Seismic Suspended Ceilings Design Guide | AS 1170.4 Compliance

Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Despite Australia’s seemingly low seismic risk, being in the middle of one of the earth’s larger
tectonic plates, we have been subjected to 17 earthquakes registering 6 or more on the Richter
Scale in the last 80 years. There have been six major earthquakes recorded in South Australia;
 1897 Beachport M6.5
 1902 Warooka M6.0
 1954 Adelaide (Darlington) M5.5
 1986 Marryat Creek M6.0
 2012 & 2013 Ernabella M5.7
Seismologists advise that based on local geology earthquakes of up to Richter magnitude M7.5
can occur in South Australia however earthquakes of such a magnitude are very rare.
Experience from around the world shows that failure of ceilings as a result of an earthquake can
have a significant effect on life safety and economic loss, particularly where ceilings also
support services. The National Construction Code requires that ceilings be designed to resist
seismic loads calculated using Section 8 of AS 1170.4 - 2007 Structural design actions Part 4:
Earthquake actions in Australia. The standard requires that ceilings be designed to resist
earthquake forces except where they are located in domestic structures less than 8.5m tall and
“Importance Level One” structures. The Standard is also applicable to walls, partitions and
other non-structural elements.
The aim of this Guidenote is to make designers, contractors and installers aware of the
information available on seismic design of ceilings and the requirement to:
 Design, specify and install ceilings to resist seismic forces in accordance with Section 8 of
AS 1170.4 – 2007 and AS/NZS 2785 - 2000 – Suspended ceilings.
 Co-ordinate ceiling design and services design where the services impose any load on the
ceiling or penetrate the ceiling.
 Provide suitable seismic clearances between services and ceiling members.
 Document ceilings and partitions for tender such that the contractors, manufacturers and
installers clearly understand the seismic design criteria and seismic design requirements
and any specific final design details or information to be supplied.
 This Guidenote shall be referenced with DG53.
The following items are excluded from the scope of this Guidenote:
 Existing ceilings, including where refurbishments occur to government buildings that do not
involve significant alterations to existing ceilings.
 The design of ceilings and partitions in an importance level 4 building as a special study is
required to be carried out to ensure they remain serviceable for immediate use following the
design event for importance level 2 structures (1 in 500 year earthquake) although many of
the principles in this Guidenote will apply.
 Design and documentation of the seismic restraint of engineering services. Refer to the
DPTI Guidenote G172 and drawings DG51 and DG52.
 Seismic restraint of building contents.
seismic suspended ceilings g173 pd v1.docx
Created in April 2015
Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Anchor – A manufactured, assembled component for achieving a connection between the
base material and the fixture. Also referred to as a ‘fixing’. Typically installed into concrete,
steel or similar and used to transfer seismic forces.
Anchorage – The combination of a fixing, a fixture (e.g.: a bracket), and the immediately
surrounding base material on which the fixing depends in order to transfer the relevant
Base material – Load bearing structural element, e.g. concrete slabs, hollow core, floor
slabs, steel beams, purlin or roof structure. Sometimes referred to as substrate or structure
Brace – An element of the restraint system used to transfer seismic force from a component
to the supporting structure. Typically braces will consist of two struts at approximately
orthogonal angles at 45° to the horizontal with an associated post, fixed at each end.
Alternatively a brace can consist of four wires at 45° as ties together with an associated post
or other proprietary element.
Building Importance Level – A level assigned to a building based upon the consequences of
its failure to a person or the public.
Ceiling hanger or hanger – A suspension component connecting the primary support ceiling
channel or T-bar, angle to the soffit over, eg wire, angle.
Domestic structure – Single dwelling or one or more detached dwellings complying with
Class 1a or 1b as defined in the National Construction Code.
Fixing points – Positions at which the hangers are required in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.
Inter-storey drift – The difference in the horizontal displacement between a floor and the one
above or below as a building sways during an earthquake. It is commonly expressed as a
percentage of the storey height separating the two adjacent floors.
Partition – Permanent or relocatable internal dividing wall between floor spaces.
Proof tests – tests carried out on site on a sample of installed fixings, to confirm the fixings
have been installed correctly and comply with the design requirements.
Progressive collapse – the sequential spread of local damage from an initiating event, from
element to element, resulting in the collapse of a number of elements.
Post – A structural member of a brace, essentially being near vertical resisting tension and
compression, fixed at the top into the underside of the structure and fixed to the ceiling
framing at the bottom.
Purlin – A horizontal or near horizontal structural member usually of light gauge steel
material in a roof supporting roof sheeting or similar. Purlins are supported by the principal
rafters and/or the building walls, steel beams etc.
Seismic Mass – The mass of an object which, under acceleration caused by an earthquake,
induces seismic force on that object.
Significant ceiling alteration (in an existing building as part of a refurbishment) – Where
more than 50% of the ceiling structure is removed and reinstated as part of refurbishment
works in a room the whole room shall comply with this Guidenote.
Site hazard factor (Z) – A factor corresponding to a return period of 475 years calculated by
dividing the appropriate peak ground velocity in millimetres per second by 750. The peak
ground velocity being chosen as the ground motion value considered to be the best
predictor of damage. A hazard factor Z=0.1 corresponds to a peak ground velocity (PGV) of
Structural soffit – The underside of the structure from which the ceiling system is
Strut – A member to resist compression and tension forces.
Tie – A member to resist tension forces only.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
AS/NZS 2785:2000 Suspended ceilings – Design and installation
The current version of AS/NZS 2785 Suspended ceilings – Design and installation issued in
2000 makes specific reference to earthquake loads and compliance with the Australian
Earthquake Code, AS1170.4. In Section 3.3, Ultimate Limit State, the code states that the
earthquake mass of the ceiling shall take into consideration the following:
a. The mass of the ceiling tile and grid system.
b. Partitions connected to the underside of the ceiling.
c. Recessed or surface-mounted luminaires.
d. Services such as air-conditioning registers.
e. Insulation.
f. A distributed service load of not less than 3kg/m2
AS/NZS 2785 requires that both horizontal and vertical actions be considered and that ceiling
systems be designed to resist earthquake loads without:
Actions causing suspension components to dislodge.
Impact of the ceiling with the building structure, services or non-structural components,
with allowance made for inter-storey drift of the structure; and,
Causing tiles of significant weight to dislodge over occupied spaces and egress paths.
Note: Significant weight is considered to be over 1.5kg to 2.0kg depending on the type and location of the tiles.
Why ceilings fail in an earthquake
There are many reasons why suspended ceilings have failed in earthquakes in the past, these
 A differential in movement between walls on opposite sides of the room during an
earthquake which tears the ceiling elements apart at their connections or causes the ceiling
to lose support at the walls.
 A differential in movement between columns within a room and the ceiling.
 A differential in movement between services that penetrate the ceiling and the ceiling.
 Movement of services in the ceiling plenum which damage ceiling hangers such that support
is lost.
 Large horizontal loads induced in the ceiling during an earthquake causing buckling of
ceiling members in compression and failure of connections in tension.
 Local failures leading to progressive collapse.
The design principles to overcome these causes of ceiling failure are therefore:
 Positively fix the ceiling to two adjacent walls only and provide sliding connections to the
other two walls with enough of a gap to accommodate the expected differential movement
during an earthquake.
 Alternatively keep the ceiling independent of all perimeter walls by bracing it back to the
structure above and providing sliding connections to all walls with enough of a gap to
accommodate the expected differential movement during an earthquake.
 Limit the sizes of ceilings or spacing between braces such that the horizontal forces induced
in ceiling members during an earthquake does not cause them to buckle or break their
 Where services penetrate ceilings they shall be either:
o Positively fixed to the ceiling grid and their load accounted for in the ceiling design both
vertically (dead load) and horizontally (seismic load), or;
o Supported independently of the ceiling, both vertically and horizontally, and provided
with a perimeter clearance to the ceiling to accommodate the expected differential
movement during an earthquake.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Where partitions rely on ceilings for horizontal bracing the load they induce in a ceiling is
considered in the ceiling’s seismic design.
Where partitions provide horizontal (seismic) support for ceilings they are appropriately
designed and installed to resist such loads and allow for the required fixings between the
wall and ceiling.
Design Responsibility
On DPTI projects the Lead Professional Services Contractor, typically an Architect, has overall
responsibility for the design, specification, inspection and reporting at hold points on ceilings in
their projects and must ensure that the requirements of AS/NZS 2785:2000 and AS1170.2:2007
are met. The Lead Professional Services Contractor is expected to co-ordinate and obtain
relevant input from their team members to support them in fulfilling this responsibility. This does
not relieve the General Building Contractor or the ceiling installer of their responsibilities under
the contract, AS/NZS 2785:2000 or the National Construction Code.
Table 1: Design responsibilities – design documentation
Lead Professional
Structural Engineer
Primary responsibility
for overall
coordination and final
Support responsibility
for providing seismic
design and advice and
final design of the
fixings and bracing.
This will likely include
obtaining detailed
advice from ceiling
Services Engineers
Support responsibility for design of
service locations, spacing and support
within the ceiling plenum given seismic
design constraints advised by others.
The following steps will be carried out by a combination of the architect, structural engineer, and
services engineer as required. The design team will determine amongst themselves which
consultants are responsible for which items. Typically the architect will specify the type of ceiling
and details, the structural engineer will specify the seismic requirements and loads and carry
out the design of the bracing and fixings including the layout of the braces and the services
engineer will coordinate services with the architect and structural engineer.
The suggested steps to specify and document the requirements for a seismic ceiling to comply
with AS/NZS 2785:2000 and AS1170.4:2007 are as follows:
1. Establish the building importance level.
2. Determine if a seismic ceiling is required. If it is not required then no further action is
necessary, if a seismic ceiling is required then continue.
3. Establish the hazard factor (Z).
4. Establish the site sub-soil class. Where a dynamic analysis of the structure is carried out
by the structural engineer, provide the effective floor acceleration afloor at each floor in two
orthogonal directions together with advice on the component importance factor Ic to be
adopted for the ceilings.
5. Determine the ceiling type, manufacturer and direction of the ceiling main rails or T-bar and
secondary framing.
6. Determine the partition support conditions and hence whether the partitions will be used to
brace ceilings or will rely upon the ceiling for bracing.
7. Determine the vertical mass of the ceiling.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Check the vertical capacity of the system using the manufacturer’s technical information or
obtain their advice directly.
Determine the seismic mass of the ceiling.
Determine whether the ceiling system is best horizontally braced for seismic loads by a
fixed/sliding perimeter solution or braced solution using the manufacturer’s technical
information or obtain their advice directly.
Where a braced solution is required determine the bracing detail and maximum bracing
Co-ordinate ceiling bracing locations with service engineers. Ductwork, cable trays,
pipework, electrical conduits and the like must be independently supported and braced
separately from the ceiling system.
Co-ordinate service clearances to ceiling members and partitions with service engineers.
Determine if any special details are required where partition walls brace ceilings. Changes
in the ceiling plane by more than 150 mm must have positive bracing.
Document all of the above in the project tender documents including where the
contractor/ceiling sub –contractor is to provide written evidence that their ceiling system will
comply with the requirements of this Guidenote, the tender documentation and Section 8 of
AS 1170.4 – 2007.
Establish the building importance level and earthquake annual probability
of exceedance
Establish the importance level of the building using the definitions given in Table B1.2a of the
National Construction Code (NCC). A discussion should take place with the project team and
the importance level be confirmed with the Lead Agency as being appropriate for their intended
use of the building.
Table 2: Combination of tables B1.2a and B1.2b from the National Construction Code.
Building Type
Buildings or structures
presenting a low degree
of hazard to life and
other property in the
case of failure.
Farm buildings.
Isolated minor storage facilities.
Minor temporary facilities.
1:250 years
Buildings or structures
not included in
Importance Levels 1,3,4
Low rise residential construction.
Buildings and facilities below the limits set for
Importance Level 3.
1:500 years
Buildings or structures
that are designed to
contain a large number
of people.
Buildings and facilities where more than 300 people
can congregate in one area.
A primary school, secondary school or day care
facility with a capacity greater than 250.
Colleges or adult education facilities with a capacity
greater than 500.
Health care facilities with a capacity of 50 or more
Examples of building types
probability of
1: 1000
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Building Type
Buildings or structures
that are essential to post
disaster recovery or
associated with
hazardous facilities.
Examples of building types
residents but not having surgery or emergency
treatment facilities.
Jails and detention facilities.
Any occupancy with an occupant load greater than
Power generating facilities, water treatment and
wastewater treatment facilities, any other public
facilities not included in Importance level 4.
Buildings and facilities designated as essential
facilities or having special post disaster functions.
Medical emergency or surgery facilities.
Emergency service facilities: fire, rescue, police
station and emergency vehicle garages.
Utilities required as backup for buildings and facilities
of Importance Level 4.
Designated emergency shelters, centres and
ancillary facilities.
Buildings and facilities containing hazardous
materials capable of causing hazardous conditions
that extend beyond property boundaries.
probability of
Determine if a seismic ceiling is required.
Having determined the Importance Level of the building now determine if a seismic ceiling is
required on the project. It is anticipated that seismic ceilings will need to be installed on almost
all projects managed by DPTI.
Table 3: Seismic ceilings required
Building Description
Seismic ceiling required?
Domestic dwellings with height < 8.5m
Domestic dwellings with height > 8.5m (Class
1a or 1b)
Importance Level 1 buildings
Importance Level 2 and 3 buildings
Importance Level 4 buildings
Yes – with a special study required to be carried
out to ensure the ceiling remains serviceable such
that the building is suitable for immediate use
following a 1 in 500 year earthquake.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Establish the hazard factor (Z)
The hazard factor (Z) is taken from Table 3.2 of AS1170.4-2007 or the hazard maps.
Table 4: Hazard factor (Z)
Adelaide, Port Lincoln, Port Pirie, Mount Gambier
Port Augusta
Establish the site soil class
The Geotechnical or Structural Engineer will need to provide advice on the appropriate site soil
class for the project.
Table 5: Site Sub-soil Class
Strong rock
Shallow soil
Deep or soft soil
Very soft soil
Determine the ceiling type and manufacturer
The ceiling type and manufacturer will be chosen to suit the project. For ceilings supported
from purlins or trusses the ceiling layout should be designed with the main rails perpendicular to
the purlins or trusses. Bulkheads shall be attached and braced to the structural soffit,
independent of the ceiling, unless specifically designed otherwise. Bulkheads shall be designed
for seismic loads as well as their own load.
Determine the partition support conditions
Determine how partitions will be stabilised on the project. In particular will the wall head track
fix to the structural soffit, be braced back to roof members or structural soffit or be fixed to a
ceiling member. In general it is expected that permanent partitions will run between the floors
and not depend on the ceiling for support. Low height partitions are to be designed not to be
braced by the ceiling where possible.
Vertical ceiling mass calculation and capacity check
Determine the vertical mass of the ceiling in consultation with the project team including the
mass of the:
 Ceiling tile and grid system.
 Recessed or surface mounted luminaires supported by the ceiling.
 Services such as air-conditioning cushion head boxes supported by the ceiling.
 Insulation.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Using the manufacturers technical information check the allowable vertical load for the
proposed ceiling system and grid arrangement. Always observe the manufacturers limitations
on their systems unless advised otherwise in writing. Note that some manufacturers state in
their product literature that:
 Their suspension system is designed to carry the weight of the ceiling only and that
additional loads are not to be placed upon or carried by the suspension system without
reference to the manufacturer.
 Extra hangers are to be provided for light fittings, air conditioning units etc. that are
supported by the grid system.
 All light fittings shall be supported on the main runner.
Co-ordinate with the project team to ensure that the vertical ceiling mass limitations and
manufacturer’s recommendations are observed which in some cases may mean supporting
services independently of the ceiling. Refer to the DPTI Guidenote G172 and drawings G51
and G52 for further information on supporting light fittings.
9&10. Horizontal (seismic) ceiling mass calculation and bracing design
Determine the seismic mass of the ceiling including:
 Partitions connected to the underside of the ceiling for their stability.
 The mass of the ceiling tile and grid system.
 The mass of recessed or surface mounted luminaires.
 The mass of services such as air-conditioning registers.
 Insulation.
Using the manufacturers' seismic technical information check whether:
 A perimeter fixed/free solution is suitable.
 A bracing solution is required.
 If a bracing solution is required or preferred the number or spacing of braces needed for the
brace type chosen and room being considered.
11&12. Determine the bracing details and locations
The spacing of bracing may need to be reduced, for example:
 Where services obstruct the preferred bracing locations.
 Where supporting structure does not align with the preferred bracing locations.
Co-ordinate with the project team to ensure that the seismic ceiling mass limitations and
manufacturer’s recommendations are observed which in many cases may mean supporting
services independently of the ceiling.
Co-ordinate Service Clearances
Providing a separation between services and ceilings or services and partitions is an important
consideration in ensuring ceilings are not damaged in an earthquake. Such service clearances
need to be allowed for in the service design and shown on the tender drawings. The following
minimum clearances are recommended.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Table 6: Minimum clearances
Condition being considered
Minimum clearance
Unrestrained component to unrestrained component
Unrestrained component to restrained component
Restrained component to restrained component
Penetration through structure such as partition or floor
Unrestrained services passing through the ceiling
Sprinkler heads with flexible droppers
Note: Ceiling hangers and braces are considered to be restrained components for the purpose of this
table, hence 150mm horizontal clearance is required between ceiling hangers and unrestrained
Partition Wall Design
Where ceilings have a “fixed” connection to the perimeter walls ensure that:
The partition members can withstand the seismic load applied by the ceiling.
The fixings, connections and/or bracing of the partition members can accommodate the
required seismic loads.
 Where required by the manufacturer the perimeter partition is nogged continuously at ceiling
Where ceilings are independent of the partitions ensure that the partitions are braced and /or
fixed to resist their own induced seismic loads including the use of movement heads to allow for
interstory sway.
Drawings and Documentation
The following must be provided in the suspended ceiling documentation on DPTI projects;
 Building Importance Level
 Site Hazard Factor (Z)
 Site sub-soil class
 The effective floor acceleration afloor at each floor in two orthogonal directions in accordance
with Clause 8.2 of AS 1170.4 – 2007 where available
 The seismic mass of the ceilings
 The component importance factor Ic to be adopted for the ceilings.
 The method of seismic bracing of the ceiling (perimeter fixing or bracing).
 If the ceiling is to be restrained on two adjacent sides this needs to be nominated on the
ceiling plans.
 The location of any seismic ceiling gaps.
 Edge and internal spacing of bracing if it is required and notional location.
 The detail of bracing if it is required including all fixings.
 The locations of the hangers and their fixings.
 Whether shop drawings are required of the ceilings.
Where recessed luminaires are to be used they shall be shown on the reflected ceiling plans
together with an indication as to whether they are supported by the ceiling, their approximate
weight and the manufacturer’s reference. Refer also to the DPTI drawing “Seismic Details for
Suspended Ceilings”.
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Inspection requirements for ceilings are set out in the DPTI NATSPEC ceiling specification
section, Schedule 5 of the standard DPTI contract documents and the DPTI Guidenote Construction Site Visits.
Project teams are reminded of the need to inspect ceiling construction and in particular ceiling
framing prior to the installation of ceiling tiles or panels and to forward a site inspection report to
An inspection of ceiling framing prior to installation of tiles or panels shall include checking for
compliance with the manufacturers’ recommendations and in particular:
 Spacing of support hangers – typically 1200mm maximum but reduced around the
perimeter to 200mm – 600mm typically.
 Angle of hanger support – no more than 15 degrees from vertical;
 Fixing of hangers – screwed to purlin webs, never hooked over purlin lips, never pop
riveted, never shot fired into concrete.
 Ductwork, cable trays, pipework and electrical conduits and the like must be independently
supported from the ceiling system and not braced from the ceiling system.
 Fixing of bracing – the top of the bracing is to be fixed to purlin webs or roof members with
adequate lateral restraint and capable of supporting the load. For fixings into concrete use
appropriate rated fixings. The bottom of the bracing is to be fixed to the ceiling framing
using appropriate screw fixings.
 Perimeter fixing – perimeter brackets fixed where necessary;
 Adequate support of ceilings beneath large service ducts or group of closely spaced
services – transfer members may be needed. The ceiling system shall not be suspended
from any non-structural building services such as ducts.
 Support around access hatches – ensure support members are not cut unless additional
trimmers and hangers are provided, note the manufacturer’s recommendations around
additional trimmers to support openings, ensure the opening will not adversely affect the
ceilings performance in an earthquake.
 Support of lighting – ensure lighting is fixed into or supported independently as per the
intended design, note the manufacturer’s recommendations around additional trimmers and
/or hangers to support lighting.
 Downlights or other services shall not rely on the ceiling panel for support. They shall be
installed in rigid infill, e.g. MDF board, supported on the ceiling grid, or the load shall be
transferred back to the ceiling structural components.
 Bulkheads shall be attached to the structural soffit, independent of the ceiling, unless
specifically designed otherwise.
 Wind uplift – provide bracing of ceilings to all external areas and where necessary to
internal installations. Provide ceiling clips if required and check hangers are adequate for
Seismic specific details to check for include:
 Seismic brackets to two adjacent walls and sliding joint to the other two walls where
specified. Ensure screws are fixed in the correct locations in the brackets as in some
systems the screw location is the principle difference between a sliding and fixed
 Bracing is located as specified and constructed to the specified bracing detail.
 Seismic joint clips are installed on main beam connections where recommended by the
 Seismic joint clips are installed on cross tee connections where recommended by the
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Such an inspection does not relieve the General Building Contractor or the ceiling installer of
their responsibilities under the contract, AS/NZS 2785:2000 or the National Construction Code.
As per Section 4.12 of AS2785:2000 the installer shall ensure that the installation of the ceiling
complies with the following before requesting an inspection:
 The contract specification.
 The manufacturer’s installation specification.
 The suspended ceilings standard, AS2785:2000.
The contractor is also to provide written confirmation that the ceilings have been installed in
accordance with the drawings and the specification together with certification by the ceiling
supplier that the ceiling meets the design requirements including seismic loads. For all fixings
provide certified test data by the manufacturer of the fixing to show the design loads that the
fixings are capable of carrying the specified or design loads.
Seismic bracing examples
For examples of seismic bracing of ceilings refer to the DPTI drawing “Seismic Details for
Suspended Ceilings”. Note that the drawing does not cover all possible bracing options and
that the details need to be adapted and expanded upon to suit specific projects by the design
team. Refer also to the reference documents below for further information.
AS 1170.4:2007 – Structural design actions Part 4: Earthquake actions in Australia
AS/NZS 2785:2000 – Suspended ceilings – Design and installation
Australian Earthquake Engineering Society, AS1170.4: 2007 – Commentary
NZS 4219: 2009 – Seismic performance of engineering systems in buildings
FEMA E-74, January 2011 – Reducing the Risks of Nonstructural Earthquake Damage
FEMA 454, December 2006 – Designing for Earthquakes, A Manual for Architects.
Rondo, May 2014 – Introduction to Rondo Seismic Wall and Ceiling Systems.
Armstrong, March 2013 – Armstrong Seismic Design Guide
Kwikloc Studform – Kwikloc Seismic Ceiling Systems
ASTM E580/M, American Society for Testing and Materials, Standard Practice for
Installation of Ceiling Suspension Systems for Acoustical Tile and Lay-in Panels in Areas
Subject to Earthquake Ground Motions
USG Australasia, 2012 – Generic Seismic Design for USG Donn Exposed Grid Suspended
Best practice guide – selection and installation of top fixings for suspended ceilings,
Association of Interior Specialists and Construction Fixings Association, UK, 2012
For further information contact:
John Callea
Manager Construction Advice
Telephone: 08 8226 5315
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Seismic Suspended Ceilings
Appendix – Photographs of Earthquake Damaged Ceilings
Photo: University of Canterbury, Christchurch New Zealand 2010
Photo: Failure of partitions and ceilings in the 1994 Northridge Earthquake
(Photo courtesy of Wiss,Janney, Elstner Associates).
Source: FEMA E-74, January 2011, Reducing the Risks of Non-structural Earthquake Damage
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