to guidelines

3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Global Prosperity through Research & Innovation
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
PLEASE READ CAREFULLY: All authors who want to submit papers for presentation in
the 3rd International Multi Disciplinary Research Conference must follow the following
Submission Instructions and Guidelines.
Copyright: Authors should note that papers submitted to the Conference should be original
contributions and should not be under consideration simultaneously for any other publication.
Authors submitting manuscripts for presentation in the Conference will be liable for any
infringement of any existing copyright or for legal and academic consequences of any
unwarranted action. Manuscripts once submitted and accepted become the legal copyright of the
Conference unless otherwise agreed in writing.
I. General Information: All papers submitted for presentation in the Conference should be
written in proper English. Proper attention should be given to its syntactic and semantic
aspects with correct spelling of words. Write the names of the authors (if more than one) in
the order you like (this order will not be changed). See the attached sample manuscript of first
page provided at the end of this document. The Conference organizer must receive your
manuscript and completed registration as per deadlines provided in the Conference Alert.
II. Page Setup: Select 8.5” x 11” size portrait-ONLY sheets with all margins 1” each. Use
Times New Romans 12-point font, 1.5-spaced lines, justified style in MS Word. All data
Tables/ Figures should appear at appropriate places of the body of the manuscript and must be in
Portrait format ONLY. All figures and tables must be in black and white and be properly
captioned according to APA Format for social science and IEEE for pure sciences.
III. First Page: Paper TITLE (maximum in two lines) must be CENTRED,
CAPITALIZED AND IN BOLD LETTERS using Times New Roman 12-point font, singlespaced (only here) lines. The name and university/organizational affiliation of each author
must be adjusted in one line each. No need of titles such as, Dr., Professor, Ph.D., department,
address, email address etc. Please print the word ”ABSTRACT” in capitalized bold letters, left
justified, and double-spaced from last author’s name/affiliation. After abstract, please write
Keywords (maximum 06 words) for your paper. For guidance see the sample manuscript’s first
page below. No Landscape formats permitted.
IV. Headings: All other section headings starting with “Introduction” need not be numbered,
(with each word in name-case for the main heading while sentence case for the sub-heading) and
be in bold letters, 12 point font size, left justified, and double-spaced from last line above them.
For sake of ease see the sample manuscript for guidance.
V. Tables, Figures, and Charts: All tables, figures or charts must be inserted in the body of the
manuscripts with proper captions and within the margins and must follow the APA or IEEE
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3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Global Prosperity through Research & Innovation
VI. References: Authors are required to provide in-text references as well as a reference
list at the end of the manuscript. All references listed in the reference list must appear in the
main body of the article, and all citations in the main body of the article must be
referenced in the reference list provided at the end of the manuscript. References should be
complete in all respect and should follow APA-6th for social sciences and IEEE for pure sciences
A reference should contain full bibliographical details, and journal titles should not be
abbreviated. In case an author has more than one publication in the same year use a, b, c
immediately following the year of publication.
Example for articles (APA-6th):
Ikram, M. (2015). Strategic importance of proper choice of organizational design. Academy of
Management Journal, 10(2), 198-212. OR
Ali, S., & Javed, A. (2015). Human resource management practices and the challenges for HR
managers in an overwhelmingly uncertain labour market. Journal of Management,
18(2), 29-45.
Example for books: Aswathappa, K. (2008). Human Resource Management: Text and Cases.
Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Com.
Example for chapter in edited book:
Arthur, M. B., & Rousseau, D. M. (1996). The boundaryless career as a new employment
principle. In M. B. Arthur & D. M. Rousseau (Eds.), The Boundaryless Career (pp. 320). New York: Oxford University Press.
Example for articles (IEEE):
M. Ikram, " Strategic importance of proper choice of organizational design," Academy
of Management Journal, vol. 10, pp. 198-212, 2015.
S. Ali and A. Javed, " Human resource management practices and the challenges for HR
managers in an overwhelmingly uncertain labour market," Journal Management, vol.
18, pp. 29-45, 2015.
Example for books:
K. Aswathappa, Human Resource Management: Text and Cases: Delhi: Tata McGrawHill Publishing Com, 2008.
Example for chapter in edited book
M. B. Arthur and D. M. Rousseau, "The boundaryless career as a new employment
principle," in The Boundaryless Career, M. B. Arthur and D. M. Rousseau, Eds., ed New
York: Oxford University Press., 1996, pp. 3-20.
VII. Author Profile: (This should be the last part of the manuscript)
Dr. Muhammad Ikram is a Professor of Management at the University of Lahore. He has vast
experience of teaching Management in more than five reputed universities of the country. His
areas of research include management, human resource development, organizational behviour,
training and development and performance management. He has published a number of books
and more than hundred research articles in academic journals, including Academy of
Management and Journal of Management, Strategic Management Journal, and Journal of
International Business Studies, etc.
Please read carefully the Sample Manuscript’s First Page, as shown on the next page of these
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3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Global Prosperity through Research & Innovation
Sarwar Ali, University of Lahore, Pakistan.
Ahmad Javed, University of Karachi, Pakistan
The aim of this paper it to study some of the very common but vital human resource
management practices from a wider perspective. Evidence has been accumulating that HR
managers are facing some serious challenges in implementing the findings of the academic
research into practice. The recommendations of academic researches are enticing when one reads
them but there are behavioural challenges when they are tried to be practices. To empirically
look into these challenges a sample of 300 hundred HR managers from different organizations
has been selected on basis of simple random sampling. The results of the study confirm the
existence of a wide gap between the theory and practice. To narrow this gap some
recommendations have been suggested both for the researchers and the practitioners. The study
has practical as well academic limitations.
Keywords: Human resource practices, HR manager, HR challenges, academic research
Introduction (Main heading-name case)
Human resource has widely………..Major challenges…………….. in the modern
world……………………………..….are closely associated…………….………………..with
a growing…………………….(Clarke & Clegg, 2000; Elkington, 2001)/[1]. Acceptance of the
concept…………………………………of HR development………………………… (Waddock
& Smith, 2000)/[2]. A central point………………………….of this concept………………is the
recognition………………that the long-term……………………of organizational performance
(Rahman, Ali, Javed & Jan, 2014)/[3].
This study draws on the theory research gape………….The issue has bee……………….
(Abbas & Ahmed, 2014)/[4]. In order to analyze…………. These business reports substantiate
the importance of a…………… A number of researchers (Gould-Williams, 2003; Guest, Michie,
Conway, & Sheehan, 2003; Harley, 2002; Park, Mitsuhashi, Fey, & Björkman, 2003; Tessema &
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Event enquiries email address:
3rd International Multidisciplinary Research Conference
Global Prosperity through Research & Innovation
Soeters, 2006)/[5, 6, 7, 8] have recognized…………
Gap between Theory and Practice (Main heading-name case)
The extant literature……….. (Ikramullah, Shah, Hassan, Zaman, & Shah, 2011)/[9]. The
reality………………. There exists a consensus among the social scientists that human side of an
organization provides a distinct source of sustained competitive advantage…….. (Ikram, et al.,
2011; Neely & Bourne, 2000; Soltani, & Williams, 2005)/[9, 10, 11]……
HR theories (sub-heading-sentence case)
Human resource theories………..and the provision of goods and services, while legal
responsibility emphasizes compliance with the applicable laws and regulations.
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