting
6:00pm – 8:00pm
Dinner (Executive Board, Leadership, Professional Development, & Program Committees)
Terrace Dining Restaurant
“Life is a banquet, and most poor suckers are starving to death!” –Auntie Mame
“Carpe diem. Seize the day, boys. Make your lives extraordinary.” -Dead Poets Society
“My mother thanks you. My father thanks you. My sister thanks you. And I thank you.” –
Yankee Doodle Dandy
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Wednesday, May 20th
7:30am – 8:30am
Continental Breakfast
McIntosh Foyer
Executive Board, Pre-Conference Attendees, Program, Professional Development and Leadership Committees
8:00am – 4:00pm
Registration Open
Peachtree Ballroom Foyer
8:00am -11:30am
Exhibitor Set-Up
Peachtree Ballroom Foyer
9:00am – 11:00am
Hot Topic Sessions
1. Institutional Responsibility & the Management of
Title IV Funds
Presenter: Leadership Development Committee
McIntosh A
2. Verification Topical Discussion
Presenter: Professional Development Committee
McIntosh C
11:00am – 11:50am
First Time Attendees and New Member Welcome
Peachtree Ballroom Foyer
11:30am – 5:00pm
Exhibitor Area Open (closed during lunch)
Peachtree Ballroom Foyer
11:30am – 12:30pm
Past Presidents’ Luncheon
Terrace Dining Restaurant
11:30am – 12:30pm
Welcome Lunch
Peachtree Ballroom
12:30pm –1:50pm
Opening Session
Peachtree Ballroom
President’s Welcome
Welcome to Peachtree City, Mayor Vanessa Fleisch
Recognition of Guests and Vendors
Regional and State Association Updates
Keynote Speaker –Tricia Chastain, President, Georgia Student Finance Commission
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2:00pm – 2:50pm
Concurrent Sessions – Sector Meetings
Georgia Independent College Association
Private/Proprietary Colleges and Universities
Technical College System of Georgia Schools
McIntosh C
University System of Georgia Schools
McIntosh A
3:00pm – 3:50pm
Concurrent Sessions
Addressing the Needs of Students with Emotional Challenges
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, PTSD, may present serious issues when it comes to higher education
settings. Learn different ways to accommodate these students in order to help them achieve their academic
Presenter: Nancia Leath, Mental Health Specialist, LPC, NCC
Moderator: Syreeta Monroe, Savannah State University
Building Your Plan for Professional Growth: From Education to Experience McIntosh A
Federal Student Aid is a constantly moving industry. So, in the cloud of regulatory updates and system
upgrades how do you create a professional growth plan? In this session I will provide a pathway to assist you
with the tools required; to establish a progression plan within the financial aid industry.
Presenter: Robin Winston, Georgia Perimeter College
Moderator: Mendi Morrow, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace
The session will address providing a clear understanding of diversity, raise a greater awareness and sensitivity
to diversity, and recommend tools for fostering a cohesive workplace.
Presenter: Amy Berrier, SASFAA President-Elect, University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Moderator: Dr. Susana Baxter, Georgia Independent College Association
Promoting Healthy Credit Awareness/ Financial Literacy Activities
McIntosh C
This is a panel discussion where you will hear from your peers the programs they have put together and
additional measures they have incorporated to Promote Healthy Credit Awareness on their campus. The
discussion will include gaining support on campus and the wise use of your valuable resources.
Presenter: Louis Scott, Georgia State University; Michelle Craig, Clayton State University; Kelly Savoie, Sallie
Mae; David Haygood, Sallie Mae; Maria Carthon, Emory University
Moderator: Russ Romandini, Columbus State University
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4:00pm – 4:50pm
Concurrent Sessions
Recognizing the Difference Between Impact and Intent:
Does Your Customer Service Measure Up?
Many professionals have been in situations where their intent did not meet their impact. How we communicate
information can greatly affect our desired outcomes. In this session, we will learn how successful
communication builds trust and understanding—even when the news being delivered is not the news the
students or others may want to hear.
Trust, you do not want to miss this session!
Presenter: Bonita King, Georgia Perimeter College
Moderator: Marisa Malone, Gwinnett Technical College
GSFC's New Website
McIntosh A
GSFC’s New Website Overview – Coming Attractions, GSFC will share information on the new website and
Presenter: Robyn Crittenden, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Moderator: Jill Towns, Georgia Military College
Process Mapping Financial Aid:
McIntosh C
Creating a Procedure Manual that Works for Your Office
Process Mapping is just a fancy name for creating a procedure manual detailing how a process is completed or
done. Procedure manuals are necessities in every office on campus because they provide the important
resources for carrying out processes. Do you need a place to start with in developing a procedure manual for
all of your financial aid processes? This session will give you tips and tools that will help you on your way to
smooth sailing by creating process maps for all of your financial aid business practices and processes at your
Presenter: Kristin Hicks, USG Information Technology Services
Moderator: Angela Wilson, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Understanding Federal Student Loan Repayment Plans
This informative session will discuss the different federal student loan payment plans available, the various
loan forgiveness programs and the criteria for each, and the latest changes to the defaulted loan payment
Presenter: Clark Aldridge, KHEEA
Moderator: Maria Hammett, Mercer University
5:15pm - 7:00pm
President’s Reception
The Colonnade
7:00pm - 9:00pm
GASFAA Bingo – Play to win a prize!
McIntosh B
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Thursday, May 21st
Yoga on the Lawn at Dawn
East Lawn
7:30am – 8:30am
Continental Breakfast
Peachtree Ballroom
8:15am – 4:00pm
Registration Open
Peachtree Foyer
8:30am – 4:00pm
Exhibitor Area Open (closed during general sessions)
Silent Auction Open (closed during general sessions)
8:30am – 10:00am
General Session
Peachtree Ballroom
Guest Speaker: Dr. Houston Davis, Executive Vice Chancellor, University System of Georgia
10:00am – 10:50am
Concurrent Sessions
Boosting the Effectiveness of Your Loan Counseling:
Taking the Bull by the Horns
Exit counseling helps students with successful repayment, but is it too late for students to make smart
borrowing choices? Attend this session to learn a holistic approach to loan counseling. We'll review the specific
challenges borrowers face at various stages of their academic lives and how your targeted counseling
strategies can improve outcomes for students and your institution.
Presenter: Amy Gerber, Great Lakes Educational Loan Services
Moderator: Darryl Watson, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Mitigating Fraud Risk in the Title IV Programs
As good stewards of federal tax dollars, it is our responsibility to identify when fraud may be occurring. This
session will focus on mitigating the risk of fraud in Title IV programs at your institution.
Presenter: Office of Inspector General Investigation Services
Moderator: Kelly Savoie, Sallie Mae
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The Fears and Myths Surrounding College Consolidations:
McIntosh A
What You Should Know
With college consolidations continuing to affect our offices’ operations, staffs, and students, this panel will
share how consolidations affected their institutions and processes, how they endured during the stress, and
the benefits they have seen so far.
Presenters: Ron Day, Kennesaw State University; Robin Winston, Georgia Perimeter College; Wanda Hicks,
Athens Technical College; Sarah Baumhoff, Kennesaw State University; Susan Smith, University of North
Moderator: Doug Tanner, Valdosta State University
The Regulations and Procedures to Know for FY2016
McIntosh C
State Programs FY 2016 Regulations and Procedures – this session will provide you with FY 2016 State
Program Regulations and Procedures to help you be a star of the state program scene.
Presenter: Pennie Strong, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Moderator: Janifer Morgan, Northwestern Technical College
Concurrent Sessions
A View into Financial Literacy on Campus, Based on Results of an Informal Survey Cobb
In April 2014, Sallie Mae conducted an informal survey of its customers to help us understand which schools
had a financial literacy program and if so, what the priorities were in developing it. In addition, the survey asked
participants who on campus were responsible for financial literacy and how engaged students are on the topic.
During our discussion, we'll walk you through the results of this survey and conclude with a brief question and
answer period. Outcomes: Best Practices for a Financial Literacy program on your campus.
Presenter: Kelly Savoie, Sallie Me
Moderator: Kimberly Morris, Southern Crescent Technical College
Controlling Your Anger Before...
In this session, we will teach participants how to identify their anger triggers and what to do when they are
angry. In a recent article in the AJC, Cindy Krischer Goodman stated that "bullying will emerge as a top
workplace complaint just as cyberbullying". A poll by CareerBuilder found that "28 percent of workers feel that
they have been bullied at work and 19 percent of those workers have left their jobs because of the bullying". In
view of same, and other related issues taking in our schools and around us, as controlling ones anger is a
timely topic for our association.
Presenter: Em McNair, Education Consultant
Moderator: Gary Mann, Georgia Student Finance Commission
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The Connection Between SAP and Retention
McIntosh C
We all want to ensure students are successful and graduate, but we know some will struggle along the
way. This session will discuss how Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) relates to retention. Learn the
importance of a proactive communication strategy about SAP to ensure retention as you review SAP
principles, and learn about reviews of case studies that show how schools are actively communicating with
students about SAP. Borrowing and sharing of ideas is encouraged!
Presenter: Colleen Krumwiede, Financial Aid TV
Moderator: Niambi Hines, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Unusual Enrollment & The New Update You Should Know
McIntosh A
This session will cover changes for 2015-2016, resolutions, and operations as related to Unusual Enrollment
History (UEH)-and will end with a question and answer segment.
Presenter: David Bartnicki, U.S. Department of Education
Moderator: Bonita King, Georgia Perimeter College
12:30pm – 1:50pm
Lunch/General Session
Peachtree Ballroom
Guest Speaker: Clyde Anderson, Money and Mindset Mentor, Income Stream Creator, Author and Educator,
Financial Life Connection
2:00pm – 2:50pm
Concurrent Sessions
Getting Involved: The Importance for You and Your Career
Learn more about getting involved in professional financial aid associations at both the state and regional
levels. Getting involved can be beneficial to both your personal and professional growth!
Presenter: Cathy Shell, NCASFAA President, School Name
Moderator: Courtney Ray, Athens Technical College
Pell LEU: Best Practices ~ Panel Discussions
McIntosh C
Are you having difficulties with your Pell LEU (Lifetime Eligibility Used) process? Join Doug and Pat as they
discuss their Pell LEU best practices in this great avenue in which to share ideas!
Presenters: Doug Tanner, Valdosta State University & Pat Barton, Clayton State University
Moderator: Kristie Teasley, Chattahoochee Technical College
Page 17
Return to Title IV: Are Your Withdrawal Calculations
McIntosh A
Passing the Compliance Test?
This session will cover regulatory information and compliance, processing, unofficial withdrawals and faculty
Presenter: Vanessa Fulton, Georgia Institute of Technology
Moderator: Syreeta Monroe, Savannah State University
Student Loan Exit Interviews: How to Train the Trainer
As students enter their final months or weeks before graduation, they may oftentimes "breeze through" their
online federal loan exit interviews. This session is designed to assist Financial Aid Administrators in effectively
communicating to students the importance of paying back their student loans and will provide vital reference
information you can use with students before they begin their post-baccalaureate aspirations.
Presenter: Greg Carlo, Navient
Moderator: Wanda Hicks, Athens Technical College
3:00pm – 3:50pm
Concurrent Session
How to Make Banner® work for YOU:
McIntosh A
Creating Basic to Complex Population Selections
This session teaches/reviews basic population selection (pop selections) creation and how to execute multiple
pop selections to pull exactly the students you need.
Presenter: Lakisha Sanders, Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Moderator: Vanessa Fulton, Georgia Institute of Technology
Do the Benefits of College Outweigh the Costs?
This presentation is a review of recent studies on the value of a college education. During the session, you will
hear the results of three independent studies conducted on this topic. In addition to reviewing opinions on if
college is worth it, the results also touch on average debt, payment to income ratios, and average annual
income by education.
Presenters: Kelly Savoie & David Haygood, Sallie Mae
Moderator: Dr. Joyce Jones, University System of Georgia
Page 18
Finding Balance: Improving Your CDR in a Changing Climate
Communicating with student loan borrowers helps support the successful repayment of loans and can improve
a college’s cohort default rate (CDR). However, due to increasing to-do lists and staffing limitations, it has
become more difficult than ever to perform outreach and regular communication with students—especially
those who are no longer enrolled. Whether you’re institution is concerned with a rising CDR or your office is
simply looking to implement a default prevention strategy to maintain your rate and improve student success,
the thought of outsourcing has probably crossed your mind. When considering default prevention, it’s important
to find the proper balance: do it yourself; hire an expert vendor; or use a combination of efforts. This
presentation will show you why you need a default prevention strategy, regardless of your rate, the pros and
cons of both outsourcing and insourcing your default prevention strategy, along with tools needed to evaluate
and choose a successful partner if you decide to outsource.
Presenter: Monica Stam, Inceptia
Moderator: Rebecca Ethredge, Southeastern Technical College
SAL and SALT for FY2016
McIntosh C
GSFC presents his session that will put the camera on the Student Access Loan (SAL) and Student Access
Loan – Technical (SALT) programs for students and discuss the scene for the 2015-2016 award year.
Presenters: Pennie Strong & Gary Mann, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Moderator: Sarah Baumhoff, Kennesaw State University
4:00pm – 4:50pm
Concurrent Sessions
FWS: Is Your Process Seamless or Stressful? A School’s Perspective
This session will cover topics from the FWS application process to the set-up in Banner to reports that can be
run for Federal Work Study. We found that our current process of the FWS program was daunting and had no
real order. If the FWS Coordinator was away from the office we had no way of knowing who was awarded,
eligibility amounts, placement, etc. We work extremely close with our Human Resource Department to make
the process less stressful and more seamless.
Presenters: Kimberly Morris, Southern Crescent Technical College
Moderator: Dawn Moore, DeVry University
Identity Theft: Help Your Students Avoid the Epidemic
Session Description: Every minute, approximately 19 people fall victim to identity theft. Do you know how to
help your students avoid this epidemic? Identity theft is the fastest growing crime in America, and young
people between the ages of 18-24 (our typical students) are the most likely to be affected. There are ways that
your students can proactively protect themselves. This session will show you how you can inform and counsel
your students so they can protect themselves from identity thieves and potential scams and scamsters.
Presenter: Amy Gerber, Great Lakes Educational Loan Services
Moderator: Stephen Purvis, Wesleyan College
Page 19
State Dual Enrollment Program, Move on When Ready
McIntosh A
GSFC unveils the new Move On When Ready program for high school students. Come learn the regulations
and procedures to assist your dual credit enrollment stars—staff and students.
Presenter: Pennie Strong, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Moderator: Rhonda Johnson, Mercer University
SULA (Subsidized Usage Limit Applies)
McIntosh C
Subsidized Usage Limit Applies is a topic about which most can learn something! This session will give you
great tips on being efficient and compliant throughout this complicated process—beginning to end.
Presenter: Lakisha Sanders, Georgia Piedmont Technical College
Moderator: Colleen Krumwiede, Financial Aid TV
6:00pm – 7:15pm
Dinner/ Awards Dinner
7:15pm – 9:30pm
80’s Karaoke & Entertainment
Peachtree Ballroom
Peachtree Ballroom
“Louis, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship.” Casablanca
Page 20
Friday, May 22rd
7:45am – 8:30am
Country Buffet Breakfast
Peachtree Ballroom
8:30am – 10:00am
Federal Update
Peachtree Ballroom
Presenter: David Bartnicki, U.S. Department of Education
10:00am – 11:30am
Closing Session
Peachtree Ballroom
“May the Force be with you” Star Wars
“I’m the king of the world!!” Titanic
“I’ll be back….”
The Terminator
Page 21
GASFAA Past Presidents and Scholarships
GASFAA has a rich history dating back to the 1960s. We recognize our Past Presidents and the important
leadership each President brought to the Association during his or her tenure. Each able Past President is
welcomed and encouraged to participate in GASFAA’s Past Presidents’ Council—an advisory council to the
Board and Association as a whole.
In 1999, GASFAA established the GASFAA Memorial Scholarship Fund to provide scholarships to students
enrolled in institutions of higher education in Georgia. GASFAA’s Past Presidents have assumed responsibility
for fund raising for the Memorial Scholarship Fund. Fund raising activities have raised over $90,000 for this
fund. Presently, two scholarships are given annually—randomly selected from those institutions in attendance
at the annual meeting/conference. Your support is vital.
Cathy Crawley
Georgia College & State University
Philip Hawkins
University of West Georgia
Nancy Ferguson
University of Georgia
Doug Tanner
Valdosta State University
Jill Rayner
North Georgia College & State University
Pennie Strong
Central Georgia Technical College
David Bledsoe
Georgia State University
Jenelle Handcox
Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College
Suzanne Pittman
Georgia College and State University
Freida Jones
Georgia Southwestern State University
Lenora Jackson
Spelman College
Julia Perreault
Emory University
Lisa Mitchem
Georgia Institute of Technology
Gary Mann
DeKalb Technical College
Deborah Clark
Atlanta Area Technical Institute
Ruth Rich
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Ron Day
Shorter College
Marvin Reid
Macon State College
Willie Williams
Morris Brown College
Page 22
Deborah Barbone
North Georgia College
Vera Brooks
Clayton State College
Kaye Storey**
LaGrange College
Jean Dobson
Oxford College of Emory University
Susan Little
University of Georgia
Tommy Moore
Valdosta State University
Gary Lewis
University of Georgia
Linda McAnnally
Dalton Junior College
Marie Mons
Mercer University of Atlanta
Connie King
Georgia State University
David Gray
Georgia Institute of Technology
Clark Aldridge
Columbus College
Ray Tripp
University of Georgia
Tom Patterson
Kennesaw College
Bob Evans**
Oglethorpe University
Charlie Edwards
Albany Junior College
Cheryl O’Keeffe
Medical College of Georgia
Paul Smith
West Georgia College
Jerry McTier
Georgia State University
Bill Lee
Georgia Institute of Technology
Dean Dalton*
Georgia State University
Wayne Hopper*
Dalton Junior College
Anne Seawell
University of Georgia
James Garner
Georgia Institute of Technology
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GASFAA Executive Board’s Outstanding New Professional
Recipients of the GASFAA Executive Board’s Award for the Outstanding New
Professional have served not more than three years in a full time position as a professional student financial
aid officer and are judged on contributions to GASFAA and to their institutions. Recipients exemplify creativity
in raising the profession to a higher level.
Amber Singletary
Linda S. Casey
Noel Brock
Georgia Southern University
Bainbridge College
Augusta State University
Past Presidents’ Award for Distinguished Service
Recipients of the Past Presidents’ Award for Distinguished Service are selected by the Past Presidents’
Council and are GASFAA members with at least ten years of service. Recipients exemplify leadership
performance and have demonstrated contributions above and beyond the normal service required by positions
of leadership.
Donja Tripp
Steve Langston
Marvin E. Reid
Ray Tripp
Georgia Southwestern State University
Gainesville State College
Macon State College
University of Georgia
Achievement Award for Outstanding Service to Students Award
Recipients of the Achievement Award for Outstanding Service to Students are chosen by the Awards
Committee of GASFAA. Recipients have demonstrated evidence of successful student advocacy, a genuine
and sincere sense of caring and concern for students, and a commitment to personalize student experiences
and humanize the campus community. Recipients have demonstrated high quality interaction with individuals
and student groups and performance “above and beyond the call of duty” while serving multiple roles within the
campus community.
Caylee French
Dianne Cox
Kathleen Caldwell
Sabina G. Presley
Johnny Nimes
Georgia Student Finance Commission
Dalton State College
Albany State University
Medical College of Georgia
Morehouse College
Donald E. Payton Award for Lifetime Achievement
The Donald E. Payton Award for Lifetime Achievement is awarded by the Executive Board to individuals who
have been GASFAA members for 15 or more years (current or former members) and who have demonstrated
life-long significant and consistent contributions as member of GASFAA, a high level of competency in Student
Financial Aid, and leadership in community and institutional affairs.
Gary Mann
Ron Day
Susan D. Little
William (Bill) Flook
Deborah R. Barbone
Jerry McTier
Ray Tripp
Em McNair
Southern Polytechnic State University
Kennesaw State University
University of Georgia
Georgia Student Finance Commission
N. GA College and State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
University of Georgia
Southern Polytechnic State University
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Tommy A. Moore
Valdosta State University
William M. Pouncey
Georgia Institute of Technology
Kitty C. McDonald
GA Student Finance Commission
Robert G. McCants
GA Student Finance Commission
Cheryl W. O'Keeffe
Medical College of Georgia
W. Arnold Hulsey *
North Georgia College
Donald E. Payton+ GA Student Finance Commission
**Did not serve full term +Awarded posthumously
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