Seismic changes in new Codes Canada

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Daily Commercial News
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JULY 11, 2016
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NAC centennial project a $110-million rejuvenation
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In Brief
New Ontario safety
regulations now in effect
Ontario’s Ministry of Labour has
announced amendments to the Construction Projects, the Noise, and the
Control of Exposure to Biological or
Chemical Agents Regulations under the
Occupational Health and Safety Act that
came into force July 1.
The amendments include:
■ introducing new technical and operational safety requirements for the safe
operation of drill rigs, including new
training requirements for rig operators;
■ extending noise protection to all workplaces covered under the act, including
construction projects;
■ requiring employers to take appropriate safety measures to ensure construction workers are protected from hazardous concentrations of biological and
chemical substances;
■ enhancing and clarifying provisions
relating to exposure to carbon monoxide,
and other fumes and gases, released from
internal combustion engines for workers
on construction projects; and
■ enhancing and clarifying provisions
relating to the use of portable ladders.
VOL. 89 NO. 132
CL Constructors Canada
Inc. is playing a pivotal
role in the revitalization
of Ottawa’s National Arts Centre
(NAC), a centennial project that
opened its doors in 1969.
The company is acting as construction manager on the ambitious $110-million rejuvenation
of the landmark facility in the
city’s downtown core.
A marquee tower will mark a
new entrance on Elgin Street. Public spaces will occupy a new north
atrium. An upper level lounge
will take in views of Confederation Square and Parliament Hill
and a transformed Fourth Stage
will animate NAC’s presence along
Elgin Street. The project is one
of the largest capital investments
by the Government of Canada to
celebrate the country’s upcoming
150th anniversary.
Ground was officially broken in
February 2016.
See ARTS, Pg. 3
Construction is underway on an ambitious renewal project at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa that
will provide a new Elgin Street entrance designed to embrace Confederation Square. The project also
includes new performance and public spaces and improved accessibility. PCL is the construction manager on the $110-million project.
Seismic changes in new Codes Canada
ew measures to permit multiple uses
in mid-rise wood buildings and to
expand structural earthquake resistance are among 600 changes introduced to
Canada’s national building codes this year.
The revisions, introduced by the Canadian
Commission on Building and Fire Codes under
the authority of the National Research Council
(NRC), apply to the National Building Code of
Canada, National Fire Code of Canada, National Plumbing Code of Canada and National
Energy Code of Canada for Buildings.
Formerly the National Model Construction Codes, the regulations are now called
Codes Canada.
Codes Canada 2015 was approved earlier
this year and unveiled June 28.
Other notable revisions contained in the
codes include new design requirements to
improve accessibility of stairs and washrooms;
significant changes to the run dimension of
steps inside houses from the current minimum
of 210 millimetres to a new minimum of 254
millimetres; and new requirements to reduce
flow rates in showers, to cut water usage.
The new codes are now in effect for federal bodies such as the Department of National
Defence and Public Works but at this stage have
not yet been adopted by Canada’s provinces
and territories. Some provinces adhere to the
codes closely as they proceed with implementation — generally undertaken by the various
jurisdictions in a year to 18 months, explained
André Laroche, technical advisor, building regulations, construction for the NRC — but some
jurisdictions go their own way with variations
reflecting local needs including the demands of
local industries or policy-makers.
This has been the case with mid-rise
wood buildings, said Laroche, as British
Columbia’s timber industry has pushed its
building code regulators to get out ahead of
the national standard. B.C. changed its code
to permit six-storey residential wood buildings in 2009, six years before the commission moved on six-storey wood structures in
this most recent version of Codes Canada.
B.C. already has 250 six-storey wood projects built or underway, said Laroche.
Pierre Gallant, an architect with Morrison Hershfield, based the Burnaby, B.C.,
who was delegated to speak on behalf of
the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada,
explained that process.
See FIRE, Pg. 3
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Page 2
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
York, Simcoe and Sault school boards
receive $73 million for repairs, upgrades
Queen’s Park has announced capital
spending for school boards in York and
Simcoe regions and the Sault amounting to $73 million.
York will be receiving $41 million
over the next two years to repair and
renew schools administered by the
York Region District School Board
and the York Catholic District School
Board including repairing roofs,
updating HVAC units and modernizing electrical and plumbing systems.
In the Sault Ste. Marie area, the
provincial government announced
an additional $14 million for school
The Algoma District School Board
is receiving an increase of $11 million, while the Huron Superior Catholic District School Board is receiving
a $3-million increase. Schools to be
upgraded include Greenwood P.S.,
H.M. Robbins P.S. and Korah Collegiate & V.S.
The new spending in Simcoe County and Muskoka over the next two
years amounts to $18 million.
The funding will enable schools
in the the Simcoe County District
School Board ($15 million) and the
Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District
School Board ($3 million) to undergo
Overall, the province is spending an
additional $1.1 billion in school repairs
and renewals across the province. This
builds on $1.6 billion in previously
announced funding over the next two
school years, for a total allocation of
$2.7 billion.
The province said in a July 5
announcement it will post detailed
information regarding the condition
and renewal needs of each of Ontario’s
4,900 public schools.
The new funding addresses the auditor general’s recommendations in 2015
to increase investment in school renewal to 2.5 per cent of schools’ replacement value and to direct two-thirds of
infrastructure investment in schools to
renewal over new construction.
Daily Commercial News
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Economy at a Glance
Don Wall, Staff Writer
Prepared by Alex Carrick, ConstructConnect™ Chief Economist
Maggie Cadeau, Editorial Associate
The one word problem with Brexit
doesn’t that provide justification for certain regional
My immediate reaction upon waking up this
factions within nation states to argue harder for their
morning and hearing voters in the United Kingdom
own self-rule?
had chosen to leave the European Union (EU) was,
With respect to the EU question, Scotland resound“Who needs this?”
ingly rejected ‘leave’ and voted to ‘remain’. This has
“Hasn’t the world been through enough over the
already emboldened some of Scotland’s leaders to say
past ten years?”
they will do everything in their power to keep their
What a litany of troubles: first the sub-prime
people under the EU umbrella, floating the possibility
mortgage disaster in the U.S.; followed by the worldof another referendum to take place as soon as poswide credit crunch; then the Greek debt default fiasco
Alex Carrick
sible on the matter of independence from the U.K.
in Europe; the Fukushima nuclear plant meltdown in
The positive Brexit result is sure to encourage
Japan; and, most recently, the collapse in the global
withdrawal movements by several other nations currently in
price of oil.
England’s Prime Minister, David Cameron, has already the EU and to ramp up the rhetoric for secession by specific
indicated he will resign this fall in the aftermath of the ‘leave’ local and often ethnically homogenous population centres
within certain EU members (e.g., Spain).
choice beating the ‘remain’ alternative.
In short, a lot of dominoes have been put in play, creating
The value of the British pound immediately nose-dived by
that often-mentioned ‘boogeyman’ that is anathema to invesmore than 10% to a 30-year low.
The standard economic case for ‘remaining’ utilized prior tors and stock market analysts, uncertainty.
So by now, you probably think the one word problem with
to the referendum was that uncertainty about the economic
prospects for the U.K. would lead to a significant drop in the Brexit referred to in this article’s headline is ‘uncertainty’.
No, that’s not it. (Economists, deep down, may not be as
exchange rate which, in turn, would cause import prices and
opposed to uncertainty as you might suppose. It helps keep us
inflation to rise dramatically.
The Bank of England would be forced to hike interest rates employed and able to put food on our tables.)
There’s another word I worry about more in this present
and a recession would ensue.
I suspect that, once the dust settles, this bleak picture will context. I’ll come to it in a moment.
Whenever a nation decides to stick to its little corner of the
prove to have been overblown. (Thankfully, the British pound
stands on its own, reducing anxiety about a possible Euro-crisis.) world, there’s a price to be paid.
Whenever there’s an element within a nation’s economy that
For starters, the British exit program (i.e., ‘Brexit) won’t
happen right away. It will be phased in over two years. There’s is inordinately protected, be it workers or business owners,
a lot of negotiating to be done. For example, there are mil- there will be unfortunate consequences.
The issue I worry about also rears up when a nation increases
lions of workers — in the U.K., but originally from continental
Europe, and vice versa — who will need the legal status of their tariffs or initiates a trade war through currency manipulation.
It also comes into play when a country chooses to stay out
employment clarified.
Besides, at this moment, nothing seems capable of lighting of trade agreements signed by its competitors. The effective
a fire under inflation, not even the injection of mountains of result is to maintain tariff barriers.
It might even be said to account for the failures experienced
cash by central banks around the world, through the means
of unprecedented quantitative easing (i.e., printing money). by centrally planned economies.
The key word I’ve been gradually approaching is ‘inefficiencies’.
Much better world trade and a recovery in commodity prices
Whenever businesses operate behind some form of protecwill be needed first.
Not so long ago, Canada’s currency was down by 30% versus tive screen, the inevitable long-term result is inefficiencies.
Once that happens, export sales will begin to falter.
the U.S. dollar and the nation is a heavy importer. NevertheA better-positioned foreign goods-producer or service-proless, the year-over-year Canadian Consumer Price Index (CPI)
vider will step in to seize the opportunity and take business away.
continues to bump up against a +2.0% ceiling.
Domestic capital expenditures will begin to fall off.
Since it garnered 52% of the ballots cast, there must be posiJobs that once seemed secure, will disappear.
tives attached to the Brexit-vote ‘leave’ side.
There’s a joke that no doctor, with an urge to dig into chest
Through limiting future immigration, — which has been
virtually unrestricted to this point under EU rules — U.K. cavities, would ever go looking for a heart donation as transplant material from an economist.
domestic workers in many sectors will find their jobs saved.
That’s not fair. For many economists, arguments appealing
Busy-body interference from far-away Brussels, accompanied by what are seen as onerous regulations in many eco- to a social conscience — such as assuming responsibility for a
cleaner environment or mitigating the agony of job losses in
nomic areas, will be things of the past.
Brexit should be a wake-up call for EU members to get certain sectors or locations — do hold considerable sway, but
their act together. The earlier delayed response to Greece’s debt they don’t necessarily distract from an assessment of cold hard
difficulties was an embarrassment and to this day, there still realities.
The bottom line is that the biggest risk to employment in a
hasn’t been the forgiveness of loans as advocated by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) that is the only way for Greece nation is a framework that enables and promulgates inefficiencies.
to become rosy-cheeked again.
Greater independence fostering home-grown decisionmaking will boost U.K. pride.
That’s an argument, however, that can easily be turned in an For more articles by Alex Carrick on the Canadian and U.S. economies, please
uncomfortable direction. If pride is to be judged so important, visit:
©2016 CanaData. All rights reserved.
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Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Page 3
Construction coffee truck service evolving, says caterer
ichard Frechette says that the advertisement he tried
to place in WCB Alberta’s WorkSIGHT Magazine earlier this year was rejected for publication.
The content of the ad message: “Quality of lunch truck
service matters! Hunger leads to irritability, fatigue and
impaired judgment, which may result in a hostile or dangerous work environment with low productivity. A good meal
with drinks on the work site helps productivity and keeps
employees happy and alert.”
Frechette is the owner of Calgary-based CoffeeTrucks.
ca Inc., a coffee truck sales company, and the operator of
Altance Catering. The magazine ad was to be sponsored by
Altance. But if one suspects that the message was overly selfserving, Frechette is quick to dispel that notion. He likes the
service provided by most of the competition.
“Most of the coffee trucks out there buy food from the
same suppliers as everyone else, so that isn’t the issue,” he
says. “About 75 per cent of the operators provide good regular
service in hygienic trucks. My message to contractors is that
they don’t have to put up with the type of food service that
can affect health and productivity.”
Frechette notes that contractors tend to be less concerned
about the quality of food trucks because the service they offer
is free, only workers pay for it.
“If they were paying for a coffee truck to serve their construction sites, they’d be much more concerned about the service that they were getting,” he says.
“They don’t have to put up with the type
of food service that can affect
health and productivity,”
Richard Frechette Inc. Owner
While some contractors invite repeat service from coffee
trucks offering service they appreciate, others accept the convention that the truck that arrives at their construction site
first will serve them through the entire project. If the catering service is good, that isn’t a problem. However, Frechette
wants contractors to ask themselves some questions that may
indicate food service isn’t what it should be:
Is your lunch truck reliable? Does it often show up late or
not at all? Is your lunch truck clean and well maintained? Is
food properly rotated and kept at temperature? Is your food
truck well stocked, including healthy options?
“If your lunch truck isn’t offering the service it should, it’s
your right to request an operator who offers better service,”
he says.
Calgary bylaws set health standards for food and coffee
trucks and the city provides a yearly license inspection, but
Frechette says he gets a different view of the business while
refurbishing trucks that have recently been on the road and
serving customers.
“Some construction workers refer to the vehicles that visit
their sites as ‘gut trucks’ or ‘garbage wagons,’” he says. “I can
see why. I’ve had to scrape off lengths of carpeting glued to the
shelves and surfaces of food trucks or fixed there with two-sided tape. When the veggie dip and the fruit cups leak onto those
surfaces, there’s no way you can clean or wash them effectively
and hygienically. When I’m replacing all of the lamps in these
used trucks, I have to put my head into some tighter spaces and
I have to pull back because of the awful smells.”
Frechette says that there’s no excuse for coffee trucks to
offer food providing poor nutrition. In most markets, there
are only a few companies supplying food for coffee trucks
and they all provide what the operator is looking to sell.
“I never thought I’d see the day when construction workers
would be ordering sushi from a lunch truck, but it’s becoming
popular now, along with spring rolls,” he says. “The construction market is developing a sophisticated palate.”
Arts centre no longer
turns its back to the city
Worksite coffee trucks play an integral role for contractors especially if they excel in quality, cleanliness and reliability,
says one expert. Coffee trucks have now evolved to include offerings of food such as sushi and spring rolls.
Fire, energy and plumbing among code revisions
Continued from Pg. 1
“B.C. of course has a very large lumber industry so we wanted to use more
lumber and reduce carbon footprint
so we took the step to achieve that,” he
said. “And that information through
the code commission gets transferred
to the national building code, which
was updated.”
Laroche called the new wood codes
a “radical change for sure.” Four storeys of wood were permitted in the
2010 version of the national model
codes. The Codes Canada 2015 provisions introduce 34 changes to the
National Building Code and eight to
the National Fire Code including the
measures to permit mixed uses.
Ontario waited until the Codes
Canada 2015 consultations were well
underway to introduce requirements
for six-storey wood buildings in January 2015, Laroche said.
Wood buildings of 11 storeys in
B.C. and 13 storeys in Quebec were
approved after owners proved the
designs met the building code requirements through code equivalencies to
maintain safety, said Gallant.
The changes to the length of stairs
could reduce fall incidents by up to 64
per cent, the NRC said.
Codes Canada 2015 also requires
buildings throughout Canada to
be designed for earthquake forces
regardless of the level of hazard.
Laroche said the seismic resilience
measures were formulated based on
data produced after the New Zealand
earthquake of 2011.
Gallant explained, “As you learn
more about seismic forces, even though
B.C. is obviously on the cusp of the subduction zone (boundaries of tectonic
plates), there are significant seismic
forces in Ottawa as well. So some of
those standards are increased.”
Laroche said 90 to 95 per cent of
code changes are reactive, responding
to submissions from the construction
sector or the general public, with the
remaining coming from policy-makers such as governments or else identified by the commission as important
national or international trends.
Changes to the National Energy
Code tend to be in that latter category, said Laroche, with major input
from the provinces. Policy goals
recently introduced by the Ontario
government in its Climate Change
Action Plan are not yet reflected in
the codes, he said.
“We received recently the provincial
government’s announced initiatives to
welcome climate change adaptability,
and we will be shortly launching some
working groups trying to address some
of the hazards,” he said.
New measures for flood plains,
flash floods and higher winds would
be considered, he said.
As well, Laroche said, “We have
taken note of, and we have prepared
a policy paper of energy targets, and
we share this with the provinces and
territories...this is being debated as we
speak, and hopefully we should have
an outcome in a couple of months so
hopefully we can start working and
improving energy efficiency for the
National Energy Building Code.”
Another change that will have a
“major, major” impact on builders will
be changes to sound transmission within apartments, said Laroche, with new
guidelines on acoustics through floors.
Continued from Pg. 1
PCL, which previously
acted as construction manager on the Four Seasons
Centre for the Performing
Arts in Toronto, was awarded the NAC contract in midMay of last year. The firm
subsequently was an active
participant “on a continuous basis” in an integrated
design process, said PCL
construction development
manager Erin Matthews,
who is based in Ottawa.
PCL conducted extensive site investigation work
on the existing NAC structure “relative to the proposed structural upgrading necessary to support
the new elements of the
design,” he said in an email.
As well, existing mechanical and electrical systems
were reviewed in preparation for the additional
systems that were being
added. Trades include Dilfo
Mechanical Ltd. and Wired
Synergy Inc., an electrical
contracting firm.
got underway in early April
on the centre’s northeastern edge along Elgin Street.
Later that month, sections
of the building’s precast
concrete exterior were
removed in preparation
for the new Elgin Street
entrance and Fourth Stage.
reached in mid-May when
ironworkers installed a
10-tonne steel beam to support the new addition at the
north end of the building.
Erection of the steel
structure for the new addition was slated to get underway in early July along with
the first-ever retrofit of
Southam Hall, the centre’s
largest venue.
The project is scheduled
to be topped off this October.
Matthews said the key
challenge on the project has
been to integrate “a complicated series of construction
elements into a functioning
space that is operational at
all times.”
The centre presents on
average 1,300 performances
a year. Evening and weekend performances will continue as scheduled during
the course of the renovation.
“Sequencing and scheduling construction work is
being done to allow the NAC
staff to facilitate the best
environment for the performers,” Matthews said.
He said this goal is being
achieved by the collective
efforts of all stakeholders,
from PCL’s trade partners
and the design team to
NAC staff.
“Throughout the project, a continuously safe
environment for all workers and the general public
is maintained in a seamless
manner,” Matthews said.
The project is being
undertaken by a team that
includes Toronto’s Diamond Schmitt Architects.
“People have often
remarked that it is unfortunate that NAC turns its
back to the city,” Diamond
Schmitt principal Donald
Schmitt said in a statement.
“Our design will change
that. NAC will finally face
the city and its most important public space, Confederation Square.”
The grand opening will
take place July 1, 2017.
The centre is located
between Elgin Street and
the Rideau Canal.
Page 4
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Nipigon bridge failure report will not be released until fall
Two reports on a bridge
failure in northern Ontario
that severed the critical
link between Eastern and
Western Canada are in provincial government hands,
but won’t be made public
until the fall.
The steel decking on the
newly constructed Nipigon
River Bridge lifted about
60 centimetres on Jan. 10,
forcing a 24-hour closure of
the bridge, which is crossed
daily by about 1,300 trucks,
carrying an estimated $100
Tender # Description
Closing Date
July 26, 2016
1:00 p.m.
Little Rouge Creek Bridge
Rehabilitation on 14th Avenue
A general, and not necessarily complete or exact, description of
the Work is as follows:
To perform the Work required by the Contract Documents
for Contract No. 16-121 for the Little Rouge Creek Bridge
Rehabilitation at 14th Avenue, 870 metres east of Reesor Road
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WAYNE EMMERSON, Regional Chair and CEO
million worth of goods.
Two independent facilities
did testing on the bolts and
have now submitted their
reports to the Ministry of
Transportation, but the
government isn’t making
those public yet.
“The study into the
bolts is only one piece of
the larger picture,’’ ministry spokesman Bob Nichols said in a statement.
“The bolt study provided
us with only a partial
answer about the bridge,
and as such we think it’s
premature to discuss it on
its own at this time.”
engineers are conducting
their own analysis and so is
an independent engineer-
ing consultant with expertise in cable-stayed bridges.
Those findings will then be
compared and only then
will the findings — including the already-complete
bolt analyses — be made
public, Nichols said. That’s
expected to be in the fall.
“People deserve
to know what is in
those reports,”
Wayne Gates
NDP transportation critic
“This type of work takes
time, and it has been made
clear to those involved that
they should take the time
they need to get it right,” he
critic Wayne Gates called
on the Liberal government
to release the reports on the
“Dragging this out will
only make it harder to complete repairs before next winter,” he said in a statement.
“People deserve to know
what is in those reports,
and what’s being done to fix
the problems so this doesn’t
happen again, and won’t
happen elsewhere. Ontarians shouldn’t have to wait
until next fall to learn why
the Nipigon Bridge failed.”
The temporary repair
done on the bridge in
January is functioning as
expected, Nichols said. The
$106-million Nipigon River
Bridge project, the first
cable-stayed bridge built
in Ontario, opened the
first two lanes about two
months before the failure.
Steven Del Duca has said
it’s capable of withstanding
winds in excess of 100 kilometres per hour and temperatures below minus 40
degrees Celsius. Work on
the four-lane bridge project
continues, with construction of the third tower “well
underway,” Nichols said.
The government has said
the bridge’s problems were
not related to tower design.
Lac-Megantic residents call for bypass track
On the third anniversary
of the Lac-Megantic rail
disaster that killed 47 people, some residents renewed
their calls for the construction of a bypass track that
would redirect trains away
from homes and businesses
in the town.
DOCUMENT 2016-134T
PROJECT E13-40005
This Contract is for the complete Redevelopment of 3190
Mavis Road Facility located at 3190 Mavis Road, in the City
of Mississauga as described in the Contract Documents.
SEALED TENDERS, clearly marked as to contents and on
forms supplied by Region of Peel, can be obtained and will be
received by Purchasing, 10 Peel Centre Drive, Suite A, First
Floor, Room 101, Brampton, Ontario, L6T 4B9, Telephone
(905) 791-7800 ext. 4303, Fax (905) 791-3697, on or before:
12:00 noon local time
This Document is being made available to vendors
electronically through the Region of Peel’s website at The Contract Drawings are
appended on the website as a separate folder named
‘Appendix 6.2’.
Each tender must be accompanied by a certified cheque or
bank draft in the amount of $350,000, and the successful
vendor must provide a Performance Bond and Labour and
Material Payment Bond by an approved guarantee company
each in the amount of 50 per cent of the total tender lump
A Mandatory Site Visit will be held at 3190 Mavis Road,
Mississauga, ON, on Thursday, July 14, 2016 at 2:00 p.m.
Tenders will be opened in public on closing date at 12:15 p.m.
Please check with Purchasing on the first floor for location.
The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. It is
the Vendor’s sole responsibility to ensure their submission is
received by the time and date specified within the document.
The list of plan takers may be viewed at Purchasing’s Web
page: (then click ‘Current Bid Documents’)
The Region of Peel relies on this advertisement to notify you
of this business opportunity and it is not obligated to notify
past or present vendors, contractors, or service providers in
any other manner.
The Region of Peel is aware of websites where Peel
purchasing documents are being relayed, either free or for a
fee. The relaying of Peel documents is being done without
the Region of Peel’s permission or collaboration, and any fees
being charged are unrelated to Region of Peel processes and
are not required in order to access the purchasing documents
on the Region of Peel’s website.
They want the trains
removed immediately —
not in a few years time as
indicated in a feasibility
report presented to citizens
last May — Robert Bellefleur, spokesman for a local
rail-safety coalition group,
said July 6.
While the tragedy led
to tougher government
regulations with regard
to the transport of oil by
rail, Bellefleur said Justin
Trudeau needs to commit
to the bypass project and
speed up the process to get
it done.
Bellefleur said he remembers many of the people he
lost that day.
“I still see my daughters’
two nannies, I see my contractor who was supposed to
come and repair my roof, I see
the man who sold me my car,
I see my uncle’s sister-in-law
and my cousin’s son,” he said.
“I see a whole bunch of people
I lost — that we all lost.”
Trudeau issued a statement July 6 to say rail safety
remains a priority for his government but there was no reference to the citizens’ request
for a track bypass.
‘Redirecting the railroad from the
downtown core would cost $115 million,’
“The prime minister has
to come and announce as
soon as possible the construction of the bypass track
and, in the meantime, he
needs to do something to
repair the railroad, which is
in a sorry state.”
The May report, conducted by engineering firm
Aecom, said redirecting the
railroad from the downtown
core would cost $115 million.
On July 6, 2013, a runaway train carrying crude oil
derailed in downtown LacMegantic and exploded, killing 47 people and destroying
part of the city centre.
The disaster led to hundreds of millions of dollars
in clean-up and reconstruction costs as well as the
bankruptcy of Montreal,
Maine and Atlantic Railway,
the company that owned
and operated the tracks.
A few dozen people gathered on July 6 in nearby
Nantes, near where the train
began its downward descent
into Lac-Megantic that summer night in 2013.
“Today, we pause in
solemn remembrance of
those whose lives were lost,
and in support of those
whose lives were irreparably changed by the tragic
events that took place in
Lac-Megantic on July 6,
2013,” Trudeau said.
“In the face of unimaginable pain and loss, the
people of Lac-Megantic
have shown incredible
resilience and courage.”
Three men, including train conductor Tom
Harding, are each facing 47 counts of criminal
negligence causing death
related to the tragedy.
Harding, his former colleagues Richard Labrie and
Jean Demaitre, as well as
the railroad company —
which is under bankruptcy protection — have all
pleaded not guilty to the
Various motions are
expected to be heard
before the trial gets going
in several months.
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Page 5
Central Ontario
ID: 9209906
AURORA, York Reg, ON
The Meadows of Aurora, Phase Two+,15600
Leslie St, L4G 7C4
OWNER: York Region Christian Sr Homes, Lynn Cappon, 15221 Yonge Street, Aurora ON L4G 1L7 905503-5560
ARCH: OCA Architects Inc, Milena Belomorska, 5401
Eglinton Ave W Ste 200, Toronto ON M9C 5K6 416767-1441 Fax 416-767-2011
PROJECT: 4 structures; 6 storeys; construction of four
seniors apartment buildings with a total of approximately 325 units; scope to be defined.
First report Sep 10, 2014. Last report May 30, 2016.
CONST MGR: Lisgar Construction Company, Mike
Morale, 12295 Hwy 50 Lower Level Unit7, Bolton
ON L7E 5T4 905-857-2543 Fax 905-857-3940
CONS ENG STRUCT: Stephenson Engineering Ltd,
2550 Victoria Park Ave Ste 602, Toronto ON M2J
5A9 416-635-9970 Fax 416-635-9985
Inc, 40 Durward Place, Waterloo ON N2L 4E4 519725-3555 Fax 519-725-2515
STATUS: Preliminary designs are complete. Working
drawings will commence as the construction of
Phase One B progresses, see 9246540. Construction is not expected to begin prior to 2017/2018.
Further update late 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
How to use the Building Reports
The Building Reports section of Daily Commercial News includes Prebid, Out for Tender,
Bid Results and Start reports. Projects located throughout Ontario are reported. New information
is highlighted at the end of the report when significant changes occur. New projects are identified
with italic type.
Regions included:
The Daily Commercial News Prebid section includes
reports on projects planned for future construction
— from the “Contemplated” stage (prior to architect
selection) through architect selection, preliminary
plans, working drawings and the completion of plans,
updated as significant changes occur. Select jobs to
follow, contact the owner or architect.
Central Ontario
Out for Tender
The Daily Commercial News Out for Tender section
includes reports on projects currently being tendered,
the initial list of bidders, bid date changes and addenda.
Pick jobs in your area of interest.
Bid Results
The Daily Commercial News Bid Results section
includes reports on projects announcing results after
the receipt of tenders. Reports include the names
and bid prices of low bidders, and the name of the
successful contractor.
The Daily Commercial News Starts section includes
reports from building permits. Look for jobs you have
been following or new jobs in your area of interest.
Includes regions of Durham, York, Metro Toronto, Peel
and Halton, Counties of Dufferin and Simcoe
Eastern Ontario
Includes counties of Northumberland, Prince Edward,
Dundas-Stormont-Glengarry, Prescott-Russell, Lanark,
Leeds-Grenville, Frontenac, Lennox-Addington,
Hastings, Peterborough, Victoria, Haliburton and
Renfrew, Districts of Muskoka, Nipissing and Parry
Sound, Ottawa-Carleton Region
Western Ontario
Includes regions of Niagara, Hamilton-Wentworth,
Waterloo, Haldimand-Norfolk, Counties of Brant,
Oxford, Perth, Elgin, Kent, Essex, Lambton, Middlesex,
Huron, Grey-Bruce, and Wellington
Northern Ontario
Includes districts of Kenora, Rainy River, Thunder Bay,
Cochrane, Algoma, Sudbury, Timiskaming, Manitoulin
Cross Regional
Regions include Central Ontario, Eastern Ontario,
Western Ontario and Northern Ontario
Building Reports can also be found on at
Building Reports Online. Need Help? Contact 1-800-959-0502.
The project reports on the following pages are compiled by
ConstructConnect’s team of researchers. Project inquiry line: 905-752-5540.
and construction schedules will be finalized early
2017 when approvals are in place.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
2016. Site address and scope of work have yet to
be defined. Further update late September 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
AURORA, York Reg, ON
The Meadows of Aurora - Phase One B,15600
Leslie St, L4G 7C4
OWNER: York Region Christian Sr Homes, Lynn Cappon, 15221 Yonge Street, Aurora ON L4G 1L7 905503-5560
CONST MGR: Lisgar Construction Company, Mike
Morale, 12295 Hwy 50 Lower Level Unit7, Bolton
ON L7E 5T4 905-857-2543 Fax 905-857-3940
ARCH: OCA Architects Inc, Milena Belomorska, 5401
Eglinton Ave W Ste 200, Toronto ON M9C 5K6 416767-1441 Fax 416-767-2011
CONS ENG STRUCT: Stephenson Engineering Ltd,
2550 Victoria Park Ave Ste 602, Toronto ON M2J
5A9 416-635-9970 Fax 416-635-9985
Inc, 40 Durward Place, Waterloo ON N2L 4E4 519725-3555 Fax 519-725-2515
PROJECT: 6 storeys above grade, 1 below; 95,000
sq ft; site 5 acres; construction of a six-storey
apartment building for seniors with seventy-seven
First report May 30, 2016.
Construction start Dec 2016; completion by May 2018.
STATUS: Plans are complete. Sub trade tender and
construction timelines may be determined late
2016. For future phases of this development, see
This report Jul 11, 2016.
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Phase One,570, 574, 576 Essa Rd, L4N 6A9
OWNER: Saverino Investments Inc, Steve Saverino, 19
Ingram Dr, Toronto ON M6M 2L7 416-242-4867
GEN CONT: Bertram Construction (Ont) Ltd, Aidan
McAuley, 25 George St, Barrie ON L4N 2G5 705726-0254 Fax 705-721-0366
ARCH: McKnight Charron Ltd Arch, Micheal McKnight,
48 Alliance Blvd Unit 110, Barrie ON L4M 5K3 705722-6739 Fax 705-726-5418
Group, Brian Goodreid, 58 Morrow Rd Suite 1201,
Barrie ON L4N 5W4 705-331-5717 Fax 705-7226550
PROJECT: 6 storeys above grade, 1 below; 100,000 sq
ft; parking for 109 cars; constructin of a six storey,
62 suite condo apartment building.
Construction start Feb 2017; completion by Jun 2018.
First report Nov 25, 2013. Last report Jul 07, 2016.
STATUS: Rezoning approvals are secured. Owner is
seeking city council site plan approvals. Working
drawings are underway. Invited sub trade tender
ID: 9230901
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Phase Two,556, 560 and 568 Essa Rd, L4N 6A9
ARCH: McKnight Charron Ltd Arch, Micheal McKnight,
48 Alliance Blvd Unit 110, Barrie ON L4M 5K3 705722-6739 Fax 705-726-5418
CONSULTANT: Goodreid Planning Group, Brian
Goodreid, 58 Morrow Rd Suite 1201, Barrie ON L4N
5W4 705-331-5717 Fax 705-722-6550
PROJECT: 250,000 sq ft; site 6 acres; parking for 100
First report Aug 17, 2015. Last report Jul 07, 2016.
OWNER: Saverino Investments Inc, Steve Saverino, 19
Ingram Dr, Toronto ON M6M 2L7 416-242-4867
PLANS BY: McKnight Charron Ltd Arch, Micheal McKnight, 48 Alliance Blvd Unit 110, Barrie ON L4M 5K3
705-722-6739 Fax 705-726-5418
PROJECT: 8 storeys above grade, 1 below; construction of an 8 storey apartment building with 92 units.
The project will include commercial space on the
lower level. The project may have shared access
to grade level parking with the building followed
under report number 9191104.
Construction start Jun 2017; completion by Dec 2018.
STATUS: Preliminary working drawings are underway.
City council rezoning approvals are secured. Owner
is seeking site plan approvals. Schedules for invited tender for general contractor and construction
will be finalized based on sales and construction
of the adjacent site followed under report number
This report Jul 11, 2016.
OFFICE BUILDING; $50,000,000 est
ID: 9229881
Gateway Meadowvale - Phase Two,2777
Meadowpine Blvd, L5N 8C7
OWNER: Carttera Private Equities Inc, Christina Basan,
20 Adelaide St E Ste 501, Toronto ON M5C 2T6 416593-4747 Fax 416-867-9790
ARCH/PLANS BY: Quadrangle Architects, Richard Witt/
Richard Witt, 701-901 King St W, Toronto ON M5V
3H5 416-598-1240 Fax 416-598-3123
CONS ENG STRUCT: Dorlan Engineering Cons Inc,
7560 Airport Rd Unit 13, Mississauga ON L4T 4H4
905-671-4377 Fax 905-671-4381
CONS ENG ELEC: Inviro Engineered Systems Ltd, 3530
Pharmacy Ave Unit 3, Toronto ON M1W 2S7 416491-4455 Fax 416-491-4998
PROJECT: 5 storeys above grade, 1 below; 250,000
sq ft; construction of a five-storey, 250,000 sq ft
commercial office building.
Construction start Mar 2017; completion by Jun 2018.
First report Jul 30, 2015. Last report Feb 23, 2016.
NOTE: The Mechanical consulting engineers will be
provided by the Design-build contractor.
STATUS: Working drawings for the base building were
completed with those followed under report number 9170073. Schedules for design-build tender for
this phase are undetermined. Design of the interior
finishes will be finalized based on tenant needs.
Construction start is expected spring 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
$60,000,000 est ID: 9125943
Brampton Fire & Emergency Training
Campus,Chrysler Dr, Williams Parkway, L6S
OWNER: City of Brampton, Nick Gerus, 2 Wellington St
W, Brampton ON L6Y 4R2 905-874-2000 Fax 905874-2599
PROJECT: site 10 acres; consolidation of the following five fire operations into one facility. Project may
include a fire station (Station # 203), a fire headquarters, an operations centre a training facility,
internal training area and props for training.
First report Sep 28, 2010. Last report Sep 22, 2015.
STATUS: Invited Request for Proposals for consultants
to complete concept designs has closed at the
owner. Submissions are under review. Final award
is expected to be approved by council September
NORTH YORK, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
2655 - 2659 Bayview Ave & 15 Old Colony Rd,
M2L 1B8
ARCH/OWNER’S REP: Richard Wengle Architect Inc,
Naomi Tannis/Naomi Tannis, 102 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON M5R 2H3 416-787-7575 Fax 416-787-0635
CONSULTANT: Goldberg Group, 2098 Avenue Rd,
Toronto ON M5M 4A8 416-322-6364 Fax 416-9329327
PROJECT: 2 structures; 3 storeys above grade, 1
below; 46,270 sq ft; parking for 26 cars; construction of 13 townhouse units.
First report Feb 24, 2014. Last report Feb 12, 2016.
Construction start Mar 2017; completion by Aug 2018.
STATUS: Owner’s Rep has secured city council rezoning and site plan approvals. Working drawings are
expected to begin late August/early September,
2016. Contact information for the new owner of the
site will be released at that time. Tender for gen-
eral contractor and construction schedules will be
determined fall/winter, 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9167241
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Oxford Place,south side of Front St, bounded by
Simcoe St & Blue Jays Way, M5V
OWNER: Oxford Properties Group, Claire McIntyre, 200
Bay St Ste 900, Toronto ON M5J 2J2 416-865-8300
Fax 416-868-3799
CONSULTANT: Foster & Partners Archs & Des, Riverside Three, 22 Hester Rd, London SW11 4AN 207738-0455 Fax 207-738-1107
PROJECT: 5 structures; 7,350,000 sq ft; site 11 acres;
parking for 4000 cars; development which would
include 2.5 million sq ft of office space, a 1.1 million sq ft convention centre, 1 million sq ft of retail
space, 600,000 sq ft of residential and 1.7 million
sq ft of hotel space. There would also be 5.5 acres
of public parkland and 4,000 parking stalls.
Construction start Jan 2019.
First report Oct 17, 2012. Last report Jul 22, 2015.
ARCH: B+H Architects, Sonny Sanjari, 481 University
Ave Ste 300, Toronto ON M5G 2H4 416-596-2299
Fax 416-586-0599
CONSULTANT: Urban Strategies Inc, 197 Spadina Ave
Ste 600, Toronto ON M5T 2C8 416-340-9004 Fax
STATUS: This project is very preliminary. The Cons is
undertaking a master planning process. Concept
planning is ongoing. Further project schedules are
undetermined pending the owner’s decision to proceed.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Union Station,65 Front Street West, M5J 1E6
OWNER: City of Toronto, Denise Gendron, 100 Queen
St W City Hall 19 fl, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 416-3380338 Fax 416-392-2980
PROJECT: interior alterations to the Great Hall at Union
Station for lighting improvements.
First report Oct 29, 2014. Last report Mar 19, 2015.
PLANS BY/CONS ENG ELEC: Domingo Gonzalez &
Associates, 25 Park Place 5th Floor, New York NY
10007 212-608-4800
Construction start Dec 2016; completion by Jun 2017.
STATUS: Request For Proposals (RFP) from Consultants closed November 2014 and was awarded
early 2016. The Consultant is completing a design
study for interior lighting improvements at Union
Station. Project schedules will be finalized pending
city council approval of the design. Further update
fall, 2016.
NOTE: The Consultant is the Architectural lighting consultant for the project.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9236535
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Guildwood Condominiums,3655 Kingston Rd, M5A
ARCH: Gabriel Bodor Architect Inc, Gabriel Bodor, 46
Goldring Cres, Markham ON L6C 1Y7 905-8876658 Fax 905-887-8775
INT DESIGNER: Bryon Patton & Assocs Ltd, 160 Pears
Ave Ste 314, Toronto ON M5R 3P8 416-960-6060
Fax 416-960-2007
OWNER’S REP: Goldberg Group, Janice Robinson,
2098 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON M5M 4A8 416-3226364 Fax 416-932-9327
PROJECT: 8 storeys above grade, 1 below; 200,000
sq ft; site 6 acres; construction of an eight storey
condo building with 110 suites. Amenities include
Lounge & Party Room, BBQ Area, Fitness Centre,
and Rooftop Terrace.
Construction start Mar 2017; completion by Sep 2018.
First report Dec 03, 2015.
NOTE: Owner of the site is Scollard Development Corporation.
STATUS: Preliminary planning is underway. Owner’s
Rep is seeking City council rezoning and site plan
approvals. Sales and marketing are underway. Further project schedules are undetermined pending
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Continues on
next page
Page 6
Continues from
last page
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
250 Lawrence Ave W, M5M 1B2
ARCH: Quadrangle Architects, Dev Mehta, 701-901
King St W, Toronto ON M5V 3H5 416-598-1240 Fax
CONSULTANT/OWNER’S REP: Goldberg Group, Michael
Goldberg, 2098 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON M5M 4A8
416-322-6364 Fax 416-932-9327
PROJECT: 2 structures; 11 storeys above grade, 3
below; 21,123 m2; parking for 225 cars; construction of an 11-storey apartment building with 264
units and a three-storey townhouse building with
three units. Project will also include two, threestorey, semi-detached buildings.
Construction start Aug 2017; completion by Jan 2019.
First report May 12, 2014. Last report Nov 09, 2015.
STATUS: Preliminary design is ongoing. Owner is
seeking city council rezonign and site plan approvals. Further project schedules are undetermined
pending approvals.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
RETAIL ID: 9144678
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Scarborough Town Centre,500 Progress Ave, M1P
OWNER: Oxford Properties Group, Johann Schumacher, 200 Bay St Ste 900, Toronto ON M5J 2J2
416-865-8300 Fax 416-868-3799
CONST MGR: EllisDon Corporation, 1004 Middlegate
Rd Suite 1000, Mississauga ON L4Y 1M4 905-8968900 Fax 905-896-9138
ARCH: MMC International Canada Archs, Paul DiMartino, 819 Yonge St, Toronto ON M4W 2G9 416-9721901 Fax 416-972-9346
CONSULTANT: Cornacchia Planning Services, Vince
Cornacchia, 1050-920 Yonge St, Toronto, ON M4W
3C7 416-920-0966
PROJECT: 2 structures; 1 storey; 44,575 sq ft; site 4
acres; parking for 171 cars; construction of two
retail buildings.
First report Sep 29, 2011. Last report Oct 29, 2015.
NOTE: EllisDon will undertake construction of the base
building. A contact at the Const Mgr is not released
for publication.
Construction start Jul 2018.
STATUS: Owner is seeking tenants; schedules will be
determined based on tenant needs. The scope of
work may change. Further update spring, 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
St Lawrence Market South, 92 Front St, Jarvis St,
M5E 1C3
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
OWNER: City of Toronto, Scott Barrett, 100 Queen St W
City Hall 19 fl, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 416-338-0338
Fax 416-392-2980
PROJECT: construction of alterations to the St Lawrence South Market for interior and exterior lighting
improvements. The scope of work will include exterior architectural lighting that enhances the façade
and the interior historical character and architectural elements of the site. Lighting for the interior
would be limited to the upper level only. Because
the St. Lawrence Market South is a designated
heritage property changes to it will have to be in
accordance with the Standards and Guidelines for
the Conservation of Historic places in Canada.
Construction start Jun 2017; completion by Sep 2018.
First report Oct 20, 2015. Last report Nov 25, 2015.
CONSULTANT: Smith + Andersen, 4211 Yonge St Ste
500, Toronto ON M2P 2A9 416-487-8151 Fax 416487-9104
STATUS: Request For Proposals (RFP) from Consulting services closed 12:00 October 28, 2015 at
the owner and has been awarded. The Consultant
is undertaking preparation of design options and
tender ready documents for exterior lighting plans
for the St. Lawrence South Market. The scope of
work includes analysis of the current lighting conditions, development of a new design for lighting
the interior and exterior of the South Market. The
proponent will develop tender ready documents for
the approved design. Further project schedules are
expected fall/winter 2016 pending approval of the
This report Jul 11, 2016.
CENTRE ALTS Trade cont ID: 9249003
AURORA, York Reg, ON
Aurora Family Leisure Complex and Aurora
Operations Centre,135 Industrial Parkway North,
L4G 4C4
TENDERS DUE 10:00 Jul 14, 2016; IES 2016-37 adda
OWNER: Town of Aurora, 100 John West Way, PO Box
1000, Aurora ON L4G 6J1 905-727-1375 Fax 905726-7432
PROJECT: Supply and installation of power door operators.
First report Jul 05, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
MANDATORY SITE MEETING: July 6 at 10:00 at Aurora
Family Leisure Complex. For inquiries email:
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9248586
Allendale Long Term Care Home and Hyde Park
Dr,185 Ontario St South, Milton and 3 Hyde Park
Dr, Georgetown, L9T 2M4
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 12, 2016; T-406-16 adda
OWNER: Regional Mun of Halton, Steve Culhane, 1151
Bronte Rd, Oakville ON L6M 3L1 905-825-6000 Fax
PROJECT: Roof replacement.
First report Jun 28, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $32.74 HST included, NON-refundable. SITE MEETING: June 29 at 9:30 at 3 Hyde Park
Dr, Georgetown, followed immediately at 11:00 at
Allandale Long Term Care Home, front entrance. For
inquiries contact Steve Culhane at Steve.Culhane@
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ALL GRADES SCHOOL Trade cont ID: 9249322
Kempenfelt Bay School,2147 Innisfil Beach Rd,
L9S 1A1
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 14, 2016
CONST MGR/OWNER’S REP: Bertram Construction
(Ont) Ltd, Aidan McAuley/Aidan McAuley, 25 George
St, Barrie ON L4N 2G5 705-726-0254 Fax 705721-0366
ARCH/CONSULTANT: Ian S Malcolm Architects, Ian
Malcolm/Ian Malcolm, 174 Bayfield St, Barrie ON
L4M 3B5 705-726-2342 Fax 705-725-5355
CONS ENG CIVIL: Pearson Engineering Ltd, B7-48 Alliance Blvd, Barrie ON L4M 5K3 705-719-4785 Fax
CONS ENG STRUCT: CF Crozier & Associates, 110 Pine
St, Collingwood ON L9Y 2N9 705-446-3510 Fax
PROJECT: 2 storeys; 1,072 m2; Phase 1 construction
of a new private school.
Construction start Aug 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Const mgr.
Documents may be obtained from Const mgr.
ALL TRADES For further information email: or
This report Jul 11, 2016.
SST Group of Const Companies, 29 Haas Rd, Toronto
ON M9W 3A1 905-564-5400 Fax 905-564-7841
Trinity Services Ltd, 50 Rossdean Dr, Toronto ON M9L
2S1 416-630-9213 Fax 416-630-1722
Tritan Inc, 67 Raleigh Ave, Scarborough ON M1K 1A1
416-466-8770 Fax 416-466-9905
Vector Corrosion Technologies, 8620 Escarpment Way
Unit 14, Milton ON L9T 0M1 905-875-4030 Fax
This report Jul 11, 2016.
RECREATION CENTRE; $42,500,000 est
ID: 9153442
ORILLIA, Simcoe Co, ON
Orillia Recreation Centre,255 West St, L3V 6Z9
INVITED TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jul 20, 2016; 1504 adda
OWNER: City of Orillia, Lori Koughan, 50 Andrew St
South, Suite 300, Orillia ON L3V 7T5 705-325-1311
Fax 705-325-5178
ARCH: MacLennan Jaunkalns Miller, Robert Allan, 19
Duncan St Ste 202, Toronto ON M5H 3H1 416-5936796 Fax 416-593-0212
CONS ENG CIVIL: EMC Group Ltd, 7577 Keele St Ste
200, Concord ON L4K 4X3 905-738-3939 Fax 905738-6993
CONS ENG STRUCT: Blackwell Structural Engineers,
19 Duncan St Ste 405, Toronto ON M5H 3H1 416593-5300 Fax 416-593-4840
4211 Yonge St Ste 500, Toronto ON M2P 2A9 416487-8151 Fax 416-487-9104
PROJECT: 2 storeys above grade, 1 below; 12,766
m2 approx; parking for 350 cars; To construct a
recreation facility with a gross floor area of approx
12,500 sq m that will include the following amenities: Aquatic centre with a 25 metre pool, a leisure
pool and a therapy pool; A double gymnasium;
Change room support space; Fitness Centre; Walking/Running Track; Multi-purpose rooms; Supporting amenities; Site servicing; Site naturalization.
The building is a two storey building with a partial
basement. The site is approx 14 hectares. There
is a parking area that accommodates approx 350
cars. Part of the area contains a passive venting
Construction start Sep 2016.
First report Mar 27, 2012. Last report Jul 06, 2016.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Arch.
MANDATORY SITE MEETING: June 22 at 10:00. For
inquiries contact Lori J Koughan at Leland Dadson at ldadson@mjmarchitects.
Addendum(a) no 5 issued.
5 bidders previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9245470
Springfield Gardens,3570-3590 Colonial Dr, L5L
INVITED TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jul 20, 2016; 2016264T(E16-20523) bidders
OWNER: Reg Mun of Peel(Head Office), 10 Peel Centre
Dr Ste A & B, Brampton ON L6T 4B9 905-791-7800
Fax 905-791-1693
PROJECT: Underground parking garage repairs.
First report May 11, 2016. Last report Jun 10, 2016.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
Document is available at: TENDER
DEPOSIT: $100,000 certified cheque or bank draft.
MANDATORY SITE VISIT: July 12 at 14:00 at Springfield Gardens.
BIDDERS: A-Con Construction, 50 Simona Dr Suite
104, Bolton ON L7E 4H9 905-850-8018 Fax 905850-3630
Aplus General Contractor, 66 Carnforth Rd, Toronto ON
M4A 2K7 416-281-5556 Fax 416-281-0853
Brada Construction Ltd, 44 Advance Rd, Etobicoke ON
M8Z 2T4 416-626-6289 Fax 416-626-2280
Brook Restoration, 2275 Stevenage Dr Bay 2, Ottawa
ON K1G 3W1 613-248-8887 Fax 613-248-8881
Conterra Restoration Ltd, 3633 Erindale Station Rd,
Mississauga ON L5C 2S9 905-848-2992 Fax 905848-3883
Duron Ontario Ltd, 1860 Shawson Dr, Mississauga ON
L4W 1R7 905-670-1998 Fax 905-670-4662
Eagle Restoration Inc, 9 Haas Rd, Etobicoke ON M9W
3A1 416-744-6900 Fax 416-744-6901
Heritage Restoration Inc, 14 Paisley Lane, Stouffville
ON L4A 7X4 905-642-0123 Fax 905-642-2323
Maxim Group Gen Contrg Ltd, 56 Gordon Collins Dr,
Gormley ON L0H 1G0 905-303-7711 Fax 416-6611542
Norcity Alliances Inc, 45B W Wilmot St, Richmond Hill
ON L4B 1K1 905-482-2931 Fax 905-881-6814
Palmark Const Ltd, 44 Haas Rd, Etobicoke ON M9W
3A2 416-741-9898 Fax 416-741-7066
Roma Building Restoration Ltd, 20 Cadetta Rd Unit 7,
Brampton ON L6P 0X4 905-794-8174 Fax 905794-8175
ID: 9249321
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
St Henry Elementary School and Neil McNeil
Catholic School,100 Bamburgh Circle and 127
Victoria Park Ave, M1W 3R3
TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jul 14, 2016; P-071-16
OWNER: Toronto Cath Dist School Board, Vince Artuso,
80 Sheppard Ave E, North York ON M2N 6E8 416222-8282 Fax 416-229-5345
CONSULTANT: WSP Canada Inc, Scott Armstrong, 2300
Yonge St Ste 2300, Toronto ON M4P 1E4 416-6444225 Fax 416-487-9786
PROJECT: Door replacement. Exterior doors and
Completion by Nov 30, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
All bidders must be prequalified to do work for the
Owner. If you are not prequalified, fill out Contractor Prequalification form available on the Board’s
web site and return at least 5 working days before
the tender closing date. For inquiries contact Scott
Armstrong at 647 923-9053.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
LANDFILL ID: 9249296
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Barrie Landfill,272 Ferndale Dr North
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 19, 2016; FIN 2016-075Q
bidders adda
OWNER: City of Barrie(Purchasing), Mary-Ann Kotylak,
56 Mulcaster St, Barrie ON L4M 3M3 705-7394220 Fax 705-739-4214
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
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last page
PROJECT: construction of a new waste segregation
kiosk and demolition of the existing structure.
Construction start Aug 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $120+HST, NON-Refundable. MANDATORY SITE VISIT: A mandatory visit occurred June
28 at 10:00. For further tender Information, contact
Mary-Ann Kotylak - email
Addendum(a) no 1-2 issued.
BIDDERS: Demcor Construction Services, PO Box 760,
Kleinburg ON L0J 1C0 647-723-7097 Fax 905663-7592
Massive Devcon Corp, 5650 Tomken Rd Unit 6, Mississauga ON L4W 4P1 647-822-3495 Fax 905-2060636
MJK Construction Inc, 7015 Transmere Dr Unit 20, 2nd
Floor, Mississauga ON L5S 1T7 905-671-4111 Fax
R-Chad General Contracting Inc, 8888 Keele St Unit
3, Concord ON L4K 2N2 905-482-2541 Fax 905482-2542
This report Jul 11, 2016.
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
various locations
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 12, 2016; 2016-036T adda
OWNER: City of Barrie(Purchasing), 56 Mulcaster St,
Barrie ON L4M 3M3 705-739-4220 Fax 705-7394214
PROJECT: asphalt surface improvements - approx
21,000 m2 of full depth asphalt removal; 55,800
m2 of partial depth asphalt removal (milling); placement of 13,100 tonnes of asphalt (base and top lift
asphalt); 480 m of concrete curb repairs; 1,200 m2
of sidewalk repairs; regrading or granular base;
maintenance hole and catch basin repairs; reinstatement of traffic signal loops; pavement marking; and, restoration. Cathodic protection - supply
and 650 m of 300mm ductile iron watermain and
240 m of 150mm ductile iron watermain.
Completion by Oct 28, 2016.
First report Jul 04, 2016. Last report Jul 07, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $320 (HST included), NON-Refundable.
BID DEPOSIT: $50,000 in the form of a certified
cheque or bank draft. For further tender information, contact the City Clerk - phone 705-739-7204.
Addendum(a) no 2 issued.
TENDERS due time and date has been extended from
14:00 Jul 05, 2016 to 14:00 Jul 12, 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
various locations
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 13, 2016; T-16-34C bidders
OWNER: Town of Bradford W Gwillimbury, 61 Holland
St E, PO Box 160, Bradford ON L3Z 2A8 905-7755303 Fax 905-775-4472
PROJECT: work includes - construction and commissioning of approx 2,500 m of 400mm and 1,150m
of 300mm watermain with chambers and appurtenances on portions of Side Rd 5 and Line 6; approx
100m of 300mm watermain on Line 6 across Hwy
400; approx 3,600 m of 2x300mm sanitary forcemains with chambers and appurtenances on County Rd 27 and Line 6; approx 600m of 2x300mm
sanitary forcemains through the Bond Head community; approx 35m of 2x300mm sanitary forcemains across County Rd 27; approx 3,300m of
concrete sanitary sewer with manholes on Line 6
and in easements on undeveloped lands; approx
100m of concrete sanitary sewer on Line 6 across
Hwy 400; approx 300m of 500mm sanitary sewer
on Line 6; full road reconstruction on Line 6 and
Side Road 5, including road base, resurfacing, new
road crossing culverts, and driveway reinstatement
including driveway culverts; and signalization of
Side Rd 5 and Line 6 intersection.
Completion by Nov 30, 2018.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
Bid documents are available at
townofbwg. BID DEPOSIT: 10% of the tender price
in the form of a certified cheque, money order, bank
draft, letter of credit or bid bond. For further tender
information, email
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
BIDDERS: AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc, 205235 County Rd 109, Amaranth ON L9W 0T8 519-942-3030
Fax 519-942-2383
Clearway Construction Inc, 379 Bowes Rd, Concord
ON L4K 1J1 905-761-6955 Fax 905-761-9770
Page 7
Dom-Meridian Const Ltd, 1021 Meyerside Dr Unit 10,
Mississauga ON L5T 1J6 905-564-5594 Fax 905564-5595
Dufferin Construction Co, 585 Michigan Dr Unit 1,
Oakville ON L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 Fax 905-8429278
Fermar Paving Ltd, 1921 Albion Rd, Rexdale ON M9W
5S8 416-675-3550 Fax 416-675-3556
Hermanns Contracting Ltd, 1510 Hwy 27, PO Box 369,
Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 905-939-1230 Fax 905939-1235
JB Enterprises Ltd, 551 Bryne Dr Unit P, Barrie ON L4N
9Y3 705-734-1174 Fax 705-734-2890
King Cross Contracting Ltd, 21 Parr Blvd Unit 13,
Bolton ON L7E 4G3 905-857-0864 Fax 905-8575536
Michels Canada, 1102 16 Ave, Nisku AB T9E 0A9 780955-2120 Fax 780-955-4240
North Rock Group Ltd, 1111 Creditstone Rd, Concord
ON L4K 4N7 905-660-7481 Fax 905-660-7482
Pachino Construction Co Ltd, 8635 Keele St Bldg B,
Concord ON L4K 3P5 905-660-9978 Fax 905-6606563
Primrose Contracting (Ont) Inc, 16500 Concession 7,
PO Box 400, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416-6378641 Fax 416-637-8645
Robert B Somerville Co Limited, 13176 Dufferin St,
King City ON L7B 1K5 905-833-3100 Fax 905-8333111
Sam Rabito Const, 10537 McCowan Rd, Markham ON
L3P 3J3 905-642-5356 Fax 905-642-5027
Technicore Underground Inc, 102 Bales Dr E, PO Box
93089, Newmarket ON L3Y 8K3 905-898-4889 Fax
Tedescon Infrastructure Ltd, 9667 Huntington Rd,
Kleinburg ON L0J 1C0 905-893-2030 Fax 905893-7030
Trisan Const (614128 ON Inc), 17250 Hwy 27 Ste 205,
PO Box 502, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416-4103839 Fax 905-939-4082
Varcon Construction Corp, 250 Doney Cres, Concord
ON L4K 3A8 905-794-2041 Fax 905-794-2039
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK ID: 9248839
various locations
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 11, 2016; T-16-38C adda
OWNER: Town of Bradford W Gwillimbury, 61 Holland
St E, PO Box 160, Bradford ON L3Z 2A8 905-7755303 Fax 905-775-4472
PROJECT: reconstruction of Scanlon Ave, Back St,
Rebecca St, Townsend Ave and Buce Ave.
First report Jul 04, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
Bid documents are available at
townofbwg. BID DEPOSIT: 10% of the tender price
in the form of a certified cheque, money order, bank
draft, bid bond or letter of credit. For further tender
information, contact
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK ID: 9247916
Castlemore Rd,Airport Rd to Goreway Dr
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 12, 2016; T2016-001 adda
OWNER: City of Brampton, Nadia Fabro, 2 Wellington
St W, Brampton ON L6Y 4R2 905-874-2000 Fax
PROJECT: work includes - reconstruction and widening of Castlemore Dr from Airport Rd to Goreway
Dr; installation of traffic control signals and illumination; construction of widening of the west
bridge (station 10+364) including retaining walls;
construction of sidewalks and multi-use path; and
planting and road landscaping.
Completion by Oct 31, 2017.
First report Jun 20, 2016. Last report Jul 04, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $60 (HST included), NON-Refundable.
BID DEPOSIT: 10% of the tender price in the form of
a bid bond. For further tender information, contact
Nadia Fabro -
Addendum(a) no 2 issued.
TENDERS due time and date has been extended from
14:00 Jul 07, 2016 to 14:00 Jul 12, 2016.
11 bidders previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Dundas St W
INVITED TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jul 13, 2016; 2016151T adda
OWNER: Reg Mun of Peel(Head Office), 10 Peel Centre
Dr Ste A & B, Brampton ON L6T 4B9 905-791-7800
Fax 905-791-1693
PROJECT: work includes - installation of approx
1,040m of 400mm Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or PVCO)
and/or CPP by open cut methods; 160m of 400mm
PVC/PVCO/CPP by pipe bursting methods; 25m of
400mm PVC/PVCO/CPP by trenchless methods
including casing pipe; 210m of 300mm PVC; and
166m of 150mm PVC on Dundas St W and Mississauga Rd.
First report Jun 30, 2016.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
26 bidders previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
SCARBOROUGH, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Toronto Zoo,361A Old Finch Rd
TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jul 21, 2016; 27 (2016-06)
OWNER: Toronto Zoo, Peter Vasilopoulos, 361A Old
Finch Ave, Scarborough ON M1B 5K7 416-3925900 Fax 416-392-5934
PROJECT: removal of existing underground tanks and
supply of new A/G fuel tank.
Construction start Oct 03, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
SITE VISIT: July 7 at 09:00, meet at the Administrative
Support Centre, 361A Old Finch Rd. For further tender information, contact Peter Vasilopoulos - email For further technical
information, contact Ben Knoop - email bknoop@
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK ID: 9248862
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
various locations
TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jul 12, 2016; 245-2016 adda
OWNER: City of Toronto(Purchasing), Joan Blake, 100
Queen St W West Tower, Toronto ON M5H 2N2 416392-7322 Fax 416-392-0801
PROJECT: cold-in-place recycling on Beckenham Ct,
Ulverston Rd, Wareside Rd, Cambrian Rd, Guernsey Dr, Welkin Gate, Groverdale Rd, Carsbrooke
Rd; local road reconstruction on Forestone Rd; and
major road resurfacing on Rathburn Rd.
First report Jul 04, 2016. Last report Jul 06, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $141.25 (HST included), NON-Refundable. BID DEPOSIT: $466,000 in the from of a bid
bond. For further tender information contact Joan
Blake - email
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
7 bidders previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
cont; $244,199 ID: 9247863
Brampton Transit Maintenance Facility,185 Clark
Blvd, L6T 4G6
AWARD ; T2016-056
OWNER: City of Brampton(Purch), Santosh Mishra, 2
Wellington St W 2nd Floor, Brampton ON L6Y 4R2
905-874-2260 Fax 905-874-2299
PROJECT: Replacement and upgrade electrical power
distribution system.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Oct 15,
First report Jun 17, 2016. Last report Jul 04, 2016.
ELEC CONT: Sheridan Electric Services Ltd, 966
Pantera Dr Unit 34, Mississauga ON L4W 2S1 905625-0265 Fax 905-625-0268
OTHER BIDS: EM Electrical Services Ltd, Woodbridge
ON $278,034
Superior Boiler Works&Welding, Stoney Creek ON
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
RESIDENTIAL ALTS; $1,231,305 ID: 9247854
ESSA TWP, Simcoe Co, ON
CFB Borden,542 Dieppe Rd, L0M 1C0
AWARD ; BN17604
OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Dianne Laube,
16 Ramillies Rd 2nd Floor, Bldg P154 PO Box 400,
Borden ON L0M 1C0 705-424-1200 Fax 705-4247560
COORD: Barrie Construction Assoc, 200 Brock St, Barrie ON L4N 2M4 705-726-5864 Fax 705-726-4649
PROJECT: The work includes, but is not necessarily
limited to, the supply of labour, material, supervision and equipment necessary for the renovation
of twelve (12) Residential Housing Units (RHU’s)
of varying styles at CFB Borden. The units to be
renovated include two storey units and two and
three bedroom bungalow units. The work includes
interior renovations to kitchen/dining room, living
room, bathroom and bedrooms including structural
components: flooring, finishes, millwork, accessories, insulation, windows and doors. It also includes
hazardous material removal, drywall replacement
and upgrades to insulation, HVAC, mechanical and
electrical systems.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Dec 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 21, 2016.
First report Jun 17, 2016.
GEN CONT: Bononia Const, 21 Naylon St, Maple ON
L6A 3Y3 416-988-1598 Fax 905-417-9062
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9247988
46 Holmesway Place, Acton and 1220 Glen Valley
Rd, Oakville, L7J 1Z3
OWNER: Regional Mun of Halton, Steve Culhane, 1151
Bronte Rd, Oakville ON L6M 3L1 905-825-6000 Fax
PROJECT: Roof replacement.
Construction start Aug 04, 2016; completion by Oct
31, 2016.
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
First report Jun 20, 2016. Last report Jul 05, 2016.
NOTE: Bids were received from AAA Roofmasters Ltd
Nortex Roofing Ltd North East Roofing Inc. Value of
the bids were not released for publication, updates
will be issued upon receipt of award.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9243364
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Ardagh & Ferndale PRV Water Quality Sampling
Station,204 Ferndale Dr South
OWNER: City of Barrie(Purchasing), 56 Mulcaster St,
Barrie ON L4M 3M3 705-739-4220 Fax 705-7394214
PROJECT: Retrofit of an existing below-grade chamber to an above-grade facility of approx 4,300L x
2,900. The new building will require modification of
the existing facility to incorporate new mechanical,
heating, ventilation and process instrumentation
upgrades. A new electrical service is also required.
First report Apr 11, 2016. Last report Apr 13, 2016.
TENDERS closed Apr 26, 2016. TENDERS cancelled.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
PARK ID: 9243592
Russell Dawson Park,26 Russell Dawson Rd north
of Robert Osprey Dr
AWARD ; 295-T-15
OWNER: City of Markham, Rosemarie Patano, 101
Town Centre Blvd, Markham ON L3R 9W3 905477-7000 Fax 905-479-7762
PROJECT: Park construction. Concrete and asphalt
walkways; Planting and sodding; Pre-fabricated
shade structure; Playground equipment with sand
surfacing; Outdoor fitness equipment with rubber
surfacing; Double basketball half courts; Poured
in place concrete seat wall; Lighting and electrical
service; Site furnishings; Site servicing; Fencing.
Construction start Jun 2016; completion by Aug 2016.
TENDERS closed May 05, 2016.
First report Apr 13, 2016. Last report May 05, 2016.
GEN CONT: Cambium Site Contracting, 81 Charleston
Sideroad, PO Box 241, Erin ON N0B 1T0 519-9273766 Fax 866-484-4846
NOTE: Award amount was not released for publication.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
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next page
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Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
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last page
SEWERS ID: 9244140
various locations
AWARD ; 049-R-16
OWNER: City of Markham, Tony Casale, 101 Town
Centre Blvd, Markham ON L3R 9W3 905-477-7000
Fax 905-479-7762
PROJECT: 2016 Sanitary Sewer System Rehabilitation and Upgrade Program. Proposal is divided
into three parts: Contract A - Sanitary sewer spot
repairs/CIPP lining and sanitary manhole repairs;
Contract B - Sanitary sewer testing and grouting
at joints/lateral joint sealing; Contract C - Sanitary
sewer lateral repairs and CIPP lining.
Construction start Jun 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
PROPOSALS closed Apr 21, 2016.
First report Apr 20, 2016.
GEN CONT: DM Robichaud & Assoc, 627A Wentworth
St E, Oshawa ON L1H 3V8 905-433-1261 Fax 905432-2809
NOTE: Award amount was not released for publication.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK; $944,305 ID: 9248036
Tenth Line & Trelawny Circle
LOW BID ; FA.49.487-16
OWNER: City of Mississauga, Maria Torres, 300 City
Centre Dr, Mississauga ON L5B 3C1 905-615-3200
Fax 905-615-4081
PROJECT: asphalt resurfacing of nail head streets in
the Tenth Line and Trelawny Circle area, as well as
curb and sidewalk repairs, catchbasin and manhole adjustments and repairs, subdrain installation,
driveway apron repairs, sod replacement and all
related road work appurtenances.
Construction start Aug 2016; completion by Oct 2016.
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
First report Jun 21, 2016.
LOW BID: Associated Paving & Materials, 5365 Munro
Court, Burlington ON L7L 5M7 905-637-1966 Fax
905-637-1404 $944,305
OTHER BIDS: Furfari Paving Co Ltd, Scarborough ON
Con-Ker Const, Oakville ON $1,136,650
This report Jul 11, 2016.
PROJECT: Bridge rehabilitation. - Removing and
replacing railings; - Removing and reconstructing the concrete deck; - Removing and replacing expansion joints; - Removing and replacing
approach sidewalks; - Reconstructing top of the
wing walls, ballast walls, and bearing seats; - Jacking the structure, and replacing bearing pads; and
- Concrete patch repairs to abutments, piers and
box girders.
Construction start Jun 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed May 20, 2016.
First report Sep 25, 2014. Last report Jun 16, 2016.
GEN CONT: Marbridge Construction Ltd, 6505 Mississauga Rd Unit D3, Mississauga ON L5N 1A6 905542-1194 Fax 905-542-1668
OTHER BIDS: Anscon Contracting Inc, North York ON
Clearwater Structures Inc, Ajax ON $594,575
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK; $172,500 ID: 9248714
Various locations
AWARD ; T16-270
OWNER: City of Vaughan(Purchasing), Grace Zeng,
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr L100, Vaughan ON L6A
1T1 905-832-8555 Fax 905-832-8522
PROJECT: asphalt milling and hot mix replacement.
The scope of work is to supply all labour, material,
equipment, travel and/or hauling expenses including all disposal costs for the Asphalt Road Surfaces
to be Ground to a depth of 40mm to remove wheel
ruts, allegation and other surface irregularities,
restore proper grade and/or slope at various locations as indicated by the Owner’s representative in
the field. Contractor will be required to supply and
place compacted HL-3 in accordance to OPSS 310
& 1150.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 30, 2016.
First report Jun 30, 2016.
GEN CONT: Forest Contractors Ltd, 8 Cadetta Rd,
Brampton ON L6P 0X4 905-913-9291 Fax 905913-9317
OTHER BIDS: C Valley Paving Ltd, Kleinburg ON
Pave-Tar Construction Ltd, Etobicoke ON $244,500
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
SIDEWALKS, ROADS; $610,016 ID: 9246326
PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE; $506,150 ID: 9210860
Nort Johnston Pedestrian Bridge,over Humber
River, north of Hwy 7
AWARD ; T16-195
OWNER: City of Vaughan(Purchasing), Scott Wigmore,
2141 Major Mackenzie Dr L100, Vaughan ON L6A
1T1 905-832-8555 Fax 905-832-8522
CONS ENG STRUCT: Planmac Engineering Inc, Ron
French, 80 N Queen St Ste 302, Toronto ON M8Z
2C9 416-626-5300 Fax 416-622-6710
WHITBY, Durham Reg, ON
various locations
AWARD ; T-15-2016
OWNER: Town of Whitby, Kellie Dickson, 575 Rossland
Rd E, Whitby ON L1N 2M8 905-430-4300 Fax 905686-7005
PROJECT: sidewalk and boulevard replacement.
Construction start Aug 08, 2016; completion by Oct
07, 2016.
TENDERS closed May 25, 2016.
First report May 25, 2016. Last report Jun 13, 2016.
K. Winter Sanitation Inc.
GEN CONT: Onsite Contracting Inc, #16-467 Edgeley
Blvd Suite 202, Vaughan ON L4K 4E9 905-7619771 Fax 905-761-9772
OTHER BIDS: Slipform Construction, Woodbridge ON
Aloia Bros Concrete Contrs Ltd, Toronto ON $722,756
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9240772
WHITBY, Durham Reg, ON
Byron St, Trent St and Keith St
AWARD ; T-1-2016
OWNER: Town of Whitby, Kellie Dickson, 575 Rossland
Rd E, Whitby ON L1N 2M8 905-430-4300 Fax 905686-7005
PROJECT: Road reconstruction.
Construction start Apr 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed Mar 17, 2016.
First report Mar 01, 2016. Last report Apr 19, 2016.
GEN CONT: Eagleson Const/1356594 Ont Ltd, 1516
Carmel Line, Millbrook ON L0A 1G0 705-932-2996
Fax 705-932-2995
OTHER BIDS: Hard-Co Construction Ltd, Whitby ON
Robert B Somerville Co Limited, King City ON
This report Jul 11, 2016.
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
464 Winona Dr, M6C 2P7
ARCH: SMV Architects, Dan Cowling, 247 Spadina Ave
4th Flr, Toronto ON M5T 3A8 416-506-1600 Fax
CONSULTANT/OWNER’S REP: Goldberg Group, Michael
Goldberg, 2098 Avenue Rd, Toronto ON M5M 4A8
416-322-6364 Fax 416-932-9327
PROJECT: 2 structures; 4 storeys; 29,600 sq ft; site
1 acres; parking for 23 cars; construction of two,
four-storey townhouse blocks with eight units each
for a total of 16 units.
Construction start Aug 2016; completion by Mar 2017.
First report Jan 16, 2012. Last report Oct 23, 2015.
OWNER/GEN CONT: Decade Group Inc, Mike Siskind/
Mike Siskind, 1806 Avenue Rd Suite 2, Toronto ON
M5M 3Z1 416-781-0623 Fax 416-352-7484
PLANS BY: SMV Architects, Dan Cowling, 247 Spadina
Ave 4th Flr, Toronto ON M5T 3A8 416-506-1600
Fax 416-506-0956
STATUS: Owner is finalizing building permit approvals. All sub trade pricing will be secured from an
invited list.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9246290
Warm Water Sinks Inside
Electrical Safety Authority Approved
Heated units
Crain lift flush or regular flush units
We supply the water
No fuel or disposal surcharge
Reliable service you can count on
We also have modular units.
Owned and operated by the Winter family.
For more information check out
“No Splinters – Use Winter’s.”
Serving Central Ontario.
TORONTO, Metro Toronto Reg, ON
Ontario Institute for Cancer Research,MaRS
Centre, 661 University Avenue 6th Floor, M5G 1M1
OWNER: Ont Inst of Cancer Research, Stephen Lackey,
MaRS Centre 661 University Ave, Toronto ON M5G
0A3 416-977-7599
ARCH/PLANS BY: Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc,
Martin Kristensen/Martin Kristensen, 384 Adelaide
St W Ste 300, Toronto ON M5V 1R7 416-862-8800
Fax 416-862-5508
4211 Yonge St Ste 500, Toronto ON M2P 2A9 416487-8151 Fax 416-487-9104
PROJECT: 2,500 sq ft; construction of alterations to
the sixth floor of the MaRS Centre for renovation
to the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research space.
The scope of work includes mechanical and electrical improvements, and enlarged wet lab space for
the Translational Genomics Laboratory (TGL).
First report May 25, 2016.
GEN CONT: Olar Ltd, Shawn Meehan, 28 Vansco Rd,
Etobicoke ON M8Z 5J4 416-233-5891 Fax 416233-3869
Construction start Jun 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
STATUS: All sub trade pricing is secured.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Eastern Ontario
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Cardinal Trails, Phase 7,1880 Trim Road, K4A 0K6
OWNER: Jean-Guy Rivard Lands, Jean-Guy Rivard,
216-1455 Youville Dr, Orleans ON K1C 6Z7 613837-1104
PROJECT: 2 storeys; construction of 28, two-storey
townhouses. Units range from approximately 1,200
sq ft to 1,500 sq ft.
First report Aug 02, 2013. Last report Jan 14, 2016.
GEN CONT/PLANS BY: Valecraft Homes Ltd, 1455
Youville Dr Ste 210, Orleans ON K1C 6Z7 613-8371104 Fax 613-837-5901
PROJECT: 6 structures; 37,800 sq ft approx;
STATUS: In-house designs are underway. Project
scope has changed. Sub trades will be secured
from an existing list of trades. Pending approvals,
construction may begin fall 2016 or spring 2017.
Further update fall 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9249339
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Deerfield Village,195 Meadering Brook, Lester Rd,
Bank St, K1T 0C3
OWNER: Jean-Guy Rivard Lands, Mathieu Vautour,
216-1455 Youville Dr, Orleans ON K1C 6Z7 613837-1104
GEN CONT/PLANS BY: Valecraft Homes Ltd, 1455
Youville Dr Ste 210, Orleans ON K1C 6Z7 613-8371104 Fax 613-837-5901
PROJECT: 3 storeys; construction of 90, two-storey
townhouses and 60 residential units in five two
and a half-storey condominium buildings (12 units
STATUS: In-house designs are underway. Owner is
awaiting municipal approvals. Scope of work will
be finalized pending approvals. Site servicing may
begin late 2016 or early spring 2017. Sub trades
will be secured from an existing list of trades.
Construction will be completed in several phases;
preliminary details and timelines may be available
fall 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9177935
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Little Italy,101 Norman St, K1S 3K6
OWNER: Taggart Realty Management Ltd, Paul Taggart, 225 Metcalfe St Ste 708, Ottawa ON K2P 1P9
613-234-7000 Fax 613-235-8910
GEN CONT: Tamarack Developments Corp, Michelle
Taggart, 3187 Albion Rd S, Ottawa ON K1V 8Y3
613-521-3000 Fax 613-526-5909
ARCH: Roderick Lahey Architect Inc, Roderick Lahey,
56 Beech Street, Ottawa ON K1S 3J6 613-7249932 Fax 613-724-1209
PROJECT: 9 storeys; 75,000 sq ft; construction of 150unit condominium building (eight or nine storeys).
First report May 03, 2013. Last report Apr 01, 2016.
STATUS: Preliminary designs are underway. Owner is
awaiting municipal approvals. Scope of work will
be finalized pending approvals. Pending approvals,
construction may begin in 2017; timelines to be
defined. Further update early 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9207090
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Kanata West Business Park,3001 Palladium Dr,
OWNER: Taggart Realty Management Ltd, Jeff Parkes,
225 Metcalfe St Ste 708, Ottawa ON K2P 1P9 613234-7000 Fax 613-235-8910
ARCH: Barry J Hobin & Asso Archs Inc, Barry Hobin, 63
Pamilla St, Ottawa ON K1S 3K7 613-238-7200 Fax
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
CONSULTANT: FoTenn Consultants Inc, Paul Black, 223
McLeod St, Ottawa ON K2P 0Z8 613-730-5709 Fax
GEOTECHNICAL CONS: Paterson Group Inc, 154 Colonnade Rd South, Ottawa ON K2E 5J7 613-2267381 Fax 613-226-6344
PROJECT: site 14 acres; construction of offices, warehouse and retail development. Scope of work to be
First report Jul 24, 2014. Last report Feb 02, 2016.
GEN CONT: Doran Contractors Ltd, Andrew Pinet, 3187
Albion Rd S, Ottawa ON K1V 8Y3 613-526-2400
Fax 613-526-2880
STATUS: Project is conceptual. Scope of work and
timelines are tenant driven as well as improved
market conditions. For other components as part
of this development, see 9203085 and 9203081.
Further update early 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HOTEL ID: 9203085
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Kanata West Business Park,3001 Palladium Dr,
K2S 1B9
OWNER: Taggart Realty Management Ltd, Jeff Parkes,
225 Metcalfe St Ste 708, Ottawa ON K2P 1P9 613234-7000 Fax 613-235-8910
CONSULTANT: FoTenn Consultants Inc, Paul Black, 223
McLeod St, Ottawa ON K2P 0Z8 613-730-5709 Fax
GEOTECHNICAL CONS: Paterson Group Inc, 154 Colonnade Rd South, Ottawa ON K2E 5J7 613-2267381 Fax 613-226-6344
PROJECT: 5 storeys; 40,000 sq ft; construction of a
hotel with approximately 200 suites.
First report Jun 02, 2014. Last report Feb 02, 2016.
STATUS: Project is conceptual. Project timelines are
dependent on improved market conditions. Municipal site plan approvals will also be required. For
other components as part of this development, see
9207090 and 9203081. Further update early 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
BUILDING ID: 9203081
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Kanata West Business Park,3001 Palladium Dr,
405 and 425 Huntmar Dr, K2S
OWNER: Taggart Realty Management Ltd, Jeff Parkes,
225 Metcalfe St Ste 708, Ottawa ON K2P 1P9 613234-7000 Fax 613-235-8910
ARCH: Barry J Hobin & Asso Archs Inc, Barry Hobin, 63
Pamilla St, Ottawa ON K1S 3K7 613-238-7200 Fax
CONSULTANT: FoTenn Consultants Inc, Paul Black, 223
McLeod St, Ottawa ON K2P 0Z8 613-730-5709 Fax
GEOTECHNICAL CONS: Paterson Group Inc, 154 Colonnade Rd South, Ottawa ON K2E 5J7 613-2267381 Fax 613-226-6344
PROJECT: 1 storey; 300,000 sq ft; construction of
a commercial office/retail, warehouse building;
scope to be defined as tenants are secured.
First report Jun 02, 2014. Last report Feb 02, 2016.
STATUS: Project planning is underway. All municipal
approvals are in place. Owner is seeking tenants.
Scope of work and project timelines are tenant driven. For other components as part of this
development, see 9203085 and 9207090. Further
update early 2017.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Page 9
MANDATORY SITE VISIT: July 6 at 10:00. For inquiries
contact Deborah McElroy at 613 650-2906 ext
4978, Document is available
at biddingo.
Addendum(a) no 2 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9249282
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Central Experimental Farm,960 Carling Ave, K1A
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Aug 17, 2016; 16-1134
OWNER: Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, Mike Pignat,
960 Carling Ave, KW Neatby Bldg, Ottawa ON K1A
0C6 613-759-1990 Fax 613-759-6901
PROJECT: Elevator car top rails supply and installation.
Installation of car top guards on eight elevators.
Completion by Oct 31, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Document can be obtained from:
tenders SITE VISIT: July 21 at 13:00, meet in the
main lobby of the KW Neatby Building, 960 Carling
Ave, Ottawa. For inquiries contact Mike Pignat at
This report Jul 11, 2016.
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
OC Transpo Bus Depot, Phase 2,1500 St Laurent
Blvd, K1G 0Z8
TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jul 11, 2016; 00116-91075-T01
adda extn
OWNER: City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt), Laura Dennee,
100 Constellation Cres 4th Fl, Ottawa ON K2G 6J8
613-580-2424 Fax 613-560-2126
COORD: The Ottawa Construction Assoc, 196 Bronson
Ave, Ottawa ON K1R 6H4 613-236-0488 Fax 613238-6124
PROJECT: Wall remediation.
Completion by Oct 14, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Coord.
Site meeting was held on June 29. For inquiries
contact Laura Dennee ext 12235, laura.dennee@
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
TENDERS due time and date has been extended from
15:00 Jul 07, 2016 to 15:00 Jul 11, 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HOSPITAL ALTS Roofing cont ID: 9249182
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO),401
Smyth Rd, K1H 8L1
TENDERS DUE 11:00 Jul 28, 2016; 30062016RR adda
OWNER: Children’s Hospital (CHEO), Gerry Joseph, 401
Smyth Rd, Ottawa ON K1H 8L1 613-737-7600 Fax
PROJECT: Bitumen roof replacement. Roof 3A, 3B, 3D,
4A, 4B, 4C.
Construction start Sep 06, 2016; completion by Nov
01, 2016.
First report Jul 08, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner; contact Gerry
MEETING: July 12 at 10:00. Meet at CHEO Facilities
Management and Planning Office, located in CHEO
Main Building, Level 1. Confirm your intention to
attend to Gerry Joseph at by
July 8.
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HOSPITAL ALTS Mech cont ID: 9249257
ROADWORK ID: 9249361
Matthew St (Hwy 7)
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 15, 2016; 150-3829
OWNER: Twp of Marmora & Lake, 12 Bursthall St, PO
Box 459, Marmora ON K0K 2M0 613-472-2629 Fax
CONS ENG CIVIL: GD Jewell Engineering Inc, 4 Cataraqui St Suite 208, Kingston ON K7K 1Z7 613-3897250 Fax 613-389-2754
PROJECT: replacement of existing maintenance hole
cover and riser components and the rehabilitation
of one hundred and thirty nine (139) metres on
Matthew Street (Hwy 7) where the overall project
area is approximately from 80 metres west of Cameron Street to 40 metres east of N. Maloney Street.
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
First report Jun 24, 2016.
MECH CONT: Maximum Heating & Cooling, 2790
Quinn Rd, Gloucester ON K1T 3V5 613-822-7939
OTHER BIDS: TP Crawford Ltd, Gloucester ON $83,827
3V Mechanical Inc, Ottawa ON $89,155
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
PARKING LOT; $2,900,000 est ID: 9249357
RICHMOND TWP, Lennox and Addington Co, ON
Dwyer Hill Training Centre,8327 Franktown Road,
K0A 2Z0
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 27, 2016; DHTC1507
OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Sanja Galin,
350 Albert St Ste 1900, Ottawa ON K1A 0K3 613998-9526 Fax 613-998-9547
COORD: Travaux Pub & Serv Gouv Can, 11 rue Laurier,
Portage III, Gatineau QC K1A 0S5 819-956-0663
Fax 819-956-1459
PROJECT: Construction of parking and walkways,
associated electrical lighting and installation of 4
secure cameras on the new parking lot.
TENDERS will be received by Coord.
Documents may be obtained from
or by calling 1-800-964-6379. SITE VISIT: July 13,
2016 at 9:00 at the security building located at the
Main Gate off Dwyer Hill Road.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
KINGSTON, Frontenac Co, ON
Kingston General Hospital,76 Stuart St, K7L 2V7
TENDERS DUE 11:00 Jul 19, 2016; 2016-DM-008
OWNER: Shared Support Services SE ON, Deborah
McElroy, 1471 John Counter Blvd Ste 402, Kingston
ON K7M 8S8 613-650-2906 Fax 613-650-2907
PROJECT: Mechanical upgrades air handling, heat
exchangers etc.
Construction start Aug 12, 2016; completion by Mar
15, 2017.
First report Jul 08, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner; contact Deborah
Construction start Sep 06, 2016; completion by Nov
04, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
For further tender information, contact Steve Harvey email
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HIGH SCHOOL ALTS; $153,000 ID: 9247870
Opeongo High School,1990 Cobden Rd, Douglas,
K0J 1S0
AWARD ; 2016-14
OWNER: Renfrew Co Dist School Board, Peggy Fiebig,
1270 Pembroke St W, Pembroke ON K8A 4G4 613735-0151 Fax 613-735-6315
ARCH: Barry J Hobin & Asso Archs Inc, 63 Pamilla St,
Ottawa ON K1S 3K7 613-238-7200 Fax 613-2352005
PROJECT: Gymnasium ceiling renovation.
Construction start Jun 27, 2016; completion by Aug
29, 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 23, 2016.
First report Jun 17, 2016.
GEN CONT: Frecon Construction Ltd, 515 Eganville Rd,
Pembroke ON K8A 4E6 613-735-0050 Fax 613735-0068
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9247504
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
Canterbury Community Centre,2185 Arch St, K1G
AWARD ; 24416-90922-T06
OWNER: City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt), Lisa Rochon,
100 Constellation Cres 4th Fl, Ottawa ON K2G 6J8
613-580-2424 Fax 613-560-2126
COORD: The Ottawa Construction Assoc, 196 Bronson
Ave, Ottawa ON K1R 6H4 613-236-0488 Fax 613238-6124
PROJECT: Renovation.
Construction start Aug 01, 2016; completion by Oct
02, 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 28, 2016.
First report Jun 13, 2016.
GEN CONT: Raymond & Associates Roofing, 3091
Albion Rd N Unit 5B, Ottawa ON K1V 9V9 613-2334833 Fax 613-248-2645
OTHER BIDS: Brawn Construction, Kanata $166,326
The FiA Group (4083261 Canada), Ottawa ON
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK; $854,534 ID: 9248245
BATH, Lennox and Addington Co, ON
Hwy 33,Village of Conway to E of Gelnora Ferry,
K0H 1G0
LOW BID ; 2016-4260
OWNER: Min of Transportation Ontario, Sam Molai,
1201 Wilson Ave Downsview, Toronto ON M3M 1J8
416-327-9200 416-327-9188
PROJECT: Apply a double application of microsurfacing to all lanes in both the Eastbound and Westbound lanes throughout the limits of the Contract.
Reinstate pavement markings throughout Contract
Completion by Sep 23, 2016.
TENDERS closed Jul 06, 2016.
First report Jun 23, 2016.
LOW BID: Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller Avenue,
Box 4080, Markham ON L3R 9R8 905-475-6660
Fax 905-475-3852 $854,534
OTHER BIDS: Duncor Enterprises Inc, Barrie ON
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK; $1,388,055 ID: 9249051
NORTH BAY, Nipissing Dist, ON
Municipal Rd 4
LOW BID ; 2016-5011
OWNER: Min of Transportation Ontario, 301 St Paul St,
St Catharines ON L2R 7R4 855-327-6780 Fax 905704-2855
PROJECT: Grading, drainage, granular base, hot mix
paving and electrical from 0.45 km East of the
Municipal Road 4 Intersection, Westerly 0.87 km.
Construction start Aug 2016.
TENDERS closed Jul 06, 2016.
First report Jul 06, 2016.
LOW BID: Interpaving Ltd, 2-1B 885 Regent St, Sudbury ON P3E 5M4 705-522-9444 Fax 705-5223253 $1,388,055
OTHER BIDS: Teranorth Const & Eng Ltd, Sudbury ON
K J Beamish Const Co Ltd, Elliot Lake ON $1,676,600
This report Jul 11, 2016.
CULVERTS; $263,917 ID: 9248360
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
East Transitway and Navan Road
AWARD ; ISD15-7128
OWNER/COORD: City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt), Lisa
Rochon/Julie Lyons, 100 Constellation Cres 4th Fl,
Ottawa ON K2G 6J8 613-580-2424 Fax 613-5602126
PROJECT: rehabilitation of culvert (T224650) on RR
174 and culverts (A892542) and (A224350) on
Navan Rd.
Construction start Aug 04, 2016; completion by Oct
28, 2016.
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
First report Jun 24, 2016.
GEN CONT: Clearwater Structures Inc, 397 Frankcom
St, Ajax ON L1S 1R4 905-686-5203 Fax 905-6864763
OTHER BIDS: Louis Bray Construction, St Andrew West
ON $275,000
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
TRANSIT GARAGE ALTS Mech cont; $76,250
ID: 9248353
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton Reg, ON
OC Transpo Merivale Garage,164 Colonnade Rd,
K2E 7J5
AWARD ; 22416-90922-T13
OWNER: City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt), Janet Renault,
100 Constellation Cres 4th Fl, Ottawa ON K2G 6J8
613-580-2424 Fax 613-560-2126
COORD: The Ottawa Construction Assoc, 196 Bronson
Ave, Ottawa ON K1R 6H4 613-236-0488 Fax 613238-6124
PROJECT: Exhaust fan replacement.
Construction start Aug 04, 2016; completion by Dec
23, 2016.
ROADWORK; $426,660 ID: 9249049
PETERBOROUGH, Peterborough Co, ON
Hwy 115
AWARD ; 2016-4262
OWNER: Min of Transportation Ontario, 301 St Paul St,
St Catharines ON L2R 7R4 855-327-6780 Fax 905704-2855
GEN CONT: Royel Paving Limited, 3664 Hwy 35 N, PO
Box 418, Lindsay ON K9V 3S3 705-324-6773 Fax
Continues on
next page
Page 10
Continues from
last page
PROJECT: Hot-mix asphalt selective resurfacing of
Hwy 115 From Hwy 7a to The Parkway Peterborough northbound and southbound lanes; various
Construction start Aug 04, 2016; completion by Aug
26, 2016.
OTHER BIDS: Brennan Paving & Const Ltd, Markham
ON $475,000
TENDERS closed Jul 05, 2016.
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Western Ontario
Martindale Place,1128 Vansickle Rd, L2S 3W1
ARCH/OWNER’S REP: 2M Architects Inc, Lou Marcantonio/Lou Marcantonio, 115 Lake St, St Catharines
ON L2R 5X7 905-687-9777 Fax 905-687-9997
PROJECT: 6 storeys; construction of a six-storey
assisted-living facility with 70 units attached to the
existing building. Project also includes community
spaces and a kitchen dining meeting hall.
First report Jan 22, 2016.
CONST MGR: Kenmore Homes, Steve Rochefort, 236
Glenridge Ave, St Catharines ON L2T 3J8 905-6842317 Fax 905-684-0003
ELEC: Hallex Engineering Ltd, 4999 Victoria Ave,
Niagara Falls ON L2E 4C9 905-357-4015 Fax 905353-1105
PROJECT: 7,079 m2;
Construction start Oct 2016; completion by Oct 2017.
STATUS: Working drawings are underway. Sub trades
will be secured from an existing list of trades. Construction may begin fall 2016 and is scheduled to
take approximately 12 months to complete.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
88 Merritt St, L2T 1J6
Lou Marcantonio/Lou Marcantonio, 115 Lake St, St
Catharines ON L2R 5X7 905-687-9777 Fax 905687-9997
CONSULTANT: Stephen Bedford Consulting Inc, Stephen Bedford, 650 Charlotte St, PO Box 244, Niagara-on-the-LakeON L0S 1J0 905-468-0427 Fax
PROJECT: 1 storey; 1,200 m2 approx; construction of
a mini self-storage facility with two pads.
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
First report Sep 17, 2015. Last report Jan 22, 2016.
Construction start Nov 2016; completion by May 2017.
STATUS: Working drawings are underway. Municipal
approvals are in place. Pending owner’s decision
to proceed, general contractor will be secured privately. It has yet to be determined if construction
will begin in 2016. Further update late fall 2016.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
GUELPH, Wellington Co, ON
Mothball Guelph Correctional Centre,785 York Rd,
N1L 1P4
INVITED TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 12, 2016; 1035038270289 adda
CONSULTANT: Telstorm Corp, Travis Lang, 3100
Steeles Ave W Ste 406, Vaughan ON L4K 3R1 905760-7646 Fax 905-760-7663
OWNER’S REP: Colliers Project Leaders, Jawad Akhtar,
485 Pinebush Rd Ste 202, Cambridge ON N1T 0A6
519-231-1000 Fax 519-489-1476
PROJECT: Demolition, modified bituminous membrane
roofing, sheet metal flashing and trim, joint sealants.
Completion by Jan 31, 2017.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner’s rep;
contact Jawad Akhtar.
Mandatory site visit was held on June 29. For inquiries
contact Jawad Akhtar at Document is available at biddingo.
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
NOTE: Invited bidders wishing to be listed on this
report please email research.canada@cmdgroup.
com or call 1-800-387-0213.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HAMILTON, Hamilton-Wentworth Reg, ON
Millgrove Works Yard,594 5th Concession Rd
West, L0R 2H2
TENDERS DUE 13:00 Aug 02, 2016
OWNER: Hamilton Reg Conservation Auth, Matthew
Hall, 838 Mineral Springs Rd, PO Box 81067,
Ancaster ON L9G 4X1 905-525-2181 Fax 905648-4622
PROJECT: Design and build storage building.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
For inquiries contact Matthew Hall at 905 525-2181
ext 188.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
HARROW, Essex Co, ON
Harrow Greenhouse,2585 County Rd 20, N0R 1G0
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 21, 2016; EQ730-170463/A
OWNER/PLANS BY: Public Works & Gov’t Serv Cda,
Jim Cowieson, 4900 Yonge St 12th Floor, Toronto
ON M2N 6A6 416-512-5700 Fax 416-512-5862
PROJECT: 1 storey; 416 m2 approx; To construct a
new approx 416 m2, 4-compartment production
Transplant Greenhouse with an adjacent glazed
corridor, a new approx 66 m2 headhouse and an
enclosed walkway link connecting to the existing facility to fulfill AAFCs continued operational
requirements. The proposed site for the new greenhouse is located south of the existing greenhouses.
The design of the greenhouse is based on the modular structures, cladding and building systems that
are typical of commercial greenhouses throughout
South Western Ontario. The new building connects
to the existing facility circulation system with a new
link through which the new building services are
run back to the existing facilitys physical plant. The
new services are connected to the various existing
services required to support the operation of, and
research conducted within, the new greenhouse
facility. The new building requires site works including the protection of existing, and provision of new,
buried utilities and services, including replacement
of a section of the existing large diameter storm
water culvert below the greenhouse, a sump pit for
foundation drainage and a new sanitary manhole,
service and connection from the greenhouse to the
existing sanitary main. Site grading and restoration
are required.
Construction start Sep 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Document can be obtained from:
tenders SITE VISIT: July 12 at 13:00, meet at 2585
County Rd 20, Harrow. Contact Jim Cowieosn at
416 512-5829 or to
confirm attendance.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
University of Western Ontario, Dental Sciences
Bldg, CL2/CL3,1151 Richmond St, N6A 5B8
INVITED TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 13, 2016; 9M5124
adda extn
OWNER: Western University (Supp Ser), Boris Pertout,
1151 Richmond St, Rm 4101, London ON N6A 5B8
ARCH: Merrick Canada ULC, 580 Terry Fox Dr Suite
201, Kanata ON K2L 4B9 613-592-5289 Fax 613592-2181
PROJECT: 6,000 sq ft approx; CL2/CL3 Laboratory, 6th
Floor. Dental Science Building, Room 6002-6020,
Level 3 Biohazard Containment Facility.
Completion by Jan 2017.
First report Mar 02, 2016. Last report Jul 05, 2016.
NOTE: The bid closing date has been changed from
July 15 to July 13 at 14:00.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained by calling 1-800-9646379. A site meeting was held on June 9.
Addendum(a) no 3 issued.
INVITED TENDERS due time and date has been extended from 14:00 Jun 23, 2016 to 14:00 Jul 13, 2016.
8 bidders previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
GOLF CLUB ALTS Roofing cont ID: 9249141
It’s not what we
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Trisura Guarantee Insurance Company is a Canadian owned and operated Property and Casualty insurance company specializing in niche insurance and surety products.
We are a proud supporter of the Insurance Broker’s Association of Canada.
Whirlpool Golf Club,3351 Niagara River Parkway,
L2E 6S6
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 15, 2016; RFT-12-2016-HP
OWNER: The Niagara Parks Commission, Henry Paulino, 7400 Portage Rd, Oak Hall Admin Offices,
Niagara Falls ON L2E 6T2 905-356-2241 Fax 905356-9237
PROJECT: Roof replacement.
Completion by Oct 15, 2016.
First report Jul 07, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner; contact Henry
Mandatory site meeting was held on July 4. For
inquiries contact Henry Paulino at procurement1@ Document is available at: www.
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
APARTMENT BLDG ALTS Ventilation cont
ID: 9247765
PARIS, Brant Co, ON
Walker’s Green,33 Main St, N3L 1E2
TENDERS DUE 15:00 Jul 13, 2016; 16-85 adda extn
OWNER: City of Brantford, Kerrie Lambier, 1 Market Sq
Ste 120 Low level, Brantford ON N3T 6C8 519-7594150 Fax 519-752-7862
PROJECT: Supply and installation of hallway ventilation system.
First report Jun 16, 2016. Last report Jun 21, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
Documents are available at For further informaiton, contact Kerrie Lambier at
Addendum(a) no 1-3 issued.
TENDERS due time and date has been extended from
15:00 Jun 30, 2016 to 15:00 Jul 13, 2016.
1 bidder previously reported;
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ARENA ALTS Mech cont ID: 9249367
Tecumseh Arena,12021 McNorton St, N8N 3Z7
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 14, 2016
OWNER: Town of Tecumseh, Ray Hammond, 917
Lesperance Rd, Tecumseh ON N8N 1W9 519-7352184 Fax 519-735-6712
PROJECT: Air quality control system. To supply and
install a control system to continuously monitor the
air quality in the open space of its two arena ice
surfaces. The control system needed will control
the existing fresh air intake louvre and exhaust fan
system to ensure the indoor air quality is maintained at optimum levels to allow individuals to
safely work, participate and be a spectator at any
event in the two arenas.
Completion by Sep 02, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner; contact Laura
Request for Proposal. Mandatory site visit was held
on June 30. For inquiries contact Ray Hammond at
519 735-4756 ext 426,
This report Jul 11, 2016.
FIRE HALL ID: 9243341
Fire Hall No 5,2650 Northwood St, N9E 4S7
INVITED TENDERS DUE 11:30 Jul 11, 2016; 110-16
bidders adda
OWNER: City of Windsor(Purch), Elaine Castellan, 400
City Hall Sq E Ste 403, Windsor ON N9A 7K6 519255-6272 Fax 519-255-9891
ARCH: NORR Architects Eng Planners, 175 Bloor St E
15th Fl N Tower, Toronto ON M4W 3R8 416-9290200 Fax 416-929-3635
PROJECT: 1 storey; Construction of a new fire hall. The
fire hall will consist of approx 950 sq m of building exterior footprint and is generally expected to
include the following features: Apparatus bay to
accommodate two fire trucks, storage gear and
equipment with a mezzanine. Laundry, janitor, &
gear storage rooms. Barrier-free washrooms. Living Quarters including dormitory to accommodate
eight fire fighters, locker, fitness and lounge rooms.
Kitchen, pantry and dining room. Captain’s offices/
quarters to accommodate two captains including
duty office, lockers, restroom, shower and individual sleeping areas. Support areas such as a
mechanical, electrical and IT/security rooms. The
site servicing will include all utility services, a concrete driveway for the two apparatus bays, parking
area(s), concrete walkways, landscaping, exterior
lighting, bike racks, fire hydrant, diesel generator,
flag pole(s), security capable perimeter fencing,
outdoor garbage and recycling area, and an outdoor
patio area.
First report Apr 11, 2016.
LANDS ARCH: Ron Koudys Landscape Arch Inc, 368
Oxford St E, London ON N6A 1V7 519-667-3322
Fax 519-645-2474
CONS ENG CIVIL: RC Spencer Associates, 261 Shepherd St E, Windsor ON N8X 2K6 519-946-1122
ELEC: NORR Architects Eng Planners, 175 Bloor St
E 15th Fl N Tower, Toronto ON M4W 3R8 416-9290200 Fax 416-929-3635
PROJECT: 10,000 sq ft approx;
Construction start Sep 2016; completion by Aug 2017.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
Mandatory site visit was held on June 15.
Addendum(a) no 1-2 issued.
BIDDERS: Amico Design Build Inc, 2199 Blackacre Dr,
Oldcastle ON N0R 1L0 519-737-1577 Fax 519737-1929
DeAngelis Construction Inc, 1515 Britannia Rd E Unit
314, Mississauga ON L4W 4K1 416-479-3479 Fax
Gulf Developments Inc, 8908 County Rd 42, Maidstone
ON N0R 1K0 519-735-0099 Fax 519-735-0094
Loaring Const (1603878) Ltd, 6260 Westar Dr, Windsor
ON N9J 3W3 519-734-9000 Fax 519-734-9020
McKay-Cocker Construction, 1665 Oxford St E, London
ON N5Y 5R9 519-451-5270 Fax 519-451-8050
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
Oscar Construction Company Ltd, 2025 Blackacre Dr,
PO Box 21, Oldcastle ON N0R 1L0 519-737-0350
Fax 519-737-0355
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Page 11
BARRACKS ALTS; $2,247,000 ID: 9246748
ROADWORK ID: 9249369
DELHI TWP, Haldimand-Norfolk Reg, ON
Erie Blvd
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 26, 2016; PW-E-16-34
OWNER: Twp of Delhi, 183 Main St, Delhi ON N4B 2W9
519-582-2100 Fax 519-582-4571
PROJECT: reconstruction of Erie Blvd in Long Point
from Hastings Dr to the east end. (including asphalt,
infiltration galleries, curbing & multi-use pathway
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
PLAN DEPOSIT: $25, NON-Refundable.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
KITCHENER, Waterloo Reg, ON
Laneway 50015
TENDERS DUE 13:00 Jul 21, 2016; T16-067
OWNER: City of Kitchener(Purchasing), Laurie Stecho,
200 King St W 4th Flr, Kitchener ON N2G 4G7 519741-2218 Fax 519-741-2222
PROJECT: replacement of the existing storm sewer
and roadway of Laneway 50015 from Ahrens St W
to Margaret Ave between Wellington St N and Breithaupt St, extending over an approximate distance
of 240 m.
Construction start Sep 12, 2016; completion by Oct
28, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
For further tender information, contact Laurie Stecho email
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK ID: 9249039
County Rd 1 (Lambton Rd),Marshy Creek to King’s
Hwy 40, N0N
TENDERS DUE 13:00 Jul 12, 2016; 2016-13 adda
OWNER: County of Lambton, Glen Hamill, 789 Broadway St, PO Box 3000, Wyoming ON N0N 1T0 519845-0801 Fax 519-845-3160
PROJECT: Hot mix paving 4.
Construction start Aug 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
First report Jul 06, 2016.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
Documents may be obtained from Owner.
TENDER DEPOSIT: 10% certified cheque. 100% performance bond is required by the successful bidder.
For further information email:
Addendum(a) no 1 issued.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
Wolseley Barracks,701 Oxford St E, N5Y 4T7
AWARD ; TT152135
OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Brittany Munroe, 1 Yukon Lane, North York ON M3K 0A1 416633-6200 Fax 416-635-2772
COORD: Public Works & Gov’t Serv Cda, 4900 Yonge
St 12th Floor, Toronto ON M2N 6A6 416-512-5700
Fax 416-512-5862
ARCH: HDR Architecture Assoc Inc, Petre Ionescu, 369
York St Ste 2-A, London ON N6B 3R4 519-6421414 Fax 519-685-8505
ELEC: Jp2g Consultants Inc, James Huiskamp, 4101150 Morrison Dr, Ottawa ON K2H 8S9 613-8287800 Fax 613-828-2600
PROJECT: Supply of labour, material, supervision
and equipment necessary to complete building
upgrades to Mechanical, Electrical, Structural and
Architectural finishes. Work includes, but is not limited to, the following; removal and replacement of
existing exterior stairs, residential style bathrooms
and janitor closets, replacement of existing sanitary
drainage and supply service piping, and existing
heating boilers. Architectural related work consists
of plumbing and lighting fixtures, and interior finishes including flooring. Hazardous materials are
on site.
Construction start Jun 2016; completion by Jul 2017.
TENDERS closed May 31, 2016.
First report May 31, 2016.
GEN CONT: Elgin Contra & Restoration Ltd, 10 Barrie
Blvd, St Thomas ON N5P 4B9 519-633-9969 Fax
This report Jul 11, 2016.
LANDFILL; $81,039 ID: 9246819
Mohawk Street Sanitary Landfill Site,511
Mohawk St
AWARD ; 16.034
OWNER: Grand River Conservation Auth, 400 Clyde
Rd, PO Box 729, Cambridge ON N1R 5W6 519-6212763 Fax 519-621-4844
CONS ENG CIVIL: Ecosystem Recovery Inc, 1023 Rife
Rd Unit A, Cambridge ON N1R 5S3 519-621-1500
Fax 226-240-1080
PROJECT: project involves repairs to the dyke along
approximately 100 metres, and a 900 mm culvert
crossing. The work involves the extension of the
existing culvert and regrading and restoration of
the dyke slope.
TENDERS closed Jun 01, 2016.
First report Jun 01, 2016.
GEN CONT: Robert M Simon Const Ltd, PO Box 973,
RR 1, Waterford ON N0E 1Y0 519-443-4113 Fax
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Sep 30,
OTHER BIDS: Cambridge Landscaping Inc, Cambridge
ON $86,131
NOTE: 3rd low bidder: CR Campbell Construction and
Drainage, $90,928.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ELECTRIC LINES Elec cont ID: 9249278
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
LHSC Power Plant,825 Commissioners Rd
INVITED TENDERS DUE 12:00 Jul 21, 2016; 16-1392
OWNER: London Health Sciences Centre, 800 Commissioners Rd E, PO Box 5010, London ON N6A
5W9 519-685-8500 Fax 519-685-8363
OWNER’S REP: Healthcare Materials Mgmt Serv, 188
Stronach Cres, London ON N5V 3A1 519-453-7888
Fax 519-455-4495
PROJECT: high voltage cable replacement.
INVITED TENDERS will be received by Owner’s rep.
BIDDERS: Al Gordon Electric Ltd, 533 Queens Ave,
London ON N6B 1Y3 519-672-1273 Fax 519-6728053
Black & McDonald Ltd, 97 Bessemer Rd, London ON
N6E 1P9 519-681-4801 Fax 519-681-8645
Turnay Electric Ltd, 2096 Jetstream Rd, London ON
N5V 3P6 519-659-6303 Fax 519-659-8035
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROAD WORK; $956,874 ID: 9247545
HAMILTON, Hamilton-Wentworth Reg, ON
CFRB Hamilton,650 Catherine St, L8L 4V7
AWARD ; TT152127
OWNER: Defence Construction Canada, Brittany Munroe, 1 Yukon Lane, North York ON M3K 0A1 416633-6200 Fax 416-635-2772
COORD: Public Works & Gov’t Serv Cda, 4900 Yonge
St 12th Floor, Toronto ON M2N 6A6 416-512-5700
Fax 416-512-5862
PROJECT: Paving Construction, CFRB Hamilton - Hamilton, Ontario The work includes, but is not necessarily limited to, the supply of labour, material,
supervision and equipment necessary to remove
and replace asphalt in parking lot, improvements to
the subgrade, remove and install barrier curbs, and
improvements to existing water and sewer services
at CFRB Hamilton.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 14, 2016.
First report Jun 14, 2016.
GEN CONT: Norjohn Contracting & Paving, 9101 Brown
Rd, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6S5 905-371-0809 Fax
This report Jul 11, 2016.
GEN CONT: Norjohn Contracting & Paving, 9101 Brown
Rd, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6S5 905-371-0809 Fax
OTHER BIDS: Circle P Paving Ltd/984265, Stevensville
ON $1,064,196
This report Jul 11, 2016.
$931,681 ID: 9248342
Colborne St,St James Ave to Portage Rd
LOW BID ; 2016-320-13
OWNER: City of Niagara Falls, Dean Iorfida, 4310
Queen St, PO Box 1023, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6X5
905-356-7521 Fax 905-356-9083
PROJECT: work includes - 300m of roadway including
curb and gutter, base asphalt and sidewalk; 310m
of 150mm diameter watermain; 315m of 450mm
diameter storm sewer; 320m of 300mm diameter
sanitary sewer; and all related appurtenances.
Construction start Aug 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 28, 2016.
First report Jun 24, 2016.
LOW BID: Demar Construction Inc, 2140 Allanport Rd,
Allanburg ON L0S 1A0 905-680-4849 Fax 905680-8620 $931,681
OTHER BIDS: Centennial Const & Contr Inc, Niag-onthe-Lake ON $1,005,904
Vic Vatrt Construction, Welland ON $1,149,267
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ROADWORK; $2,854,218 ID: 9248380
Desson Ave & Slater Ave, L2G
LOW BID ; 2016-400-16
OWNER: City of Niagara Falls, Chris Anders, 4310
Queen St, PO Box 1023, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6X5
905-356-7521 Fax 905-356-9083
CONSULTANT: Urban & Environmental Mgmt, 5100
Orbitor Dr Ste 300, Mississauga ON L4W 4Z4 905212-9722 Fax 905-212-9397
PROJECT: road construction.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Sep 2016.
TENDERS closed Jun 28, 2016.
First report Jun 24, 2016.
LOW BID: Demar Construction Inc, 2140 Allanport Rd,
Allanburg ON L0S 1A0 905-680-4849 Fax 905680-8620 $2,854,218
OTHER BIDS: Nexterra Substructures Inc, Niagara Falls
ON $2,913,418
Provincial Const(Niag-Flls)Ltd, Niagara Falls ON
This report Jul 11, 2016.
STREETSCAPE; $3,084,307 ID: 9242965
Victoria Centre Streetscape Revitalization Phase
1,Victoria Ave from Falls Ave (Hwy 420) to Centre
AWARD ; 2016-363-14
OWNER: City of Niagara Falls, 4310 Queen St, PO Box
1023, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6X5 905-356-7521 Fax
PROJECT: For the installation of decorative concrete
sidewalk, curb, decorative street lighting, asphalt
road pavement, sewer & water services, landscaping and all related appurtenances.
Construction start May 2016; completion by Oct 31,
TENDERS closed Apr 19, 2016.
First report Apr 05, 2016. Last report Jun 07, 2016.
GEN CONT: Rankin Const Inc, 222 Martindale Rd, PO
Box 1116, St Catharines ON L2R 7A3 905-6841111 Fax 905-684-2260
OTHER BIDS: Sacco Construction Ltd, Niagara Falls ON
This report Jul 11, 2016.
TRAIL; $252,141 ID: 9247802
Fernwood Trail
AWARD ; 2016-383-15
OWNER: City of Niagara Falls, David Antonsen, 4310
Queen St, PO Box 1023, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6X5
905-356-7521 Fax 905-356-9083
PROJECT: installation of approximately 550m of
asphalt trail, landscaping and all related appurtenances.
Construction start Jul 21, 2016; completion by Sep 04,
TENDERS closed Jun 21, 2016.
First report Jun 17, 2016.
GEN CONT: Anthony’s Excavating, 5982 Elcho Rd,
Welland Port ON L0R 2J0 905-386-0018 Fax 905386-0842
OTHER BIDS: V Gibbons Contrg Ltd, Stevensville ON
Stevensville Lawn Service Inc, Stevensville ON
NOTE: Award subject to final approval.
This report Jul 11, 2016.
ID: 9246552
various locations
AWARD ; 2016-08
OWNER: City of Niagara Falls, Dean Iorfida, 4310
Queen St, PO Box 1023, Niagara Falls ON L2E 6X5
905-356-7521 Fax 905-356-9083
PROJECT: installation of approx 90,000 m2 of single
and double surface treatment and all related appurtenances on various roads.
Construction start Jul 2016; completion by Oct 01,
TENDERS closed May 31, 2016.
First report May 30, 2016. Last report Jun 07, 2016.
Lamberts Walk Condominiuns,678 Line 2 Rd at
Four Mile Creek Rd in Virgil, L0S 1J0
ARCH: 2M Architects Inc, Lou Marcantonio, 115 Lake
St, St Catharines ON L2R 5X7 905-687-9777 Fax
PROJECT: 3 storeys; 16,800 sq ft approx; construction
of an 12-unit residential condo building.
Construction start May 2016; completion by May
First report Aug 11, 2015. Last report Jan 26, 2016.
NOTE: Owner/Developer is Lamberts Walk Development Corp.
GEN CONT: Kenmore Homes, Steve Rochefort, 236
Glenridge Ave, St Catharines ON L2T 3J8 905-6842317 Fax 905-684-0003
ELEC: Hallex Engineering Ltd, 4999 Victoria Ave,
Niagara Falls ON L2E 4C9 905-357-4015 Fax 905353-1105
OWNER’S REP: Bosley Real Estate, Doug Rempel, 678
Line 2 Rd, Niagara-on-the-LakeON L0S 1J0 905468-8600
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Northern Ontario
DRYDEN, Kenora District, ON
KFC,400 Government St, P8N 2P5
TENDERS DUE 14:00 Jul 12, 2016 bidders
OWNER: Soul Restaurants Canada Inc, Brian Long,
4950 Yonge St Ste 2001, Toronto ON M2N 6K1 647776-3840
ARCH: R&R Designs, Richie Khanna, 2187 Dunwin Dr,
Mississauga ON L5L 1X2 905-580-5565
PROJECT: remodel of an existing restaurant building
for a new KFC location.
TENDERS will be received by Owner.
BIDDERS: Stahle Construction Inc, 77-C Edwin St,
Kitchener ON N2H 4N7 519-576-5800 Fax 519576-5861
Cambria Design Build & CM, 1250 Journey’s End Circle #1, Newmarket ON L3Y 0B9 905-830-6026 Fax
This report Jul 11, 2016.
Page 12
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Premium Directory
Daily Commercial News
by ConstructConnect™
Action Fence Services (Action
Scaffold Services)
Adtek Building Consultants
AGF - C&T Inc
Alberici Constructors Ltd.
Alliance Creative Marketing
Avenue Soils & Waste Recovery
7151 Fir Tree Dr
Mississauga ON L5S 1G4
T 905-673-6110 F 905-673-8151
382 Cleveland St
Toronto ON M4S 2W9
T 416-932-3278 F 416-932-1393
93 Passmore Ave
Scarborough ON M1V 4S9
T 416-291-7349 F 416-291-0698
1005 Skyview Dr
Burlington ON L7P 5B1
T 905-315-3000 F 905-315-3001
15 W Pearce St #3A
Richmond Hill ON L4B 1H6
T 905-695-1961 F 905-695-1963
1605-90 Park Lawn Road
Toronto ON M8Y 0B6
T 416-476-1790 F 416-255-6333
CC Underground
Coco Paving Inc, a Division of
The Coco Group
Aviva Canada Inc
Blaney McMurtry LLP
Butler Buildings (Canada)
2200 - 2206 Eglinton Ave E
Scarborough ON M1L 4S8
T 416-288-1800 F 416-229-5429
2 Queen St E Suite 1500
Toronto ON M5G 3G5
T 416-593-1221 F 416-593-5437
3070 Mainway Drive Unit 21
Burlington ON L7M 3X1
T 905-332-7786 F 905-332-6260
7500 Hwy 27 Unit 26
Vaughan ON L4H 0J2
T 905-605-6105 F 888-505-6816
DeAngelis Construction Inc
5138 County Rd 46
Maidstone ON N0R 1K0
T 519-737-1888 F 519-737-6544
Graham Construction and
Engineering Inc
6108 Edwards Blvd
Mississauga ON L5T 2V7
T 905-694-4000 F 905-694-4200
8980 Hwy 12 West
RR 2
Orillia ON L3V 6H2
T 705-327-2751 F 705-327-6854
949 Wilson Ave
Toronto ON M3K 1G2
T 416-633-9670 F 416-633-4959
Graff Concrete-Scanning
EllisDon Corporation
G&L Group
1004 Middlegate Rd Suite 1000
Mississauga ON L4Y 1M4
T 905-896-8900 F 905-896-8911
The Fence People
134 East Drive
Brampton ON L6T 1C1
T 905-450-0500 F 905-450-0502
401 Bowes Rd
Concord ON L4K 1J4
T 416-798-7050 F 905-738-5228
Grand Valley Construction
Groundwater Environmental
Management Services (GEMS)
Harbridge + Cross Ltd.
25 Sheldon Dr
Cambridge ON N1R 6R8
T 519-622-4822 F 519-621-3289
331 Rodinea Rd
Vaughan ON L6A 4P5
T 905-907-3077 F 905-907-6617
350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202
Concord ON L4K 3Z2
T 416-213-7165 F 905-738-9649
3210 American Dr
Mississauga ON L4V 1B3
T 905-457-8120 F 905-457-8944
Cell 416-677-7529
Graham Bros. Construction Ltd.
297 Rutherford Rd S
Brampton ON L6W 3J8
T 905-453-1200 F 905-453-2217
Lipani Hydroseeding Inc
Ledcor Construction Limited
300-3930 Nashua Dr
Mississauga ON L4V 1M5
T 905-673-0009 F 905-673-7538
2374 Holborn Rd
Queensville ON L0G 1R0
T 905-478-4954 F 905-478-4263
Ontario General Contractors
Maple Reinders Group Ltd.
2660 Argentia Rd
Mississauga ON L5N 5V4
T 905-821-4844 F 905-821-4822
OBW Equipment
71 Steinway Blvd
Etobicoke ON M9W 6H6
T 416-640-1442 F 416-679-8753
703-6299 Airport Rd
Mississauga ON L4V 1N3
T 905-671-3969 F 905-671-8212
OZZ Electric Inc
20 Floral Parkway
Concord ON L4K 4R1
T 416-637-7237 F 905-326-1733
Petrela, Winter & Associates
Priestly Demolition Inc
12-14 Bruce Park Ave
Toronto ON M4P 2S3
T 416-488-2522 F 416-488-8527
3200 Lloydtown-Aurora Rd
King ON L7B 0G3
T 905-841-3735 F 905-841-6282
Daily Commercial News
by ConstructConnect™
Premium Directory
Sub-Terrain Directional Drilling
Rosati Group
6555 Malden Rd
Windsor ON N9H 1T5
T 519-734-6511 F 519-734-7872
11761 Hwy 48
PO Box 555
Stouffville ON L4A 7Z7
T 905-640-8112 F 905-640-5088
Walsh Canada
United Rentals of Canada Inc
2900, av Andre Suite 100
Dorval QC H3P 2P2
T 514-331-7661 F 514-331-5467
2700 Steeles Ave W Unit 2
Vaughan ON L4K 3C8
T 905-532-0662 F 905-532-0051
To place your logo and listing in the
Daily Commercial News Premium Directory,
in print and online, please contact:
Robert Elias, Sales Manager - Media, Eastern Canada
Tel: 1-800-465-6475 ext. 25526
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Jul 12
SUDBURY, Sudbury Reg, ON
Tom Davies Square
Courtyard Redevelopment,
Phase 1, 200 Brady St,
P3A 5P3
13:30 Jul 12, 2016
The City of Greater Sudbury
Brighton ON K0K 1H0 905-3551500 fax: 905-355-3238
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
05, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 12,
DRYDEN, Kenora District, ON
KFC, 400 Government St,
P8N 2P5
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
Soul Restaurants Canada Inc
Dominion Construction, 2268 Kenneth Dr, Val Therese ON P3P 1S4
705-897-3417 fax: 866-556-9576
Stahle Construction Inc, 77-C
Edwin St, Kitchener ON N2H 4N7
519-576-5800 fax: 519-576-5861
Laro Construction (343315 ON),
916 Lapointe St, Sudbury ON P3A
5N8 705-521-1575 fax: 705-5210866
Cambria Design Build & CM, 1250
Journey’s End Circle #1, Newmarket ON L3Y 0B9 905-830-6026
fax: 905-830-6027
Magnum Constructors Inc, 348
Brenda Dr, Sudbury ON P3E 5G7
705-929-3207 fax: 705-523-1275
Prosperi Co Ltd, 299 Willow St,
Sudbury ON P3C 1K2 705-6731376 fax: 705-673-9781
Damisona Roofing Ltd, 2758 White
St, Val Caron ON P3N 1B2 705897-8884 fax: 705-897-2999
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jul 06, 2016
13:30 to 13:30 Jul 12, 2016.
KENORA, Kenora District, ON
Lake of the Woods District
Hospital (LOWDH), 21
Sylvan St, P9N 3W7
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
Lake of the Woods Dist Hosp
EllisDon Corporation, 506-1780
Wellington Ave, Winnipeg MB R3H
1B3 204-779-6441 fax: 204-7795266
Jarnel Contracting Ltd, 1458 Huron
St, PO box 2470, Kenora ON P9N
3X8 807-547-3116 fax: 807-5473129
Penn-Co Const Canada (2003)
Ltd, 25 Penner Dr, PO Box 60,
Blumenort MB R0A 0C0 204-3261341 fax: 204-326-4967
Quinan Construction Ltd, 55 Progress Dr Unit 1, Orillia ON L3V 0T7
705-325-7704 fax: 705-325-2061
Tom Jones Corporation, 560 Squier Place, PO Box 10662, Thunder
Bay ON P7B 6V1 807-345-0511
fax: 807-344-1723
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jun
28, 2016 14:00 to 14:00 Jul 12,
Peterborough Co, ON
Hospice Peterborough, 325
London St, K9H 2Z5
15:00 Jul 12, 2016
Hospice Peterborough
Beavermead Const (1991) Ltd, PO
Box 1929, Peterborough ON K9J
7X7 705-743-3051 fax: 705-7433059
Gerr Construction Ltd, 325 Lake
Rd, Bowmanville ON L1C 4P8 905697-2290 fax: 905-697-2723
Gillam Group Inc, 36 Northline Rd
Unit 3, Toronto ON M4B 3E2 416486-6776 fax: 416-486-6778
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
MIDLAND, Simcoe Co, ON
H&R Block & The Source,
Mountainview Mall, 9226
County Rd 93, L4R 4K4
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
Plaza Group Management
Dalren Ltd, 8781 Dale Rd, RR 6,
Cobourg ON K9A 4J9 905-3771080 fax: 905-377-1081
Gulf Developments Inc, 8908
County Rd 42, Maidstone ON N0R
1K0 519-735-0099 fax: 519-7350094
RK Porter General Contractor, 46
Industrial Rd, Perth ON K7H 3P2
613-264-8343 fax: 613-264-2970
Rochon Building Corp, 74 Industry
St, Toronto ON M6M 4L7 416-6386666 fax: 416-638-9044
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
Kelly Park, 881 Kelly St, N6H
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
City of London(Purch)
Birnam Excavating Ltd, 7046 Nauvoo Rd, Warwick Twp ON N0N 1J4
519-828-3449 fax: 519-828-3459
Bre-Ex Construction Inc, 247
Exeter Rd, London ON N6L 1A5
519-652-3225 fax: 519-652-3489
Classic Excavating Inc, PO Box
209, Dorchester ON N0L 1G0 519268-8499 fax: 519-268-3580
Dekay Construction (1987) Ltd,
1887 Gainsborough Rd, RR 41,
London ON N6H 5L2 519-4716610 fax: 519-657-8167
Dufferin Construction Co, 2200
Jetstream Rd, PO Box 189, London
ON N6A 4V7 519-453-1500 fax:
Ground Force Environmental Inc,
75 Ardelt Pl, Kitchener ON N2C
2C8 519-664-0767 fax: 519-6640772
L-82 Construction Ltd, 2070 Huron
St Ste A, London ON N5V 5A7 519649-1082 fax: 519-649-1096
Murray Mills Excavating, 4976
Kimball Rd, Sarnia ON N7T 7H5
519-332-8923 fax: 519-332-8072
Omega Contractors Inc, 4104
Breck Ave, London ON N6L 1B5
519-652-6188 fax: 519-652-5568
R & M Const (560789 Ont) Ltd, 254
Main St N, Acton ON L7J 1W9 519853-3966 fax: 519-853-0395
Mortlock Construction Inc, 1970
Brown Line, PO Box 545, Peterborough ON K9J 6Z6 705-745-0579
fax: 705-745-2042
Ro-Buck Contracting Ltd, 2326
Fanshawe Park Rd E, London ON
N5X 4A2 519-455-1108 fax: 519455-8837
Peak Engineering & Constr Ltd,
13580 County Rd #2, PO Box 984,
Tri-Phase Environmental Inc, 446
Hazelhurst Rd, Mississauga ON
Page 13
The Bidders’ Register is a daily list of jobs out for tender,
including lists of firms that have taken out plans.
We do our utmost to ensure accuracy and completeness of
these lists, but the official lists are the property and responsibility of the authority issuing plans and specifications.
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Try it today at!
L5J 2Z7 905-823-7965 fax: 905823-7932
HAMILTON, HamiltonWentworth Reg, ON
Bernie Morelli Recreation
Centre, 876 Cannon St E,
L8L 8C1
15:00 Jul 12, 2016
City of
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Ball Construction Ltd, 5 Shirley
Ave, PO Box 1202, Kitchener ON
N2G 4G8 519-742-5851 fax: 519742-6727
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton
Reg, ON
Lemieux Island Storage
Building, 1 River St, K1Y
15:00 Jul 12, 2016
City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt)
BMI (4089171 Canada Inc), 207
Bank St Suite 405, Ottawa ON K2P
2N2 613-235-2126 fax: 613-2358070
Bradford Construction, 65 Bentley
Ave, Unit 1, Nepean ON K2E 8B4
613-726-1157 fax: 613-726-0844
Dale Coleman Const Ltd, 3302
Broadway St, PO Box 8, Avonmore
ON K0C 1C0 613-346-5594 fax:
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Gaulec Contracting Ltd, 790 Taylor
Creek Dr 2nd Flr, Orleans ON K1C
1T1 613-834-0709 fax: 613-8303338
DeAngelis Construction Inc, 1515
Britannia Rd E Unit 314, Mississauga ON L4W 4K1 416-479-3479
fax: 416-479-3480
JP Gravel Construction Inc, 5440
Canotek Rd Ste 100, Ottawa ON
K1J 9G2 613-749-1311 fax: 613749-9860
Maystar General Contractor Inc,
71 Buttermill Ave, Concord ON L4K
3X2 905-738-6678 fax: 905-7386281
Jumec Construction Inc, 6 Bexley
Place, Unit 106, Ottawa ON K2H
8W2 613-721-1145 fax: 613-7219556
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
05, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 12,
KINGSTON, Frontenac Co, ON
St Mary’s of the Lake
Hospital, South Wing, 340
Union St, K7L 5A2
15:00 Jul 12, 2016
Providence Care Hospital
David J Cupido Const Ltd, 4-620
Cataraqui Woods Dr, Kingston ON
K7P 1T8 613-384-1080 fax: 613384-2969
Emmons & Mitchell Const Ltd, 592
Justus Dr, Kingston ON K7M 4H4
613-389-4250 fax: 613-389-5611
Frecon Construction Ltd, 1235 S
Russell Rd, PO Box 278, Russell
ON K4R 1E1 613-445-2944 fax:
M Sullivan & Son Limited, 236
Madawaska Blvd Ste 100, Arnprior
ON K7S 0A3 613-623-6584 fax:
Laurin Group of Companies, 43
Auriga Dr, Nepean ON K2E 7Y8
613-723-3093 fax: 613-723-7496
McDonald Bros Const Inc, 262
Westbrook Road, Ottawa ON K0A
1L0 613-831-6223 fax: 613-8315528
Thomas Fuller Const Co (1958),
2700 Queensview Dr, Ottawa ON
K2B 8H6 613-820-6000 fax: 613829-7296
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jul 04, 2016
15:00 to 15:00 Jul 12, 2016.
ESSA TWP, Simcoe Co, ON
CFB Borden - Building
A-150, 41 Parade Rd, L0M
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
Defence Construction
BECC Construction Group, 28
Westwyn Court Unit 3, Brampton
ON L6T 4T5 905-608-9299 fax:
TA Andre & Sons(Ontario)Ltd, 30
Rigney St, Kingston ON K7K 6Z2
613-549-8060 fax: 613-546-6540
Century Group Constructors Inc,
895 Meyerside Dr, Mississauga ON
L5T 1R8 905-564-6565 fax: 905564-8988
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jun
29, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 12,
City Core Construction Inc, 80 Carlauren Rd Unit 19, Woodbridge ON
L4L 7Z5 905-850-3456 fax: 905850-0015
Everstrong Construction Ltd, 15
Brownridge Rd Unit 4, Georgetown
ON L7G 0C6 905-878-7295 fax:
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jul 07, 2016
14:00 to 14:00 Jul 12, 2016.
Execway Construction Ltd, 10157
Sheppard Ave E, Toronto ON M1B
1G1 416-286-2019 fax: 416-2860850
KITCHENER, Waterloo Reg,
Shirley Ave, Wellington St N
to Bingemans Centre Dr
15:00 Jul 12, 2016
Ontario Min of
Landmark Builders Ltd, 485-6th
Ave, Hanover ON N4N 2G5 519364-3609 fax: 519-364-3637
Les Bertram & Sons (1985) Ltd, PO
Box 57, Barrie ON L4M 4S9 705728-0077 fax: 705-721-0047
MJK Construction Inc, 7015 Transmere Dr Unit 20, 2nd Floor, Mississauga ON L5S 1T7 905-671-4111
fax: 905-671-4112
MN Dynamic Construction Ltd,
1388 Cornwall Rd Unit C, Oakville
ON L6J 7W5 905-338-7860 fax:
Orion Const & Mgmt Co Ltd, 4801
Keele St Unit 28, Toronto ON M3J
3A4 416-665-0043 fax: 416-6650093
Quad Pro Construction Inc, 80 West
Beaver Creek Rd Unit 1, Richmond
Hill ON L4B 1H3 289-597-0173
fax: 289-597-0195
Stracor Inc, 2609 Dunwin Dr, Mississauga ON L5L 3N9 905-8132594 fax: 905-542-8511
Torque Builders Inc, 72 Corstate
Ave, Vaughan ON L4K 4X2 905660-3334 fax: 905-761-9841
Vin General Contracting Inc, 32
Drexler Rd, Brampton ON L6P 3S1
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
Ultimate Const Inc, 39 Churchill
Dr Unit 1, Barrie ON L4N 8Z5 705726-2300
Castlemore Rd, Airport Rd to
Goreway Dr
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
City of Brampton
Bennington Construction Ltd, 4787
Aurora Rd, Stouffville ON L4A 7X4
905-642-3633 fax: 905-642-5837
Black & McDonald Ltd, 31 Pullman
Court, Scarborough ON M1X 1E4
416-298-9977 fax: 416-298-2907
Blackstone Paving & Const Ltd, PO
Box 715, Stouffville ON L4A 7Z8
905-640-9522 fax: 905-640-9516
Gazzola Paving Ltd, 529 Carlingview Dr, Etobicoke ON M9W
5H2 416-675-7007 fax: 416-6754371
Graham Bros Const Group Ltd, 297
Rutherford Rd S, Brampton ON
L6W 3J8 905-453-1200 fax: 905453-2217
Grascan Const Ltd, 61 Steinway
Blvd, Toronto ON M9W 6H6 416644-8858 fax: 416-644-8864
Mardave Construction 2007 Ltd,
48 Millwick Dr, Toronto ON M9L
1Y3 416-741-5640
Pave-Al Ltd, 1250 Shawson Dr,
Mississauga ON L4W 1C3 905256-2500 fax: 905-256-5095
Primrose Contracting (Ont) Inc,
16500 Concession 7, PO Box 400,
Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416-6378641 fax: 416-637-8645
Tedescon Infrastructure Ltd, 9667
Huntington Rd, Kleinburg ON L0J
1C0 905-893-2030 fax: 905-8937030
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
Aecon Const & Materials Ltd, 20
Carlson Crt Ste 800, Toronto ON
M9W 7K6 416-293-7004 fax: 416940-2283
Bot Construction Group, 1224
Speers Rd, Oakville ON L6L 2X4
905-827-4167 fax: 905-827-0458
Canada Culvert & Metal Prod, 605
Sheldon Dr, Cambridge ON N1T
2K1 519-620-6000 fax: 519-6206042
Capital Paving Inc, 4459 Concession 7, PO Box 815, Guelph ON
N1H 6L8 519-822-4511 fax: 519822-1454
Coco Paving Inc, 949 Wilson Ave,
Toronto ON M3K 1G2 416-6339670 fax: 416-633-4959
Cox Construction Ltd, 965 York Rd,
PO Box 427, Guelph ON N1H 6K5
519-824-6570 fax: 519-824-6579
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Fidelity Engineering Const Inc, 346
Durham St N, Colborne ON K0K
1S0 905-376-4804 fax: 888-8535668
Francis Powell & Co Ltd, 180 Ramforest Rd, RR1, Gormley ON L0H
1G0 905-727-2518 fax: 905-7271229
Looby Builders (Dublin) Ltd, 3992
Matilda St, PO Box 69, Dublin ON
N0K 1E0 519-345-2800 fax: 519345-2486
Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller
Avenue, Box 4080, Markham ON
L3R 9R8 905-475-6660 fax: 905475-3852
Terrafix Envi Technology Inc, 455
Horner Ave, Etobicoke ON M8W
4W9 416-674-0363 fax: 416-6747346
Swan St
14:00 Jul 12, 2016
Reg Mun of Waterloo
Sousa Concrete Ltd (410754 ON),
1430 Branchton Rd, RR 1, Branchton ON N0B 1L0 519-623-5572
fax: 519-623-7853
Amico Infrastructures (Oxford),
1111 Franklin Blvd Unit 12C, Cambridge ON N1R 8B5 519-539-3000
fax: 519-539-3661
AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc,
205235 County Rd 109, Amaranth
ON L9W 0T8 519-942-3030 fax:
Bel-Air Excavating & Grading,
1321 Cedar Creek Rd, RR 4, Cambridge ON N1R 5S5 519-623-7101
fax: 519-740-7795
Blue-Con Construction, 1915
Crumlin Side Rd, London ON N5V
3B8 519-659-2400 fax: 519-6596289
Drexler Construction Limited, 5274
Wellington Rd 27, Rockwood ON
N0B 2K0 519-856-9526 fax: 519856-9182
Continues on
next page
Page 14
Continues from
last page
Procon Constructors Inc, 401
Enterprise Dr, Welland ON L3B 6H8
905-732-0322 fax: 905-732-3778
Stone Town Const Ltd, 25 Water St
N, PO Box 190, St Marys ON N4X
1B1 519-284-2580 fax: 519-2843601
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
various locations
12:00 Jul 12, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Pave-Al Ltd, 1250 Shawson Dr,
Mississauga ON L4W 1C3 905256-2500 fax: 905-256-5095
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
Gazzola Paving Ltd, 529 Carlingview Dr, Etobicoke ON M9W
5H2 416-675-7007 fax: 416-6754371
D Crupi & Sons Ltd, 85 Passmore
Ave, PO Box 272, Agincourt ON
M1V 4S9 416-291-1986 fax: 416291-3252
Associated Paving & Materials,
5365 Munro Court, Burlington ON
L7L 5M7 905-637-1966 fax: 905637-1404
Fermar Paving Ltd, 1921 Albion Rd,
Rexdale ON M9W 5S8 416-6753550 fax: 416-675-3556
Gazzola Paving Ltd, 529 Carlingview Dr, Etobicoke ON M9W
5H2 416-675-7007 fax: 416-6754371
Jul 13
Peel Regional Paramedic
Services Satellite Station,
5841 Falbourne St, L5R
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
BECC Construction Group, 28
Westwyn Court Unit 3, Brampton
ON L6T 4T5 905-608-9299 fax:
Brown Daniels Associates Inc, 12
Drummond St Ste 1, Etobicoke ON
M8V 1Y8 416-251-1757 fax: 416251-1798
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Elite Construction Inc, 35 Romina
Dr Ste 100, Concord ON L4K 4Z9
905-660-1663 fax: 905-660-1667
Collaborative Structures Ltd, 6683
Ellis Rd, Cambridge ON N3C 2V4
519-658-2750 fax: 519-658-5522
Jasper Const Corp, 344 North Rivermede Rd, Concord ON L4K 3N2
905-669-5530 fax: 416-736-0236
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
Newgen Construction Corp, 2601
Matheson Blvd E Unit 13, Mississauga ON L4W 5A8 905-602-4830
fax: 905-602-4831
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Struct-Con Construction Ltd, 2051
Williams Pkwy E Unit 14, Brampton
ON L6S 5T3 905-791-5445 fax:
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 12:00 to 12:00 Jul 13,
1 Knightsbridge Rd, L6T 4B7
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Eileen Roofing Inc, 1825 Wilson
Ave, Toronto ON M9M 1A2 416762-1819 fax: 416-762-7013
Triumph Roofing & Sheet Metal, 1
Connie St, North York ON M6L 2H8
416-534-8877 fax: 416-534-8863
Trinity Roofing Ltd, 50 Rossdean
Dr, Toronto ON M9L 2S1 416-6309213 fax: 416-630-1722
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 12:00 to 12:00 Jul 13,
various locations
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Calder Hill Contr Ltd, 8 Cedar Ave,
Thornhill ON L3T 3V9 905-8895004 fax: 905-889-6786
Clearway Construction Inc, 379
Bowes Rd, Concord ON L4K 1J1
905-761-6955 fax: 905-761-9770
JPW Const Ltd, 1693 Village View
Place, Mississauga ON L5M 3V3
905-456-3888 fax: 905-542-0088
Kapp Contracting Inc, 71 Buttermill
Ave, Concord ON L4K 3X2 905738-6677 fax: 905-738-6281
Lancorp Construction Co Ltd, 138
Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K
1P2 905-660-0778 fax: 905-6604252
London Excavators & Trucking, 54
Shaft Rd, Etobicoke ON M9W 4M2
416-247-6601 fax: 416-247-3010
Memme Excavation Co Ltd, 50
Simona Dr, Bolton ON L7E 4H9
Moretti Excavating Ltd, 7899A
Huntington Rd, Vaughan ON L4L
1A5 905-265-7990 fax: 905-2657988
North Rock Group Ltd, 1111 Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K 4N7
905-660-7481 fax: 905-660-7482
Pennorth Group Ltd, 959 15th Sideroad, King City ON L7B 1K5 905773-2002 fax: 905-773-2004
Rymall Construction Inc, 25 High
Meadow Place, Toronto ON M9L
0A3 416-745-0707 fax: 416-7453692
Sam Rabito Const, 10537 McCowan Rd, Markham ON L3P 3J3 905642-5356 fax: 905-642-5027
Tectonic Infrastructure Inc, 120
Roadinea Rd Unit 1, Maple ON L6A
1R5 416-637-6073 fax: 416-6378455
Timbel Limited, 76 Millwick Dr Ste
100, North York ON M9L 1Y3 416747-1788 fax: 416-747-5067
Trisan Const (614128 ON Inc),
17250 Hwy 27 Ste 205, PO Box
502, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416410-3839 fax: 905-939-4082
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
King Cross Contracting Ltd, 21 Parr
Blvd Unit 13, Bolton ON L7E 4G3
905-857-0864 fax: 905-857-5536
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 12:00 to 12:00 Jul 13,
ConDrain Group, 30 Floral Parkway, Concord ON L4K 4R1 905669-5400 fax: 905-669-2296
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
University of Western
Ontario, Dental Sciences
Bldg, CL2/CL3, 1151
Richmond St, N6A 5B8
14:00 Jul 13, 2016
Western University (Supp
Con-Ker Const, 860 Progress
Court, Oakville ON L6L 6K1 905847-8878 fax: 905-847-6721
GS Wark Ltd, 370 York Blvd Ste
101, Hamilton ON L8R 3L1 905529-4717 fax: 905-529-4764
D’Orazio Infrastructure Group,
2787 Brighton Rd, Oakville ON L6H
6J4 905-829-8777 fax: 905-8298779
K & L Construction (ON) Ltd, 1615
North Routledge Park #27, London
ON N6H 5N5 519-472-7164 fax:
DeFaveri Group, 96 Cascade St,
Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 905-5602555 fax: 905-560-1305
Tonda Construction Ltd, 1085 Wilton Grove Rd, London ON N6N 1C9
519-686-5200 fax: 519-686-3662
Develco Contracting Inc, 3800
Steeles Ave W Suite 201W, Woodbridge On L4L 4G9 905-266-0755
fax: 905-265-0511
Norlon Builders London Ltd, 151
York St, London ON N6A 1A8 519672-7590 fax: 519-645-6989
Co-X-Co Construction Ltd, 1014
Martin Grove Rd, Toronto ON M9W
4V8 416-242-6207 fax: 416-2425334
Comer Group Limited, 50 Fernstaff
Court, Unit 7, Concord ON L4K 3L6
905-660-0022 fax: 905-660-7589
Dom-Meridian Const Ltd, 1021
Meyerside Dr Unit 10, Mississauga
ON L5T 1J6 905-564-5594 fax:
Drainstar Contracting Ltd, 989
Creditstone Rd, Unit 1, Concord ON
L4K 4N7 905-738-9980 fax: 905660-7351
Four Seasons Site Development,
42 Wentworth Court Unit 1, Brampton ON L6T 5K6 905-789-0111
fax: 905-670-9589
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jun
23, 2016 14:00 to 14:00 Jul 13,
Hwy 11, Missinaibi River
Bridge to Hyundai Rd
13:30 Jul 13, 2016
ON Ministry of
Nor Eng Const & Eng Inc, 206
Fielding Rd, Lively ON P3Y 1L6
705-682-4471 fax: 705-682-4452
Aecon Const & Materials Ltd, 20
Carlson Crt Ste 800, Toronto ON
M9W 7K6 416-293-7004 fax: 416940-2283
Alexman Contracting Inc, 270 Barrie St, Thornton ON L0L 2N0 705458-9626 fax: 705-458-2488
Aquatech Dewatering Company,
331 Rodinea Rd, Maple ON L6A
4P5 905-907-1700 fax: 905-9071701
The Bridge Tite Group, 5516 County Rd 27, Cookstown ON L0L 1L0
705-458-0744 fax: 705-458-0745
Armtec Ltd, 370 Speedvale Ave W,
PO Box 3000, Guelph ON N1H 6P2
519-822-0210 fax: 519-822-1160
Atlantic Industries Ltd, 640 Waydom Dr, Ayr ON N0B 1E0 519-6228600 fax: 519-622-1372
Canada Culvert & Metal Prod, 605
Sheldon Dr, Cambridge ON N1T
2K1 519-620-6000 fax: 519-6206042
Cruickshank Const Ltd, 751 Dalton
Ave, Kingston ON K7M 8N6 613542-2874 fax: 613-549-0817
E A Shipman Electric Ltd, 119 Carruthers Rd, RR 3, Parry Sound ON
P2A 2W9 705-746-4302 fax: 705746-8019
Nilex Construction Inc, 130 Yorkland Blvd, Toronto ON M2J 1R5
416-640-6002 fax: 416-640-6006
Rapid Drainage Ltd, 504 Harvard
Dr, Belle River ON N0R 1A0 519727-5556
KITCHENER, Waterloo Reg,
Duke and Ontario Street
Garage, 33 Ontario St N,
N2H 4Y4
13:00 Jul 13, 2016
City of
Bot Construction Group, 1224
Speers Rd, Oakville ON L6L 2X4
905-827-4167 fax: 905-827-0458
C Villeneuve Const Co Ltd, 1533
Hwy 11 W, PO Box 1720, Hearst
ON P0L 1N0 705-372-1838 fax:
Bird Construction, 5700 Explorer
Dr Ste 400, Mississauga ON L4W
0C6 905-602-4122 fax: 905-6026319
Coco Paving Inc, 949 Wilson Ave,
Toronto ON M3K 1G2 416-6339670 fax: 416-633-4959
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Alliance Restoration Ltd, 4001
Weston Rd, Toronto ON M9L 2S8
416-747-5030 fax: 416-744-5030
Duncor Enterprises Inc, 101 Big
Bay Point Rd, Barrie ON L4N 8M5
705-730-1999 fax: 705-730-7977
Eastern Construction Co Ltd, 505
Consumers Rd Ste 1100, Toronto
ON M2J 5G2 416-497-7110 fax:
Birchcliff Construction Ltd, 103
Eastville Ave, Toronto ON M1M 2N8
647-262-7902 fax: 647-262-7903
Battano Const Ltd, 268 Wallace Rd,
North Bay ON P1A 2W9 705-4762485 fax: 705-476-6577
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Fidelity Engineering Const Inc, 346
Durham St N, Colborne ON K0K
1S0 905-376-4804 fax: 888-8535668
Fowler Const Co Limited, 1206
Rosewarne Dr, Box 630, Bracebridge ON P1L 1T9 705-645-2214
fax: 705-645-5025
Francis Powell & Co Ltd, 180 Ramforest Rd, RR1, Gormley ON L0H
1G0 905-727-2518 fax: 905-7271229
Interpaving Ltd, 2-1B 885 Regent
St, Sudbury ON P3E 5M4 705522-9444 fax: 705-522-3253
Looby Construction Ltd, 3992
Matilda St, Dublin ON N0K 1E0
519-345-2800 fax: 519-345-2486
Algoma Contractors Inc, 11 Oriole
Ave, Stoney Creek ON L8E 5E4
905-643-8970 fax: 905-643-9041
PCL Constructors Canada Inc,
2085 Hurontario St Ste 400, Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 905-2767600 fax: 905-276-4324
Eagle Restoration Inc, 9 Haas Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 3A1 416-7446900 fax: 416-744-6901
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 13,
Mason’s Landing, 2660
Aquitaine Ave, L5N 3K4
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Eileen Roofing Inc, 1825 Wilson
Ave, Toronto ON M9M 1A2 416762-1819 fax: 416-762-7013
Miller Paving Northern, 704024
Rockley Rd, Box 248, New Liskeard
ON P0J 1P0 705-647-4331 fax:
Triumph Roofing & Sheet Metal, 1
Connie St, North York ON M6L 2H8
416-534-8877 fax: 416-534-8863
Trinity Roofing Ltd, 50 Rossdean
Dr, Toronto ON M9L 2S1 416-6309213 fax: 416-630-1722
Hayman Construction Inc, 636
Wellington St, London ON N6A 3R9
519-433-3966 fax: 519-433-8351
Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd,
226 Bradwick Dr Unit 1, Concord
ON L4K 1K8 905-738-1500 fax:
Paulsan Construction Inc, 20 Roy
Blvd Unit 16, Brantford ON N3R
7K2 519-304-7555 fax: 888-3146743
Ira McDonald Const Ltd, 67 Frid
St Unit 16, Hamilton ON L8P 4M3
905-297-4653 fax: 905-667-0302
Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc, 455
Horner Ave, Toronto ON M8W 4W9
416-674-0363 fax: 416-674-1159
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jun 30, 2016
15:00 to 15:00 Jul 13, 2016.
Pioneer Construction Inc, 1 Ceasar
Rd, PO Box 3000, Sudbury ON P0M
1N0 705-560-7200 fax: 705-5608263
Across Canada Const Ltd, 220
Regina Rd, Woodbridge ON L4L
8L6 905-264-9500 fax: 905-2640727
Complete Concrete Restoration,
9782 Castlederg Sideroad, Caledon ON L7E 0S3 905-951-9983
fax: 905-951-3863
Brennan Paving & Const Ltd, 505
Miller Ave, Markham ON L6G 1B2
905-475-1440 fax: 905-475-4805
Morin Construction Ltd, 644 Jolin
St, PO Box 1555, Hearst ON P0L
1N0 705-362-7033 fax: 705-3624521
2SC Contracting Inc, 300 New
Toronto St Unit 9, Toronto ON M8V
2E8 416-255-1868 fax: 416-2555310
Gillam Group Inc, 36 Northline Rd
Unit 3, Toronto ON M4B 3E2 416486-6776 fax: 416-486-6778
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
SEM Construction, 1615 N Routledge Park Unit 11, London ON
N6H 5L6 519-432-3333 fax: 519668-2808
D’Amore Const (2000) Ltd, 3914
North Service Rd, Windsor ON N8W
5X2 519-966-0554 fax: 519-9663055
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Kwong Centre, 407 Huron St,
M5S 2G5
15:00 Jul 13, 2016
Architects + Research +
PARIS, Brant Co, ON
Walker’s Green, 33 Main St,
N3L 1E2
15:00 Jul 13, 2016
City of Brantford
Southside Group, 75 Blackfriars
St, London ON N8H 1K8 519-4330634 fax: 519-433-9849
Norman Rd
11:30 Jul 13, 2016
City of Windsor(Purch)
Heritage Restoration Inc, 14 Paisley Lane, Stouffville ON L4A 7X4
905-642-0123 fax: 905-642-2323
Mass Contracting Ltd, 225 Advance
Blvd Unit 8, Brampton ON L6T 4J2
905-458-8642 fax: 905-458-6260
R-Chad General Contracting Inc,
8888 Keele St Unit 3, Concord ON
L4K 2N2 905-482-2541 fax: 905482-2542
Restorex Contracting Ltd, 22
Bramwin Court, Brampton ON L6T
5G2 905-669-2835 fax: 905-6690415
Roma Building Restoration Ltd, 20
Cadetta Rd Unit 7, Brampton ON
L6P 0X4 905-794-8174 fax: 905794-8175
SST Group of Const Companies,
29 Haas Rd, Toronto ON M9W 3A1
905-564-5400 fax: 905-564-7841
Sarra General Contractor, 9 Rae
Ave, Brampton ON L6P 0E7 905794-0442 fax: 905-794-2552
Tritan Inc, 67 Raleigh Ave, Scarborough ON M1K 1A1 416-466-8770
fax: 416-466-9905
Vector Corrosion Technologies,
8620 Escarpment Way Unit 14,
Milton ON L9T 0M1 905-875-4030
fax: 905-875-3008
Vin General Contracting Inc, 32
Drexler Rd, Brampton ON L6P 3S1
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
Co, ON
various locations
14:00 Jul 13, 2016
Town of Bradford W
AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc,
205235 County Rd 109, Amaranth
ON L9W 0T8 519-942-3030 fax:
Clearway Construction Inc, 379
Bowes Rd, Concord ON L4K 1J1
905-761-6955 fax: 905-761-9770
Dom-Meridian Const Ltd, 1021
Meyerside Dr Unit 10, Mississauga
ON L5T 1J6 905-564-5594 fax:
Dufferin Construction Co, 585
Michigan Dr Unit 1, Oakville ON
L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 fax: 905842-9278
Fermar Paving Ltd, 1921 Albion Rd,
Rexdale ON M9W 5S8 416-6753550 fax: 416-675-3556
Hermanns Contracting Ltd, 1510
Hwy 27, PO Box 369, Schomberg
ON L0G 1T0 905-939-1230 fax:
JB Enterprises Ltd, 551 Bryne Dr
Unit P, Barrie ON L4N 9Y3 705734-1174 fax: 705-734-2890
King Cross Contracting Ltd, 21 Parr
Blvd Unit 13, Bolton ON L7E 4G3
905-857-0864 fax: 905-857-5536
Michels Canada, 1102 16 Ave,
Nisku AB T9E 0A9 780-955-2120
fax: 780-955-4240
North Rock Group Ltd, 1111 Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K 4N7
905-660-7481 fax: 905-660-7482
Pachino Construction Co Ltd, 8635
Keele St Bldg B, Concord ON L4K
3P5 905-660-9978 fax: 905-6606563
Primrose Contracting (Ont) Inc,
16500 Concession 7, PO Box 400,
Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416-6378641 fax: 416-637-8645
Robert B Somerville Co Limited,
13176 Dufferin St, King City ON
L7B 1K5 905-833-3100 fax: 905833-3111
Sam Rabito Const, 10537 McCowan Rd, Markham ON L3P 3J3 905642-5356 fax: 905-642-5027
Technicore Underground Inc, 102
Bales Dr E, PO Box 93089, Newmarket ON L3Y 8K3 905-8984889 fax: 905-898-2822
Tedescon Infrastructure Ltd, 9667
Huntington Rd, Kleinburg ON L0J
1C0 905-893-2030 fax: 905-8937030
Trisan Const (614128 ON Inc),
17250 Hwy 27 Ste 205, PO Box
502, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416410-3839 fax: 905-939-4082
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
Dundas St W
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Calder Hill Contr Ltd, 8 Cedar Ave,
Thornhill ON L3T 3V9 905-8895004 fax: 905-889-6786
Clearway Construction Inc, 379
Bowes Rd, Concord ON L4K 1J1
905-761-6955 fax: 905-761-9770
Co-X-Co Construction Ltd, 1014
Martin Grove Rd, Toronto ON M9W
4V8 416-242-6207 fax: 416-2425334
Comer Group Limited, 50 Fernstaff
Court, Unit 7, Concord ON L4K 3L6
905-660-0022 fax: 905-660-7589
Con-Ker Const, 860 Progress
Court, Oakville ON L6L 6K1 905847-8878 fax: 905-847-6721
D’Orazio Infrastructure Group,
2787 Brighton Rd, Oakville ON L6H
6J4 905-829-8777 fax: 905-8298779
DeFaveri Group, 96 Cascade St,
Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 905-5602555 fax: 905-560-1305
Develco Contracting Inc, 3800
Steeles Ave W Suite 201W, Woodbridge On L4L 4G9 905-266-0755
fax: 905-265-0511
Dom-Meridian Const Ltd, 1021
Meyerside Dr Unit 10, Mississauga
ON L5T 1J6 905-564-5594 fax:
Drainstar Contracting Ltd, 989
Creditstone Rd, Unit 1, Concord ON
L4K 4N7 905-738-9980 fax: 905660-7351
Four Seasons Site Development,
42 Wentworth Court Unit 1, Brampton ON L6T 5K6 905-789-0111
fax: 905-670-9589
JPW Const Ltd, 1693 Village View
Place, Mississauga ON L5M 3V3
905-456-3888 fax: 905-542-0088
Kapp Contracting Inc, 71 Buttermill
Ave, Concord ON L4K 3X2 905738-6677 fax: 905-738-6281
King Cross Contracting Ltd, 21 Parr
Blvd Unit 13, Bolton ON L7E 4G3
905-857-0864 fax: 905-857-5536
Lancorp Construction Co Ltd, 138
Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K
1P2 905-660-0778 fax: 905-6604252
Page 15
Peel Regional Paramedic
Services Lynch Station, 55
Trueman St, L6W 3B4
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
BECC Construction Group, 28
Westwyn Court Unit 3, Brampton
ON L6T 4T5 905-608-9299 fax:
Brown Daniels Associates Inc, 12
Drummond St Ste 1, Etobicoke ON
M8V 1Y8 416-251-1757 fax: 416251-1798
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Collaborative Structures Ltd, 6683
Ellis Rd, Cambridge ON N3C 2V4
519-658-2750 fax: 519-658-5522
Elite Construction Inc, 35 Romina
Dr Ste 100, Concord ON L4K 4Z9
905-660-1663 fax: 905-660-1667
Jasper Const Corp, 344 North Rivermede Rd, Concord ON L4K 3N2
905-669-5530 fax: 416-736-0236
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
Newgen Construction Corp, 2601
Matheson Blvd E Unit 13, Mississauga ON L4W 5A8 905-602-4830
fax: 905-602-4831
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Struct-Con Construction Ltd, 2051
Williams Pkwy E Unit 14, Brampton
ON L6S 5T3 905-791-5445 fax:
London Excavators & Trucking, 54
Shaft Rd, Etobicoke ON M9W 4M2
416-247-6601 fax: 416-247-3010
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
Memme Construction, 1315 Shawson Dr, Mississauga ON L4W 1C4
905-564-7972 fax: 905-670-4946
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
Moretti Excavating Ltd, 7899A
Huntington Rd, Vaughan ON L4L
1A5 905-265-7990 fax: 905-2657988
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 12:00 to 12:00 Jul 13,
North Rock Group Ltd, 1111 Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K 4N7
905-660-7481 fax: 905-660-7482
Pennorth Group Ltd, 959 15th Sideroad, King City ON L7B 1K5 905773-2002 fax: 905-773-2004
Rymall Construction Inc, 25 High
Meadow Place, Toronto ON M9L
0A3 416-745-0707 fax: 416-7453692
Sam Rabito Const, 10537 McCowan Rd, Markham ON L3P 3J3 905642-5356 fax: 905-642-5027
Tectonic Infrastructure Inc, 120
Roadinea Rd Unit 1, Maple ON L6A
1R5 416-637-6073 fax: 416-6378455
various locations
11:30 Jul 13, 2016
Min of Transportation
Capital Paving Inc, 4459 Concession 7, PO Box 815, Guelph ON
N1H 6L8 519-822-4511 fax: 519822-1454
Dufferin Construction Co, 585
Michigan Dr Unit 1, Oakville ON
L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 fax: 905842-9278
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Timbel Limited, 76 Millwick Dr Ste
100, North York ON M9L 1Y3 416747-1788 fax: 416-747-5067
McLean Taylor Const Ltd, 25 Water
St N, PO Box 190, St Marys ON N4X
1B1 519-284-2580 fax: 519-2843601
Trisan Const (614128 ON Inc),
17250 Hwy 27 Ste 205, PO Box
502, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416410-3839 fax: 905-939-4082
Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller
Avenue, Box 4080, Markham ON
L3R 9R8 905-475-6660 fax: 905475-3852
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
National Structures Inc, 2139 Fishlake Rd, RR 2, Demorestville ON
K0K 1W0 613-813-2660 fax: 613476-8502
KINGSTON, Frontenac Co, ON
Hanson Memorial Parking
Garage, 105 Brock St, K7L
15:00 Jul 13, 2016
City of Kingston
Clifford Masonry & Restoration,
1190 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough
ON M1P 2B8 416-691-2341 fax:
Conterra Restoration Ltd, 3633
Erindale Station Rd, Mississauga
ON L5C 2S9 905-848-2992 fax:
Cruickshank Const Ltd, 12520
County Rd 2, PO Box 780, Morrisburg ON K0C 1X0 613-543-2978
fax: 613-543-4141
TA Andre & Sons(Ontario)Ltd, 30
Rigney St, Kingston ON K7K 6Z2
613-549-8060 fax: 613-546-6540
Tritan Inc, 67 Raleigh Ave, Scarborough ON M1K 1A1 416-466-8770
fax: 416-466-9905
Eagle Restoration Inc, 9 Haas Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 3A1 416-7446900 fax: 416-744-6901
Heritage Restoration Inc, 14 Paisley Lane, Stouffville ON L4A 7X4
905-642-0123 fax: 905-642-2323
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
06, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 13,
MOUNT FOREST, Wellington
Co, ON
Canadian Tire #066, 1 Mount
Forest Dr, N0G 2L2
14:00 Jul 13, 2016
Canadian Tire Corp Ltd
Con-Pro Industries, 27 17075
Leslie St, Newmarket ON L3Y 8E1
905-830-5661 fax: 905-830-5662
ZGEMI Inc, 100 Wilkinson Rd Unit
16/17, Brampton ON L6T 4Y9 905454-0111 fax: 905-454-0121
Bachly Construction, 27 Nixon Rd,
Bolton ON L7E 1J7 905-951-3100
fax: 905-951-3101
Norlon Builders London Ltd, 151
York St, London ON N6A 1A8 519672-7590 fax: 519-645-6989
STC Construction (Windsor) Inc,
3070 Jefferson Blvd, Windsor ON
N8T 3G9 519-419-7828 fax: 519419-7830
Torque Builders Inc, 72 Corstate
Ave, Vaughan ON L4K 4X2 905660-3334 fax: 905-761-9841
Meadowvale North Pumping
Station, 2720 Meadowvale
12:00 Jul 13, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
BECC Construction Group, 28
Westwyn Court Unit 3, Brampton
ON L6T 4T5 905-608-9299 fax:
Bennett Group Contracting, 524
6th Concession Rd W, PO Box 199,
Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 905-6897242 fax: 905-689-7289
Christie Mech Contracting Ltd,
7415 Hwy 9, Caledon ON L7K 0H5
519-943-0506 fax: 519-943-0508
Gowing Contractors Ltd, 144 Sugar
Maple Rd, PO Box 70, St George
ON N0E 1N0 519-448-4711 fax:
HIRA Construction Ltd, 63 Gaylord
Rd, St Thomas ON N5P 3R9 519633-2670 fax: 519-631-9154
King City Group Ltd, 54 Shaft Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 4M2 416-2446911 fax: 416-244-3012
Metcon Sales & Engineering Ltd,
15 Connie Cres, Unit 3, Concord
ON L4K 1L3 905-738-2355 fax:
Plan Group Inc, 2740 Steeles Ave
W, Vaughan ON L4K 4T4 416-6359040 fax: 416-635-9764
ROMAG Contracting Ltd, 2400
Meadowpine Blvd Ste 105, Mississauga ON L5N 6S2 905-812-0042
fax: 905-812-0048
Torbear Contracting Inc, 144
Woodstream Blvd, Woodbridge ON
L4L 7Y3 905-850-8814 fax: 905856-6599
W A Stephenson Mech Contr Ltd,
6701 Rexwood Rd, Mississauga
ON L4V 1M7 905-362-2175 fax:
Alpeza General Contracting Inc,
151 Brunel Rd Unit 21, Mississauga ON L4Z 2H6 905-568-9995
fax: 905-568-9996
ASCO Construction Ltd, 1125
Tupper St Unit 1, Hawkesbury ON
K6A 3T5 613-632-0121 fax: 613632-5244
Baseline Constructors Inc, 550
Conestoga Rd, Waterloo ON N2L
4E3 519-880-9863 fax: 519-8809864
Deciantis Construction Ltd, 475
Edward Ave Unit 2, Richmond Hill
ON L4C 5E5 905-884-5131 fax:
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
DeFaveri Group, 96 Cascade St,
Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 905-5602555 fax: 905-560-1305
Evoqua Water Technologies, 2045
Drew Rd, Mississauga ON L5S 1S4
Finnbilt General Contracting, 3785
Line 29, RR 2, Stratford ON N5A
6S3 519-272-1622 fax: 519-2727062
Hanson Conduite Sous Pression,
699 boul Industriel, St-Eustache
QC J7R 6C3 450-623-2200 fax:
H2 Ontario, 71 Webster St, New
Hamburg ON N3A 1W8 519-6621134 fax: 519-662-1135
Kinley Construction of Canada, 236
Pritchard Rd Suite 101, Hamilton
ON L8W 3P7 905-385-7301 fax:
Maple Reinders Group Ltd, 2660
Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N
5V4 905-821-4844 fax: 905-8214822
Torcom Construction Inc, 2 Sheppard Ave East Ste 930, North York
ON M2N 5Y7 416-226-9337 fax:
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
KINGSTON, Frontenac Co, ON
Cataraqui Bay Wastewater
Treatment Plant, 409 Front
Road, K7L 5A5
15:00 Jul 13, 2016
Utilities Kingston
Graham Const & Eng Inc, 6108
Edwards Blvd, Mississauga ON
L5T 2V7 905-694-4000 fax: 905694-4200
Kenaidan Contracting Ltd, 7080
Derrycrest Dr, Mississauga ON
L5W 0G5 905-670-2660 fax: 905670-9172
Maple Reinders Group Ltd, 2660
Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N
5V4 905-821-4844 fax: 905-8214822
North America Const (1993) Ltd,
21 Queen St, Morriston ON N0B
2C0 519-821-8000 fax: 519-8211111
Jul 14
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
University of Toronto, 167
College St, M5T 1P7
13:00 Jul 14, 2016
University of Toronto
Morosons Construction Limited,
103 Fairbank Ave, Toronto ON M6E
3Y9 416-233-4171 fax: 416-7817370
Dineen Construction Corp, 70
Disco Rd Ste 300, Toronto ON M9W
1L9 416-675-7676 fax: 416-6756987
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Eastern Construction Co Ltd, 505
Consumers Rd Ste 1100, Toronto
ON M2J 5G2 416-497-7110 fax:
Air Canada Hangar 5
Campus Expansion, 6400
Airport Rd, L4V 1E4
16:00 Jul 14, 2016
Air Canada - YYZ 2157
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Walsh Canada, 2700 Steeles Ave
W Unit 2, Vaughan ON L4K 3C8
905-532-0662 fax: 905-532-0051
Bird Construction, 5700 Explorer
Dr Ste 400, Mississauga ON L4W
0C6 905-602-4122 fax: 905-6026319
Ledcor Industries Ltd, 300-3930
Nashua Dr, Mississauga ON L4V
1M5 905-673-0009 fax: 905-6737538
Scott Steel Erectors, 1233 Northside Rd, Unit 5, Burlington ON L7M
1H7 905-631-8708 fax: 905-6311920
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jun
28, 2016 14:00 to 16:00 Jul 14,
Toronto Reg, ON
Highland Creek Treatement
Plant, 51 Beechgrove Dr
12:00 Jul 14, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Duron Ontario Ltd, 1860 Shawson
Dr, Mississauga ON L4W 1R7 905670-1998 fax: 905-670-4662
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
Alberici Constructors Ltd, 1005
Skyview Dr, Burlington ON L7P 5B1
905-315-3000 fax: 905-315-3001
Continues on
next page
Page 16
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
L4K 5V4 905-660-7226 fax: 905660-7183
Bridgecon Construction Ltd, 989
Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K
4N7 905-738-4139 fax: 905-6607351
Beavermead Const (1991) Ltd, PO
Box 1929, Peterborough ON K9J
7X7 705-743-3051 fax: 705-7433059
Vector Corrosion Technologies,
8620 Escarpment Way Unit 14,
Milton ON L9T 0M1 905-875-4030
fax: 905-875-3008
Dalren Ltd, 8781 Dale Rd, RR 6,
Cobourg ON K9A 4J9 905-3771080 fax: 905-377-1081
Brook Restoration Ltd, 11 Kelfield
St, Etobicoke ON M9W 5A1 416663-7976 fax: 416-663-3650
Golden Gate Contracting, 2345
Wyecroft Rd, Unit 16, Oakville ON
L6L 6L8 905-844-1122 fax: 905844-0051
Algoma Contractors Inc, 11 Oriole
Ave, Stoney Creek ON L8E 5E4
905-643-8970 fax: 905-643-9041
JJ McGuire General Contrs, 880
Farewell St, Oshawa ON L1H 6N6
905-436-2554 fax: 905-436-8692
Aplus General Contractor, 66 Carnforth Rd, Toronto ON M4A 2K7
416-281-5556 fax: 416-281-0853
Kawartha Capital Corp, 580 Ashburnham Dr, Peterborough ON K9L
2A2 705-750-0440 fax: 705-7500590
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jul 07, 2016
12:00 to 12:00 Jul 14, 2016.
Peterborough Co, ON
Giant Tiger, 1921 Lansdowne
St W, K9K 0C9
10:00 Jul 14, 2016
Giant Tiger Stores Ltd
Cambria Design Build & CM, 1250
Journey’s End Circle #1, Newmarket ON L3Y 0B9 905-830-6026
fax: 905-830-6027
PELHAM, Niagara Reg, ON
EW Farr Public School, 9
Alsop Ave, Fenwick, L0S
14:00 Jul 14, 2016
District School Brd of
Aldor Builders Ltd, 26B Front St
N, Thorold ON L2V 1X5 905-2270600 fax: 905-227-9936
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Bestco Construction Ltd, 1382
Sandhill Dr, Ancaster ON L9G 4V5
905-304-4597 fax: 905-304-5993
Bromac Construction Inc, 156 Hwy
20 W, PO Box 770, Fonthill ON L0S
1E0 905-892-8888 fax: 905-8926853
Brouwer Const (1981) Ltd, 1880
Regional Rd 81, RR 1, St Catharines ON L2R 6P7 905-984-3060
fax: 905-984-3063
Collaborative Structures Ltd, 6683
Ellis Rd, Cambridge ON N3C 2V4
519-658-2750 fax: 519-658-5522
Merit Contractors Niagara, 235
Martindale Rd Ste 3, St Catharines
ON L2W 1A5 905-641-2374 fax:
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
TR Hinan Const Ltd, 1501 Pelham
St, PO Box 173, Fonthill ON L0S
1E0 905-892-2299 fax: 905-8925599
TRP Construction General Cont,
3050 Harvester Rd Unit 107, Burlington ON L7N 3J1 905-336-1041
fax: 905-336-9564
Peterborough Co, ON
500 Water St, K9H 3M4
15:00 Jul 14, 2016
City of Peterborough
Anacond Contracting Inc, 25 North
Rivermede Rd Unit 16, Concord ON
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
Mirtren Contractors Limited, 18
Stockdale Rd, PO Box 610, Trenton
ON K8V 5R7 613-392-6511 fax:
Mortlock Construction Inc, 1970
Brown Line, PO Box 545, Peterborough ON K9J 6Z6 705-745-0579
fax: 705-745-2042
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
OTTAWA, Ottawa-Carleton
Reg, ON
OC Transpo Facility, 925
Belfast Rd, K1G 0A4
15:00 Jul 14, 2016
City of Ottawa(Supply Mgmt)
McDonald Bros Const Inc, 262
Westbrook Road, Ottawa ON K0A
1L0 613-831-6223 fax: 613-8315528
RW Tomlinson Ltd, 5597 Power
Rd, Ottawa ON K1G 3N4 613-8221867 fax: 613-822-6844
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jul 11, 2016
15:00 to 15:00 Jul 14, 2016.
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
various locations
12:00 Jul 14, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Aquarehab Eau Potable Inc, 2145
rue Michelin, Laval QC H7L 5B8
450-687-3472 fax: 450-687-4570
Canada Pipe Lining Technologie,
400 Creditstone Rd, Concord ON
L4K 3Z3 905-482-2962 905-4822963
Fer-Pal Construction Ltd, 171 Fenmar Dr, Toronto ON M9L 1M7 416742-3713 fax: 416-742-3889
Jul 15
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Humber Treatment Plant,
South Plant, 130 The
12:00 Jul 15, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Alberici Constructors Ltd, 1005
Skyview Dr, Burlington ON L7P 5B1
905-315-3000 fax: 905-315-3001
Bennett Group Contracting, 524
6th Concession Rd W, PO Box 199,
Millgrove ON L0R 1V0 905-6897242 fax: 905-689-7289
Graham Const & Eng Inc, 6108
Edwards Blvd, Mississauga ON
L5T 2V7 905-694-4000 fax: 905694-4200
Kenaidan Contracting Ltd, 7080
Derrycrest Dr, Mississauga ON
L5W 0G5 905-670-2660 fax: 905670-9172
L0J 1C0 647-494-0150 fax: 647494-0155
Northern Structures Ltd, 80 Sarania Cr Unit 1, Concord ON L4K 3Z8
905-660-1012 fax: 905-660-0398
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
PM Contracting Ltd, 1358 Victoria
St N, Kitchener ON N2B 3E2 519576-8327 fax: 519-576-0750
Maple Reinders Group Ltd, 2660
Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N
5V4 905-821-4844 fax: 905-8214822
Reid & DeLeye Contractors Ltd,
4926 Hwy 59 S, PO Box 272,
Courtland ON N0J 1E0 519-6882600 fax: 519-688-2700
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jun
03, 2016 12:00 to 12:00 Jul 15,
Southside Group, 75 Blackfriars
St, London ON N8H 1K8 519-4330634 fax: 519-433-9849
Jul 19
Hanmer Landfill, Sanitary
Landfill Rd
13:30 Jul 19, 2016
The City of Greater Sudbury
William Day Const Ltd, 2500 Elm
St, PO Box 700, Copper Cliff ON
P0M 1N0 705-682-1555 fax: 705682-2739
Garson Pipe Contracting Ltd, 1191
O’Neil Dr W, PO Box 88, Garson ON
P3L 1L5 705-693-1242 fax: 705693-2649
Dominion Construction, 2268 Kenneth Dr, Val Therese ON P3P 1S4
705-897-3417 fax: 866-556-9576
Pioneer Construction Inc, 1 Ceasar
Rd, PO Box 3000, Sudbury ON P0M
1N0 705-560-7200 fax: 705-5608263
Denis Gratton Construction Ltd,
3160 Hwy 144, Box 5109, Chelmsford ON P0M 1L0 705-855-3980
Bélanger Construction, 100 Radisson Ave, Chelmsford ON P0M 1L0
705-855-4555 fax: 705-855-3014
Lacroix Const Co Ltd, 861 Lapointe
Street, Sudbury ON P3A 5N9 705566-1294 fax: 705-560-6341
Bélanger Construction, 100 Radisson Ave, Chelmsford ON P0M 1L0
705-855-4555 fax: 705-855-3014
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jun 16, 2016
13:30 to 13:30 Jul 19, 2016.
St Mary’s Church Brampton,
66A Main St S, L6W 2C6
14:00 Jul 19, 2016
St Mary’S Church Brampton
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
Bestco Construction Ltd, 1382
Sandhill Dr, Ancaster ON L9G 4V5
905-304-4597 fax: 905-304-5993
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Compass Const Resources Ltd,
2700 Dufferin St Unit 77, Toronto
ON M6B 4J3 416-789-9819 fax:
D Grant Construction Ltd, 9887
Longwoods Rd RR 32, London ON
N6P 1P2 519-652-2949 fax: 519652-6123
JR Certus Construction Co Ltd, 72
Hazelridge Court, Kleinburg ON
STM Construction Ltd, 361 Elgin
St, Brantford ON N3S 7P5 519756-7030 fax: 519-756-1200
Tambro Construction Ltd, 1 Taggart St Unit 1, Guelph ON N1H 6H8
519-766-1234 fax: 519-766-4019
FIN 2016-075Q
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Barrie Landfill, 272 Ferndale
Dr North
14:00 Jul 19, 2016
City of Barrie(Purchasing)
Demcor Construction Services, PO
Box 760, Kleinburg ON L0J 1C0
647-723-7097 fax: 905-663-7592
Massive Devcon Corp, 5650 Tomken Rd Unit 6, Mississauga ON
L4W 4P1 647-822-3495 fax: 905206-0636
MJK Construction Inc, 7015 Transmere Dr Unit 20, 2nd Floor, Mississauga ON L5S 1T7 905-671-4111
fax: 905-671-4112
R-Chad General Contracting Inc,
8888 Keele St Unit 3, Concord ON
L4K 2N2 905-482-2541 fax: 905482-2542
9M5123 UC
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
University of Western
Ontario, 1151 Richmond
St, N6A 5B8
14:00 Jul 19, 2016
University of Western
Waterloo Reg, ON
Ayr Sewage Pumping
Station, Swan St, BrantWaterloo Rd in Ayr
14:00 Jul 19, 2016
Reg Mun of Waterloo(Water)
Alberici Constructors Ltd, 1005
Skyview Dr, Burlington ON L7P 5B1
905-315-3000 fax: 905-315-3001
AVERTEX Utility Solutions Inc,
205235 County Rd 109, Amaranth
ON L9W 0T8 519-942-3030 fax:
Ball Construction Ltd, 5 Shirley
Ave, PO Box 1202, Kitchener ON
N2G 4G8 519-742-5851 fax: 519742-6727
Baseline Constructors Inc, 550
Conestoga Rd, Waterloo ON N2L
4E3 519-880-9863 fax: 519-8809864
Bestco Construction Ltd, 1382
Sandhill Dr, Ancaster ON L9G 4V5
905-304-4597 fax: 905-304-5993
BGL Contractors Corp, 608 Colby
Dr, Waterloo ON N2V 1A2 519725-5000 fax: 519-725-5002
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Finnbilt General Contracting, 3785
Line 29, RR 2, Stratford ON N5A
6S3 519-272-1622 fax: 519-2727062
HIRA Construction Ltd, 63 Gaylord
Rd, St Thomas ON N5P 3R9 519633-2670 fax: 519-631-9154
H2 Ontario, 71 Webster St, New
Hamburg ON N3A 1W8 519-6621134 fax: 519-662-1135
Kieswetter Excavating Inc, 3135
Boomer Line, PO Box 120, Heidelberg ON N0B 1Y0 519-699-4445
fax: 519-699-5924
Matheson Constructors, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 201, Concord ON
L4K 3Z2 905-669-7999 fax: 905669-0268
Procon Constructors Inc, 401
Enterprise Dr, Welland ON L3B 6H8
905-732-0322 fax: 905-732-3778
Sona Construction Limited, 926
Burlington St E, Hamilton ON L8L
4K5 905-548-9311 fax: 905-5489191
ON M2J 5G2 416-497-7110 fax:
Fieldgate Construction Mgmt,
5400 Yonge St Ste 401, Toronto ON
M2N 5R5 416-223-5127 fax: 416623-1405
Prime Design Build Corp, 241
Applewood Cres Unit 10, Vaughan
ON L4K 4E6 905-532-0650 fax:
Rochon Building Corp, 74 Industry
St, Toronto ON M6M 4L7 416-6386666 fax: 416-638-9044
TowerHouse Design + Build, 480
Eglinton Ave W, Toronto ON M5N
1A5 416-562-4145
Jul 20
BATH, Lennox and Addington
Co, ON
Hwy 33, Amherst Island
Ferry Docks, 0.5 km west
of County Rd 4, Millhaven
13:30 Jul 20, 2016
Min of Transportation
Nor Eng Const & Eng Inc, 206
Fielding Rd, Lively ON P3Y 1L6
705-682-4471 fax: 705-682-4452
Aecon Const & Materials Ltd, 20
Carlson Crt Ste 800, Toronto ON
M9W 7K6 416-293-7004 fax: 416940-2283
Bermingham Construction Ltd,
600 Ferguson Ave N, Wellington St
Marine Terminal, Hamilton ON L8L
4Z9 905-528-7924 fax: 905-5286187
Bot Construction Group, 1224
Speers Rd, Oakville ON L6L 2X4
905-827-4167 fax: 905-827-0458
Canada Culvert & Metal Prod, 605
Sheldon Dr, Cambridge ON N1T
2K1 519-620-6000 fax: 519-6206042
Coco Paving Inc, 949 Wilson Ave,
Toronto ON M3K 1G2 416-6339670 fax: 416-633-4959
Construction Demathieu & Bard,
170 boul Roland Godard, StJérome QC J7Y 4P7 450-5698043 fax: 450-431-4235
Dean Construction Co Ltd, 2720
Front Rd, La Salle ON N9J 2N5
519-734-8999 fax: 519-734-6888
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Stone Town Const Ltd, 25 Water St
N, PO Box 190, St Marys ON N4X
1B1 519-284-2580 fax: 519-2843601
Dufferin Construction Co, 585
Michigan Dr Unit 1, Oakville ON
L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 fax: 905842-9278
Norlon Builders London Ltd, 151
York St, London ON N6A 1A8 519672-7590 fax: 519-645-6989
Straightline Group Inc, 3030 Balmoral Ave, Burlington ON L7N 1E2
905-333-1563 fax: 905-333-4619
K & L Construction (ON) Ltd, 1615
North Routledge Park #27, London
ON N6H 5N5 519-472-7164 fax:
WS Nicholls Construction Inc, 48
Cowansview Rd, Cambridge ON
N1R 7N3 519-740-3757 fax: 519740-9752
Eco Tec Construction Ltd, 12597
Townline Rd, RR 1, Acton ON L7J
2L7 519-853-4914 fax: 519-8535013
Hayman Construction Inc, 636
Wellington St, London ON N6A 3R9
519-433-3966 fax: 519-433-8351
Wellington Const Contrs Inc, 8718
Wellington Rd 7, RR 1, Palmerston
ON N0G 2P0 519-343-2456 fax:
Tonda Construction Ltd, 1085 Wilton Grove Rd, London ON N6N 1C9
519-686-5200 fax: 519-686-3662
Southside Group, 75 Blackfriars
St, London ON N8H 1K8 519-4330634 fax: 519-433-9849
McKay-Cocker Construction, 1665
Oxford St E, London ON N5Y 5R9
519-451-5270 fax: 519-451-8050
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
14, 2016 14:00 to 14:00 Jul 19,
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Kreadar Building 2, 3720
Midland Ave, M1V 4V3
14:00 Jul 19, 2016
Kreadar Enterprises Ltd
Gottardo Construction Ltd, 277
Pennsylvania Ave, Concord ON L4K
5R9 905-761-7707 fax: 905-7616588
Broccolini, 2680 Matheson Blvd E
Ste 104, Mississauga ON L4W 0A5
416-242-7772 fax: 416-241-2728
Eastern Construction Co Ltd, 505
Consumers Rd Ste 1100, Toronto
EllisDon Corporation, 2045 Oxford
St E, PO Box 5093, London ON N5V
2Z7 519-455-6770 fax: 519-4552944
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
HR Doornekamp Const, 588 Scotland Rd, Odessa ON K0H 2H0 613386-3033 fax: 613-386-7450
LCL Bridge Inc, 1 Provost St Unit
315, Lachine QC H8S 4H2 514634-3777 fax: 514-634-3760
Louis W Bray Const Limited, 17460
Cameron Rd, St Andrews West ON
K0C 2A0 613-938-6711 fax: 613938-0459
McNally International, 1855 Barton
St E, PO Box 3338 LCD 4, Hamilton
ON L8H 7L8 905-549-6561 fax:
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
Surespan Construction Ltd, 301 38
Fell Ave, North Vancouver BC V7P
3S2 604-998-1133 fax: 604-9981132
Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd,
226 Bradwick Dr Unit 1, Concord
ON L4K 1K8 905-738-1500 fax:
Teranorth Const & Eng Ltd, 799
Luoma Rd, Sudbury ON P3E 3Z9
705-523-1540 fax: 705-522-4328
Clearwater Structures Inc, 397
Frankcom St, Ajax ON L1S 1R4
905-686-5203 fax: 905-686-4763
OHL Construction Canada Inc,
425-5915 Airport Rd, Mississauga
ON L4V 1T1 647-260-4880 fax:
Looby Construction Ltd, 3992
Matilda St, Dublin ON N0K 1E0
519-345-2800 fax: 519-345-2486
The Miller Group, 505 Miller Ave,
PO Box 4080, Markham ON L6G
1B2 905-475-6660 fax: 905-4753852
Brennan Paving & Const Ltd, 505
Miller Ave, Markham ON L6G 1B2
905-475-1440 fax: 905-475-4805
The Ganawa Co Ltd, 397 Frankcom
St, Ajax ON L1S 1R4 905-6865203 fax: 905-686-4763
Peninsula Construction Inc, 2055
Kottmeier Rd, RR 1, Fonthill ON
L0S 1E6 905-892-2661 fax: 905892-4692
Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co,
1425 N Service Rd E Unit 1,
Oakville ON L6H 1A7 905-3374000 fax: 905-337-4001
Pomerleau inc, 500 rue St-Jacques
O 11e ét, Montréal QC H2Y 1S1
514-789-2728 fax: 514-789-2288
RW Tomlinson Ltd, 5597 Power
Rd, Ottawa ON K1G 3N4 613-8221867 fax: 613-822-6844
Rankin Const Inc, 222 Martindale
Rd, PO Box 1116, St Catharines ON
L2R 7A3 905-684-1111 fax: 905684-2260
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
Terrafix Geosynthetics Inc, 455
Horner Ave, Toronto ON M8W 4W9
416-674-0363 fax: 416-674-1159
Algonquin Bridge, 1472 Stavebank
Rd, Mississauga ON L5G 2V3 905990-2911 fax: 905-990-2944
Creditbend Terrace, 5595
Creditview Rd, L5V 1N4
12:00 Jul 20, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Cyprus Contracting Inc, 6 Indell
Lane, Brampton ON L6T 3Y3 905264-6552 fax: 905-264-6548
Fantastic Kitchens Ltd, 161 Westcreek Dr, Woodbridge ON L4L 9N6
905-856-6861 fax: 905-856-9094
Joe Pace & Sons Contr Inc, 100
Wildcat Rd, North York ON M3J 2V4
416-661-9222 fax: 416-661-9224
Greenline Renovations Plus, 31
Nashville Ave, Toronto ON M6M
1J2 416-516-3354 fax: 416-5164179
Tower Restoration Ltd, 37 Chauncey Ave, Etobicoke ON M8Z 2Z2
416-236-3000 fax: 416-620-5300
7120 Hurontario St, L5S 1Z8
12:00 Jul 20, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Alpeza General Contracting Inc,
151 Brunel Rd Unit 21, Mississauga ON L4Z 2H6 905-568-9995
fax: 905-568-9996
Aplus General Contractor, 66 Carnforth Rd, Toronto ON M4A 2K7
416-281-5556 fax: 416-281-0853
BA Const & Restoration Inc, 107
Keele St, Toronto ON M6P 2J8
416-767-1251 fax: 416-767-8056
Brada Construction Ltd, 44
Advance Rd, Etobicoke ON M8Z
2T4 416-626-6289 fax: 416-6262280
Brook Restoration Ltd, 11 Kelfield
St, Etobicoke ON M9W 5A1 416663-7976 fax: 416-663-3650
Brown Daniels Associates Inc, 12
Drummond St Ste 1, Etobicoke ON
M8V 1Y8 416-251-1757 fax: 416251-1798
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Colonial Building Restoration, 43
Cosentino Dr, Scarborough ON
M1P 3A3 416-332-3770 fax: 416332-3771
Conterra Restoration Ltd, 3633
Erindale Station Rd, Mississauga
ON L5C 2S9 905-848-2992 fax:
Atlantic Industries Ltd, 640 Waydom Dr, Ayr ON N0B 1E0 519-6228600 fax: 519-622-1372
Eagle Restoration Inc, 9 Haas Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 3A1 416-7446900 fax: 416-744-6901
Black & McDonald Ltd, 2 Bloor St
E Ste 2100, Toronto ON M4W 1A8
416-920-5100 fax: 416-922-8768
J McBride & Sons Ltd, 900 Dillingham Rd, Pickering ON L1W 1Z6
905-839-7775 fax: 905-839-4330
Cruickshank Const Ltd, 751 Dalton
Ave, Kingston ON K7M 8N6 613542-2874 fax: 613-549-0817
Langstaff Restorations Ltd, 253
Centre St E, Richmond Hill ON L4C
1A7 905-883-8355 fax: 905-8838358
Len Corcoran Excavating Ltd, 2212
Sydenham Rd, Elginburg ON K0H
1M0 613-542-0820 fax: 613-5488616
National Structures Inc, 2139 Fishlake Rd, RR 2, Demorestville ON
K0K 1W0 613-813-2660 fax: 613476-8502
Nilex Construction Inc, 130 Yorkland Blvd, Toronto ON M2J 1R5
416-640-6002 fax: 416-640-6006
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Jun 28, 2016
13:30 to 13:30 Jul 20, 2016.
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
MJ Dixon Construction Ltd, 2600
Edenhurst Dr Ste 200, Mississauga ON L5A 3Z8 905-270-7770 fax:
Martinway Contracting Ltd, 20
Claireport Cres Unit 10, Toronto ON
M9W 6P6 416-674-8471 fax: 416674-8227
Maxim Group Gen Contrg Ltd, 56
Gordon Collins Dr, Gormley ON L0H
1G0 905-303-7711 fax: 416-6611542
Page 17
Namfar Construction Ltd, 85 Giordano Way, Maple ON L6A 0P7 905553-3780 fax: 905-553-3788
Memme Construction, 1315 Shawson Dr, Mississauga ON L4W 1C4
905-564-7972 fax: 905-670-4946
SST Group of Const Companies,
29 Haas Rd, Toronto ON M9W 3A1
905-564-5400 fax: 905-564-7841
Black & McDonald Ltd, 97 Bessemer Rd, London ON N6E 1P9 519681-4801 fax: 519-681-8645
Norcity Alliances Inc, 45B W Wilmot St, Richmond Hill ON L4B 1K1
905-482-2931 fax: 905-881-6814
Moretti Excavating Ltd, 7899A
Huntington Rd, Vaughan ON L4L
1A5 905-265-7990 fax: 905-2657988
Trinity Services Ltd, 50 Rossdean
Dr, Toronto ON M9L 2S1 416-6309213 fax: 416-630-1722
Turnay Electric Ltd, 2096 Jetstream Rd, London ON N5V 3P6
519-659-6303 fax: 519-659-8035
Pop’s Restoration Ltd, 32 Belvia
Rd, Toronto ON M8W 3R3 416233-6225 fax: 416-233-6224
Remo General Contracting Ltd,
2400 North Park Dr, Brampton ON
L6S 5M5 905-792-0700 fax: 905792-7583
North Rock Group Ltd, 1111 Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K 4N7
905-660-7481 fax: 905-660-7482
Pennorth Group Ltd, 959 15th Sideroad, King City ON L7B 1K5 905773-2002 fax: 905-773-2004
Roma Building Restoration Ltd, 20
Cadetta Rd Unit 7, Brampton ON
L6P 0X4 905-794-8174 fax: 905794-8175
Rymall Construction Inc, 25 High
Meadow Place, Toronto ON M9L
0A3 416-745-0707 fax: 416-7453692
SST Group of Const Companies,
29 Haas Rd, Toronto ON M9W 3A1
905-564-5400 fax: 905-564-7841
Sam Rabito Const, 10537 McCowan Rd, Markham ON L3P 3J3 905642-5356 fax: 905-642-5027
Tower Restoration Ltd, 37 Chauncey Ave, Etobicoke ON M8Z 2Z2
416-236-3000 fax: 416-620-5300
Tectonic Infrastructure Inc, 120
Roadinea Rd Unit 1, Maple ON L6A
1R5 416-637-6073 fax: 416-6378455
Trinity Services Ltd, 50 Rossdean
Dr, Toronto ON M9L 2S1 416-6309213 fax: 416-630-1722
Tritan Inc, 67 Raleigh Ave, Scarborough ON M1K 1A1 416-466-8770
fax: 416-466-9905
ZGEMI Inc, 100 Wilkinson Rd Unit
16/17, Brampton ON L6T 4Y9 905454-0111 fax: 905-454-0121
various locations
12:00 Jul 20, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
Calder Hill Contr Ltd, 8 Cedar Ave,
Thornhill ON L3T 3V9 905-8895004 fax: 905-889-6786
Clearway Construction Inc, 379
Bowes Rd, Concord ON L4K 1J1
905-761-6955 fax: 905-761-9770
Co-X-Co Construction Ltd, 1014
Martin Grove Rd, Toronto ON M9W
4V8 416-242-6207 fax: 416-2425334
Comer Group Limited, 50 Fernstaff
Court, Unit 7, Concord ON L4K 3L6
905-660-0022 fax: 905-660-7589
ConDrain Group, 30 Floral Parkway, Concord ON L4K 4R1 905669-5400 fax: 905-669-2296
Con-Ker Const, 860 Progress
Court, Oakville ON L6L 6K1 905847-8878 fax: 905-847-6721
D’Orazio Infrastructure Group,
2787 Brighton Rd, Oakville ON L6H
6J4 905-829-8777 fax: 905-8298779
DeFaveri Group, 96 Cascade St,
Hamilton ON L8E 3B7 905-5602555 fax: 905-560-1305
Develco Contracting Inc, 3800
Steeles Ave W Suite 201W, Woodbridge On L4L 4G9 905-266-0755
fax: 905-265-0511
Dom-Meridian Const Ltd, 1021
Meyerside Dr Unit 10, Mississauga
ON L5T 1J6 905-564-5594 fax:
Drainstar Contracting Ltd, 989
Creditstone Rd, Unit 1, Concord ON
L4K 4N7 905-738-9980 fax: 905660-7351
Timbel Limited, 76 Millwick Dr Ste
100, North York ON M9L 1Y3 416747-1788 fax: 416-747-5067
Trisan Const (614128 ON Inc),
17250 Hwy 27 Ste 205, PO Box
502, Schomberg ON L0G 1T0 416410-3839 fax: 905-939-4082
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
Vector Corrosion Technologies,
8620 Escarpment Way Unit 14,
Milton ON L9T 0M1 905-875-4030
fax: 905-875-3008
Haliburton Hospital,
Palliative Care, 7199
Gelert Rd, K0M 1S0
14:00 Jul 20, 2016
Haliburton Highlands Health
Bondfield Construction Co Ltd, 407
Basaltic Rd, Concord ON L4K 4W8
416-667-8422 fax: 416-667-8462
Chart Construction Management,
30 MacIntosh Blvd Unit 9, Concord
ON L4K 4P1 905-761-8757 fax:
Dineen Construction Corp, 70
Disco Rd Ste 300, Toronto ON M9W
1L9 416-675-7676 fax: 416-6756987
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Fire Hall 426, 140
Lansdowne Ave, M6K 2V9
12:00 Jul 21, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Canada Construction Limited,
2220 Dundas St E, Mississauga
ON L4X 1L9 905-624-6362 fax:
Execway Construction Ltd, 10157
Sheppard Ave E, Toronto ON M1B
1G1 416-286-2019 fax: 416-2860850
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
HN Construction Ltd, 1270 Finch
Ave W Unit 11, Toronto ON M3J
3J7 416-665-8622 fax: 416-6658649
Index Construction Inc, 161 Pennsylvania Ave Unit 5, Vaughan ON
L4K 1C3 416-398-0771 fax: 416398-1446
JPW Const Ltd, 1693 Village View
Place, Mississauga ON L5M 3V3
905-456-3888 fax: 905-542-0088
Greystone Construction Inc, 8
Crescent Rd Unit A1, Huntsville ON
P1H 0B3 705-789-1418 fax: 705789-8543
King Cross Contracting Ltd, 21 Parr
Blvd Unit 13, Bolton ON L7E 4G3
905-857-0864 fax: 905-857-5536
Monteith Building Group Ltd, 31
Colborne St E, Orillia ON L3V 1T4
705-326-5533 fax: 705-326-1311
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
Matheson Constructors, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 201, Concord ON
L4K 3Z2 905-669-7999 fax: 905669-0268
Pegah Construction Ltd, 5050 Dufferin St Suite 120, Toronto ON M3H
5T5 416-739-9300 fax: 416-7399593
Spectre Const & Mgmt Inc, 4195
Dundas St W Suite 229, Toronto
ON M8X 1Y4 416-233-3663 fax:
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Springfield Gardens, 35703590 Colonial Dr, L5L 5R9
12:00 Jul 20, 2016
Reg Mun of Peel(Head
A-Con Construction, 50 Simona
Dr Suite 104, Bolton ON L7E 4H9
905-850-8018 fax: 905-850-3630
Aplus General Contractor, 66 Carnforth Rd, Toronto ON M4A 2K7
416-281-5556 fax: 416-281-0853
Brada Construction Ltd, 44
Advance Rd, Etobicoke ON M8Z
2T4 416-626-6289 fax: 416-6262280
Brook Restoration, 2275 Stevenage Dr Bay 2, Ottawa ON K1G
3W1 613-248-8887 fax: 613-2488881
Conterra Restoration Ltd, 3633
Erindale Station Rd, Mississauga
ON L5C 2S9 905-848-2992 fax:
Duron Ontario Ltd, 1860 Shawson
Dr, Mississauga ON L4W 1R7 905670-1998 fax: 905-670-4662
Eagle Restoration Inc, 9 Haas Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 3A1 416-7446900 fax: 416-744-6901
Heritage Restoration Inc, 14 Paisley Lane, Stouffville ON L4A 7X4
905-642-0123 fax: 905-642-2323
Four Seasons Site Development,
42 Wentworth Court Unit 1, Brampton ON L6T 5K6 905-789-0111
fax: 905-670-9589
Maxim Group Gen Contrg Ltd, 56
Gordon Collins Dr, Gormley ON L0H
1G0 905-303-7711 fax: 416-6611542
Kapp Contracting Inc, 71 Buttermill
Ave, Concord ON L4K 3X2 905738-6677 fax: 905-738-6281
Norcity Alliances Inc, 45B W Wilmot St, Richmond Hill ON L4B 1K1
905-482-2931 fax: 905-881-6814
Lancorp Construction Co Ltd, 138
Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K
1P2 905-660-0778 fax: 905-6604252
Palmark Const Ltd, 44 Haas Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 3A2 416-7419898 fax: 416-741-7066
London Excavators & Trucking, 54
Shaft Rd, Etobicoke ON M9W 4M2
416-247-6601 fax: 416-247-3010
Tritan Inc, 67 Raleigh Ave, Scarborough ON M1K 1A1 416-466-8770
fax: 416-466-9905
Roma Building Restoration Ltd, 20
Cadetta Rd Unit 7, Brampton ON
L6P 0X4 905-794-8174 fax: 905794-8175
ORILLIA, Simcoe Co, ON
Orillia Recreation Centre,
255 West St, L3V 6Z9
15:00 Jul 20, 2016
City of Orillia
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
EllisDon Corporation, 1004 Middlegate Rd Suite 1000, Mississauga
ON L4Y 1M4 905-896-8900 fax:
Graham Const & Eng Inc, 6108
Edwards Blvd, Mississauga ON
L5T 2V7 905-694-4000 fax: 905694-4200
Pomerleau Inc, 3330 Bloor St W
CtrTwr Ste3050, Toronto ON M8X
2X3 416-207-0848 fax: 416-2079636
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
Jul 21
LONDON, Middlesex Co, ON
LHSC Power Plant, 825
Commissioners Rd
12:00 Jul 21, 2016
London Health Sciences
Al Gordon Electric Ltd, 533 Queens
Ave, London ON N6B 1Y3 519672-1273 fax: 519-672-8053
Koler Construction, 2200 Yonge St
Ste 805, Toronto ON M4S 2C6 416479-4123 fax: 416-479-4113
Snyder Const O/B 784437, 920
Brawley Rd W, Ashburn ON L0B
1A0 905-655-5000 fax: 905-6555594
Steelcore Construction Ltd, 1295
Morningside Ave, Unit 27, Scarborough ON M1B 4Z4 416-282-4888
fax: 416-282-9820
Trans Canada Construction, 3250
Lentworth Dr, Mississauga ON L4X
2G1 905-206-8960 fax: 905-2068998
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Fire Hall 413, 1549 Albion
Rd, M9V 1B2
12:00 Jul 21, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Canada Construction Limited,
2220 Dundas St E, Mississauga
ON L4X 1L9 905-624-6362 fax:
Execway Construction Ltd, 10157
Sheppard Ave E, Toronto ON M1B
1G1 416-286-2019 fax: 416-2860850
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
HN Construction Ltd, 1270 Finch
Ave W Unit 11, Toronto ON M3J
3J7 416-665-8622 fax: 416-6658649
Index Construction Inc, 161 Pennsylvania Ave Unit 5, Vaughan ON
L4K 1C3 416-398-0771 fax: 416398-1446
Continues on
next page
Page 18
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Continues from
last page
ON L0R 1S0 905-562-1118 fax:
Koler Construction, 2200 Yonge St
Ste 805, Toronto ON M4S 2C6 416479-4123 fax: 416-479-4113
Brenner Mechanical Inc, 630
Superior Dr, Waterloo ON N2V 2C6
519-746-0439 fax: 519-746-2477
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
LJ Barton Mechanical Inc, 1341
Osprey Dr Unit 4, Ancaster ON L9G
4V5 905-304-1976 fax: 905-3041607
Pegah Construction Ltd, 5050 Dufferin St Suite 120, Toronto ON M3H
5T5 416-739-9300 fax: 416-7399593
Roberts Onsite Inc, 209 Manitou
Dr, Kitchener ON N2C 1L4 519578-2230 fax: 519-578-2979
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Velocity Mechanical Inc, 176 Forfar
Ave Unit B, Kitchener ON N2B 3A1
519-896-1119 fax: 519-896-7898
Snyder Const O/B 784437, 920
Brawley Rd W, Ashburn ON L0B
1A0 905-655-5000 fax: 905-6555594
Jul 25
Steelcore Construction Ltd, 1295
Morningside Ave, Unit 27, Scarborough ON M1B 4Z4 416-282-4888
fax: 416-282-9820
Grey County Rd 18
11:30 Jul 25, 2016
Min of Transportation
Trans Canada Construction, 3250
Lentworth Dr, Mississauga ON L4X
2G1 905-206-8960 fax: 905-2068998
KITCHENER, Waterloo Reg,
various locations
13:00 Jul 21, 2016
City of
Armstrong Pav and Mat Group,
12 Industrial Rd, PO Box 1190, St
Marys ON N4X 1B7 519-284-3737
Blackstone Paving & Const Ltd, PO
Box 715, Stouffville ON L4A 7Z8
905-640-9522 fax: 905-640-9516
Capital Paving Inc, 4459 Concession 7, PO Box 815, Guelph ON
N1H 6L8 519-822-4511 fax: 519822-1454
Coco Paving Inc, 1990 Queen St,
RR 2, Petersburg ON N0B 2H0
519-696-2274 fax: 519-696-2755
Cox Construction Ltd, 965 York Rd,
PO Box 427, Guelph ON N1H 6K5
519-824-6570 fax: 519-824-6579
JG Goetz Construction Ltd, 400
Elizabeth St, Guelph ON N1E 2Y1
519-836-2832 fax: 519-836-8824
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
Sousa Concrete Ltd (410754 ON),
1430 Branchton Rd, RR 1, Branchton ON N0B 1L0 519-623-5572
fax: 519-623-7853
Steed & Evans Ltd, 3551 Leslie St,
PO Box 36, Thorold ON L2V 3Y7
905-227-2994 fax: 905-227-2793
Terrafix Envi Technology Inc, 455
Horner Ave, Etobicoke ON M8W
4W9 416-674-0363 fax: 416-6747346
Vista Contracting Ltd, 1316 Dickie
Settlement Rd, Cambridge ON N3H
4R8 519-650-3481 fax: 519-7403209
CAMBRIDGE, Waterloo Reg,
150 Main St, N1R 6P9
14:00 Jul 21, 2016
Reg Mun of Waterloo(Purch)
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
Ross & Anglin Ontario Ltd, 56
McCulloch Ave, Etobicoke ON M9W
4M6 416-244-0451 fax: 416-2448778
Stucor Construction Ltd, 2540
South Service Rd, Jordan Station
Capital Paving Inc, 4459 Concession 7, PO Box 815, Guelph ON
N1H 6L8 519-822-4511 fax: 519822-1454
Cox Construction Ltd, 965 York Rd,
PO Box 427, Guelph ON N1H 6K5
519-824-6570 fax: 519-824-6579
Dufferin Construction Co, 585
Michigan Dr Unit 1, Oakville ON
L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 fax: 905842-9278
Duncor Enterprises Inc, 101 Big
Bay Point Rd, Barrie ON L4N 8M5
705-730-1999 fax: 705-730-7977
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Fidelity Engineering Const Inc, 346
Durham St N, Colborne ON K0K
1S0 905-376-4804 fax: 888-8535668
Lafrentz Road Services Ltd, 1780
Ironstone Dr, Burlington ON L7L
5V3 905-336-2404 fax: 905-3368766
McLean Taylor Const Ltd, 25 Water
St N, PO Box 190, St Marys ON N4X
1B1 519-284-2580 fax: 519-2843601
Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller
Avenue, Box 4080, Markham ON
L3R 9R8 905-475-6660 fax: 905475-3852
Upper Canada Asphalt Inc, 115
Apple Creek Blvd Unit 3, Markham
ON L3R 6C9 866-906-8227 fax:
OAKVILLE, Halton Reg, ON
Delmanor Glen Abbey, 1459
Nottinghill Gate, L6M 4W1
15:00 Jul 25, 2016
Tridel Corporation
Prime Design Build Corp, 241
Applewood Cres Unit 10, Vaughan
ON L4K 4E6 905-532-0650 fax:
Total Concept Renovations Inc,
2851 John St, PO Box 42054,
Markham ON L3R 5R0 905-8306810
LAR Condo Refurbishment, 46-60
Pippen Rd, Vaughan ON L4K 4M8
416-250-7696 fax: 416-250-7518
MeadowBrook Construction Inc,
151 Superior Blvd Unit 8, Mississauga ON L5T 2L1 905-670-3052
fax: 905-670-2492
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
18, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 25,
Jul 26
FIN 2016-064T
BARRIE, Simcoe Co, ON
Memorial Square, Dunlop St
E & Fred Grant St
14:00 Jul 26, 2016
City of Barrie(Purchasing)
Torcom Construction Inc, 2 Sheppard Ave East Ste 930, North York
ON M2N 5Y7 416-226-9337 fax:
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Bertram Construction (Ont) Ltd,
25 George St, Barrie ON L4N 2G5
705-726-0254 fax: 705-721-0366
Clifford Masonry & Restoration,
1190 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough
ON M1P 2B8 416-691-2341 fax:
Gateman-Milloy Inc, 270 Shoemaker St, Kitchener ON N2E 3E1
519-748-6500 fax: 519-748-6626
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
UCC Group Inc, 262 Galaxy Blvd,
Toronto ON M9W 5R8 416-6757455 fax: 416-675-7445
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Bertram Construction (Ont) Ltd,
25 George St, Barrie ON L4N 2G5
705-726-0254 fax: 705-721-0366
Clifford Masonry & Restoration,
1190 Birchmount Rd, Scarborough
ON M1P 2B8 416-691-2341 fax:
Gateman-Milloy Inc, 270 Shoemaker St, Kitchener ON N2E 3E1
519-748-6500 fax: 519-748-6626
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
UCC Group Inc, 262 Galaxy Blvd,
Toronto ON M9W 5R8 416-6757455 fax: 416-675-7445
WS Morgan Construction Ltd, 19
Bowes St, Parry Sound ON P2A
2K7 705-746-9686 fax: 705-7467264
TORONTO, Metro Toronto
Reg, ON
Fire Hall 331, 33 Claremont
St, M6J 2M3
12:00 Jul 26, 2016
City of Toronto(Purchasing)
Canada Construction Limited,
2220 Dundas St E, Mississauga
ON L4X 1L9 905-624-6362 fax:
Execway Construction Ltd, 10157
Sheppard Ave E, Toronto ON M1B
1G1 416-286-2019 fax: 416-2860850
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
HN Construction Ltd, 1270 Finch
Ave W Unit 11, Toronto ON M3J
3J7 416-665-8622 fax: 416-6658649
Index Construction Inc, 161 Pennsylvania Ave Unit 5, Vaughan ON
L4K 1C3 416-398-0771 fax: 416398-1446
Koler Construction, 2200 Yonge St
Ste 805, Toronto ON M4S 2C6 416479-4123 fax: 416-479-4113
Limen Group Const Ltd, 46 Le Page
Crt, Toronto ON M3J 1Z9 416-6388880 fax: 416-638-7363
Pegah Construction Ltd, 5050 Dufferin St Suite 120, Toronto ON M3H
5T5 416-739-9300 fax: 416-7399593
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Snyder Const O/B 784437, 920
Brawley Rd W, Ashburn ON L0B
1A0 905-655-5000 fax: 905-6555594
Steelcore Construction Ltd, 1295
Morningside Ave, Unit 27, Scarborough ON M1B 4Z4 416-282-4888
fax: 416-282-9820
Trans Canada Construction, 3250
Lentworth Dr, Mississauga ON L4X
2G1 905-206-8960 fax: 905-2068998
WELLAND, Niagara Reg, ON
Niagara College, Welland
Campus, Student
Commons, 300 Woodlawn
Rd, L3C 7L3
15:00 Jul 26, 2016
Niagara College of Applied
AEC Developments Inc, 675 Queen
St S Ste 111, Kitchener ON N2M
1A1 519-904-3050 fax: 519-5765499
EllisDon Corporation, 1004 Middlegate Rd Suite 1000, Mississauga
ON L4Y 1M4 905-896-8900 fax:
GS Wark Ltd, 370 York Blvd Ste
101, Hamilton ON L8R 3L1 905529-4717 fax: 905-529-4764
Graham Const & Eng Inc, 6108
Edwards Blvd, Mississauga ON
L5T 2V7 905-694-4000 fax: 905694-4200
Ira McDonald Const Ltd, 67 Frid
St Unit 16, Hamilton ON L8P 4M3
905-297-4653 fax: 905-667-0302
JR Certus Construction Co Ltd, 72
Hazelridge Court, Kleinburg ON
L0J 1C0 647-494-0150 fax: 647494-0155
Lanca Contracting Ltd, 35 Bury
Court Unit 5, Brantford ON N3S
0A9 519-756-1880 fax: 519-7561712
Maple Reinders Group Ltd, 2660
Argentia Rd, Mississauga ON L5N
5V4 905-821-4844 fax: 905-8214822
Merit Contractors Niagara, 235
Martindale Rd Ste 3, St Catharines
ON L2W 1A5 905-641-2374 fax:
METTKO, 200 Yorkland Blvd Ste
610, Toronto ON M2J 5C1 416444-9600 fax: 416-444-3166
PCL Constructors Canada Inc,
2085 Hurontario St Ste 400, Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 905-2767600 fax: 905-276-4324
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
TR Hinan Const Ltd, 1501 Pelham
St, PO Box 173, Fonthill ON L0S
1E0 905-892-2299 fax: 905-8925599
The Atlas Corporation, 111 Ortona
Ct, Concord ON L4K 3M3 905669-6825 fax: 905-669-8288
Amico Design Build Inc, 2199
Blackacre Dr, Oldcastle ON N0R
1L0 519-737-1577 fax: 519-7371929
TRP Construction General Cont,
3050 Harvester Rd Unit 107, Burlington ON L7N 3J1 905-336-1041
fax: 905-336-9564
APM Construction Services Inc,
2880 Argentia Rd Unit 3, Mississauga ON L5N 7X8 905-821-0999
fax: 905-821-0184
Urbacon, 750 Lake Shore Blvd E,
Toronto ON M4M 3M3 416-8659405 fax: 416-865-9429
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Ball Construction Ltd, 5 Shirley
Ave, PO Box 1202, Kitchener ON
N2G 4G8 519-742-5851 fax: 519742-6727
Bird Construction, 5700 Explorer
Dr Ste 400, Mississauga ON L4W
0C6 905-602-4122 fax: 905-6026319
Brown Daniels Associates Inc, 12
Drummond St Ste 1, Etobicoke ON
M8V 1Y8 416-251-1757 fax: 416251-1798
Buttcon Ltd, 8000 Jane St Tower
B Ste 401, Concord ON L4K 5B8
905-907-4242 fax: 905-907-8096
Century Group Constructors Inc,
895 Meyerside Dr, Mississauga ON
L5T 1R8 905-564-6565 fax: 905564-8988
Collaborative Structures Ltd, 6683
Ellis Rd, Cambridge ON N3C 2V4
519-658-2750 fax: 519-658-5522
DeAngelis Construction Inc, 5138
County Rd 46, RR#3, Maidstone
ON N0R 1K0 519-737-1888 fax:
DeFaveri Group Contracting Inc,
1259 Arvin Ave, Stoney Creek ON
L8E 0H7 905-560-2555 fax: 905560-1306
Elite Construction Inc, 35 Romina
Dr Ste 100, Concord ON L4K 4Z9
905-660-1663 fax: 905-660-1667
Varcon Construction Corp, 250
Doney Cres, Concord ON L4K 3A8
905-794-2041 fax: 905-794-2039
INVITED TENDERS due date and
time has been extended from Jul
12, 2016 15:00 to 15:00 Jul 26,
Co, ON
Bradford GO Station, 300
Holland St E, L3Z 1X8
14:00 Jul 26, 2016
Laurin Group of Companies, 6415
Northwest Dr Unit 31, Mississauga
ON L4V 1X1 905-405-9116 fax:
Jul 27
MIDLAND, Simcoe Co, ON
Georgian Bay General
Hospital, Phase 2 and 3,
1112 St Andrew’s Dr, L4R
14:00 Jul 27, 2016
Georgian Bay General
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
Bondfield Construction Co Ltd, 407
Basaltic Rd, Concord ON L4K 4W8
416-667-8422 fax: 416-667-8462
Chart Construction Management,
30 MacIntosh Blvd Unit 9, Concord
ON L4K 4P1 905-761-8757 fax:
Dineen Construction Corp, 70
Disco Rd Ste 300, Toronto ON M9W
1L9 416-675-7676 fax: 416-6756987
Elite Construction Inc, 35 Romina
Dr Ste 100, Concord ON L4K 4Z9
905-660-1663 fax: 905-660-1667
Harbridge & Cross Ltd, 350 Creditstone Rd Ste 202, Concord ON L4K
3Z2 416-213-7165 fax: 905-7389649
K & L Construction (ON) Ltd, 1615
North Routledge Park #27, London
ON N6H 5N5 519-472-7164 fax:
Jul 28
Ecole Elementaire
Mississauga Nord, 600
Novo Star Dr, L5W 1G4
14:00 Jul 28, 2016
Conseil Scolaire Viamonde
Aquicon Construction Co Ltd, 131
Delta Park Blvd, Brampton ON L6T
5M8 905-458-1313 fax: 905-4586020
DeFaveri Group Contracting Inc,
1259 Arvin Ave, Stoney Creek ON
L8E 0H7 905-560-2555 fax: 905560-1306
Everstrong Construction Ltd, 15
Brownridge Rd Unit 4, Georgetown
ON L7G 0C6 905-878-7295 fax:
JR Certus Construction Co Ltd, 72
Hazelridge Court, Kleinburg ON
L0J 1C0 647-494-0150 fax: 647494-0155
Jasper Const Corp, 344 North Rivermede Rd, Concord ON L4K 3N2
905-669-5530 fax: 416-736-0236
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Rutherford Contracting Ltd, 224
Earl Stewart Dr, Aurora ON L4G
6V7 905-726-4888 fax: 905-7264889
Tambro Construction Ltd, 1 Taggart St Unit 1, Guelph ON N1H 6H8
519-766-1234 fax: 519-766-4019
TRP Construction General Cont,
3050 Harvester Rd Unit 107, Burlington ON L7N 3J1 905-336-1041
fax: 905-336-9564
Smith Falls to Franktown
11:00 am Jul 28, 2016
Min of Transportation
Bot Construction Group, 1224
Speers Rd, Oakville ON L6L 2X4
905-827-4167 fax: 905-827-0458
Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller
Avenue, Box 4080, Markham ON
L3R 9R8 905-475-6660 fax: 905475-3852
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Page 19
Continues from
last page
4X6 807-767-2426 fax: 807-7675948
RW Tomlinson Ltd, 5597 Power
Rd, Ottawa ON K1G 3N4 613-8221867 fax: 613-822-6844
Monteith Building Group Ltd, 31
Colborne St E, Orillia ON L3V 1T4
705-326-5533 fax: 705-326-1311
6188851 Canada Limited, 7549
Lakeridge Road, Uxbridge ON L9P
Penn-Co Const Canada (2003)
Ltd, 25 Penner Dr, PO Box 60,
Blumenort MB R0A 0C0 204-3261341 fax: 204-326-4967
Duncor Enterprises Inc, 101 Big
Bay Point Rd, Barrie ON L4N 8M5
705-730-1999 fax: 705-730-7977
Percon Construction Inc, 20 Airview Rd, Toronto ON M9W 4P2
416-744-9967 fax: 416-744-8863
Fidelity Engineering Const Inc, 346
Durham St N, Colborne ON K0K
1S0 905-376-4804 fax: 888-8535668
Pre-Eng Contracting Ltd, 1 Applewood Cres Unit 10, Concord ON
L4K 4K1 905-738-6866 fax: 905738-4879
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
Tambro Construction Ltd, 1 Taggart St Unit 1, Guelph ON N1H 6H8
519-766-1234 fax: 519-766-4019
Smiths Const Co Arnprior Ltd, 276
Madawaska Blvd, PO Box 218,
Arnprior ON K7S 3H4 613-6233144 fax: 613-623-8769
Tom Jones Corporation, 560 Squier Place, PO Box 10662, Thunder
Bay ON P7B 6V1 807-345-0511
fax: 807-344-1723
Aug 09
Aug 23
District, ON
Sioux Lookout High School,
86 Third Ave North, P8T
14:00 CDT Aug 09, 2016
Keewatin-Patricia Dist SB
Everstrong Construction Ltd, 15
Brownridge Rd Unit 4, Georgetown
ON L7G 0C6 905-878-7295 fax:
Finn Way General Contractor, 1301
Walsh St W, Thunder Bay ON P7E
York Region Administrative
Centre Annex, 17150
Yonge St, next to the York
Region Administration Ctr,
L3Y 4W5
13:00 Aug 23, 2016
Regional Municipality of
Bird Construction, 5700 Explorer
Dr Ste 400, Mississauga ON L4W
0C6 905-602-4122 fax: 905-6026319
EllisDon Corporation, 1004 Middlegate Rd Suite 1000, Mississauga
ON L4Y 1M4 905-896-8900 fax:
PCL Constructors Canada Inc,
2085 Hurontario St Ste 400, Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 905-2767600 fax: 905-276-4324
Eastern Construction Co Ltd, 505
Consumers Rd Ste 1100, Toronto
ON M2J 5G2 416-497-7110 fax:
Aug 24
Hwy 400/4th Line Bridge
(Site No 30-212),
13:30 Aug 24, 2016
Min of Transportation
Aecon Const & Materials Ltd, 20
Carlson Crt Ste 800, Toronto ON
M9W 7K6 416-293-7004 fax: 416940-2283
Almon Equipment, 45 Racine Rd,
Etobicoke ON M9W 2Z4 416-7431771 fax: 416-747-9940
Armtec Ltd, 370 Speedvale Ave W,
PO Box 3000, Guelph ON N1H 6P2
519-822-0210 fax: 519-822-1160
Atlantic Industries Ltd, 640 Waydom Dr, Ayr ON N0B 1E0 519-6228600 fax: 519-622-1372
Barricade Traffic, 8672 Keele
Street, Concord ON L4K 2N2 905669-6473 fax: 905-669-3935
Bermingham Construction Ltd,
600 Ferguson Ave N, Wellington St
Marine Terminal, Hamilton ON L8L
4Z9 905-528-7924 fax: 905-5286187
Golder Associates Ltd, 100 Scotia
Crt, Whitby ON L1N 8Y6 905-7232727 fax: 905-723-2182
Bot Construction Group, 1224
Speers Rd, Oakville ON L6L 2X4
905-827-4167 fax: 905-827-0458
Graham Bros Const Group Ltd, 297
Rutherford Rd S, Brampton ON
L6W 3J8 905-453-1200 fax: 905453-2217
Bridgecon Construction Ltd, 989
Creditstone Rd, Concord ON L4K
4N7 905-738-4139 fax: 905-6607351
Canada Culvert & Metal Prod, 605
Sheldon Dr, Cambridge ON N1T
2K1 519-620-6000 fax: 519-6206042
Dufferin Construction Co, 585
Michigan Dr Unit 1, Oakville ON
L6L 0G1 905-842-2741 fax: 905842-9278
EBC inc, 1095 rue Valet, AncienneLorette QC G2E 4M7 418-8720600 fax: 418-872-8177
Eco Tec Construction Ltd, 12597
Townline Rd, RR 1, Acton ON L7J
2L7 519-853-4914 fax: 519-8535013
EllisDon Corporation, 2045 Oxford
St E, PO Box 5093, London ON N5V
2Z7 519-455-6770 fax: 519-4552944
Facca Incorporated, 2097 County
Rd 31, RR 1, Ruscom ON N0R 1R0
519-975-0377 fax: 519-975-0427
Fermar Paving Ltd, 1921 Albion Rd,
Rexdale ON M9W 5S8 416-6753550 fax: 416-675-3556
Fidelity Engineering Const Inc, 346
Durham St N, Colborne ON K0K
1S0 905-376-4804 fax: 888-8535668
Francis Powell & Co Ltd, 180 Ramforest Rd, RR1, Gormley ON L0H
1G0 905-727-2518 fax: 905-7271229
Innovative Civil Constructors, 5795
Don Murie St, Niagara Falls ON L2E
0A9 905-354-9779 fax: 905-3546897
JL McConnell Contracting, 72 Main
St Unit 2A, Mount Albert ON L0G
1M0 905-473-4029 fax: 905-4737615
LCL Bridge Inc, 1 Provost St Unit
315, Lachine QC H8S 4H2 514634-3777 fax: 514-634-3760
Looby Builders (Dublin) Ltd, 3992
Matilda St, PO Box 69, Dublin ON
N0K 1E0 519-345-2800 fax: 519345-2486
Miller Paving Limited, 505 Miller
Avenue, Box 4080, Markham ON
L3R 9R8 905-475-6660 fax: 905475-3852
PCL Constructors Canada Inc,
2085 Hurontario St Ste 400, Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 905-2767600 fax: 905-276-4324
Peter Kiewit Infrastructure Co,
11211 215 St, Edmonton AB T5S
2B2 780-447-3509 fax: 780-4473202
Peto Maccallum Limited, 25 Sixth
Ave, Kitchener ON N2C 1P9 519893-7500 fax: 519-893-0654
RW Tomlinson Ltd, 5597 Power
Rd, Ottawa ON K1G 3N4 613-8221867 fax: 613-822-6844
Roto-Mill Inc, 560 Riddell Rd,
Orangeville ON L9W 5H3 519-9417686 fax: 519-941-6484
Toronto Zenith Contracting Ltd,
226 Bradwick Dr Unit 1, Concord
ON L4K 1K8 905-738-1500 fax:
Terrafix Envi Technology Inc, 455
Horner Ave, Etobicoke ON M8W
4W9 416-674-0363 fax: 416-6747346
The Bridge Tite Group, 5516 County Rd 27, Cookstown ON L0L 1L0
705-458-0744 fax: 705-458-0745
TENDERS due date and time has
been extended from Aug 31, 2016
13:30 to 13:30 Aug 24, 2016.
Dec 21
ELORA, Wellington Co, ON
Groves Memorial Community
Hospital, site unreleased
in Aboyne (between Elora
and Fergus)
Unstated time Dec 21, 2016
Groves Memorial Comm
Bondfield Construction Co Ltd, 407
Basaltic Rd, Concord ON L4K 4W8
416-667-8422 fax: 416-667-8462
EllisDon Corporation, 2045 Oxford
St E, PO Box 5093, London ON N5V
2Z7 519-455-6770 fax: 519-4552944
PCL Constructors Canada Inc,
2085 Hurontario St Ste 400, Mississauga ON L5A 4G1 905-2767600 fax: 905-276-4324
Upcoming feature
Advertise in our
feature issue
Daily Commercial News
by ConstructConnect™
■ 1.800.465.6475 ext.25534
■ sales close July 15
Page 20
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Certificates and Notices
under the Construction Lien Act
of Substantial
of the contract under
Section 32 of the
Construction Lien Act.
Bolton, Ontario
12748 Highway 50, Building D,
Bolton, ON L7E 4G1
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Interior Alterations - Bentall
Kennedy/The Brick Mattress
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 29, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
29, 2016
Name of Owner: Penretail Management Ltd. c/o Bentall Property Services (Ontario) Limited
Address for Service: 65 Port
Street East, Unit 110, Mississauga, ON L5G 4V3
Name of Contractor: Fox Contracting Ltd.
Address for Service: 35 Coronet
Road, Toronto, ON M8Z 2L8
Name of Payment Certifier: pellow Architects and associates
part of WZMH Architects
Address: 95 St. Clair West Suite
1500, Toronto, ON M4V 1N6
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: 12748
Highway 50, Building D, Bolton, ON L7E 4G1
City of Brockville
Brockville, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Kawartha Credit
Address for Service: 14 Hunter
Street East, Peterborough, ON
K9J 6Y5
Name of Contractor: Buttcon
East Limited
Address for Service: 580 Terry
Fox Drive, Suite 403, Kanata,
ON K2L 4B9
Name of Payment Certifier:
Shoalts and Zaback Architects
Address: 4 Cataraqui Street, Suite
206, Kingston, ON K7K 1Z7
Identification of premises for
Brockville (South Side), ON
PIN No. 44175-0465 (LT)
Part of Blocks A and U, Plan 253,
being Part of Lots 8 and 9,
Concession 1, Geographic
Township of Elizabethtown,
designated as Parts 3 and 5 to
11, Plan 28R-11850, City of
Brockville, County of Leeds
Land Registry office for the
Land Titles Division of Leeds,
Subject to easements as in Instrument
LR264065, and LR285443.
PIN No. 44175-0485 (LT)
Part of Block U, Plan 253, being
part of lots 8 and 9, concession 1, Geographic Township
of Elizabethtown, designated
as Parts 1,2,3 and 4, plan
28R-13041, City of Brockville,
County of Leeds, Land Registry Office for the Land Titles
Division of Leeds, (No.28)
Subject to easements as in Instrument Nos. LR264065 and
PIN No. 44175-0425 (LT)
Part of Block A, Plan 253, as in
Instrument No. LR32902, City
of Brockville, County Leeds,
Land Registry Office for the
Land Titles Division of Leeds
(No. 28)
Subject to and easement in
Instrument No. LR77387
City of Guelph
1 Stone Road, Guelph, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: IO Project #
1043288-270799 - Interior
common area refresh
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Infrastructure
Ontario c.o. Colliers Project
Address for Service:
Pinebush Road, Suite 202,
Cambridge, ON N1T 0A6
Name of Contractor: Earlescourt
Contracting Group Ltd.
Address for Service: 12490
York-Durham Line, Stouffville,
ON L4A 7X4
Name of Payment Certifier: Ed
van der Maarel, Architect
a+LiNK Architecture Inc.
Address: 126 Wellington Road,
London, ON N6C 4M8
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: Colliers Project Leaders 485 Pinebush Road, Suite 202,
Cambridge, Ontario N1T 0A6
City of Hamilton
Skinner Road, Hamilton, ON
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Bay Water Tower Access
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Waterdown Bay
Address for Service: 8600 Dufferin Street, Vaughan, ON L4K
Name of Contractor: Hamilton
Construction Ltd.
Address for Service: Box 335,
Collingwood, ON L9Y 3Z7
Name of Payment Certifier: Metropolitan Consulting Inc.
Address: 4450 Paletta Court, Burlington, ON L7L 5R2
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: Part of
Lots 2, 3 and 4 Concession 3
Township of East Flamborough
City of Hamilton
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Contract No.
C15-15-15 (HW): Melvin Avenue - Waverly Street to Talbot
Street; Waverly Street - Melvin
Avenue to Barton Street East;
Brunswick Street - Melvin Avenue to Barton Street East;
Osborne Street - Melvin Avenue to Barton Street East; Talbot Street - Melvin Avenue to
Barton Street East - Road and
watermain and large valve
chamber replacement in the
City of Hamilton
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
24, 2016
Visit to search all
Certificates of Substantial Performance, Certificates of Completion of Subcontract and Notices of Intention to Register a
Condominium placed since March 1999.
NOTICE: Effective July 1, 2011, amendments to the Construction Lien Act are reflected in the Certificates and
Notices section of Daily Commercial News. These amendments required revisions to Forms 6 and 7. The Act also
stipulates that owners of land intended to be registered as
a condominium publish a notice of impending registration
in a construction trade newspaper, such as Daily Commercial News, at least five days and no more than fifteen days,
excluding weekends and holidays, before the description is
submitted for approval. Use Form 24 to submit Notices of
Intention to Register a Condominium.
Visit to download
Forms 6, 7 and 24.
To publish certificates and notices, email or fax
1-800-947-7966. For more information call
Those placing notices are responsible for ensuring Daily
Commercial News receives, by fax or otherwise, all necessary
information and for reviewing Daily Commercial News upon
publication for any errors or omissions and advising Daily
Commercial News at once. Daily Commercial News will make
good any errors or omissions attributable to it in the next
available issue, but will otherwise bear no liability whatsoever
for any failure to publish any notice, however caused and even
if arising from Daily Commercial News’ own negligence.
Name of Owner: The City of
Address for Service: 77 James
St. N., Suite 320, Hamilton, ON
L8R 2K3
Name of Contractor: Wesroc
Construction Ltd.
Address for Service: 755 South
Service Road, Unit#5, Stoney
Creek, ON L8E 5Z2
Name of Payment Certifier:
David Mullen, Project Manager
Address: 77 James St. N., Suite
320, Hamilton, ON L8R 2K3
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: City Clerk’s Department,
71 Main Street West, Hamilton,
Ontario L8P 4Y5
City of London
1019 Dundas Street, London, ON
This is to certify that the contract for the following
10 Year
Refresh with Best Elevation
Upgrade - #100223 New
Scope Renovation
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 10, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
23, 2016
Name of Owner:
Ontario Inc.
Address for Service: 1019 Dundas Street, London, ON
Name of Contractor: A-Dor Construction Limited
Address for Service: 3831 Elgin
Road, Mossley, ON N0L 1V0
Name of Payment Certifier:
Jones Lang LaSalle Real
Estate Services Inc.
Address: 199 Bay Street, Suite
4610, Toronto, ON M5L 1G3
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Plan
320 Pt Lots 14 - 17 and PT Lot
1 208.83X186.25XI86.25XIRR
City of Markham
101 Town Centre Boulevard,
Markham, ON L3R 9W3
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Reconstruction
of the Centurian Drive from
Woodbine Avenue to Allstate
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 27, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: The City of
Address for Service: Centurian
Drive from Woodbine Avenue
to Allstate Parkway
Name of Contractor: Four Seasons Site Development Ltd.
Address for Service: 42 Wentworth Court, Unit 1, Brampton, ON L6T 5K6
Name of Payment Certifier: The
City of Markham
Address: 101 Town Centre Boulevard, Markham, ON L3R 9W3
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: The Corporation of the
City of Markham, 101 Town
Centre Boulevard, Markham,
ON, L3R 9W3
City of Mississauga
1300 and 1320 Mississauga
Valley Blvd., Mississauga,
Ontario, L5A 3S8
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Standby Generator Replacement
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 27, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
24, 2016
Name of Owner: Peel Condominium Corporation No 85
Address for Service: 1300 and
1320 Mississauga Valley Blvd.,
Mississauga, ON L5A 3S8
Name of Contractor: Ayles Electric Inc.
Address for Service: 6 Salvi
Court, Toronto, ON M4A 1P7
Name of Payment Certifier: The
SPG Engineering Group Ltd.
Address: 34 Rebecca Street,
Oakville, ON L6K 1J1
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 1300
and 1320 Mississauga Valley
Blvd., Mississauga, Ontario,
L5A 3S8
City of Niagara Falls
7856 Portage Road, Niagara
Falls, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Niagara Parks
Commission - Distribution Centre #2 - Office Renovations
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 4, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: Niagara Parks
Address for Service: 7400 Portage Road, Niagara Falls, ON
L2E 6T2
Name of Contractor: Gen-Pro
Address for Service: 2211 Plains
Road East, Bldg. A, Burlington,
ON L7R 3R3
Name of Payment Certifier: The
Ventin Group Ltd. Architects
Address: 50 Dalhousie Street,
Brantford, ON N3T 2H8
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: 7856
Portage Road, Niagara Falls,
City of Ottawa
50 Rideau St., Ottawa, ON K1N
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Rideau Centre
Expansion and Facade Alterations
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 4,
Name of Owner: Cadillac Fairview Corporation Limited
Address for Service: 20 Queen
St. W., Suite 500, Toronto, ON
M5H 3R4
Name of Contractor: PCL Constructors Canada Inc.
Address for Service: 49 Auriga
Dr., Nepean, ON K2E 8A1
Name of Payment Certifier:
Stephane Raymond, B+H
Address: 481 University Ave,
Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5G
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 50
Rideau St., Ottawa, ON K1N
City of Ottawa
Trans-Canada Trail Corridor and
through Private Properties
including 496 Eagleson
Road, 1000 Terry Fox Drive,
5465 Fernbank Road, 5611
Fernbank Road, and 5786
Fernbank Road
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Community, Sanitary Trunk
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 4,
Name of Owner: Fernbank Landowners Group Ltd.
Address for Service: 427 Laurier
Avenue West, Suite 900,
Ottawa, ON K1R 7Y2
Name of Contractor: Thomas
Cavanagh Construction Ltd.
Address for Service: RR #2, Hwy
7, Ashton ON K0A 1B0
Name of Payment Certifier:
Novatech Engineering Consultants Ltd.
Address: Suite 200, 240 Michael
Cowpland Drive, Ottawa, ON
K2P 1P6
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: Soloway Wright LLP, 427
Laurier Avenue West, Suite
900, Ottawa, ON, K1R 7Y2
City of Sarnia
2759 Old Lakeshore Road, Sarnia
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Kenwick Park
Washroom Building
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: The Corporation
of the City of Sarnia
Address for Service: 255 Christina Street North, Sarnia, ON
N7T 7N2
Name of Contractor: Bill Hoekstra General Contracting
Address for Service: 817 Phillip
Street, Sarnia, ON N7T 1Z7
Name of Payment Certifier: Jorden & Cook Architect Ltd.
Address: 330 Richmond Street,
Suite 201, Chatham, ON N7M
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: 2759
Old Lakeshore Road, Sarnia,
City of Stratford
Stratford Courthouse - 1 Huron
Street, Stratford, Ontario
(Perth County)
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: IO Project #
Courthouse - Service Counter
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Infrastructure
Ontario c.o. Colliers Project
Address for Service:
Pinebush Road, Suite 202,
Cambridge, ON N1T 0A6
Name of Contractor: Earlescourt
Contracting Group Ltd.
Address for Service: 12490
York-Durham Line, Stouffville,
ON L4A 7X4
Name of Payment Certifier: Ed
van der Maarel, Architect
a+LiNK Architecture Inc.
Address: 126 Wellington Road,
London, ON N6C 4M8
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: Colliers Project Leaders 485 Pinebush Road, Suite 202,
Cambridge, Ontario N1T 0A6
City of Toronto
111 Carlton St. Toronto, ON,
M5B 2G3
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Supply and
Install of New Exterior Windows
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: KH Residence
GP Inc.
Address for Service: 45 St. Clair
Ave W. #1001, Toronto, ON
M4V 1K9
Name of Contractor: Norstar
Windows & Doors Limited
Address for Service: 944 South
Service Rd, Stoney Creek, ON
L8E 6A2
Name of Payment Certifier: Diamond Schmitt Architects Inc.
Continues on
next page
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Page 21
Certificates and Notices
under the Construction Lien Act
Continues from
last page
Address: 384 Adelaide St. W,
Suite 300, Toronto, ON M5V
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Being
part of Park Lot 6, Concession
1, fronting the bay, known as
111 Carlton St. Toronto
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: 45 St. Clair Ave W.
#1001, Toronto, ON, M4V 1K9
City of Toronto
230 Oak Street
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Window, Wall
and Balcony Repairs
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 6, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: May 9,
Name of Owner: Akelius Real
Estate Management Ltd
Address for Service: 289 Niagara Street, Toronto, ON M6J
Name of Contractor: KIB Building Restoration Inc.
Address for Service:
Bradco Boulevard, Mississauga, ON L4W 1G7
Name of Payment Certifier: WSP
Canada Inc.
Address: 600 Cochrane Drive,
Suite 500, Markham, ON L3R
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Plan
D93 Lots 43 44 60 to 68 Pt
Lots 37 to 41 45 46 58 59 and
84 Pt Gerrard St E Pt Bell St
City of Toronto
251 King Street East, Toronto,
Ontario, M5A 1K2
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Painting
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
30, 2016
Name of Owner: Plus Development Group Corp. c/o
Address for Service: 5050 Dufferin Street, Ste. 120, Toronto,
ON M3H 5T5
Name of Contractor: KSP Finishes ltd.
Address for Service: 60 Bristol
Road East, Suite 633, Mississauga, ON L4Z 3K8
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Pins:
21091-0323 (LT)
City of Toronto
310 Richmond Street West,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Painting &
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 15, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June 4,
Name of Owner: 310 Richmond
Street West Toronto
Address for Service: 310 Richmond Street West Toronto
Name of Contractor: Accord
Painting & Decorating LTD.
Address for Service: 310 Richmond Street West Toronto
Name of Payment Certifier: 310
Richmond Street West Limited
Address: 7880 Keele Street, Suite
400, Vaughan, ON L4K 4G7
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 3 10
Richmond Street West Toronto
City of Toronto
3265 Weston Road, Toronto,
Ontario M9M 2T9
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Fire Alarm System Upgrade / Electrical Modifications
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 10, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 4,
Name of Owner: St. Judes Parish
Address for Service: 3265 Weston Road, Toronto, ON
Name of Contractor: Woodfield
Fire Protection Limited
Address for Service: 13-25
Saunders Road, Barrie, ON
L4N 9A7
Name of Payment Certifier: Morrison Hershfield Limited
Address: 125 Commerce Valley
Dr. W., Markham, ON L3T 7W4
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: St.
Judes Parish, 3265 Weston
Road, Toronto, Ontario M9M
City of Toronto
45 Golfdown Dr, Etobicoke,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Grid tied, rooftop solar photovoltaic installation
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: PSI Construction
Agent 4 Limited Partnership,
by its General Partner, PSI
Construction Agent 4 GP Inc.
Address for Service: 161 Bay
Street, Suite 2220, PO Box
609, Toronto, ON M5J 2S1
Name of Contractor: Fitzpatrick
Electrical Contractor Inc.
Address for Service: 41 Maple
Street, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1C8
Name of Payment Certifier:
Potentia Solar Incorporated
Address: 161 Bay Street, Suite
2220, PO Box 609, Toronto, ON
M5J 2S1
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Part
Lot 28 Con B Fronting the
Humber as in EB218271 Etobicoke, City of Toronto
City of Toronto
550 Finch Ave W, North York,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Grid tied, rooftop solar photovoltaic installation
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: PSI Construction
Agent 4 Limited Partnership,
by its General Partner, PSI
Construction Agent 4 GP Inc.
Address for Service: 161 Bay
Street, Suite 2220, PO Box
609, Toronto, ON M5J 2S1
Name of Contractor: Fitzpatrick
Electrical Contractor Inc.
Address for Service: 41 Maple
Street, Uxbridge, ON L9P 1C8
Name of Payment Certifier:
Potentia Solar Incorporated
Address: 161 Bay Street, Suite
2220, PO Box 609, Toronto, ON
M5J 2S1
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Pt Lt
21 Con 2 WYS Twp of York as
Toronto (N York), City of
City of Toronto
95 Moatfield Dr., Toronto, ON
M3B 3L6
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Interior Alteration - 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: Kraft Heinz
Address for Service: 95 Moatfield Dr, Toronto, ON M3B 3L6
Name of Contractor: Marant
Construction Limited
Address for Service: 200 Wicksteed Avenue, Toronto, ON
M4G 2B6
Name of Payment Certifier:
Alanna Bell
Address: 4-504 Iroquois Road,
Oakville, ON L6H 3K4
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: 95
Moatfield Dr, Toronto, ON M3B
City of Toronto
North York District
Various Locations in Toronto
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: New Water and
Sewer Service Connections
and Associated Works RFQ No.
NY006-2016, 357 Corthleigh
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 23, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
23, 2016
Name of Owner: City of Toronto
Address for Service: 5100 Yonge
Street, 2nd Floor, Toronto, ON
M2N 5V7
Name of Contractor: Co-X-Co
Construction Ltd.
Address for Service: 1014 Martingrove Road, Toronto, M9W
Name of Payment Certifier:
Frank Trinchini, P. Eng
Address: 5100 Yonge Street, 2nd
Floor, Toronto, ON M2N 5V7
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
City Clerk, City of
Toronto, City Hall, 100 Queen
St. West, Toronto, Ontario, M5H
City of Toronto
Union Station Revitalization
Project, 61 Front Street
West, Toronto, Ontario M5J
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Phase Agreement 32 - Vent Shafts (WP8)
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 6, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: City of Toronto 2nd Floor, Suite 211, Metro
Address for Service: 55 John
Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
Name of Contractor: Carillion
Construction Inc.
Address for Service: 7077 Keele
Street, Concord, ON L4K 0B6
Name of Payment Certifier:
NORR Limited, Architects &
Address: 175 Bloor Street East,
North Tower, 15th Floor,
Toronto, ON M4W 3R8
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: City of Toronto, Metro
Hall, 26th Floor, 55 John
Street, Toronto, ON M5V 3C6
City of Toronto, Ontario
741 Queen Street West, Toronto,
ON, M6J 1G1
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Construction of
a new Nando’s Restaurant in
Toronto, ON
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 5, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Nando’s Peri
Peri Canada
Address for Service: 5865 Kennedy Road, Mississauga, ON
Name of Contractor: Horne Construction
Address for Service: 1550 Yorkton Court, Unit #15, Burlington,
ON L7P 5B7
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 741
Queen Street West, Toronto,
ON, M6J 1G1
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: 741 Queen Street West,
Toronto, ON, M6J 1G1
City of Toronto, Ontario, Ward
23, Willowdale
188 Churchill Avenue, Toronto,
Ontario M2N 1Z5
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Churchill Public School - Site Improvements
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 13, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 4,
Name of Owner: Toronto District
School Board
Address for Service: Facility
Services, 15 Oakburn Crescent, Toronto, ON M2N 2T5
Name of Contractor: DonRos
Landscape Construction
Address for Service: 77 Green
Manor Crescent, Woodbridge,
ON L4L 9R7
Name of Payment Certifier: Ron
Bernasch, OALA
Address: 20 Mural Street, Unit
10, Richmond Hill, ON L4B
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 188
Churchill Avenue, Toronto,
Ontario M2N 1Z5, Ward 23
PIN: 10314-0259 (LT)
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: Facility Services, 15 Oakburn Crescent, Toronto, Ont.
M2N 2T5
City of Windsor
Various locations within the
geographical limits of the
City of Windsor, all contained within the public
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Flushing and
CCTV Inspection Public Works
Cyclical Program- Contract No.
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
September 1, 2015
Date Certificate Signed: June
30, 2016
Name of Owner: The Corporation
of the City of Windsor
Address for Service: 350 City
Hall Square West, Windsor, ON
N9A 6S1
Name of Contractor: Sewer
Technologies Inc.
Address for Service: 124 North
Port Road, Port Perry, ON L9L
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: The Corporation of the
City of Windsor, Attention:
Valerie Critchley, City Clerk,
Council Services and City
Clerk’s Department, Room
203, City Hall, Windsor, Ontario
N9A 6S1
Haldimand County, Cayuga,
37 Ottawa St. Cayuga, ON N0A
1E0 (St. John the Divine
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Accessibility
addition project
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 24, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: St. John the
Divine Church
Address for Service: 37 Ottawa
St., Cayuga, ON N0A 1E0
Name of Contractor: Reid &
Deleye Contractors Limited
Address for Service: 4926 Hwy
59 South, P.O. Box 272
Courtland, ON N0J 1E0
Name of Payment Certifier: G.
Douglas Vallee Limited
Address: 2 Talbot Street, Simcoe,
ON N3Y 3W4
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: St.
John the Divine Church, 37
Ottawa St. North, Cayuga, ON
N0A 1E0
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preser ve
lien: Land Registry Office (No.
18) 10 Echo Street, PO Box
310, Cayuga, Ontario N0A
Halton Region
Town of Oakville
1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville,
ON L6H 0H3
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Contract R498-13 - Sherwood Heights
Sound Wall Construction
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 15, 2015
Date Certificate Signed: May 18,
Name of Owner: Town of Oakville
Address for Service: 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H
Name of Contractor: CSL Group
Address for Service: 1326 Butter
Road West, Ancaster, ON L9G
Name of Payment Certifier: P.
Address: 1225 Trafalgar Road,
Oakville, ON L6H 0H3
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: Office of the Town Clerk
- Town of Oakville, 1225 Trafalgar Road, Oakville, ON L6H
Middlesex County
City of London
800 Commissioners Rd E, London, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Food Services
Cooler/Freezer Replacement
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 5, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: London Health
Sciences Centre
Address for Service: 800 Commissioners Road East, London,
ON N6A 5W9
Name of Contractor: K&L Construction (Ontario) Ltd.
Address for Service: 27-1615
North Routledge Park, London,
ON N6H 5N5
Name of Payment Certifier: HDR
Architecture Associates Inc.
Address: 369 York St., Suite 2A,
London, ON N6B 3R4
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: Reference Plan Con 1 PT Lot 23
PT Lot 24 RP 33R1496 PT Part
1 & RP 33R4923 Parts 4, 5, 6
RP 33R6181 Parts 1
2170 Bromsgrove Ave.
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Garage Stairwell Repairs
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 28, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Peel Condominium Corporation No. 120
Address for Service: c/o CLP
Property Management, 4801
Steeles Ave. W., Unit 21,
Toronto, ON M9L 2W1
Name of Contractor: Wall Savers
Address for Service: 643 Chrislea Road, Unit 8, Woodbridge,
ON L4L 8A3
Name of Payment Certifier:
Brown & Beattie Ltd.
Address: 556 Edward Avenue,
Unit 71, Richmond Hill, ON
L4C 9Y5
Identification of Premises for
Regional Municipality of Peel,
being part of Block J according to Plan 587 registered in
the Registry Office for the
Registry Division of Peel (No.
43), designated as Parts 3, 4,
6, 7, 14 and 25 on a Plan of
Survey of Record in the Land
Registry Office for the Land
Titles Division of Peel at
Brampton as No.43R-3118
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: Owner’s Address for
Municipality of Chatham-Kent
19819 Lagoon Rd, Blenheim Community of Harwich
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Filer Media
Replacement at Blenheim
Water Pollution Control Plant
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 28, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Chatham-Kent
Address for Service: 325 Grand
Avenue East, Chatham, ON
N7L 1W9
Name of Contractor: Birnam
Excavating Ltd.
Address for Service:
Nauvoo Road, Warwick, ON
N7M 5K8
Name of Payment Certifier:
Dhana Niriella
Address: 325 Grand Avenue East,
Chatham, ON N7L 1W9
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: Chatham-Kent PUC, 325
Grand Avenue East, Chatham,
ON N7L 1W9
Continues on
next page
Page 22
Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Certificates and Notices
under the Construction Lien Act
Continues from
last page
Municipality of Metropolitan
2 Overlea Blvd., Toronto, Ontario
M4H 1P4
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Building Automation System Installation
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 10, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
16, 2016
Name of Owner: The Governing
Council of the Salvation Army
in Canada
Address for Service: 2 Overlea
Blvd., Toronto, ON M4H 1P4
Name of Contractor: Modern
Niagara Toronto Inc.
Address for Service: 695 Flint
Road, Toronto, ON M3J 2T7
Name of Payment Certifier: WSP
Canada Inc.
Address: 2300 Yonge Street,
Suite 2300, Toronto, ON M4P
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Part of
Parcel G-1, Section M-736
being Part of Block G, Plan M736 (Leaside) designated as
Parts 1, 2, 3 & 4 Plan
Municipality of Toronto, Ontario
250 Bloor Street East, Floor 5
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Washroom &
Lobby Upgrades for Manulife
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 4, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Manufacturer’s
Life Insurance Company
Address for Service: 200 Bloor
Street East, Toronto, ON M4W
Name of Contractor: The Jesslin
Address for Service: 25 Faulkland Road, Toronto, ON M1L
Name of Payment Certifier: Ray
Address: 128 Sterling Road,
Toronto, ON M6R 2B7
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: 200 Bloor Street East,
Toronto, ON M4W 1E5
Parry Sound District
Mapleridge Public School, 171
Edward Street, Powassan,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
Public School
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 6, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: The Near North
District School Board
Address for Service: 963 Airport
Road, P.O. Box 3110, North
Bay, ON P1C 1A5
Name of Contractor: Makitalo
Construction Company Ltd.
Address for Service: 2822 Highway 17 East, Corbeil, ON P0H
Name of Payment Certifier:
Mitchell Architects Inc.
Address: 124a Main Street East,
North Bay, ON P1B 1A8
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: Plan
57, Block 7, lot 15-22, Conc.
12, Part 16, Plan PSR 2256,
pt.1 Municipality of Powassan
Perth County
City of Stratford
One Wellington Street, Stratford, Ontario N5A 6W1
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: O’Loane Avenue Watermain Extension Contract #15-9723
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 30, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June 1,
Name of Owner: The Corporation
of the City of Stratford
Address for Service: One Wellington Street, Stratford, ON
N5A 6W1
Name of Contractor: Steve Smith
Address for Service: 3731 Perth
Road 112, Stratford, ON N5A
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: City of Stratford, One
Wellington Street, Stratford,
ON N5A 6W1
186-188 Jarvis Street, Toronto,
ON M9L 1Y1
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Excavation
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 10, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 6,
Name of Owner: 4540972 Canada, Inc. o/a Reliance Construction Toronto
Address for Service: 36 Lombard
Street, 4th Floor, Toronto, ON
M5C 2X3
Name of Contractor: Michael
Bros. Excavating & Grading
Address for Service: 240 Toryork
Drive, Weston, ON M9L 1Y1
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: Plan
No. 10A Pt Lot 21 and Pt Lot
Name of Contractor: Trenchline
& Roads Inc.
Address for Service: 4637A
Bartlett Road, Beamsville, ON
L0R 1B1 Attention: Mr. R.
Name of Payment Certifier: S.
Llewellyn & Associates Limited
Address: 3228 South Service
Road, Suite 105, Burlington,
ON L7N 3H8 Attention: Mr. S.
Llewellyn, P.Eng.
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: Phelps Homes Ltd., 166
Main Street West, Grimsby, ON
L3M 1S3 Attention: Mr. D.
Name of Owner:
Municipality of Waterloo
Address for Service: 150 Frederick Street, Kitchener, ON N2G
Name of Contractor: Aardvark
Drilling Inc.
Address for Service: 25 Lewis
Road, Unit C, Guelph, ON N1H
Name of Payment Certifier:
Amec Foster Wheeler E&I
Address: 160 Traders Boulevard
East, Unit 2, Mississauga, ON
L4Z 3K7
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: 150 Frederick Street,
Kitchener, ON, N2G 4J3
Town of Newmarket
460 Botsford Street, Newmarket, Ontario
This is to certify that the contract for the following
and Addition to the existing
Old Town Hall
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 28, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
29, 2016
Name of Owner: Corporation of
the Town of Newmarket
Address for Service: 395 Mulock
Name of Contractor: Compass
Construction Resources Ltd.
Address for Service: 2700 Dufferin Street, Unit 77, Toronto,
ON M6B 4J3
Name of Payment Certifier: Rick
Sealey: Black and Moffat
Address: 169 Harbord Street,
Toronto, ON M5S 1H3
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: Plan
13, Lot 8 and Part Lot 9
Waterloo Region
270 Morrison Road, Kitchener,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Retaining Wall
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 5, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: WNCC No. 101,
110, 135 and 161
Address for Service: c/o Wilson
Blanchard Management Inc.
(Cambridge), 149 Ainslie
Street North, Suite 200, Cambridge, ON N1R 3P4
Name of Contractor: Helmutz
Interlock Inc.
Address for Service: 170 Leger
Street, Kitchener, ON N2H 4M5
Name of Payment Certifier: Ian
Miller, P.Eng., LEED AP, Pretium Anderson Waterloo Inc.
Address: 320 Woolwich St. S.,,
Breslau, ON N0B 1M0
Office to which claim for Lien
must be given to preserve
Lien: Wilson Blanchard Management Inc. (Cambridge), 149
Ainslie Street North, Suite 200,
Cambridge, ON, N1R 3P4
Wellington County
8191 Wellington Road 8, TWSP
Maryborough PtLt 14 Conc
11, Drayton, ON N0G 1P0
This is to certify that the contract for the following
2015 Roof
Rehabilitation Program - Project # N141026182
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 16, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
16, 2016
Name of Owner: Bell Canada Inc.
c/o: SNC Lavalin O & M
Solutions Inc.
Address for Service:
Creekbank Road, Floor 5 Bldg
A, Mississauga, ON L4W 0B6
Name of Contractor: Flynn Canada Ltd.
Address for Service:
Fleming Drive, Cambridge, ON
N1T 2B8
Name of Payment Certifier: IRC
Building Sciences Group
Address: 4026 Meadowbrook
Drive, Suite 131, London, ON
N6L 1C7
Identification of Premises for
preservation of Liens: 8191
Wellington Road 8, TWSP
Maryborough PtLt14 Conc 11,
Drayton, ON N0G 1P0
Township of West Lincoln
Auburn Trails Phase 2B
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: The installation
of storm and sanitary sewers,
appurtenances and roads to curbs
and binder asphalt for Auburn
Trails Phase 2B in the Township of West Lincoln
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
July 4, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: July 5,
Name of Owner: Phelps Homes
Address for Service: 166 Main
Street West, Grimsby, ON L3M
1S3 Attention: Mr. D. Samis
Waterloo Region
Mannheim Property 4094-2069
Ottawa Street, Kitchener
Yellow Birch Park Property
4170-135 Yellow Birch Drive,
This is to certify that the contract for the following
improvement: Contract T2015-237 - Mannheim & Yellow Birch Well Construction
Project, Kitchener
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
May 31, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
30, 2016
White River, Ontario
White Lake Provincial Park,
White River, Ontario
35 km West of White River,
Ontario, P0M 2J0
This is to certify that the contract for the following
00535154 - PO# 218115 Construction of a Comfort Station in White Lake Provincial
To the above premises was
substantially performed on:
June 28, 2016
Date Certificate Signed: June
28, 2016
Name of Owner: Her Majesty the
Queen in right of Ontario as
represented by the Minister of
Natural Resources
Address for Service: White Lake
Provincial Park, 35 km West of
White River, ON P0M 2J0
Name of Contractor: Quinan
Construction Limited (QCL)
Address for Service: 55 Progress
Drive, Orillia, ON L3V 6H7
Identification of premises for
preservation of liens: White
Lake Provincial Park, 35 km
West of White River, Ontario,
P0M 2J0
Certificates of
Completion of
under Subsection 33 (1)
of the Construction
Lien Act.
This is to certify the completion
of a subcontract for the supply of services or materials
between Clonard Construction
Division of Aecon Construction
Group Inc. dated the 1st day
of June 2012
The subcontract provided for
the supply of the following
services or materials:
To the following improvement:
All Carpentry Work
Of the premises at: 65 Front
Street West, Toronto, ON M5J
Date of Certification: July 3,
Name of Owner: METROLINX
Address for Service: 20 Bay
Street, Ste 600, Toronto, ON
M5J 2W3
Name of Contractor: AECON
BUILDINGS, a Division of
Aecon Construction Group Inc.
Address for Service: 20 Carlson
Court, Ste 800, Toronto, ON
M9W 7K6
Name of Payment Certifier:
Read Jones Christoffersen Ltd.
Address: 144 Front Street West,
Ste 500, Toronto, ON M5J 2L7
Office to which claim for lien
must be given to preserve
lien: 20 Bay Street, Suite 600,
Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2W3
Placing your CSP is as easy as 1-2-3.
Visit us today at for complete instructions on how to download, print and fax your CSP forms.
You can also reach us by phone 1.905.752.5516 or email us at
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Daily Commercial News July 11, 2016
Page 23
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