Section 8. Scope and Intent of Specifications and Drawings

Interpretation of Specifications and Drawings
The specifications and the contract drawings are intended to be explanatory of each other. Any work
indicated in the contract drawings and not in the specifications, or vice versa, is to be executed as if
indicated in both. Should it appear that the work to be done, or any of the matters relative thereto are
not sufficiently detailed or explained in these contract documents, including the contract drawings, the
contractor shall apply in writing to the Engineer for such further explanations as may be necessary and
shall conform thereto as part of this contract so far as may be consist with the terms of the contract.
Should any doubt or question arise respecting the true meaning of the specification, the Engineer shall
make the final decision.
Figured Dimensions
Figured dimensions on the contract drawings shall in all cases be given precedence over scaled
dimensions. If figured dimensions do not correspond to scaled dimensions, contractor shall request
Engineer to verify the accuracy of the figured dimensions. It shall be the responsibility of the contractor
to ascertain the correct scale of all contract drawings in his possession, including those which may have
been reduced for reproduction.
Errors or Discrepancies
If the contractor, in the course of the work, discovers any discrepancies between the drawings and the
conditions of the ground, or any errors or omissions in the drawings or in the layout given by stakes,
points or instructions, it shall be his duty to inform the Engineer immediately in writing, and the Engineer
shall promptly verify the same. Any work done after such discovery, until authorized, will be done at the
contractor’s risk.
Drawings to be Furnished by Contractor
As soon as practical after the execution of this contract, the contractor shall supply drawings of devices
to be furnished hereunder as are called for herein or as are required by the Engineer to make clear the
details of construction and to demonstrate fully that all materials and equipment comply with the intent
and provisions of this contract. Unless otherwise herein specified, such drawings shall be submitted to
the Engineer for his review. Should the Engineer take exception with any drawings furnished by the
contractor, the contractor shall make the revisions required, and resubmit them to the Engineer for
review. After a satisfactory review by the Engineer, these drawings shall become a part of this contract
and the work shall be done in conformity therewith. No such work shall be begun or devices purchased
until the review of the drawings detailing such items have been completed. The review of the drawings
shall not relieve the contractor of responsibility, or waive or modify any of the provisions or requirements
of this contract.
The Engineer's review of drawings submitted by the contractor will be for, and will cover, only generally
conformity to the plans and specifications and will not constitute a blanket approval of all dimensions,
quantities and details of the material or equipment shown by (nor shall review relieve the contractor of
his responsibility for errors contained in) such drawings.
All shop drawings submitted by the various subcontractors which require review of the City's
representative shall first be sent to the contractor who shall keep a record of the drawing numbers and
the date of their receipt by him. Contractor shall submit the drawings to City's representative for review
in time to prevent delays in delivery of materials.
Contractor shall thoroughly check all such shop drawings for measurements, size of member, materials
and details to make sure they conform to the intent of the plans and specifications. Drawings found to
be inaccurate or otherwise in error shall be returned by the contractor to the subcontractor for correction
before they are submitted by the contractor to the City's representative for review.
Additional Drawings by City
Contract drawings are intended to be comprehensive and to indicate in detail the scope of the work.
However, the Engineer may furnish the contractor additional drawings during the progress of the work in
order to clarify and define in greater detail the intent of the contract drawings or specifications.
Contractor may request such detailed drawings by submitting his request in writing to the Engineer at
least two (2) weeks in advance of the time they are required.
Lines and Grades
All work under this contract shall be constructed to the lines, grades and elevations shown on the
contract drawings. Contractor shall establish the lines, grades and elevations unless it is otherwise
specified in the Special Provisions.
Method of Measurement
Unless specifically stated otherwise in this contract, no extra measurement(s) according to local custom
of any kind shall be allowed in measuring the work under this contract; only the length, area, solid
contents, number, weight, or time in standard units, as the case may be, shall be considered as
specified. Pipelines shall be measured horizontally.