Why Millennials Don’t Eat Cereal (and other important things you need to know to develop a dynamic workplace.) Presented by Lisa Wilson AESA Summer Leadership Conference July 12, 2016 Outcomes for Today Gain a better understanding of the Millennial generation and strategies for developing a dynamic workforce. Each generation is shaped by the influences they share during their formative years resulting in a world view unique to that generation. Your generational location in life strongly influences how you see life. Each generation, when it attains power, tends to repudiate the work of the generation it has displaced and to reenact the ideals of its own formative days. Arthur Schlesinger The Cycles of American History, 1989 Where are you? Traditionalists--Born 1925-1945 (71+) 55 million Boomers--Born 1946-1964 (52-70) 76 million Gen Xers--Born 1965-1980 (36-51) 51 million Millennials--Born 1981-2001 (15-35) 75 million Cuspers Cuspers stand in the gap between two generations and often become experts at mediating, translating, and mentoring. Traditionalists/Boomers – 1940-45 Boomers/Gen Xers – 1960-65 Gen Xers/Millennials – 1975-80 Traditionalists (71+) http:///commons.wikimedia.org Traditionalists (71+) hwww.flickr.com Boomers (52-70) www.flicker.com Boomers (52-70) www.flicker.com Gen X (36-51) http:///commons.wikimedia.org Gen X (36-51) hhttp://www.picserver.org Millennials (15-35) http:///commons.wikimedia.org http:///commons.wikimedia.org http://youtu.be/M4IjTUxZORE https://youtu.be/M4IjTUxZORE 7 tips for creating a workplace that appeals to millennials. 30.5 billion annually #1 Create Collaborative & Flexible Workspaces #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #3 Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #3 Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. #4 Provide constant feedback and mentoring. #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #3 Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. #5 Help them find purpose and a career path. #4 Provide constant feedback and mentoring. #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #6 Communicate their way. #5 Help them find their purpose and career path. #3 Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. #4 Provide constant feedback and mentoring. www.coca-colacompany.com www.coca-colacompany.com Top 5 Rules 1) Tell us to read the whole e-mail. ● Thank You for using (service) ● (Season) is here! ● Fwd: Fwd: Fwd: re: (anything) The Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC. http://www.genhq.com/GYRe5 Top 5 Rules 2) The pointier the bullet, the better. 3) If your e-mails have only a subject line, you are actually sending text messages. Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC. http://www.genhq.com/GYRe5 Top 5 Rules 4) If your meetings require no decisions or discussions, you are actually sending e-mails. 5) A phone call is an invasion of privacy. The Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC. http://www.genhq.com/GYRe5 k thx c u @4:30!!!1!! #1 Create collaborative & flexible workspaces #2 Provide technology and resources to do the work. #6 Communicate their way. #7 Make room for celebrations. #5 Help them find their purpose and career path. #3 Provide opportunities for professional growth and learning. #4 Provide constant feedback and mentoring. Millennials Don’t Eat Cereal http://www.denverpost.com/2014/11/21/millennials-know-thatwork-life-balance-is-worth-fighting-for/ Purpose Mastery Autonomy What will you do differently as a result of what you learned today? Credits Adkins, A. & Rigoni, B. What Millennials Want from a New Job. Published in Harvard Business Review, May 11, 2016. Bennis, W & Thomas, R. Geeks & Geezers: How Era, Values, and Defining Moments Shape Leaders The Center for Generational Kinetics, LLC. http://www.genhq.com/GYRe5 Gallup, Inc. How Millennials Want to Work and Live, The Six Big Changes Leaders Have to Make. 2016 Lancaster, L.C., & Stillman, D. When Generations Collide Shaw, Haydn. Sticking Points Strauss, W. & Howe, N. Generations. Tamblin, Brady. Creative Spaces for Your Millennial Staff, Published on Seattle Business Magazine , (http://seattlebusinessmag.com)