Virginia Commonwealth University Department of Nurse Anesthesia Prep Courses (Self-Paced, Web-Based) ( NRTAIOI-Foundations for Mammalian Phvsiolopv This course is designed for students as an aid in preparing for graduate study in physiology. Because students using this aid vary in their knowledge and understanding of anatomy and physiology, this course covers topics ranging from basic principles to the use of complex formulae. Through integration of graphics and activities, this course is intended to help the learner grab an intellectual hold of essential physiological concepts. I -- 1 Rudimentary knowledge of basic principles, such as anatomy, biology, mathematics and terminology, is necessary for mastery of this subject. After their initial introduction, these basic principles are repeated throughout the course and an opportunity to apply these principles is offered. 1 ' NRS1A40.3-Foundations for Medicinal Chemistrv The purpose of this continuing education offering is to suitably prepare the Nurse Anesthesia graduate student for the rigor of the advanced medicinal chemistry course WDC-532) which is a requirement of the program. 1 ' 1 * 1 1 2-2 This foundations course will offer preparatory material in areas of organic chemistry principles and bio-organic chemistry in 19 televideo lessons. The student will be introduced to several chemical and biochemistry concepts; learn to identify functional groups and become familiar with their chemical properties. Each lesson unit will include four practice problems to reinforce the application of introduced concepts, mechanism and structures. An assessment will be offered to complete the course. Those who have already taken a course in organic chemistry will benefit from this continuing education offering because it highlights those principles important to an understanding of concepts that will be emphasized and related to in the required nurse anesthesia medicinal chemistry course (MEDC-532). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please oh& the box for the ccurse that you will like to regisUr for. Log in instructionswill be aneilcdto you in 2-3 weeks. ($30.00 return check fee). C] NRSA401-Foundations for Mammalian Physiology ($200.00) NRSA403-Foundations for Medicinal Chemistry ($200.00) [7 Both courses ($400.00) Name: Full Address: Contact Number/Email Address: Honor Code Signature: "On my honor, I have neither given nor received aid on this assignment and I agree to not share my login with anyone. I understand that if I violate this honor code, I will be terminated fiom the VCU Nurse Anesthesia Program immediately." Please mail check payable to: VCU Department of Nurse Anesthesia P.O.Box 980226, Richmond, Virginia 23298 For additional information, pkase Contact Marjorie Goodwin (804) 828-6726