Yacht Training - Rina Services

Business Assurance
Transport & Infrastructures
IFIs, Banks and Investors
RINA SERVICES S.p.A. is the RINA Group company active in classification, certification, inspection and testing services.
RINA is a multi-national Group which offers verification, certification, conformity assessment, marine classification, environmental enhancement,
product testing, site and vendor supervision, training and engineering consultancy across a wide range of industries and services. RINA operates
through a network of companies covering Marine, Energy, Infrastructures & Construction, Transport & Logistics, Food & Agriculture,
Environment & Sustainability, Finance & Public Institutions and Business Governance. With a turnover of over 330 million Euros in 2014, over
2,750 employees, and 163 offices in 60 countries worldwide, RINA is recognized as an authoritative member of key international organizations
and an important contributor to the development of new legislative standards.
RINA Academy for Yachting
Personnel training: a strategic option
As a leading provider of maritime classification services, RINA is well aware of the competitive advantages of a sophisticated human resources
programme that places a premium on dedicated training to high levels of skill and excellence. That is why we consider that investment in
personnel training is a strategic option which has tangible benefits in terms of:
ƒƒ technical performance:
properly trained personnel are able to work to higher standards and in a more efficient manner
ƒƒ commitment to excellence:
a willingness to invest in human resources demonstrates a commitment to quality, reliability and safety
ƒƒ attracting the right people:
an employer who invests time and money in the highest standards of training and education has an immediate competitive advantage in
terms of attracting talented job candidates.
RINA has always enjoyed a widely respected reputation for personnel training, which has traditionally been conducted by means of technical
courses designed to prepare its employees for the exacting, high-quality work demanded of them.
For the past ten years or so RINA has also run courses on a variety of technical subjects for external interested parties, including its core business
customers such as owners and operators, boat builders, yacht managers and representatives of various Flag Administrations.
Many of our course programmes have received official recognition from influential third parties such as flag state administrations and
certification bodies.
Having worked over a long period of time in co-operation with shipyards on both ship design and construction, we have many experts who are
highly skilled in many different aspects of maritime technology and who can provide quality training in their respective areas of competence,
ƒƒ theoretical concepts
ƒƒ regulatory issues
ƒƒ best practice and cost-effective solutions.
RINA Courses for Yachting
The RINA Academy for Ship Operators offers a series of technical courses on different subjects of primary interest to personnel of yacht management
companies, operators and boat builders.
The courses are divided into 4 topic areas:
ƒƒ International Regulations
ƒƒ Ship Building, Operation and Management
ƒƒ Fleet Management
ƒƒ Specific Vessel Type.
All courses are conducted in Italian or English by senior RINA staff with proven experience across the full range of industry skills, including plan
approval, rule development, construction surveillance and consultancy.
The courses are intended for skilled personnel working in yacht management and operation and wishing to further their knowledge of a specific
subject or field, as well as for postgraduates at the beginning of their professional career, needing to complement their academic skills with
advanced training focused on the actual practice of yacht operation.
Each course is accompanied by supporting material.
Catalogue course programmes can be adapted to better suit customer needs in terms of both content and duration.
Requests for training on specific subjects not included in the course catalogue will also be taken into consideration.
Many course programmes include case studies, some of which can be tailor-made to reflect specific customer interests, for example ship types,
national regulations and operational aspects.
RINA Courses
International Regulations
Introduction to classification and statutory requirements
page 01
Large commercial yachts: rule updates
page 02
Recreational craft directivepage 03
Yacht Building, Operation and Management
Coating definition, maintenance and repair
page 04
Marine metallurgy, welding and NDE
page 05
Composite materialspage 06
Qualification of structural glued joints’ operators
page 07
Planned maintenance of machinery systems
page 08
Hull stability regulations for classed vessels
page 09
Hull stability regulations for CE marked units
page 10
Yacht classification and statutory certification
page 11
Leonardo Charter Yacht Software (Leonardo Hull 2D CHY)
page 12
Fire protection & materialspage 13
Hull structure and strengthpage 14
Design and maintenance of air-conditioning and ventilation systems page 15
Electrical and automation systemspage 16
Sailing rigs design, manufacturing and maintenance
page 17
Fleet Management
Internal audits of the Safety Management System
page 18
ISPS code: updating, document review and internal audits
page 19
ISPS code: company & ship Security Officer
page 20
Environmental management of Large Yachts
page 21
Marine Labour Convention, 2006page 22
Onboard fuel management and energy conservation
page 23
Specific Vessel Type
Environmental protection: design of a “Green Yacht”
page 24
Passenger yachtspage 25
Alternative design solutionspage 26
Introduction to classification and statutory
16 hours
ƒƒ Technical personnel of yachting companies with little experience in planning class and statutory surveys (assistants to the superintendent)
ƒƒ Officers responsible for contacts with surveyors (captains, chief engineers, chief mates).
To provide basic knowledge concerning class rules and international and national statutory regulations (IACS, SOLAS, MARPOL, ILLC, Codes, MCA,
ƒƒ Class rules (IACS and RINA)
ƒƒ International statutory regulations (MCA, SOLAS, MARPOL, ILLC, etc.)
ƒƒ National statutory regulations.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Large Commercial Yachts
Class, statutory requirements and inspections
16 hours
ƒƒ Technical staff of yacht management companies
ƒƒ Designers
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel.
To provide basic knowledge of the Class Rules for commercial yachts carrying up to 12 pax and the most advanced Flag Codes for large commercial
ƒƒ Classification rules (RINA Charter Class)
ƒƒ Statutory regulations (RedEnsign Group LY2/LY3, Load Line, etc.)
ƒƒ Safety Codes issued by other Flag Administrations
ƒƒ Examples and case studies.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors. Furthermore, the participants will be provided with the
teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Recreational craft directive
Concept, rules, best practice
8 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical staff
ƒƒ Designers.
To provide specific knowledge on European Directive 94/25/EC.
ƒƒ Directive 94/25/EC as amended by 2003/44/EC:
essential safety requirements for the design and construction of craft
guidelines for assessment of components
conformity assessment modules
technical documents
ƒƒ RINA checklists
ƒƒ RINA stability software.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, slides and lecture notes, case
studies, discussion and training on the use of RINA dedicated checklists.
Participants will be provided with the teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Coating definition, maintenance and repair
Concept, rules, best practice
8 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Captains
ƒƒ Yacht’s technical management personnel.
To provide information concerning coating standards and mandatory procedures.
Ability to recognise the various coating systems, work methods, types of work adopted and characteristics of the products applied.
ƒƒ International legislation related to double bottoms
ƒƒ Coating phases:
work control
ƒƒ Acceptance criteria for the work.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Marine metallurgy, welding and NDE
40 hours
ƒƒ Yacht’s technical management personnel
ƒƒ Owner company superintendents.
To know what basic information must be given on technical drawings with reference to the symbolic representation of welded joints.
To know the main welding processes and fabrication techniques for steel and aluminum structures in order to avoid joint defects.
ƒƒ Basic knowledge of metallurgy
ƒƒ Welding techniques and processes
ƒƒ NDE methods
ƒƒ Main welding defects.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Composite materials
16 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical staff.
To provide specific know-how on the building process, the methods of fabrication and the components used in composite construction.
ƒƒ RINA Class Rules for Composite Materials
ƒƒ Marine resins and gelcoats:
ƒƒ Boatbuilding with thermosetting resins
ƒƒ Introduction to infusion methodology.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors. Furthermore, the participants will be provided with the
teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Qualification of structural glued joints’ operators
24 hours
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical staff
ƒƒ Structural glued joints’ operators.
To provide the theoretical and practical training and education requested by the RINA Rules for the qualification and certification of marine
adhesive bonders for yachts.
ƒƒ Structural adhesive; theoretical background: materials and techniques
ƒƒ Structural adhesive: practical training.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors. Furthermore, the participants will be provided with the
teaching material used.
A RINA qualification certificate as marine adhesive bonder will be issued, upon satisfactory result of the theoretical and practical training.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Planned maintenance of machinery systems
8 hours
ƒƒ Personnel in charge of management and supervision
ƒƒ Yacht engineers.
To provide and acquire thorough knowledge of rules and regulations in order to achieve excellent and efficient ship maintenance planning and
Introduction to risk analysis.
ƒƒ Applicable rules: Part F - Additional notation PMS
ƒƒ PMS:
difference between CMS and PMS
role of the Chief engineer in PMS regime
desirable characteristics of Computerised Maintenance Management Systems
management of PMS by the owner and follow-up by RINA.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Hull stability regulations for classed vessels
Concept, rules, best practice
16 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel
ƒƒ Design/Naval Architects.
To provide an overview of general and specific principles and requirements of intact and damage stability for classed pleasure and charter yachts.
ƒƒ An overview of general principles of hull intact and damage stability
ƒƒ International regulations and conventions:
ƒƒ Inclining test
ƒƒ Lightship weight evaluation
ƒƒ Intact stability for motor vessels
ƒƒ Intact stability for sailing yachts
ƒƒ Damage stability for motor vessels
ƒƒ Damage stability for sailing boats
ƒƒ LL assignment.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, principal class and statutory rules,
demos of stability and hull girder strength calculations with NAPA software, slides and lecture notes, case studies, discussion.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Hull stability regulations for CE marked units
16 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel
ƒƒ Design/Naval Architects.
To provide an overview of general and specific principles and requirements of hydrostatics and intact stability for recreational craft.
To provide participants with the necessary knowledge for the proper filling of the RINA forms CE STAB (stability booklet), CE STAB I (stability test
report), CE STAB M (wave and wind resistance calculation).
ƒƒ Inclining test
ƒƒ Lightship weight evaluation
ƒƒ Stability booklet for CE marked motoryachts
ƒƒ Stability booklet for CE marked sailing boats
ƒƒ Special stability requirements (on request):
probablistic calculation methods
passenger ship stability
ƒƒ Weather criteria
ƒƒ Typical stability problems in hull design, best practice and trends in the maritime industry.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Yacht classification and statutory certification
8 hours
ƒƒ Technical personnel of yacht management companies
ƒƒ Officers responsible for contact with surveyors (captains, chief engineers, chief mates).
To provide participants with the necessary knowledge to manage and plan the survey and inspection activities for the classification and statutory
certification of a fleet.
ƒƒ Applicable class and statutory yacht certificates
ƒƒ Validity and expiry of certificates
ƒƒ Procedures for yacht certification request and for certification renewal
ƒƒ Procedures for yacht surveying, auditing and inspecting by the competent authorities.
The course can be tailor-made to the company’s type of vessels, flag, trade and service.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Leonardo Charter Yacht Software
8 hours
ƒƒ Designers
ƒƒ Naval architects
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical staff.
To provide participants with the necessary know-how to perform structural strength analysis with LEO HULL 2D CHY.
ƒƒ Generation of structural global and local models
ƒƒ Hull girder and local loads
ƒƒ Still water and wave loads
ƒƒ Strength analysis
ƒƒ Graphic representation of results and rule check.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, RINA Rules for Pleasure Craft,
demos of LEO HULL 2D Charter Yacht Software.
Furthermore, the participants will be provided with the teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Fire protection & Materials
Concept, rules, best practice
16 hours
ƒƒ Owners
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical staff
ƒƒ Designers.
To provide an overview of statutory and flag administration requirements on structural fire protection and fire-fighting systems. To provide an
overview of typical and innovative materials for the marine and yachting sector.
ƒƒ Statutory regulations on fire protection:
MCA-LYZ/SOLAS convention.
ƒƒ Specific flag administration requirements (on request):
RedEnsign Group, Italian Administration, etc.
ƒƒ Structural fire protection:
material and structural bulkheads, escape routes
ƒƒ Fire-fighting systems:
detectors and sprinkler systems, fixed fire-extinguishing systems for
specific spaces
Materials for fire protection and relevant certification
General description of specific materials for the marine sector
Non-combustible materials
Low flame spread material
Primary deck coverings
Furniture and furnishings
Test methods for each type of material
Specific types of material for each ship-space
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, principal class and statutory rules,
demos of stability and hull girder strength calculations with NAPA software, slides and lecture notes, case studies, discussion.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Hull structure & strength
24 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel.
To provide participants with the necessary know-how on hull structure design rules and calculation methodologies.
ƒƒ Hull structure design and strength calculation basics:
structural models
hull strength criteria
ƒƒ Hull structure regulatory regime:
class requirements (IACS, Common Structural Rules, RINA Rules)
international regulations
ship type specific requirements
ƒƒ Materials
ƒƒ Loads
ƒƒ FEA - finite element analysis for direct calculations.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, principal class and statutory rules,
demos of Leonardo Hull 2D (the RINA 2D software for rule structure calculations), slides and lecture notes, case studies, discussion.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Design and maintenance of HVAC systems
16 hours
ƒƒ On-board personnel in charge of the air-conditioning
ƒƒ Yacht management companies: technical personnel
ƒƒ Boatbuilders’ technical personnel.
To provide participants with the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge to be able to perform optimal parameter settings and maintenance
of air treatment systems both in terms of system performance and of fuel consumption efficiency.
ƒƒ Basics of E.R. ventilation
ƒƒ The concepts of subjective and statistical comfort
ƒƒ Psychrometric diagrams, principal air treatment processes: heating, cooling, humidification and dehumidification
ƒƒ Energy recovery, efficiency of system components
ƒƒ System parameter settings according to design features and environmental conditions
ƒƒ System tuning techniques
ƒƒ Special service rooms.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Electrical and automation systems
Concept, rules, best practice
16 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel
ƒƒ Operators/Officers.
To provide participants with basic knowledge of electrical and automation system design.
Concept, rules, best practice on:
ƒƒ Electrical System Design:
sources of power
distribution of electrical energy
protection of the equipment
electric components: rotating machines, transformers and converters, switch and control gear, switchboards, cables
location and installation of the equipment
special applications: electrical propulsion, high voltage system, electrical installations in hazardous areas
ƒƒ Automation System Design:
general concepts
control systems
monitoring and alarm systems
safety systems
special class notations: AUT-UMS, AUT-CCS, AUT-PORT, AUT-IMS.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Sailing rigs design, manufacturing and maintenance
8 hours
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel
ƒƒ Designers / naval architects
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Riggers
ƒƒ Sparmakers.
To provide participants with knowledge of the new Class Rules for sailing rigs.
ƒƒ Relevant Rules (RINA, MCA , CE)
ƒƒ Typical dismasting analysis
Early life failures
Useful life failures
Wear-out failures
ƒƒ RINA solutions
Burn in process
Direct mast strength analysis based on inertial design method
Rig approved booklet
Planned maintenance
ƒƒ Certification products.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Internal audits of the Safety Management System
16 hours
ƒƒ Safety Management System auditors
ƒƒ All the personnel, ashore and on board yacht, involved in SMS monitoring
ƒƒ The course may also be useful for marine superintendents who are responsible for maintenance of the yacht and its plants.
To provide participants with the necessary know-how, in terms of management of tools and relations within the yacht management company,
to plan and carry out audits. To develop auditor knowledge relating to specific aspects of the SMS and its application in order to improve the
effectiveness of the audits ashore and on board yachts.
ƒƒ Audit planning
ƒƒ Understanding a checklist
ƒƒ Organising an opening/closing meeting
ƒƒ Performing an audit, recording non-conformities
ƒƒ Corrective actions and continuous improvement.
The course will develop, highlighting the most significant elements, the following aspects of SMS internal audits:
ƒƒ ISM code requirements and mandatory requirements (D.Lgs.271/99, HACCP)
ƒƒ Key functions for SMS implementation
ƒƒ SMS auditor characteristics
ƒƒ External audits (governmental, PSC)
ƒƒ Planning and programming SMS audits ashore and on board yacht
ƒƒ Audit preparation, characteristics of audits on board yacht
ƒƒ SMS review.
The teaching methodology covers the analysis of several examples and practical exercises. Participants will be provided with the teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
ISPS code: updating, document review and internal
16 hours
ƒƒ Company Security Officers
ƒƒ Masters and Ship Security Officers already dealing with a yacht and company security management system in compliance with the
requirements of the ISPS Code.
Updating concerning the rules in force, training requirements and methods, updating relevant to security equipment, methods for carrying out
internal security audits, procedures for SSA (including risk analysis) and SSP review, filing method for security documents.
ƒƒ Rule updating:
IMO regulations, European regulations, port authority circulars, US Coast Guard circulars, RINA additional class notation “secure yacht”
ƒƒ Management of security tools and equipment and main descriptions related to installation, operation and maintenance
ƒƒ Security apparatus: standard and innovative equipment
ƒƒ Organisation of practical training on the ship
ƒƒ Organisation of combined exercises ship/port installations/Authority responsible
ƒƒ How to train shipboard and shipping company personnel
ƒƒ Internal security audits
ƒƒ SSA review (including risk analysis)
ƒƒ SSP review
ƒƒ Communications on board ship/shipping company/PFSO/Authority responsible
ƒƒ Security documents on board and in the company:
which ones, how to file them and how to ensure confidentiality.
The course will include practical exercises on how to perform an SSA review and how to update an SSP.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
ISPS code: company & ship Security Officer
16 hours
ƒƒ Company Security Officers
ƒƒ Ship Security Officers
ƒƒ Other shipboard personnel with a key role in security system management both on board yachts and in the company’s offices.
To provide complete and thorough training on all topics covered by the ISPS Code parts A and B and on the European Parliament and Council’s
Regulation 725/2004 to obtain the professional qualification as Port Facility Security Officer or Ship Security Officer in compliance with parts A
and B of the ISPS Code and in accordance with the IMO model courses.
ƒƒ How to perform a Ship Security Assessment starting from potential threats, highlighting possible scenarios and assessing their
consequences so as to minimise the yacht’s vulnerability
ƒƒ Types of Ship Security Plan and implementation of manuals
ƒƒ Audit and inspection methods on board yachts and in the company for certification by a recognised body
ƒƒ Illustration of devices in common use for the prevention of threats and specific security procedures to be adopted in relation to threats
taking place
ƒƒ Ship-port responsibilities and activities.
The course will consist of:
ƒƒ presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors
ƒƒ practical exercises on how to perform an SSA review and how to update an SSP.
Participants will be provided with the teaching material used.
At the end of the course, there will be a final test which if successfully completed authorises the participants to perform the COMPANY SECURITY
The course is held in compliance with IMO Model Courses 3.19 and 3.20.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant, following the positive result of the final test foreseen, at the end of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Environmental management of Large Yachts
16 hours
ƒƒ Yacht management company technical personnel
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Officers (Masters, Chief Engineers).
To provide participants with knowledge of environmental rules and to enable them to fill in the record books required by the rules.
At the end of the course, the participants will be able to rewrite the EM procedures and ensure their implementation on board as well as in the
yacht management company.
ƒƒ Presentation on identification and assessment of sources of marine and atmospheric pollution:
Bilge oil
Grey water
Exhaust gas
Greenhouse gases
Ballast water exchange
ƒƒ New environmental technology
ƒƒ Overview of other national and regional requirements
ƒƒ Practical training, individually and in groups, on how to write EM procedures.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Marine Labour Convention, 2006
Meeting ILO requirements
16 hours
ƒƒ Personnel from shipyard and ship owners technical offices
ƒƒ Shipping company superintendents.
To enable participants to have an in-depth understanding of the new Maritime Labour Convention and of its implication on the design of the ship,
working and leaving condition of the crew.
ƒƒ New convention structure and comparison with current conventions
ƒƒ Preparation of “Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance Part II”
ƒƒ Role of Administrations and Recognised Organisations
ƒƒ Inspection and Certification process organisation.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Onboard fuel management and energy conservation
8 hours
ƒƒ Technical personnel of ship owners and independent consultants in charge of management and supervision of onboard procedures and ship
ƒƒ Ship officers and key onboard personnel.
To disseminate energy consumption optimisation awareness in the onboard and shore personnel. To enable personnel identify areas of improvement,
implement fuel saving measures and benchmark the achievements obtained.
ƒƒ Onboard energy generation and specific consumption optimisation
ƒƒ Onboard distribution of energy consumption among the different users
ƒƒ Measures to reduce energy consumption of the main users (propulsion, air conditioning, steam production, lighting and other hotel
appliances, cargo handling, etc)
ƒƒ Energy consumption reporting and benchmarking, identification of KPIs
ƒƒ Impact of energy management on environmental issues
ƒƒ Definition of a company energy management policy and related procedures.
The course is held in compliance with IMO Model Courses 3.19 and 3.20.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
The course programme can be focused on specific aspects of passenger and cargo ships, according to the participants’ needs.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Environmental protection: design of a “Green Yacht”
8 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel.
To provide participants with knowledge of environmental rules.
ƒƒ MARPOL Annex VI:
fire protection systems
refrigeration systems
Vapour Control Systems
ƒƒ Low sulphur fuels
ƒƒ Engine EIAPP certification
ƒƒ Systems & piping for sewage, bilge, grey water and cargo
ƒƒ Compartmentation
ƒƒ Ballast Water Management
ƒƒ TBT-free paints
ƒƒ Green passport for ship recycling
ƒƒ Garbage Management.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Passenger yachts
24 hours
ƒƒ Superintendents
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel
ƒƒ Designers / Naval Architects.
To provide specific knowledge on passenger yachts carry up to 36 pax requirements.
Main technical differences between passenger yachts and passenger ships or large yachts:
ƒƒ Damage stability
ƒƒ Structural fire protection
ƒƒ Specific flag administration requirements (on request):
RedEnsign Group
ƒƒ Means of escape
Evacuation analysis and booking planner software
ƒƒ Material for fire protection and relevant certification
ƒƒ Life saving appliances
ƒƒ Load Line Convention
ƒƒ Enhanced survivability.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the end of the course.
international regulations yacht building operation & management fleet management specific vessel type
Alternative Design Solutions
Concept, rules, best practice
8 hours
ƒƒ Designers
ƒƒ Naval Architects
ƒƒ Shipyard technical personnel.
To provide specific knowledge on how to develop a safety case in compliance with IMO MSC/circular 1212. To provide assistance in the development
of alternative design solutions in compliance with SOLAS passenger ship regulations, as amended.
Concept, rules, best practice on:
ƒƒ Damage stability with probabilistic criteria
ƒƒ Risk analysis
ƒƒ Evacuation analysis
ƒƒ IMO safe return to port.
The course will consist of presentations by RINA experts in the various application sectors: lectures in English, principal class and statutory rules, slides
and lecture notes, case studies, discussion.
Participants will be provided with the teaching material used.
A certificate of attendance will be given to each participant at the enf of the course.
specific vessel type fleet management yacht building, operation & management international regulations
Business Solution Marine - Yachting Sector
ph. +39 010.5385273
Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
ph. +39 010 53851 - fax +39 010 5351000
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