Curriculum Vitae Nicole Bender

Curriculum Vitae Nicole Bender Personal data Name Nicole Ursula Bender-­‐Oser Residence Seftigenstrasse 295, 3084 Wabern, Switzerland Telephone +41 44 635 05 31 (business) +41 76 528 84 45 (mobile) +41 31 961 41 18 (private) Email Websites Date of birth 18 May 1971 Place of birth Basel, Switzerland Nationality Swiss Marital status Married to Renato Bender, since 21.07.2000 Languages German, English, Italian, French, Portuguese Present appointments 2016 – date Senior research fellow, Evolutionary Morphology and Adaptation Group, Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zurich 2010 – date Adjunct research fellow, Institute for Human Evolution, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa Academic degrees 2013 Certificate of advanced studies in Higher Education (CAS Hochschuldidaktik), University of Bern 2010 Medical specialisation FMH in Prevention and Public Health SGPG (Fachärztin für Prävention und Gesundheitswesen) 2009 MSc Epidemiology, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine and University of London 2006 MD-­‐PhD in Behavioural Ecology: The relationship between social status, behaviour, growth and steroids in male helpers and breeders of a cooperatively breeding cichlid. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. M. Taborsky, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern 2004 Medical doctoral thesis (MD): Die Aquatile Hypothese zum Ursprung des Menschen. Max Westenhöfer’s Theorie und ihre Bedeutung für die Anthropologie. Supervisor: Prof. Dr. U. Boschung, Institute of History of Medicine, University of Bern 1998 Medical degree, University of Bern 1
Previous appointments 01.06.14 – 30.04.16 Co-­‐director of the SSPH+ PhD Program, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 01.01.14 – 30.04.16 Leader teaching office, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 01.10.05 – 30.04.16 Teaching coordinator and research fellow, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 01.10.02 – 30.09.05 PhD student, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern 15.06.02 – 30.09.02 Specialist registrar, psychiatry UPD Bern, Suprax 1 and 2, Biel 01.11.01 – 14.06.02 Project leader, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern 01.05.99 – 31.10.01 Specialist registrar, psychiatry UPD Bern, Clinic Selhofen Kehrsatz and Project CleaNex Bern 01.03.99 – 30.04.99 Specialist registrar, internal medicine, Bezirksspital Langnau Research interests -­ Evolutionary medicine, especially evolution of human fat tissue and obesity -­ Palaeoanthropology, especially topics related to water and human evolution -­ Primates’ interaction with water -­ History of science, especially of palaeoanthropology -­ Sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV -­ Behavioural ecology, behavioural endocrinology Research experience 2016 – date Research in evolutionary medicine, with special focus on human body composition, nutrition and adaptation to high altitude: systematic reviews and meta-­‐analyses, epidemiological research designs 2010 – 2012 Observational research on swimming and diving in captive chimpanzees and orang-­‐utans 2009 – 2016 Leader of Research Group Evolutionary Medicine, ISPM Bern: systematic reviews and meta-­‐analyses on the associations of environmental factors with body composition in humans, human nutrition, genetic association studies, adaptation to high altitude 2005 – 2012 Member of Research Groups Sexual Health and HIV, ISPM Bern: systematic reviews and meta-­‐analyses on the epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis and HIV 2001 – 2005 Experimental research on the association between hormones and cooperative breeding in the cichlid fish Neolamprologus pulcher, including RIA and real time PCR, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, Bern 1992 – date Literature reviews and historical analyses on topics related to water and human evolution, primates’ interaction with water and history of palaeoanthropology 2
Awards and honours 2006 Award Volz of the Zoological Institute, University of Bern, for the thesis The relationship between social status, behaviour, growth and steroids in male helpers and breeders of a cooperatively breeding cichlid. (Best PhD thesis in zoology of the years 2005 and 2006) 2004 Prize of the Medical Faculty (Fakultätspreis), University of Bern, for the thesis Die Aquatile Hypothese zum Ursprung des Menschen. Max Westenhöfer’s Theorie und ihre Bedeutung für die Anthropologie. (Third best MD thesis of the year 2004) 2002 – 2005 Marie Heim-­‐Vögtlin Fellowship of the Swiss National Science Foundation Fundraising 2016 Grant BAG for “Der Body Mass Index (BMI) von Schweizer Stellungspflichtigen 2015 differenziert nach sozio-­‐ökonomischem Hintergrund, regionaler Herkunft, Blutdruck und Leistung beim Test Fitness Rekrutierung (TFR), sowie Pilotprojekt Waist Circumfence (WC) und Waist-­‐
to-­‐Height-­‐Ratio (WHtR) 2016“ 2015 Grant SNF for “Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease”, University Zürich 2015 Grant KGF Novartis and Roche for “Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease”, University Zürich 2015 Grant SAMW for “Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease”, University Zürich 2004 Grant Stiftung zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung an der Universität Bern, Gesuch-­‐Nr. 06/2004 2004 Grant for short research-­‐stay abroad (Kurzaufenthalt), Swiss National Science Foundation 2002 – 2005 Grant Marie Heim-­‐Vögtlin, Swiss National Science Foundation 2002 – 2005 Grant Hochschulstiftung der Burgergemeinde Bern 2002 – 2005 Several congress grants, Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour 1998 Grant Achille Isella, Bundesamt für Bildung und Wissenschaft Professional memberships -­ International Society for Evolution, Medicine and Public Health -­ Schweizerische Gesellschaft der Fachärzte / Fachärztinnen für Prävention und Gesundheitswesen SGPG (2010-­‐2012 executive board member) -­ Verbindung der Schweizer Ärztinnen und Ärzte FMH -­ Verband Schweizerischer Assistenz-­‐ und Oberärztinnen-­‐ und ärzte VSAO -­ Public Health Schweiz -­ Ethologische Gesellschaft e.V., Germany 3
Editorial appointments 2010 – 2012 The Evolution and Medicine Review Peer reviewing Papers Books Ethology Hormones and Behavior Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology Journal of Diabetes and Its Complications Physiology and Behavior Experimental and Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes PLOS ONE Gene International Journal of Molecular Sciences Transactions of the Royal Society of South Africa Journal of Biological and Clinical Anthropology The Quarterly Review of Biology Oxford University Press Funding agencies National Research Foundation: National Health Laboratory Service Research Trust (NHLSRT) Grants, South Africa National Research Foundation: Human and Institutional Capacity Development Grants, Revised Thuthuka Programme, South Africa Publications Peer reviewed original papers: 18. Bender, N., et al., 2014: Fish or n-­‐3 PUFA intake and body composition: A systematic review and meta-­‐
analysis. Obesity Reviews 15 (8), 657-­‐665. 2012 IF: 6.87, MR: 0.918. 17. Bender, R., Bender, N., 2013: Swimming and Diving Behavior in Apes (Pan troglodytes and Pongo pygmaeus): First Documented Report. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 152, 156-­‐162. 2012 IF: 2.481, MR: 0.916. 16. Mugglin, C., Wandeler, G., Estill, J., Egger, M., Bender, N., Davies, MA, Keiser, O., 2013: Retention in Care of HIV-­‐Infected Children from HIV Test to Start of Antiretroviral Therapy: Systematic Review. PloS one 8 (2), e56446. 2012 IF: 3.73, MR: 0.882. 15. Bender, R., Tobias, P.V. & Bender, N., 2012: The Savannah Hypotheses: Origin, Reception and Impact on Paleoanthropology. History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 34, 161-­‐198. Not ISI indexed. 14. Wettstein, C., Mugglin, C., Egger, M., Blaser, N., Salazar, L., Estill, J., Bender, N., et. al., 2012: Missed Opportunities to Prevent Mother-­‐to-­‐Child-­‐Transmission in sub-­‐Saharan Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-­‐Analysis. AIDS 26 (18),2361-­‐73. 2012 IF: 6.407, MR: 0.971. 13. Mugglin, C., Estill, J., Wandeler, G., Bender, N., et al., 2012: Loss to programme between HIV diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy in sub-­‐Saharan Africa: systematic review and meta-­‐analysis. Tropical Medicine & International Health doi: 10.1111/j.1365-­‐3156.2012.03089.x. 2012 IF: 2.938, MR: 0.905. 12. Bender, N., et al., 2011: Association between Variants of the Leptin Receptor Gene (LEPR) and Overweight: A Systematic Review and an Analysis of the CoLaus Study. PloS ONE 6 (10), e26157.2012 IF: 3.73, MR: 0.882. 11. Bender, N., et al., 2011: Chlamydia infection, pelvic inflammatory disease, ectopic pregnancy and infertility: cross-­‐national study. Sexually Transmitted Infections 87, 601-­‐608.2012 IF: 2.611, MR: 0.529. 4
10. Low N., Cassell J.A., Spencer B., Bender N., et al., 2011: Chlamydia control activities in Europe: cross-­‐
sectional survey. European Journal of Public Health 22 (4),556-­‐61. 2012 IF: 2.516, MR: 0.816. 9. Martin Hilber, A., Carter Francis, F., Chersich, M., Scott, P., Redmond, S., Bender, N., et al., 2010: Intravaginal Practices, Vaginal Infections and HIV Acquisition: Systematic Review and Meta-­‐analysis. PLoS ONE Feb 9; 5 (2), e9119. 2012 IF: 3.73, MR: 0.882. 8. Low, N., Bender, N., et al., 2009: Effectiveness of chlamydia screening: systematic review. International Journal of Epidemiology 38, 435-­‐448. 2012 IF: 6.982, MR: 0.991. 7. Scott, A., Hirschenhauser, K., Bender, N., et al., 2008: Measurement of steroids in fish-­‐holding water: Guidelines for practical application. Behaviour 135, 1307-­‐1328. 2012 IF: 1.661, MR: 0.735. 6. Bender, N., et al., 2008: The role of prolactin in the regulation of brood care in the cooperatively breeding fish Neolamprologus pulcher. Journal of Experimental Zoology. 309A, 515-­‐524. 2012 IF: 1.608, MR: 0.715. 5. Bender, N., et al., 2008: Hormonal control of brood care and social status in a cichlid with brood care helpers. Physiology & Behavior 94, 349-­‐358. 2012 IF: 3.16, MR: 0.612. 4. Bender, N., et al., 2006: The relationship between social status, behaviour, growth and steroids in male helpers and breeders of a cooperatively breeding cichlid: Submissiveness as an honest signal? Hormones and Behavior 50, 173-­‐182. 2012 IF: 3.735, MR: 0.867. 3. Hamilton, I., Heg, D. & Bender, N., 2005: Size differences within a dominance hierarchy influence conflict and help in a cooperatively breeding cichlid. – Behaviour 142, 1591-­‐1613. 2012 IF: 1.661, MR: 0.735. 2. Heg, D., Bender, N. & Hamilton, I., 2004: Strategic growth decisions in helper cichlids. – Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B (Suppl.) 271, 505-­‐508. 2012 IF: 5.683, MR: 0.904. 1. Bender, R., Verhaegen, M. & Oser, N., 1997: Der Erwerb menschlicher Bipedie aus der Sicht der Aquatic Ape Theory.-­‐ Anthropologischer Anzeiger 55, 1-­‐14. 2012 IF: 0.676, MR: 0.494. Other publications in peer reviewed journals: Staub, K., Bender, N., Ewald, P., Rühli, F., 2015: Abstracts for the “Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease” at the University of Zurich, Switzerland (July 30–August 1, 2015). Journal of Evolutionary Medicine 3, 1-­‐45. Bender, R., Bender N., 2014: Letter to the Editor: Reply: “Questioning the use of Privately Owned Apes in Anthropological Research”. American Journal of Physical Anthropology 153, 165. Bender, N., 2010: Book review for the book: “Principles of Evolutionary Medicine” by P. Gluckman, A. Beedle and M. Hanson, for The Quarterly Review of Biology 85, 241. Book chapters: Verhaegen, M., Munro, S., Vaneechoutte, M., Bender, R. and Bender-­‐Oser, N., 2007: The original econiche of the genus Homo. – In: Ecology Research Horizons. New York: Nova Publishers. Other publications: Bender, N., et al., 2012: Die Chlamydieninfektion und ihre Komplikationen: wie wirken sich verschiedene Screeningprogramme aus? Ein Ländervergleich. 6, 10-­‐13. Low, N., Cassel, J., Spencer, B., Bender, N., et al., 2008: Review of chlamydia control activities in EU countries. Project SCREen final report. Low, N., Bender, N., et al., 2006: Revised rapid review of evidence for the effectiveness of screening for genital chlamydial infection in sexually active young women and men. NICE final report. 5
Bender, N., 2006: Hormonal control of social status and brood care in a cichlid fish with alloparental care. – MD-­‐
PhD Thesis at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern. Bender-­‐Oser, N., 2004: Die Aquatile Hypothese zum Ursprung des Menschen. Max Westenhöfer’s Theorie und ihre Bedeutung für die Anthropologie. – MD Thesis at the Insitute for History of Medicine, University of Bern. Bender, R. & Oser, N., 1997: Gottesanbeterinnen, Maulwürfe und Menschen.– Unipress 95, 21-­‐26. Organization of congresses and presentations Organization of national or international symposia or conferences 30.7.15 – 01.08.15 Member of the organization committee of the “Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease”, University of Zürich, Switzerland 29.06.11 – 03.07.11 Organization of the symposium “Evolutionary medicine” at the Human Behavior and Evolution Society annual congress, Montpellier, France Oral presentations at national and international congresses 30.7.15 – 01.08.15 Evolutionary Medicine Conference: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Human Health and Disease, University of Zürich, Switzerland 05.08.11 – 07.08.11 Evolution and Medicine Weekend Workshop, Mount Desert Island Biological Lab, Maine, USA 15.08.09 – 18.08.09 Symposium: "The use of vertebrate model systems to study social evolution", Adelboden, Switzerland 31.05.09 – 06.06.09 28th ICAF Conference, "Fish and Seafood", Kamilari, Crete, Greece 17.09.07 – 19.09.07 Workshop: Bioactive Water Borne Chemicals: Pheromones and Welfare Indicators in Fish, Faro, Portugal 04.09.06 – 06.09.06 ASAB summer meeting: Joint European Conference on Behavioural Biology, Physiological mechanisms in behavioural ecology; Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland, UK 19.07.05 – 21.07.05 ASAB summer meeting: Behavioural Interactions: Visions of the Future. Lancaster, UK Poster presentations at national and international congresses (only as first author) 22.06.16 – 25.06.16 Meeting of the International Society for Evolution, Medicine, & Public Health, Durham NC, USA 30.08.12 – 31.08.12 Swiss Public Health Conference: (Re-­‐) Organizing Health Systems, Lausanne, Switzerland 11.07.10 – 15.07.10 XI International Congress on Obesity, ICO 2010, Stockholm, Sweden 02.04.09 – 03.04.09 Sackler Colloquium: Evolution in Health and Medicine, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC, USA 04.12.03 – 05.12.03 ASAB winter meeting: Hormones, brain and behaviour: which comes first? London, UK 30.04.1999 Symposium: Water and Human Evolution, Gent, Belgium 6
Invited talks 28.10.2015 Obesity: insights from the evolution of human body composition. Talk at the Institute of Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich 28.05.2014 Evolutionsmedizin: was wir aus unserer Vergangenheit lernen können, um unsere Gesundheit zu verbessern. Talk at the Studium Generale, Hochschule Furtwangen, Villingen-­‐Schwenningen, Germany. 16.11.2010 Cooper, the diving ape and his importance for hypotheses on human evolution. Talk at the yearly assembly of the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine Zürich, Switzerland 05.11.2010 Evolutionary medicine at the ISPM Bern. Talk at the Center for Evolutionary Medicine, University of Zürich, Switzerland 16.08.2009 Neolamprologus pulcher as model system for the study of physiologic mechanisms in highly advanced social behaviours. Talk at the symposium: "The use of vertebrate model systems to study social evolution", Adelboden, Switzerland 15.01.2008 From Westenhöfer’s Aquatic Hypothesis to Multiple Hypotheses: the use of convergence in the reconstruction of early hominid evolution. Talk at the School of Anatomical Sciences, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, South Africa 07.05.2007 Water and hominid evolution. Talk at the Anthropological Institute, Zürich, Switzerland June 2005 Konvergenzforschung und die Abklärung phylogenetischer Anpassungen. Talk at the Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, Bern, Switzerland Teaching experience Supervision of higher degree students 2012 – 2014 Portmann M. The relation between fish intake or n-­‐3-­‐fatty acid intake and body weight. A systematic review and a meta-­‐analysis (MD thesis), University of Bern 2010 – 2011 Allemann N. Association between Variants of the Leptin Receptor Gene (LEPR) and Overweight: A Systematic Review and an Analysis of the CoLaus Study (MD thesis), University of Bern Higher degree students teaching 2014 – date Lecturer in the MPH course “Evidence based Public Health”, University of Bern 2014 – date Lecturer at the Villingen Institute of Public Health (VIPH), Steinbeis-­‐
Hochschule Berlin, Villingen-­‐Schwenningen, Germany 2008 – 2016 Course “How to formulate good MC-­‐exam questions?” for PhD students, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 7
Examination of higher degree students 2011 – 2012 Examination of candidates for the medical specialisation FMH in Prevention and Public Health SGPG (Facharzt für Prävention und Gesundheitswesen) 2010 Evaluation for potential “summa cum laude” of PhD thesis of Grosshennig A.: Genetisch-­‐epidemiologische Methoden zur Analyse komplexer kardiovaskulärer Phänotypen. University of Lübeck, Germany 2008 – 2016 First year examination in biostatistics, PhD students, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 2008 – 2016 First year examination in epidemiology, PhD students, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern Supervision of undergraduate students 2015 – date Sutter D. Vegan diet for children – Analysis of the KIGGS dataset. A cross-­‐
sectional and longitudinal study (Master thesis), University of Bern 2011 – 2012 Portmann M. The relation between fish intake or n-­‐3-­‐fatty acid intake and body weight. A systematic review and a meta-­‐analysis (Master thesis), University of Bern 2009 – 2010 Allemann N. The Association between Variants of the Leptin Receptor Gene (LEPR) and Obesity. A Systematic Review and Meta Analysis (Master thesis). University of Bern Undergraduate students teaching 2016 – date Advanced Block course in evolutionary medicine, biology students, University of Zürich 2015 – 2016 Lecture in evolutionary medicine, first year medical students, University of Bern 2014 – date Block course in evolutionary medicine, medical students, University of Zürich 2014 – date Basic block course in evolutionary medicine, biology students, University of Zürich 2011 – 2016 Lecture in epidemiology of obesity, fourth year medical students, University of Bern 2010 – 2016 Lecture in life course epidemiology, fifth year medical students, University of Bern 2010 – 2016 Practical in evolutionary medicine, first and second year medical students, University of Bern 2010 Practical in evidence based medicine, fifth year medical students, University of Bern 2009 – date Lecture in evolutionary medicine, fifth year medical students, University of Bern 2009 – 2012 Practical in evolutionary medicine, third year medical students, University of Bern 8
2008 – 2015 Plenum discussion of Public Health Week, third year medical students, University of Bern 2007 – 2015 PBL tutorials, first to third year medical students, University of Bern 2002 – 2005 Student supervision in several student practicals at the Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Bern Examination of undergraduate students 2014 – 2015 Oral examination in clinical epidemiology, students of Biomedical Engineering, University of Bern 2009 – 2015 Oral examination in clinical epidemiology, second year students, University of Bern. 2009 – 2012 Oral examination in medical statistics, first year students, University of Bern. University and other professional services Advanced and further training for medical specialists in public health 2010 – 2012 Executive board member and responsible for medical advanced and further training of the Swiss Medical Association for Prevention and Public Health SGPG Higher degree students teaching coordination 2015 – date Member of the Program Commission of the Collegium Generale, University of Bern 2014 – 2016 Co-­‐director of the SSPH+ PhD Program, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 2010 – 2014 University of Bern local organizer of the Erasmus Mundus European higher degree master program “MADE: Master of Advanced Epidemiology in Clinical and Genetic Research” 2006 – 2016 Coordination of PhD studies, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern Undergraduate students teaching coordination 2014 – 2016 Leader teaching office, Institute of Social and Preventive Medicine, University of Bern 2014 – 2016 Leader of teaching unit (Themenblockleiterin) in biostatistics, first year medical students, University of Bern 2011 – date Coordinator of figures and copyrights for the textbook Public Health Kompakt and for the according website 2011 – 2012 Overall coordinator of the final Federal exam of medicine, section MC questions, University of Bern 2010 – 2012 Coordinator of the final Federal exam of medicine, group 4 (pathology, legal medicine, radiology and public health), MC questions, University of Bern 9
2006 – 2016 Member of several exam boards at the Medical Faculty of the University of Bern 2006 – 2016 Coordination of teaching activities at the ISPM Bern for medical students 10