Analyze the frequency domain envelope of a square wave having variable frequency, duty cycle and rise time. The frequency domain envelope rolls off at a rate of 6 dB per octave or 20 dB per decade. The initial roll off starts at a frequency defined at 1 / (π * pulse width). Slowing the rise and fall time of the square wave will cause an additional 20 dB of attenuation to start at a frequency defined at 1 / (π * rise time). All even numbered n-Th. terms will be in the null for a 50 % duty cycle, but slight changes away from 50 % causes the minimum level and frequency of the null to shift dramatically. Note: The vertical blue marker is the location of the n-th user defined harmonic of the fundamental frequency ( fo ). Change the "Fundamental Frequency" variable to observe the start point of the 20 dB per decade roll. A higher fundamental causes the roll off to start at a higher frequency. Set the frequency back to 10 MHz and adjust the duty cycle from 50 % to 51%. Notice how this decreases the width and depth of the null for just a 1 % change in duty cycle and how it shifts the frequency of the null for a larger change. This is one reason why some signal amplitudes change greatly from sample to sample. Set the duty cycle to 50 % again and adjust the "Rise Time" variable to some portion of the pulse width. Notice how this change adds additional attenuation (20 dB / decade) at the frequency defined at 1 /(π * rise time). The null will be less dominant and also changed in frequency. The pulse width variable, τ base, is equal to the period times the duty cycle. τ base assumes zero rise and fall time. Keep the user defined rise time, τ r, less than τ base. The example assumes a fall time equal to the rise time. Finally, try a very narrow pulse to simulate a unit impulse function δ . Notice how the frequency domain envelope remains flat further out in frequency. This should be expected since the 20 dB roll off doesn't start until 1 /(π * pulse width. Narrow pulse widths can be the result of reflections do to an improperly terminated transmission line. ---------------------------User defined Independent Variables------------------Fundamental Frequency (Hz) Duty Cycle (%) 6 fo := 10⋅ 10 Vertical blue marker: n-th harmonic Duty_Cycle := 50 Rise Time (sec) − 100 τ r := 2.5⋅ 10 n := 3 --------------------------MathCad Analysis------------------Scan Range & Step Size 6 Calculate Period 6 7 f := 1⋅ 10 , 2⋅ 10 .. 500⋅ 10 Marker Frequency T := 1 τ base := fo Magnitude Of Pulse i := n⋅ fo Marker 100 −8 ⋅T τ base = 5 × 10 −8 τ := τ base − τ r ⎛ 1 ⎞ ⎟ Mark := n⋅ fo ⎝ i ⎠ Marker := ⎜ i Duty_Cycle Pulse Width Determined At The 50 % Points Of The Rise And Fall Transition Times A := 1 i := 1, 100.. 10000 Pulse Width For A Zero Rise And Fall Time) The Amplitude Of The Spectral Components sin(π ⋅ f ⋅ τ r) τ sin( π ⋅ f ⋅ τ ) fDomain( f ) := 2⋅ A ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ T (π ⋅f⋅τ ) π ⋅f⋅τ r Start Of 1 / (π * pulse width) The 20dB/Decade Roll Off. f1 := τ = 5 × 10 Start Of 1 / (π * rise time) The additional 20 dB/Decade Roll Off. 1 π ⋅τ f2 := 6 1 π ⋅τ r 99 f1 = 6.366× 10 f2 = 1.273× 10 Frequency 1 Amplitude 0.1 Marker i fDomain( f ) 0.01 1×10 1×10 −3 −4 6 1×10 7 1×10 8 1×10 1×10 9 10 1×10 Mark , f Frequency Figure 1. Frequency domain of a square wave with frequency, duty cycle and rise time as user defined variables.